HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011/02/22 Additional Information d/';;;>.;r /tl !-rljYl ~ ~C:G~ ~ev. ~ ~~ ~ -l.le~~<CV"""O<!l& ~\:,~~~o..-'I'<:>~ [)ur~' CPTE perspective rhc Intcrnatiord CPTED Assocht;n!l Newsletter Philadelphia's Mural Project The Mural Art C..pllol oOhe World The Phi/adelphk1 Mur,llArts Progr"m (MAP) starte<!in 1984 a!ia c?Jllponent of l!lE~ Anti. Graffiti Network (PAGN),a city-\\1de initiative to eradicate destmdivc WdffilL:Uld adJre~ ndghbollthood blight. As part o( this effort, rAG~ hired mural .artist J<\nc Golde/llo f"eflchout to graffiti \vriters andlo redirect their cne@esto niurdl-lnaking.. MUfdt-making niJtonly Ilelped these young men and womcndevelop,thcir artistic skills, but .\150 empowered them to beautify tlmir neighhourhoods; The Mllf~ll-^rts Progrnlll hilS produ(".Ad over 2,700 murals .tllrotlghout Philadelphja-~more -murals thull any other city in the world. Currently, MAP is involved in fHllI'3l.making-and artedumtion throughollllhe city of PhililClelphiu.. \'1illlnir~ 7 - bs\l<"~ <-lug lOOg 6 'With professional 'artists seJV~ng as. educators ilnd role mod~ls, MAP's'nrteducation,prograrns serve more than 3,000 youth each year. Art eduu"\tion classes are offered at no (ec, ensuring accl2ssibility (or all youth. Toronto's Graffiti Transformation Program The Gmffili Tr<)r1sfomlatiqfl Program is an aniluitl community investment program, addressing youlh un~rnploymel'lt as well as licighborhciod improve-mentand revftalizi1tion issues. YOllth are hlred,by local organizations to remove graffiti and resurface the walls with aUmclive murals. Since th0 pR)gram's inception in T996, over 9,000 indivjdual lags have been removed, over '300 sites have been cleaned and 430 mumls have bccncrcated; An estimated- 1,276 youth have r~!cdved paying, work, as \vell as Ir';lirlirn.:ih the lechnk:al aspects of graffiti removal, outdoor art, and busirMJss skills. ,Murals <lToronlo parking bt Cf.JTFDPcrspcctl\C is,tllc.Jlc\\'sk:11cr of Ihe INTERNATIONAL CPTED ASSOCI.', TION Box 1.1, Site 17. RR 2. Sl.f,lthl1lOf':, AJbcrtti, Crmarb -- T I PI K5 Phone. lilt ~ 1'~iEn-(,6X-7(Ji:5 (;/.,! Ft\:\:: Jill + 1.'W]-27R-4/)(I) (X>O EmiliL nmceiq~cp!cd.nU W\\'w,cptcdnct \'\~hl1110 7 ~ issue J _ :lllgust 20m: .~ . .!/ Mlttf~",~ -1-~Cl~ . 'PtAk\;.C ~M~~~ dPo/tJ SOUTH COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL San Diego's Voice for Binational Business Chula Vista Business Outreach Report Prepared by South County Economic Development Council 2/22/2011 Report prepared by: Tony Cruz, Business Outreach Coordinator Cindy Gompper-Graves, Chief Executive Officer Report: Table of Contents . Introduction Process Findings Recommendations pg.3 pg.3 pg.5 pg.6 . . . Attachment I: . Introductory Letters Marked Return to Sender Attachment 2: . Team Schedules Attachment 3: . Business Assistance Requests Attachment 4: . Example Survey Attachment 5: . Volunteer Training Session Agenda Attachment 6: . Example Introductory Letters Attachment 7: . Surveyed Businesses Lists @ South County Economic Development Council Page 2 INTRODUCTION The South County Economic Development Council (SCEDC), with support from the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce, conducted a week- long outreach effort targeting businesses along H St. and Broadway in the City ofChula Vista's 91910 zip code area. SCEDC's objective during this effort was made to effectively reach out to businesses, regardless of size, and deliver valuable information regarding federal, state, and local programs and services capable of helping businesses succeed during these tough economic times. The information found in this report should be considered confidential and proprietary a~ it conveys information regarding sensitive and specific business needs. This report aims at assisting the City of Chula Vista with their economic development etrorts and is not intended for any other use. PROCESS Initial planning for this project began on January, 3 20 II. After careful consideration, SCEDC staff decided to visit H St. and Broadway on West Chula Vista due to their location within the San Diego Regional Enterprise Zone. The outreach effort occurred from January 10 through the 14,201 I, between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and I :00 P.M. Outreach efforts targeted 241 businesses identified through a list provided by the City of Chula Vista. Businesses were notified two weeks prior to scheduled visits through an introductory letter co-signed by representatives of SCEDC, the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce (Attachment 6.) The letter introduced SCEDC and its partners, outlined the objective behind the outreach visits, and included language encouraging owners & executive level managers to schedule an appointment. Of the 241 letters mailed, 10 letters came back stamped "Return to Sender" (Attachment I). City staff may wish to cross check its lists with SCEDC's list ofretums. SCEDC statrrecruited volunteers from various partner organizations (Attachment 2). During the outreach, all participants met at 9:30 A.M. to conduct a brief training session designed to ensure the participant's safety, describe the survey information sought and to ensure everyone understood the outreach's general objective. Volunteers were also trained on how to promote the available business assistance programs and instructed to note any question or concern (Attachment 5). SCEDC staff specifically highlighted the San Diego Regional Enterprise Zone program and SCEDC's layoff prevention/Rapid Response assistance services. Following these training sessions, staff and volunteers were paired according to pre-planned teams to ensure each team had someone who adequately understood the assistance programs. Each team received a list of20-30 businesses, driving directions, a bag containing information packets, and a clipboard of surveys. Teams then went business-to-business, distributing @ 'South County Economic Development Council Page 3 information packets and meeting with owners or high level managers whenever available. As a result of this outreach, JJ surveys were completed (Attachment 7). Information packets contained materials on the following programs and services: . SCEDC, Accion San Diego, and Union Bank, financing programs; . VetWorks information about reimbursable or no-cost on-the-job training (OlT) for Veteran employees, Veteran hiring assistance services and employer tax incentives associated with hiring Veterans; . Able-Disabled Advocacy (ADA) information regarding hiring assistance services and employer tax incentives for hiring ADA participants; . Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce membership form, resource guide, and city and transit map ofChula Vista; . SCEDC and South County Career Center, information regarding workforce recruitment and lay-off prevention; . City ofChula Vista, information regarding the San Diego Regional Enterprise Zone; . The Employment Development Department (EDD,) material on the Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) program, and a handout on EDD's CaIJOBS job search/positing website; . Comprehensive Training Systems (CTS,) a flyer explaining their OlT and targeted training programs. In all, outreach teams identified 18 (on 200 block of Broadway) "At-Home" businesses. For safety purposes and out ofrespect for homeowners outreach teams were instructed not to visit "At-Home" businesses. All outreach teams were provided SCEDC's reworked Business Outreach Survey (Attachment 4). Changes were made to the survey in an effort to help outreach participants by taking it from a 4 page document down to a single, one sided, checklist style, without sacrificing essential questions. This survey continued to be the primary method SCEDC used to collect essential data used to identifY shifts in the business climate and to document business concerns. As part of the training sessions, outreach participants received instructions on how to document questions and concerns expressed during business visits (Attachment 5). Outreach participants are held to the same standard as SCEDC staff and must agree to keep all business related information confidential. Information collected during the outreach was compiled into separate databases for analysis and used to track timely follow up assistance. All businesses that were not visited were sent follow up letters offering the opportunity to schedule a meeting at a time convenient for them. @ ...",,' '.,. South County Economic Development Council Page 4 FINDINGS Chula Vista continues to hold great potential for development opportunities. Its central location in the South County, ease of access to interstate roads, and wide availability of access through public transportation infrastructure such as Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) trolley system combine to allow for the development of an economically prosperous community. With adoption of a few measures, Chula Vista can enhance its positioning with regards to attracting businesses and assist existing businesses to prosper. The following findings consist of issues idcntified by outreach participants, and include concerns expressed by cxisting business owners. Signage: Old signage on businesses that have not undergone renovations or are no longer operating in the city are a common sight. H St. and Broadway have a high number of signs of this nature. They were consistently found along the nine blocks visited. Graffiti: Graffiti was found on both H St. and Broadway. The number of businesses that have been vandalized is relatively low. However, this creates a negative image that can lead to a reduction in business. Pedestrian Crossings: Outreach participants witnessed several incidents of jaywalking across the four-lane roadway in heavy traffic. Pedestrians appeared to have done so in order to visit one of the several shopping centers or were attracted to the area due to the H Street Transit Center. There is no designated crosswalk along the stretch of H Street between 1-5 and Broadway. The corridor includes large intersections with multiple turn lanes and at the western end are the railroad tracks and a freeway interchange. The combination of pedestrian attractions, such as the trolley station and dense shopping centers, significant vehicular traffic, and large intersections create potential pedestrian-automobile conflicts. In addition, the intersection of Broadway and Flower St. can become an issue for pedestrians who may see the yellow painted ladder pedestrian crosswalks along Broadway, although the north crossing is contradicted by posted do not cross signs. Pedestrians are at danger of missing the no-crossing sign located across the street and become a risk for drivers in this intersection. Sidewalks: Major stretches of curbside red zones and yellow zones are in bad condition on both H St. and Broadway. It was common to find cracks on the curb along Broadway which have allowed for the growth of weeds. These conditions contribute negatively to the image of storefronts. Additionally, there was very little in the way oflandseaping lining most of the sidewalks on both streets. Specific business needs/concerns (Attachment 3): Four businesses indicated a need for further assistance regarding the Enterprise Zone. City of Chula Vista contact information was reiterated in SCEDC's follow up letters. Furthermore, the City of Chula Vista was requested to contact these businesses. Follow up letters also offered assistance to businesses considering applying to the program. A significant portion of West Chula Vista (H St and Broadway) falls within the boundaries of the Enterprise Zone making most businesses eligible for the various tax incentives the program offers. @ South County Economic Development Council Page 5 One requested follow up assistance with creating a Conneetory.com profile. Their contact information was forwarded to the East County Economic Development Council (ECEDC.) ECEDC representatives followed up with business owners and managers to assist them with completing online Connectory profiles. They are the sole operators of this free business-to- business online buyer supplier network. This provides businesses a free online web profile on a site designed to act as a digital buyer-supplier network and provides that company a unique and greater web presence for its goods or services. Two businesses indicated a need for more information regarding Small Business Financing. They were sent SCEDe's Small Business Loan application form along with information explaining loan c1igibility. Their contact information was forwarded to Aeeion San Diego. Accion San Diego offers loans between the $300 to $35,000 range and often assists companies looking for supplemental financing for an already approved loan. In addition, Union Bank was forwarded their contact information as thcy arc another lender alternative for small businesses. RECOMMENDATIONS The following are conclusions and recommendations to assist the City of Chula Vista with their community and economic development efforts. This report is solely intended to assist Chula Vista with their efforts and is not intended for other use. GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Storefront Improvements: A storefront revitalization strategy is recommended to address conditions such as old signage and graffiti which deter customers away from local businesses. It is recommended the City of Chula Vista seeks to minimize the effect these factors have on businesses. Detrimental storefront conditions can equate to a reduction in shop-directed traffic. Street Improvements: A North-south pedestrian crosswalk could be installed on West H Street, specifically at the intersection of Woodland Avenuc and H Street. This should eliminate or deter pedestrians from jaywalking and increase public safety on one ofChula Vista's busiest daily traffic areas. Such a crosswalk will also speed up the time taken to move between shopping centers and encourage movement among the various business locations on both sidcs of H Street. Furthermore, the City needs to clarify the situation currently found at the intersection of Broadway and Flower Street. Suggestions include removing the yellow pedestrian street lines or removing the do not cross signs on the northern most crossing. Finally, there is an opportunity for sidewalk revitalization in Chula Vista. Repainting of curb markings and removal of weeds can further enhance the image ofChula Vista and positively impact pedestrian shoppers. Enterprise Zone: The entire area of H St and Broadway targeted during this outreach is located in the Enterprise Zone. While conducting these efforts a significant increase in awareness of this @ South County Economic Development Council Page 6 program was observed. Although aware, businesses remained apprehensive to take advantage of the tax credits available to them due to misgivings about government or lack of understanding of the specific process for taking advantage. SCEDC continues to recommend that the City provide Enterprise Zone information City business license billing enclosures, or in water bills as a means to heighten awareness. SCEDC will continue to work with our Enterprise Zone partners to find additional methods to assist in the dissemination of information. Markctinl!lConnectorv.com: The interest in marketing assistance was noted during Chula Vista Outreach. Companies appeared to be interested in some of the free marketing/advertising workshops available to them through Southwestern College's Small Business Development and International Trade Center (SBDlTC). However, they were cautious in accepting immediate referral to these services. It is imperative that companies look outside their existing customer base and seek ways to promote the goods and services they offer. Increases in hiring will only be achieved by an increase in the demand of services and products. The Chamber together with SBDITC is best situated to promote and monitor marketing seminars focusing on different aspects of marketing in today's economy. Banncrs/Sil!:nal!:e: Banners advertising Chula Vista as a business destination are present along the 600 block of H Street. There is an opportunity for banners to be placed throughout the entire length ofH St. and Broadway. Business locations such as the Chula Vista Center could capitalize on banners advertising and promoting businesses inside the center. For a complete list of opportunities, please refer to SCEDC's Chula Vista Center Visioning report. In addition, banners represent a way to show community identity and a low-cost effective way to advertise the Enterprise Zone and other City programs or services. Additional identity markers may also help build a more welcoming atmosphere and provide visitors with a community navigational guide. These types of improvements could also be used to better direct traffic and can be rented by the City if it chooses to provide such amenities to the business community. @ South County Economic Development Council Page 7 Attachment 1 I ntroductory Letters Marked Return to Sender Warm Letter Returned Business Name Address Citv State & Zin CANCUN JUICE BAR 204 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X WilLIAM J BAKER/El 333 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 PUEBLO LAW CENTER X WORLDWIDE AUTO 360 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X PARTS THE MATTRESS PLACE 183 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X BUCHACA'S 183 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X KUARZO KRIST Al 333 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X NOVEDADES COURTESY AUTO 375 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X SALES DOUBLE GEE RECORDS 665 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X SOUTH BAY BARBER 136 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x SUPPLY CREACIONES CHULAS 354 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X K SIGNS 361 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X CARROWS 598 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X RESTAURANT #953 STAFFSTORE 645 H ST, STE. J CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X ENTERPRISES INC Attachment 2: Team Schedules Chula Vista Outreach South County EDC, Chula Monday 1/10/2011 Vista Chamber of Commerce Tuesday 1/11/2011 South County EDC Wednesday 1/12/2011 South County EDC Thursday 1/13/2011 South County EDC South County EDC, Union Friday 1/14/2011 Bank Attachment 3: Business Assistance Requests Page Retracted. Please see City Manager for further infonnation. Attachment 4: Example Survey @ "n IJ;e~" ,Vo;" 10, Hin"'omIBu,;n." Souln Count) Economic Del'dopment Council BUSINESS OUTREACH REPORT Company Contact: Position: Phone: WORKFORCE & HIRING: l. # of Employees in San Die!!o: Geoeral! Technical! 2. Are you currently hiring or laying off! Unskilled Labor! Craftsmen! Administrative! Senior Clerical!Sales Skilled Labor Middle Mgmt. Mgmt. Hiring? Nowl] Next 3-6mos [ ] Laying off! Now[] Next 3-6mos [ ] 3. Reasons for layoffs (check all that apply): I ] Downsizing [] Economy [] Plant Closure r] Cut Costs [] Other: I BUSINESS LOCATION & GROWTH OUTLOOK: 1. How long have you been operating at this location? Yr(s): Month(s): 2. Where were you located prior to being at this address? Street: City: 3. Are you pleased with this location as a place to do business? I ] Yes [] No i. lIves, what are the primary benefits of this location: ii. If no, what are the main barriers to doing business at this location. and what other lucation(s) would you consider: 4. In the next 3 years, do you expect to: a. Expand l] b. Relocate [] c. Close!Sell [ ] l(answered a. or b.: i. Are there physical barriers to expansion at your current site? [] Yes [] No ii. When do you plan to ex and your facility? Yr(s): Month(s): BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS: 1. Are you aware of the following programs/services offered by the South County EDC and its partners'! Workforce Training Workforce Recruitment Perrnit Assistance ADA Tax Credits Enterpri se Zone Foreign Trade Zone Connectory.com Small Business Finance Yes No [] [] [] [] [] [] [] I] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: More Information Requested [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ J I Attachment S: Volunteer Training Session Agenda @ '~:',. ~', ::.:,; ~ ~:: ;:;, ~''':l(wwl,''\lr.:I.v,,!;,I,'I:{,j>l:.i 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM 1. Safety a. Do not visit a business that is unsafe or makes you feel uncomfortable. b. Leave if someone uses foul language or mistreats you. c. Business owners/staff can make appointment with an SCEDC outreach coordinator if busy or would like to have longer conversations. 2. Survey a. Think of it more as a conversation about the business and how it is doing. b. Complete survey outside after you've talked to the owner or manager. c. Ask for a business card or piece of marketing material. 3. Packets a. What's included? i. Partner programs and services. 4. Teams & Business Lists a. Business Lists i. Team is done once it has visited all businesses on their list. ii. Note which businesses were closed, out of business, or moved to a new location. iii. Leave packet if business is closed and a mail slot is available. iv. Please return business list, extra packets and all completed surveys with the Chambers front desk attendant. b. Directions and parking Thank you for volunteering! H11;II'd "I Ilill'l'lnr' iil" d 110'1. <:" /1'1",';" './,).';' 'UI,I' SIi'<lI"l'I., 1111";('/11,/1111.1;., i III <J! I <),..lIud" r II~ "I /111,1" 1,..,,/15, ,., I, I 111 Ji \,II/'J/liii ( II, I III "I SUi: [J/"~'i I 'liiilll "' :',(/!I/II<'l!U {1J,('"nllll/IJJ;'(lII()!l1 IJE/7AI' Gf.(){'!),\" u'!/iulI<I I Sil1llll,1 A.l'l'll(T Aid, 1111" ('hr\'I/!'r/J!'('f'/J)od}!t' Ali 'Af/llil] ComplIllIt',\ () .j,P /"ld":O,l!iIlg /',/i/II !It'.\I,'I'I]})Olit /"''''<'(1 lJ".\If:11 (011,\1,1111111,' /'S";jf \'",':\.'llAij SillI /)1"."'." ;\'01101/(..// HUIlA SO/1 OJ/TO Rt:?!Onu! Ch(lmhl'1 S.li L'lIlflu/h>nJ)islrll'l :;0111 }\i,lr"}h,,lrh('!'llIt'l S.'rlp!" Aler("\' flulpil"/ ,\,"1/ 4it'1'1'Ctl!l1'lnIIllI'OII011.1 S,'tllrm'!ili"IIII:,I,1 liall!. S'>IIi!J!O Silor!, IfU,I}JlIO! S"iirlif' !))I'I,,"'11 Sr'illh/J!l1 E'jI'!'I.'lIU,' S"lIlhHt'.\I<'Ull-"ilt',l.'. .'1,,1/11/\, [",I S'I'Ult'I'I"1 1.1.( SWl;f/SD 7/;,' f',wi ("OJlipl/ll1 Tlili(IIU!' '/)7 7",;,.(11,'01 fJEI?:";l' "",,,/],11,:; S;,J1l Diego's \'oj~'e for Hinatinnal B\lsinl',~ South County Economic Development Council December 14,2010 Dear Business Owner, Hllacnment b Example Introductory Letter The South County Economic Development Council (SCEDC) in partnership with the City of Chula Vista and the Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce wants to ensure that the business community has the 1o01s and resowces it needs 10 prosper during these tough economic times. We have various programs designed to assist you in improving and expanding your business offered free of charge. There is a large array of services that can support your efforts such as the Enterprise Zone Tax Incentives program, various nonprofit small business lending programs, and the South County Career Center's hiring assistance and workforce training services, just to name a few. SCEDC will be visiting businesses throughout the City of Chula Vista, January 10th through January 14th, 20] 1 between 10:00 A.M. and ]:00 P.M. If you prefer 10 schedule an appointment with one of our Business Outreach Coordinators please do not hesitate to contact SCEDC at (619) 424-5143. Sincerely, \SL~~ 2?<'lo.o~ ("~ - Lisa Cohen Chief Executive Officer Chul. Vista Chamber ofCommen:e Chief Executive Officer South Cotmly EDC II] 1 B:i:' El\'d. SlJlll' F . Clllll:i V;~,t;i. C L\ \i I ~111 l/ll~II..1=C: ,'1...\-:;' F;l.\ Ih!~IIJ1J.)I~~', www.SoulhCllllntyEI)(.l"lHIl ~~- Craig R.Jz. Principle Economi Development Specialist City of Chula Vista Attachment 7 Surveyed Businesses List Surnv Business Name Address City State & Zio - WHOLESALE FITNESS 131 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x STONE REPUBLIC FINANCIAL SERVICES 408 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X RENT A WHEEL 148 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X CABO MOTOR'S 169 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x BROADWAY AUDIO 354 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x A-CLASS SECURITY SERVICES 333 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x PERFECT SIGNAL LLC 263 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X 7 ELEVEN #13576F 698 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 RONALDO R SALDANA DDS/RONALDO R 665 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X SALDANA DDS INC X LOKO WIRELESS 255 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 SAN DIEGO PEDIATRICS & FAMILY 401 HST3 CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x MEDICAL CLINIC x CONELY MOTOR SPORTS 142 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X H & R BLOCK 214 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 GRE-LAZ COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR 107 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x #A X TIABON AUTO SALES INC 126 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x MEDINAS TRANSMISSIONS INC 140 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X TACOS EL GUERO 200 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x PRESS PLAY CONNECTION 236 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 RRR VENTURES INC DBA LIBERTY TAX 249 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X SERVICE X BAHIA AUTO SALES INC. 270 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x J & L AUTO REPAIR INC. 273 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x CARBAJAL FLOOR INTERIORS 281 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x 7 ELEVEN 13570 285 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 GERARDO RODRIGUEZ/LE PETIT HAIR 291 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X SALON X OPTIMUM FLOORCARE 295 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x WIRELESS WAREHOUSE 311 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 DESAI INVESTMENTS INC DBA RIVIERA 372 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X MOTEL x NICHOLAS M GISTARO DMD 549 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x CKLASS USA CORPORATION 646 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x ACTION FOOTWEAR 655 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 x BANCO POPULAR 296 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 CHECK CASHIERS OF SO CA INC/USA 201 BROADWAY CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X CHKS CASH X C & R INCOME TAX 665 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 BESTYEAR AUTO REPAIR SERVICE 647 H ST CHULA VISTA, CA 91910 X CENTER LLC.