HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011/06/14 Item 07 Attachment EIR K - 5.0 - Cumulative Effects - 18 May 2011  ù÷ çïçðûèóæ÷öö÷ùèé  ù÷ çïçðûèóæ÷öö÷ùèé é×ÙÈÓÍÎ  ÍÖÈÔ×éÈÛÈ×ù÷ëûõÇÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉØ×ÉÙÊÓÚ×ÉwÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉvÛÉÈÅÍÍÊÏÍÊ×ÓÎØÓÆÓØÇÛÐ ×ÖÖ×ÙÈÉÅÔÓÙÔÅÔ×ÎÙÍÎÉÓØ×Ê×ØÈÍÕ×ÈÔ×ÊÛÊ×ÙÍÎÉÓØ×ÊÛÚÐ×ÍÊÅÔÓÙÔÙÍÏÌÍÇÎØÍÊÓÎÙÊ×ÛÉ×ÍÈÔ×Ê ×ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÛÐÓÏÌÛÙÈÉèÔ×É×ÓÎØÓÆÓØÇÛÐ×ÖÖ×ÙÈÉÏÛÃÚ×ÙÔÛÎÕ×ÉÊ×ÉÇÐÈÓÎÕÖÊÍÏÛÉÓÎÕÐ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÍÊÛÎÇÏÚ×Ê ÍÖÉ×ÌÛÊÛÈ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉèÔ×ÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÖÊÍÏÛÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÉÈÔ×ÙÔÛÎÕ×ÓÎÈÔ××ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÅÔÓÙÔÊ×ÉÇÐÈÉ ÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ÓÎÙÊ×Ï×ÎÈÛÐÓÏÌÛÙÈÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÔ×ÎÛØØ×ØÈÍÍÈÔ×ÊÙÐÍÉ×ÐÃÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÌÛÉÈÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÎØÊ×ÛÉÍÎÛÚÐà ÖÍÊ×É××ÛÚÐ×ÌÊÍÚÛÚÐ×ÖÇÈÇÊ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉùÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉÙÛÎÊ×ÉÇÐÈÖÊÍÏÓÎØÓÆÓØÇÛÐÐÃÏÓÎÍÊÚÇÈ ÙÍÐÐ×ÙÈÓÆ×ÐÃÉÓÕÎÓÖÓÙÛÎÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÈÛÑÓÎÕÌÐÛÙ×ÍÆ×ÊÛÌ×ÊÓÍØÍÖÈÓÏ× ûÙÙÍÊØÓÎÕÈÍé×ÙÈÓÍÎ  ÍÖÈÔ×ù÷ëûõÇÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉÈÔ×ØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÍÖÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ××ÖÖ×ÙÈÉwÎ××ØÎÍÈÚ× ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÛÉÕÊ×ÛÈÛØ×ÈÛÓÐÛÉÓÉÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØÈÔ××ÖÖ×ÙÈÉÛÈÈÊÓÚÇÈÛÚÐ×ÈÍÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÛÐÍÎ×èÔ×ØÓÉÙÇÉÉÓÍÎÉÔÍÇÐØ Ú×ÕÇÓØ×ØÚÃÈÔ×ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÍÖÌÊÛÙÈÓÙÛÐÓÈÃÛÎØÊ×ÛÉÍÎÛÚÐ×Î×ÉÉvèÔ××ÆÛÐÇÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉÓÉ Ê×ËÇÓÊ×ØÚÃé×ÙÈÓÍÎ  ÈÍÚ×ÚÛÉ×ØÍÎ×ÓÈÔ×ÊwûÛÐÓÉÈÍÖÌÛÉÈÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÎØÌÊÍÚÛÚÐ×ÖÇÈÇÊ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉ ÌÊÍØÇÙÓÎÕÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÍÊÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉÓÎÙÐÇØÓÎÕÓÖÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÈÔÍÉ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÍÇÈÉÓØ×ÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÍÐÍÖÈÔ× ÛÕ×ÎÙÃÍÊúÛÉÇÏÏÛÊÃÍÖÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÍÎÉÙÍÎÈÛÓÎ×ØÓÎÛÎÛØÍÌÈ×ØÕ×Î×ÊÛÐÌÐÛÎÍÊÊ×ÐÛÈ×ØÌÐÛÎÎÓÎÕØÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈ ÍÎÓÎÛÌÊÓÍÊ×ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÛÐØÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÅÔÓÙÔÔÛØÚ××ÎÛØÍÌÈ×ØÍÊÙ×ÊÈÓÖÓ×ØÅÔÓÙÔØ×ÉÙÊÓÚ×ØÍÊ×ÆÛÐÇÛÈ×Ø Ê×ÕÓÍÎÛÐÍÊÛÊ×ÛÅÓØ×ÙÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÉÙÍÎÈÊÓÚÇÈÓÎÕÈÍÈÔ×ÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ××ÖÖ×ÙÈûÎÃÉÇÙÔÌÐÛÎÎÓÎÕØÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉÔÛÐÐ Ú×Ê×Ö×Ê×ÎÙ×ØÛÎØÏÛØ×ÛÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ×ÈÍÈÔ×ÌÇÚÐÓÙÛÈÛÐÍÙÛÈÓÍÎÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓ×ØÚÃÈÔ×ð×ÛØûÕ×ÎÙÃvú×ÙÛÇÉ×ÈÔ× íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃê×ÙÐÛÏÛÈÓÍÎìÐÛÎûÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÍÇÐØÍÙÙÇÊÛÈÉÇÙÔÛØÓÉÈÛÎÈÖÇÈÇÊ×ÅÓÈÔ ÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÚ×ÕÓÎÎÓÎÕÓÎ ÛÙÙÇÊÛÈ×ÐÃÌÊ×ØÓÙÈÈÔ×ÌÛÉÈÌÊ×É×ÎÈÛÎØÌÊÍÚÛÚÐ× ÖÇÈÇÊ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÈÔÛÈÅÍÇÐØÌÊÍØÇÙ×Ê×ÐÛÈ×ØÍÊÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ×ÓÏÌÛÙÈÉÓÎÙÐÇØÓÎÕÓÖÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÈÔÍÉ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ ÍÇÈÉÓØ×ÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÍÐÍÖÈÔ×ÛÕ×ÎÙÃèÔ×Ê×ÖÍÊ×ÈÔÓÉÙÇÏÇÐÛÈÓÆ××ÖÖ×ÙÈÉÛÎÛÐÃÉÓÉÊ×ÐÓ×ÉÍÎÚÇÓÐØÍÇÈÍÖÈÔ×ùÓÈà ÍÖùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛõ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÛÎØÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×ùÓÈÃtÉïéùììÊ×É×ÊÆ×  ìðûîéùíîéóø÷ê÷øöíêùçïçðûèóæ÷÷öö÷ùèéûîûðãéóé   ùùæõì óèãíöôçðûóéèû÷î÷êûððûî èÔ×ùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛõ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÓÉÛÕÇÓØÓÎÕØÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÖÍÊÈÔ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÍÖÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛèÔ× õ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÅÛÉÙÍÏÌÊ×Ô×ÎÉÓÆ×ÐÃÇÌØÛÈ×ØÓÎ ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÛØØÊ×ÉÉ×ÉÛÎÛÊ×ÛÍÖÛÌÌÊÍÄÓÏÛÈ×Ðà  ÉËÇÛÊ×ÏÓÐ×ÉÛÎØÙÍÎÉÓÉÈÉÍÖÈÔ×ÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ØÛÊ×ÛÍÖÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛÈÔ××ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÉÌÔ×Ê×ÍÖ ÓÎÖÐÇ×ÎÙ×ÛÎØÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÇÎÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ØÛÊ×ÛÉèÔ×õ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÉÛõ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎðÛÎØçÉ×ïÛÌ ÓØ×ÎÈÓÖÃÓÎÕÐÛÎØÇÉ×ÉÖÍÊÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛÛÎØÛÉ×ÊÓ×ÉÍÖ×Ð×Ï×ÎÈÉÈÔÛÈÛØØÊ×ÉÉÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓÙÛÉÌ×ÙÈÉÍÖÈÔ× ÛÊ×ÛtÉØ×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈèÔ×ìÊÍÒ×ÙÈéÓÈ×ÓÉÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×÷ÛÉÈìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕûÊ×ÛÛÎØÓÉØ×ÉÓÕÎÛÈ×ØÖÍÊíÌ×ÎéÌÛÙ× ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐùÍÏÏ×ÊÙÓÛÐÛÎØðÓÕÔÈóÎØÇÉÈÊÓÛÐÐÛÎØÇÉ×ÉóÎÙÐÇØ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×ùÓÈÃtÉõ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎÈÔ×ùÔÇÐÛ æÓÉÈÛ÷ÛÉÈìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕûÊ×ÛìÐÛÎÛØØÊ×ÉÉ×ÉÈÔ×ÓÉÉÇ×ÉÛÎØÌÐÛÎÉÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÛÊ×ÛÓÎÕÊ×ÛÈ×ÊØ×ÈÛÓÐ èÔ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØíÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃê×ÙÐÛÏÛÈÓÍÎìÐÛÎûÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÉÉÓÈÇÛÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×ù×ÎÈÊÛÐ øÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÍÖÈÔ×íÈÛÃêÛÎÙÔéÇÚÛÊ×ÛÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×÷ÛÉÈìÐÛÎûÊ×ÛÙÍÏÌÍÎ×ÎÈÍÖÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÍÖùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ õ×Î×ÊÛÐìÐÛÎèÔ×ÛÊ×ÛÌÐÛÎÛÎØÓÈÉÉÇÚÉ×ËÇ×ÎÈÙÍÏÌÍÎ×ÎÈÉÌÊÍÆÓØ×ÉÏÍÊ×ÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓÙÌÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÌÊÍÌÍÉÛÐÉ ÚÛÉ×ØÍÎÈÔ×ÔÓÉÈÍÊÓÙÛÐ×ÙÍÎÍÏÓÙÛÎØÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÃÎÛÈÇÊ×ÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÛÊ×ÛèÔ×÷ÛÉÈìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕûÊ×Û ÓØ×ÎÈÓÖÓ×ÉÉÓÄÉÇÚÛÊ×ÛÉÓÎÙÐÇØÓÎÕÈÔ×íÈÛÃêÛÎÙÔéÇÚÛÊ×ÛÅÓÈÔÈÔ×íÈÛÃêÛÎÙÔéÇÚÛÊ×ÛÖÇÊÈÔ×ÊÚÊÍÑ×ÎÍÇÈ ÓÎÈÍÖÍÇÊÌÐÛÎÎÓÎÕØÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÉèÔ×ù×ÎÈÊÛÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÅÔ×Ê×ÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÓÉÙÍÏÌÊÓÉ×ØÍÖæÓÐÐÛÕ×ÉöÍÇÊ é×Æ×ÎÛÎØ÷ÓÕÔÈÍÖÈÔ×íÈÛÃêÛÎÙÔõøìèÔ×ìÊÍÒ×ÙÈéÓÈ×ÓÉÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎæÓÐÐÛÕ×öÍÇÊ íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃê×ÙÐÛÏÛÈÓÍÎìÐÛÎûÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈìÛÕ× ÷ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÛÐóÏÌÛÙÈê×ÌÍÊÈ÷óêïÛÊÙÔ òÇÎ× øêûöèöóîûð  ù÷ çïçðûèóæ÷öö÷ùèé èÔ×ÆÓÉÓÍÎÖÍÊÈÔ×ù×ÎÈÊÛÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈÓÉÈÍÔÛÆ×ÛÏÓÄÈÇÊ×ÍÖÐÛÎØÇÉ×ÉÛÎØÓÎÈ×ÎÉÓÈÓ×ÉÈÔÛÈÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÉÛÐÛÊÕ× ÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÃÌÛÊÑÛÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÍÊÓ×ÎÈ×ØÏÓÄ×ØÇÉ×ÈÍÅÎÙ×ÎÈ×ÊÉÓÎÕÐ×ÖÛÏÓÐÃÛÎØÏÇÐÈÓÖÛÏÓÐÃÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐ ÇÉ×ÉÉÇÊÊÍÇÎØÓÎÕÛÈÃÌÓÙÛÐÆÓÐÐÛÕ×ÙÍÊ×ÛÎØÛÏÓØØÐ×ÉÙÔÍÍÐèÔ×ÐÛÊÕ×ÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÃÌÛÊÑÅÓÐÐÌÊÍÆÓØ× ×ÎÔÛÎÙ×ØÉÌÍÊÈÉÛÎØÊ×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎÍÌÌÍÊÈÇÎÓÈÓ×ÉÖÍÊÛÐÐíÈÛÃêÛÎÙÔÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÉéÓÎÕÐ×ÖÛÏÓÐÃÔÍÏ×ÉÛÐÍÎÕêÍÙÑ ïÍÇÎÈÛÓÎêÍÛØÅÓÐÐÔÛÆ××ÄÌÛÎÉÓÆ×ÆÓ×ÅÉÍÖåÍÐÖùÛÎÃÍÎêÍÙÑïÍÇÎÈÛÓÎÛÎØÈÔ×íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×à ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÓÎÈÔ×êÍÙÑïÍÇÎÈÛÓÎÛÊ×ÛÓÉÉ×ÎÉÓÈÓÆ×ÐÃÉÓÈÇÛÈ×ØÈÍÌÊ×É×ÊÆ×ÉÓÕÎÓÖÓÙÛÎÈÆÓ×ÅÉÔ×ØÉÛÎØ ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙÖ×ÛÈÇÊ×ÉûÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÍÊÓ×ÎÈ×ØÈÍÅÎÙ×ÎÈ×ÊÅÓÈÔÈÊÛÎÉÓÈÉ×ÊÆÓÙ×ÉÈÍÅÎÙ×ÎÈ×ÊÛÊÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÓÎÈÔ× ÖÍÊÏÍÖÙÍÇÌÐ×ÈÉÍÊÍÈÔ×ÊÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÍÊÓ×ÎÈ×ØÛÊÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÈÊ××ÈØ×ÉÓÕÎÅÓÐÐÚ×ÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÛÐÍÎÕÌÍÊÈÓÍÎÉÍÖðÛ ï×ØÓÛêÍÛØÛÎØêÍÙÑïÍÇÎÈÛÓÎêÍÛØÅÔ×Ê×æÓÐÐÛÕ×ÉöÍÇÊé×Æ×ÎÛÎØ÷ÓÕÔÈÏ××È   ïéùì çðèóìð÷ì÷ùó÷éíîé÷êæûèóíîêíõêûï èÔ×ïéùìÓÉÛÙÍÏÌÊ×Ô×ÎÉÓÆ×ÐÍÎÕÈ×ÊÏÔÛÚÓÈÛÈÙÍÎÉ×ÊÆÛÈÓÍÎÌÐÛÎØ×Æ×ÐÍÌ×ØÈÍÛØØÊ×ÉÉÈÔ×Î××ØÉÍÖ ÏÇÐÈÓÌÐ×ÉÌ×ÙÓ×ÉÛÎØÈÔ×ÌÊ×É×ÊÆÛÈÓÍÎÍÖÎÛÈÇÊÛÐÆ×Õ×ÈÛÈÓÍÎÙÍÏÏÇÎÓÈÓ×ÉÓÎÉÍÇÈÔÅ×ÉÈ×ÊÎéÛÎøÓ×ÕÍùÍÇÎÈà èÔ×ïéùìéÇÚÊ×ÕÓÍÎÛÐìÐÛÎÛ uuuuii...iriiir IIIIu,u,iru. 5.2 CUMULATIVE EFFECTS ANALYSIS '1"he project's potenti.tl to male a considerable cuatributioa to cumulati~ e effects associated with the ~ arious ent~ironmenrtl issue areas addressed in this L;IR is a auated below. 5.2.1 LAND USE, PLANNING, AND ZONING \s discussed in Sccti~~n 4.1, Lnnrl I.rr, Pnnnzn„ crnrl/.onzrl„ the Project Site is the locati~~n of ~~n tiointi mininti operations. 'I"he proposed Reclunatioa flan <1~nendmcnt ~i ould be implemented follo~iia~ completion of minim', which is anticipated to be m "?(189. 'I"he proposed Otat~ ~'.tllet~ Ouarrt~ Reclunauon Plan \mendment project is consistent with the rctiaations of the undcrlaiati ux7c, Gencrtl Plan dcsitination, and ~ISCP. l pon reckunation, the reck~imed Project Site ~zould not preclude implemcnuuion of l.u7d uses Glowed in the underlamti P C time aad General Pku7. Hower er, the project has the potentia for indirect nnpacts oa the i~1SCP Preserve, located adjacent to the Project Site. i~hutiation measures woad be ma>rporued to reduce the project's indirect impacts to bek~tt a lei el of sitinifiruxe. I3crtusc the project would not be implemented until )(189, it is difficult to u7ticipate what cumuktti~c projects ttiil~ retiard to land use, pktnnmti, u7d zoaiati would occur is the project area that mitiht anitribute similar indirect impacts ~~n the `ISCP Prescnc. N~~ncthclcss, in accordance tith the Cat's `ISCP Subarea flan, projecta would be required to adhere to adjaccnca tiuidelines, includinti miutianoa measures, which would reduce cum ulatit e indirect impacts to beloti a let el of sitinifiruxe. 5.2.2 LANDFORM ALTERATION/AESTHETICS L~xnrl~mrn ~9lleralion~~le~lLrelic~ arc discussed in Section 4.1. ~s presented in Section 4.1, land uses within the project boundary consist of evstinti muiiati u7d under ek>ped mineril reserve areas. i~Lmati u7d processinti acti~itics ha~c been centered at the terminus of the site access road for the past setcrd dcculcs. .\s euatatioa has reached current desitin tirtde, eitrtetion operations hat e tirauala mot ed north, creauati an open face that further accesses the Roch Jlounu~in mincra reserve. Proposed reckunation of the Project Site would transform stark steep mined slopes mto naturilla ~~etieuued sk>pea of ~araiati gradients with a tiround~zater-filled ktl;e. 'I"he reclaimed vte would blend more naturalt~ with the surroundin;; cntironmcnt thu7 the current land use. Views from scenic ~isuts u7d roadways Mould not be interrupted ba the Project Site u7d tt oad be potentials enhanced ba the nat urt1 and t etieutted form of the reck~imed quarrt~.'1"here arc no I;no~z a projects in the project area that propose a simiktr let-el of chantie in landfonn aad aesthuics. Ana det~ek>pment projects that could occur on the Project Site or surroundmti area would do so in acairduxe with the underlsinti zone aad Gcncra Plan ruluirements. 'I"herefore, ewnulatite impacts to landform atcrttion~acsthctics would not occur. 5.2.3 TRAFFIC, CIRCULATION, AND ACCESS l ndcr c~istinti conditi~~ns, trtttic ticnerttcd ~~n-site is the result of on tiointi mineral c~trtcti~~n and mininti acti~itics. `lininti trtftic includes ktrtic trucks cominti and tiointi from the quarrs, hea~a trucks and earthmoters worhuiti within the quarrs, u7d other tehicles necessars for the funetioamti of the quarrs mininti operation. ~s discussed in Section 4.3, 7~rn(~ic, Czrcrrlnlmn, and lcce», the proposed Otits ~'alu' Ouarrs Reckunauon Pku7 \mendment would tienertte minima traffic and subsru7tiala less than occurs under e~istinti conditions. 'I"raffic would occur for a short period of time (appro~imatclt~ 11 wccl;s) and onlt~ durinti implcmenuttion of the Rcckunation Plan -~mcndmcnt Gn~en the aetilitiible unount of traffic associated with the project and the short duration then trtfiic would be tienertted, the project's contribution to cwnulatit c trtiiic would be nctilitiiblc. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 5-3 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uuuuii...iriiir IIIIu,u,iru. 5.2.4 NOISE Noise ern-site is currcndt' tiencrttcd from ern-tiotnti mintnti opcrttie~ns. Sources of noise include: hca~t' trucks u7d machincra and tehicuktr traffic within the yuarra. Addition.tlla, loud bursts of noise from periodic rock bktsta occur as part of miamti at the site. As addressed in Section 4.4, ~Vot~r, the project would not result in sitiniiicu7t direct noise nnpacts. Hotret-er, the project has the potcnti.tl to result in indirect noise impacts to ilx ~ISCP Preserrc, located adjacent to the Project Site. Construction noise trould be ticnertted from the project durinti impkmcnrttion of the Recknnauon Plan \mcndmcnt. E {owu~er, noise troukl be interinitunt, u7d noise kt els trould depend on the tape of cyuipmcnt in operwon at ant' specific time. 'I"he Rcclunauon Plan lmcndment would be implemented is appromnatelt' 11 weeks, niter which time, noise from ilx site would be esscnti.tlla non eiistcnt. All construction acutities ttould adhere to the City's noise rctiulations. 'I"he project trould implcmcnt mtti~ation measures that would reduce to below a let-el of vtinifirtnee indirect noise impacts on ilx ~ISCP Preserve. Ana cumukttit-e projects that would create similar indirect noise nnpacts cm the Preaerte ~~ould be required to implcmcnt measures to ensure cumuktnt~e indirect noise impacts arc not sitinifirtnt. Cumukttitcla sitinificuit noise nnpacts ttould not occur. 5.2.5 AIR QUALITY Ia an.tlaiiati cumulaute impacts from a proposed project, the an.tlasis must specifirtlla ct.iluate a project's contribution to cumukttit e increase m pollurtata for which the San Dietio Air Basin is listed as "non- atutinment" for the State A.AQS. A project that has a vtinifiruit impact on .tir qu.ilua with rctiard to cmissie~ns of 1?\li , N().,, and/or rcactttc ortianic compounds (R()Gsj as dctcrinincd bt' the scrccninti criteria outlined Section 5.4, ~9o'Qrraltl7, would hate a vtinifiru7t cumukttit~e effect. In the etcnt direct nnpacts irom a project arc leas thu7 sitinifirtnt, a project mat' still hate a ewnulatit•ela considerable impact on .sir qu.tlin' if the emissions from the project, in combination with the emisvons from other proposed, or rease~nabla foreseeable future projects arc in c~ccss of scrccninti letcls idcnutted abote, and the project's contribution accounts for more thu7 as msitinificuit proportion of the cumulate e tottl emissions. \V'ith retiard to past .u7d present projects, the bachtiround .unbicnt ur qu.tlita, as measured at the monitorinti statie~ns maintained and operttcd ba the San Dictio \ir Pollutie~n Control District, measures the concentrations of polluuu7ts irom eiisuati sources. Past and present project nnpacts arc therefore included in the bachtiround .unbicnt ur qu.tlita data. Crider evstinti conditions the Orta A~.illea Qua.rra ticnerues .sir qu.iliu pollutants associated with resource e~trtetioa and miaiati activities, heart' machinery use, and truck haulinti. A~'hik the operation of heat•a uluipment for recl.unation purposes ttoukl tienertte emissions, the emissions would be subsrtnti.tlla less thu7 those currcnda ticnerued by miniati opertuons and troukl occur of er a relatit ela short period of time (approiimately 11 tteehs). limissions from the project area would be reduced durinti reclunation actitities, and c~cn further reduced after the annplctie~n of rcclanruie~n actititics, as compared to c~istinti cmissie~n let-els. 1'he project trould not result in a cumulaut~ely amvdertbk net increase of u7a criteria pollutant, u7d the project's contribution to cumuktutela sitiniiicu7t .sir qu.tlita impacts would be nomin.tl. '1"herefore, cumuktnt e ur qu.thta impacta troukl be less than vtinifiru7t. 5.2.6 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 1'hc City of Chula Vista is a participant in the San Dietio `ISCP, a comprehcnsi~e, kmti tcrin habitat amserrauoa protirun desitined to prof ide permit issuuxe authority' for rthe of ait-ered species to the k>rtl Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 5-4 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uuuuii...iriiir IIIIu,u,iru. rctiulatora aticncics. 1'hc City of Chula Vista implemented ilx `ISCP to protidc for a rctii~~nal mtutiati~~n solution for impacta to mulnpk, rather than sintile, species and their habitats. '1'hc hISCP is impkmcnted in Chula Vista through the Subarea Pku7. Implementation of the i~1SCP results in cumulati~•ela vtinifiru7t nnpacts associated with species and habitats a>~°ered ba the flan arc atoided. 1'hc Project Site is the k~rtu~m of ~~n tiointi resourcc catracu~~n and mininti actititics. 1'he 1')~-acre area to be reckumed will hate been annpletcla mined prior to rcclunation. As such, the quarry is devoid of any aaturtlla occurrinti biok>tiicil resources. Addition.tlla, the project site is annpktela outside ilx ~ISCP Prescrrc boundary. ~\lthoutih portions of the quarry arc idcntifiul as a "~~haor Amendment ~\rca," the quarry itaclf is not dcsttinatcd as prescnc ba the `ISCP, but is adjacent to Prescnc lands. \s concluded in Section 4.G, 13mlq,ical Re~orrrce~, the project has the potcnti.il to cause indirect nnpacts to adjacent `ISCP Presenc lands. `liutiati~~n nxasures Mould be rcquircd to rcducc the project's indirect nnpacts to below a lei el of vtinifirtnee. Other projects within the City ha~inti similar impacts would .tlso be rcquircd to adhere to the Citds ~ISCP tiuidelines; and, where indirect impacta to the Preserve could occur, similar miutiation requirementa would be place on other projects as part of build-out of the Cut's Cicnertl Plan. Impkmcntuion of measures to miutiate indirect impacts on ilx hISCP Preser~ e would ensure that cumuktn~ely sitiniiictnt indirect impacts from .ill cumulaute projects within the Citds ~ISCP would be reduced to below a k~ el of vtinifirtnce and therefore, no vtinifiru7t cumuktti~ e nnpacts would result. 5.2.7 CULTURAL RESOURCES \s addressed in Section 4.?, Crrbrmal Rr~mrrce~, the Project Site is the location of on-tiointi resourcc e~trtetion and processinti operati~~ns. Structures ~~n-site arc minnnal and c~~nsist of those temportrt buildintis ncccsstry for opcrtu~ms. No structures of historical or cuhurd sitinitirtncc arc located ~~n-site. \s a fulls e~trteted quarry, no a.rcheoloyic.tl resources or humu7 rem.uns eiist oa-site. Alilxmtih the probability is knu, the disa~tery of human rem.uns durinti recknnation of the site would be considered a potcnti.illa vtinifictnt nnpact and mititiauon measures would be impkmcnted that would rcducc this impact to beknz a k~ el of vtinifirtace. Build out of the Cicnertl Plan could result is projecta that hate a similar impact oa culturil resources. 'I"herefore, the project has the potenti.tl to contribute to the cumulative loss of unhnotztn vtinifirtat culturil resources. However, other iuture projecta would be rcquircd to implcmcnt miutiation similar to the proposed project. Impkmcnrttion of that miutiatioa would rcducc ewnulati~e nnpacts to bck,~ a lctcl of sitiniticancc. 5.2.8 PALEONTOLOGICAL RESOURCES \s addressed in Section 4. H, Paleonlolo;tenl Re~orrrce~, the Project Site is the location of on-tiointi resourcc c~trtetioa and proccssinti operations. Currcndy, there is ao e~-idenee of p.iluniu>k>tiicil resources on the Project Site. <1lthoutih the probability is low, the disa>~ery of p.tleoatolotiictl resources durinti rcclunation of the site would be considered a potcnti.illa sitiaifirtnt impact. hlintiation measures would be implemented that would rcducc this impact to bek>ti a lei el of vtinifiruxe. Build out of the Cicnertl flan could result in projects that hay e a similar nnpact on paeontoloyictl resources. 'I"herefore, the project has the potcnti.tl to contribute to the cumuktti~ e loss of unhnotzm vtinifictnt paeontoloyic.tl resources. Hopi e~ er, other future projects ~i ould be rcquircd to implcmcnt mititiation similar to the proposed project. Implcmcnrtuon of that miutiatioa would rcducc cumulati~-c impacts to below a lc~ cl of sitinifiruxc. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 5-5 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uuuuii...iriiir IIIIu,u,iru. 5.2.9 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES ~s presented in Section 4.9, ~9;ricrrllrrrnl Re~orrrce~, the Project Site is nut classified as Prime farinktnd, l pique farmku7d, ur Parmlu7d of Statewide Lnpurruxe. It is not timed fur a4riculniril use uul is not subject to a \~`illiunsun Act contract. Addition.illa, the Project Site is not located within or adjacent w eiistin a4ricultur.il areas aad would not implement amtersion of iarinktnd to non a4nculturil use. 'I"herefore, the project yt uuld not anitributc to a cumulatit e loss of f~rmku7ds. 5.2.10 HYDROLOGY/DRAINAGE/WATER QUALITY \s addressed ba Section 4.10, I1?~rb'ofq;~~Drn~na,r~iP~xler(%rr~xlilp, the project would not extract water from u7 aquifer, incrcasc runoff, incrcasc t7ooduiti, nctiatitcla aftect water qualita, or nnpact drunsitic patterns or impact duct nstreun water bodies as a result of .iltered druna4e patterns. 'I"herefore, the project ~i uuld not contribute to ant' cumuktnte ht'drolutic impact. 'I"he project ~rould control dr.~iaa~e and runoff in accordance with City rcquircmcnts. Similarly, other projects that yrould occur with build-out of the Cut's Cicner.il Plan would .ilso be required to control dr.unate aad runoff in accordance with City rcquircmcnts. 'I"herefore, no cumulatit e impacts associated with hydrology, dryina~;e, aad water qu.tlity ti uuld be expected. 5.2.1 1 GEOLOGIC AND SOILS \s prescntcd in Sccti~~n 4.11, Grolg7 crnrl .Sods, dcsitin teatures tncorportud as part of the proposed Reckunatiun Pku7 \mcndment would atoid impacts associated yvith soils, .u7d no miu4ation ttuuld be required. Rekttite w site i;euluty, there is potenti.il that sh.ilknu i.ulures in weathered rock could occur, resultini; is potcnti.il risk. Impkmcnrttion of miu4ation as prescntcd in Section 4.11 would reduce putcnti.il nnpacts to tieolotiy and soils to a less than sitinittcuit lcycl. Gcolotiic impacts associaud yith the project arc site-specific. 1'he proposed project would nut contribute to ewnulatit•ela v4nifiruit nnpacts related to ticulutitc hazards ur soils. 5.2.12 PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 1'hc Prujcct Site is the lurttiun tit an tin tiuinti muitnti and pruccssinti upcrttiun. `lininti operations include the use of heat•a t•ehicles and machinery to e~trtet aad process minerils. ~dditiun.illa, heat~a trucks trunsport materi.ils from the site. 'I"he Project Site is serriced by the Chula Vista Police Department and the Chula Vista Piro I)epartmcnt.'I"here is ao permanent sey~er present on-site, but the Project Site dues hate ~~atcr c~~nnccti~~ns. ~ discussion of Prd~lic .Serrier~ nnrl Ildllie~ is addressed in Section 4.1 ~. As prescntcd m that section, the project's current demu7d on public sertices u7d utilities is limited, y~ith no use of schools, libraries, ur parks and recreation facilities. 1'he proposed project would nut impact public services aad utilities. 'I"hus, cumuktnte impacts would nut result. Addition.illa, when considered with build-out of the City's Cicnertl Plan, the project's anitribunua to cumulatit•ela v4nifirtnt nnpacts ytuuld be ne4litible. 5.2.13 HAZARDS/RISK OF UPSET 1'hc Project Site is the location of an on tiointi mtninti and resource e~trtction and processinti opertti~~n. Commonly used h.vardous substances, such as fossil fuels, oil, lubricants, yteldin;; sohiuuns, and sultcnts arc used tin-site for heat a equipment operation aad m.yintcnuxe. Reckunatiua actit Tries on the Project Site would .ilso int uh~e the transport ui 4asoline .u7d other materi.ils donna grulm4 and other recl.unation operations, includia4 the operation of heats equipment. Relatitela small trnuunts of cumnx~nly used hactrduus substances, such as tussil tuck, oil, lubricants, t~cldinti Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 5-6 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uuuuii...iriiir IIIIu,u,iru. solutions u7d soli enta would be used on site for heat a equipment opertuon u7d m.uatcnuxe. '1"hese materi.tls ~rould be transported u7d handled in acairduxe with .tll heder.tl, State, u7d loco laws retiukttinti the manatiemcnt aad use of h.vardous materi.tls. 'I"he use, storat e, aad disposa of u7t' haiardous materi.tls on or from the Project Site sh.t11 be done in annpliuxe ~zith applicable Feder il, State, and loc.tl retiukttions. ~~etions included in the proposed Recl.unation flan <lmendmcnt, as well as specific miutiation measures outlined in Section ti.13, 17n~arrL~RLk o% L;~~el, would be implemented to ensure that potcna.il impacts resultinti from haiardous materials sptll.itic or leal,inti arc less than sttinitiruit. Other projects ~i~ould be required to adhere to Feder il, State, aad loc.tl retiulations in a similar manner, as applicable. '1"herefore, the proposed project ~i ould not anitribute to cumulatn~elt' sitiaifictnt impacts associated with hetlth aad safeta. 5.2.14 HOUSING AND POPULATION '1"he project does not propose housin;; or uses ~rhich would result in an increase in population. '1"herefore, there is ao potcnti.tl for the project to amtribute to cumuktti~e nnpacts associated with houvnti u7d pc ~pulati~ gin. 5.2.15 MINERAL RESOURCES Prior to implementinti the proposed Reckunauon Pku7 lmcndmcnt, on-site minertl resource ~rould be mined to depletion. '1"he project does not propose mimay u7d~or resource eitraction. '1"herefore, cumukta~ e impacta on mineril resources would not occur. 5.2.16 GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 1'hc Project Site is the locati~~n of on tiointi muitnti and resources e~trtction and processinti opertti~~ns. Greenhouse tins emissions arc present from the hea~~a machiaera and uluipment utilized on-site. \ddition.illa, hea~a trucks make retiular trips to and from the Project Site to tru7sport materi.ils, further contribuunti to tirecnhouse tins cmissi~~ns. Reclamati~~n of the quarry sttc as proposed under the Reckunauoa Plan lmendment would result in less emisvon of tireenhouse tiases thu7 the curruit mininti operttioa. A~'ith the eiception of litiht ~ chicle taps associated with iaterinittent maintenance of rep etieatted and reckumed areas of the site, ~ ehicuktr trips to u7d from the Project Site ~rould be aetilitiible, thereby rcducinti GEIG cmissi~~ns to minimal lc~cls. '1"he project's potenti.tl effect on tilob.tl climate chu7tie Sias e~~.tluated as part of the X90' Orrald7 ~I~r~Lrnical R~pm7 prepared ba Dudek Inc. (hfarch )010) (included as ~ppendii P to this 1_;IR). 1_;missions of tirccnhouse tiascs ~icrc estimated based ~~n the use of constructi~~n uluipmcnt and ~chiclc trips associated with construction actnities. GHG emisvons would only occur dunnti construction of the project, which is anticipated to rthe approiimatela 11 wcchs to complete. folknuiati construction, the proposed project ~rould not result is G HG emissions, as there ~z ould be no new mobile sources or satuoaara sources. As a result, the proposed project is not lihela to result in a conflict with as applicable plan, polio', or retiukttion adopted for the purpose of rcducinti G E lG cmissi~~ns. '1"he project would, nonetheless, contribute ewnulati~elt' to the production of C~HG emissions. Because ticnerttioa of GHG emissions would occur for a -era short durtuoa (appro~imatela 11 wcchs) and no operation.tl emisvoas would occur from the project, the project's contribution to GHG emissions considered on a cumulati~ e bays would not be cumulati~•ela considerable. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 5-7 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011