HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1961-751 ORDINANCE HO. 751 -- , lJlDTIOOICE 01" TilE CITY OF CHillA VISTA, CALIFOfu'UA, RECHJLi;.'l'ING Tim l'iOVnlG,REw ING MID DEI:0LITIOlI OF EXIS'.rING BUILDINGS, HOUSES AND S'rRUCT!JEIW. lTHE CIn COUNCIL OF TilE CITY OF CmJLA VISTA, C!\LIFORHIA, DOES IlEI1EBY Ol!DAIN JIil'LC\iSt ~\ f" ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS. .\. *~ SECTION 1. For the pm'pose of 'Ghis Ordiwmc(), certa.in word;, and phrasen are d a8 set out :In this article, lmless it h~} apparent from the eontext that a erant meaning is intended. (a) "Bu:l.J.dine;r;''' shall mean Ol.nd indudo any hou:;:e, dwelling, building Ol~ ure, or a~y section or portion tJ181'eof. / (b) 'lHcuse mo~r.arfl shall moan and incl'U.de 8.ny p*)!"s(;n \'iiho C8.r!~:les on;:1 conducts,;; :',ngages in the business of Inoving or trarwpoI'.bing huild:i.ngs :['01" comper1:32.tion_~ or '~;_person who moves or i2<tanspol'ts (,\1'('1' building;:! over" upon, or .~\J.ong ({flY G';,:;:t'8B'h"~ ,,01" othel~ public place :L."1 the: C:lt,y,. ARTICLE 2$ HOVlllG OIj~ EXlffl'ING BUILDINGS, HOUSES AND Sl'EUcrl'URES ~~.JrfHIN lrliE: CITY OF CHUIA VISTA. SECTION l~ CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL~ BefoI'i3 :"U1"Jr t:-]:"~'~[:l'liing bu:tld:i,:i.1g5' h01J:se 01' 'eture of any type i'1h,::r~sorY'1!e!' ma.y be mcr~f{>J f:;::o!::~, C1::i1if~id;3 'trIt:.'! c:'L"hy 1:ln.r:4..ts oJ; tbe of Chula Vista.1 Ol'" ~:'OD1 ont:~ loci~t::L()'n 'vJ:i"~}J.:to: the GiiJ:/ 'to a!)C)theJ:~ loea:tJo:n ill the city lim:lts of tho Cit:r of Chnla Vi~rca, DE appl:lca.ticn fcv:' such l'lOlring be made 'bo the City. Counc:l.l of the CltJ' of Chula Vi1j"t~,. - SECnON 2. APPLICATION FOR PERivIT'l'. ~;h'3TiEnm.t" em ",~::L:l'ldng bui1d:U1gs house or .1 cture :is moved from i:hs present loca:tion olltsicl6 ~0h(-i cit,y .~:'o a 11,e'Vl loca'tiort .~in t.he Citly.~i. 'G:h~~~Vis~a, ?:: f:'C!~m...,'~;ne 1~~:i:tlon.~:,rl1jhin the G:~.ty of r:hu1a _Vista ',$IlOtll()r loca'GJ.on 'H1.'(jnln the' C:1.'!jY 0:(" t'!J\ll~1. V:Lsta;j; '~n(! house mcveJ;~ or cn~l1eJ." person:; or corporation movil1e; a house;- b\'i:tld:hi.gj, 'Or s'tr1:tc'tu!"E~ sh2~11 prio:t~ to mOl.'r:l.ng an application i'm::~ a mO'7J':l1""tg perm:5:t -~d.th the Bu.:.1.1ding IJapar1:men'b;, fW.:Ld appli,'" 'tl.oll shan contain "thG f.oUowing L1:t'el'lna'UoM .'J (a) Present location of" bll:lJ.ding proposed to be moved. (b) Location -~('i which it is :propor.ed to lnoV"('~ ohhe buildirlg", (e) Route proposed .to b(:i :rol10'w~;d in mO~\J1:ng' the hu:L16ing!.'! (d) Detailed plana land spec:1..fica-tion" uhieh aha}.:!. include and :Uldies:te all "'ilite-l'iar aUH:\'a'Gion3~ daco]'a;;:ing~ addU:ltmu W1d :t'",pail':J~ together ;,lith u\:lch o'ther plan~ ana plats that; m~l~r bi;~ r-8qU'ircd by EnJi' othc:r Ordinanc-a oi' the City of Clnllu Vista" (e) 1\ltera.tiOl:l.8, if alW" prop08EHlbo bo nk'>.de in tho interiol' ,of the bu:L1d:Ulg^ (r) Two photographs of hou3El before moving. (g) Height, 011 doll:tess' .r.i.dth mId length of bui1()j.ngs. (h) J,. statement attached to said application hiT a qualified specialt:' contl.'oo'toT, c11l."x'"mt:l..;r liMl1:sea by' t..l}e S'tate of C!l1:lfornia 'to perform f.l"dCh i~ork:" to ';,ho effect 'l;ha'G 31l.Ch building is fx'ee from Se:dOIlB rot (1J! fungu8~ ~~arm:i:tes OJ.'''' sin.d13X' def'ect~;.:i 1 <,-'~- ___J , .,fi '~~~ ~{ 'i> il: ,. f An:,!, application for IJ. p6Y'1irl.t to move any bu:Lldi.\1g~ house ox' structure 1l13cV deniod by the Ci.ty Counell if, in t.he opinion of the City Council.. 'bhs said , ding, hOUSEl or Eltrue'G1U's cmmot be fully altered or rehabilitated to eonf01'l11 .,tho la'tJs ap.D ordinances of the City of Chula Vista. or fOl. arw other valid re.aSCl'h ~ Upon receipt of said application for the moving of such building; house 01' ture" the City Councll she~l cause an inspect:lon to be maoo of Eaii:', buildlne. a O:C' at.rilCtm'B and a report of said inspectj.on, ,shaJ~ be filed tdth .the, City -- iL. . Ho building~ house or structu17t'l shall be moved from 'iIHhout .hM GUy of , a Vista to 'within the City of Chula Vista~ or from one 10c8:1;ion w:Lthin tho Ci'ty . Chula Vista to anoi;hor location tuthtn the City of Ch111.a Vista~ Hi'thollt thG ass permisslon of the City COlli'wil of. the City of nmla Vista< Pa:t'l1ltssion may be granted by mot.ion of the City Council ji' all 1.110 requiroments fOl"'bh:ln th:1a Ordinance are complied \lith. Jr permission in granted~' appliccml; 1 roce.ive a l~itten permH to mOVE' said hniJdir.lg~ hou"'0 or si\l'ucturo to ~lithin citty Hmits of t,hs CUy of Chub, Vista, or from ona le,eation ,lithin the City' Ghula Vista to another locll'hion 't",i:l,hi:n the Cit,y of ChuJ.s Vis'tll; fJEtid plll'ln:l:l. $haH ta the time limits within Nhich the building is to be moved and the place where ~18 to be permanently located. The Building Inspector of, 'the City of 011u1a '\Y:l.sta ~ issue said permit after prior app~'mral by the City COU!1C:Uo ~: ~. \',: The deciB10n of the CUy Council in g1"anting OJ:' deny5.ng a )x!rmit to move an ~-", ': "' . ting building, house or structurs ehaH be final and conc1ur;il1e. SECTION 3. ZONTNG RE{)UIREtffiNTS. An buildings, houses or- stl"Uc'Gurerl movod ~)1!l Cit.3r 01' GhulaVi,sta. or ;l:rom 0:'<; location to lluotho,,'J.{)c,r!;2on 't1'J:t!dnthe tr Qf:Glmht Vist."i, s"all conform to all of the regulations. :tncluding the Zo-ning inance (Ol",=l:l.rumoe No. 398). in the zones in which they are -to be loc<t'~!'jd and . be madtl to conform to this Ordinance. SIWTION !.t. chtee is to ction. APPIJ:CATION FEE. A fee of ~i25.00 sh",ll uccrJlllp:l.Y!Y each applieat.ion1 recompanse_ the CitY' of. Chula 1ilsta fOl' tho expe:nse i1'l11'olved in the SECTION 5. Rr~LOCATION BOND. Ev&X'y pW'm:l,t to mO\m any such ouildlligshall de tha't all '!Hork of moving, relocation, romodo1:1.ng" eomplot:l.on and decoration It Il11ch build1ng comple'to and ready for use and according to .the plal1l) and spao:l~ hcations Toq1rlred by Section:? heY.'ef}f shall Df) acct<lIplished and complet3d t~:lthin 120 days from the data of such permit. Ji)lICJ:'y" parson~, fil'iil OJ:' cOl~pm'ation 'who shall 'iwJ;r for such parrrd:h shall del'1t'BJ:' io tha City of Clmla Vista a good and sufi'ic:Le:n'1:; Iiil'ety corapa!',;y" bond, or a cash depoai'h. in the 51)]!! of 'fh.1'fJ8 1'hO,!!,satld DoHm,'s ($3.000.00):, 113 to the City of Chula Vista ~lhich by its terms shan be f'o1':Le:i:ted in ense such ding is not completed and rea.dy for occupancy' accerd:iJ1g to s1I.Gh plans a.'1d spa(:i~ t,Wations ani requirements luthin SUcll period. t , SECrION 6. EXCEPTIONS. The provisions of Section 2" Subs$c"uj,on (b): SubsecUon ,(ol, Subseet:l.on (f), and Subsect:l.on (g) shan not apply 1Ilhe!"-ll ';;he l'eloca:b1ol1 i:rorolved , that of moving such building or st..'.uett'!'€: to a nr.m site upon con'~:i.guous p:rOpe'l"ty Of thll same OImor. ARTICLE 3. HOVING BUILDINGS. HOUSES JUlD STltUCTUmW 'i'BROUGH THE CITY OF CHlJIA VISTA MID FROn l'!ITHIN THE CI'l'Y OF GHUT,A \!'ISTA '1'0 QU'!'STDE THE erry OF Gt!UU, VISTA. BEe'l'ION '7. PERl'iI'l' FEE. Batero m:w bu:ilding~ house 01' st:~uetur,9 is mr.(O'ed '.\h!'oug!l thI3Cit;t' of Chula Vista OJ' :trom 1<lithin the C:it:r of Chulll V:ista to outside '\he Ci t:r of Ch1.Llll Vi.sta, the house ll;OV-a'1' shill obtain a m'Yili?lg pex'mi t fl'CIil1 the Building Dapa.~fi!Ilen'h 1'01' each separate fjt)~uctuY'c or pm"b:lo';, of a B'hructure. A fee gt Three Doll~1l 0'\3.00) shall be chtXf.'ged for ,;:neh 11l0"ling permit. SECTION 8. NOVING BOND. AllY house mover or otl1t.lY' pa1'CiO!l 'who moves or tl':mS~' s arr:r building or Struc',;lXL"e along arw street, alle:\' or other public place in the City of 'Chula Vista shall deposit with the Bu:ilding Dapartment a good and . ficient surety ()ompar.(7 bond :In the Bum of One 'thousand Dolla.rs U;l~OOO"OO) > for Jach moving job5 ox' in lieu of po:rhing a bc:nd for each job~ l11.B:Ji' post a blanke'" bond the BUll! of Two Thousand Dol11l.l:'s ($2~OOOaOO)" AJJ. bond forms shilll 'be app1'mred the Gi tsr A t.to:t"lIDy. "'" 2 ~., fYJ1 F)} SEC'froN 9. SAFETY llEASURES. After removal of any building 01" structure frolT! a parGal of l!U1d in the citY3 the house mover shall comply with the following con- ditioilS with respect to such parcel. (a) Inunediately upon removal of said building, securely cap and seal all gas, water and oil pipes disconnected from the building. (b) the land. Securely seal all sel~er and other sanitary fadli_ties remaining on (c) tl;!e land, Fill wHh dirt, sand or small rockr all openings and excavm~ions in i.ncluding cesspools and septic tanks. (d) Hemove therefrom all refuse, debris, old foundations. 1/al1s, slabs, \laste material and other impediments. (e) j,JHh:ln ten days (10) after such removal, a lette:e shall be filE:ct by- the house mover with the Building Department certif)-:ing that all of the p:t'o17isions of Section 9 of this Ordi.nance have been complied l-ri tho SECTION 10. AU'l'HORITY OF SUPERIII'rENDENT 01" StREETS. TlwSuperint.endent of SU'se1;s of -the Ci'ty of ChulaVista shall have the right -to inspect all rOllers" ,mcks> wheels, dollies, tractors or other apparatus propoO'od to be used in the ,lnov'ing operations, and he shall be the sole judge as to the aJequl?cy of such eqtJiplllent, and may- require 1;he use of such apparatus as in his judgment ~,)ill DO'" ~aUBe inJUry to streets 01' pavements. Any pel'mitissued under' thi.s Ordinariao llhil1l st:lpula:be that all equipment used in mOV:ll1g operations shall be Slibject to ',the approval of the Superintendent of S'l;ree-l;s.. SEC'fION 1l., AU1'HORI'l'Y OF THE POLICE DEPAR1'HEN'r. A'lJT house mover or other' WBon, firm or corporation moving any hOlwe" bu.Udiug> strliot,lll"e 01' a pOl':hj_on thi'.reof within the City or t.hrough the City o:i:' Ghll1a Vista" shall firstclwck the tr'!lval route I1nd t:lme 01' travel ;r.lth tho Cllula Vista Police Department, " \ :~ SECTION 1,2. TIITEHFEI1ENCE WITH U'.rILlTY PRO!'EHl'Y. No hou"emover 8h"J_1 1nterf~r:ein any mannm- whatsoever lIithany ~cpnrl;y of any public uti11ty-; -nottdthetimding anything :in the per-Pl:i.t g-ranted by the Bullding Depal'tmepJ," :';' DEC,!'IOH 130 DAHAGK 1'0 STllEETC. In caso of damage to,!ll1Y' street by."ea.,sOn of thernorlrig ofaIW building or structure; ol"section 0)' portion theraoi',tlie, Street 'rlapartment shall do such 'l-lO!'k as may henGctlssary to restore -ohe,iDtrec;ti;o 8S goodacpndHiim as -tho same 'WILS in P1'iO!~,'~b ouch damage" and shall charge,the' cost th~rIlO;r to the housemover to whom the permit, ~Jas issued for the moyin~:or such bUilding, o:r.structU1'G;. or section. or pm;til1rJ thereof" Such damages<asoccv:r liar, ooracojrered fl('OM the Burety bond required by Section 80 SEC,nOll lho EXCEPTIONS. The provisi.ons of Sec-tion 2, Subsection (h) and Section 3 sha1lno-t apply whero -the rolocation involved i8 that of movlng such . building to a site outside of the city limits or moving a building 'hhrough ,the City-of Ch~a Vista" .t'; ,\ , AmtrcU> 4. DIDIOLITION OF' l"U5"l'IlJG BUILDINGS AND STHUCTUHES HI'l'J-mr'l'HE CITY OF CHULA VISTA. :' SEC'fION 15'. DEHOLISBTIlG PEm~'r. Before any building3 house or st,ructlU"O within the City of Chula Vista is demolished, .the peril on) firm or corporation doing the demolishing shall first ob-bRin a demo1:ltion pe:<"lllit l.rom the B1Ulding Department" A fee of' three dollars (~3.,,{)0) shall be chal~ged for each separate d81lolishing parmi t" SEC'rION 16. SAFETY MEASURES. Any person, firm or corpora-tion demolishing I building, house or structure within the City of Chula Vista shall comply with ~ the provisions listed under Section 9~ of Article 3. SECTION 17. RIGH'!' OF CITY TO CLEM PROPER'l'Y. lll'rj' f'ailm'e to comply with the provisions of Section 9 of thiB Ordinance is hereby declared to be a nuisanceo <:.oJ 3 ~~ 601t) I Chief lJuild:i.ne Inspector is authorized to summarily abate said nuisance by using said requirements to be complied ,.Ii th and said abatement by the city shall at the expense of the person or persons creating, causing, coJ1ll!litting or m.-u.na Jlining!'t. ~'he El->ipense of the abatement of said nuisance by the city shall be a against the property on which it is main.tained and a personal cbligation of the party owner.. ii 'i SECTION 18. DISPOSITION OF BONJES COLLECTED. All monies receivod under the ions of this Ordinance shall be paid into the City Treasut'"'J and credited to General IVurJd. " Sl!GTION 19. Ordinance No. 462 and Ordinance No. 525 of the Ordinances of :lba City of Chula Vista, California, be and i;he sama are hereby repealed. Sl!GTI011 20. Repeal of Ordinance No. 462 and Ordinance No. 52$ shall not t.ot arw punishment or penalty lncWI'Gd before the repeal of said Ordinance, iIr arry suit. prosecution of proceedings pending at tho time of said repeal, for~ .~ offense o0lTl1\1tted under Ordinance 110. 462 and OrdInance No. 525. SECTION 21. Ii' any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion or this Ordinance is for lJIiIf reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the 1leciB1on of any court of competent jUl'isdiction~ such decision shall not affect the , 1dity of the remaining pori;ions of this Ordinance. SECTION 22. Arr:I person, firm or corporation viola,ting any of the provisiona of this Ordinance shall be deemed gu1.lty of a misdemeanor and each suchpel'son, firm It corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day .'Ill' portion thereof during llhich any violation of any of the provisions of sat.d ,Ordinance is cOlTllllitted. continued or permitted and upon convid.:ion of any such nolation shall be punishable by a fina of not more than Five Hundred Dollars (~SOO.OO) ,It by imprisom.ent for not more than s:1.:J!: (6) months or by both such f:irlS and imprisonment. SECTION 23. ~'his Ordinance sball be effect:l:ve and be in force thil"hy one (31) 'days after the final passage thereof, and shall within fifteen (15) days after its t1nal passage. be published once in the Ghula Vista Star-NevIS. a newspa.p6l' of general 'cjrculation, printod and published in the City of Chula Vista; California. ~. lQ:: ,sf ~u _''r, I.i~) ,\ : III cd) 1,.~ -~ ""b ,: a"'" La ..iti -Lt ;, ,,~ .,~ '; /)07. cJ/ ':.,' '.... ~;, J1{W'Tm; At.m AFPl~OVE,!) n", CH"l r.:OlmCIL of the CITY OF GHlllA \1\ c ',"J\. G.A 1.3F\)HNIA. t.ll. ". ..;UltlL......d'l)i u f ...._MlU:clh. J.9..(i.l__...._"......___~_. L) el\ C")ll(,'!!~ng'l!.{H:ii! 1:jJ';\.;t!'C~ f.,V',"j" GOlINGi..U'::.N. ._. P~G!"JI!I,f...._t.ll;Mili!l&......smith.... _1~J;i1:1U:;t~r.__..._...__. L\~' ~;.c.i, ~ ~'";',OlE'K~ I L\'-.g ,: :~'~.... ~. N9:~UL ._~..v ____m., .'_,_.._.. ._.~.~_....._"__...~,_~~."_~ !...f:- ':~:,H('" cnUl.K;-I Lt'P'..~.i .M.~!lz.~J,....... ~._,,~..~,--_._~ ~.__..'_.-~,. .._._,~~_._._~..~~..._>~-".~-~,~.. ,>-...~.... .- ~._.- (,:~ Chul.<l V:I:lt3 <1':'/,~;'~" ; ~~~,....:.~~_~h f: i cy (;1 ~""f'k ~"'L; I~F, (IF GALlE' Of{ N IA c:{,:'!;:"rr:t GF S~JI.N ])lE()'} CJ-;"~~ <!,~ Cl,HOL(\, iJ1S'Tl\ ) ., , , " r.; ~~ I" KENl'f,;~'Ut .1'.. (.^-,)Jf:-"UEJ.,L." C5 l_:,y f~h;~t){ of tJH-~ City 'Df Chub:i ViHt...,O,i'i ,0 \ fcrnia PO HF;nl:~i~V 1,~EP:'l'rF'i thaif. 'i'J:\<2 above .:md fOH:-.goi.ng lei ~,.1 fuli 'C r)\<t ,ii;-:,1 ',:';:.1'.Y ,0';', i~.(',::: ().l ur, LJ tt Ho" ;~:G.d !:;:'rH~ ,~: the Cl,)!:"";'7',E',C.t :';C-:!:\'.:': n,~:..~':\ dOt: ~',,;.'j:T; ,T:n(\:~;;.h~:l c<t' ,'c.poi'/!:';"'~'i, UJ~,''\':D _....~~__ ,~".."~ '...._.;_~__....___..,_,,_.c......~_~ .., _. n_".~~." Clerk 007 ro1