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2011/07/19 Item 08 Attachment A Chula_Vista_Heritage_1911-1986
'";, .,r ~.~ ~w ~~~ ~~~~^ ~rafiygue "WFten a community ceFebrates a significant mife5tane in its f'ustory it is Rrnporta.nt to pause and rtf £esa upaat tke. events, peapCe aru{ fnrces ~tCwt have sFulped" its tfutracter. 2Cte area we now (crww n ~jtuCa 'L"isea was cCai~med Gya"pain, f~fexica aru( evcmttfaffy the~'t1'nited States of Aurterica and tfte State of CaCifafrtia. 2htts ftuttdretLs of years af~muCti-fvatianaC herifaye. Fin.ve byre woven rota ats ckan~ter. ~s n part of tke ('yry of r~6xtCa `laisEa's ce[eGmticm of its 75 years c*f ca~tyfwod, this puCifiatdort focuses are tke~onrufing of the cornntunity, i~zs urtarpamtia~n growtVtvn t(ue `2roventietfi (~entury irz2o tfee second largest city in San Ztiego (;aunty. ~ tha 7Stfi anniversary approaclieii, Chula `Visutns ~ecarne uureasiruffy aware of tftfCr urt~(ve kerim~ge aoud 5~an dtwefaping nu.tkods of pratectiru~ this resatute,. J-fistarieuf sites funve Gectt designated, tfie Ckn[a 'Lzistn 7distarica[ $ocfety was founded a.nrf a Feistaric Guifdi~ng survey of2C)0 sites ti=as cnmpfeted. Lfivs ~nt6ficatian "~kuCa'llutn ~Ceritage I.9Lt-1.'t&5" frrituds togetfter the efen:crts that kaue skaped ~'Ciufa "Visea and tfie eveifviftg arc~hitecntrn:C styles that refCect tfic c(ianyiaul fifestyCc and infuer~ce orti our eonnnunaiy. 7t is dedicated to a[f those w(n Cuive.irn{e (~Fuda'i~istn, from f"rartft l~rrtCia(1, L"vtoatcC'1Niftiant C. Dic&insan and~nrnrs 'L7. ,5c(tuyfe~r, ~ta aiCprst oral prese~tt xesitferats of (ltudit 'Pfistn. ,;;f'~ aA"~,~;, l~..~ix'e~u~~.~'~a~rp ifs r` 4':N'1 IA G"IS GA NES44fx~,Q, 4710~IAtl{(w '~SNr Ahl'VVI V0S92SIkgT (,fl§ lbl d'1it ~ h ktl~"f0. H.4 i dJiA v9. Jl \ 1p {,HIJk.A Yl5'Ir~ kll:(,INS: CD32{.I'kAaktT7 1S(}USl:4 Aivla k.I~.f41{l:V f,ki()Vl:b 3 `I"IIIi S'1K'I;IT1vA'I'I?,R ViAI,I,I?,Y 25 JA'~IAI., {>TA4' ~ ~1II.IJ{) RAP;(;il(7ti 33 t;HUI,A VISTA 191)4-1.91x: TIII'. I31ItTI~I ()I' A CITS' ~CIII;LA'VIS"I'e1 3915-19'10 llUILD[NG A CITY 55 E;k~1UI..A VI5"IA 19"'s() - 198G-: C[T"Y" (7P'1'kIP, k~RkiA:YS 73 Tlxis~ puhflication is e~'PVTO€lvted t+p the Ciky Hof C-uika ~,7i~sta. 3liglht alteralliows haue 16een unade 4o fhis uersion from tlhe arigyxuul in oxdei Ho keep witltim the Cit~,'s 9ogo graphic staadsrds and eopyiight Paws_ H.4 i dJiA v9. Jl \ 1p {,HIJk.A Yl5'Ir~ kll:(,INS: CD32{.I'kAaktT7 1S(}USl:4 Aivla k.I~.f41{l:V f,ki()Vl:b 3 `I"IIIi S'1K'I;IT1vA'I'I?,R ViAI,I,I?,Y 25 JA'~IAI., {>TA4' ~ ~1II.IJ{) RAP;(;il(7ti 33 t;HUI,A VISTA 191)4-1.91x: TIII'. I31ItTI~I ()I' A CITS' ~CIII;LA'VIS"I'e1 3915-19'10 llUILD[NG A CITY 55 E;k~1UI..A VI5"IA 19"'s() - 198G-: C[T"Y" (7P'1'kIP, k~RkiA:YS 73 Tlxis~ puhflication is e~'PVTO€lvted t+p the Ciky Hof C-uika ~,7i~sta. 3liglht alteralliows haue 16een unade 4o fhis uersion from tlhe arigyxuul in oxdei Ho keep witltim the Cit~,'s 9ogo graphic staadsrds and eopyiight Paws_ Nearly a Century ago, carpenter grad skillcal cra[tsmcn c^rcctecl thc^, Parsa nragrtificenC htcatnses in Chula Vista, a residential sulaurb da:signed. taa attract wealthy fruit ranchers..1crc s aaf citrus trees surrottnded these aarchard laoanes. Although the early settlers battled draaugha, Hoard, 8tilll- iug frost and ecaanomic ltardslkila, many asP the picaneers remained a o hea-ome citizens of the City of Chula Vista whom it darcaarparatecl in 1a)Il. Succeeding gemeratious eorrtrihuted to the greawth and charm. of the picaneer V illagc that eventually laccame the second largest city in San llie~o i:ounty. liaday the citru& orchard;; arc game, anc9 omly a handful of the original Victorian haames remain as an intriguing reminder caf tlae past.. The rows of bungalows, small ;4panish-sty-e houses, Monterey mansions, Tudtar and Art lyecaa hcames buila between the. turn of tkre ec.tatury and modern times reflect the changing 11ffi•styles off' the pe<,apie. 1`hese enchanting houses trace the hiswry of the tom- maamity and. tepresemt anarnpor•tanr part of Chula Vista's heritage.. c;~rxocrarcnau ~. 2 G@LUM.h VIS'1'h Ei5'~Re"1"iMC"k d91 h~~ytsr5 C~~ru~ ~rv~i'Z_.~~~~c~x.2r~`r~ aoe~~~~-rte'/.~; l)Fi4;ilrklil7 fTQ)I15H3ti At"rl~ p.I;N[f)YV 4Ii(7S`~i5 The area inhere C7hrda Yisva arrcB Natlcmrl Cdty llti taa- d:a7r ~n^:~ t,ncn known as liaavcho clel key, the "rxxuh caf the 'king:' The ra;mcho was parr of the vast ~tzrrltories ncrrSh e}f a`vGexiaj claira~cd by Spaicx. Set aside. in L795 as Kra,vink laaa~d for R-tc cmt¢I~ an¢1 Bxo~rses of the 5~uniah~ras~dedd~ fn San l7ucgo, Itaaacho del Id~ey later became pact of xhe na- ciernal -ands tai' hSrKnco, wlxcaa. iSAc~xicaz deelarcd. its in- dclsendence Frwtr Spain un 1821.. The h9exlc~axns hat-e ePre. rraer a new name: lL~.ncho de Ia Nac~ion. d.7rxJuly 3, ASti3. drahov FzerS¢er petitioned nc~ Mexrsatt ~overnt» aPl' ,Mkta Cal rlorevia for a laa7d grant and offtaeiaVly olntaincatl ti[1e ixr Ranehe~ de lh Naeieim~ ran l,~ec:. ll, ]845- (h71q a slr.ort *iuaae later, dte 'A'teaty of (nrada(acpe Fdiclall;o coed 'texas. and (;al.iforcala 2a the C~niCed Srartes and bn>al'S,bt the lianeho rrndec A~tnerica,ut cnextcol. CAn 47c.f. L4~ 1854, the Clxuited Stares Lund Ccmr~3sslon cstciflrmc:Cl kite land grtcat, and a p;ztcnt m tlrc~ .'„G,ti3'1.94 acre "cleLc Watitizr,".5ilrred by e*ccs. Andrew Jacksaarx, was rel;isrceccd Lx & onto C'5 saaarre can Feb. 27, 186G. Hy this. tirnc, 9nowever, Porsrex had 5o4d &tfs land, Rancho do la h7a4~lom had passed tlrron~h She .hands of the I3ayecque family and Fra¢acois A. Pio(:hC now owe're~d She prope.tty. , [lcgtil Sha lBCr(Is~, ILancl~r~ de. la h'ac6an had be+ert vu-a1 manrly E'ar grazhag hwestock, btrt in 186(3. Irara[c Kirrvlnalt, . n..~„ ..,w P..., c,... n. a .... ....... ...........,,...._......n . _ •`Ye CCAC`L. nd l,ewi, lt1CISCtJ_ Ympany mh had lecided rnia, In 18(x13, Itaa~c:lno and set as Na- fined ict i 17iego- 4'IIULAI VL'S'th $P;S6INY: rJRCIChlira HC7UJFS ANn L6A90V GRfJN[!5 ,'' r ff7~ //~ r ~t^`yZe~t `~~i 'i'~~ FtlfffrJe:~L~d~'~`~,/y~ai~' L% G rG~~~n. /vv,llCiA~ar~_., ..rte.%r"~F^ 1^rank. flsimhall ex}sloret9 the Sweetwatr.r Vallc'.p aml cliscoucred a };ot~;e on the Sweerwattr IZi+.^er, a prrfeck plsate to lx~alld a tlatn. }'3e acquired water rights along tlxe rlt%e¢; for he Icneav t7eat ltx Class sarandesert region, rainfall alone wonid exert sua haisa his new city. kde also realized eltat his prlans ter lau+ld a ~~trnetxolso(is oav Idazxcho d~t: la 1+[acion depended on hlv ahilit}^ to CatricC^, a ettaJoe~ naidromtl to locatr. Sts wrsstern terxnhruxs is LWatiaaxxal CNty. K.imhalfi was not alone in hdc dreatxas for Alt~mns Glurto~n^ the fianndce ol'' New tiara 1)xe^g¢r, w;ss alsaa tdy^isyg to fixing a canlntatl ¢o San lAiel;o. Por a time, Kimlaa9l astd I3orton were rh^a&e, lr~ut by 1fb7~D, the San 1>i~egta FinrRt oad Q:omnalttx:e aplaointed l~tm- 6.111 tea relrresent the. area.. MX~°3th thr Cxlessing of ehet C,;lty of San B?icgo and the (atamb~er oP Coxnnxercc, liitnllaall made n mamber of utt- succ~essfui atdelxsp6s to entice one after aacather crf the m;t- jor raihxaad companies Sex rtut a line tea ,San 1)lc'go and Na- tlerzaal Cilty. lie finally scented suala a cernxmitmcnt in 18fDO, 47n one: tr3~ ter I9ostnn„ Kiraxhall bad appr~nached'Chnmas Nsckerson, the p~tes[dem of dvc Saute Pc 4tailrerad. A,ltlxouglr reltactaent'at 1xrt, Ntekeaso~nt, along witpt s~trveral odxer Saute 1'e sitrekhoidcrs, agrea':d to form a syndicate that ~^txultl ixxg:§nize and caaas¢rnct a railroad with. the v.^esrern ter- zniuus at National City. "Phi«; xai-roatl,. to fre Snaxned the t;alifornia Southern, would' run ftxartt Nationa4 f:icy~ to Batrvtottir where. it woo{d' a~nnnet;a~ xvl[h klae 8an~ta F4's Atian- txc anct 1'~acific YtaIflroad. &3t¢ ro get tlxis ar~reexnen[, fhe ICVn. balls had to Bleu tine syndicate more tlxan lo,(POq acres, 5L5,{-1,7f3 in casH~s, and ~18~5 city lots with riglxt5-trf--way and valuahde vwat¢rfco~nt p~rrvilcges..~r0sli,tlsanal acreage was }rrsr- vided 9rlr San i'Siegra. "fhe syttdiurre (ras:or]rnratcd undtx 21;tc name od tlxa: San 'L'Jiego Laud anal "ldrwsa f;onu~.any to ac- cept and de+/eiop the suhdicE~y~ lands. Drank aamd. Warren Kirnlaall eaelt ga'Sa a one iwmlfela antetest in tluc new cnni- }Samy. The t;allfornia Southern Railrtradwas chactered ~oa~t (act. 12., 1880 mad. Faa[tk fGiniltall became one Uf the direcsors. L#ailrnad work LSeR~.mvy `~/o~rk Iragan oxt thk railxoasl almowt imtnedi,ttcly; auxd by NrfveataV}UC lRES2, nark had bean 4aid as fart as S:olton. At Cola'sxn, the Ssauxdatrn L'aciLic, a rival raih•o7d, tried un- snccessfufly to ktrnt~ eltu (;alaftrxnia Southern Irons cro~5s- ing he Creeks ea Jltnk ngr twi4h t!'xe Atlatxtic and Nacifxc, Lit3ga- Sinn c^venmallp ended ttte xrnlrasi~e auael lay Se~taanlrcr ]k3fY3, the line had reached Saxx flerxxanlirsu Qn Zstis 2H, 768~t, ;a a*iolent nltvscas:m xuashed out 3o miles of roadbed he^- tween. San Luis Rry and~'lcniccula. The fine wraw rerouusl and the: [tacks to I3arstow co~mgrl~ecF. C7xx Not. '9, 18139. whevx the lawt spilke w:us driven at Ca~jan ¢'ass, San 'Dlegcr and National <".ity fun:xlly .had a nail connection wish the Piast..4s Kmtaall. had ho~pcd am- dreamed., National City bad bec~nnna the wcsturn teamimss of a uansarntinental rtilxoad. 37te gceat boom cab the "B/Js ~ia Snnthern Callftsrxtfia was csseeetially a. coal estate boom, but the railrraads pfa}^c:cl a major tole xn FY'»Uxking it all. 'Z'.he boom began mat as the result oaf the expe[xed cunttnetce from the tnnscontincn- tal railroad link, hue p)~axtly because od' a lrricre war between the. Snu[heret Ea;trific attcl tlxe Santa Ee B3ailroads. In Navemhcr 1885, rite tare frerxxt else 1q,isspssi~gri ,River to Sonfhern (;alifarnua vests SE25. 'L'lten it was decreased to 81UQ1, thou 8?75, :utd Shay climax carne ou March CS, 1887, wheat the Sotathern. Pacific annouaticed a fare of 8'@. Although this rldaturAonsly low lrrecc slid not last kang, el'te rates remafnc^d ttnde^t 825 .£iar a year adicewards. ThousantLs of }~+e:ca~lc, lured h}• talcs arf Galiksxrztia"s healthful climate, gacrpctu:d sununex~ asxd. Buick and easy wealth houglxt tkre Ctet-PAIe Pickets aIIe~l aanne weaiT. lJ[SOn ad"Slv+al, the newCOmCC5 Cne:('DOritPTC"ll l7rofet- stonal boomers. These men CrGe~d to connixtce the unwary A Ct1tJtA viSTk 9b Ertl TAeae t91t-4796 r[r Irtap lanai, a7,4'flu.°a1 stPC,1t~[ unscx.Ra., antl uf~~c~cd C9tcatr ctt Irt~tr- cdtuvc P~r•Paara- flat; lnarocl lariaas u-osc ewe:~n hi,~.her: L3otanter5 ranpisxt~c^c-:ruc.la cic~ices st,~ 1"ca:c fwzactlucsµ, tre~;tus~s taands aaau~l C`gen b%014>a7rt &.rCeMa3ad11t5 ttr attxlaa;C psarsy7Aa:a'.iae I,TUpc1eS. liayec cur IuuusrAB2,ttc uu t]tc antr~,rPatrd riahcs, ~caat~ale world llnc^ uga ibr kxcttrrs to Itid d'ar lots sc land ssucti.me. ManS~ a11~ tiic5e°R;antl ~s9rs ave ce for lsru ion ",~xttrr" t<rwxta, t~nwns that z.:ustcd araip a~rn ehe auctetrna;er's tcrnlt and in the Cnn;ra~haarrs arud duels rrPtvtscra}ru9oti'1s lar~td rolaee~rrlutc'ar:, Bettor da•nets Band Lpt^san htit4 aan ht a•iuer Ixtu~atavy', <,ra'r. ~ratc.ky Dnillsic'Cta~. rrr nn nwarrt9rGc~~sw cleascrr IarxNe. 1.Atarirer~il r~1~t<° Ir<rrn~ta Prv Southsra 4";:a9ifaraa8a, tlnc San I3ir,~sr haasd uuos'~C "Itrwaa ~'tmngaany dear't9ed et'r e9ere-anp the ~sulr~sadl Bnuclu itu tCancho de la Naenln, I7vc~ ~thaus~a~rtd scree; ',ha$Pra o~n srt asillc srv wlaieh ten c•re~ate to uaew Lawn, In Junc: 12iH(r, tla<; ti,an I7i+:g..tr I.arrct aaed 'fawn C;aantxarxy Ixkred C;alonel ~4'llldaxtt 4;. 17ickinsan, a prafcs;.i+rnal cov/n ~lan- ner, ur ace untptlislt tf,ds tusk. C;ulancl I'a1c'kivs<,rn, who earne west. frahi. 4S~an~sts, Itreviaus~ly haA ~l:uxrte~tl xnn rc; than 70 towns xlcanl; the 4an2ta ['c 1r€te nfu^r his arrival In Natdt>rtat city in Aultrrrq (srirsneE 17Yekraaseraa s~laeart a'la~e Paallawinag ax~e~e&s ~asarr€;m4daing ~.vHtsa itnprovc^nxe~nts wrrr. ;ac:atda^d in order ttr a-s^~~etap rite pra,perty La addztlsatr rt> the rta¢<•d for satrr~t`I~nng avyt9 g~lattirtg the lots. 17itklaascraz sta<tn rralizcd dint ehe new nxwraeite rcquirrs9 a water s}~stc+xt Pear irriga- ~rit~rn avas~V a rcanss,ptyrtatian tiydtt~o~a~n to prrpvide area s~s P~tr t1~te Iaro~Laara~y..E1e i~ravelee3 hack ter YfsrsBOn Lcr report hYS Lirtu9inprs a~and to acquire the csaiaata0 eru.t„essary to a:€rnsrruct rhr~sc ~xtr- yet,h'~s. Mssured of litadiny5, ~LDickrnsun reuarned to Naul ateaasl fi;ity. (',olo^rl A>ickrn:+ort clua:iett~.a7 [~ darn the Swertworee.c Ftlvt.r iaa thex narritw ~arrl;e 9Haxt Itad bGeaa clt5cova'"rcrr.9 Nay krranl: t~atvaball Home yeah (are'v3r,ratsly. rJn "vnv- P„", A$tt{r, vvcarknrcn hired by [Ire Sxa~t C')lr~a D:and, vnd 7.rwn d:ona~- g7a[rtr ~,4-t:;tr[cd wotA. cm tlat+ pa~ce'rpcct €7nis¢aa1 yi0an~ t:wEl~ett. fa~,a¢ a sP.t^agtdaar ~cv~nascrnrv atruc[e~arc rarr~Ypr LIB chat thlck :re uLt: la;rae~ anCl 34Y I°c~et~ hilt. Slucc>n k'e+h. 8, eE3fi,r, w^hvrt t~hr rlarat had rr;rahe<I n hrefi~l4t aP nBs[rut 2<) Pert, P}rckinsa;r~n Faired rta¢;ir'tcer Jarates 4:7. Sclttrs~8rr tta redesign tYtr. lrrt>jeut. ,4"v^.1'ruyler e nc-w j51an tpiMt?u't f<aa~ a darn liQ Leant high w~i¢1s. alts nrw work errvrlattitsg Mar, a1t9. T.xrcr, wlrllc the, tla~ was still urrtlrr o<rrrstnrctarrn, the ptaurs wen: a}~un ctrutgecl arnd ehe; nrp ntesrcl s~aaerther 3(t feet. Although ttrae atidi2icanal r;trtrt.n vuaxn su;anrs: cnta,unrrt> ta~<rr sz~,r; nrvra tr•~aaw t;tea>w~ts 5 hei~.ha e,ae;alxVecV Ciro rest:rvwif as:! kzal{'I Yuwe tinxes as nznt'Sz wrttex; Zhu cttkar}~ca:aettt aE zlzar cliam everrtnalkq cateYSe~,cl namaaaticipNCrati Itratbiufre'a~nrnMc• Yan 1'71e~gcv t,mnd an.d'1'ow„a. (;{~tttpaztry, iAeserv+a~lr [:'atulale[ed C-,ltder;S¢'tfuyM~er'a ulirex.titlut, tlte, arch rnasranry Barra was'!t'zult with rna,B eluaerrla:d Af <pttat'dcr-nrrl{^ Hwwrzseream aoU rncsrczr maeUe &tzm pwrtlaud eentunt haniexl ¢t? t6ae site in barrr-ls, "Pure strurcterre was cwntlxla;ted tau dtl~rrU 7, 7£3£D6, at a a•ost +wf" ~2:i4,tJ'74. 'I'lte~ resc~tvnir ccuilul, hwlu9, ti lalllf¢tat gsaUorrs of wateu; Ar/i'uen the. ntartzs wec~ct pi>eYted ice h~'ittarrwral i:YZy tan rApz~il 1.9, a^wueyr~7nu ~x~c)wzb+~d, t~R'n' nrDwv qh'G me.µidurre.~ Ria~ally PtVld Et celiahle watt,tr syaatenr. rilU't Iwnpl'am wa}ttitl tl'tu;'N anecrl txa bray waurr at 2°f carte a barrel as ii tw~aR a;arreal thr'e~iaPy1r eha; ~snrea;u, by a'h'e;, N{inxltaU Pi'a~~rs. VPatce C'anay9~a,rry. 'U"hsa new trtwrt u>Titth tt9~ NaUarnal Cloy, tlzrisiefr'e;d C:;htt-a V9sca (wr "Iae.,mtiCral. view") Ity JamutS Sultnpler, ~n'i,}uIU t~tles> Pzavc wareor pil>cal Uzrwuytlz©nt the town~sdtip. dNetlm¢vPti.ln, 1-ir}!1"z~es'on ln9ud u'o-rlganucud a mislr<uaad tlt:ar w'eanicd cwrutcx:e {;bwla `Yxisoat Cn N'atiw~utltl {:tfly anal 5a~~n L7rcy~r'a. Tlrns a'nz}~enr r+aad, :es it was callx;t'1 ~ian a;itrWSe days, was itt-. x*nrr'rntwarrar MNI gwMr.M I%Y+vMwnrnuV a'avl;RWkYYxi YEtAF R4Y!~NWa"!'M JYMIY. 1'fl41W.Y'MI'YX AIF YIIY XPEI Y'JI')IW" \XW NMMY.CNFI I( NIYFl%'X Y'll T11W 44}Y"M Y'YAAIYW '/11 X}.Y1[I.'R'IYY^ aY iMx. YleriYMM'f\' wlyq' I'.r F'OxMnrv pa.IX. x.wua YIN TNx I Lead ~rraaf" T~ Crar'" xrw~., f'ertl lsM MaR'tl Mp hnmN n+^+MMbxnp pne rflrihev f+m lYYil tiix7' M11i itYNa YW.N;xtll.fl",Wlrxx rr,:ra'wwl. If.aslxn oua tiw ~ F~ui$ L~ one the retina ~1 ~a ~~s ~ ~ ,~ 6Ht onldXtxrrvMa wArykw oa 4aa. fnh4w. oY d+1Y tlm,f IMxlrMek Ivfmm~ilrzM Iwt M^mrYn ' mu{4ne4.yr pWMroel ' ~. MxM~. Man Yvfeo I.enV85k AnvR fw+srwnFn~ / ~ cwryxr'rbtt;U Yn Darcexaaber it3k7~ as rlrc [~Iadlaaatal (:Jty atnd Ota~y ftaslrCta<[ 13s¢~,ua early in 72E8"7, et7nstrurtfon a>P Ure lirxa i''er'azat harf q~b'heg47 Osz Na~tlOttal iJlGry^ wah ownrly6eocY1 6~ Uune~ fly 1Rtlf~-0, alxa>tet ~t7 2uilcS gl'tttea,lc hacN bnezti Isard, T'he tedhte, pu$cd by small etrgvnes celled 5rssnn dsy~nkcys, traveled froett fan Ihegw thtx~nkh ~' atiq~nnY <,aay attU :ncreass thu F~twe.<^tavntt~r "w'usV6~q~. x%~t aMloee 47ri'in4 tl'ta• aruuks karuaaclta~ci ~ct.neS wtte aat lteaeled Baer te7 the 5wetotw:aYCe Ilantt aaU tlae resent ttnwn enzfL:o Po^a:.va. "1'he attter set. watt t.Gnreru,~.h IC:Itcda'iM6w.¢. anal a~l'tc l'lUay ~rallaz5'ta>'1'ta]waxza {Itt}; n ~srttall eeamsrsntdty ran fhe ~Amurlcan sidle srk' th¢ lyrarx9rr 1FGbiAFY'n toUfa}' as S~arr 'V4rrltfY. CaA C;hu0.% 4°iSt.Y„ CItC tt'airt eartr4 Eo1dt~l oft ~iucf)t1U gv¢•attte tt~ l;" ',Ytta^er, tlt<•n tttutta.U vvcst ht "1"hir,cl AvCt'itaa^ and sw'tatlx algnin :ab{rng 1'hirU_'[Z'ae HWatiwrraal {.]tk asrd. CSa:'al~ Rallrr'taU pa'aws:U tat be sc'a petpnt.tlar tl'rat irx the Eh~st six rnaauUt.w of stperntiaat, tnsrte thatan ~4t7,wikU ~pa@tmseatl{etw :hutun'1 be'cn abC+sarU `[k~,'n^atty-six, Brains sac rietrtli'y, :zlu1 a (bti-Haile rutuarcl urip rtuer 't'he x.ntire tys'fexn c4YSt S7. 7"he avr^w trnn~tuynrt:aRVOtt ;tyr,trrtn m:t~e~9t, {;htda W4s ht a atsi$g ~acaucssYhlar txr'gnrelapece3wUt. htnU htnyarM; trtrsiru•se wr~nU IzrtaGes±;icanal tnen Cn the azew t'crw~ez tv~ttnl<l eottamnte ary:W tlael,r wl'licass ancY n~ar6ccts in San 1?4e,},Sa `I'itu tr~ttt~ns alseo carried ~ {:rrutn vtsxn tttf<trrttrt~, r<»a-t+>xc E ie'tl};ha and 8aataleb6 ~,rxeuitc fmtaa the Svrcctwsutrt track tyuarry. J'knc ~'.rh¢anall C;[ug ~ ~Ut~ay 7{a~lroact maxle, it grossibde Par I'.hC ~r^uertal lruhlac t~ Mee elta eatantryside• avud eshtY~ially ~tl~ae 5we•(-lonaatcr l~.ruu whieh, as ehr fiimc, avaas cans raf the tlstr~e54 daisy; iat the LJniri^d Skaecv aud. azptesemt+.:d. a l,rear rnq~iatr•a^rin~~ Nz~at, tiara ]Ytegrnrrs ceaeareai to ctue trVp~ as a ei~tle WA AlY{' "t~4aTl h:tin •~ rttdbantai;lk man} wlxtu&;ttaae, mold tlae~t N•mds at atu:hos~, 4hc pan l)ie~ta l.aaad atae4'7iawn (:aarupomq appnaac~hcd rite adewelrrg3arae°nt c,rd' Chula vises wtlh a ttatally ddffeaa:nt neaieude 9"hc cotatpatty vvanaeaN rco 8ncluac pefm;zncaet settflcanent and larupruurtatct,t a~k~~tluu axact, aunt lust sell laud. 'Ca this entl, tta~e 5,t7}.?ta ac[nr twat'a was clvaacxl. er£brtaeh, ~rtdcd and snbdlvided taatu rta };r[atlir~orr l~nattertr I'lte: hCt sire blacks cal' 1"9ve.-ar.rc paer~cls wrox~ Haled out to alxe^ asst aaP,fi~hat svatald cvcntuaVly ftrt, r.aCical CNattan.d Av~eluc^, vaith (aO-atx~u hlctcks of lt3-acne ~l7ate°eYs au afar *,wcnn. bkra~u4s !3t} t~~"'G•t wNdc rovers gcadakl 1en[I vCdcwalks Levc;trd &Iuuadr~cly of tics^w, iatehtv1ing ewc¢~;reen, lx~epgarr, aln~e, cypress, en~lypeu5 stud palm, planted ray t6~r Latvrl a.nel 'I"azv:u e;rpn~al3aup, raah:tnca:d the appaeat:encc uud valrtc caP the g7raperey_ '9'ba~ ceann~ry:ury s~tent owner ~50,Odf) ott imprarw~sametxe5_ r.... ''4afi!~e~l'x!r~,,:al- r•x,rte%;'?C%~C'/~v"`a~Jl.~!f(~°j?.~}Y I~~a¢eses ~Susc f;mse $2,G?U~eD In order ea ansurt that rvcry ~}71ttcGascar would aa@d to tlac value of the -arad, and to din¢:ourage ~coplc from huy-ivt~, proprny Caa• txtrclp s~ecanla¢ivt' treasons, Ga4ran~eV 97ackins(en reyuircd a;ach purchaser rr~ 5i~+u a stringrait can- Y¢ard. This eannaact aul7tilatcd uliat ¢^.>~eity &~areu~~ BnullP iu l hula Visxa h.td ko 'he:, `sat approval fusee tend ~plxn to eos~t Hart Ie+s than a3'd,UOq" and tea be conwtru.~xrct or~ikluaY si:t nrratxt3as bP due Baer, the .ate rovas purtlunsed. S76c6ciusats wanh'CI {;hula Wi~sta en hr a ~rrrf4ntaads 5uebterb oF' Yine trtistda:ne:es where hard-rovarGcfii~ IauSLtt^YStna7Ra u~r ca~kurc,cl ' capualistc" coolei rela't 31r hoped to uaake (.}sutra Vida tNtr, t"tnc~se. ~MpaE nn the ~-ahc. l.asad salt^s in Cko ad a Vlsea saaru•tl iu hlag= 1tt>i s, wltcau Albert R3~arbrr lrtaaglrt the hrs~t lat. ~l, ahr end of rite gcaa~~ eha taaana's of ~i prtrperry owaueaa iu the Clatrla WegW tz'as:[ resit uoteti in. fhc MatenrtuA C°ity Recrsred. Ovrx~ ahu txa:~xt feFe yeses, Alfred Iritina•s, Maa~tin Ward, H::ucious Wr1~ltt, Williarar WiLsun, ~caau~ge (&aaberes, Garrett Garrrats~aaa, Cul- one- Rappey 4;. C. ;la7brs and. Junes Madisrsn tal7ansoaa all part°ha:6sid dory, hu~t7t hotnws and aurnnienalee~l th stag with cvtruti tires. ("791 ~a1+ VI,y'1'h F7N ep91'ti. Ta%aaanttn tla U5E5 ANp LliA90N GR(ati L3 '! ~ ~t~arun ~~syn rae~.~u"rnct7 ~=au-rnxt> tt `~CJa''dz"Ie! ,t[-Z .r~r.'rr'`/`~'rC19".~`UXILr'. "cf.Ge1a;`2.cr~ccr; /rry' r~rrt G'1 ~,r <~r a:.,. ,c'~';cc'la ~r°r' nr~"`.u.4- `',,.rr r``r1.xC!¢.LEL:.... r., u p i ~`. Id'dInC:S l-Il>ueat #. Cne~H. fYngera ltuuye G71 PntepiL ~-arnue Gt6 5'tnvrrrtC Avenue ~. Srarkrkr~y~ 7tlturse 2. ##erlesur 191neve 21 T' Ttrnet 3lv~rV'tr 3ernatd ~9earsruae #ly. CYavnenn !#c1ueC~ 5. C%CwrcBn^y 43buse 0713 ,Saffind Ar~ensr¢ ,21~ L ? tanttd5c~n SYrnef YfJa. Hannon (:1rna~c Dd~,ause 5#. a l #}bIL •dnnnY: bll .SftQRLt ./IiVPll~dt Ursxra~ycal l~ry five (side only) ll. Staffon:N I~iotGSe 5 I~1n,Y Qml;replatiorv~l [:#a~nrh fi~JO f~~7Ytb Avcnaee 27tr IF' S7reeA 13. (Ivila V#v~ta Wnman'y f.;9W> (;. .7r,8rnean F~3cmap 357 'c.yareer 52.5 'f"' S'lveert 7. 1?f ~;ic#o ~l~k~ %Td1{ MRY t731etiGdl {;I^IUTA VIS7A ~L(:IgJ$, V?IkCkLA#d#? FIU~tJ5LS ABdIa S.E,MflNi GRq~F~:9 ~ t© GHCLA Yl'~4'h NERII1AGiG 19VFP9iS6 [~larmes canatneeted Pan Ctrai9a Wi~F,ta dvrinF+, the late 18845 or early B&9lh xmsiiec~tz:d thc. ViezesrPan styles Ibogular its the Inited titates cluarng that era. CtsnxmCbn Rcatures Pn- eluded multi-aextumd exterierr vrags, wrongly asyzasatstxriral facadtx and stccply HsP¢ched rnnYs. Psxutserant detaPing wdtls cargentex's 9aee, p;ittgerbread anal ~taraxed gersts ax spiasdles c orPxtnoutly dcccsrated [lac gonaaes, gable cards and aszher att.aa 'Ilse f,~ueetx Mrxne sty.0e, arse of the Vdcrociaat srylcs popular un this coumry° fmna ]88(7 an 79717, afa^PS Ieaaured a. fnsn[-facong gable, isateernrai slxingBes, cuuwaw~" 9sa5 wias- dcrws, ornate efi~nimucys autd a gartial ar f1t14~width one sttsry paxeh. "S'he hcs¢ Chu4n'Vista settler A-l~bert Narber and. iris fanv-- ly moved into 2hear nvew Isa~me in pehmaay IS8~8. "I?fplcal of the e&atrorote Vicubrian. and (7uean Arnrse. homes of Iknai era, hs}vu:ale shPnglts, imn. ctnsting nand wotxien gingerbread trinx adanaed the. two-story bous~ "ttvo durmus gn~ci the front. ~A]tPrmng&a this boost; has been anoved fresrn it3 farmer 1<xahon at lib "l'hin] Avcbbuc, ¢ha,: k)azl?`r hoatte sxill exists ttxD:ay. C:abavsderaHslp i+rmexYcled, the. house stands as ]5i I:an- tlis Avenxae aand is trcliccVeel to lse rkbe oldt»yt Isuilcling in 4;;hutla vista. Allied Elanxes, a ~graduaee of rive Flan an4 l.aw School and fgrraacr mcranlx:r of the hest Constitntioasal C'oatven¢1ars of Sasudx I)akot'a, mtsvctl to Ca9ifoa~uia in 18&7. Fie was ad- mizred zo t'he t;aUttbmi:e Mar and soon after settling in d;bufa Vista became a law panner of axaothrs groaxtiuxent msldern'., M:u~'ttn Lu[her 'l'%raret. 'Che two-story Iiaines home a¢ 274} I7avitlsern Stn^et, f~onared a three-sz¢nry yr}tr«C¢i 2o~~r~, a Vnigh- lsitcbed big arui y„,>Pale t+rscsk, lxoriaasntal shtp'llap siding antes. oar asmate ch9nusc} l(undrettw apf oaratngc aatd lernasaa [ma^ies sur- rounded t'4als orchard house, A karat owner, 1~faauc;il C:,otdey; a a:hlropractor used a Inam on ehe pxCSpasrty to mranul'aotaare: hardware: sgt.Yialtics. 1'axtay zht: llant"s i~Itsuse is Chula VPska kdisnsrlc Site Nis. ~ and is known. as the 4:oralnry Hinuse~ TPbe Aiarzka Wang I-Ftbuaa. which on<:e stoaxi rx:aa°try, no longer t'7CiFt::. C- C. Jol, alxsrax whom Ilttlc is knarwra, and hia wife, waaacy Imnglsr 2.$ acrrs along. "I]" treatt in. 1887 and built an attractive. Victorian hcsuse with a Isil;}t, a:rnss-KahVe axxsf` and carved barg~a~baraxcAs. I,ikr, many hausas cavtvstmcxrd door Eng rhos 7$845 and 18y4s, dse caiax~ior tractuTe was waricd Iby ^sing dktihscalc and darnand-shalsed shingles ott the upga:r snbry and ~shigslap siding ors the htt;t lever. Maa~ny diflfeu~¢at families have ovmaxl zhrs house, bstt tEte ksest known was I)r. ?rlarasss Ei. (arvcx; art I3pax:.tb¢xal prit:st, whss baaugtu the house in 7~}73, ple fotztltletr and watt tptc rector asf Sr.. Riark°s F:gisonpak t;WnuxCh its San Uiegts taram 1913 rn '1977. t (&ffi]IA 'VIS 1A nt(iINSr, C7Rl,,alA&I? IIULSLS ANn LE,MI(a4 GROVE4 it r r,„ , In 7.k3Nt3,. ,games hladiso~n 7ohnson hatlt his eharnt- ing Vlctara~dun Bto¢naa at sktc euortknvxrst casrna~a; eif PiSth e4veetve ;nruC '"FP" S'sxa~et. lic starse<l a cdstuA' sxatri;Uxy un hnEs land, and Uvt rlae; gsa:<e;rnene .,wosGcwflvop of his hr~at:cr, he im~~n6ec1 and laradurc~. au -~x:mon waas}ting~ mae•.hYne_ 5:alea o2 Chc ^raa~lrlntc c.trslrlet4 hfm to rc,~ay ~tlte Puunds 7~e had horrtn~nsa- ed so e~mstrnct tote h€>use. '1"he~oh~rson H~~3trusc at 5'25 '°r" Sweet is C:7rnla 4'is4a historical Site Nt3. (r. 'Che J<rhst,t~)ov Ilonsr leas been t~trrn~slctcly resrcrareel and is greatly a~tltmtdrecl iit G;Stnla Vista. "["7~tis ht~nsc~ lnclusdc such. feat~otax as a 9tigh ctt~ss-gable ruuf v.=~is~h geometrical designs flsx thr 0>;urgr:Panards and pcnclanr,~ at the eav^e cor~- ^a:rs, .4 wntttfraa st;tlrcase Ieads~ so avt ola~ea gtat~re~h gx~accct byu tastned pyt RSa~ ~.att~la®rts and a c:arvt'd laaleestn"a~de,. ~'. ', ~1P C;HUk,A Vf.S t'A V9&Nl"k"MC,'14 sjrsl-;gNE, 8"entons t3ecosns~ Hig 4;rary Attatha:r early K;hula. Vida z~csident wzas "w%'Adpaatti Aaraaa ll~emry, trrcrolfe."ia rrs of b~nt"a¢ny an~Y dgxiw:ulWre at tltu IPttivc~,r5aty nl Wuseantiin. Wyth the heEp cat his nephew, (Daniel K:. Adams, also frtrna the 4.nivers~ty ¢rf' w'isc:a~ttsin, 8'rnfessar henry plan4a<f 16 ac:ncs crf Eureka lemons a~n. his prndrerty In ]tile 1t3t39..AbHe to s~ipen mare a~eadily than arawgcs fn the cxr~oler caasmaIl climate, f'ienrp's leanou chap }artavr:s.l. a. success. Se:ctng rthe ee~sul[s csf bus cxpe¢rirncnt, a¢her gravers soon turned to lenxcrns as then rnaica garod- reae'G 1'S~e~foreta'ng, temotrx woo-d kvcc~acrtte t'lte astaja~ar crop of the area Ixu¢ tlroy nn means th.e only ~nnc. Residents also sailed guavas, straw@r eyries, figs, apracats, peaches and pears, as wrCl as arnarncnt:al trees. ABthaugb Pttafessar ll~enry^ re°turnc,d to Wsc~craasin where txe. st:rvt^d as Dean 01 thr C~ alllege of Agcleu-tuzr~e for 4Sl yc~ bar evcnttr:allly carne kaaek tan C:;alifarna and :spent his last days in San Aiego- A¢the earrtern edge ~of ¢cawn, ra •'qu'atnt ('~~ua:ew.Anne e^illa" was cattscruru:d tirrrlrs. H. ti.:Ytauclr to uV-arzh -.BBF3. '1'Ire Ll1 acre:. "F.Leaparnbns ~ltanch'" (tneanitng ,'swatzn. of bees") on which this house wood pnrduced lemons, peaches and strawberrrt;s. MGts. 14S:tutle filGed the house with. Irrc-.a-brae, antiques attd a cabined said ¢a have been uwwed by the f%xsa blapakean- (')n C,7~~e. 7, ABgIl„ sloe Bald the ranch, cighaxoon) house and farnl i~u€ptnenx'¢o henry Gudiak. Tpte riSa'udc hca'usc„ knawta Incally as ""fl he Eloarding Hawse' svilll cex'.€sas at 155 °`<;"' S¢reet. Al¢hangh xlne sdding of tfa6s pause has het'n changed, the origdnat ehar¢n can be deteeted in the angled bay wlndaws, lttrned pasts on the laorch and the balustrade nn tYtc badcany abavc '¢hc pf)d4h. 1?eople catne^ tea 4;paula Vista t'nrrm the Midwcsx, New linglantd, t:.;anada and cwran England. A C;tnadvan, Wfll€ant '+Nlzlnatn, arravcd ltt t:?ctober ld§'8t1. ldc yurchased lland Pr<rnt the San d7dego land atxd'lt>wn 4rtrnayany and built ahand- sarn¢, 'Gwcrstorg+ W'icrur€an house wtth a c~o¢nple'x lilp and gaRate ra¢rf, an eYpen franx porch wdtls mrncd suylrort~s, tror4r{rntal sh3plap siali.ng and bands oIF Crshsca4e sh€nglcs ovc'v the windows. A tall brick chitnnay rose thrangh tha nrotr~f. Hie susnr~tmdu:d has borne with ~srables and axhw°r ranch budldings. tly ]8Ta.A, W31sonBxad pda¢ated bop trees ancluddng St147 ISure'9ca lemons attd ioa navel, q'angerinc and tilccan- shui orasvges. dle also punt in guavas, strawberr€es and a maw of blacdtbexrles on. his iS actus. hx L&~D3, Seaman Haines parclaased this hawsa d'rom the Wi'lsatn estate. The Sieartnan flannel 11!ouse t.hwla Vista HisCarical Site Nat- B, stands a¢ 671 faaur[h Avenue. i:PiL1t.A NItiTM LtBiGIN'S (7aC:1i~AHA LtC)i19ES ANA 0..R.MQaDI i~tat)VCS t3 in earl y 1&NH'~, Geode -tn'htrt~s, a native saf F'n~land, haul[ ltes hunfie near what would nqw be the scruth~.ve5g carnet cf "T~°" titrcn:u and Hdltaro~~ 17rive. He haal ~scrvcd as an. at~lwxe¢ in xhr l§.titish navy and lead arriued in Nataranal AN ~C.'Ii IPLA YI9TA fltiI41TRGE IJll4~?iS& Gixy in l8?9 with hu ;aiMtct; 1Nnnic..4itharonyh lac held an itnlrortant lrra9ition witlro rite C:alltnrnia Saaudaercn ¢tailrra:tU i:s~mropany, Ra.W>erts resi,~neal in lkkFitro taa cnqu{tc :^ t2ce real. c:;tatc and in~,vnrattce hraSiness. Fic statned hi;~ (:hula'Visaa ltnenxe "f;,rx B~Ia~wws"" lv~et [~ndnvn^ri rhr m.xvrt~_vre ^v'.~r.,,.mn~,. r, ~ inan tltltata.tl 'C?lr~c:ms .'Mhvne llaarnan, parlaaPs one of the hest-karnwn :urd ~aalorPnl ~evomeuc era CRruela V[sea, and 1'acr hnshamd, ls, onou ed into "Las I'Inres: ` tihe rennunced her nere~e 0.a lingna'tral anal m H8''J^( decided to add k3 rt,acrms rnrrwes¢ atad c<~~rrva'rt it Cnhr a hoick for eastern tora¢isfs. a-dt I rn tlorss' oa' t1tC'"CCernnan Hotel; as it vvas :dso ?'Ar nrrovi dcdau^nnis court, k7owlirr,g affiey umd.~C;hula 4~hatt gaaRf aorursat ~tltrr the enlog3neeu of the Iyuesllle. l~° tha;tler tr;ahts on the National City & otay Ratlrcrad ~~ 5pccrat cxt~euslntt trBPs to San k)icgo so visitors and tarts abler a~aSrtGd e^0.aJoy dr¢. Pata'st eheatmtcal oC'faming ,rorrrptit,hecl lai;trsas0., nutirrtne CCerman tarn^rrnuted her e vrhlr tonlrxtranpttt concerts. *7Cnt;. also raised soma^ of York sae+td nn dre Iron>I. 'I ha ,"Jrattonr~l Gt3y lPCrcorrd rc L2, iS}'t4, tr`lvu•u^d drat Mn~s, .f lertna~n trail! dvroaovcred neastnarg on her paxrlu~• ;read hat- utiskrafched tier beast a shot ehrceugh the ariorrvh, C,IvarGes )lu~tuatr lrasaad away In t9o,5~ at tltt ~a~e of nt has wife, wluo was at Yeast 2tl year,; y+arutagtr ehaav zaebanrn, axnrtintaed ro o}7u ~r9z, she hertc[ unail she iin 1912 and aoRd kCre puroperrCy to Mary Il,ouise 'V'G"ehb. k4 or kJ R 4,, tha CReranatr TIn0.e^C hxurtrccn ur xnae grcaund. d ezrrria}¢cs ]roust; otrc~c ,Part of t'nrrs hotel cerrnC)Cex, ' 7tM~N~ndGNp+~~cAy~r Ca~d.~a~C. d~.rr~e[.. /Pb'G reaxrains roday ak 5a "P" Street. Although thin buddung.6tas otsdcry5one alteration and mote: 'than one adclntlfrrr, a hirut' <?f tkre'4'ictorC:anorigin can he seen in dye Paired bra.cVccts Elnd6;r ehC t;aV4°e. The past: proyrietresn o~f ¢he F9a^rnran C^Cotel, Mari ~4"C'cbk7, wasClre daughter ot: another pion<^crr, (:w~~L Frencis VVebh, who rains cu Chula Vista with his ~4am'aiiy In 189'2. Webb pnnchascd land jusx soanhwest of the lCerm--are pratr- erty anti built a C'ueame e?rr ;a laifltop with a view of ties hay, Point lama and tlue C;ororrac'lo CsLands. I~~3efore hie ar- rRval in C;alil"orNa, the former sea raplatn laid Red a cal.or- ful Rife. C°Ic~ served as the. T,I.S, ccansnl in 7.anztdaac froirz B86'I co 1874 an,cl laclpt^d Ilemr~ M. 9nanley arC;atUae'" tht zrxpcdi- tlotr that evennaalCy found 7~r. T7avld l.o'vingstcrne un the. interior of Africa. Whi-e ier ~C;Iynla ~saa, Webh co:r- t'ernpkatt~ the estahlislarncrrt of a slriPping line hetw't:can Fan t)Ceker and Nuw Vcaland, inhere. he had served as kV, ti. corrsud dureng tkte 18Cios. llc liver( in his rcew ]rouse only a slraart time and,perssed away nn ]mIy 1CY, ]f;y}2, at the uge of 59. His fancily kept tkrr^ („hula Vista. ]turd, and his daaxgtlrcar; Mary, tl~xoc'luced janlie;s rand jams Enr eastern customers. Ahlaarar~glr Clrnla Vista had an ausnr4cious ha^ginaalt'ag. its grt)wtlr was reset wit'Cront setbacks. 4:okonel 17icklnsorr anal the S;avu ITic^ger 'C,and and 'town Coanpavey experl+zmc- ed twa nrajrrr ProhVems: su lawsuit aaad she; etodapse e)f tlacr user] lrat)rn, /4lthorrglr tiro caarnlaany had managed tr) faar- quire by cotrdcmoaadon the tat~ad that would he coven^,d lay the waters of the S'weestwatcr IiesrrvaxiJ; ilea Casa 34Y-font increase in height mf t9rar <nanr t:vrnfualRy doodad l.uxd mill owned Bay Cat^,nrga Nc:de. Ax%}aezr tkacr Laetd ~aaand `Itrwn Com- pany rrie~d m buy Mralc;'s Property; Ire ra:fa~sed t!u ace:csgrt their offer ant'! inntoaat'cd a IawsuiC agairrsc e.Pre ccrndenrna- rion preyc•c^a<lit'tga. Cia.,'iw~p~tst 18~R9, the C;alYlornta SnePrc^mnc d':nrart rule?cl aga.Rrrst t'he Land and 7bwn Ganyrany anti onelcn,d ¢ht:,m to citkrem Pay Ptlcale ,12'1,56'7.'20 lkrt tlris P'~nrP- c:rty tar relacasc within 30 days ennuglr water fraatar eha rersarr- vnir aar unc.ovror his land. 'the etmrp;tny chose ulr Rawer the water level and «aPt^.ne:d the f7podgatrs cuv ~warc~t ,vara~~r f)sunr, n3ut tnrr: rescrvutr Ic^vc•1 was aci1.9 tUa hdgkr., sn a tun- nel. had to bt; chug at the snudr cnci. of ilea. clam tea Ice out evcva errors w:ucu~. Litigation crnrtlnne^d untuC li'eb. lit, 1891, when Nt;ale fiu:diy aeet;perxl a. p:aymetat of $fiQ,174P4. The gates tan dat tunnel +vttre closed^ ante dye avatar isms] in the rasarvgir ruse 4'•y feet 'h'r l.'2 Irtrttnt. The sa:carnd'ara;~or IrrerbRem an'rsc^ inuring (lac^. s,Pri~~ng frf 18865. '1'"he boom rnxled qudtc sndalenCy; and lanai v;ulues fi:RC arvcrarighf Liundnds of prmperry owarers throatglunr[ 5(,AOthern {.allft)IIda VVI1C5 had. 6)terflranad ItAt.°+ ad' II7~att'Ll latices. now rxh~d to sell these lat'tcl at stay Price, Many lose all they had invests°d. Fared witnr des dcarriorating a^t:onoznic. ckimale, the San 1)at^},ro Land ansl 'Ilrwn C~om- paauy'wa~s forced fo change its sales. tac`tiies.'Itr etrcnna~ge netdetrrent„ they ties^elrrpxxC a ne:w pnIdcy in lt3£38: tha carrn- ~at'ty offend 20 at:res free to any°one who aPPRicd on sass-. alixvon drat Ira Plant tCrc Land mouth cirrus treys. After five y'~'eara, kn? ac'rass would he dccdccl n7 that Planter, wleike ties other 10 couhl be sold. by iha Land and 'town Company. 'i"he cnantpany aSso built a numkaer of large six to CO-room homes to rent ar sc1R to prosnaective buyers. I%ach lrarusr, considered tlulte modern for xhosc days, cnmtaine€@ run- tcing water Piped in Cnanr. the Sweetwater Reservoir 'P'hesc hepuscs were kcra~a,ed oar ffve-asst: ot"Chard-covered si.acs. 1'hc directors of the Laradacrd 1'bwn t:nmpany hoped that loch mady-made ]romestcads would cncmnr.~egc castenr in- vesurrti to Purchase property and sctdr, Rn Chula a'usta. At le:'tsc testa ref tkac Land atad 7bwte C:nmpany hr>unes xl i.lC ex- isn today, and doss#hky a third. ("HIlA VI's"I'A IrP,(7t,YS:. r7tiCf tAadD HOUSLS A:Nm L13N7oCJ 61rLYVL'S M5 9(n G'ECi1l.A Nra47T,4 r#F:N2,N'N'h<iti INiI-V)HPi San ]lac^,~¢r 1,~arac1 auti'k+rvwes !C;a>r7npaany 1¢7~<>'anmr» h&cy. w-alf.Ir rwas bxritt in I$~3k3 and aari,ginally nu:5cyci Il'acinng a''Grh Aveeita~ was moves€. tta lts prc.5ent Incatiraun aC 6HIl 1)eE M': 5[yma,'.Glrruc: bt`rttiveezx I!Dfl$ anri ]x312. IYCtrtlait Franeise•.er an has wlfy Mary. w^cave ehr flrsx arwnrrs at the new aelc'Cres: Sorntwrhae aYtererS, ehia largs~ tyro-story heiaaar st1Yl ex9ribit nra¢ay'Victcarian lratxares v:G'ade, sfrilal:ap siding covcsrs the rcx~.tcxlarr„ anal a lrarisarnra9 h:und, avan~clr like a vary w9raIllnw peat meat'', s<:paratc~ t-r<^ tae~sn' ;uacl set aravd levels. etn caper pnrclr wttRx a shed n'aaf and threx rCruarc[ colarnrn s¢apl>arn~tC exrerrc8v accerss the': tt"rcrne. In It)t76, Mrs. )ennae IN3:xc1)nnxtct bought Flousc, *da. 7 i ac 64y Second fcvenue Prom the fan taiegty land C~un'C- Ilaaaey, sx suc¢' ussor tea the 4an I'7icg(r land and "lertvar i;anr- pany. 'I'Yre NI7cDaanal[t Illoxasc, Scaturcc' a. nretllnvu-hr~p~ped acrd gabIle rCrof whir a boxr[t corni¢•t°, deraratrcl irie'r~e and carved Ilrre~ckcet~, A tvto sua~ry boxed bay with a pedtlanarni ~on atrp gr:acr» the: ScfC slcBe, wh41c: an ppe~~.'n yroort-.l'a, w^i41r a ~ahtta;t roof snpportett by tha'c~ae renrml caylumn5 adds charm tar Che front (The 4!;~arrettsr;aan-Prank 1lonse, wJracit st:uraIls' ~u6¢ FaehlntH ttre hiacd7tyaxtxld Ilz>nne a fn~2 Sa*rond ~awen'ne, wa,K hu'vlt In li3tx9 ac>,ei wav' nanvec'1 Cp rhis lareation. '-"his quc:cn Aurre hnure~ is undea^gning rtesme;u'aon.;a "Phe tir9,ad h~otr ~ss~, 6arlyecc Shan ubt^. otirem, fl'+ut ap'g',rarent- -y con6tra~eted by Clrc Ilan[I anti 'ixawn Comp.nny, s6ansts cotlaq at fiIl~ Seconc'L .Lveannae.. Ilfno'w[r Yrae:dGy as "t9ae Blu¢ 4 awrelc„' this tnagniftct:nt (~tare~¢'a .tYnna' laoane vw¢CS Inan•haar'ed by liY con and Pnvcrsa Arutrsnav i'ax I~(Y7. ,hn :cosh'-C1iUtn'r.¢i grna, this Irs'r¢ese was c:onstrwc~ted. around IE3K$. '1'hc ¢wo- ansl-,u-half-stocry~ hoan~e. has a high Ycelx ¢avnd stasc.p gallric coal' wiaka boxccl com3ee:5, deccaaeted tiraagebu;rcds and galyIlr. oreraanentn~. Tkvi.n onrate cP'nlmneps ruse thsotagh tlre, roof, A rtauarzi terwer ix gipped Icy a canlrad root'' wn~itlr a @'iaalal on top. l~picn9 of eYvis styIle, fisOtseaYe shnl*,fles,. square.-end tihingles, anc9 shiplalr siel.6ng have 4reeac used tea va¢~y eh~e ~ea ¢arlor texture of the hcrusc. "I'hc front. pzrrch feawres aurnc~~d roof swpprrrfs and :c stic~ksvark railing, "fhc kbrurr son Il"Iutast; and dre car~rr~i~agc hc'rusc Ireirind ssC care C'htufl:t Vista Iiastoric 9i5cs Na. IlfJ aartB ~€IlPa, e411 threw: oC t6ze former Laand and' lawn C;om'paaxy '~troases qu~a4ufi^ as "'orcPsaad ]comes: ~;Jk2~ t.C~wr6la:.-%v-'r~'+~ r~L.cLe~'df~. ~/r~-~ ~: G-v'.~ ,S,L~~.a3c.%s~e~.ro~na~s.r,,•tt'r&Ye"zdz~:JYe~ G r.,k'f` ,tlccay~s'C ac'r~~~,~~,;¢~I.ra~r~"1~' w.~:'~ r;~'~.%~,rrese;i+rtar w ~ tt7ctd^a'v~~ C ~~z`Ciu r"~!u",+~r=c' mac, /~'l~~ J A ~/~(! .~E'°, fY~{s~ f FIUi M N[5"fA (1L6144. 4a9iC 89hHt9 E90U~i E.h hN~ IEh1UN i,i0.f)WL5 1? T ,! &irst 'ScHnoolhu~tisc: Auiit In gpiffc 8a6'thu ecoelOrrlie downturn by 1F3YiS Cheala "+rista 4nad 50 S'~~nrilic^S anU CnV~~~h ckrilcirrn t(1 wacrare~t the crectia7n erY a se~heaolP¢e>use~. i>nriatg the stunmer of rh rir yessr, a sit<. was choven and tridt put aao[ 6)r the• design and ron- 6iroctia,n, elf tlrc Ituileling. An argument than en5taer% be- tweu~r Ce~6o~nel fl7~ockivuson anti the National f3ty 5eh<sol F3oard whose jurisdi ctian wonid include the new school. 17iekinso~n waetced the scltoolhovse to cos[ K_~r,C7G1C} while the 5Ch[YOi truBtees £`clt that >bl,~ii)n was adeyunic. ,hrgu- ing ihak na harutie in C:huB~a. 'Cista canld eeasi iess than fl2,gfioa iaeckinsaei stated that tlic s~aatic siaantid kzndd te~ue fear the sehooi. iSvenmatiy, a campraamise of fr2,5(}p .vas rcaclxed, :md the hu3lding, c9cslgned by arcirieect A_ Pate; w:as cornplcu•d in Januarp 18fl<). The ftt~st schoolhoerse stood ~zut a'4 '"F" S¢eeet, ¢he present site of 6lorrnan Paek C;isaxer Ilut the problenns were: not aav~er yet. '0l~hen (:€xtala '/ista decided to form its own school ddstr6ct ht Y8y2, tiles fV!ational (:oty Schnoi 13isirlet surd to rt cov er the funeCs spent m C;Ir eri:a Vdsea and Cr1eU to Ytasr the nt^c+r fAisfriCt dissolved. l~Nfttional [:ie~y lost its aasr, burf:hula ~tflata later vnted for a bond issue nr repay -',4aeional City a porte[pn of the by nds. "flee death ofs Colonel IlicV'tirrgern in poly 7.f{yY hroerghr great sorrak: to ehr rrsidearts. 'T'hough Pre did not live to see the cuhninatlon of hls work, Chula p'ista, dcs~plee many pro~bflems, hai developed in the ways hr had rnvi- sdo~ned. SY/hrre sagebrush had grown only three: pears rarl4er, more [ban ~tl residcenees aacaw stood. lJrae. thou- sandacres of citrus orchards had been plarued, and 15 to 2C) miles of sareets iringrd with abode trees had been gra& rd. The. Earst post aH31ia` hacl opened on Aug lie LR90, in !^arre3v. "s genera] stnrt~on the ^oethwest corner nf"t"bird :toed' "i'" with Mrs. Sarah 13. fReminy, as the ffr;t pttsrmastcr: an only a bitlr more than t'hrcr years, Chula '4'ista had heceacnc a v[13age. '1"he fu~nr. awo-story sc:hoolhcrusc; proanatecl bg i~ickinsnn, served as [bee ~civiq social and cultural contest for the wiliage; several nrganizatior~ used ahc sec¢rnai floe>r 9#Y f~lB 4EP,A V1S'Ch i~1[Vt17:MG1? 14tti I-R4`HO n i~dz"~ 1G'~~%L¢f1uG~ ~~!CjJlt'~" ~/, v s ~ p Ea ;a aula+EErxP lnLrr~.r Bhc°4tiuS:a ~r tE M'tiR.Ej,a lnuy+s aavc.E~tac•E7r Mnadr, ti, ca¢g,.arurva•c7 ru h~<ae~em.hcr (kiS9, naat niaEnrhl~•. N'tac liGJ~iLiCd lDl Y111Y ~FQYtlPJ 4Yff5 CO a,1Ct" 7Y)F ti'14 AB f4"d°f& 31"la.~ [ai las ArtEtziy aetr9 rrna9n¢aw the Psu@aL a_ ~;a~aeEnc4s '•~ueE.a.l rPutrs, atria:&i. ~:, ttlEe i,-trrar'v held Sor_7aP !,,. ae;a~<:e fa eE4a, sEhonn clec0_ P'1a614P-H'SL6^~In~ P:'M65GIC`n wY'd PCt CCMi}Y Ifi-Cr1A CYQ;f;iLl N'tC CEDE; ti. d'txir P'NIIlcruxE;aPhic 0oci~etr, ,i ~;~tenp cv; p a,unp; grccarpl<:.. VI2.7t8 ash,-va•tatlvy~ cnC e~utt¢ risetnrraena aGlasing xv6Eia.fa flrncana4acxs avk ikae. raarnnEEUnY~ep~ e9taru:etcerl edPPrer herert,., ¢rr cash fcra~ tffr yvu¢gxrtasu oY .,V;aa~udaEp i Eilau~exi~. A7gnPA av i:[h a tloeaallnn esf 9r(rautc„ faratlu'h;e.dla Il;vir d.i.a.un EEa c ~avaaatterEaeoz•aExena sal lx€:x I~CL GP&IAlJNE1EB Ill-e l VAIPIX)N- IEtEFG "a(MC10.1~ CeE~fal.:Lf(l E2`S 1aDl EJlll6.n 6EV uWre~rar+I nP tlei°arrvus rain Lllearnph t7re {ge ue aa~sEt} asE thr a rar~nrrtiatEiYw 4he `ant re to way, ibis to oirot n s 1oHru ry toad [Ee~c ~rarApivp n+i<rm~ Pcnr alar• CesacLr.EItS r~l 4,klula 4asPa, 6,zbata,~rt~ghsu.aaaentvl G,tnnrew~a@a IXhrca0.Pr.ri au~a0 °Lkaa s~srrttual uccePs ~rf the s aacunturYute ~~c i a aVsa oo. the ndttad^, arl z<anrc^. 4 (~ caa Ik39~e c htli[ IE seac a€3 h.ad it r~ EI 9aelC9 aan hPEC tcvlaEd fVarnax €rS the ahixrl flr ransc dht xr cv4 dtA] a cda isn AE krrEatding, re I cti=lcle nt O lac l.aa Lv rq~cJ 4u u Ua od'vlta a atrnM,rcp.bhnss al C;ktEErch he dd a2uar~ts rui~h iev cl~c ani wrE€ a tl~t., 8eaae ara ~ d4, w atc~rxnc°Ocan ua i d , auEUS Pro te~Earn t~u~ anESa Gaa~nc75 char E ~.iela tAAGV Pha LEm,rl tad "I'ouw C utxaptac} afaawtt2 ~- :t LG3 17v 1vYY) irECxt lila~C srf P;rcvnne9 nc~~r the sc9nunthaan~sa (Fn e.Pia a5, p$c}-%, the. exerw 1 on@.,rc.g~aticrr~rtltl t;Nleaa~ardl wa:ES atla^<,licAdaral ~: arks. giarb. 'N. @t I?sedc ,¢~rcEn~ ae IPr e. Clrs6 tiaindstac€. 'H'dre ca<~„ tidnn+:xalsely .et 2'T(~ 6' SEN't'(1Y h~c1 PIE cro creivau'ucCr1G[ by plptrsata t:. t.cvu laatt, ..e c:u~~n~.nser aexrl vurvr~asxi vri thrr ~C;ia•ib `f'ax, awhcr hv4td a~aaaarbg t4,lehaan~.h EEIi urlq;iaxal atnoc uEr~c v~.~°~.°L/erd san<t sE ele~ew y:axzcteiax~~ hunt in I'a rd, ePrr I'ia+,~. C ~sn¢;vcp,~Etla¢ua1 C,PEUrc h sc:IxaaEns .u fire ua,'nr lucwtkwn ttrdav_ "l'h;• pN~¢vsa w°hr'E:c t1EC ~Eri~urEl cixwx~flb Es~sioeP hi ES Ba¢.cra sit u,ilail:ik4'a6 (;hails Vr.,a.a TPExGi[rsic:EL '~uc- ~~n. ~. fiYBiswu ~`. '(,CO( FceQtt, eti~ho haetlaed huil~' [hc f#xtsc ~;t.u7a 'M'~s~da c•Yntec h, 4aa<l a arnti¢ruc2ccl hd~ mnwn Krause neae~Bry In t~;~3 xr~IZl irl Iattc.e- vr:aup~u~ YrnE;t le`¢iEaan s Errs rm ins °~ive-:zcl~e Isra. t,,fr~r PId4' cic~se~Yx ia'i kaM)q li[rm clae^ ldnir„c v auEp, a~fYecES arP ~k RamaslEaat Ia°uuaxct laa h eJ ^~usatliuia^.(d in ~'i r~,uv:a, in 1. Ff (o ~k, and the Csvil titian -l;b0. Ela'. set' tlae Wi1c9c:I:ness,, 131~s wudavwp i'iacy, .uEd e MEtI<-reEl reavalue~€1 alcYive• en r..orn~naaai¢c~ alEEalcs. "8 BIa~~ f'z'p[Dta•tt kaaausr:, we hieh azei~n.Ell;. haccc& i 4)trcr~z, was cEtvstcel :Enc" 2ntabe^U (ea at* presvnt larcaCia),n ut 5.!tl Secmnd Aeelluav. Alehnulr,1~I Gh~: e~I;iP,tna.l. ;SlclEn}; has face°n ra~i~3aced 6~yy a~shErsua^. shstaplet;;, fllsa' hultse. staid ra•tazn;z eneach of 3es °dl<o- htrna^ t'61:aE~rn. °L"1~e: ~nnoa° arae8-sane h~zkf-+u.aarg~ hEPnau° frtrtti res a lui,~Pl, crampllcx, r ur;;.'-l;abde rts7of w~fGt, b~caxac+i. anal Urackrtcd atsrltica^^:, bur ezcuatal tasnads alacrvc ¢lIe windows ..End a aE aanderfiaad franc panccly wash rushed p*xsta;, raawtti uraudsncrataurnv, ~;t8arkwor'1. calltitrg; anal a laecNtamr~a. :`ae+n~ f.arxtili r„e raalt~ir7n~e8 tc> .tcry,aicer luxacl in G~.hukw Cn tta e-tnrsar~; aPE,: 1f357fis '0. Gtta a1.{'W 4'VeCECFS built )aa ~.e houses alv7d pnlamEC;^cl r utcaas~ crac la,u t:ds. Mr :anal Ntss, @?ciw.aa~~d f:6lLrer<• YtEVSd }yu•ES ry P"la+te?las:r ca[ C7k;ry, tar eaacustruet a haemer an u lm?r,meoumory aE UJra+ak, r,g tPtc. Svaan.twutr.+s~"dallaw t¢aG iua7rtkt o(tPSe Q':YatEla: Wlstad huaune§ary 'l'ira^, m.o~ufir.enfl 6~neer: ,M EUie. trtoEtsn Hai-Iarh Sri„r.,iEt d(!9 a°o;e 'S3,rlt,)iy, Eeatnees :x hsg9E faip anaS wrs:a:gr yrabla= E~~rxsf, ~ uaaarer with I prcErntunrnfl ('En.2:al siaia~a: anal a raie~leaw's cwalk Cd~P'iho.!.rd ~,aEli.ny~ as.cV Ei sFs;aua.h:. shdaal.;lcs paunra°~<{a• Ia _».ru t.Il e tCiatPt' to the. a°.:,ttrior..h, twa7- 46aa br:euaEda ct'orruum tart ^; riser P71ant cvf Chifi ccmckradnEi Er, ci hotvra°. C/SRrerilla t~au'tirxtr„ vt?farr &"nrcante~ a j)Cg3EUVncn¢ C;hcllz rr lmr:r resxalral2 aExr,[ lxca~ 1zlashaaecl 2.h,ardes .En:almt~ed ehe Pluto&€ lr l<?tdb. 7M~s. 1)aa ling; Kiev. ci n¢ ttvis hanasc 6oe~ many r CA.EV.%. 5ha~ v.d>; ~fhar fan,t lazy, stia9o: Ert of than C;haulsa 'M`ists ~tamrsn',, 4 IuPa :earrJ rra.ns cda~elFl S' involwcrl in ahraeffort au cif€IStrmc% flan isras~cnt cluYahousr F.enr,,rvv El. as Iflar d~.ErGet~ laaal~fle c~nc@ap', rhia hrrryxa~ sat ,I,i N bv~ola.~i Ava-nnr• reerEahvs a spectacular €xfi~o 04' f_ltula V/i5t a s itm~st ~° °' ,l% /` v ~ ngre~mi p~~~~ aa~~~Ii "YW"iE ~ / ~ '~° Y!~Nw I ~ Vumrt PoIP"' y' / '7 ~ ~"9 "roWu 1. ie,. ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~,rv f r ~ ~ ^ viwum ~~ / ly~m l ~/ „r .~, ~JaW,. ~ ~ i ''~ ~ 4 ,/ '~~' '` ~a oaf/i to ~~ ii'.. a%%,~~ - ~ C9El I % V1.S'lA f-h.{.lilS {iRC.EIaR6J FC(YI SIi!"r hYD p.FAR(;~7! (iR47Wii5 15 >'~ a r,.,~r.,k :~- "'~ G~~ ry!2s"fLj' `a M.~; . %t'lr+lw.~~~~3': u.. / ~/~u A¢ound I$9b, PCegitr~;eld '4aug,hn Irtiu4t hpF C„ealonpap.- style Froane ;ccross the street from the IIrr elan S~~otel tzn. "F" Street. Ny the htne this hawse was construrxec~, ar- ch~itecks and buipde^rs tlrroughaut the caumry had Pregav. tb rebel against the exuberant and ostenua¢ieaus Yicx~earian styles and had started. t© crest tiraunes wits rectanguYaa shapt~s aiad su~me classical details. Ixt Iat~'3, the ~t;:hieaga Waarld's t'.er,r had teaturcd ulre t:otoncal IYcvival and Ne~ncaassical styles as tdzc arcbutrctcirc wf thr fnturc. X hint of th~ds new trend was urcorpor<ned in the desvgn raf Ctae ti°aaglrn h~wsr I^Iisfa~rical phottrgcaphs a9 thr borne reM Cal. that the large: wing with a twro-tier pn~rch wras added at ~sotne later date. Tbc Vaughers kandstaprd kbe area around their <>r... Uharr! htause wlttlt mauy tretta awncl shrubs. 'f'he sez:o~td awner of akae prtaperty k-[azariMke~ar k5. (::Lank, sv aw a q«urnahst and farmer presic9cnt crf lyre t%mte~ed Psxtss Into:naaticarval. Ethct tvs dY~.4tMn its 7,9k"7y hr, M°afy 8annlu, Iivwd. ch~eoe onbl L9'~V4~. ~3~f~aex~kl 33. Snrkc7•, prrtarnineirc iri San 1}iegcr firra:ncia9 auacll uxi.d Citelt5., purchased the house in dre 1T3tJs. The Sutr key l~'I+9nrSf: aC 2- 'T° Stet is C."hula Vista Plistxmcafl 4rtc• Nr;r, ~. Cltrras Coiaper^ativr ~cre`rrre:•d 1Durinpp the 1fl91}s, the cd~trtes nrclrardx began ecr tsrature and prroducc earloads raf frnid. NearVy ~f 94 acres .. ,< of leinstns and pr;tngrs hacl been palant<^ct by tIrnc mrnd ~' 1 k{~ad?, $;Df thrse,. 37p acres wa'.1'C privately ntvnrd w^hipe the Land and '1"iaurn ~Cdrnipan3* kaad 72{}. Tn 7Fa9i, tPre (;;-rupa vSsta reedckentn, &irrnn,c=d a. gr<awer,'' rot}pruzati~.^~ taa sepre, uura:, Ir~up, pack, sell and market the fruit. AVfruY Hiaancs servz'd .as t&tc !ir&t patc°siclena of the Clrtrl;a 57ista l:'rut hssaciataan, irucarpnratcd in 7h93. 'd'he coerper~tive sotan tw rgani~sed a,pack3ng hawse t~rpemuan.for the benefit 2rt.its me°rtatlaen"s. ,fire San D;iegca Isund and'li,ivmn caampany wancanueck flu pVant hundreds ref acres aaf lemweb tams ansl mainntined a packvng htause to handle the ripsened frwze. 47pcnetisan in ahe rx}znpatr3~ c>rcNu:e~dti re: cpuired a d~orcie crp~ wtirkcrs to puck the fruit and Yea prrurte at'rd srragxatk Uhf tre~s~, Eienran Q,irpell~tdaad, :una~lber (:hula Vista ptc^tv~:<isrrcre tIDCC;une Id'oc c}r- chard swperim2c'ardCUt for tfra q~aaad aixd A2awrr d:crnspyrxay. 1aen~an and has vrife, G;acoPine, lastd learrrarr ordutn'ds of their owan, pcntrwn as (fie 4.ape~ant9, CBrahard®. DAs. Cape-und eve~ntuxatlly because anc of fhe Icaclingl, autftubrdtSCS ins citrus i1.ll(41re in tI'1C sta9G. Bfty 9Ea~>a4 ahutila Vishi haat 1,=pl1U acreas <rf la^rnaro. trees and tr*,~o~ paa_&®ng Irowrse~s, 1~Iut ~nst ,as khe~ growt•rs~ ~a^tc beginning to realarc stiane profit, the S,txa f7iegiv q.arad and Tawn f;t~'smpany was farc:ed h) donb9e the i'tisF ci'k" w4tter NSrgia7ning in YFSH7, tkrtr c~anrgrany Vvad charged each f.9} 4:VdttLA 4fb IA Id i':AI OAISF. tlJn~l ~~fld} .. ~ ,. / -., , ~ ~!_ ~. ~~6G/~i l~ L~'e'f3 {~.~!,[~~If~ G?,l- / 1/ ~;~• ~ ,>e"~/,~/'r < <~r~ p^5 ,,.. ~i'"~GS/' ~e.~,~ ` .~~~'at~.~^ _Ctiecaa'`6,~`!Iu~oC/jz~xk:c -irr'-e~aaf=~e~-~"a~{' r%1. Gt1' ~/!-1°..~nU7,t'.,~ :ff'ce^. rr2~~ ("~idute~ ~'ZY ~..TCe^. ~~ i,e. !~%'f f C r 'L2 GHA:LA VISTA I~tHRITAGIi 1811-9gb~6 trpart} trv;=ncr a water rate crk ~$.54P per acre per year. ' -~k3)5 this rate ~~as insufficient to cover the rtguGar ~e,eaainyP atrd. zuaentenance expansew. In addition, the pip- g~syw~sin used su%'feree9 eaten tiivc danraPSe during a ~acvece enter starrtax gird tnueh crff it bbad to~l~e ~n•e~pla~eed.'Ph~c cwn- rry annueu'tcc.t& tlt,et it vvou~id a:har~e ~7 per acre ~k'crr ir- „m49rrn greu'posea 3n I43E?i;P. Tlns act~i(?et pranepted the tfid~^ants of Chula tlfsnu to consie(e.r i.neorplrratNarxz. As ire°a~~r srf nPa ~tmvrrrg~nrarecl ~n[ia~Y, tlrc. reaider5[s htaic~wed ewp would have ancrrc cong'roi over their own destinies r7 thes k^kru'¢^rtairre authtAritp 'to deCrarntine kha=water rsrte. s +z:rlous ntu•afai'e¢ ;rt it tic<ae-parration w:as vradc at that time, tvewcr, since rJ7e• f;re5rwers prefc~tred ha wa4t untsG the Gtt',r issue v:~aw retire~lvescfl.. Y;n Ihr. zncrantirnc, the ~rnwers rel''u,gtti to sign t~n- .rt~s write the l.azrd and''llawn t;0i1'b{sanyr at the ntvv wau:r e. "I'lse company resporrdcd by ®trutthng rrff tint water C,n,gr@y uuHl 3cpyal :ertion toree~d a~Prent to relrnt Alfred i1Pre:5, a9ne prorrnincn¢ Chula Vesta attorncry, ar~eae~d the it„ fu~,t iu t7rc R1:S CrrcviT Q:ourt whcrr the snit dracret hzr scverti years, then lrarl'~arc t he d1.S. Suprentt Cu~evrt thcr race Lanexten~ s•n {?s9~~~orne. Finall'9, ht is~YC70, tlrx^ San egCr i:,uu1 atzd '&v'!wn C~on~nl~~atty pnwailecl, :eexcl waterc mars rPxr e'aised to y7 gtce ac°re. Tivs w,:ns a sc:rlarrs :md caPaslp~ t"4.aK fRrr Iltr~ ~~a'owtrv axf the sox~e:r. &Drrru,~;ht P9ts A,.e~;e `rWhile liti,iya¢lrrn c'utvfre`rniatp3 M+ate~c' aata+5 w.as slsrwl.y l7iYYCMSeLIiiY~ Ihrl7n~1 tP74" t"(14k1'tS EIGL(7k~la,t' CliSHSter I@tiCer~ the, d;iA{~Cfll'an44 (5f t;herE L'47sta FL'^^RR(1'c'n15. J!h dex5uklt[ ST.AL"rlrlf~ ~Il 4t-~37 flu~eua~natd titer, c•etrtea e.~ropa, tlroe k'in.utci:t~l rna,dn»cay tnP'eheevnnrteven7,ify.Bi~ 1H9~>,S"We•CBwalti~rlk~sarvcrirtiaesdry. ]bis~rlte 40ee pre=vYtPUV ;anrrr7ir5itp bakwtrcn the gt <awcr; tined , ~, fl6te Lane; avid "lawn Q ratrnpaety dui iar alte ~ arc t r:rA1e isseac, '~~i ~Crzra~rraatloru uow' Pxaanine a er~,essdty.'fi~et eornpany P~~srot~.- %i~~A~„" iue+el mo e9ea whaearrer wes poa~si9rle to pros ide rs tier fix m7ne om~ ~ ~/ rhartid. Ihr drrl3eau~ of w[Ils arrcV eha eotrsinre.a[urt exfthree % ° i~ , paunaPaiaa~ ^,ttdrerns, erne tin SwcetMV ncr 9tcservcvr tYanc at Seta- j ~/%/ n}autle~ ~trtd one ntl LP°nwooei d rove soon pnnidcd We ~~~~~i% @~sarwcan~ tivnlh lee+ mrlhou callous o1 uratre e dry ~~ i~ s, , ~ /P,3tN~ go~iy orrhercis bta[fuecd dueul ~~,a ,tjr~,y~ByYy r~r i , iht•tnxs, a med$7`~a~vagiSrh411~~IPA't~Ci~~i~ ~~~d ,f ~~Y~'~>% ~ i % ~ ~ or «aiNn 4~tt nrrrr~~rtxt~k&~c~ ~`~Jr~a~ ~~tr 4~ ~(Cx1P~" z1~ j"d;~4~sa~.~nR ~ d ~ , / ; ~%, try taro he ~~~Se~~4~rU ifrotar't6~~c~,ryclal '.i Uttkd euk.;"1"Yu~se '~ r iq hyptwro ~{j~~ dbf{yI(y~'%~ S1st ~n imc tliciuea, t rrfiia^Ct~rr~s :uir9 i° ha[scxRa.h~3~4 ~;'s; f~ ~~%;. p: il{ y~(, rte', ~rttld.~rr, ~lscrn fG t,,~t ;~~ (aidJt.A vl5'IA YS&6fNti, 471t(;HAIAtr Ht)04i~.S AND 0.1.4tC'MN G9k(7Vla 21 }y ~K ~' `~„ v ~w ti ~niol~,. ~ Some laeople ware unable to held an through the financial haul Hanes. e~ fccv laeadcd far tlae gala ftelds of the Klondike. C)thcn eetucned m ~.'~ to their fa~rtt~er ltaznes, giW#ttg ula on the once-beckc'miatg pxomisc of '"'~ t C;allfornla. 19ut regardless arff the difficulties encaaunta°red, xhe deeade of the 1f3~)4s had prouide,d tlae tawn'with a Celepflaane-equipprxl general. stare acid post aafficce, a scltaallaaus<a, a church, a wharf for launching pleasure taoats, faur packing hauscs attd a resort hotel.. 'Thousands of eitrus trees land heen I,alanted, and before lcmg, Chula Vista would became known as "'¢he lemon capita] of the wand " (:PIUL~A ti16'C4 I1E(;IN5 C)ItGHA11U H(7UtiL5 AND 9.~PhIQW (]q,ORp5 23 ~. 24 6:H 4?1 +4 WIS'Pii H~IRI'PA{I? 19111'9ab The Sweetwater Valley Satin abet kerank :and barren Kdmb~all purchased lltancho de l;a Naaiaaa ~dan SRGS', they htn:d worknw[na to cleat bnesh„ survey :mil lay out. Nat{anat City; Prutk Kimball built the #3rxt hatrse in the aac~w tawxa. 'fl'Sne Kixarballs, anx- ious ao F3nd pralFirable ways to ruse tone mst of them vas¢ acrcagt~ cotrducter'- variaua ~ai;rtailtural expc~rzvnc:nts in the Swcctwate;r Wadley surd ota v.1re nardt rhn. 'Ifiey successPasllp pL'mtcsi allvy r uttlangs obbuined ICarren trees at the San Diego sand San Luis S[cy anissions, and Fo"anic Kimball set out true grove on a #nnr-acre parcel where part of Htohr Park N-es today. tar a resnia. of this racperimeart, oiiwe culrture becauue so paputar in the area that inwards rise atncl of 9.#3,56, th<~ Kinahra~lls bxeiRt a.rr nil-processitrg mi41 daa -+8aalo~na- Cie'y. Fraartie' Kvxr-ra,1l also plotted thc^ #lrst edrrus recce tecar lain hatusc. - , --IS plasvvee^r orchard was 'the. first of the vant iemovt an<- f : e>rlmSt, g~roces tHaat wanlcl lxrCster tPee esQmcrmy of true 3 alley #or many decades. 1^ire Kimbalis even tried sheep ranching #or sa dune. j [rr Sfb7), "Wartorr pura:krased ],3f8#i shanep Gramm a rurchesr u S;zrr l.ufs ~9te^y sicact clrarve thesis s~auuth ~tu tYnz Swcmt~:vaa~cr ValOep. `Ikr prcrvede water Ear the iLesck, Nrank hui4t a suna3- lake he called °"LaF,una Scales," rand eanserncxed a filuma: to carry waxer I""ram tlse 5wuetw:uer 12~lwer tar the fiakc. „, ~ Although the sheep experirnunt #adc~tl the: ~nanre Sancia reunains on the maps taday. ~,,,„ ~; t ~ ~ ua;,tu Mk ;; Utrrhay, the Lg70s, ttlre Kirnballs salc- &arge sectians ,~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~Wrh,,C l ,~~~ ~ of land'Gar elf? tr acre S SgHIT, Faur tna ar Iandawnens„ i y p P J re , r ~ "~u~ r ~~ Henry I{. d7ipguus w. w Whitney, I < I rssbue and llcnry w~)~~Yld rt ~ ~ r9 0. l ~ (caper, trail pntxhased perapcrry in the Sweetwater Va11ey. a~~y'Ggi ,yitir r ,tr~~t41y , s~' ~G h 'fir Ina -F371, HYC,{,nns a{ hicaga cnmpaser ntusoc pub9isher acrd i i1~ ffii r„?~: ~ ~' ~ piano dealer w ho a time to the area far has hesei¢Sa, b<sught r yy~tJt , ~~~~ '1 1~~^ 7Qr ~.rras from the Kambalt brotheaw In the cistern w"Ced aaf i% ~ '~ rq'~i y~ ~ ~, 4 ~ the valley. Hentam~rzt his ranch "[bonnra. Ilra~e'anel set taut ~~ ~f U~~~d~ ~r ~ ~ %6 S~l'1 „ ~ n r " * ~, " C ~ Xataons kinds of #ru~te flra,e'4 His orchards ware urrigated url;~ n ~ 'n'%>~, ~'s`"~u' N,~, ~" ?; ~ {u by a clt.ver sysienn. of wnndanslls, Pumps and pepcs mart r ; t, t tyiWw, ~~, ` ,, ,. from hollowed-out redwoocl logs Slugginns tccatcd :a ~~1~~ i iiy ~~ ~ ~ nuttitry on ltis Iand by pianhn}q needs tram Ih~e l;x 4l orutge s "„/vnk!i~ ~ ~~~is ~ ~ ~ ~ lA ,, and lemons he ctruld abrden In C.os Aaugdes 6~sing the st eds m,, a ~~/ 'r ~Irorr '~ "..~r,,i ~' ' of thin-skinned lpmans o! the Measut.t aartaay, he "`~ ~ " l~ ~~~ dcvetoprct a new° variety he christesned `°Somnie Sraa~'"'t`his ~'r- ~r lcman bcramc popular because a# Its °strerngth and pur- 'rb i ~ m r ~' ~ ~~ ~ t of utc ac tcl xlrscace of acc^d~s, .and ehanness rnf rsna-•' i„'~/ r,~ t ~~ ~ r ~ ~p!~"~I~ [Athcr pion~c~.z auraira+rs nr~indfnH,; '61G 4G °iG"ham~ey, who ~ " ~f '~4 ~ nJN a a, / ~D ~~j( , ~ honest 92 setts rzn tore vatlty In 1~P37~, abtamed cargos trees a:; ;~.v U I~"k ~ .~ ~~~1 #rt>In tlrc 7§onnie -Srac nursery: 'rkBE g4yF.~"I'WA"Ct;N XAI.I..t:X ZS /"~~ ri1P 24 C[i~L11.A Wlti"N'10 M11k?k CeAeiL E=y Y. P-1!JE3G r,~~ ~ - ,; Esa 1.676., Jhodson ~Cartcr -'rishie of Chicago lef'6 the Windwa:;;C, mnvrd to f;aliforxuia attd inweQtcd -n a 24f-r-:nc:re C~rac¢ at the easrcrn end of the vallcry. kie n;ttnx;d llvis rauvch ti'unnystde:, awed during cite boom itt 1F387, Ivt; 'u axusBa was vuuhdiWded as the 5unnysit-a: aratt Pr-sh-e, a naf-vc ~oN Near YzrrYc, bt came a xcsidsnt of Chtt•ago whe'rr he was 14 yearn e~ald, He tatrsjn-ned rhr~6'irrtu nV•-1iblz~attN, Slaencct•, lisutle^t1 ~h Q:om,gaaitty, Q;iaicagn rvhcale'saie hart-ware anercaaant's. 6rrishza taisexl lenTmas atrcl grakae;s in the 5wca.twarc~r Vallc•}~ a'nd was ;active in the u^'m-aerauec ntovcansrnr. Sic; hcigat:d orguintse tlue San VDts-;o het-~~Salonn -.eagut. irrdsbic 5trect its the 1-tami:e Nnle€t yuhdivisinn recalls the natne oN this Paiaara¢°;a^;r rattc-~t~a°r„ whu ~assrd away nun Nov. 3~, L9'0"T. $ra tift8 a ~ 7`3,r~ury Caanlacr, a do ~.°cln-a~ea, lwtughr acrc•~aye ePaar 1ncVutlyd dae aiu: of Laguna PSOnlta. Hir lu~lar the taaune 1-otnira -war ltas ranch and crearscl t-te Haanira r'owns-tc chore 1tt 1867. Rn lHy2Q dac:+we~erwatcu Pruic COVUyratay ac~nired 6;on~cT^'s HortP'w 1Lmclx and. ~lara,Ped orchards ota Plts lsrop- au~r.. "i'he Swarcrvvara•e P'ruit Coanlaatry had bcc•n nrgand2ed Sy rise Ctnarort iirn'a asP P4iddo-:r and &'ca9ao~dy i onrpanlr, ens +rl t-xe txr•iginal owners nP ¢tte San 17iegn Land acrd 'pawn Qsirri~lrauy mud it realer stn~ck-antaler ha uSse Sanrn. Pc. ILaiSx^nad. 'I'gat;~ 5wvectwarer 8~rrudl Cnanhany was, however, an atntirc- ly ec~l~avuatc~ ougFrrua~itrinn d~tat plautec- letnnrt, nsnnrge~ ana- ~srrl'aehadd ntclxardwand nltdfeln+aa~1 dTf4ru3h~utL. •V'hw auomiauny lrurchasec- adcPitit>nal. aau:eage in rite valley anaN 1'ratxu.d l~.nseAl C Ailcua as waaua~r. 4;rsrmyn.anrr- ]Ettila-!r N'ar:.kian.P,ltausc Ern 1H~9d nr iff"J5', t,kat° 4wt•urat'rvuter ~N}ruit d:;trtrtlaany buila~ aan tlrdrerhe Iwmr•iuitroghnt'~o.Me• n t urPiliarr 9n large woapdsn nearhimrxq was added in 10.100. The .roilcns Llved in the ald Conper ranch hnuse untll is huened duFVn in 1<)07. Undl a secnatd hnnse coulc- be constructed, the Arlsns' moved 1iiu1 the p~ack- Lxg1'hnwse -'or a st-nrt time 'f-xeir new house, desip-ne~d by the architecnara4 firm C,ill .~ Mead, Ncantred chick, pratercd concrete waflls t-uat everyone thtaught wttulld he fire and earthtluaks lnrnuf- R. C. AI-en mnaaiated the managtn• nP tlae Swretwauer Tr'uir Company tmti- hi:y d~sarla, A.Ilthouglr the: A-Isn Hausr, wh-ch still Brands tcxlay ntt (71t'L EJimhard -.anx, rescutntxlea 'the v.^ock taf archidt^cP. Nr- viuxg C.i-1, at least one sour~ie hnclicrates tlaac It naigktc Er:eve laeert designed lay 0"rank Mead, Evil-'s ixarenc~r~ az the time.. -'er-ta~ITS both men worked oca the drnwSngs. 'L"Pais hnuse may be the c'anPy btuilding dexlgnsd by 44111 or a Ci191 -'aarr- neesird,p in the Sourt7a k'Pay area. ~1'tichard aeyu;n suss Use aa- r-iieecr Nor ire Rnl~ct'wdnsnx P-tatresr, hui-t in Talk ac ~S~t3tD lrvrrgAeen keaad in i3<lanirca. 0.cgtoa left Cii1@'s ¢ed'P7ee i'ta 17ccetwd5er 4910 attd startcc'- his own lrrtct'ice-) 'ChB 9wrexwars'sr Crui~C Cntnpartp packingitosisa~, knaswn fi''n' tnany ysars as the "OI¢I lied -S:arn,' 9arca~nve the sneiat censer f'or tPte cnmmtutity and s(7mC'tlnlt'o,Y h2St~sed f~1exic~a~n Pabnrcrs. 'Che. strnctum :u atre rims or ;~anuthrr :rise ssrv'ed. as a bliac&smd~ shah, s~ahle, lire sntt'lon and 1"t•ct1 stnrc°.; it l~~arcrvid¢:cr share. fur IocaB hors and crdHpalays. liliBroaipylr daornage~aP ~ rhtn g'rar,mt f1u¢as1 n1 P~3Gn rNty pack inghnuse stotwl uur~ufl ll96S1., when'it was torte dnwn to tn;xkc way toe a smsill shn)a',~nry, crutt^.t• along -3nnila iLtrac'L 1'~~erhaian ~c nnn»r Farnurks 1~aersi~n na l6vc;'iar tPre 6we~et.. water Val-c'y in ehc. lyeh t~rmury ^,xna R l}nkeus S, t,aitut;Jr„ the sY~rn u;aC' the -6th Parnisidant' tzFt-re N ipitc,rl `'Brines. In Il#SW$~, 4,7ctne iatirclr,tst^d y`ti^vert.'atu^rat7lxm tri>P~a~er nisi nP rhv valisry 'L7i P. 9ln~Q1?T WVT'HH NPoLLB'Y EF and bintlt a Uut2~9v Cvlc~Aaial cs7i t:r,~e on a ]ai11 an}~}7<I~sitr tlae Swee¢~w~ater I7am 1 NAe Geta~t C~.t~tr'1p ^scd the c'oxtap;~e as a serc~nd. frc~nlsr aneJ. u3uslly alayed there c9urin~ [hC s~unx- Pner maonlhs. 'I'hc {;xati7ts also kepC a IaIX.r inas~sitrn 1ri tia¢e k7ticgo, d7r tl. S. KnaanA IBOtcI, built IIy 14tis fanrlly ai a ca~sx of ~1 ZS inildaoTt, opcncd In de~rw.ntu~w al Sar^~ l?ur~p a~I Oet. X5, z9rd- M1r1~IOlug;tl'u thr ~nua~e E9ocese iza t€nc~ Sweetwau,c val~~~y h:as iacen al¢t~rcd Ir,7 tigrne e~rtenl, the couagc a[iIV sCavltls Ce're9ay a1c>'arg S~.war'twaterr E2uad wear dIC (,quarry 1~C~Iad in. C<`~'kettiarcz 'i'hc ho~mwe Pcxtu~ew a py~a~azshn•1 roFl f, tyd~ical eaff~ tl'rU I7aedh Calonea~ sayle, I'3ue uncu~aunolr in ;3an I7ittkgo C;oeutrty. 28 Ca3u~.A V19'fiiY €~9b:RTIXfH 7971-196G G^ 'P6dli 5W'I~ifi7"'tl"JA""Clilk VkLLI~Y al9 i~ C;~~iE~LN '/3S'1'A II@dt1YA~E 1911-19ES6 /~2"yPe~^'~5'e~f ~~la!~~' ,,51~4'.t~'i2iitl... v~u'C~Y ~~ ~ '9'h€. ~wectw:ztcr Vallcv, wzth its citrus ~'rtaves and dairy farms, rei~eu~~ed c•ural in rwati¢se untrol aFte:v W4FearlcS °~'/ar 16. AfY~er a Crurrk IitvP arf the @~Lctrtypaaaditam Scwera¢;c System was instaEled irz tt~e valley in 19~i3, tJ.~e aa~ea urkrani4ed ra~ridly and y~aras were annexcxl t~~ @~latisanaN 4~fity and C;kat~~a '1~isva. 'A'IIF. SlV"EA'.'1"WhT'L'B V"Ai.1.EY 30 %~.~~'.GL U~G! Ld , .?~~<: ~.'. ~~5, p ~Ct~Mt~~. ,~Y~l...,({r.''L&~" , G'c"4 {:.i y"art 7 /G&eu~.e- /~r~d~C~c"~ r'Gf. ~;+~dtN'.a,A,/zS 3eP~<y!s~ltry, lr~.cat~,~i^~d tCn~~~„~cdL~~ p~j~, '.. :.'%vicl(~ z:.'u«.'L:e.'t '`yi~d'~ t°a,~.a'.:. A1~>',r!a'°.~. ; t~m~~'I..GS . ;Y~;..e:~u,L~ea lek:.cr... G xJuring the' 19th century, three former s4cxican. land grants., Rancho Jnnal, Rancho C)[:ky'aaxd Idancha Ni.dlij o, lay between Rancho do la Naclvn aaad the bardea. In 1£329, 17an Jane Aatrraaica 3istudillr5 had receiv,•ecl the 4; i3fi-acre Itaaxcha Janai; Irks sister, l7e~na lhagdalena lstndi-Icr, was giva`n Phis fa,~5'/ acre Rancho C7tay. 9"he Rsrudiiffias were tnembek~ of a prumuxent early y.alifarnia Cannily. Par knury pears, the rwo ranchos were used rnainly° far cattle ran- clxxkxg ancC wCxd' rap~erau>d together, alahangh two d[9Terent hcands appeaked art khe ih esC¢xck. As far as ffis'knawox, the 1''stndi~9.&a 1'ai'ttiAp drd ri<>C build akap runch haxoscs akx rPxcse two grants. ~[d'ath t~arechas runained prdmarlly ranch laknd until well into the''?,nth ec•nturv aBthuugh the size at e:xc}a changed crver the pears with. Janal Irecr~miang smaller akxd C7tag otcreasing in acreay;et.. wring the 18&Os, R:mcflua Janal belonged to H'rattk and Warren R.kmhatl far a nhart. znnxc. Bp 1&394, Maisl'x'a S. Babcock, who VJU'alt the liatei dv.l Caranacta, -a.ud acquired the pnkperry. Ixx 18#37. wank Itad starttCE okx ChC l.awcr f7eay. 1)am, whit:.h naafi originally plaxukcd as a rnasanty s[ruc- tnre. 13ut cans-trnslion had stoppxed unt'al 1$94, wwha:n the proJeci was- h~aken over by the Southern Cald'farnia Mouu- rain Water Company, a company organized by Bahec>ck. Thr- design of ttve dam was then changed t'o an earthen and rack' ffB st'rwcture wath a stcrl diaphragm at [he c¢•nke,r ar"<d epnsLrcnction was restarted.. hs early as BS47, James U. SrJlnogleky rlxe et~ioeer who had destlgned Sweetwater Uam, warned that the l,'34 foot-high l.awer {7txy IITam mil+,hT oat srurvixe a ~severc atacrn_ -ll"he IlJpper Ovay loam, ;eu arc1x-rape canc-re2e rnasanry srranetnre, wa's built in 189F3-19(17 and seas only ]4 feet thffick'at the base. Water fx•[>,m the rrserr>etirs 6ehlnd the t~va darns cventua-ly srlhmcrged many acaes. c>f RancNna Jana1. Sehuyler's preclie- [laan of disaster c~¢me true when bower C3tay 1'):nn fa3lcd on Jan. 27, 191fr. "1"'he r-arn w~at; rebuiMt hyr 1919, using bea- ter engineering principies the seeand hnxe- k~ ~ `y~ y'~ ; faacitir CJCearu t~s', { p~Le1ti1~ ~~~',,;+~~ey...._a~~'rc.rvr/,een-- v Jnnal Rancho ~Jtay Mt .~ t+V San I~IVguel D•A•t. `• Rartt;hr~ De to Nation Chula Vista r - rllny Waoeha fflti'AI.., CY[AY hti[7 MILOJO RANCCtQti 33 lis 192ti, I~etary G. Fenton, nnc of Rhsha NabcucYc°~ nsa~or subcon¢¢acto~rs, grut'cl'uu~^d.'R'wrdrer Ja~naY. [t€i~uton fiwmed la_is 3,GC10-acre ranch and grew lima begn3 there, but after World V4'aa II, he p4anu=d LvarVey e9ue e©~ the increasdng car~st of 4ahor. After hie de~a[h in ]951, hu5 daughter Rroily, the wife of Rear hdat. L~[vuis Hi. lluntc of the U. S. Navy, in. Yxer-ted tlnc ranch. Itt 1943'5, the VG`astern Salt Company, owtCeod. for tttany years by Remon, began to devavlvp the former Ranctl'~oo Janai ax ;¢ $2 billion vnastea-panned com- munity to be kmcawn as F.asdake, an easreru. cxteassio^ of the Caty of Cherla V'ista.. Ranchar GDtay, the other Mexican land,g~ant ocig~inally owned by thel?s¢odido family, ee'enmalGy became known as the C?5~.y ltainch anet grew 1n Liar t>Q~ 20,Od)(Y aCr4*.M. 1M1 even included a portion of tl-rc fi'rrmer Jana!. Rancho. Flislra I3ab- cuck, Jnhva ID. Spreckels and other fdnancia^r~ cantrol¢et9, the nrsrperry hYV a Unae, and Spa~eckels built a hunting lodge on a hiBl awerloolcvng l.;ppec LDray R.eservnlr Stephen Hlrch., a New Jersty calri¢ahlst, pur+:aaased ~D~tay Idanch In 1~P3(i, and after his deattn, [.he. property pasaerl eu 'tltxv`red Pnter- prises xn[., a cariaorttioss made. anp cif his heirs. I3is'ch's daughter, Mary, becatne the wife of Patrick R. Ratrick, and Che: I'a¢ricks paved. in Spreckels' form€:r hunvt8axg Lo(#l;e ^ss- til rent times. 'Else third Mexican land gratvt, R':nnclto MI-]ij u, was given do 1H34 to S:urtuagcr F. Arguello. 'f'he rane:ho covcced 3U square taeiles of the lower 'fix }!uana and G72ap Ric•et valleys. 'I~day the comnuundti¢s off 4ray, Rahn City, b9estor acrd San Ysidrea 1'tle on land that' was titres part of the rancho. 'Ilse historic trail taken in A7G9 by Hvattser,]unlpero Serra, [ire fanncrus IYrancisca'ty prics¢ whir fotnndc.(1 klission San I?iegcr dt Alr;ala. crossed Yhrotugh this area. 5¢:rra's ex- pe~ditian traweleti fir f<>a'rr su'tionx: iwo by land aead ¢',wo by sea, T'lae two groups travelengby land stard+d coos at a place calved tie:licata in 13aya €;alifornia.'1'he foist group ze:ecbe'cC Swv Ulego oar. May hi, 1'?(i9; the second section width Capt. Rnrtola, the miliury eonamander of the expreditlart, .rod Fr Serra arriv~etl on July 1. 'F3o¢h g'ronps bad fnfllnwed tfie same trail. except' for tlu last few milts. Althougtr br ti[rnt's exact path cv¢evroe be determined p,recist^ly, flits general route. 6s known. Richard Rourade, eha; author of the ba)ak The lixplr~rerr, speculated that o^ June tD, '1769, the priest and iris 6<,rllowcts lracl paese~d through fivrstaggler's C:ulcl7 auai cre7ss~ed what i5 now dse international boundary. "They ca~enped thak aright on the north side of tEae l`[a Jtraxra ]diver at a spot one-third to pne-hal£ mile ~sntrth of Coronado Avetrut, according rcn Pourade. `I'hc next day, R~r Serra and hasescort cotrtinued uorihwart'.t, crossing the 4D¢ay Riiver somewhere east of Broadway and west oP 'I°hird hvenue. Then marching w ikre ~ortlr and northwt5t through what Ys now C.hnle VisGt, they [tossed the Sweetwater R'svcr eonxewlrere around Fourth hvenue attd Eiavally reachard 'theic dcetl'nation latex ghat same day. When Raviclro Mili~o wax giucer. tar Santiago 13. Aegweiln in V.ad3'~ tine graatt eovrtained tiro; prcrvdsltrn tYaat a house Irad tr,7 pros cnnstrucrcd wtrhier a year, (Rancho MiliJo was also known as Rancho la Santa bec.taasc~ cur Indiwr ran- cheria kattrwn aS l~,a 1'unura was located in Gloat area.') hrgurlto's adobe home,. built in. yf334 or 11535 at la Rwrta„ stcsod on a hill ovcrkroldng ¢he bay wad the 0."Dtay !liver Walley. More t7san x centzny lover, tits c:runvblinxg adobe walls of tkris lrtsurrtc ranch lvouec dis.upp~rcd farrever when bupldoxer,; gradaal Ylre area £ix the Wlontgomery Elreevray righe-ot-way. Apthough .lle~atcapv held a9rgal tiele to Rancho i4'lilz- go uncles' trhexican law, his claim Ur the property' coos re- jeceed by rFne 11.;5, Land (:c>rvurr4ssion in I$53. Sclnuatt¢~rs and settlers rtr,irved onan dst rancho ptvapecty, sooner of thcnt thinkisng ¢t was govesermcnt lanctl. h'Pibaaeglr ¢he Arpusalo ffamily tried iat variotre way:, co regain the. r:anchp otter the ne:.x[ 2U yeses, tkre l;asr cast was decir-ect against tprem in 1!573. Sn the n'erantime, peonccr fwzrillt5 knad imaile Ironre~s acrd planted faelds am 'ehc pterperey. Uurdng tyre birnm ~nf the L8tN?s, nc°w rommunitics ~a}rpe~ard<a 6~rn IIhc former aatn- ehcr Cand_ 3~ (:F74.'.tA VIS'rM t6P.9LFr'AGL Lgll--4a6 if~ldlZ~,+r_ ~~~'rfl'ar~~, i~g ~%';,/F~'Gl (,G1C971i2ff` ~r~LCi. GY~~L~Y ~~~~s~~ ~'L~Z~Y' , ~~°Eee~l~'~~~~ ,~-zc e. fGll~k . f~1 ~' r ~ ~ r ~ ,f arF'. ~ '% of ~^k~~ ,~r ,^ ~; "~~ ,~ ,~ w, 1 ~ ~ i mn ui ~ !~~ ~ a w~""~ w of ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ F'~ U ro~n~ Il I F „ry ~ ~~b ~p1ued~~W9h9 ~ p x ~0~1+9:W'.y ~' n~ ~ ~,i~ q ~ n y~,.~ lmm~r ~ "V' ' / ~ ,r~.~~ , ' G F ~ '~ ,~ ~ ~~ /f r ~~ r ~ ~ih ' ~ i , nw vm ~ , ~,. 6 ,,.~ ~ ~. „~,~.,,. „ . " ` ~ ,u„ " iru; ~n,m ma ,,, ~" ~, !r" ~. r ~, i it ~ ~,~ ~; v ~. <~i l~ )nano., cnnv ~nx~ ntr~.9ra Rn,~cx«s ys 36 ~.Etu~,e v~s~cn v~r:[rrnu;e i9ua99G ~~~~. '' „e , ~. iJ ' ~/ r k'wa IPfBT,real. cslatcs zJeueNrrYarr-~ Gavion, i`katnldtota avaa:l tY:ret.pr;y lard ar~ut tha• laaaovtu town ufl' 47tay atvd diwadeal akar V10--ut~cra± townuaive iu'nv 5S1 Ury i-rb faacstlcits. I'Ire curxarr'auraJtrr tiGrtrora cuulcC boast <af u na=wsL'au,~cr, tkuaxzet'uus ra°niUa^kact"s, a i~fivcay staNrolu•, snrrote stareY, a laurst rr3°flcc a'rrd a Iaa'~rnel. `1"hc davc[olia•r's of (pray cYcu ikku;[4 tei Irrktag s<r~tne; 7ta-. dusta~^ air the tlarlvkvag aarwrt, and un 1'~'cbruarp '1dS89, ti'tcy 9.aatiits' gt'cruta+.! for a tkarec-yY«ry brerk latillding to 1'rotrsc a w;ttala I`^tutucy. "l"hok4;wc~l'r~ry wes cik Klg'nu1 aand <'aaa'~kst'~ntc~kcd Ir'p arclntcnt:t hrrdrtvw'J', i,.arge Jr of San d'~Jiebrro_'i"tae Otoy 'Y"V~4r6.uh 4srmpaany Errougltt asaamirwhirrery dirt mtilc~l.ng rx+aaih- rs and liuawtla7tecd ;toad rnt,^talleed tau. elaUCn•ic ka{phtptant tlauY fau'uiShe d uqu4zu'icdl y'L°at the fa('Inrg PotrCG Ylae^ triw"ra as well. 'J the kinst watch wa~+ e urarJrleuet9 dka Slak° tR'39C7, and uhe ouz- prrt ~sluwly Ntta'ra^trscd sr7 ~ 51~es~ clay. Alk'hcaugh chc crraezpatrw rrtrc~uttticl G'ur aix naarrrtkas, tla+r twauchcs nevrrr berarn~e yia;rgrrtlaa. ~.+ a re5ualz ttte 1'6ra:rory nlavut dritvn ha <)ctaaber 95941, when tkaa^ opcrsvting, r:apzaaJ 7aa;a'k hrc^oro c:~zlantrneed. eYlelacruglr the wmat'etr Paciury wtaat vine of bushtess, t)tay cciaatenneck tai daveJup a~ud by 1891. laact a I,roailaulatkryrr rat a'rt)d. Largc^ quauatatit°s o6 wine wen•.lacitrg Yaraitluccrd cat't uapart;eg a•aaclroc^s. ily i9(Mt3, tkic uartarotxttu'~iity Ixad irc¢;t+rr Ss,a Padc~, Arad the a;aeny f+axrxr tnaav¢,tp t<r G;tlrotalaVista v/ka+aa d'ta k.awa^r C)t:ay isattt €aiJed onp:tia. !7, l9'1C7, t9re d'loadxvatar#~ uda•n^antarcu9 what w,as 1e.1't u~d'thc turw'n of f;l~y. C')saly a fecr~ 9~rouzikc'liaaµs 5vvrvzveal the dlsastet' ineWdir'ag aloe yr^atch far- tcrory, doe {?toy O'Ral~roaisk Clata're h arrd tlre* vea~-roarirp brick post arll'uce. C)tay 1b:aptl5f f.,14R4A"Cl! ~'+~tilhl3ghet8 Tha- l7kay '~I'Saptist (SzurcVq hacl bccra c°onskra'ucc~~c'I In 1'k$9C6 by raartnkier9 €r4' gktc` Uavls d'aunlly This 5anall wrsudcn. elnurch wrtkx its high k;ahke. rcicrf anal poimtcd. axrndtn sur- raunt'Vs «aragiuxYGy staind utr, rha^ sonth'rmesY corner p~f wlvu is ro,Crw leca%2i'r. and "I'liur¢I rYvaytaua J7uring tlac Il916flcnud, the a:appcr church drei9 91aat Brad bceka Ssrcitrght arcatcnd elac f laarta and hung in the Crcll vrwer rung continuously zo win Yhc.,pa^crryla- "+x'heaa chi church hudlfling' zwrntuallly hccatoke Yl9o sanaVl, [he cungregatfotr parra^hased a formes Metlaudist CYturaNr kitritdtug acrrass the szreerc on tdre nnrthr:as~c ctar- nc^c of'1"Surd and :denith. '1"Bee urlgllnal 14aptdst ChrrrcEa wai strippcfl. of lts 9re11. trrwev' :tract sxaravul across the haters'ec~~ ticrovs where fk aa"a5 added era t111' east side tat' rkae odd 'LWdethurllist huildnng. '1'"hc zwrcr stnvicetrres rugethex Rata'"kme YNaC f3tay Hapavst l~lanrela that aeands vlaerc uac'kay. "I"hc knlsvovac PacrBl that vvow hangs in elve Blamer Medaurlitit hclfry said xir~e un Suvtday and t;tcry New Ycr,ur's Bve. Rlfllaeatvy,1a t7ae CJt.uy* WGat'eh C:a7naparay fatlad and the Cowin u~f Q)¢roty ;fltuaast clssapyac:arc~cl, anayther unterprlse., uVcwelolr¢•d vae^arhy in the IN"~(ts, c°Ontinr'as'cY eta firatrrJaih. do 1871, Slaafl'ear Sr titnna^. l'ariil cr~cnu^cl t'ha~ gaa,y SaBt ti'~orks ern C7d acres of land rau•,ar La 1>unta. ht d8£i?, 1i. E. and J. 1`s. s6 fifer buug9et our rtcrnes in'tcresc, and by 188k3, t9'rc vvapuratlorr of se;u warcr 6n shallow pcrreds larcrcluced $qS7 tune, ea~'Fsalra year. The tiG'este~r~ Sale Worka, irtcarrpaarated kay tirxlaam Ilahcutlt in 19fk2, took crvrr ti'oe, npxcra'tisans at nc~ suutla aauvtl ud'tiae bap ldy 197.0, thrs campunp Yaraxhrced 'I,IJU43 'kcraas a gear. 'rYTSvcra tfrataarn tlahc uck passed away ba 1911), his fNther, Iili&1ra S. Ila$crrck, laegata ter rnanagt zlne at>nxl7.any anch ycac'an Iraa~re.ryci3 prarc'tuczioor even. more. 7"hti 191f doead rre:trty dcstruyet'9 vlae'facility, btot before, lovtg, doe ptrnds at'ad egtdpzxaem were rehtallt. La '17.7, [lerary Fcaaterta larntrgllnr trpa the company°s. stock., load Lrarrtk then nn, pruaaucSdun urc~rrascd steadily Yo more than BS,OtDd tuns of saVz' amavally. 'Floc crystallia.alinn Yaunds cumcrrtt more Haan 1,3591 as reav :u else: equal. m ~albna Park. '1TJestena 5:do emla9oyefl marcuy peraple~ tiotn Chula AS'sra :uad remadns in bnsiraess today. C)v~er zHvr years, pcirts aE- doe forrncrr ILanchu Mih'Jo nrlaanizcaal as stu~•ers were iaicd out, homes were butte rand hnwint~sscs were [°statr:Vkshed on what was unc'a. a vast cat- rlc range. i)n 'Vow 4, 1985, voters in athree-and-one-half square mklc° area ptrsx south of the Chula V'isYa troundary tRecidcad tri nnn4^?t ct) dar fiiCg- tyva T7ec. 'l, 1985, obis ao~~ knevwn as zhe "i49tantgtamery 8cuganixaeinn;' became pram of the City of b~hnla lrisW„ This annexehnn, khe~ lat}'lest ever ncoreicfl to ahe Brant gf C,ahGamka, mcow'agse`19 f:ktwla 'V4sra's gwpuiadun by morae Yhan 23,Ck(M,7, JnWnt, (YPAh' A'N'Ia MIa.iJO 12gtAC.n6S ;7 P ~~k`.1~~a2~.r~`,~C,3"~ 11~1'°Xr~~IG,.,r ,,tit&CCr!6:''t'~~'~'4 ,J;w~l'/t~1/~u'T.'~^~"~i'4y1{rytf,. i`~.~1~'.G.' r; r After 19C)4, changing architectural ideas and the availability al' new aterdals began to influence the design of Chula ~'flsta lraurses. lTntil tlxc early 19405, tkae l~otnes built in the catnmunity reflected thane i" eastern stylus that had dominated the arc hitectural secure in ~„aflif<)r- ~' nia since 184f3. Bart iu the 1f394s, scve cal wr¢ters had paDpularircd and %' promoted the ranaance of the missions. "I'he C;aliufarnaa Candn)arks C,hih, {Dee of the (DIdeSC pre5erVatian ~tDrgan12dC1an5 In the LDn1Cf°d States, ~ i'~ ~j~~~~/~~ ~~j~• ~ ~ naught to Sa'V!e the (^rotl)bling Stl`UetnrG5. Cahfarni~a develf7per5 fannd D~i ~~ ~ refit in the rn st¢ oe rDS the 18th center tiuins, For as Charia f"lc~- i~,,, ~ cl)er Commis, the editr of the Los An~c±let T~cxidlr Tz rx¢s ,put it "...(the h~, ~~~~ w i missions) are worth mare n)oney, are a greatar asset to Southern ih~ C;alifornia, than our oil, oranges, or even our climate: ' A few C;altfor- nia architectures began to nccDrparate Pwlissian-style elements in their u f ` ~'~~~ ' ~ designs The Irilissian Inn at 1liversrde, C;alif., burl[ in 1891-1941, is arve . g ' ~ ~ of the largest Mr`ssian Revival buildings ewer constructed in Califor- - ~ nia and pass•iCaly anywlacrc else. ^~ In the 1$945, an import$ttt Ban I)iega) arcflsitect, Will. Sterling Ileh- a ~ ~ ~ bard, was one of the first to use the ltiission 12evival style in Ban I)iega ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ C;aaxnty. StUC'C'O walls, aced the roofs :and arches eha,racter¢zed the Style,. and curvilinear parapets adorned same butdings. llebbard llivcd in (rhula Vista from about 1908 to 1913, but whetl2er lDr: pflanned any homes in the City ds not known.. .. Cru~tx wes~rn rA©tkr9r4, ~rnac ®r~T~rr [;rr+ x cs°r°r 3q n~a cAatra.e venv~n ~~yaw,v~rwcae. ~+~u-mex~~ i ~ N`,' /'~~I ~ri Jl% ~ 'r~ ~~r / 6~ ' flNt ~ 1J~/ ~' i ~ ~ ~ /~~Jl y ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ fi „'fir (fry „., ~ 1~0(~~. ~, ~~f n r, ~~>ot-~E~ ~a~, ~ ~sl-~~ "~~ ~~r,` -,~ ~ ~~ bC~ I i fry / ~'` ° ,O~uu ~~ ~'~, ~~ ~n , ~ , wwa ,~~~ a~ A sccnisd arc bract, 7rvneg Gi71, who arrived w ~.aR .,,~~ ~ ' 1wi ~~ r " ~ pie pro i^ Ig93 anal tSSalclau d w7th Wikhaul lie4~base8 for '~~' °"+,, t~( a time, lacas aalapted. kite iMCSSaon style, sitatpla6ied it aCnuq :; !' '~ o ~ crc.Ceed his nwu ltta~esican versecaxl foA wdaictr ha" later ~ ~ ;~ ~ ~',ri " became famous. 'W7atde hts buildiuags oaugruaned inx Ibt t S; M fi ~ t dest},n of the Spraeus3x mtSStaus, lkis crew sCyle tr'a~lr~td ,I ~ ~ ~ w;` ~ a'Ci';e''~M'i inwards eubistna sculglhnrc i d, , ~, ,'~ d,-~, ~~ Ihe. second aea:hite:ctunl trcrn,d ro ctnergc was the- ,~ ~ ~ 5p rn ~~~, ; i;raCtsman sty7a, which became a~he domiuaztt hty~la^'faae F ,; ~ ~/,~~ hmvtea bu7lt froto about 19U5 ao 19X1 Iwo fi;alik'at'uia e ~.,~ i ,, s~l ~,~ ~..° V' broahers, C9aarle.S acid -7enry G>rn~eet~e, w+rho aSSOCf[tta~e9 with { ~~I eat other In ]',IaacEena kraut 7EI93 to 79u4~ braaaegkrk t7aa ' it stplc to its highe.St form. I qaa d CGlfkSUCau coua~rp[ of ar- /a i!~rw ~~~~j~~%~iilri~/ice' ~~~~?~ ~ ` j i~ ke~Caura~tt nattrraltmra ea~ial!.t acrd at Poaudcra~¢a-~rutkm~Ap'. ~" ~~~ ~~ / ~~ ~ '~~ peArtnce. A ean~ story sa ntRn, callarl the bwnga7ow, %~~//J~!>~r~~~ '%%~rs~iii ! ~ ~%~%~~ bccanta^ a sxrn-group of lisle style. Irrcxgla nstv~e and assily ~ ~ ra1~~f'~If~~~i~~~~ji' ~~ " ~~~'%,,," iau7t bungalows aeaswtred tha hnusiu}, ne eals of the gnaw.. A9~~ni ,r '/rpg~i/i ~daftti6~i r y ~irrr ~,J~ ~ , ate„ ~ rag mtdclle [laps hua lx 7`aatum~z as a Inver petehed gahla raof, ~.~ ~ ~ i /i yP i if!', ~ ~, ~,~ rv' ^ ~~ j~~ ~ ~~~~ with a rvtde, rutaxaai474U'1 e lVt acid expnsed rafter and beam /~f %~,~ end:, cku.arackerutd lit7s ,Gyre 5-i:~ttyq bunga4o~wrs fc.utuCed n ~ ~ flange frarwxk ptrirohus aua7 an olnc~x anal itr6ortaCaV plan 4'®hoie J/G a ~ ~J iiii ~ /r i l~i'i ~~ii~%r,~ r' t' "~ ri/y ;~%~il"' ncigl~ba>rhoods arf bungalows Wert built un C;hnla w'isu ~'% 'r/Pv /li i`~i'~` from xb(aut 19iTd Co 1!J2S ~, ~i , ~~~» r ~~ ~;~ '~""%~i ' The third kactar tBSat tRflaecu~ced hnmes Raadk an Ikrm ' '~~~~,~%~i'~ii1~~~a%m"~ia r ~.~ ir..`' - , , ;, ;,, ,,; „, , ' earl} yracs. of the 20th century was the auacrcased availabl9i- ky and use of ceauezic at~d suncrex'e. fl'~°rualuceri t#ttcawghrrtrli dae l'nifetB S'raaes bast gcarecl nga t9retr kac7lities taa make p~reat getaucirlcs off e~emeur Cara nsc in t7ne rntvstslMe, cinR fYf ,~,, tkxc H'anatna Cau.d. 13y 79(18, stac'h popu,4a~r mra,gazines as diaruslt 13ea~tlfud promott~d zhe uxsc oC stns, ^cw~~ mate~ria~I far Irntnes, ch,i,cGSCIr c~naps, laird baths anal ether structures. Caaucrete tauidd'vngs xvere claimeal eu he saCUC~ary, wertuin ~;~~~%~ prone and roe garonE. and ao hart gaud ansu Vatiou Elreuae i „ ~ ~, trip oi~~~,d~%~!;. L7erzzet£fuA sa~i~d tha[tbe`hgc ak d'oucretu•'had arr~wed 'I'he ~~~j%!%i/%//~//>%~~~~~,,,~~/~((C~%p/~~ ~~i,,,:: :: P'ourtd t<Ir:l.ccc.tclw.afl:,~aR~iIlw as~lrsa^roC the Fers~.t en ¢he ar ~. n lets Lashttrn. ~~. LHL G 9 _.. .. ... ffm..m ~~... C47RSCCBLCM1id 1. ~,~,.,~.. ~, ~,.~„~..,. ..w...,«,.«.~.. ..,.W.......~,.....~~m~~~m~~ C,n#UkA wnS'CA 19~fi0-t9C4'. ISHIa9'ai t.~F A C:I'f'k' A9 B,U00 a,000 9,QOU s,UaU 2,dU9 B.f1(7aP fiOU 1910 70?_t.} 1i)UO l'r'r.~'~, .~~"~ "(~/~~" -,.~~, 1940 Residents Com:rtraaa:t Building; Blocks Mfter 1900, an inventiarav a:alled the Wixard SBryck machine also spursad the use oI eoncnete. A. laorn,eowner ar handfl~~anan usin$~ this hand-oiaerated contraption could turn ont concrete hlo~cks l¢a lais backyard. The mach'a'ne, whucla could m.t'k°c Irlvcks in w~arions- designs, was sold through rh¢ Scars. catalog in. 1908. f}sae paapular deslgaa of covacsett: blrnck was called "`rock face,, and Che (.hula v6tita house. at 35'1 I~e^l Te1sr Mwrxnuc, bxuilt in 1909, used "tcrclr faa:¢°„ cc7rzcrete frYOCks ux the c:onstmaceinn of the 1'rtnnt~ poec`h piers. Wflailc else. aure~l~riteeeure a4 Southern C:alal'nraaiat was in a state of turrraaall, an ianflux v5 people and r3ra chang- ing lifestylr5 of Cluda'4/nsnans watuld s¢non. tetluitc^ catnpler and lean cuskly hmmcs. fix Y900, wltcni the. cenata9 aakera vasittd everp hayusehara¢l, they fo~nnxV cntlk'y 35,(190 prrrlale in all of 5'aea ~ie~gv C:crutaty. 'the cnunty xt that tianr reached, as i'ar as tflrr: C¢xaoraaly liiwa:r anal incudeel. the large [tees that wvuGld hrconae Inxpe;rial 4~ounty in 1707. "l'he City al" ]+anr 1)teg?a load a popuaatlan of 17 7aY0, and nearly St14 pacople l,iwec'1 Lx taarda Vts~ra. "Phe, c¢usus takets altscovwi~eaB tlxat rrnast Chula Vistnars anwnx;¢i theta laotnaes ;uacl were fruit r.nxchen. A few futaaihes xnvugaloyiacl (;E1inc^se scxvsaanrs. ENnse.. off the irtlaaF,iumtx, flood c<~rtuc eo ttae ar¢«i 19v;fnv CWux~ 1it~tgland aye rise nddwesa. f:)niy a handful wuac5 natlr'cs oi' l7anada oar }^tarcnlyean coutatries, t~ltk`s thct eatz:lranlists arttl tNllrr laanilirs, some ranch- h:unds, pvune^r^s and tratat packer. als+~ liv+.:d in aloe a:om.. tunniay. "lindcsmeaa aaad profes.iona8s ra^}yrrscnte+.t nnl.y a titay minoriay. Chacaes an¢1 1}avid Peary «petatccl rhtr Ferry Ilrrrs, general nnerchanclise atore~ ldwanl dulc>tare, va`as the. drnist„ t;e^arrp;c Ya?nawune~, the, vYVlaga: krla¢:kana9tls; anc31".cl~. w;trd Hatntiinnaa, the plcurnhcs, A couple o~Y.' tcachtr~ra and cBergymcaa salsas ra~sieted in rhea tnwn, as vrc•I@ as Mary Oiar~sq;ow; a pvru~tit 1~auaCet; 1.oavinc^ w"'JOeada.rc~7, a 1~eacher of pleysi€a8 s;ulaure; atadt;axrtgyia t}aro~w, a drersstrcakrx. Attaarncys Mareiet L. Ward and Mpfaed liihairters ex>mmuted rc> Ghcir of- fi.a;es in 9avx 1J3ega. In 19fta, Ward flr¢`came, a. titat:c senator. AC the taactr of the ccntnt~g, cvcryrlsy lily in ~C;hu~la `Vases. revcalved avxpamd ¢]~ae 3,tY011 aca•aas t'yf citrus trees cleat laa¢i to he lrr-gau~d, po•uncd sanxS puclca^al. Sotnetlnirs rite or- rltarals toad tza he 1"u magaacd ar slrrayt^al tta conalxat dlsea~sxs suc~la as red spitte~~t, axta^aly t~nug v'~rr Lvlcrtlt4a 1?<tg. Thr; axicia. who packuKl 20 ao 2;5 hoes o1' lcnuvtls ,11+;`x• day rrcclwc~:l 3'l.!St5 ire wages, aree~l the 6vut packhng lavrtsus realatixeed ad,- x9it9vnal wvrke^rt fton'r tirue l'a;r tlrne 't"]xe demand for Clnudaa Vista leauvus ~,~as inaex•tasittl;„ as the preJuckirr,^. agaitn5i: doenesti¢: catrao~s h:aaflt a'aptdl}~ disaBypearad Lr the tifniad, States. '7'ha; shsatne, sieve, 9'tnngeaacy and x:xccllent Bee^elaing gta:alities oC Q,alil'ornna Ic;rnt~rns alnw c1talLetxgcd tl'ae Vtu- pvt ee¢9 1ta1a an and Sp aaatsh f1'UYL. In the racl p' 19Ci0a tGae anlia'ipatecl clisc~overy cat nil arcd ehc wa-ekly yaehl races spzttkcd cxcheinene artaaaxg the residents. WetEa Ylac c-cvelcrpalretrt erf new uses for Inntnvleum, oi6 had laecon'ne a vainxlyle comnundity: "Clac news of as possd>le arnica slytead raflyidlyilrrvngh the Haven when indacataons of oral wea-e. fcr~un<l vrv property ~tha2 was- ea¢her Seased alt <rwcatd By Minnie &-termsnx. Scw~eral residents, tnclu~ding I'drs, HA.rarrxtx, foamed the t,:hula. Visas i}r1 Co~napany do Maaxln 1981. "t"hey sera¢ecE ~xc secvlr.e~a of awv mining enginuus, itnd lalydnan6c drills were: brought an to hcitc three. welts. Although oil cxpe~'rs practaitned the s~iee; ev the ~CCemeiy pcomising, hotinls ~ rite e6cpelr vF 1,500 Peet produca:d orrlq dry hvics.'l'9ae wu~:11s were +an tha east side of ll.llltanp 1}titre between .'la^ Su~cet sad "i° 'SU~eet...An old mate shows rhos at lea9C ones vvas honed where a playing field a}A l~~lrlitop liiyh Srrho¢'nl cx9sls ixaday. 1'ly ]90~, rise Chula Vfisra Q}i'l 4',rrnpaxay 1'tad abandorr~ed its search fur vii. tz t.aana,n vvs~ln ate=~rana.c t~rtr-~~a6 CHU6h W15'Ch 1p0(~-ll91~o-: ®IRT&( Qi~ A CA'1"Y" 43 ~.. A. 4hu1a Vistia Xasan CIu6 silver tupa al. Pa~axs nfi "1?" Svrccs cv.asaaati~n~ iii 191(a i3. In the: sueentinte, yacluit~; had become a popular farm raP r~ecreat~it~~n. 'Che G'hrala WisIla Yaaht C;I¢8~~r had Lxeh^n founded ~aroue~d fEi'GS, and witfla tlxe l~selp n,t the San I,3iego Land atad'llkrw~~n Catnpany, a vs~harf had l;:eczt E~ani4t at she loot o€'°I7' *~GCees using railrc>acI irsm a~¢td heax~y plas[k- mg,. (Sometntte lacxec, a sccotxd wharf at the foot of "F"' Strc et ra~~plac ed ~fk'ie odgrnal pier) ht 1~?6Il, L-ul> tnunEress c onsertnct~ecl a cinbHxo~nse Lha~t was paid far lyy d~onat3crns, and afleet of 11 y°mrlia~isc saYls.:d an wcelr.~nzis in ]?)02. The }~anhts,. ciesiptned Poa hay and shadow-~°~aecr sailing, were aihout 2if k~et lang. hdany vaeht ehsh rtrctn@rcxr were ax~iel racern~, ~~asuE. thvy ea>mpeted xvstkt each othac;r as wt;ll as witVt nt?xer yacht eiufas am~md Che h:ry. do 112 td~.¢; 4;dtib held a fc~trs amcc s~egacxa, known as~ tdre:. ,Montehe6lo 4:np Sonia. Jase~ph ?7. Gook e>f tltc flelontehello Ranch gxrox~lu~Ves9 APtc. t~ropl~tp. Alison f.. f.rocA.met owne:cl one sit` ghr yachts aml,p. fvd. Conk anothts, ~po»sihl}s the,josa3r".nss„ xa~inns~ of scverad races. Jh second cup, donated by ;3. i''. Chs~x~cy around zs}~p1, xw as engraved sx~ith the names of the annnail eacc winners frurn 1}311 so 191E Q;hcsner ar~d }ia;xfly Sasmntss vws,rn the {;iaih's last race. in 191fa, but t3xc,dr names, foa~ scrxne uaalmuwn reason, were ucvice° ael¢Ped to 16~ose ova eYrc tralxhy. "Chi[' laic ~aterllr~g~ ti9d\tiE' f.Clp xVah 1~A'~3f. un y:ttll"a HSa[GaY"R tLLltii 14~~5x), K'h C11 a famncr lat ht (:knb member, '34=~~ncr I~.dmcaud~s, CnongPit •oa ~;nua.,t v~is~s'.n oasarrac~e uast~xsse~. it bac& and gave rt to tl'ac Chula Vi.xta lrrthlic' Luhrury. "1'ir- alay this treasured rcCic of C:hotla. Visea's past reluda n3 an the lilt nary. 'S'he. <;hula Vista ~3cht C.Inb went hrlir a clcciine soon after [ha 1416 ~fiood filled the bay wit-~t debris sort sading hecatne impossible. The 192Qi my thirectory listed t6'u^ "keaa:h[ Cluh~ kirr the. last tune. Gac:g Rugyrts toss thr cunuattr cicrn^ dnriaag the funs! yeas Urnught Pra7lade'ms Q::trntin.ue A,Ithough acidY~tinoaal sources of water had becnrne available to~ the orchaadisrs, the dnrught cuntintted to plague Sane I7icg~o ~"©unty qp until 'L4fk4. The San t3lega !:stall :end Tirwn Company had serkfercd financial Icxsses~ as a result of the drantght, and do 19!97., dtc management decided to ~reorgaadze the carmpany and, divide it iota three entlt3a^5. '€'be 5MVC;etwatcr Water C;ermpany was cnra¢ed to ananagc the water intere,5ts, the San. f?acgo Fruit Company was se't ulr tit deveGcrp aatd care for the orchards, and the Sarr I71egp Laval 4:;vrurxpaaay was established to marlaet the property lac~ldings. Traaispr,rrtatlon wand from Chula Vista. improved in 1407, wheat large ehtctruc can; Ixgur [o run an the Natiotral (;ity and 4)tay line. Autcr,molriles even passed tfierou,gla the town trtrw card theu. Up 14Il0, font or five Chula Vista families owned "tuorseless carriages." 13y Iy0t3,. eu,~ht packing houses in Chula `lists pro- vdded em~pio9rznent fora -arge number o~F' people dur'dng dte busy sca:karaa. In the prevdnus year, 40fl carloads e'nF letnures had lien stnilap~t:d from nc~ caytnmunity, Some ps~o- ple placated vegetables, crops they thamght wnnld soon rival the citrus. In ]907 and ]90fi, the cutmnwxity 4aad sutrpcd gttsw- ng again, and the demaaad for smaller Tots had increasecl- in'ariy snhdivHsions included Cetural Addidnn, nurzh of "F'" tiU~cet and west of Second Aro~enue, t}fficiaily rccesrcled on ©ct. 17, 1907. Cirtda Vista Willa'Jract, sotuth of `F" aatrd east trf 7"hird, was recorded on June $, i408. Fdvc addi- tlcrtaai subclivisierns wen created in l4(i9 and five more in 14IS1. "13ae fiat sere farts of I7irkensan's time, 25 y~ems unciier, went= ylelclimxg to t4a~e. nc~:tl. fczr moire hnmc~sites. "i'flve Cflnulatr"tsta Villa'1'i-xct wits udvr^rtised a,Y~ offer- ing 1~fiS'Cry 241-Ybot "mills lots" for $L,C)00. T$ae ads pr©~. muted the. react as a ka%gtr-grade suburh~an property featur- ing b~e:wtiful views; e~xs~ellent cull; good, wide, ceded streets; concrete sidcsat~alks~ and a carngen-al neightrorhond. °J'lucy saggexted thax the lots were suatable for nw~nership Iry enerchaaats trr grrof'cssicrnal men. '-"hie changing -vfestylrs of 4:hula Wist;AnS r'egtiire^<G. new types of housing, avd the cxrnstrnrtion of Large man- siarns gave wav to sstnplcr and. less costly homes. liegin- nitrg aroanal 140fl„ small, carmpact Irousc-s were axns-u~ucxuCi along "F" Street in the Central ,Addition and on Cypress Street feu she Gulick Tract. Parts crf these early ncighhorltnuds survflvre today. "GNae hratuse at z19 "`F" strtc^t, !runt fat i4OEl. and tha: one at 1.'96 Cypress Stmt, constructed around 1;112, are examp-es n1 the simple, hippest-roof ` Ecslle~ itou4es" e>f that era. '1'tte parches anti swept clarrmers added visual interest t these inexpt:nslvc coinages, Reginald waleers, rttte farm aaaanagcr for tht: C-arizs at 2'1 "F" Street, lived at 219 "F" for many years. Anonhcr eharming home bulk around 8.90& at 272. Second Awetaue a^ t;entrai Addition is an early mtrnslo~n of tlac hurrgahr~w style [hat was then c,merl;ing tat C:allfornia- 'f4tte house a~ppraresvtlny umas anns~t'rncteci by Pdward hd'tLville for hes daughter, Ctzrnclia :u dtc dme of her marriage w Fritest J. Campbell. '9'he home featured a hipped mo£ with exposed rafter ennls, an angled fray window, and an open gwrcla recessed tar a from catxaer. £:arefnl ccafttnanship went into the cernstraartitrtt. of t]ris nice-y designed -iille house. G:81 L.L~t V15TA 1901}IyiS: SSIa1'n (rF A C1C7`Y t4 -n 19QYt-, vttin Evnma.5aylsrr a:lxorox^ C-tivula Vista as rche. p-ace tea hn-1d an oia-•age hmne. Yntc^cc^hted fln aixc ixrcab4enas crf the r-aierfly s-ae envisioned. a caammunxt}r af~ sezx-aar citizens --vflng taagether -n st home.-lake e¢avxecanmavnt. 'With tare f-natrcial -taa^king ant' weairchy° k'-enry 'I"inrkatt, the hr. ventor of a type atf roller hearing, . Sry°laax pnrc-aasc~d tiro avid k7r T. ti, tilalha~an nre.hard Ixnntse ran a. 'I(1-ague para;a^I ar t-ue east side. a-' Third Avenue. Slxe htlred I''?dwacd aaa~d 4~flraclc5 i~trayie, popnlar San 17ie~gjn arckxitects, tai renrcada.l eSae-xouse and da~xign oriel-tions. "-'he revnadctecl strnctwre !;ervicef as the start of Frcderic~ta Mananr, wh-clx waa uuana- td -n rnemary oaf Mrs. '-'innkcn. Residezzts could chrlnse. kat.~ ewa•~evn livitrg in one eaf the srmtll c:otta,gcs rrta tlaa:. ~,rutvndn nr residing tkornxittxary style in the vrrc.nmdelled house Fktereatiraaxal ~Facihties ~tvere prov-ded so Ghat sloe e-d<xly mmn ;and women whsa lived there could keep act-vc and interested ivn --Pe. Bredcr-cka Manor, with its own farm, chac~kctx ccaa>ps and dairy prnaiuced its nwa food frxr many vears. With tUur ffin:nar'.lal snppprr of anothar'im,nefacmr, 4~lenr}~ McN;il~h, tNrs. Saylor vvas able to hnitd a ha5kn-tal F at k"rukerirka Manarr. '1"huN MelvTahb Hinsgxint-, da°~sngned lay tlrc 4,7nwyle; I-r<xedrer; and C,rerasCy, was eVaakictitac- nn Jiulte tai. 1?~13. At rixat tu~txaa„ thc^ Diu~ility w:as erne xrf a~he. nxanst mcadertn ana- hest uyuippcd lrcnnp-ta-s in Scrnthcr-rn Clallfaar- nra "-'iac -xuiVdflng,~ incHnda~H an atlacrating ro~ont,:a-raga sernnx„ Yvyckmtlrrrapy elcGrllc trr^alrnent rorxrx, materutity +.v~^d rrtrd nnrsery "Chc hunslx~lltitll was open tea all physi~a;rdttvs and eva~;n Irtause2l a aclrornk of nursing Enr the tninixXg. oG srafl'. IJur~ iuug YSxc first three years o~P oixr~ra[ranr, IN2eNahla l9rt~spikai serveu9 tkze rrwudezats pg Fra~t-criclrai ibi:anru :v.erd the rest ¢rl" the ctamxaxnvxxtq as well. H~nt'by t*,glh, ruing ear~sxs 4'nrrasd the hos-aital tat a:east; its servtec Ian yhe Irtnh-ic. -n. 1)tS(, Frm.~dazr-e~crx Manors at lEi~ Z"bird Awv^mac, ca~rtvnaies lex serve the els-ertly reszdenas uL Caxula Vista. '.4"h+.: atrigitxal 0tni'~lalixxfl,~ haver. karrn repVau ad lay vttata9ertn wtratcttrray;, ln. l~tl}, c-ae htst -tatxk wati a!stahlis~hed lax Chula Vista. "Che 1'aopGe's State 13antlc ori~+i rraax4 -n Nasiotral 4)ity hwt wags m¢rved to C lrulvt. V-ua by Siishop;h '-idruaruuds svlrrn he Irarng„Irt ~contrrrllitxg uatc;rc;at in the fdn:nncial utxatdtukintt. f~lnt Ic:tcated at xwlraa is nave 2„nfr'Churai Hvennc„ tlae'~~ank snla- that Ixulld-ng tttr the city n~ustees in ]91 z for tv~sc ;as 4~ {;tiUi.fn Vt51'A -itirir9"Aa~6~ 19 S;bt9N~C+ ~,~rrJ ~~~~~~~ a city ball. "Che bank then mav~ed into a new„ Rxepcoof sttuem¢e at the northwest earnE7 rrf'Cht`sd and '°[~?°' San -Sirga ardhi[ect 77e17darris designe[- the n<vw hank buaitding. 131s1zop kdmanels' son, I?. VG'arner I4ctnxotrds, wlro served as casltlaax of the People's State Bank, laecaraxe one of Chula 'Vista"s [first city rrusrees tn. I9ll. In I9(l7, he hall marrle~d .Martha Wa¢d, the daughter alt' nttarnep Marfln L. Ward, a f;hula Vista lalaneer. In. 7911, [Ire ra`si~dcnts exl' d:hula Visa found tha`ix world being toucheul Irl~ ea=tints across the b<arder ln. Mex.. iea. A. revo~fln6ion Ntruacurcd m averthnrw the governmem al' Po¢fdrla L7iax.. Rebel armies, composed of Mfexic~an peasants as well as saiatiers of fortu[nc, stuaNCnts, teachers, idealists, pahtical radicals, dri€ters and adventurers, srrged trpxisings Chn'-uglraut Mex#¢a. {Tn May 9, 1911., rebe-s' Hooted 0.'he Mrxican gar°ertrment troops in "fijuana in an attempt to take awes Baia ~(=all€arnia. ~&?agex to witness the -utstorit: events, ltrc~al res-dearis drave'ta t-ve harder to watch tiro spectacle. AI'ehaurg~h Anreriaran troops tried. to prevent Americans from crossing into Mexico, s#ghtsec.ss and souverxlx lrunrers coaald trot resist. Then panir, ensued when one rebel rad''•e through tlr,r streets of 7"ijuana warning. the. s#ghtsc:ers that a government attack. was imminent. Alrhaugh it turned out to be a false alarm„ the Americans P"dCed tP the bardeF, tearrng t-Ae"..-r c1arChes a6 they SCYdm- bled throngly barlacd wire Yc^nca~s '€a rre'ach the A[nes7can side. rJn Jane 21, Mexitan government troar-as recaptnreal Tijuana, and the rebels, many of ahem Americaar, kled fr`l9./~Z2.r'`. ~f/C' ~y~-ruse, ~~' /rf+r+cse.c_..>G«-.,f ~/~ rr f;nt[[A A"Ati'TA 99~91v1a llI9't"Y"14 a7r ~^. CCC'!^ 47 y'F +~'fJY e: .~~~~~~ VUI,. 3.. ;:(]dd d-.d M1~]`~PM, {`A [,I N'X16`nGA, FILL I}AY. DY^^( EAILLR ]5~ I'AII ~~ w~errs ~Ews yam _ M - car~~saria MEIGFIB(~iINC C(TIFS - - - ~---~~ ~ CURRC~f1' E BElfw tlNllNC QP CUNAPIiI E45X10 ~~(' ~ Gt&kRGG flNBM MIMMPAgO; Gd 1NE PAU&YC bLGPf,.. fA k ~. 10'd' GOPA BEFYISPJ Cmdewo! P d tho frM. Bogixn t j ~~~ ~ r ~+wl~s P#/ex P down +a mr & i dRrk i Fo k>F~ f' Y' ~ C~ 1} ~ wiiaL K W A,m~ rf 1 n walww m~pu x,~ ( ~u~ir r~ I ~ n V~ swuo< m 9 ~ a Y ~ mr m ,H, 3 "h~4i~f ~~A~~~ ~P~ o 1 a p ~{ p~~ v ~Ni ^. xi ~' w ' vw ,m ii i i i Pv.~~ a Ir , ~ ~r~ r ,=`1 ftft M i i w o ra[ i e t~~J ~f a i i r 10!/x( Abf AM J ~NOr~~~~ ~,i i N IYY /~U( uJ 4bj .".ll a ixru ~nrn a+aJUA{IP"'~~yC / ~ a, iur rrry{~I I ~ ~r ~~ iii o- 1, ,x r rv o f w s i u r IJ F1Wy EE~+feGJ ~ Ir_ A^}ILIIKIN ftiCltA VIStk nE.,tiiwG 40M e i u ~~: ~t' ; ~~ a ~ La T r m o N I S U5°NM u'r ~ R S I >. , w.~ ~ w~. ,~~. +Iz qq [~ 9~,~ ]{ (/ ~~ yy pp 9[{ yyy y yy~~ y~~t yy~} [C~ y~y Ii~~JlfidT u.~YlY1~I.U b L 1 '4 4 'I n ~ Ll4JAdil~ y] I II R i 5 f ~ b 1 i'IU ~]M&AV , Oli3t 111 W 4.~ Y vil N Hm ~ L~ur~m N%a~~n a PI eF VJ e al v [. a tr .. ¢ "{~^ ~N 1 w ~ u 9 ~ [a 1 LR ~ 5 ( 3 W 'IJ E. JF I 3 I` GI ,m "x;P you w n>~ w .,..., .... ,~, ei~~ ~ ra. a .~ r ~.~° ...^_;' ~ ~ a s ~ r o i, 4v. ~ vw, rr iwj ~ ~~ r „ .,.r i ., '~- w m~~ ~ssti uuv" . a 4n ~~ ~f -~ ~^ lid -0H ICILY OP G.H UI.A VIS Pk 1916~k~86 -~'r.-E~,dr"~,'2~,rt~~~ ~rr~t~r.``~'~ttaux9, a!~f,~.,~r~'..,,~cr.~~li-L.= n<rt~r9r into the i ori~,rl 5aatcs C)nec across the ixradeg They sur- a.nctierta hi the: Amaric:aan Array ~antt we,a• ea~ken rca the etockacGe on -'oiaur I:.orna.. 'Phc 13attl¢. of '-'ijuana was mcr W"c-ekty N'ewspa.pcr prihlish~cd 9'lre year lglm also Iaraught x weekPy newegraher, the i:$rtCla Prsta lt¢tr~i~u, tp 'thr camrnutnity I9cnry Grant ILis- in,~ pubdHSlre.d clue paper to :m ofFice trn'P"hircP Avenue, and a yearly saabsa;rkpuion cast b1 5i1. '1"be list cddtlratr aplacaartel on 1-ec. 95, 1)11 anti tlrc. Last otre do i<J1frH. Exc•cpt fcnr the fdrst rssue ark' Kris newslraper, all colrres of Gatcr~ ecldticrns Irar'e he^err Vt'rst ;rnat rryith them rxrunch arf the early hdsurry ral' C;hu1a Vl~s~ta~ ' As tkte parplrV~aturrr of (;Praia Vdsaa gresx„ tPre renida^nts felt a tireueet rur+.i fans sell' ~nvernnreut. 'Ih thls eu[P, the 4:@reda ",'isrn, lrrrp¢erwentctrt Chtdr 1^xylorrr2t tYror avT:rauee Pc,rwaais fitxcor Irrrr:atroaa. Gov Novca~arher tr)Or1, t7re fi-tib's ct~tnrrniuees clan dig~dnt sand ~rxc6ln~ relrerrted to tkt,e C~huh nrevarbers ghat +~without itrenrporacdcrrr, true ntucly un the ~w/ay ar9lnrrprrrv- irr1; rraads srarcl ^.a curlaalr c~i<~rtria: hy;~hts and has cartrld Pre axpc<`ICd. P9early a1S pra~tscrtt aC IPrt nre~etinp~ P:rvc>rerd in~ errrp~tatinn. C3ut nos until 19Y1 vxerrc t9ve ratr'.iclesnt:~; ahPe ter pentarrn the PDteur¢I of 6upcrvdeors ra~:cluzestln~, a voac r+r he 1rePc1 +sta the clnestinn oP nacorlrornuon. '-'Bua 1"sun 1)fardgo %.and C:rrtnpauvy, IY~ue succc^ss~r to the tiaa~a 1`,licpg,a dated aril '9'Uwn f;a~rttup~any ap,pcaled tar tdtc 5naparv3sarrs norto allarw t'fl~ue vcrtc. 'lira. <°arnrp:nay I,1ra.P nne w:uro. to Tray a;ity trs;acs on land t.iaey owwnesd within thcr prargrcxra^.w.l town and Pile?d a scut. llut tVrte judge nrle~d agarnst rlra^ Sara M7icpi,ar M:;II'rd 4;t)nr-~ pstuy statan~, tPu.at the inercase i,n land valu;utdom after irr-~ s[crrpocatiotr wtatid rr79se.t any oinc, uaa tasks. 47rr GJct. 17, 14ll, Q;;htula Wista ae wrtlarnCS votc+al cna the eswur•IrLionrvrprorattorr.K;rutol'the'd4}4 rrcrtes~:°da^t, Idl wets^. t`or rat:brpartpio¢r anal £i~ stgarns'P lt. "~'itlr a 1,rarirulatiorr o1 np>ptoxuuaetely 5`Sll rc:fiiclents, Sartrka Vintea ccratlcl Irarw i,tr- coe~parrtte ae r sixtPv-a;lass c~ity~. City "V"rustcts~s we^ae. also sxtPececil, these being 1:Irarlr~a f~9. Msn~stldn,. I:ucius I3 panne,, Q;Ir trdee 14ohz, 6:nrpry IY(rger, aual L'ilvvin C Stranh. Smutlr was eala.c tcd to serwc as iSre Ertat prtsialeuai ssl tkrc 64araatC aaf 7tuster:s, a poxutionr cwrxyrtraP,rle taa maynr. Poue stanclittp ciJxrrnrrttrnfs ta) hclp rues the anew city gerrrrrtsraent u~asre c.hosu~n. 'Chest: wrece Finance ;and ~ftc~_ cnutrts, Stm~cns atYC9 pnirl7r Prerl7esay, Water Supply an+'.9 Fire I:Meparreuc~nt anad Grd9naures, 1'uhPHc P-9ar:dth :m€'l hlorads. fJfflicaals Pncfla,rilccl e~ite eaty ricrk, cdty Ire~as~trtc r; r,it~~ ratan shall, a;hy engfncer, r.tn:et stagrerinatendvrut and city at9aaeaney. The Citg~ arl Chula Wis~na cenrld now hc~,itr fl'ar provide Ihc. strvtees [t~s scsidents Head dass9ra~d foe ±„~ nv;uny yc.trv '1"he lnstaPPatPun arP nrdcvv:ml7cs anal s~trecr. lilyhts artd tht p;cad9tah :anti prvin~~ a>1` stn~crts. uatrr• Pt6glr prio~Ntdt~ lna 1433 tlac cdty Prtstal3ceP 2(n str¢rel8phts and pawc,cP sotare staerrs. Brr 6493, twar str.lx¢ratc trlegPra~ne ccsrnparrirs, PPnnLe ;urd tiutrxK, prvasddui servit~.r ltr tlrct cdty. ,Since. tiro carrtr- pauics had. nIr inmx~rconrrcctimrs,. caaattrora,ers sarpnret4arres arda~rccP trwo tsla~,phnnes, one dao~ racBr system. 9~,rthc^r fitca>'3s r>I'`conranunicatuotrr*rerc drxrpovaving., toar..Bea 9411, tllre Elrst rto cal nrai9 nonce, sr^as saarteti when. (aavura•e Austitu rncPe hi;, Irorae^ frxrrn t:~rnc:ma to Bauch to dalivcr letters. 0.1~aswdtn93kac9c.,alrpodntedon.Naw 28., H41V braaane the crty's fuFt ktaw a•nl<ra'et(s¢ttcrtt vffictrr Llc n•celvcd a salary of x;75 a Irtarrrth. AG'azx Nlacle~ Icslpncd err Ceh. z3, 146, tae to as regrPsuemr: al by Jrtl'rn 5<`PrnSSlcr otu PMay 7, H'J 12 dtn C)c. terlrcr 1712, L3tg~ ;N~tcslraPP Sr ivussler asOscc9, afire City Con 55,5(7 scr hecould pcur.hasar m sei of hatreflcul9s acrd tr s9.rS 1#ccawse of < otrnphriarts abaarfl xpeedrny; rxlCrtorists, a deputy tm;anlral6 wxr hin'wd d€u Sep¢e~bee 191~f, "p"lrc anarxlraCl hsrd varions rtlutves rnclualing srrpetvisis?n. of the viroltnntc+L•a' fire~dlpHrkers, whar earnrcd ffiI for every fine attenda~el k9'ut ha otelcr Co het freu d, tlher volaurtea°,rs also dead to he prt•sexit au fare ptactd.ce.~ and dr111 once a tnondh uordt:c the sulxsvisdon. of.' okra city enarshtdl. Cn4t3.h VIS'G;h t9(MYJ^I91fl~; RIR'TEa OM° A C4'1'k' By t. A.. ~. c. --. h. C~rc~g Rogers '°~ay Hlrcczc'; fliseorlcai titrte ri'o. 7 I3. 52. "1'" titreNt K;. Cx1~i ITel Mar 17. 6E7 1?cl Mar Pi. 65') a7e3. Mar Hi. ff. ~~ifl LAeI Mar SiY f-l Ml[.A V&S"G:h f]I:Iitl'Fh4rI': 1911:1913 Anstdaer enclave afumpnrtant £"aanalxcw ~scfitled along Sea Vale S'sreet d'axing: the 191C)s. In 197, 'W'afllace and Jrssia {;apweVl IvirccN architect f,. W. I3eckcr to design a hf)use Ear tdtent. Their Craftsman flame at 255 Sca Wale Strew, cans'trucee¢I try eaNtractots 17amren end [£is¢ibaLl, eras kruilt ac a cast off ;&5,htDa. Wallace CapWelh a civil engineer, scrvea'N as she {:Irtala Vista. city engineer from 1915 to 1911. "-"Ivc Capwrll Blanse, a f3nc. example of the C'raftsmarv. style, featured t6uree affses, faoNt-hoeing gables, an apeN frattY parch andwa~nd shingle siding. anatlter spcc:'tacuiar {;ntft- saz'lan house at. 2d9 Sea Vale, laru.lt araun<9 191 far 1:ncy "'P: Fidwards, had tlvn^e street facNatK $ahlt nsofs in Errant, and atwin-ssclry rear scetimt With :1 medium, side-gahl<tM roof and ptat¢ ratafs in she ,gable ends. ether d'nceacs'f]'nag people In this neighHrorltaaad in- clucleel Charles davskeep, a pharmacist, wht) fautadcYi that Anaeracan £lptlcall Company 'and Wlar iflternat6onally fam<tus ft)r 3ais im+cratic)ns. lie IivefN at 2L2 Sea Wale Street in a hulas- CcrnstGneleal ilv 191.1 ftSr 11f)race and Mannle Uilr- hle, Whu upeeeted doe <7iN)ble ttealty C:frmpanye c;^~clnsive agems far property in the Sea Valr ¢rac[. At 2lfl Sa.a 'Vale Sweet, ldarriet {';ushman and her brother fsaac hacl a htause++~ eree¢ed iev 19 t4. INhss {:NShnran was a rartlrud e+9ucawr ww'ha became [ha;. first clrairmalr of ¢he h)aad hnvn[h of t9ros' Itad {ra5ti,~ Wltili;l'I WaS 0a"ganlfe:d I.n 1917. C11aaC1eS Mf)tes,. the city treasurer, lived at 20tT Sea Vale. m 1913, While thr. l~el lrrlar, Sea Vale and frther C'luula Vista neaghbfrrhouds wt:re deticlopla;g, narrate str'Imclr ar she lemon orchards--txs-ise. C?n Jlan. 8, 191, the kempt^rasnre plua'nanetcd to new laws. ]t reaclrcd seven dep;recs ]n &3~ostoma, 14 do FI C:ajall and eight above at the Swectwaxer Fruit C'aanl)any iav livnita. The euYrfreczing tc•Inpcvatxlres lasted. altnas[ 4H booth- "1°he tievc re frf~st, knf)W n ev=cr since as ¢hc Hig Frf:cac of 1913, spaded the Icmc>ns f)n thc~. trees and k'131cd young saplings 1n kheC Nurseries. Many itt Ute alder orchards Were destraya:d. Satre tattcYrers replaatted dzcdr cnture acreage; others turned tit vegetable farming, e~spectially tamwtaes anti ceitrcy. Then a hcaa. wvaue set eat. an Sept. I"T, 1t313~, aNd the temperature neacha^d 11(7 degrees to Chula Vista. The tender Itew grawtS'n oat tdve trees drat had survived ¢he Erast ato~w wilted. Tloe In[e~ssse heat also kiNleaN anaaty rat>hits and chhCkcns. 52 fmA..A. i'Iti:IA t1lRI YAGIt 1911-1918 255 tiea i'aVe. tiareca ]98Ci 219 Sea Vialc Scra~et I')llli 221 tiea Yale 94re't'S 1986 21{I Sca t:dc SCreet 19530 41ua +at the baasfl lu'iowaa a1 tNac final eik} tree oPxs w:as (7ra•Kousc 12ay;vr;, ti'ox svhnut a p~ruxev¢t t9a}' part: and aehaol watrt~ nanyed.. Uvyrn vet aDiyu[a, '~l~oKcrs ry~oxYceti [n 'Texas avid Netr~x irs i'riru,try'Ix,uroi~a betc+re lxlayvwK fa~ Chula 4'ysta in 1"304. Nap' Il4xiN, Yi~e wras pressuNc'ist taf the 1°cYrple's S¢~atr U:as~,k, :~ ~el~ry trustee, Huai runulvodorcr o[ dxs: Chulx Mis~n Ya~rhl: Cha~b. Ilie %ilbu~ servrd <mu [ksc~ :,drool heyarrl fn~wn 141E to 1922. In P91.d), ltay(yras corbssrurud aria laryc, t*w~u~otury, t:ca~fClyx~us-sly~le: hnn~se, muaena;d "lN,ay E4yrc~_e° al {r49 "N'" barec-t.. °Che hvxrsc N& a:Elnc c~wmlaie, as1' dya argyle aawd ft.unsr~~'<u Iry;h c~rtnSa-galyle ~iool wkrth 51va'J. da>ranevs, vrot3aie a~acx•s, axlaoaad and aaawu~tl ywftec exaals tt+xd lave cacued iyaavlatx+, 'Lh~e eraroca~[o~r of the lust tTayvyc has.~s Wide rJa,plro nxl sd4Eiav~ ss°9oule waroden viut~le,!, rha;as~he tyre sr,- cotvdYe^v~rl A vs:u~~~~ava,ytIl ariaYar9ed lyoe~c6u w^ii3v aay aui,+,4czlly~~ YS+stes°s 11sr 1uaa~e~ie. Ilea vea carol 3+eats, Chula Vista c.Ntis~nnt Iau~Kan to ^~t`aDlr~1i'ac olaa ial5tayracaN iiuplyrlavx e- art tLlt Q.vx'ir lYsvKar6 I lucime, ca~hie~:h srotir dc5i~avattvod t~thutla Vi+C:A iil5tavac:vl yam 1XI in 1yN77. 'vM/Nncvro vhr 41cn~s~. w.rs 1k1V'C:dt4'if4~ll wdll'Ea detnailit9uax to nvake vruy for coath2lCGUl>tr of a tevQtr~l.. tNycs h~a3sllaltia.•. sa~n~urauv~e rr~a5 ul~xlrawrCl to tha G:d[y t'vx•poa;ation Yard, svhera r4 sv;as st¢rresl letttgxyr~u'lly, Irt 14~8`i,. du° 9iog~crs LPtrtlse vats rn~iva°ci onc,u rnun•, tlae5~ tirot'ae W CrIC'6 Rrcarutl ARramuc v!/9aen~ dte atn€¢`Ilaaa+e rvNll lye t'en'tQred to prc^s'axvc it vvx tntatt~n y of on4f Uf glree G1N~"s lv adin~ e-6t1;ea•u~y ;uyd ;ro.; a la~y{mac~ of f:lasdu Vvsra's patio. .hlxyahvr acnsurc, lhaz9¢s Nh>I tr„ laui9l laic (a~lesmam tityle~ I;aame un a Nenuil wnh a 17<taKniGa;esul wtcwv avl the cloy. 'I"h~ia htansc at 52 "N3" Strc~ea. also Ilraaua'cx wir9c c:tvcs, knee droral~cs, artll a alsinpIllcsd cxvu~lvyr, A d'tuN]-7cayglly open jrgic~,h crac~t^~c8s arrusr thc: Lryur,. "I'tlc 131~1tz -~9+auve axh~ius sane tusriyluer fa a9tarw urye seen syn anq oohcn~ idorncr on (;hula 'Vista: a uwtaaya Nroc~lcet 7n rirc tovrl Ntx 'front t8aatsecs cs as et srcu~nd- siaray' pon cll r~x lrai'.c'xitvy 12e rxrolsaxiw asf 11re N3yh^r. f:m7iir: 1€vc',cH ilaa>U tetalsy ~c^suw. (.;}aarlrv Nat>I~: s~tv sod as a rfty~ n-etsttiroe P'eeyt~n~u i41t Eta 'I.+)q~i. A alru~d aeustcc, Ldwau 6 5naitil Sa., ~~ha> ~~ae h ntzr'ed aetorncy, creclcd t.~ia Crahanva~n Y~av¢nr at 61ti N3cl Max Mvcnatc. Sem5t9a anal. 17is wviR {tiara, hued here nnnl 14724. "I lxc• hsnrs<: has h~r¢~rtlcaV sigu~heauc~.e as alrer. Prurne tyF Clrula 1'i+tn + iiKSl t3raN~csr. Mfpitkfi^u`5, law3rasg, 1,hula Vis1'a vuaagors, promNnent laarwna•satx7e~.n:and ortbys,r lrisu>rdcalh," Ynx}7cyervuc purple co~cas- tr~ally a~ayeastrnc~t~crd oa~ lis~cd itr Liar€rser vrv a~he 6041 hlockc of I)~el Mar r1c¢'arate 1-lena~y aaad 1~ea~iav~cs Blaydcu I'ishre; pt~n"i~ I[Aeelt C,@onla Virpn dtCCYCnP:}'h retiC6Cd at Fal"7 1)el 'WC:AC'. Jo111'1 "f; Mryerrs.:v ~e^iired pn•ofessYxpn:d malur le;aguzc Is:aseb:zl4 pkayri, pua'ChaSCd tlyax huvac avvyv~ucl 1a,12F9. 'WC-ar~i~¢~r &9. tnonds, Ll4C' N>aniCCr. avr¢I Isda witc, Marsh;{, 6sallt eisrrr Crafl~s- nv~iu he~suse Bxi 19ri M f~stl lDc°S Mar. "1"hr house al 6wry I]eI Mac, RpuiNl Iax 1411 3'nr fie. R. S. Pcnrvacdecu, a dcnttst rs w>ne of INve ha;sd exatnpNxros of a 4;ralRsar~siy G~unKalciw i:n (:;heal:t Vdsvn. 4ia~y 'I'xhl::v; svito puri~d'aasltd dte hrasuse on 17ct 2'^;7, 191v1, xwas tHaa ilel~~he.~w~~ of C;acobiaac~. <,ngaeNand. rkftr°r [ha^ death ut hfis~ aunC, `&~.h'bcx assuwral a:,aycn rayt aid'the t vnpc•latstl c'su us syrch;ards in Il;hv~alsa Viaisl,. At GCiS1 DrJ '1r,7,ar Ava~nut; a. hvms~e calleaV ` L•l SVudU" (r9ua nest} vras a~rc~ase,d In 74Il2 for px~ f ,t;wrge Wcn tlrinp,;lan, unc: of Chnla 'n/usta'a 1°bx~sl plry~stic~Nans. L1 nridn raonrlaines cYeroata nts +yf dhe~ S aaVl~aolsut, Pradria~ anal tidtinyllat stydcs anal usti°s the natural rnaatc,rzals, rush as Nyl>ard ~mnd halteA] rudin,~, wovdc'rov sH7~7srKle h axxd ¢olylylewurnes, avProetn d'aym~rd r,nt suseic 9zouacy of ehc t;rdty~nrfnva its Ie A la9ae uw ttu ay'P t9tr tsouse was auol9nrar lyhIl,+le•i:avn, Ur Karl BCellsr¢!pl, a rn~etvyl7£r of vhc E,N;uttle l:rrek, M9e.h ., e•ca~etal family. L)r 1{¢4tcyiy,~ cvaa ~arr lm- grvertana rtr~~eu arG C:@teula S ist.l, avid aav elemcrnlarv~ rc9auarl w,as n tvncd .af¢ci YsktTl. "Thus I7uaMe hstu Py<~esr dcsiKn,nteeN Cluala Fista lii~.tan°ical SIaC Nu. 7. "'E"tl ~zd~i" 1-Ilsta~rie al hirou ;~tu~,. "', frGy V}a~:V Mw F:IIa7.a4 V'I53h Y9iY9-691$: Hdli7~tt ll6 A C1I'l: 5d (;v)t•y {~:<)bk YNBifil'.IVCe, in ]?~}ll1 63ccausc of The extretne high aad low eernperatures anal the havoc tfl'ue unusual weather caused in the lemon tintLusi~ry, al least. one new rancher h;ttY to delay planting finer orrhardn nnifll 1914„ when seaxilings' tittall'q became acadaltie again. 'l'hus tivas Iiarxl C~aeS Cook, wh¢t catnc Prosae Chicago with leer Itushand in '191.1 aacl parchascd a five-acre pacecfl at: thne ease eixcG of °`C:'" StrctY lhelr house, Gxtt'dlt fist 1912 on flee highest peer o~l the prope~tty, ptntvid- e~i a ntagniflcent +,-3cvr of the aacran tai the west atutl ii~c tnountains to the, ca,t. 'G'Cue llaael Cues Ctx>k 0.°Youse, retnod~elyd annd with aehlitio~ns., stands today a.t 62 4;oodt Court. 1t~ is a care e-ram~gtlc of casaern Cape C:od styling transplanrcd to dre Strut~sern C:ahforcnna Cunntrysltl'r. CJvcr a pcriotl al' tithe, Haul Cross f:ook purchased ad~ditlonal land, and ha~x ictnn~n. orulxards eventually eavc:.red ananp acres. She. hecatne a. greatly admired C.4~aula Yisran and served. on T,hC batard caf alirccr,>tzi oP t9ae flettttu2l ©~cangcc i~&strthutxtrr. H¢r grca¢est t.crntcwbutAons to the cant-. nxnnlty+ catnap, h~uwt-vcr, froth Ixer ~4 years o5 servlcc on ttte C;tettla Visea 5eht>rtl 13oattiB.. '[9tns service was tt•cognirccl u=ha°.n a schot7l was tyaeYte~d. in nt~emosy etf this wonde~r~fiu9 latlw. r4s ektt: yr:u 1914 c:atne to an txtd, Chu1a'Vustaus lockt^c0 forward to a great evcttt, Cite Panama-Cahfarnua 1'n;pctsl-- tion thaT woult9. open on Jan. 1, 1915, 3n Balboa lxark in San Diego. CE~3CLA v15tY1 1900-19Y4~, MIRTH C7P A CR'I'Y 53 ~,~+~y- 4 as /~ 4, ~, , ,.~_.. ,a ~ ?s ~-~Q~ s r c .._ ,w, k ~CE,MTLR ,~ 4 3 'X. > a p S ) ~i~~ 1. ,,,,~.,~ ~ g ~ ~, ~. e~ TY ~ ~~. E+y,a ~ Tn , ~a ,ax a $tl~ Agp, N ~e~ an ~5' 6 ~Y B~J lA tl ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~','~ ~ v G 59 C.CCV' Q31 CC4lILq V]'S 1'A 1.}11~19HL c: X45 Jatt, 1, l<>7.5, dawtted', Cltula 5'istann eaP;c:rly uutic]>ated the. c7peninl; rtf the l3attarna-C;a]if'<rrnia ]txpcaMitir>n in's:tst [)iel;cy. 't"ht:~t:t- Yi.Otta] Q`:ity tPe t)tay tru.ns heading trtwav~cl San 13iar~u were, c;rctwcl,e~d with Pair-];nes~s.. lrrepar-0l4ict:us~ kiar the. k:x(at,tsitsctn, wafti.c~l~t u•rat~tld eventually have a drantatic ePfec:t trty tlte~ arclzitcrture. trf Ssruthcru t;ahfTtrnla and Chrnu~~hrvut thr lha-,Vea} &tatas„ ]tacl been undrrrway lar ;;cwc^s:a9 }•ea,r~,. In 'JI~(19, t~. Aubrey 1}aviclsrrn, chc presic'lc;nt aC tltc Barr l)ie~c~ t'.harrt6vett oft;crmntcru., fist crrttreiwed the: irfcza ayf hcaldisag art interttatitanal cx- pt>sitiUtt in giant 17te.~ct tat cc°]cbrate tltr: rvlaenin~„ nfthe Ixant~atat:a Catt.al. 'i"hc, 1taAct scheanc cau~ltt the itttal;rnatizvty cai ]tecxple tltrcttthrrut the°. ca,vtttvty, and 0.~~ta lctt"rw lU~tt~, Mans wc~zre. being, laid to erext a Missinn-style. r;ity Ina 4xvrtaer~ cr]' lyalbur Park. Ilut archis~ect FSertr^ani t?~ttevtihcs~, c,ann~- tttissictnecl tct deni~tt the Iscpasitiott huildiugs, decided that r4ir~,sirtn- scyle•: seruc:turew wr7tlld he tt>ct Main. ~;cr with p~rt~at akin and t'rtrrsillvt, ]vc, t,rt~atcclvtstc•acl the kind rvP structura•s tttt° Slx:anish tt;tdrt°s ntif;ht Ltava~ hnilt, Itut never rllid, clue tU lack c>P f>uucis ;tn~ skilled artisana, "Whoa tlt~ I'anaurt:a-Q:a]iPstru,tia lxpcawition a~lacnecl on Jan. I, la)lg, vnsixaars crrtsst,d tlva, 4t(15-I'ctctt. lath C;altrlltt E3ridg,c astri entered ;t tnafnsfvicettt l.7th century Sltartisla city. '1'hcy walked past klte f;aliPcrr- nia 13tzilrlttg,„ crate. <tf the finest e,xamplea ofsipani&h I2enaiasancc Ite:a•ivaI arrhitcr;tut~r~ in Nrtraly Avnr;rica, anal admirert the, I}rtdtt Bated with Creel, P3ctwer; and ex~tlarnsite huilditzP;s„ planned by tactodhue and titan 97set;rt .malt"sleet (:arlcxrtn Winslttw Sr. Feaplc frrttty all aver the wt>rHd carne ttv see du° exp~sitiav~n and never fctrgnt the charrtt and beauty oP it all.. s1s a msula rtf this I?:xlxtsitirtn, Sp:utislt :trehitca,c:ture~ lxcame: pe>l>ular aarstss the United 5tate~s and by 1725 ]tad laecotne a criaze. In Chula "Vista,, tnany cad' clxe hcsrrtes kauilt after I<)25 featured stuccrr str l,lasvcr c~xtazrinr walls and real tilt rctcvYs. l3uildh~s designed in metdc,rn vc;r- sirtns ttf this style are being constructed even Cct€iay. C18L'IA f~'IS7A 1115-19dU: k11IL171NG p CITY 'SS ~rP.drrt,~e{-°f~„>ra-i?zC`"„c :~,er~...~.Y~G:_. ,=r',cc-Gva~.f*.'ir.G_, 5G {;HULA V75QX III3E0.1"1'A(iF: lAlt~t)N6 'Q'kde 6tranish („oh7ar;al Rcwival style made taopnlar txy the tixposftio¢n was charactea'izec! by plastered exterior walls, Iow-pitched, red filed coots, acxd flat roo4'w sometimrs s-orronnde~ h'y t~7e^tl traraQ,rc+ra tiouai~e'h~ousrs hua#R~c in t1iLs s¢yle had archc^v, wkzide <ralncrs did not. {:caved or cast ornamentahan nfu°n sormnndcd opc,nlnls and rn€- umns oc pilasters Sometlmcs []anked docarw+ays. [~ ilconies with wrougtat lean or wooden raolings graced many homes. Waraous scatecl-down acta,ptateons of the titylr, e5pccaally 'b' in small homes, are often acferred to today as ypaneslx Eclectac:' Ar least two pream4nent Spanish C o3onaat ', ~ rt~s av abets, San QJiego archatccrs A',ichard b. Rerbua and Edgar ~~~^^^~~g V. L Iinch, werulti ttcsign bauicbogs in f;ltnla Visa da.vutg ~1 ,,~ thr l~2gs. .B- the f3rsa Sgra.na~sh C:olaanaal liewiva] honase etrnntrt~cacc4 in Chula Vista aotoally prc<~edc°d the txpasirion try twaa years. "Chc 13uhnes Hnose at 3 North'VCroad Avenue, once 1f3UaS.~9$[~TCi ~ fa".I"~' claimed to be thec f9nest house. of Spanish archiacctnre In San flDitgo CounCy ~ as tlesignsa'C In Y97i by :a,rchitl~^f Lnnrie Davldso¢a Cox' for James and Anna t-trlnter. "I"hts nragtllfi- c~sr two-sorry m:arasion stood on a knoll with ~a vicw~ trF the Sweetwater galley beflow anx9 was c7onstrncted as a carst of !N lp,(tfld} by E. W. t2avis, a National Ct2y contractor 'f"fie 1t-room Sntmee Hon~sc 4'catrared a red-tile mof, a pl.cstered exterior and arched opc-taings. Ir ConuircnCd thareti erpe~er fireplaces, a strlar hea2lnq system, and atrree bathrooms "eduipp~ed wnt9t tlse Qinest and rnnst Saaattarp phnnhing,"' [n 1947, the honse became t7r. I3btaer Nrtetreon's £Crbed sanftarium_ ~Csreatly remodcleel and added Dora„ the place. is known today as Scruthwaod Psyc9aiatrac kLospitat. The k[l~ulmer fHonsc"has been riesignaud (atnta Vistx tiiatora[~ e'll n: N6. Z. y.. y^ W .r 'W .e to aaP, .,..,i ~ ~ i,...w .u no ..,.~ ~,. ."b fiWNE , .i - %~- ' ~'',~'!,t. ~'' ,~fru~..f' e.`3rr..+~rere; C','~irrlrt..~fi''ued.. ~:~J+'-ri'~lr'~c'r,`:!er .~'d. t- ia4'ULA. `Jas'a'A Ia15a940 dl;tu.(airvti A (,af5" 57 'N'wo Pue951cv Revival huiVdings at ahe I;xlsositiun, the Ncw )aiaxicrt kapildlpg and t93e F~uchl© htdian WWillap;e, may have Nnspuzed dte desigsu ©ff at least rwtn structnrevs do {;heda Vista.'&'he Ipdean Village, with Sts aVm,ost 1{k0 rrrp~ans, apd a Give acre 1'aknted I)csert vrere conetructect by the Santa Ee Rauleuatl as dts tatintrvhvvtVuu tu~ the F?xl?asitdon_ Afeer tl've P„x~,aasit.upn wa,e revs, tkae tisruCturc ht`canre 'fie head- yuar[ers lilr tVae Sap I)irgc3 f3o~}° Scopt {;outrcil- NueGal<t Tevival, a. pt;ewaiv<.-kxrking style; wi¢Stupl ar- ches t>r;{;inarrt'.d ip tNte S{rapislt <:alnnsal hualdings anti native. American pucblass trS'tlla: A.v,nesl['aex St,rpthwext. 7"he plas¢ered v,~c save ctaed seratta,res of this ssyle usualPy in- c~url7terate~d gxi~s:rlecteng rauC 15eartts trr virus and taftavt t`ee¢ure^d round, lerutaudivxg ralnwatcr greeters ca9.Vcd canw[e-a. Ls matxy exa~ttaj>I~cs, Ghu c<y~'ners were rpuncled or bltionved and the: walls gnvasv an irregulas stucc[>ed 14',xRtBC~ {tvac taf then htst existing examptles p~B` the Puchht F:evival style ip C9nrvla vista vs a htrrne cttnatratcteai in 1+~16 fur Vi%d11fa1n ;aztd Alncr^ Salltnon art X35 I^isst Aven'ete. "Chia htlutie t"eatuces a flat rtaa,rG wltlt y~te}sped parapets ae the ca¢- ne¢s :npd large e*igas~ 'I'he main a:nnctnt: c ptrzc'11 iilct~t'p7utaR~s wig~as, a d,aa ruaf, and I:u~c, ruennd p[alc srap~arer4s at tlxc frtent eorners. ~4~;ontrac for (,. k3. ,y"rnid~n erected phis hnuse. At tlee nimc; William CI. ti~al9rrron, a ptoraanent Chula Vistvvn, +x .es ¢Ire first vice president ref ttse sane Il)iegu Y.and Cue.. paratitrvn and the SweetGVatcr Wstur Curnpany. 'When he passed away in 1937;, he 7elt a ~ll,C101) esxdocvtncnt to rite C:heela Vls~ 17uhhc l.tbrary. Anesthecr imiatn resat Puebhr Gievival huidding at 331, "C" Strew was asezs[xvttcd in 1921 fbs~ Hesiacrt W. Cst7ulcs, kite publisher of ¢hr f"M?tdra Vista Slur newpapee: This buildetsg, one ref the few ever a;osws~u-ncted c,E adcahe In C:heeY~a vlsty ~aGaBreS ¢elepllsune pule-size vlgas,. v.Wlzcrca she struettsrcv. wvvs dedicated on hba*. IS, 1<;712,. a. time capsule was sealed en. tfite ttrrnetstom~ `CYne aewsg;,vepa:~r ctempu~s~. ixag anti 17a,e~Sa rtxisn. occupied ttac Errant half taf ttecbtvildhag, while rite rear crttnu°a3ned a large 9iv3ng rnum wia'h a direpl:ace. T2ue: newspaper renraFned at Chls address tvntil the 1tJj6s, whcv~a the Rlvsgn 1am11y pssrcteased tfve Ivuiid3ng and na:adc is ra part nl` Fustrp s {,aragt; t IYn5ine5s st411 in opca°ation vud~ay. ,.L~G1~t~"s ~if~'~i~V~!"o'~~~ J'r~ °F r' ,~ ~ dsL ~ c. y..f.yd a'r'+'L~+-' - i {'l RR Q.Htl Li4 VIY1iY flei8k['e'AC:1: L9vC-]4%'1A r <'T ISy t}ae encl of tYrc Y'ir5t year oC the d~xlacrsitian, local ehe{;an as fear that atxpthcrc prodaxngeed drpnght Wright istiug. Pn Y7ecenrher YtJYS„ the water IrSrcY isa local dtaias was low„ since little pr nc~ rain lxad Falsely in albcr. after sanrc deJaa¢e, tkte^ San TJlegsr Ciilty C.aun- Yde<I tp hire: t;'Irarfles &Pax°P`eeflt6, a aafnsnalter, wkio pf tar fill :NCarrn,a lie~a~crvpir tea averflerwi¢xg fna thou scum 6,4141id. Hlatfiel<C saran laegan. hds raxnmalting at:tvitics i~c~a. Idaln Vacg:an xp tall. pn Jan. Y4, Y~!1$, and My the heel teaclxul naraenzias saxa>~prtdans. &ly the 'z{Yth, .uazrr ~-¢es~erwoir visas alsp fatll, Betwren Jan.. 1"f ~a~ncY ght lanchrs erf earn Fell at thc^ Sweetwater dJatn with anxounte in t'l'tc d'turthil-s a~ncY the watershed areas. Ailhpug6 t-ne zplr trF Sweetwater Y?.urn had been rais- YAfdS and agadta Yn YyA€l era a fxnaN height pL l IQ %et, scow rose na zhte trope anz'C ,(apusrKi otrec the darn in ent i€} inelre~s deep- r'.YChpttglt the anai¢a darn held, ishdn}; wataer c'9.rstroyed. tlae south dyke ansp washt;d a nat'taraV rcarcGt abntnnertC pn the north end. Below mr„ aIV Vroriciges cp~-Ia.Y,.!:c^ti in the swisiing kvate~s, and Ertl pf distrlbuupn laiVrey wrrc do'~tumyed. 1's'te tlaad- 3 in e~hu Sweetwater V~-ry damaged the Sweetwater :p,¢np;tny pta~clcinglnernse arod Icillcd aho~u¢ 21 pcoYrle, of lltcnu C;hlnesc tru2~k Parntcn whp Yivt d! near tktrir in the fined ~laun, The Sweetw•axc:c Wornam'a Q:Ixrb'S ;rase [hat stppd tree what is tnpw Bacmira ]Yo~ad, pnsr of G7aaa[a~l, fEtr;ttrd axnray; taluaa,gY w,Vtpa it the claab`3 iud all the futanu+hittgs. "6'he haflonal a;ity^ w'rc C?tap ad kracks In tltc Svrrrc¢wa¢er 4'atleg~ were wasNued away. Ylpotl ;tnd Cflne dine rp tlsr elava w:as~ txc^wter rebtnikt. '~ 17G~ween Natdonal. YJlty and C,httla V"ist'a were e~Cl ferthe;r vt~est and serr~icr aer raced ha f7cxpirasr ~'; r2~v7 c2.'P x ~,e.C."•m~..s.....ra.rtczcj. ~anr,'( ~'Laz`.6~-G+~2..,Ze~o~Cef?~a. i'`!~2.~ste~¢.i..2~ue_... ! !7 CHULA YIS7YA tyt5-1gACD~. Bt?tf.n~tNtb A CCT [' 9p >3. '' "a, A, h]tCCiot of litarary in i42Ci f4. alarme$ie hiY,~rery, now' the slee ox t:hiala Vista Pahlic Literary C. "E" Street Schaal, naw sivc of C',BuVa Vista I;'aibllc I-th~rvy QA-. t{escutes Powder C:ampan}' lrJt9 H. 5unknw[ paekung ~laaot, 3rd and "K" 5[tt:rt in 79'1.x5 L: For~mrr kdnclesltartrn builc9in~, nsorerl to 5'33 "'C+' Stcee4 4tay fdarn. ~Ittrsts Hut anather disaster stiYl laamed. The water -evel in Lgwer t7tay -tescrwgir rase mare than 27 feet in lfl days, and airs level of t-ue S?ppcr C7tay Lake rose. to the tap in three days. {7n Jan. 27, w-ven water went over the trap of tine dirt empankment of the Lower Otay I)am, the strua;- mre `°spllit gpen hllte an aver-ripe watermelon" and a wall of wamer~ rnnsheai aawards the sea, sweelaing ~aw~,ay everyth-ng vv"n. itx paxh. 'Che fla7ad carried away We vrueyards and wvnery of the lJanieri family attd virttxal-y de:strayed. t-ne tow¢a. oS t)tay. -Tesp-te t-te damage tram tht storm, ka 141trN the Cltuta Vista Ciarus Assgciatiaan upeueti a lracktnghouse that. apcmted ad 3rd and'"9".'" until 1451. C;7ther paek+ers. in the city included N. fi. f.cach. at Center and Landis, the -tan- dalph -.emau Packing P'Irant on ".K.' laetwern Tinsel and F'iaureh Avenues, and the Mutual C)range T}istributats aC C;n^nter Strr:et and 1"aurtlr Avenue. Vegetables were also -ae- ixag grawct -n. C:hula Vista„ and celery was well nn tlae. way aca llecamu~ng a major crnp. In 1'rr-5, a nc^w school seas canstritctec9 4n t~rida Wittlx can. "P" Street an tare slant where the (:hula Vista Public Library stands aaday. The griginal schaal was tarn dawn„ ancR la i[x place a library was'built with a 8'iU,tlU(- gift from Air<Irew Carnegie. 'I-Itc new "P" Street 5chtsa- .had seven classrooms in lire main bulldnng anell a separaxe kindergarten t'I'assroom inn a simple ane-smay buviltliatg on tha grounds. ~Araunttl 1427° tier; k'indeagarati-n hutddkng was Jacked up and atawed to SU3 "C=' Street, where the fio~rnaer classroom was canvcrted into a laause- With the advent of war 4zt littrq,-ae, the Hencntcs Powder f:ampauy apencd a k'acxary qn ~t-se bayshare at tlae fact of "17~" Street. TYt~e plant canvesrted Ircllp~ mto~ lraras'h far use in the manufacture of gunpowder. D'-any Chtnla. Vist'an5 wgrlred at lire plaint, but residents gF-tted their tcerflr when sea brrraes tazrizcll the. avcpo~tvering odor of rotting kelp into them haemes. Aftee the, war, she San Ltiicga C1iI Produces (:arparatLon aaak r}vt;.e• th€e plant. "-'he com- pany at one time a,p~eratrd in Chtnla Vasfa ~whai mvght have been the largest cattttnsee,d warehttuse itx the United States. 1'he qld 1-errtiles Powder C;aampany lauikd-ug has h¢en tanx tlov.'n, and the s~ptrt where ix staactd is no~av known as Gun- powder Point, As tine decade of tine I4fUs carne to a closa; ,great. progress had beset made in fibula Vista, "p'-xe papulaclan had tripled and risen tram about 450 i~tr 1910 to 1„71t3 itt 1920.. Tktied Avenae had hex ame the inaln streex a~f tlae town. The school errratlrnent -n Clra&a Vista had reanher7 (;, 6q t:nx11.A V35r'A xlGalTA(vG I~11-lrltd 62 iCI6ltld.A Ml5'S'A t1Eli1'I:VGE 19t1-t9a6 the clubhouse. Regna, wltohad apprendiced under flrving Gi,l-, had opened his Own office in 197Q and evcnmally developed what he called his "SouChern. f'.aliforr¢ia style" LCIs works incflucled mane buildings 7n Rancht~ 5.m~a, 'I'e and the Mt. Helix ISaaure "1"heatre near La Mesa. Reclna was chosen as the archiu^ct for son S7nego's seccmd world's fair, the I)35 Cahfarnla-!'stifle. iixposition.. "fl"he San T)icgn G{marry CIuB c].ublts~use, designed by Rt~va, featnreel an ancatfed entxg and a p~lasCCred ex- teriur went a Onl ruoP, mission-style parapet uu fftont, and a thimnty tha¢ si.menlams a hell mwcr. hlthbugle the building has been :altered somewhat, much of lieyua's original d+csign remains today. hbout cEnt same tame the San fYiega Country Cloh acquired acreage for the gollf course south of Chula vista, Minnie I-Eet7nan sale! 'I{Y-plus acres on the east of Hilltop 'lf)rive ra Lols 73rundred and '1Wilheflmdna '8""enney..a, long, 20-foot-svi~dc access road led to the parc:ul. Illtunaigcd and 'lfenney developed a lemon orchard on the land arnd built a Spanish-style house.. The plate was known as [ianeho Sa¢n Miguel. f)n June Y, d~29. Jnan Id. Mrchlsr acgnuned art interest iaa the property. 13y 1;a~3, Rancho son Ml~rne¢l cnn- rt-necl a large lemon rrroharel, The ranch tlecouse., a swim- ming pool, a tcetnis court, a dog Cemetery and a well-kept garden. ("I'hc doge were burred in os-s eaffu9s.) hfuc°hlep the best-kmnvn of the owners of the ranch„ was a ~ltonewo~man, golfer, amhuLince duver and the founder rand lareside~^nC cnf Cleo ~C'lermxn Shepherd Cluh of son Dnego County. /15 a resu1C of her efforts ms a¢a ambulance driver lu France in World'War I, fihe neceived the Croix eft ~fnuerre f~rmu elae Brctec-t government for au[5tand'ung aucl cauxageous service. 17uring World 'fK'ar 01, Jaan Mieleirr served with the Red Cross Motor Corps and as a sttlM- regianat co-direcdlor €irr t>nb~s for 1Jefense. 'i'he prresent od- dness of Rancho San ~Iigutl tis 5g Lion Clrtle. b. t{. 447. The town. hact fi73 water meters, 42Il gas mea~rs, 499 electric meters ancE 142 telephatre Crxnnectians. The goslal receipts in. 1920 reached a grand 4atat of $4,Il25.2Q. During the 7.'92f)s, a number <af changes wtauld take place. Lemnns would reach peak pxoduc[[an and la}' 1922, about d3 percent ~yf Gtc waur furnished by Sweetwater dam wuultt be used far agriculhar:i~l. irrigation, mostly for lemons. I~7ew wends itx arclu,[terti.~re would influence the design of homes. Country Ciub 161oves In Tixe prestigious ban Diego Goumry Club waved to Chula Vista in 192q. "1"his arganizahotx, wittx a tuetnber- ship than incIluded nroany of the praxmn~xt people of Ban Diegn, had been f©undedrn 1$97, The club built its first P, clubhouse anti cntnese at the nartlx end o'f Balboa path., but when ehe land wets needed far the 1915 Exixosition, the membership merged with. Point lama Crnlf` Cttukn, a clulx that had been organized. lay A, G. Spalding of sporting goazds fame. But evenmall}> when the land on Point Coma became part of a military insrallation, [he San 17irgo Conn- try Cinh members decided they needed to fled a perma- nentlocation aaxd b<iugtit a tG0.acxe aract at the south end of Chula Vista. Witliani R. Bell laicG out the golf course; noted San Diego architect Richard S. Regn:t designed S:k1U},A AISTA 1990-1914 ~, Bntl'H KaF A Ci"fY 61 Hecause. t>f the large number of new homes 6erng. build in t:hula Vista, addtttonal scrvcces and ficilitces were needcel by tixe fldzcns. itt l42'1, h~iugh Skinner, whoa operated Skinner's Hardware 4Ur~te at 31~ '['hie<t Aveaawe, felt chat dte citizens rcquitett Lroetter fire proteetio~n. ,hlthough volunteers had fovg~ht Sires since incorpoa-atlon in 191'1, Chtila Vista now needed a lire dep~artmtn¢, ac- cordinng to Skinner. CDn May 2, 1921, i7 young men gathered at Skinner's store to~ sign an oath and btcnme volunteer nnembers arf the t',huta Vista Fite Depivknatnk, t;harle:s I. Snvith irecatric fin, chief on May l0, t921, and held the pnsiCitin h,~r 10 years. L'etore '1921„ firepmtection for the city had c~onsi~atd of a haind~cirawn. suds seed acid catY, which. was pulled to the fire b'y any men who were available. ~Vn 192.1, the cart was stored at cieltn's {iarnge on "'F" Stcet:t betwce^ Second and Third. At dre sarne~ location, a large iroxa ring $ona a Locomacive witecl vwas rang' as a fire alarm- In 1;9x1, the city purchased a Mcxdel 7" lire ituc~k which was :also stared at the gat~ge- Fire D~epartrnant "Iattitecl Two urge fires in 1423 tesRed the flee-flghtinvg c apahihvcs of the new Fire De~partnxent. on 1'eb. 1, LrJ23, the :I'tftndolph Lemon B'acking.Iionse~ on "K",Street cataght kirte. Alkhoagh the fircdtglitexsr taught the bia~ze foa~ nwa~re than 32 boars, the Ixnilding bta'rned with a loess of 814,768. f7n Ncrv. 2'§), f423, flames roared ibrnugh for.n biulclings used to stare cottonsetd at the San Diego (7i1 Products Conxpany at the franc oaf "1)" Stx't.et. 1:7c..~>icx the a~ssi5t'an~ce of a fdre boat, an engitxe company from. San i)iego and aoot1xcr frrvn Natiuvtal Cite, x111 ft'rur 'buildings were destroycd'with a fare loss oaf ffi331,135. in 142i" ¢lxe Fire 1')epartment moved Co City Halt at 29z "chit<8 AvKa%ue:, an c6 Xia~ward jarcNan, the farst fuli- tinte, paid 'firefighter was hired. In 19zr, the Model T fire engine was Graded leer a 191fi Seagrave pamper that had b~elernged to the San I'iiega Fire Department. V'9hen Pire f:hief Wallaee Armor assumed command in 1931, the departmt^at had one. fire engsaae, Kane station, one paid ~firaf lgPtter aticl about I~ volnrnvteci. In 1423, Mrs. Anna iiammau„ a L4o5 ~grtduate of the Teaming Schoot far lviursps at Che iaenver County Hospia'al in Colorado, opened a hoapihal in Chula Vista, the first since the McNabb hospital had been closed to the public. Wiklr borrowed money, she remodeled a ltonse Chaf stcaod of the northwest earner a6 Third Avenue and "I" Street. Mrs, viola Johnson taecame postmaster on Feb. 6, 1923, a position she would hold for 10 yeses, At Che time„ the posC office had one clerfla with .~ salary of Si a day and. one rural carrier. Ay 192dr, after intensive plaavadatg, city tleliwery sc:rvioe waus started. Mrs. Johnson, a dynamic lady, may inave had eomething m do with the street changes in Chula Vista. 14efore 1923, the easo-west screets south rat' "FI'" wa~rir named i~irst Street, Second Scree[, and sea nn k3ut becaose of the c~tanfusian between First Street and First Avenue^, tGte tiq dccidecl to make some olnanges. First Sweet became `7"• 5trcet, Second Fleece became'"J" Street, •]"hie¢I 5irect became "it" yrru^t and F'ourtlt Street bec:unte "C' Street. Eor a time some ctnafusion stlll existed between "1" Street and Pitst Avenue, and for a while, mail v,~as addressed to ..Lye„ 'Street. (Additional sercet name changes occurred in the 1940s when cite forma^r Fint Avenue became Pdith Avemie, and. Seeorrd hvenue was clsa~nged to 1%ourth, l+oorth to Second, Fifth ro First, and Blotch Avenue to Ttilltap, Drive.} Plre protcetion For she Cloy iu early '231s GHULA VISGt 1,915-i99o: uU[LniMt; A ~CI'AY t'.i A. A. f;le'em A6~he^t= Nle-[noriaL I.ulc Ay. Lietle ChuP+^I ++t We Roses' t<y$6 C_ $95 NoTSk New C:etnetery C?peaaed A new eemea'ery alsp became av;ailabie in '1924. Nreveaausly,. many nG the ear9y^ Chnla Vista sr-¢tleas had been burled at l.a 41st-a C:etavete~ry in Qs4atiotzal City tar al' Ivipunt Rape Ira S'an 13iego. In 1924, Glen Ahbc°y Mett7orial I^arYc' was establushed nn a. high ~mcsa rtverioaliing the Sweet-. water Halley. The grounds were platzt<tl wieh trees, siernilaa and 17owe~. The I:inle C:hapel. pf tN'tE Elta~s at the cenze~Cery was designecIl by San I)icgo architect r'raeLk Stcvensnn. Cxe~arge flCirnhall, a to€'al €ontrector, baiiLC the G~athic-style stotxe chapel which was an. er:act replica of the ianxous Ten- nyscan C:hunch €n Samersby, l:ngfland. '1"ize fan5aus poet, APG'red Lord 'Ibnnyson, was bptn. a[ Che rectory ~of the ~trrl~+#nal churcflasn F?n~land on e4.u~, 5, ]l3dJ, whua'4 hit; Gather vvas the vicar. A beautiful windpw abtave t6ic altar in the Lltale Chapel of the Roses symbolizes Teronyscrn's imnzarfal poem `°Crossing tHne t',flac."" The Novely clxapel has beeeu the scene of nnmeraus weddings, baptusnrns and fttanerals. Althangh most nG the hawses huilC in Glmla Vzsta in the early 192a)s were bungalows and t'lsosc in t7.Le last Izalf of tit€ de€ade were a~f Spanish architecture, a few homes were aVs~o desigted in other Period Revival styles, the ea- ca1led °`ramandcs "' Lnflucneer! Iby the $ngllsfla'fhdar stud French Norman styles, dlese homes hinted of a Narthern hnrrapean ancestry;, lat~ge„ 17ramtavent chimneys derived Ssom 21aC,: c:pcal ellmates of England, Ireland. and Ftunce. 'I1ae exteriors were stucca or etane, and. the 'Gia,dore usually featured llaif llttni!xrs can ahe gable ends. The steeply piu-Itetl nzafs suitable Gan stapwy clhnafes added charm. Aun adaptaaion of a French Harman house was epn- structed in. 192 foe wilaiam S, Plvdlips at 3S5 ['first .hveutee. 'Phis hosase, designed by RaYph E.. fluelburt and erected kay his partner; C1aarles PI. Tifal, featured a hiµh, eatass-gable raoG wills Liglz, hipped tlpumers, a round stane nawer at the entrance, a sauwp extcrinr, and multiple inane, Lcaded- Klass casement windpws wnikr tihuttcn. The pause sv:as feawred en a baokk, ,i7isd¢nctlue f7orrxz-us, published by the ]!Iurlbura and T'~ifal partnership. Williun P1tillips, an engravey had his ittiaial "P" p~laeed In varin'exs NACatlDIl6 In ahIS hnme and even on. ahe cusfam-made da'wnsixnrts. B. d4 CttUth WIS7A HFiR17'Af~ii i91t-IaN6 ~~' C. l; " S3!( I"irEt Away, 0 A few "lbdera~-aCyle banses were also urnstrucred to tGnclau.'lUs Ihe: twohousaes at R~~ atrod 8ht1 Post Avenue tr".aeured the t'g=pkcaH lriglt gable: rarcrfs, stucaaa exterior with ball" cbrtYrcrs aaad large ch9to~nna:ys. ~Raath Iromus were bul~Vt (ry 6laroid 13oan, but haws. bean altered. Another to cruse ;tt 22~t frig !,treet, esna«,tnnetc;t9 in fa2tf err 1x)29 for C:etarge Steese., is one off the few haranea in ttre cCity that has clrmnep pots, a kearure od'tan seen on T~itdnr-style hnilrlings- 6~n 1928, the tnembexs~ cak' the i,htnia Slista womaati s Club ~decaded thaC that' needed ,u bigger rhttlrhause- A grou~ta of 2Ci women Huarl otgan6,.e¢I the. Clnb on ]nly I^i 19t3, and bq I~QY22, ttae lad-es dc~ided it was c§zne to conatruet rhe.ir 91t'sa clnbhoause fi. redwootk sMUetttre was aereotc:d am land donated by Mc. anti Mrs. Id;dph.. Pray. 7'crday [has z'ust3c, crne- stouy budding;, now eonvs^eYt:d ~inCO a duplex, tti,lt xtands ar ~y?a'~-~ki4 I7el Mar Avenue. 33ut uHue inetnhershup of the cla.tb gmcw xnpdc9&y, anti by U~27, llhe clubluouse was Ea'ro smedf. 7 hen °]'homas CA€rwe ofCe:eed two lots at tht corner of"('1" Street anra Garrett Avcnuc with the titipnlat9on rEtat anew eluhl'rotase h<ud d,t hs^ rr¢ued on the puapcrrp within one year. Fpnrts^d nn by this geueraus gift„ the. club's truildvng committee t:ltate ladgar W. i11lu1Ch ae lire arc~tutrecr ansi Ar- rhur f2oare Sts dte conrracfor krr the new clnbEzou±,c. -7arne waswell-kuerwn. In rite City and st:wtai as CBatia. Villa may- or in 1'3'0. 1^dgas L7llric~h, tm,portatrt San l~icgo ars:b-dzx-4, pact came to San Diego Crow Colsrrado to design the C:'asa de man.ana liorcN in k.a;~olla. iJthich ltked the San 17ivga are.u attcl stayed here to plan many impcartanr bni'lding?+. 7"his wr- ctaitect creatled ftar the (:hula Witty "4w/ornatt`s ff;lnfr a claarm- fng, one-s"GOry Spazxi+;h d;olcrtria@ cluhhonse with stucco w.dis and a tow, wci tile, hip and gahYc roo.F. The "I,.=sh:uped bnikdutg faced inward [owatYds a priwtre patio and garden. 'i"he order two sides or dte garden were enclosed by hegh walls punctuated 4ry arched openings with. wrcang'ht iron gateti. 'Cite tiraitr structure, now designed sts f'iestarrirat Site a~iUt..1 VL1Ta ~t915~tyAUe UAIttSY1NG h CITY 63 cl9ttrta Vista VCrertnaar`s Cknla, ftietaocaY Sire No 1'2 t)f36 ~. k n., ~ 1;,. ffflluelt`~ N0 wnPa~cdrt;`f ~ P3. C A. 29 "C' tieceet ea~da}, I5. H`) <;rsa~nGry~ C:liul? I)!:ic~e. IJ. 337 '['I~lrcl (Sx^^^t. dnday. ti Sa~~ i)Ic~d~~ (~rv 3; [?bccd ~c C.:nmp:~P r>. re er~ura.n vrs~~n~ tseu~~;n~ae iye~-i~s~ 3Saildiag In Y)4Gs artd to¢tay i~!o. l2, held an auditorium that openrsd etntn a wdde, t'de- coveresl upon penrclr with ra red t[le shed roof anel square waudeta past suplaorCS. In ~orcier tp rare i"ands ro pay t~nr doe ~e€uhbouse tuilding, tlae Chula Wist'a AWarnan's C.Inb darted the Fiesta de la Luna irr Iy:;<?. Ira the taely days, [ties fiesta centera?••d around a d5nner r1'ance and [he prese¢atatian of a play. 7"he E>esta de la Luna lat~cr hr:~:une a coianrrxuenoty-wide euent ai~rcl was expanded to include participation by Diller lac~al chrebs~. I:vetamaliy thr Fiesta d~e la Luna Assaciatlon was farmed to rnanage tlae celelara'tian. „s. In the lase 2rts, as Spanish archntecrune becnaue the: dlnminant at'yte, tl7r Coemuy Club Willas tract was developed `fig by f laude fY. K:nnkl,in, Several ma~gmficent 9psumsh-style _'„ , , a ' homes twrre constmctcd irh kkle new subdtv~isian.Iru 1928, '.iir aachlteet Lotds;lahn Ulll, the nephew of hying fill, desigeued -~~ i~~W. an important Sparaisla Calonia;l RevivaD. house at. t39 Ctrun- 'trp Caub T>rivt Far to Episcopal bishop Thcadoee Fayta^ 1 ~ ~`r ~~ m'ir 'Phvrseon, and irrs wtle, M:3arsy. 'Chc Rt liev. "I"hurstan had ,.. ~. , ~ , , ," i d u '~ once served as dre 7lxstaop of (7ldsthom.a. I he richly derailed ;~~ "U"hurstan E9onse ciasl ~$l7 l)tJC) and wan snrrotunded by a ' k fWidtp i(p high wall with a wraug,iat ntern gate. Another house at 58 rl ,~~ San Miguel 1)trve in Chc same subdivlsuan was hudt about the same tithe for [hc C:ankln`n family Thtn hrau5:c featarerl 1, a. second-story parch and a wallyd courtyard, uammpn ~ 'o , u, fe:ttntcs of large 4panish homes. /„ r> , ~~1i ~ ~; ,?' ~r~ + 'rw. ^. Another IarBe: Spani~.lr honor wow cuntitrarttefl na the n~warrl,~" ~ r ; ~k~ ~ iir~ r same genertl amea at 29 "I ' Strret. 'I kns hcrwsc was bunk ^- ~ in ]928 ac a cost ni' $I'l,SQp Par Cpl. Willutm 8.each :and his wife, May, lliaCh was a retired Eri[isla army medhea9 ofhce~r; INIay 'limner Btnacla was. art hatcnaationaFly kno'wrn physician an,d eye surgeaxx. "i'lae 171adt. l~ltause is storable far its' Maaareroy~styte balcony, a caratilevere¢C aF'fair with carved-spindle wondea railings and unasuahy la.rg-e octets s t~, and support bcarus.. ~r ~~ .~„ n A htt tlorth al the other., the Ralaert L ~¢teller ' l3oux was built ills s one }car at a colt at ~lq,l)Otl by Can~- ,. ,w nectar Q, W Phftcn lhls scclud~cL Spanish styllc hotn<wps ~' deslgtaul by S to Drcl„o arch n,ct lLammand V4. W7lr rtsstt. W ~ eL graduate o1' the Untvcr»,rty at plhnaas Whttsitt gr9anncd ik "~~ a~ a at nwnher uC Largr buildrugs en that 5t;ite before comrngy ~ to San IDieg,o County iCl ]927 t~u<te art f:;:a.lifebrnia, MW'1'utsin adapted. fhe Metflitercmacan {5,p~anish) style thrn papttlar %ti in the area. Eie specialized in fhe design of ynt;rll homes and m 193© wan honorable mentuan u'1 a r-"ermpeUlian i r~ ~ ~' iA~~ y~ ~ ~Ii~i~.~~ ~~~~r spranMarctf by lluusc l3eauCifiel magaaine. i~.Y'~~+(.~EIVa n„1~~~~~a ,lhi „f,r, bt:~x!b, f' Ily the end of the 192ds, same of doe crnuamcrciai bwldmis that still sntrad today in the dawntcawn area of ' ~ h1~,~ ~ "1"hard At eraue had lau^n canstntc-rad. The Melville 8u>flctllng i itt 'rill V Yur~d w rs Iaudt in ]926 tear Edward Melvalle, and ~; the Security 'lru+,t 8c Savings Ilanle stood an klu5 promi- sae[ll corner £ar many yearw A.1- of the hulktirtgs in the whole block on the west stilt of "Third bct+rrera Park 4Way L~~ aaad G" Street were e;n~nstnrrted P`or '1'hant;es I~lawe. 'l"1ae ' ~~r ~~.! Seville Cheater was the. centerpiece in this devclopnxe~nt. ~„ 1, 14t 3i7 Third hveraue, a wander£nlny dcsrgned one story ~ fY ' ~ ~ ~ ~'" ' building was built far the San lliega f as ~ f±ncrarro Q;aCSI- ~ ,l ~ n ~'- pony to 192N the urlhty akficc remained at that loca- wlly ~~/ f /a. ~ ~ „ £iou £ar rnanq years. lam"""',+~IJ~a i ~„' ~ .iantos Iruf'8..ueracc ArclalGeetur~, tis she 192t1s carne to a close, fl'ne autaanabfte organ w affect arehiter_tnre throughout' the United States. lrt Caaula'Uista, hnildmgs:tEong~ IQstinna8 Avenatr (tartu^ Hcerad- way) started to show the firsr evidences of drive,°e-o ar- c9aitecture.'i;ouriss c:unps were wustrueted, and e-ae strCet would laccamc a maJ~ar rlanrouglafarc lined wish rnptcRs, fasC-toad t'stablishmcnts, gasoline stations, used car lots and stares ckakerdng to the- care and repai€ of aumrvtubcles. (SIOI..h NIS"lA 191$-upgYt I911tt.[PtNC: A (a'!'"1' 6T ~. ~. ~. GH CHB.fp,A V15'9'it 111S66A'1"aC,,4 19n-Ig~RG A.. ',Et 1"rimo Hotel, 416 Third Ave.. unday~ }3. 3N) '1'h1m1 Avet. C. ItuuJStt and Silrplc tzartt!,c f}. 5'lC, Flower Street C:1. 5f1 "'fd'"" Street Automolaulcs aisa rnfluc~nred at¢hrtee:narr lax aotother way. In the period 1920 to 191, tV9caderne (.4r[ IDccta), a new archdteetural style, Crecame pa~polav: chroughou¢. t2ae^. Usuted Sratcs ut ewer distinct pktasas~ tbc^!.r(ya[; Moderns: of Oae Il!b2t)s and r:he Strexrenlirre Mrrderttc taS' the 193QDS. The $rreamline t1~llc'rdertxe rcPlccm'atl the stational mtcrest in eFre curved acrar3yrtsuttic foster nP the air,platres and tone `stneatnlirxe"' design of au'to~nxobiles. 'lino buildings, Guth constructed on Third Avettue in 1930, re}xresent the Ztgrag, Madcrnc style in Chula Vista. 'B'he Sttnith fgui&c'litxg at 2H9 "D'ltird Avenue arras desrgtxed. pry :trcktire.ct 1'{ammand W w'hi[s-tt far Chula Vista's fims~t Fire chief, Cfivarla~.s Smeth, ar%hu wamcd a fireprcnrf stn[ctnae. ti leers 'liessitute of Q::hnla Vista d-d the concrete work. ern t1ai5 bualcliatg, which. features four seeded concrete pillars tGxat curve invvarcl :at the upgrer end auad has a hori~antal band with a zigzag dasign. T''Be H;l Nrtmsrta Hotel at 41fi'P'htrd. Avenue was eom- pleted in E:?ecember 1934. 'I'bis building also Seatured the Clra~ntatlc vertical dcsigtx element fomxd qn ntany 2igrag Modes~ne sn~nccuces. Tlxc 22-mom hotel was built !'or John and Lt'lly Ratcliffe at a case of $30,000. "1"'he Streatnlane Mladerrxc style came to Chula VisH~a dieting thr 1934s, and one good example is [l'x^ court at 516 Plnwer 5~rrccc built by cement contrac'ror ft. V. fDysnn around 193tf. The hodao~ntal lines and ctarvet'1 corners taf these smallF duxpdcx units carry out xh,e strea~mlireing ic'le~al. liur wh'IDe the Mndcrne~ Style was evnlwing in the cnmmunity; ot&ner events were also taEcingp3.ace. In 3931, the. city acyuircrcd its first jwsticc court, and ]utige Il,owe11 presiried unisl Its rt;tired in 19f~1. Establishment of this +:.nure ice C9wlia Vista was sp'usred on by lrrohibirion. Large numbers of naerr~naBeers, who lrar3 crussu'i the bonier inno 'I'ijuaaaa m imbibe alariwlic beverages, were apprehend- ed evllven decry came back into ahe United States. "1"he Chula Vista justice Caurt handBed cases taf drunkeness atmnwt exclusively Peyc a number of yetcrs. hlthaugb the Great l?epress-ian isle Chula Vista hard,. agricuVtnre stilt provided [onsiderabYe income for t5te residents. The lemon orchareis predated a6aundantly. Chula Vesta was knave as the best lemon gr4wisag see. lion in 5onthern Calilbrnia and was equalled by only otxe ocher spat Nn ahe waarld fart growing celery. ]n 193f, the le;mtrn atop bmug,hc in Sf million. and celery 664t1,000. Rluwcn and bulbs were other imparrtana crops with a. t931 incotne n,f $50U,41fD0_ P,r-.ca'usc of the imporunce of agrlcultnre in the Gltuta Vista area, San Uiega Cannty operated an insectary at 5i1 "G'° Street. (The tacllity is :aUll in use t'odap.) [n 1934, 540,000 Iladylrird beetles,. beueficial insects used to com- bat atealybugvtxfestations on citrus trees, were raised. in this building.. Sl: r,P9Uth V11 to t915~t9~f4: i1UlLDtMG M1 CS7X b9 mir cuvt..t vtsra tta!1ts'rvrcl:. t+An-t9es i.)rtring the iaac i93tBs, the ~nrgaee 9ecd Coxnlaatty o~eeated experimental fields au. Ciaula Vx`sta an 21l acres of land divNded i.ntn five-aces tracts. "L'he carmpany deva>Inpcd ~an. ~Udcrxles5 mar.N~~UId and a rgouble nastnrciwxn. Onc L"Ive-acre tract produced a spectaccdar i7.arwar, the red and gold mart~,old. Around ]939, tyre t]trwcr was fncmal- ty introduced 'to the gardcnira~g world at ~a tlianer held at lire waldarf 1-Eotcl. ln. Netiw Fork City. In 1939, (;hula Vtsta's cottrmunity arrxphithevtre, Ure site of many civic prcyl5tams, was constrwt:ted with w: P_A. and city lobar '4~'^"arAFnne~a trans£e~rnxr.~.l zr gual4y iatn an at- tractive natural settitr~ and created a beaustaful. paeNc. "L"hc, park and civic bawl were dedicated during tare l~ae:;ta ¢le la Luna celebratlnn. in Srptemiber f939. ~xnathes '~'. k?,%,. construction project, the °IY Street School, a]sn pumped federaE rnnney inter zhe communiey, '1"hc name at tlxis ecNucatiaxaal flnstitutian was Narer chauged to l.iANiauu ~ucr Schnal in htanar afa local archutect wNra w-as barn i~ Na- tional City fa A898, As rlve decade c:exrne ttir a close, ~,+ar IUramed anc;e again in GnrUpe Althoul;h the Chrala "/asta (~}tv Council had started to plan fear a ntw civic center as eanrly as 19333, the center would be nre~ded much saUner than an}cane draught. in ¢he tnext 7i) years, thc~ ptrpuiatlon of the eitp would inure than triplt:. C;huim, Visea'~9 cermmunity amphleVrcacre ~,h I~ ,I~ I x;~~ u~u~'vuu~~e ~uiuiuCr~ ~i~~ ' Navel asti Purl arbor RAIN ON OAHU 4NBiHO(1T WARNING, WHP1E HOUSE DECLARES; r .e- U. ~. AR'M"~, NAW~ ORNERED 1O E~ECUrE NEEENSE ~RNERS ~ IILIMOLIfLH 07 T{llP} 1 h 4 t m alt l fER 6 P u d y, ~ r~1+~~~~ya l- HCYMf)LU6 EJU P(h P)...A X res t p g ffH ]1 fIr ,~~' ~~1~ J 43 h Flk y Et 'I. ¢ tP IHb df Riejr~~~~~,~ii ~r~~1~~/~iilir Id of Yht p~ tfi k 11 II At95p S 6`~flc r f i c d f. mu~tlun twat t 11 p B '~ .p Y d thorn wawa lu5 t k Rpl tjo all ~ q ~s rr""~'ri Gd v/ t d ® d hr m Fr p a r ~ t tr pp t. '~ ~~/~i r ~ii~,r 1i x p k d y6a b d ht tH k f 1{ r r i d xhev r r l<<1F~r d 1 I D th P P FI b I b ditV'trnGrr~a`r~t/r ,~m~`e:,,atit,.e'i„„. ~~anep cmr i~l en ahl ~h h. fl waa¢n¢lele p rlvnQ 0 ~pn,a. Ire Wxt a [zpott Pz a in watu p 4 Rnar H h tb t mtc I p t4 Iy g i'x n"vdo fn the w t d hoe exh n Fire 7h. old uet k,m rm~oa¢aly f mmd. WM5HIN€.TO'v D 9 hl y. J p ral n. t d u 6 d A v a de• ' ae ae bnevn mt Hnw , d Mamle, end Prve,dawt R even ordered the nervy and neey ?ee v.n r+9µ+e, m 4 ~~ ~[ rr'Y suv undid 1 'd 6^.3eTP piOp&FCd fA.P defmNne pf 111re W[IlEed $(a[me. . e,.~. .,., .,. ,.. ,. _ ,.,,.~.,, ,.. ,,., _ <d.,,r .:,.,,, '"~. _ Tar wl r Fi a d r rt k d .,_ t I tp t u e r H.a- 1.. +. t M I d nh t r- k 1Ma ai k Yda p g All Naval den SHIP5 SHETE pEARE HARBOR 0. S. TransparY ~ s ~ , d t tr f th p t x t ~r ~ t t , Rrcel• a t 1 S Y r 5t ph E IY d l 1 tF r E 1 o f q ckn w ra Galled io Dut CANNON FIRE'. ROCNS ISLAND Hii ~ Paa1a~ ~~ d r t~ tq ro ~ h ~~, e ^ i,>o d d 1 ed wu~,n 0 h O Wr [ rv ebnt the dmp L 1 R d® t Pfa l w depart. ItxE A Perscrnnvl F K 11 d Th ae 11 t' E ly R ~d lppon N ~ I iJnrzis m harva to the ucratnry oC weaie Japan n enplw t, the zevevinry a mmmorand'uen aP To Rap e r 6aae fY. Hnwv'aa C'e~p wl; Cr'ecns Flee Faso of H a Mw^. ~F. Hoerr pcu n r rxr t r, u ru © r P ptlw. Y ff ~ th t] g p pjq W 1 p t Japanmw r~, u~l v n r~. V p n khab d d t. P c~ d knp thly' AaJ tM I w er,xr dr x xdroar.u ,du.y eh rr Rr,w mx,.m etve war aepnrtmanr erda md~. II nvhwts pas.ren al m tBx a caunurr IV Y9Y.R -W ! C0.T I i[ I r 4 1 yr r m n r n u n o-1 r[ ~ 91e d, a 1' a M h i d. F th 1 to k hma a nrr. i. ~d t~ d dk,r tt Jp 1e rtlwre hn 0Yf dR..pdrtr. T+ r' q t t th th porn Rhe] dt b xf- J 1 11 M P. PVII Y Wrrd ,,, e.,: ,,. ~ 1 s.m. o r.!o wai ua.,a~ „ ~ r ~s6 q ea 4P bs the r. t t..aE .t d p.. a "" A I net 1 t n9 WI a i1 w t I fl 4 Y t apart I dad with [umbae~ 4VUUanI ThdltUYoJI ~iwo Clinax dp~peir m iarlf Momm9 yhlO Sends Call lpr Ald CI, a tR t p..l d 7aoo t e s 5 F eeo. Cander an Psle 6hEacks " `¢" Ib 17 t f a 1 xan aver w I r a v~ fb fi t ta'd x v Y tl. tI hp k 1 td >h ~a x HIV ~ r-t~ 1 A e a~e Ik flf .wee - W 6f a `'d k6 d p r e rof tl d ] p t b t nh th. . nee In _a x er, mm ~t xth aXll d btth kll P.Gnl t r,ou hnd - t p11ad, roo: n r p 1, r ~ '. e I, _, ,, µ, „ ~ t 8th ul nfl t b F he0' E p ' „m th [the United Stet ~. n U a n i v r dp d u [! x la a. m ~7BI'tl748f1~ ~6f1~$BS T, rv i u r r 1 d m r a e l w w ._ B~uPleiins Td e. a e ~ ~ ~. a~ a 1, e n. e r l ~OR3111@fli a v a v m rx r 1 i e n a v-rrz ~1~dC~X ,~ E. 1 N l t] tIM ) dl b l d y ry n~ µ M LL rz 4 a~SQ. M llte 118 MI ak4 1 N it t' w j ~~ a t wn x 1 s, Id r n tr a , a v 1 r, t w w r e rv r rd a i e. v sn ar ar r i n v r a' r ~e ... in.~ Irl e 7 m r r~er reW aseroe a ) .~. r n u 1„ ,.' 10 'I L ps YI 1 d h N 6. i° 1 rmi Ann' r,. ~~~OCS pd~IU'~Q6WI1 wwn li¢n a yrr ir;.e° nr °"1"ri 1 p. as"i r ~o ,an aru 1 a-a nx 1 nee al l' r r, , w a tra ~bt ~~EBII H®f~mY a r vn r 4 umeK I ai~_ ia,..m„ n ~ ,. -__ r i r l i n ',~JqT~{ ff~~ NUaoWld Repot4s mrzea a a imx "° r r"" "" "ud^v• Jr~~e~p ~.~~~.~ Retrl Nar6Ur tlamaae ~ .,j x ,..~,. ' a e. i 1 n r rv ui ...r n n e r r a. awn i r ~, m m r oar x rv n a I e r n.r r r n r •^. ru.. ,,drr. "° u,o re l,l~e.uwa\,1 u', ,au.:+rr„ aw. ..oaw,. e.za e. nm .ma ~, e.eli w »..........e.'... ;. ~~. . n~mo ....,..w CHIILA v15I'A 1`319-19dp_. 7dUH;D1hrG ,h CI'9Y 71 Ctarlar 1rz4ust.ies T2 Gii}y.q y15TA 7913RI2kt,G15 111-19&6 d)rx a warn surnxna~r day itx Ata,~aast I)~4I, Fs,vc; meta - l~rdvd fB.rDYnr„ J. T. Rheis~a, I. A~l. I,aea1y, P. Il. hcattf7tusch :anal ta. fl. N(atfihusch ~C. -- ~athereal at a9:N Qf'I~.dea; in $aCx l~li:'.~'(} L'41 ilal(a17t tlLe 1°irt9(:1~5 (5f Ittd:org7dDra- ti(sn 1'or a na~w a'(anxy~any, tlxe Illtshr a! ira raft (:orparragidan. Bohr Aircraft, c~rcated ¢o dca sulxccantrtct work foa- larl;c .ut'frntrte nntnuf'a(turd-r:;, wa>utd sxacceeal, tar hcyc>ual a(xy exyac^ca;acc(rits. In 1}41, thd" corxeyxsaray a>r~arAira:cs aayxed eaa ffizxcl sgaace in ~:dxu9a Wlsta„ ox gxla(1~ txwored'9,xy hrea6 llular„ wheca fihey caautd fauiLd thxe ar f3a~t faz~ry 13ut irx ttuc (xie:(nticxae, tkxey were ewer tas start ~roductia~n anal Id°asrx@ a tBxr(~e-story flxrcl~ htti7alltty aat 138'kx and '")'"' Streets in :San.1)lel;(a wiu(~re sc-v(rrxl (dyratr.acts wcxe killed. At this faetoa-p, a:€rsa%licxbs f(sa° Leaclcl(eeai'ti Fludson 1a~camNaer wepe gyr~ducec9, mnrl lxy,~satv~uaa-y 191„ Id(aYtr Airccakt erxxgal<aya:d 422 wsurkers. t tzuLn VIS'IN. tF~a198v: < 11"5' Op 9'rtb I)RGnM 73 ~~ ~~ ~. ~`~ ~~a ux~n.n vssxn ratna~~oncis ~~u-inar~ GX"1""k' ()'F THE i?ItFA,'S^I APthaugh the City a£ Chul:t Vista faeBd an option a~n a 10-acre tract slang the bay at t7te fiat of "fF" 5treee, else City Council decided in 7940 ro lex Rohr Aircraft. purchase the land. The property had been designated as the site Fae~ a new airport, but the cauncilnteo felt that an industrlal plain would brirug greater benefit to tht communi¢y. (JCt Peb, 8, 1947, Rohr ~Aira~,rafl Corporation tnave~d hnCO its first Chula Vista building, a ]yU by Z50-foot fac- tory. Oy June 15, Che eerm,pany hat€ completed a second factor} I'~u-lding as well as a two-stzary ahFicr £aci].dty Q}n July 3, Rohr had 7S~ emxpiayees, From ¢hae time an, pra- du~ctian inercasrcd. aixd mgrc and mzare workers were'lairrd. The company be~rame ¢he maJor employer ha Chula Visa, a position it still holds today, By t'he end oC 1941, Rohe Aircraft Corparatlon had developed i'he "paver package'' concept and had begun to manufacture ready-CO-install power units for military and commercial air~rafC. A power utrit consisted of a bare engine, furnished by the cnstamer or Che goccrnment, arzrund which Rolar assembled various parts such as mo4ot mounts, mir ducts. cowl daps and controls, pdumb[ng,, elc~c- teical harness and other engine accessarie~s. The power unit's eontaineF@ (ream I,300 ro 2,40@ parts made by Rahr. 'These power units went tergently needed during the war, and a4 the height of production, the corparat'ion employed 9.000 rvnrkers at the Clxula Vista plant. By 1945, Rolvr had produced a total of 38,ODU nnits and kxacl become tNxe world's largesC rrtanafacturer ak' aircxaft powtt packages. In order to provide recreational facihkes fine tlce aur- c'rafC workers during world war fI, Rohr leased tlxe San N7iega C.ouzarry Glob and famished funds and nxanagemens to the Cluh, which was having Borne Cina¢nuiafl diffiieudtles at the time. AhVzongla airz nCF[ employees used and greatly eivjoyed the clubhouse and grounds, she regular €;lub members continued to use the facility also. Arn'nnrl ®9155, f"red Rohr purchased a house and aceeage in Bonita Valley for use by the Rz'nhr 'liraxployces Recreational Cltib. 'Che large two-story wood. and brick kuilding had been canstmctecl in i93S by ClxuNa Vista con- tractor liow°ard Sebastian fat ki.is uncle, 91.tbe¢x. Harrison, and Iris wife, Charlotte, at a. cast of ffi50,{I{?0. t]uring. the same year, a cwa-room adobe was placed Czeat the nxaNn house. The adobe house had originalfly stood. satm;ewhere in. the Cuyamaz:a Mountains and vac takers apart Azad brought to the Sweetwater Valley where It was inbuilt, Har- rison, swell-known real estate developer; was 4nteresl'cd nn [radian artifacts and kept ttxem In the ad~abe. (llis w-fe wauldn'C IeC li{m Ibring Chem inro h-s homey After her hus- band passed away in 1941, Charlotte flartisc?n. sold her home and 45 acres to~ tkte Campbell Faroifly of Campbell lrudustries. After Fred Rahr purchased the property, tine house w•as remodeled. For use as a recreation ceetter In -9(afi, he sold Che mansiean. and 23 acres m the City of Chula Vista for ffi60,000, when eaters ~~appraved tht City's plan ro ac- dnirn an adlacem t38-acre golf course, pris~.tetly zrwned by Elie I3oniCa Valley C,onntry Club. The haause, koemn to- d~ay as Rohr Manor, Bull wends in part of Rohr Park. In t'he 1950s and 196ds, Rohr continued to grow. Altftough the cor,porauton developed adctitianal Facflllties at Riverside, CaliFornia and in Gezargia, washirxgtpn and Alabama, the main 'plant and company hztadzluarters re- mained in Chula Vista. Fly 1969, Rahs occupied 4'7 large buildings that seretclxed far a mile along the Chula SFista bayslnore. 1)ur3ng the la[e'60s and early "70s, the corporation began. 4a diversify and for a tinnc produced such peoducts as microwave relay antennas, gaa turbine engines, precast concrete building materials, buses and rap'ud transit cars. CHI€f1A V[S'1:1 Iv4n-19fl~6~ CVTX OP THE n8ElIM 7$ [krday, Roter supplies Ict eugitee nacel.Ncs, ihrutit rarverscr5 'and e~vvg,ine campaneuts tar every majnr aircaaft nnnY trP.b-C- tnraurr [n the freu ewa>rld qn 7985. the corpotwttion operated slx. uaajor fnc ahtues, including anc rn'17rulousi' t"ran[r. S:ded tota.ped StbtY7 millirrtt, anti 71~crhr r.^mplcryed' 7,([t(o workctr,^ kncluding 4 (rfP{3 at itS main plantnnd headquarters' in f;hula `Jista,. 'fl"hc• growth a1' this maJnr corporatitrn grcat7y af- fecYCCI the 4.euy of t:.;tau la Vus~. anti its resfldents. 7eeiran the first day's o('at/arrVd war tl untti tha: present, titrlrr Iraq nttrtcled wcrrktxs to the uce, caaiu:d txcmc~xachrus ex77SNaion arf restdur tiaJ areas and baxrsta:~d the ecoarortrp of the c-iry. Qhu7.a Wista Uucs tee 'i3~av )n tlrc early days of World Wir Ii, while :aircraft wortcfirs Sought Ira~,using in the dty^, events of national itn- Irott~tce begatr to touch the lives of Chula Vesta ~cttirens. On Rrlday, Apr11 1@, 192, the headline "lapancse }Here were Evacuated TLiesc9ay" appeared nr the (;hula Vispa9•rax []rider :u garvcrnnxent order, all persons of Japanese nnceStty, uti¢An and'xl rcn alike; hart been regntred to 9eave the 19a5td area. ivHCare than 7,(7t7C1 internees, includint; runny Chv3a Wista faanil0es, left S:m Diegcr Caunty on two trains borutrd for Santa Anita. After a stay of six rnontles at Ctue Scrota Anita race track, rnose of the internees were least to a reloratd<atn can3p in Arf;srna. Joseph K. Saner, a veteran oS World War I and a nertmber arf [he f:hu7a Vista Atnerican Legion, was one of those interned. Ssma, a ceNery ~grrawer, was .u respected. citizen and in 7)38 served as the atisesGtnq secretary olf the San Diego Ctruntp Celery Grerwc.rs' Asscrciauarn. As tlse war presgressed, news of the inerrasHng defrn„se effort crowded' ~dse Franc pages of the Strtr. 't'he April 24, t9~2, issue. asked cftizeus to register fare sugar ration. booCcs atsd repor[ed on the civil defense panxp~hlets avaii;abdc at the Chula Veta Ilbrary. Ahout 4o different pamp7nlets with such utles as "Tersanal k'ratection Against Gas" and "Aircraft Spotter'" could be abtained. In adcli- uon, dtc: Hihrarian,s suggested to the gena:ral pnhlic such boo€cs as JduBrag Cfrteder 7ertsitrn ~aud 2fre Font! tr'nrderu. N'ewspapcr arttctes urged resialcnts to plant Victory Gaedetrs. rand buy Wier Hands. Hy Jvne 1942, the: housing shortage far defense worka:as and service funil7es had bccerme acute througHnout the ceruntl~y. Resides the Bohr M~iretaHt 'factory, Cttv7a Vistla also had two nnilntary }rases in the vicitvty: Reath Picid anal Brown Fdetd. Pvlamf people lived in [railer parks a~nc6 4etkCS. F7omeowners reevtr~d out extra morns and eonverte~d back porches into iredrooons for tHne workers. Ct was the pntriouic thing to der. At t8ne satuc ttmx, defense worker housing Proju;cts were unalerway in Chula VisM. ~C?rae project, buil.t~ frS' the t1.S. gah~rnment, was under construction at the eoruer of `J" Stre~e¢ and Q°IilJtop Drive. 't'his projraa, known as I lellw}r VilVage, wona9d unchade io0 "'ttemountablc"houses. Another 4.G acres of lland between "T'd" and "I" Streets clad IWaticrval and t•iftla becauare tyre si,Ue lot a second project wl.ttr. 75f3 detnou{ttaisle <Suplexes. Chv1a A~Luta '"racrv~urrtablc:" housr^n 7{i Caa{ILA l'atiYh }{lilt l'fAGt~. 191 C-]'1HCi Q.$3~i6,/ 'CIS fH L9~f ~-!*~8G: U7`Y OG PIIF-LIRd'AM 7~ Bq July 1942, scrap drives had started 62(:sidents aontaibwta:d ewa:ry raubber item that could be spars^_d. not lust castavrays~. "~hcn one scrap drive asked fur all sorts of scarce materials including rubber, various kinds oS ¢net'al, burlap bags and otYrer irrnrs' needed for the wsnr ef- fort, Chula Vis~tans rnm'ribuYCd 7f1 tons of scrap. Mca'als were. 1n such critical demand ttrac windslt~ield stSrVicers rrpiaccd metal automobile license places i.n 19'43. '1"hc notice of grasolitxc ratiuning appeared ill the newspaper ill d"~overltbtG. and 1dS-year-vtds were asked co register for the CUSVdt iu December. "With the irrt7u:e of wnrkern, the city grew rrpldly. "I"lit population of Chula Nisz'a doubled between ]444 a'~nd 1945, and business in the town boomed. 'The Pogue T'he:ater, deslgnrd by archimrt Frank Hope )r., was ran- strucxed 1^ late 1944. By Il946, the business section ex- tendetll Sot five blocks along Third Avenue utd overflowed onto the side streets. Thr city had a tohal of ~41F3 husiiness firnns and proPesstonral establishments; 1$ ansrpanies manufacturccV products in Cltula V'is'ta. E~esddes- Rohg the major iexGustry 6za ttvr city, other factoa-es made such items as airplane parts„ acoustic arld insubltion materials, short- 3rd ~Ywe. and "Y'" Street '~auking vexrua ha h73G 9aand machines, p,GaszSc hu4to'ns„ electric motors and brassieres. C7ne company ground pgrophylite, a foram of almuinum silitate~, iNlta a powder that aras used as a carrier $or )7I1T, an inset'ticade. The rock was hauled from a. mine two miles cast of Rancho Saner I'le to 4:huxPa Vlsta wltere it was crushed. After the: u~ar; agriculture was stall an umparrastt in- dustry, and by 194 ~i, the vegctable~ crops brought un $3 millLun amtualy, K ~e9x~^,rg auar~ontrct Por ltalt oS thu totnll, and the fields coveted 4,2Qif7 acres. "hbe ranchers raised Ut;zh celery, the green uruknla^aohed varBety tPzey load started to plait in 1935.. In tkue bcginning, tbe~ gte~en celery had mcY with cnnsurner resistance tltae had to be ow~erromc, since housewives were accustomed to the b3ear.4nrd w:rriety, Fined W'. 5tafforrl vwaa the manager of she Chula Wista YegetahSc Exchange, a cooperative shat handYed a lame part of tkte vegetable output. 'The exchange shippec9 ~9f1 carloads of vegetables In 19hG. S'raitotd, an cogwacer vaho had served overseas as an u!''ficer isa the li.S. Armq during World War I, came to Chula Vishe, in 192fl~ and I'aomght & house at 64© Fifth Avenue. The house ~Ftad been cozx- sttilcted around 1911 for &]agsun Tixgebretsen, a ranclxet. ?M. CHULM1 41ti1A H'ERI'?AGI?. d`711~198L+ "1"lar~ St-atfon9s added a seulnd stcrry^ to alae'hxuue :tend pla¢nded cfltrtrs en^e;r and Gi~iclds <>f celery and YatelhS acounU pit. 't"Mar SCaft'ord LStatase Baas bee n designated (Mhu12 Uisua kMitiwricaE SCe. Np. I1. Somt: warttmr sb,tartages, especially trf bnt-diaxg sn->- plit~.R, Lacrnl-sCed for a tune after the war. De.~splte the a^]tfpnculfy 6n nbtainung anaterriaMs, nne C;Baula'vlsCa fanatly found a. nmi- quc way tv build a la~use. Lorne and Ncl 1)unseith krad !iv- ed. in a tcaifler park duritag the. Sate L')i4MS and the war years a'nd wcec [teed aaL'payrng rent. '.LhrougMxaf~kiend, nc~y^ Lcarn~ ed about the LatsrCaradra, a [otaaboaC that was alaovt ea tartdergn a ¢tnajtar over9nanl dnring wb.-cla it woult0 he strip- ped dt>Wft Cu the? keel a¢td rel7nllt. 'L'he [5unscuhs pureaaasc:ci tkle'CUp of, the boat fClr $12q and hauled Lt ao a lot they owned at fr55 "B.1'" Strcaet. T.axtnse-tka, ~rhtr had warkcai tus a whtphu-lder fur l7 years, dnag a foutadaClon and Yawercd, Ch~c upper part o! the Baoat e,nua it. 'M'hena Itaa remtavcd the whcetho'use and 4audm a secrrnd sC<axy fn -ts place_ 'L'he wheelhou6e was puk W.1 a funraelation az'the front right ear- ner and lacr~avae part of the new Mana4~ 1 he I3utaseiths sducco¢d doe h~truse :uad paanCed et an appropriate color; sea sprty green. Y4raFrc~ul lieranc, flistoei~a6 Site. Nu_ 41, 6401 Elteh Akx:. Houwiaag H7c.manarnd, Increases Ia'ur-ng dae ~,ptastwar boom, ilne demand fur &aous- ing ba!a'.emr greater than cwcr bcCoce IdtmrkreGls a! C~4d-fur- ma nnelx Matauses were cousarueted ion the nevt suhdavtsons carved out tat 5dd acaen of ~4iartner ciurnas graaves. 'U"hesr small rectangu-ar Iaaac~nrs wlCh laaw pitched las"La tar gable roo[a had nil art~c5 and no lrnnt 'porches. 3'-ae extuiors were sheatMacd rti~'l.t'h snrcco, board ane'1 batten, shingles, clapboard, nr a ct?nnbin:atio~n r~tf Cwc;t nr mote o~C rheas. Under the f>.I. I3i19. CFf IR.ights, returning wet wcrcnns t:onld purchase a mtnirnuatl twn-Laedroe,un 'Pauilcter'ta spccia-" for as htt,lc 'as ~k6,LM~UO wkth ¢ata rnoney down. Tlae d::aMad'tarrata rant°h huustr, the !^¢vaatide sanafll Lnpuse for acveral a'lecaa'des, repra~scnterl an acMnicwalale AnnerM~can dreaaa'a. X.os~ a'Lngeta 5 ales-g~na;r Ctif! PYBay is genrcatly^ ngard- ed an a major auttaor of this styMc which was ptapnrlnr Pram L9;;y until ruhont 097$. tday, vr;Bab grad'tuaCNd fhaan San L73ngo State 4;alllc~., wati Iraspla'e.d l'ay' daa Spent-sh. Coloeval arclaitecturcr. do S^a.n Saiego co dasaelnp what he called tans "t;aGtturnla Llarienda style"" 13y rctae end o£ ahe L93Y~~s, lee laad also created ehct ranch -noase stye, Ahhtaugh nti~ay prn- bahly clextgncd a number nE htnnes in <~hula'C"¢sta, only 2:H lfLA Y15"tA t94t1-1n}a4; CO`I'7" OI"'n.7:4? DR6hM 7~ ,,; r m ~~ BU (D1G'6h 4-SIA Il,hlft19iY614 1911-1.986 une oC Lrers ]oe al buuhlings Ysas ht c'u idcaxtlficd- the Sw•cet- sater W~a~aur's tlltth u.lubheausa, conataa~cacd su 7~3h. F5}~ IsJSd, t7re lro~ulmuean arC t;hnala 5~irta Ixad eisen tar 14~, 5flD5 more Ihan CYn~rt: alrraas slxc 19~fU Pigtu~e, Pled d'Ivada Vdsea was g;,rtrwtng tv~rict: as last aw 5auv H)tegsx. ";C'he steed fria- new Irtt&r7ie taeilitie5 becarctc urgene, .m~t9 kbt` ti- t7~ beEgan W develop a nerx~ CteIr. Getvtcr^ Pine yeaa; Itscv,iaarnly, Lx (3c°Y~drerr R94S, tlu^ (~.t~y (:axuneu] 95acL ~Erc_ <.Baascd a nn~C-acre 5i,te. at "I^" Strcc~t asxd ECrurY4 AvLntne Marx ~~7:2~5d7U 7lre Fare statinn xwas Imiat t4rht u a ¢•.t',rwt <r~f %311,54(3 autl was oceuryrec9 otx Teb, 1, 1~74~13. I erv Stataon M'ar, 7, as it is callled t<rchty, lectured a udtite sxuxr~c« rxu^ri7ar, red te7e n,uf, a eerwcr and aru:hed 4rlaenSngs fur ENve firr aceaelc~s.'T'ha dusig;,n oP zhc~ SlxanusPt C Qlonfa,ll ReViu•al Ixat'dlcling set The arthitectnrnl theme fnr r9tt other 4;ivic (;e¢~akCr 3trnet- tttrc's trnilt later. "1"hc Criy I^Ia17„ dedit°sucsL on Irc~b. 1T, ]951 was ccadx- smuC7~cd at a cosC erg' 779~),4,y4. '9'he buihitng, wav tlcrig~txi^at dny }'arty I3uruho-7axx, a (.hula Vista caCi;rxn, in what Iltunlxaen calVc.d hick "47a77ti~rnla Sty Lc ' '1'@'uv strnetwrc also rc~ltc~ t7te^ 4~p~Intsh ivco•1Gage of the area erirlx irb retl Y7Ic. roof', piaa7a:rc•d cxteri7rr;utxd asehed e,~tnaeotee. 7"he nest• C7itp~ II~7a77 4tntunecX nlror ca>una'7I chambers, eragicneer7ng ofF7ctes, po9irt o£Eu~ce and otha".r E7cili.tfes. 4~''7acn the nerd Ftrr a ccaux-733oxuse became ~app:arent, the clry tVonaaeaB pert 1~ thb Clv ac Center land, and. the new k764,444 4~nerth E7ap C;purklre?uac, erected by tdac C~nxre- 77 waa focmatl~• c6cd~icated on Jan. 21, 7953, Jutlge 7,uwtld I~towc anc9 thr Rou7~fa -3ay- Cvtnn3¢^ipal (;curt mowed iaxto alua^ m°tiv baai9dYmg. A~. ncu-• Vihc-ar~~, dcs7gncd b~y Sxn I~icl;o archita•tt 0..rmis t3e7(inuer, alxncd ~,laane ~,0, 19y5~_'I'far building ~~aulauYbWd I2 F7(747 my. Pt„ uncV cu7sr ~5f),ofJO_.'h mevV pcsst erfCatie aexis costtitrncted erearbti cCair@ng 1955_ Neslice. and rngincering wink were :added eo faty Hall in g95G, and 5ub~seque~xd}; an 1utlsxrau,Isu~asiert ao'rixt°x aend ~ c~.o~nnty 6caleh building becaamu 7xart oI rhr C,ivuc e;;enica~ crr~mpdaa In 75771, a X1.2 ~tuVlue7n yrohevr faC'~i(,„~ n~tlr SC1,f14i} sclnarc Crct. aP f7oa>r b(naca' wrac c,on6tratcte~.d, anal ~inx l9"'9., ehie Pvhlu~ Serv7ces IxwluGTa~y. w-lrtclx t,om7^tmrd the new council r7tam15era, rwas dedica7ed ANR ok thrae strac~. ~uaxrus enrcn~gras~aeed 'w°fritu• stuccp walls Att(N x-ed r~7e roc7f`~s 197 tlxcir desi$~n 'Che xaewer l3tiitdixxgn fiaturrd tectagquGar openings ins7ead of arches htrvt~rcc7 ualkrvags mouth, ~stlu:n~c-pillar sulrports canncctt'd tree vaa-7aats structures in. Chun cump~7ex. (The large fatuxeaYn ntaa7 plaaa in Cmnt oF<:i- C;' 11x11 vrere :also built 7n 1979_) l'9uring the prosprrauw decades crk thr 'SOr, and'(i0s, ( IhnAa Vis'{a r©n~nuc~c9 to ~~,row. Trt 1y751), atxutrt 1G, K~i)11 pest ple lavuxi. iav dxa^ Citlr, ant'D b7, Iy55, tnC7re than a1,33€Y ttt,ade it their Cv~~s72r (;ensatx rakers utt 79x411 tuuand 12,354 res7clcnas anti iu I974 caxuuted C8,2U4. "Phe city grew isa. su7e as well as pap~ulatioax as areas to the serut-x, cast, aatd tu7rth sv~ere atrncxed. 7`bt (:hula Vista S8'aolxgrng Center, tlcvealoyxctf In 1t7C2 am a 35-aC:rc siae on ESruaclwag bctrx t•c,n °"&T" anti ~"I" Strc-ets Le~arureC7 a mtdl 4ta Pt. wR1e b7~ 64@ ft. lang. "The center, desdguvcd by Ckr:u'.It~ Lutlat'nzux A,tisoa:iatex, ina:6aded. a farnnra1n tttzt dnlil3~.,,ated one at tlxe Alhaai7bca, a. palaee in 4;cmada, tipain. G HULK Y'I:~IPo ]9YU-199G~. Crd'4'Y (rr "THI, 1}g G.eYM Bl h. L;iru9a b"ksta Y9fi3 L74 (:IruFa 51'ista~ lo~ktn~. norrth in Y911 4:. C:ongrepaeional (;haxear, H~tirorucnl Sine 2Yo. $ arnd G:~ommnanity Ci~wer 19{56 t'lae~ lost w~escug~cs t~E" the, ra~itruad +a^ TYclscB .Ax^c:mar. elNs~i¢x~vatx°cG 3n l<3Gi vx~lycn mhe [~ai~CV vucse ct~rr~t oebe a~~~ taxvr~ai waa^atr. "M"lxc° t.•itrax:Y [nductr;~ awaa~ ficugia~eci lax a,tce ci[Y, a<acl mra5~[ cr9'the^ a~reYtaouYg Icacl ~~auist~a,ed The ha~ss t:iiGkus t,a;ea.km°m quit Ixccwlnt~av fcw t5;1S'~; trxiaa saarvicc~ crca'i'IcsrcBAvcuxaca,ecudc°tit dxa, t,afua^ Isar Cax Y~)fi9 s9te ay&t'd [cluauaa t'')~e~aa~t Ixasea~Ytcuatur5 warn~h5>usc ;ca Q~"Raurl&o ~.~caix~ie :a~x~. C~err[aec Strecrc w:ax tuc~t u~9aa~arn. 't"Io4~ avaakwivas ~iDQ? Irt 2~iC)-ftr~~t ruc9wecnxl tyac;kaax~ r~hex~l ~,r;ow re7xlaeu^x1 0.ay :wax atiaraxccru caa4n(x4ttx. ltg~ 1°A~i4„;hula 4'is~i'aw h.ccl4xecti,cna:.w wePl-c~~en~elalx~ex3 una'}Ucrn a ciy. Pv'inekue.n ti~le:rnansary~ ~rchgtwls, th~rec ~uwoxu°cr hr3~,ix ac h5w[ctls, aeatE trvta 1xl~ka rnrix5xtrlea pxecvic~le,ei ealucatieau fttwa~ tl~cc, yaucnly. }nc,n~Ie rat tpxca etrrnruurwtl~t~t' d:ar8le,~cr t~l:u5;nes xya:ee Ieeii:p~ Nx«:1d..az a Irdj{Nt tiw,'h¢wwrl xePslYtir rBxa 5c7uthw~res~.Fteru <:~91e.~c carul>xc~ avzwa Ueuwa~ 9xnulc <yax t;)~t:u~r Lw49ces Ikaaaa~d.'1'lates~ htr~lmta9,~ ocncl 31 x.hcctc,Ixesril~w7 ~c~rs^~c^c1 r~hr(xxxopte~. ca~tC:lxulac Vdsrn. Fit'wV 1litylin-fltise: tSxaut& "D"tue Pirs¢ Iilyhu~ciyat tsuildcua}~, w.-x~: 1d5 xta>rq C;„hula'Vista G:raCrknrtun!ltV "trrwvcn ;a~t 2ISf9 "°(Y' ~CC'CC.t, was c^cccaee~. fa IrJ7~ Ix~. ~dku° daxuunun(ty ¢;cxaxgcv~aau4n;al GSe~,°e~a.lwrt7rneaxt Cdxr~~tare.. t4aR., :t rw{~rct-gxrn4lt Su9aa1cl6mr~~ tint tlar ~:<>rw~;a~t^tyda2wyexx! d~icasrclx, 'L1ae pwrw ur ~7E'wiclr cgnaadra¢rd dt;G tacxits pal a~nn~e~¢t '1`a'az waicltw:. lyccsGx4c~cat3p cost X2.7 axnlHt(nuv awxti wa~xcti~c(gn~al lr~~"t~ircker,. xan-9aa & F1cncrcat. atx~lvrtx^cCS~ auc3 c;uyyicxsea~. W Ixe~n bu~uxrs:, i~i~z tlxc eecwCr^nl cpcxaaaxa.reiGtl <tigtrflct taE ~„laul:a i4era cNrc9ioeal ~y e7cc~ early R",J~',a€JS, tkac^ f:cty ~t:a>unc.ik ;atlcatxtetl whe "S"txtizrcx {:;erxrra ]tetluve lcrpamrnt T'rc'trgct.a, vv laich 4,ix+»xert an enz~e;m trruca '"M3"' rrr ""1° au'a Y'.vw;adr sotl~ea raf 'I'hio^c1 <§m~ruaae uncl IuucluaVeJ l~('1 uwcwa v iwt 4eve;ll 9aexe9. aas nhe IxH'<%- p~er~t wxaa9arw,cll:tti~c9, ata~cs x'srcer lrlanneecE :uad bx:rcoc~taa~ acid cPrc<u.4uve:laavGAV~ urstalie~, alcan~ para txY the avtrtuc. 1 ¢ne:av ~sltutrt77.p}t t q'm(rl¢~a cn~a:« Iaaaalt ict n4xr sa*~t'TVort. ~nntl tlla~cr ;'lcstwth t;)aawacal} 1t6~;staa~xal t}ecutsr was c:wan±wtcuxaecS rtx aaaaxt[ae^x_ 1"twe~ ~artatta a,'w+rrnty Itr p;8cenal 4 cacxtrr- at StJCI `t Mnrcl /lu~eea4~tue cr~x- rcar~aetd a wrrvwr cecurt c~racn(s1ez:~ anntl. Isr~aealt`d ,x wxsaax~l;rer at tsthrt Mci csucs tt5 tlce rr4~1<G~entc.. "61'ac tceic•ve4<at7tnarut area In<,rrcwaxe .wn :ctcrayw6vc• auc@ fiwucamnal c~eaeran~rcrc3a~t tiistr7ct Suaeu nxwara¢. ¢], d.PdCdt.+.. VCSAh 1I~G~~tl9Ha. 4]9"I"W OF "I BOIi (DIYF:aI&4 45.3 tz5,aan 7tatx7a 9s,ixao eaflao e5.ix~9 SS,000 45,000 30,4500 45,000 4.~ity pkanners alga examined the. area aicrng tltc glnarre aF San -]~ie~go Bay and created the Bayfxarnt 13ewele~pnretxt' -'ro7~eex for 830 acres u( Pattd west a'f imerstate 5 and narrt'Ir of "C' Street. "their plavis envisianed msidentkr- and. com- mcrclal uses :t'nd utcludec- a marina arnd anher deveio~p- mcnt @ty tlra^ l'ln6ed Pura l'?istract, :ts well as a business park, green belt, puh3ic packs, wildilfc sanctuary urcl a ~"I~40-room hnteG un C3~unp~nwder Point, the farmer site axf the Fie¢cules Puwdcr K;ampany. "''-'his redevelo,pmenc lrrp- Ceet Is still undergning ra'wiew by varlaus agendc-s. 'Che dcc:udc ok' rice '70s brnaugint with it a new awanucss of the ene-atanment and the re:dizuion that nattu ral resources were limitr^cl lindap};te°a^c3 pl.rnUS aracl anuenals, arrtracologia:ad s9rc& and fossil beds allba^camc suh- jeets of c~uncern. C-ti:ecns and plannrs:5 braked fryr ways m preserve the natural rnvlxanmertt whl'1c pravedlug 'Yeti COlktin4Crl growth. In i976, a new 13'2'.5 million libcary^ was constrirctcd as Clxula Vdtta'b Bicrmtcnnlal priraixt. "1'he 55.Qilil-soh f€a s€rucmm, drsigned by architect "d'har~rttas'i'. A"K•iiizaaxznsirua od' the surehikectural ftrm Richard George W~"Ntt~tk[:z aeacl Atssodatcs~ eves d~ed~icate'd arr July ~t t?5'~6 '1 he it uta~ding w:a.s femturcal on the. cover of the l7ecerubcr 9976 issue ar-' lrateauw-s. The Canula Vista i.ihrncy became au urtptorhant rulturad canter in the community and pruvtalcd space far a room devoted w Ideal histary. 'I'he 19.5. Ria:entenn'aai celehrattons in 1976 helpa'd bring abntnt' a new mfcrest in histary. Par many years, several Cizulm Wista citixcns Irad pmmated the idea o'F' histoeic pnwervaklott in the city. Ilelcnt Gables rcs~rched dte itt3wry a~k' tht iStth ocntnry barites she christened "'nrehard houses." 14uni~. r#,mos, a talentec- painter, c apriued in osl ttse images of ~tYxe Victar4an -to~mes of the atrm's pioneer settiers. Ruby -'etaTrs Iefachmdo, the daughter of a pioneer faaniip, shmrtid her knarw^I~edgc. o6'ttaecity"s 8terikage with ach<',raai a•it39drasn, tkte plwttning tlep~axruautr anal Fe~ist4riaans ihruughua.tt rite et'ruktt'y. itr resl>irnse to the ln- u~easing Interest' in letcal ]Lvsu>ry, the Q;ht>da Wistit (aty Cemat- cil Ixegan w designaae official historical sfikas; tlae Citeg Ra~~rss t-otpfie becanxe Silt' No. f girt i9 ~7. I.n iSitii, Ruby Machado and John 7xo~~as Jr. Couudcd tlac Chula ru"ista Histarricai Sctccty„ an arrganiratiarn drat has h,uatdreds of m+.^nthcs9 tcri6ny. in khe 19#3GI5, <~iuula t"itht continued to grow, and dtt• 998E) poprdatia7v- of f5i,927 incrcrosed to 4Q,2$3 by I)85 (7n lyec. all. I9ffS, with the .imuxation crf the b1ont. ~garma7ry cram,. an csaimsitGti' i1~F, (74i(1 pernple lived within the city 1irnuts. f?uringtixe 19$Os, C.,hul:c Visaans looked 'CO't2te(uhtn. aztd chdtuslted the pxst_ (,rtyaena served oa 4;3'ly of Chn1a -4"is¢a conttnaittees andl camzxaissi0ns tar help protect khe cCuahty of iif an Smzt -}lego (aunty"s second. largest. city utd preserve its un-que hcricag~e. Alat Mra°hnmc~t'naal Idcview Cocurnitn':e made sure Zhu new bu~lldings evouhi be wsl& dcsi,@neal avid auraerdve; t9,ne idc~sous^a^.c 4:onsecvatiutn t:om- ntission inoniwrcd xiac ~envdrilrv'rreiiC'al nulY.U:tS ol~ i3.c.w pro- Jects and :ulna nominated lttatorial sites. "D'1'ie "75kkt Auktiver- san~ Committee peepared for a series of celcbratiokxs anti acde~Htles that wottid cake p1ac+9 in 9.98Ci, the' aa~aniweraary pear. In li)439, inarxy individuals helped witli a IrisG'xrir huddmg. ~~survcy that gathered information on over 200 significant strucxures ranging In :nge from the orchard si cttut.,t vis~rr, eanirraa;t~ r"au-tnaG 79:if1 9960 1870 1980 1985 +nel dt)iu~, e#~x 19Rd> aPg~A~a~a~nckaetl, atwt^sc atxrvfU~~~s Gcc4 'C~OI~NU~ aYVd#CtuPSB (7rt Pkl1.` ~lt1i~~~x aXSY'iCC1A71Y7C ~]I NiYC'1 S~,7h'. i4eirsiv ~~F' C,'YrKrLa ViSiJt as .t nniiyGir~, c4Y5Tlevlma1C')' avntYt a tuerirc.~~e. 8?k¢rflea~s 5..~~~a+eyCl 1?sa~kinsan'w ct~rti:n~ar nb¢rtut V°dslx .an tMe }px~aN: ~t ~,Is~u:c on ~;tirktx l~zacl r:on~oc tnar x,f1~4LH 4RS 4A 11~A4)~19'&ir. 4,IlY' 4)£'T9M V. I7PrEiAb1 $y HG GMftll.~h W'15'IA tl4Ckt l'YNGL' N}tlG I+AFfi r~~~. f;W ~JLA 'W IS'IA 19h@-4986_ C:CCY' CTE 7H6 ~gREhM H7 fiR C.{iiIl,A W5'1'A l11iRfCA,GIS 1911-d9&G 'B'he hfsmxdcal fetfa7cn>indt=n Nn thus bank was ~lierived FcUnr mmny snorees. Nceaslra~cr ac~cauaaas 9,u fhe San Diego Uteian, {hula vista 5'kzr, Gtedy }cress and the Ncxtioo-e~cl Clsy=72rzt~.rirrt avrra most hcl~fnl. 7"Inc ~c~ratai cxcc8lent'~otumce un San llieg~n histncy weittem my Riclta~td ktrutade ~rl>vidca9 beekyruuna6 rcnatexuV alatl helywct ~1acc Chula P"Isla ~uilBvn the contca2 of San 0.7iega ~Cn~ulrty N2aStorp L•ag;use Gulx¢man's ah¢^s'w*'.. T'be CTrbanizuNon r~,y"sh~r 5idaewG pp~ter vieltey, 5rsn LYi~ngo C"ouflY;~1, (A~73), rece~ne~ly 1ploPilivtlavd by Che C,1nul:n vista 19istorital Sudety, ancE "'Che l7cvrlopxue„nt. of the 4wNetwaxer ,4cea,"' a tNnrsis by Spencer hewis MenzeF, added Ca'[ffUd'j= YK5eATChkd An.(OCI~II'h{A4YIY alJ4UC the 5sveenwatec Vahcy as we11 as the Janal, Oray nud Ms7i,Ro amne9ms. 'Phxc meal histurp ronni :rt the ('11v1a Vesta Flubli~c HAhrary Cousaincd many items arf 3aubsu-mrc itte.6ntiNng zhe tari,~ina1 L„bola Yisua I'ax Assessmea-il FtbNN3, Ann9ta] Reports of the City at Chula. 1Ticta and hislnries <sf rdlc ~a~11cre and ficc depxarimen[. fihc archirMs n,C CN3f GPIIIIm VlSlit 11LSd(ariCW1 5Q4'Uety pxoVidcd memx~it5 Off 11niA[HC~L^d` 5anluiiui. ~Nna1J,y, naalry q,7euN?le whose tanrnes were in.cler~ded 1rb the i~ltstnclc~ 11ueNdkng sutve~y conait~uied informaenn about t~lseh~ hcnluc .utd [hc hslxa¢g of Lhe: alx:a.. Arthur 17ay wNto rid {ills. sramhes nn a numbea nP h7Sl',nsOc ~rnpectles, hclpetl dncument daces oC eanbtru¢2ina and tlhe rxalvcs of [he first nwnets. 1'}IO'D4) CI@1;1TY'l'S ~a. ern. ~~, lo~r. N2TR,~ 14'l~, 1s, n=r, z1. a~-23, zs'r, 3 rr., ~~-4 r, ~1z~a, §'~T, a4m1„ a~T, s~, s~'r, s~t3. ~z, Ntrn~ $ttl Y)i~cj;p ~i6lOYiCad Sndety - TIGbI' !_,nllFCf10S1 3, ~, HI7, l4IN, lH`r, xs~r, 1~u, 19"L; 1~}U, xo'f, z47", 24-zym, E6k31t, 2~fn1#!„ 281,., '28-z9R~ 31, 3°h 35, 3Cr"f, 3G13, 4,2T, §4'P, 4418, 45T, 47tt, 48, 4JT', 34~SS= 38T, 6(a, 63, 71Y, 7E3a 8~ Ctnula VI5fa t31+t4IYCaI tiocuely 6, ,Sl., 51d, 3tM31'G, ~&G~, QiS (:au¢resy U1 Cklula WiSlip P>wEylic S.lh~;~~ry= 3p..39, ~G2 Cooctesy of San ~ic8,o Country Club, Chula VLsta 71 C;pvreesy off a~utney Gerlach, Coronadlr 73 C.ana~cevy of Rnh¢ Ieattuatrtas, Q;@iula vista '1' n 'IVp. ~ ~ 19mmnu, M r. Mi~ldtlc, N = NIaM1= Pdand, L ~ &IarvA Cil'C7i..A. VISA'A F9h'NI'4`MiF: 7911.4yR! ls`7 ~t•9~~~vvlec~tt~ e ttt Nlay<rr (reS!os-y 1t_ Cox (:oxwrcilrna,n I?ravid L. Malcolm Com~cilwomatti Gayle L. Ftir9cC:azrdliss Ccrun¢~ilrnasr Leonard M. Nl~oare Couv~ciflman 1Frank A. Scott Cit}" Manager TOI]]r C:Otis Asistant. City Motva.ager Gugene R. rlsnntiua I3rector trf 1'laraa'rtrrl; (9airrp;c Krt°mi?1 Enviroomes~tal Review Coorellua~tpr ISOUglaS II7. Reid. t-Ilstorical. Text Kama Webs[cr ltcse:talr I}asia. (:ole;tve Interior anti Cover [)esign Ittxtka. Scent klistcrrical Site Survey/Researc9z 'I't•am Q;Irula Vista. Historical Society John fltofas J,r., k'resldent Karaaa WeNrster, Supervisor William O. "Will' Clrowne". ~ahvn Ilurct~t,(r. ~A.rtPtur S')ny A'eggY I)rnyovaar Iliana Glcave [Marry (nritfin I:valunr. Smmnrons Sandy I'aluva~bo Satttdie RayY~urn I)ouhlas P. Reid Mary Robertson Cary tiY~aigl~r 13sther 'pier Resource. Convervatuo^ Cooavnissiox~. (1]i3torical tiit< IROarcl) Chula ~lista Liamonc9 Anniversary Corrmrittee ({;oorclinaticrrtr. a4~ Underwriters)