HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011/06/14 Item 07 Attachment EIR J 5 - 4.5 - Air Quality - 19 May 2011 ûë óêçûðóèã ûë óêçûðóèã èÔÓÉÉ×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×÷óêÓÉÚÛÉ×ØÍÎÈÔ×ûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃè×ÙÔÎÓÙÛÐê×ÌÍÊÈÌÊ×ÌÛÊ×ØÖÍÊÈÔ×ÌÊÍÌÍÉ×ØÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÚà øÇØ×ÑóÎÙØÛÈ×ØòÛÎÇÛÊà ûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃè×ÙÔÎÓÙÛÐê×ÌÍÊÈÓÉÓÎÙÐÇØ×ØÛÉûÌÌ×ÎØÓÄ÷ÈÍÈÔÓÉ ÷óê  ÷ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕùÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÉ èÔ×íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃÓÉÈÔ×ÉÓÈ×ÍÖÛÎ×ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕÊ×ÉÍÇÊÙ×ÏÓÎÓÎÕÍÌ×ÊÛÈÓÍÎê×ÉÍÇÊÙ××ÄÈÊÛÙÈÓÍÎÓÎÆÍÐÆ×É ÈÔ×ÇÉ×ÍÖÔ×ÛÆÃÏÛÙÔÓÎ×ÊÃÈÍ×ÄÈÊÛÙÈÈÊÛÎÉÌÍÊÈÛÎØÌÊÍÙ×ÉÉÊÛÅÏÓÎ×ÊÛÐÉÛÉÅ×ÐÐÛÉÚÐÛÉÈÓÎÕêÛÅÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉ ÛÊ×ÈÊÛÎÉÌÍÊÈ×ØÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÍÇÈÈÔ×ÉÓÈ×ÇÉÓÎÕÔ×ÛÆÃÈÊÇÙÑÉûØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÐÃÈÊÇÙÑÉÔÛÇÐÓÎÕÏÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ÉÓÈ× ÛÊ×ÌÊ×É×ÎÈèÔ×É×ÖÛÙÈÍÊÉÍÖÊ×ÕÇÐÛÊÍÌ×ÊÛÈÓÍÎÙÍÏÌÊÓÉ×ÈÔ×ÌÊÓÏÛÊÃÉÍÇÊÙ×ÉÍÖÛÓÊËÇÛÐÓÈÃØ×ÕÊÛØÛÈÓÍÎ ùÐÓÏÛÈ×ÛÎØèÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔà èÔ×Å×ÛÈÔ×ÊÍÖÈÔ×ìÊÍÒ×ÙÈéÓÈ×ÛÉÅÓÈÔÏÍÉÈÍÖéÍÇÈÔ×ÊÎùÛÐÓÖÍÊÎÓÛØÇ×ÈÍÈÔ×ÓÎÖÐÇ×ÎÙ×ÍÖÈÔ×ìÛÙÓÖÓÙ íÙ×ÛÎÛÎØÓÈÉÉ×ÏÓÌ×ÊÏÛÎ×ÎÈÔÓÕÔÌÊ×ÉÉÇÊ×ÉÃÉÈ×ÏÉÙÍÎÉÓÉÈÉÍÖØÊÃÅÛÊÏÉÇÏÏ×ÊÉÛÎØÍÙÙÛÉÓÍÎÛÐÐÃÅ×È ÏÓÐØÅÓÎÈ×ÊÉèÔ×ÛÆ×ÊÛÕ×È×ÏÌ×ÊÛÈÇÊ×Ã×ÛÊÊÍÇÎØÊÛÎÕ×ÉÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ÏÓØ ÉÈÍÔÓÕÔ ÉØ×ÕÊ××ÉÓÎ öÛÔÊ×ÎÔ×ÓÈèÔ×ÛÆ×ÊÛÕ×ÌÊ×ÙÓÌÓÈÛÈÓÍÎÖÍÊÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÛÊ×ÛÓÉÈ×ÎÓÎÙÔ×ÉÅÓÈÔÏÍÉÈÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊ×ÙÓÌÓÈÛÈÓÍÎ ÖÛÐÐÓÎÕÖÊÍÏîÍÆ×ÏÚ×ÊÈÍûÌÊÓÐ èÔ×ÈÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÃÍÖÈÔ×Õ×Î×ÊÛÐÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÊ×ÕÓÍÎÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÉÚ×ÛÙÔ×ÉÍÎÈÔ×Å×ÉÈÛÎØÏÍÇÎÈÛÓÎÉÛÎØØ×É×ÊÈÈÍÈÔ× ×ÛÉÈèÔ×É×ÐÛÎØÖÍÊÏÉÛÐÍÎÕÅÓÈÔÐÍÙÛÐÏ×È×ÍÊÍÐÍÕÃÓÎÖÐÇ×ÎÙ×ÈÔ×ØÓÉÌ×ÊÉÛÐÛÎØÏÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÍÖÌÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈÉ èÔ×ÏÍÇÎÈÛÓÎÉÌÊÍÔÓÚÓÈÈÔ×ØÓÉÌ×ÊÉÛÐÍÖÌÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈÉÅÔÓÙÔÙÍÎÈÊÓÚÇÈ×ÉÈÍÈÔ×ÌÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈÉÚ×ÓÎÕÈÊÛÌÌ×ØÓÎ ÓÎÆ×ÊÉÓÍÎÐÛÃ×ÊÉ èÔ×ÓÎÈ×ÊÛÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÍÙ×ÛÎÐÛÎØÛÎØÈÔ×ìÛÙÓÖÓÙôÓÕÔìÊ×ÉÉÇÊ×âÍÎ×ÙÊ×ÛÈ×ÉÏÍÉÈÐÃÙÐ×ÛÊÉÑÓ×ÉÛÎØÅ×ÉÈ×ÊÐÃÈÍ ÎÍÊÈÔÅ×ÉÈ×ÊÐÃÅÓÎØÉÃ×ÛÊÊÍÇÎØèÔ×ÅÓÎØÉÈ×ÎØÈÍÚÐÍÅÓÎÐÛÎØÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ×ÆÛÐÐ×ÃÉØÇÊÓÎÕÈÔ×ØÛÃÛÎØ Å×ÉÈÅÛÊØØÍÅÎÈÔ×ÔÓÐÐÉÛÎØÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÈÔ×ÆÛÐÐ×ÃÉÛÈÎÓÕÔÈ ûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈà èÔ×Î×ÛÊ×ÉÈÛÓÊËÇÛÐÓÈÃÏ×ÛÉÇÊ×Ï×ÎÈÉÈÍÈÔ×ìÊÍÒ×ÙÈéÓÈ×ÛÊ×ÏÛØ×ÓÎØÍÅÎÈÍÅÎùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛÚÃÈÔ×éÛÎ øÓ×ÕÍùÍÇÎÈÃûÓÊìÍÐÐÇÈÓÍÎùÍÎÈÊÍÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈéøûìùøÈÔ×ÛÕ×ÎÙÃÊ×ÉÌÍÎÉÓÚÐ×ÖÍÊÛÓÊËÇÛÐÓÈÃÌÐÛÎÎÓÎÕ ÏÍÎÓÈÍÊÓÎÕÛÎØ×ÎÖÍÊÙ×Ï×ÎÈÓÎÈÔ×éÛÎøÓ×ÕÍûÓÊúÛÉÓÎéøûúèÛÚÐ× ûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈà éÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÕÓÆ×ÉÈÔ×ùÛÐÓÖÍÊÎÓÛÛÎØö×Ø×ÊÛÐÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÖÍÊÛÓÊËÇÛÐÓÈÃÅÔÓÐ×èÛÚÐ× ûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈà øÛÈÛÉÇÏÏÛÊÓÂ×ÉÌÇÚÐÓÉÔ×ØÏÍÎÓÈÍÊÓÎÕØÛÈÛÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ ÷ÛÉÈòéÈÊ××ÈÉÈÛÈÓÍÎÖÍÊÈÔ×Ã×ÛÊÉ   ûÉÉÔÍÅÎÚÃèÛÚÐ× ÈÔ×Ê×ÓÉÉÈÓÐÐÌÊÍÕÊ×ÉÉÈÍÚ×ÏÛØ×ÈÍÅÛÊØÉÙÐ×ÛÎ×ÊÛÓÊÓÎùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛèÔ×éÈÛÈ× ÍÎ×ÔÍÇÊÛÎØ×ÓÕÔÈÔÍÇÊÍÂÍÎ×ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅ×Ê××ÄÙ××Ø×ØÓÎ ÛÎØ èÔ×éÈÛÈ×ÛÎÎÇÛÐÛÎØ ÔÍÇÊ ìïÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅ×Ê××ÄÙ××Ø×ØÓÎ  ÛÎØ ÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅ×Ê××ÄÙ××ØÓÎ  ÛÎØÈÔ× ÔÍÇÊìïÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÅ×Ê××ÄÙ××Ø×ØÓÎ ûÓÊËÇÛÐÓÈÃÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÊ×ÕÓÍÎÓÉÓÎ  ÙÍÏÌÐÓÛÎÙ×ÅÓÈÔÚÍÈÔùÛÐÓÖÍÊÎÓÛûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉùûûëéÛÎØîÛÈÓÍÎÛÐûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊ ëÇÛÐÓÈÃéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉîûûëéÖÍÊîíùíÛÎØéí íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃê×ÙÐÛÏÛÈÓÍÎìÐÛÎûÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈìÛÕ× ÷ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÛÐóÏÌÛÙÈê×ÌÍÊÈ÷óêøêûöèïÛÊÙÔ öóîûðòÇÎ× ûë óêçûðóèã èÛÚÐ× ûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉ ùÛÐÓÖÍÊÎÓÛéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉîÛÈÓÍÎÛÐéÈÛÎØÛÊØÉ ìÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈûÆ×ÊÛÕ×èÓÏ× ùÍÎÙ×ÎÈÊÛÈÓÍÎìÊÓÏÛÊÃé×ÙÍÎØÛÊà ÔÍÇÊ  ÌÌÏ  Õ Ïx éÛÏ×ÛÉìÊÓÏÛÊà í éÈÛÎØÛÊØ ÔÍÇÊ   ÌÌÏ Õ Ï  ÌÌÏ Õ Ï ÔÍÇÊÉ ÌÌÏ Õ ÏÌÌÏ Õ Ï ùíîÍÎ× ÔÍÇÊ ÌÌÏ Õ Ï ÌÌÏ Õ Ï ûÎÎÇÛÐûÊÓÈÔÏ×ÈÓÙï×ÛÎ  ÌÌÏÕ Ï   ÌÌÏ Õ Ï éÛÏ×ÛÉìÊÓÏÛÊà îí éÈÛÎØÛÊØ ÔÍÇÊ  ÌÌÏ Õ Ïx ûÎÎÇÛÐûÊÓÈÔÏ×ÈÓÙï×ÛÎx  ÌÌÏ Õ Ïx  ÌÌÏ Õ Ï  ÌÌÏ Õ Ïx éí ÔÍÇÊÉxx ÌÌÏ Õ Ï ÔÍÇÊ  Õ Ïxx  Õ Ï  Õ Ï éÛÏ×ÛÉìÊÓÏÛÊà ìï éÈÛÎØÛÊØ ûÎÎÇÛÐûÊÓÈÔÏ×ÈÓÙï×ÛÎ Õ Ïx îÍé×ÌÛÊÛÈ×éÈÛÈ×éÈÛÎØÛÊØ Õ Ï éÛÏ×ÛÉìÊÓÏÛÊà ìï  éÈÛÎØÛÊØ ûÎÎÇÛÐûÊÓÈÔÏ×ÈÓÙï×ÛÎ Õ Ï  Õ Ï ØÛÃûÆ×ÊÛÕ× Õ Ïxx ð×ÛØ ùÛÐ×ÎØÛÊëÇÛÊÈ×Êx Õ Ï éÛÏ×ÛÉìÊÓÏÛÊà éÈÛÎØÛÊØ êÍÐÐÓÎÕ ïÍÎÈÔûÆ×ÊÛÕ×x  Õ Ï ôÃØÊÍÕ×Î ÔÍÇÊ  ÌÌÏxx ÉÇÐÌÔÓØ× æÓÎÃÐ  ÌÌÏxx ÙÔÐÍÊÓØ× éÇÐÖÛÈ×É Õ Ïxx óÎÉÇÖÖÓÙÓ×ÎÈÛÏÍÇÎÈÈÍ ÌÊÍØÇÙ×ÛÎ×ÄÈÓÎÙÈÓÍÎ æÓÉÓÚÓÐÓÈà ÙÍ×ÖÖÓÙÓ×ÎÈÍÖ  Ì×Ê Ê×ØÇÙÓÎÕÔÍÇÊÉxx ÑÓÐÍÏ×È×ÊØÇ×ÈÍÌÛÊÈÓÙÐ×É ÌÛÊÈÓÙÐ×É ÅÔ×ÎÈÔ×Ê×ÐÛÈÓÆ×ÔÇÏÓØÓÈÃÓÉ Ð×ÉÉÈÔÛÎ  éÍÇÊÙ×øÇØ×ÑûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃè×ÙÔÎÓÙÛÐê×ÌÍÊÈòÛÎÇÛÊà  íÈÛÃæÛÐÐ×ÃëÇÛÊÊÃê×ÙÐÛÏÛÈÓÍÎìÐÛÎûÏ×ÎØÏ×ÎÈìÛÕ× ÷ÎÆÓÊÍÎÏ×ÎÈÛÐóÏÌÛÙÈê×ÌÍÊÈ÷óêøêûöèïÛÊÙÔ öóîûðòÇÎ× ûë óêçûðóèã èÛÚÐ× ûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃøÛÈÛ ïÍÉÈéÈÊÓÎÕ×ÎÈ ûÆ×ÊÛÕÓÎÕ ûÏÚÓ×ÎÈûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈà ìÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈ ïÍÎÓÈÍÊÓÎÕéÈÛÈÓÍÎ èÓÏ× éÈÛÎØÛÊØ ÔÍÇÊ         íùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ ÔÍÇÊ         ûÎÎÇÛÐ Õ Ï Õ Ï Õ Ï Õ Ï ìïùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ     Õ Ï Õ Ï Õ ÏÕ Ï ûÎÎÇÛÐ  Õ Ïî û Õ Ï Õ Ï ìïùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ    Õ Ï Õ Ï Õ ÏÕ Ï ûÎÎÇÛÐ        îíùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ ÔÍÇÊ         ÔÍÇÊ    ùíùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ ÔÍÇÊ  ûÎÎÇÛÐ     éíùÔÇÐÛæÓÉÈÛ         éÍÇÊÙ×øÇØ×ÑûÓÊëÇÛÐÓÈÃè×ÙÔÎÓÙÛÐê×ÌÍÊÈòÛÎÇÛÊà  ê×ÕÇÐÛÈÍÊÃé×ÈÈÓÎÕ ö×Ø×ÊÛÐ èÔ×ö×Ø×ÊÛÐùÐ×ÛÎûÓÊûÙÈùûûÌÛÉÉ×ØÓÎ  ÛÎØÐÛÉÈÛÏ×ÎØ×ØÓÎ  ÖÍÊÏÉÈÔ×ÚÛÉÓÉÖÍÊÈÔ×ÎÛÈÓÍÎÛÐ ÛÓÊÌÍÐÐÇÈÓÍÎÙÍÎÈÊÍÐ×ÖÖÍÊÈèÔ×÷ìûÓÉÊ×ÉÌÍÎÉÓÚÐ×ÖÍÊÓÏÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈÓÎÕÏÍÉÈÛÉÌ×ÙÈÉÍÖÈÔ×ùûûÓÎÙÐÇØÓÎÕ ÈÔ×É×ÈÈÓÎÕÍÖîûûëéÖÍÊÏÛÒÍÊÛÓÊÌÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈÉÔÛÂÛÊØÍÇÉÛÓÊÌÍÐÐÇÈÛÎÈÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐÍÖéÈÛÈ× ÛÈÈÛÓÎÏ×ÎÈÌÐÛÎÉÏÍÈÍÊÆ×ÔÓÙÐ××ÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÉÈÛÈÓÍÎÛÊÃÉÍÇÊÙ××ÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÉÈÛÎØÛÊØÉÛÎØÌ×ÊÏÓÈÉÛÙÓØ ÊÛÓÎÙÍÎÈÊÍÐÏ×ÛÉÇÊ×ÉÉÈÊÛÈÍÉÌÔ×ÊÓÙíÌÊÍÈ×ÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØ×ÎÖÍÊÙ×Ï×ÎÈÌÊÍÆÓÉÓÍÎÉîûûëéÛÊ××ÉÈÛÚÐÓÉÔ×ØÖÍÊ uir~ u~ii..ii.ir~r responsible for ensurinti implemenrttion of the C.ilifornia Clean Air \et (CCs\.A) of 19RH, respondmti to the hederyl C.A:~, u7d retiukttinti emissions from motor ~ ehicles and consumer products. GARB has established C 1~AQS, which arc more restrictnc than ilx N 1~~QS, consistent with ilx C:~A, y hick reyuires state retiulations to be at least as restrictiyc as the fcdertl rcquiruncnts. 1'he C \.\(>S describe ad~-erse conditions; that is, pollution le~-els must be below these suuula.rds before a basin ru7 attain the standard. '1'hc CA.AQS for O„ CO, SO, (one hour u7d ~4-hour), NO„ P~fi,,, u7d 1?~l,s u7d yisibilita- reducinti particles arc ~.tlues that arc not to be ezeeeded. 111 others arc not to be equ.tled or eiceeded. '1"he N \AQS sad CAs\(>S arc presented in'1'ablc 4S 1, ~1~xbien! ~9o'Qrralel7 SlandarrL. Local \\ bile C:\Rl~ is resp~~nsiblc for the retiulati~~n of mobile crnissi~~n sources within the State, local \(>`IDs and .\PCDs arc resp~~nsiblc for cntorcuiti standards and retiulatinti stati~~nary sources. 1'hc project is located within ilx SDAB u7d is subject to SDAPCD and South Coast <lir (>u.ilin' i~laaatiement District (SC.\(>,`IDj tiuidelincs and retiulati~~ns. In San Dictio County, ou~nc and particulau matter arc the pollutants of m.yin concern, since those polluruits arc found to be in eicess of State .unbicnt .ur yu.tlin' standards in most sears. Por this reason, the SD~~B has been devtiaated as a aonatauamcnt area for the State Pi~li , PJI,,, sad ouxx standards. '1"he SD \B is .t1so a federtl oione noaatt.~inmuit area and a carbon m~~no~idc maintcnancc area. \n area is dcsitinatcd in attainment ~~hcn it is in comphancc y~ith the N.\.\(>S and/or C~\.\()S. 1'hcsc standards arc set by the 1;1?A or CARI3 for the maximum level of a tin en .yir pollutant which can exist in the outdoor .ur without unacceptable effects on hwnan hetlth or the public welistre. '1"he SD~~B is dev~nated Subpart I aoaatauament for the 8-hour N 1~~(>S for O;. 'I"hc SD AI3 was dcsi~natcd is attyinmcnt for .yll other enteric pollutants under the N \.~QS yz~ith the eueption of Pi~li,,, which was detennmed to be uncktssiirtblc. '1"hc SD~~B is currently dcsi~natcd nonatt.unmcnt for O;, both 1-hour and 8 hour, u7d particulate matter, P~fi„and P~1,, under the C.A.~QS. It is devtinaud atuyinment for CO, NO„ SO_„ lead, and sultatcs. '1"he criteria pollutants of prnnary concern that arc considered in the Air Qu.tlity'1"echnica Report prepared for the project include 03, NO,, CO, SO,, Pi~li ,sad Pith ,. Althoutih there arc no .unbicnt standards for V'OCs or NOT, they arc nnporru7t as precursors to O,. '1"able 45-3, .SD~1B ~1llnin~xen! (.ln~~~/icalion, summanics San Dictio Countt's I~edcrtl and State attatnmcnt desttinati~~ns for each of the criteria pollutants. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-4 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 ul'~,„ "' JIIIII'l" ~„~~VLIII,~''~IILUI~"Il. Table 4.5-3. SDAB Attainment Classification Ozone (l hour) Attainmeni* Nonattainmeni Ozone (8 hour) Nonattainmeni (Subpar} I) Nonattainmeni Carbon Monoxide Attainment (Maintenance Area) Attainment PM,o Unclassifiable** Nonattainmeni PN72.6 Attainmeni Nonattainmeni Nitrogen Dioxide Attainmeni Attainmeni Sulfur Dioxide Attainmeni Attainmeni Lead Attainmeni Attainmeni Sulfates (no federal standard) Attainment Hydrogen Sulfide (no federal standard) Unclassified Vinyl Chloride (no federal standard) Unclassified Visibility Reducing Particles (no federal standard) Unclassified The Federal bhourstandard of 0.12 ppm was in effect from 1979 through June 15, x705. The revoked standard is referenced here because it was employed for such a long period and because this benchmark is addressed in State Implementation Plans. "At the time of designation, if the mailable data does not support a designation of attainment or nonattainment, the area is designated as unclassifiable. Source: Dudek Air Quality Technical Report (March 2010). 4.5.2 Thresholds of Significance Appendix G of the CEQA guidelines defines a potentially significant air quality impact as one that would: mm Conflict with or obstruct the implementation of the applicable air quality plan; ~~~u Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation; ~~~u Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is nonattainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for 03 precursors); ~~~u Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations; or ~~~u Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people. Project Pollutants The City of Chula Vista evaluates project emissions based on the quantitative emission thresholds established by the SCAQMD in their CEQA Air Quality Handbook (SCAQMD 1993). The SCAQMD sets forth quantitative emission significance thresholds below which a project would not have a significant impact on ambient air quality. Project-related air quality impacts estimated in this environmental analysis would be considered significant, if any of the applicable significance thresholds presented in Table 4.5-4, SCAQMD AirQuaky Sign~cance Thresholds, are exceeded. Otay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-5 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uir~ u~ii..ii.ir~r Table 4.5-4. SCAQMD Air Quality Sianificance Thresholds ~,~. Cnteda Pollutants Mass Daily Thresholds VOC 75 Ibs/day SS Ibs/day NO. IOO Ibs/day SS Ibs/day CO SSO Ibs/day SSO Ibs/day SO. ISO Ibs/day ISO Ibs/day PMio ISO Ibs/day ISO Ibs/day PMu SS Ibs/day SS Ibs/day 1'hc thresholds listed in 1'ablc 45-4 represent scrccninti-lc~cl thresholds that can be uscd to c~aluatc whether project-related emissions could cause a sitnificuit impact on .sir qu.iliu~. 1:missions below the screening-le~-el thresholds ~zould not cause a si~nifirtnt nnpact. In the e~-ent that emissions eiceed these thresholds, modeLa~ would be required to demoastrtte that the project's touil ur qu.~hta impacts result in ground-lu-el axxuitrttions that arc below the C.AAQS sad N~1s~QS, inchidia~ appropriate bachyround lu~els. I or aonatruament polhiuu7ts, if emissions eiceed the thresholds shod n in '1"able 45-4, the project could ha~~e the potenti.tl to result in a cumultti~~ela amvdertble net increase in these pollutants .u7d thus could hay e a sit niiicu7t impact on the unbient ur qu.tlita. Sl) \PCl) Rulc 1 (Public Nuistnccj prohibits emission of ana nrttcrial Which causes nuisance to a considerable number of persons or endangers the comfort, hetlth, or safety of u7a person. <~ project that proposes a use that ~i ould produce objectionable odors ~z ould be deemed to hay e a sii;aifiru7t odor impact ii it would affect a considerable number of off-vte receptors. 4.5.3 Impact Analysis '1"he proposed project would result is fewer impacts to .ur qu.tlitt~ than what occurs with the oa-toint minim' operations. Vthough episodic impacts to .sir qu.ilita would be present Bunny rcclunation (sec below), these would be short is duration in comparison to current vtc amdinoas. Addition.tlla, rcclunation ~rould lea~~e the Project Site as re~~et'etated open space and a aatur.~lla-rechar;;ia~ water bode; these uses do sot ha~c the .sir qu.tlin~ impacts that arc assocaated with as active minim' operation. Rueycrttioa would ha~~e u7 0~ crt11 benefici.tl impact on the site's .sir qu.tlita, as plant maten.tl acts to aatur.~lla clean ur and filter emissions u7d therefore improve .sir qu.tlita. '1"he proposed Otat~ V'.t11et~ (>uarrt~ Recl.unation flan <~mendmcnt project would impact ur qu.tlttt~ .tlmost eulusi~-ela throui;h respirable particulue matter (Pi~fi„). Seamdara project related aunosphene impacts deri~-e from a number of other sm.t11, growth-connected emissions sources such as temportra emissions of dusts u7d fumes Bunny project construction; increased fossil-fuel combustion is power plants from project electricity requirements; e~-aporui~-e emissions at has srttions or from paints, thinners, or sol~-ents uscd in construction and muntenuxe; increased .sir trt~ el from area ~ isitors; dust from tiro wear u7d re-suspended roadway dust, etc X111 these emission points arc either temportry, or rhea arc so sm.t11 in comparison to project-related auunnoti~e sources such that their impact is less imporru7t. Efowe~er, growth is associated with increased .sir pollution emissions irom a aide ~~arien~ of sources, which further inhibits the scar-term atu~inmcnt of .tll clean .sir standards in the SDAB. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-6 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 ul'~,„ "' JIIIII'~" ~„~~VLIII,~''~IILUI~"I~. The Project Site is located in San Diego County, within the SDAB, which is governed by the SDAPCD. The SDAPCD regulates air quality over most types of stationary emission sources through its permit authority, as well as planning and enforcement activities. SDAPCD's air quality plan describes air pollution control strategies that are to be implemented by region's classified as nonattainment areas. The purpose of the plan and strategies is to eventually bring the area into compliance with Federal and State requirements, classifying it as an attainment area. The proposed project is not anticipated to violate, or increase violation of, air quality standards or exceed emission thresholds, and is thus would not conflict with the SDAPCD's air quality plan. The project would be short term and, following the construction phase, would not result in any emissions. Impacts would be less than significant Construction Emissions Construction of the proposed project would result in a temporary addition of pollutants to the SDAB, caused by soil disturbance, dust emissions, and combustion pollutants from on-site construction equipment and off-site trucks hauling construction materials. Construction emissions would vary daily, depending on the level of activity, the specific type of operation, and, for dust, the current weather conditions. Therefore, such emission levels can only be estimated. Grading and site preparation activities would primarily cause fugitive dust emissions, while use of construction equipment and motor vehicles would result in NOx and CO emissions. Emissions from the construction phase of the project were estimated through the use of emission factors from the URBEMIS 2007, Version 9.2.4, land use and air emissions model (Rimpo and Associates 2007. For the purposes of modeling, it was assumed that the proposed project would commence in December 2039 (model does not go beyond 2040). The duration of construction in each stage of the project is as listed below: ~~~u equipment removal (three weeks) ~~~u rough grading (four weeks) ~~~u revegetation (four weeks) mm monitoring and maintenance (intermittent over a three to five year period). Emissions associated with the monitoring and maintenance stage were not modeled due to the fact that activities would only occur on a seasonal basis and would not require a significant amount of equipment For the analysis, it was assumed that heavy construction equipment would be operating on-site for approximately eight hours per day, five days per week (22 days per month), during project construction. Additional details of the construction schedule are included in Appendix E (the AirQuak'ty Tecbrrical Bej~ort). The equipment mix anticipated for construction activity was based on typical construction practices. The proposed project is subject to SDAPCD Rule 52 -Particulate Matter. This requires the project to take reasonable steps to limit emissions of fugitive dust beyond the property line. Compliance with Rule 52 would limit any PMio that may be generated during reclamation activities. When dust control and mitigation measures were factored into the calculations (it was assumed that the active sites would be watered at least three times daily), the result was an approximately 61 percent reduction of particulate matter. Otay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-7 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uir~ u~ii..ii.ir~r '1"able 4.> >, 1>>lumxlerl DUd~ 11a~~iinrr~x Con~O-rrel~mx l~~xz»ion~, shows the estimated m.~iimum d.~ilt' construction emisvons associated with the construction phase of the proposed project. Table 4.5-5. Estimated Daily Maximum Construction Emissions - YC7C r#C}x '...... C(7 SC7x I'M~a '..... ~ d"Nwz.s Proposed Pio~ecY trn fissions 3.95 2Y.81 19.34 0.00 24 S7 5.96 Pollutant Threshold 55 55 550 I50 I50 55 Threshold Exceeded? No No No No No No So ~rce LRI3tM IS 2001 Version 9 2 A. See Air Q ~e ~ty I'echn cei Report Ap oenaixA for cam of _te rea~~l},. ~~s shoat n abot-e, d.tila construction emissions of V'OC, ~11 )1, CO, ~t )S, Pi~li , or P!~l, , would not eiceed the acceptable thresholds. Consequcnth', construction of the proposed project would result in a less than sitinitirtnt impact. Operation-Related Emissions '1"he proposed project would not result in ant' loay term (operatioa.tl) impacts to .tir yuaitt'. <As a result, operation rclatcd impacts Mould be less than sitiniticant. '1"he proposed project would coatert a site that is currcntlt' used for heat t' mminti to a site coavstinti of tetictatcd open space and tirulcd and compacted areas suitable for urban uses. Project rclatcd cmissi~~ns durinti reckunation actit-ities would be below vtinifiruxe thresholds for .tll criteria pollutants. folknuinti construction of the proposed project, no kmi;-terin .tir qu.tlin' emisvons would occur. Cumulative Impacts 1"he operation of heat t' egwpmcnt fur reclunauoa purposes would ticnerate emissions, but the emissions would be less thu7 those curruitla ticnertted ba mminti operations. Emissions from the project area would be reduced Burin;; reckunauon actitities, u7d etcn further reduced after the completion of reclunation actit-ities, as compared to evstinti emisvon let-els. 'I"hereiure, the project would not result in a cumulatit-elt considerable net increase of u7a criteria polluru7t. Lnpacts tt ould be less thu7 vtinifirtnt. Sensitive Receptors \ir qu.tlitt' problems arise when the rate of polhiuu7t emissions eiceeds the rate of dispersion. Ceru~in ku7d uses arc c~~nsidcrcd more sensiti~c to chanties in air quality than others, depcndinti ~~n the tnhabitinti popukttion and acut~ities intoh~ed. People most lihela to be affected ba .sir pollution, as identified ba the GARB, include children, the elderla, athletes, and people with cardiotascular and chronic respirttora diseases. (:~~nccntrtti~~ns of pollutants in c~ccss of the dctincd thresholds arc of increased c~~nccrn for areas (deemed sensiti~z reccptorsj ~ here these tiroups mat' be located, ~ hich include residcnccs, schools, plaatirounds, chiklrtre ccntcrs, athletic facilities, kmti term hetlth care facilities, rehabilitation ccntcrs, coat.tlesecnt ccntcrs, u7d ruiremcnt homes. In the project area currcntla, reduced tisibilin', eae irritation, and adt-erse hetlth nnpacts arc the most serious evsunti .ur qu.tlita hazards. 1'hcrc arc currcntla no scnstti~c receptors in the ~icinita of the Project Sitc. 1'hc nearest residcnccs arc located approiimatela 4,00 feet or more to the southwest of the vte. Reclunation acntities arc anticipated to betiin m"?(189; therefore, it is difficult to determine iuture land use patterns in the project ticinita. Otay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-8 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011 uir~ u~ii..ii.ir~r ~ssuminy buiklout of Otaa Ranch ~'illa~e Pour, as pkuu7ed for in the current Chula Vista Genera Plan, residential uses y~ould be located dirccda north of the Project Site. '1"he project would not require the eitcnsi~c use of hea~~'-duty construction equipment, u7d the construction period would be short-term, after which project-related emissions of tonic ar axiuuninu7ts (1' QCs) yt oad cease. '1"hus, the proposed project ~rould not result in a long term source oi'1'<~C emissions. No residua'1'AC emissions u7d a>rrespondint' ruxer risk arc anticipated after construction. Furthermore, as discussed earlier, c~~nstructi~~n equipment cmissi~~ns would not c~cccd ant' established sttinitirtncc thresholds. ~s such, the exposure of project-related TAC emission impacta to scnvtite receptors both during and after construction troad be less thu7 siynifiru7t. Odors 1)urint the construction perod, potentia odors could result from the fumes associated with the use of construction equipmcnt.'1"he proposed project tiould consist of tt'pica construction actnities uvay limited .unounts of equipment, u7d troad be of short .u7d intenmttent duration. Due to the short-term nature of construction, impacts resauay from people's potentia exposure to objectionable odors that could be considered objectionable would be temportra; impacts would be less than sit nifictnt. 4.5.4 Level of Significance Before Mitigation I,missi~~ns arc currently ticnerttcd from ~~n-site resource eatracti~~n as a result of hcaya equipment use and blastinti. I;missi~~ns due to on tiointi muitnti are lonti-tcnn and penasiyc, and c~~ntinue oycr the litc of minim. Ia contrast, after recl.unation, the proposed project would produce tirtu.tlly no emissions, as the Project Site would be left as ~ artnt reckumed land 1,missions ~cnertted from recl.unation troad not curse u7a sit'nificuit .ur quaiu' impacta. 1misvoas due to construction would be short term and troad not t xikttc nay ar quarry regulations or suuulards. Air quoin' nnpacts due to operations of the project fr>llotrint implementation of the proposed Reckunation Pku7 \mendment would not occur. '1"he project would not create cumulatit-ely si~nificu7t .ur quaity impacts, troad not affect senvtit e receptors, and would not create objectionable odors. No mitigation measures arc required. 4.5.5 Mitigation Measures '1"he project would not result is sit nificaat ar quaity impacta. No mitigation is required. 4.5.6 Level of Significance After Mitigation Lnpacts associated with ar quaita would not be v~nifirtnt and would not required mitigation. Olay Valley Quarry Reclamation Plan Amendment Page 4.5-9 Environmental Impact Report (EIR) DRAFT: March 2011; FINAL: June 2011