HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1976/06/08 Item 11CITY OF CHULA VISTA
ITEM TITLE: Resolution#8194 Establishing Increased Greens Fees at the
Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course
SUBMITTED BY~ Director of Parks and Recreation
On May 7, 1976 during budget sessions, while reviewing the proposed
expenditures for the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course, Council dis-
cussed staff's recommendation concerning increased greens fees (see
attached report; Proposal B) and directed that a resolution be brought
back establishing these fees.
Attached is a resolution noting the Council approved increase in greens
fees in italics. It should be noted that all daily fees were increased
25 cents per 9 holes and 50 cents per 18 holes. In addition to the daily
increase, this resolution establishes a reservation fee for advance start-
ing times. This fee is $1.00 per starting time and will be assessed to
all advance reservations, except for tournaments and leagues cosponsored
by the Chula Vista Parks and Recreation Department, and the Chula Vista
Men's and Women's Golf Clubs.
All commitments made prior to July 1, 1976 will be honored.
Monthly ticket rates were not affected by this rate increase.
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Agreement Resolution X Ordinance Plat Other X
Environmental Document: Attached Submitted on
Adopt resolution establishing increased greens fees.
Approved with amendment eleminating the surcharges (Proposal "A")
Form A-113 (Rev. 5-75)
. f.
D~;T£: Apri 1 15, 19i 6
T0: Emersor, Naii; DirAr.tar of Parks and Pecreation
F~1Jl~i: David 3i°adstr~?~~, Parks Sttperinfendc~nt .~', ---_~-~~
SU3J£CT: Proposai s ~'oi, Increase i n Greene ~'e~s
Th~~ f,Jiio~.ting }~ropos3'ts for oeneratinc~ acid~rti-~r?1 revent:~,s to offs:~t tEio
de~ i:: ~ ~~ i n ~~ he i 9y~i-7 ; r:~ i .f C~~ttrst~ ht:dclet are su!>>~:. teed •~ or your evai uati on.
1975-•7i Go7f Course bucic~Y~:, less Cour:cii approved saiary increases:
£x.nendi tares (i n~,' ~cdi r-,cr bond payment) .. ...... ?_~~, i 9'.;
Rcv~~nues (greens ~~ees ar~d restaurant/~,~r) ..... ?_69,56f)
i~~~ticipated defic;t ............................ ~ X,630
Proposal A
i. Ir,cr~>ase fee for ai i ~.iassi•ficatians- ?_5 cents per round (~? i~eie) and
50 cents par round (i~ hoit~).
2. rssess a 31.00 per player fee for tourname~:t play.
9 h~~le play: i7,?'!~~ rou:~ds X .25 ............. ~ Lr,30(l
•t 3 mole play: <<6,?_4~C roi:nds X . 5~ ............ ?_3,~1 0
Tournamen#: pi a y: 7, 9r) X 3~i . 00 .. .. ..... , .. 7, ~8n
~70TAL ~5,~9~*
Tc~ta'I revcn~4es (proposed budget) ............. ti2f>>a,56C
To~ai revenues (Pr<~posai A) ...... ... .... 3 ~49!~:`
Tt)TAZ~REIr~~IUES ~`_` `° $30S,05C~
EYPEPd~Iit''~FS _~"'1, 1 9f)
A.liICIP;~ I ri} S(!;-;PLUS 5 + i>,~ 6(!
Prnnos?1 D
1 . Incre~ se .fee for ail class;7=ica~tions: 2:~ ct~~,ts Pier round (S hale) and
57 c~~r~ts ;per round (l~ hole}.
2. t',ssess a ~'i . ~?0 fe~a per foursome far al i ucly-ance resarvztians.
9 h~l e p1 ~y:
•18 hate ;)i a_~:
~l~ota 7 revenues
'total revc~nu~7s
i7,2i0 rounds X .25
G6,?~0 rounds X .50
30 ;~^r day X 350 day.. t ~i .')~:~
(prc,pn~;eci t~~:dget)
F'rop~sal ±;}
~ ~,30'I
i 0, 50~t
?.b9, 55u
3 `'
TOTAL R£1~'E"TIES ~3Q7,~:~7~?
£Y,PE"!!?IT1)Rc5 •,nc; 3 i nP
AfdTICIPt;; ED Sti~PLUS ~i,38O
PeaF;cr,~_s~1 C
This would be an entirely new concept in our fee structure, basically
patterned after the one presently in use at the City of Coronado h1unicipal
Golf Course. (See attached resolution.)
Page two (Proposals fen Increase in Greens Fees) ~ ~•
The recommended cha,i:les are:
i. Ii~~plement a quarterl!, standard r~onts~ly tic'.~:et.
2. Re tai n the Sen i c,r Citizen and Student ~iontiv1y 7i cket on a monthly
3. F+dop-t a fee schedule as follows:
a. Eiimir~ate 9 hole play
b. Charcie a f1a•t fee for svee~;day and weekend play (to be determined;
~5. C~3, for example) .
c. Incorporate tavilight hours for weekdays, weekends and holidays;
standard and daylight savings time (example: ~3.C0)
d. Charge an additional fe? far reservations and group or tournament
e. Establish specific times for the i•ten's C1ua and the 1Jomen's Club
for tournament play at regular fees.
If Proposal C wore adopted, it would be difficul~ to project the impact
on grQens fee revenue. Ilt least one year of experience would be required
to compile sufr""icient factual information to s+,bstaniiate the benefits
from the proposed changes.
In staff's opinion, Proposal C is tine mast economical long range plan
because a reduction in ±he number of players prE~sently taking advantacle
of the Standard Monthly iick2t ti~ould generate a definite increase in the
revenue from greens fees. Elimination of 9 ho1~.~ play should induce addi-
tional '1~3 hole play and the fees for reservations and tournament play
wi11 undoubted'ty generate additional funds.
The foregoing proposals are necessary? due to spiralinc; costs for main
tenance and rommod•ities. It has always been sttaff's desire to offer to
th,~ general public the roost economical gree~-s foe structure in the County,
but the high cost of operation necessitates some adjustments.