HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1978/09/26 Item 10a, b, cCITY OF CHULA VISTA COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~ Item'No. Ioa,b,~ e For meeting of 9~~ti ~ RESOL TION oZ 7 7 a) Approving Agreement Between the Comprehensive Planning ITEM TIT E organization and the City of Chula Vista for Professional Services to Assist in the UFdate of the Short Range Transit Plan for 1979-1983. RESOL TION 9~.9 l b) Approving Consultant Agreement with Mr. Milton Tyre. SUBMITTE RESOL BY Dir TION 9a~9 c) Approving C,pn~ultant Agreement with Mr. Stephen George. ctor f bli W k o u c or s ~(~ ITEM EXP ANATION u (4/5TH'S VOTE REQUIRED YES NO X ) A. In ord r to receive Federal Transit capital grant or operating assist nce, UMTA and CPO require transit operators to annually update their 5-year Transit Development Plan (TDP). This TDP update w3.11 t en be included in the San Diego region's annual Transporta- tion S stems Management Element (TSME). CPO, via this agreement, will p ss through to the City $7,500 in UMTA Technical Studies funds hich will partially reimburse the City for the Transit Coordi ator's FY1979 salary. Staff will prepare the majority of the TD update and it is estimated that it will be completed in 4 to 6 months. The TD update consists of 7 major tasks and 23 subtasks which involy updating major portions of the City's original 1976 TDP. The TD update will also include development of additional transit servic guidelines, analysis and evaluation of CVT relative to adopte service guidelines, and development of a 5-year transit operat ons plan as required by CPO and UMTA. Staff has discussed the pr paration of this TDP update with CPO staff and has revised and ev n reduced the scope of some of the original tasks. However, this u date will still be a major undertaking requiring at least 150 ma hours of staff's time. There are two important subtasks of this u date that staff feels should be contracted out to consul ants due to the technical nature of the work as well as the amount of time involved in completion of these tasks. These subtas s are listed in items B and C, which follow. JAB:n /DP-00 (continued on supplemental page) EXHIB ITS Agre ment~ Resolution~C Ordinance Plat Notification List 2 co sultant Othe con t ac is ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on FINANCIALIIMPACT The C ty wil receive $7,500 in UMTA Technical Services pass-through funds from C O for completing the 1979-83 TDP update. LTF will entir ly fun the $2500 consultant prepared 13(c) labor study as well s the 800 consultant prepared short-term CVT financial study. STAFF RECmMMENDAT Appro~e ag consu tant BOARD/COMMISSION ment with CPO for TDP update preparation and award ntracts to Mr. Milton Tyre and Mr. Stephen George. NDAT ION COUNCIL AC ION ,~: ~, ~~:t~,_I ~-a6_-~~ Agenda Item For Meeting Supplemental B. I s P I No. l0a,b,c- of 9/26 78 Page Two for the City to receive UMTA capital grant funds, it must S. Department of Labor required National 13(c) Employee n Agreement with the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 1309. bids were sent to two Southern California labor lawyers who alists in this field: Mr. Milton Tyre of Los Angeles, osiah Neeper of San Diego. Mr. Tyre alone responded to the quest for a study on the effects of 13(c). order gn a U otectic formal a e spec a d Mr. City's r T e stud is to discuss the pertinent impacts of 13(c) on the c rrent nd future salaries and fringe benefits of Aztec Bus Lines as w 11 as n the current and future salary and benefit package of City e ployee Mr. Tyre also agreed to address in his report the r levant impacts 13(c) could potentially have on the City should a r gional or subregional transit district be formed in the area in the n ar fut re. Mr. Tyre also agreed to a maximum remuneration of $ 500, w ich is fully reimbursable from the LTF. The Transit C ordina or has discussed the $2500 cost figure with CPO and MTDB r presen atives and they agree that this amount is the "going rate" f r this type of very specialized study. C. S aff al o proposes contracting out the TDP update subtask of p eparat'on of an updated CVT 5-year financial program to a c nsulta t. One of the most pertinent tasks involved in preparation o this -year financial plan will be a determination of the amount o UMTA apital grant (Section 3), operating assistance (Section 5), a d plan ing funds (Section 9) available to the City. An important e ement f this subtask will be the issue of whether or not these f nds ar needed if the major 1976 TDP recommendations (e.g. purchase 0 15 bu es) are to be implemented. T e Tran it Coordinator could prepare this 5-year financial program. H wever, it would probably take a capable consultant familiar with v rious tate and Federal transit financial programs a shorter p riod o time to complete the report. The Transit Coordinator's t me is xpected to be fully taken up with preparation of the rest o this DP update, State and Federal capital and operating assistance g ant pr paration and administration as well as all of his previously a signed duties. Therefore, staff recommends that the only a ailabl consultant in the San Diego area with the required e pertis in the transit financial field, Mr. Stephen George, CPO's f rmer D rector of Transportation Planning, prepare the proposed 5 year C T financial plan. A maximum of $810 from the City's LTF a count ould be expended on the preparation of this financial p an. S aff feels that the cost of the study is in line with the n ture o the work. ~~~