HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1978/09/05 Item 07, 07aCITY OF CHULA VISTA -
' Item No.„_„?a
For meeting of 9/5/78 '•
Publi hearing - Consideration of precise plan PCM-79-2 for Parkridge Professional
ITEM TIT E C nter at Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback in C-C-P zone - Clayton F. Albert
Resol tion 973 -Approving precise plan for Parkridge Professional Center at
0 ay Lakes Road and Ridgeback in C-C-P zone
SUBMITTED BY Director of Planning
1. The applicant has submitted a precise plan for the development of a professional
office omplex in two construction phases on a 2 acre parcel located at the northwest
corner f Otay akes Road and Ridgeback Road in the C-C-P zone.
2. The Neg tive Declaration on IS-78-82 was certif ied by the Planning Commission
on Augu t 9, 19 8 and is forwarded herewith.
1. ~Adjacen~ zoning and land use:
North C-C P Vacant
South C-C P Vacant and apartments
East R-1 Bonita Vista High School
West P-C Vacant
2.~ Existing site characteristics.
Th subject property is a halfmoon shaped lot with approximately 600 feet of frontage
along idgeback Road and 200 feet along Otay Lakes Road. The site slopes from west to
east, ropping pproximately 13 feet in elevation over a distance of about 500 feet.
3. ~ Proposed plan.
Th applica t proposes to develop the subject property in two phases. The first phase
will i volve construction of a 13,800 sq. ft. two-story professional building with parking
A reement
0 her Pre i
Resolution X
plan ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached X Submitted on
EXHIBITS (continued on supplemental oagP-
Ordinance Platte Notification List_
Concur wit Planning Commission recommendation with the exception of condition 3, which
shoul be modi ied to include a minimum trail width of 6 feet rather than 4 feet and include
the c nstructi n of a split rail fence to confine the horses to the trail.
(Note: Trail idth will be 12 feet with the development of the adjoining property.)
0 August 1978 the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to certify the Negative Declaration
on IS 78-82 an recommend approval of the precise plan in accordance with Resolution
PCM-7 -2.
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Meeting of 9/5/78
Supplemental page No. 2
for 61 cars and
will c nsist of
35 car and lan
4. Architec
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landscaping on the westerly two-thirds of the lot. The second phase
a second two-story building containing 10,400 sq. ft. and parking for
Iscaping on the remaining one-third of the site along Otay Lakes Road.
architecture of the building is contemporary with a stucco exterior and wood
The pit hed roof will be covered with asphalt shingles. The combination of
in the building elevations, using curved and flat surfaces, and the use of
•im should result in the creation of an interesting and attractive structure.
>aosed c lors will be earthtones, such as beige and light redwood.
Parking and landscaping.
61 park ng spaces in Phase I will be located to the north and west of the
ig and w 11 be screened by a combination of stucco walls and landscaping. The
ig will a surrounded by landscaping on all four sides with additional landscaping
the cen er court entry way. The Planning Commission has recommended conditions
ig the o cupancy of the professional staff to available onsite parking. In
m, deta led landscaping guidelines have been included to assist the designer
project at an early stage.
Equestr an trails.
adopted E1 Rancho del Rey plan included a plan for equestrian trails. One of
jor regi nal routes follows the 250 ft. wide SDG&E easement which lies just
est of t is property and crosses Otay Lakes Road south of Bonita Vista Junior
chool. he City's Traffic Engineer has indicated that an equestrian crossing
ay Lakes Road should be allowed only at a signalized intersection; thus it becomes
ary to r route the trail. In discussing the trail location with the applicant
e adjoin'ng property owner to the north, the following alternative routes were
sed. (S e exhibit.)
late 1. he trail could follow the easement to Otay Lakes Road then turn and
run parallel to Otay Lakes Road some 600 feet south to the proposed
signalized intersection of Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road. The
primary problem with this alternative involves the conflict between
the trail and proposed building plans for the area, as well as allowing
the trail to parallel a busy street like Otay Lakes Road for some 600
feet. This solution appears feasible only if the trail can be pulled
well back from the road to provide a good landscaped buffer, and even
then the plan would conflict with a proposed access drive onto Otay
Lakes Road.
gate 2. The trail could split the two ownerships, following the property line
over to Otay Lakes Road, turning and extending southerly approximately
200 feet to the intersection of Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road.
The primary objection to this solution comes from the landowners who are
opposed to a 10' to 12' wide trail extending through their parcels.
While this solution may create some difficulty for the owners, based on
development plans, it offers the safest solution from the standpoint of
equestrian enthusiasts. The proposed development plans for this area
require further refinement in site planning and grading, thus plans for
an equestrian path could be incorporated into those refinements.
Hate 3. A third alternate which was first suggested by staff would involve the
creation of a path running adjacent to the sidewalk along Ridgeback
Road, extending from the easement to the intersection of Otay Lakes
Road and Ridgeback. (A similar path is working out quite well adjacent
to the Jack-in-the-Box drivein in Bonita.) The developer of the medical
facility is opposed to this route because the path would cross three
access roads leading into his planned medical building. Staff concurs
that, depending on the frequency of use and the hours when the trail is
in use, conflicts could arise and therefore this alternate does not
present the best solution.
2 73
Based o the th
best so ution,
the hor es to t
Meeting of 9%5/78
Supplemental page No. 3
ee alternatives, staff has concluded that alternate No. 2 offers the
sing a 12' wide trail with a split rail fence on either side to confine
e trail.
WHERE S, Ordinance No. 1773, adopted by the City Council on November 21,
1977, estab fished the C-C-P zone on approximately 2 acres located at the north-
west corner of Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road, and
WHERE S, on July 14, 1978 a precise plan was submitted by Clayton F. Albert,
D. .S. for he development of a professional office complex to be known as
Pa kridge P ofessional Center on the 2 acre site, and
WHERE S, the City Planning Commission, at a duly advertised public hearing
he d at 7: 0 p.m. on August 9, 1978 in the Council Chamber, City Hall, 276 Fourth
Av nue, considered the precise plan as submitted, and
WHER AS, the Planning Commission found that in accordance with the findings
in the Neg tive Declaration on IS-78-82, issued by the Environmental Review
Co mittee n July 20, 1978, the proposed development will have no significant
ad erse en ironmental impact, and certified the Negative Declaration.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission finds as
fo lows:
a. That s ch plan will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be
de rimenta to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or
wo king in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity.
The evelopment is a well designed project which is architecturally compat-
ible with the adjacent developed areas and will enhance the area.
b. That s ch plan satisfies the principles of the application of the P Modifying
District a set forth in Section 19.56.041.
Ther will be no direct access to Otay Lakes Road from the site, thereby
eliminating any potential traffic conflict.
c That a y exceptions granted which deviate from the underlying zoning require-
m nts shall be warranted only when necessary to meet the purpose and application
o the P recise Plan Modifying District.
No xceptions to the Code are proposed.
d That pproval of this plan will conform to the General Plan and the adopted
p licies f the city.
The site is located within an area designated for commercial uses on the
Gen ral Plan. The proposed use is in keeping with this designation.
~~ ~
BE I FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Planning Commission recommends that
th City C uncil approve the precise plan for the development of Parkridge
Pr fession 1 Center at the northwest corner of Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback
Rod, subj~ct to the following conditions:
1. ased on the proposed 61 parking spaces, building occupancy shall be
limited to a maximum of 12 doctors and/or dentists. Additional parking
hall be required for other professional personnel, such as hygenists,
aboratory technicians and pharmacists. The ratio shall be determined
the Planning Department.
2. 11 parking spaces adjacent to walls or curbing shall' be 10 feet in
3. minimum 4 ft. wide equestrian trail shall be provided adjacent to
he north property line extending from Ridgeback Road to Otay Lakes
oad; grading in the area to be coordinated with the adjoining property
o provide an ultimate 8 ft. wide trail system between the two proper-
ies. An 8 ft. wide trail, paralleling Otay Lakes Road and screened
rom traffic, shall extend from the north property line to the inter-
ection of Ridgeback Road and Otay Lakes Road. Said trails shall
onsist of 6" of decomposed granite.
4. 11 landscaped planters within the parking areas shall have rounded
5. he applicant shall submit a conceptual landscape plan to the City
andscape Architect prior to application fora building permit and
ubmittal of final landscape and irrigation plans. The conceptual plan
hall indicate the following:
Layout of trees with definition of basic form and character of
trees, such as broad canopy deciduous trees or upright evergreen
trees, etc.
Form of lawn areas.
Form of shrub bed areas.
Significant landscape features, such as garden walls, heavy plant
material, screens, landscape mounding, etc.
Tentative plant material selection pallette.
.5, ,
The landscape and irrigation plan shall be designed in accordance with
the following guidelines:
a. The landscaping should be ornamental in nature with use of drought
tolerant plant materials if desired.
b. Parking lots should be visually screened with walls and plant
materials. Use of low plant materials at vehicular exits is
required for proper visibility.
Trees, shrubs and ground cover should be used in sufficient quan-
tities to enhance the building and site layout.
All planting areas shall be fully sprinkled with a minimum of
overthrow onto walks, drives, buildings, etc. Based on the
various types and sizes of planting areas, a variety of sprinkler
heads will be required.
The use of vandal resistant devices in appropriate areas is encour-
aged. These devices include high pop-up shrub and lawn heads, flex-
risers, sprinkler head stakes, lockable valve boxes, etc.
The irrigation system shall be designed in accordance with good
irrigation design practices.
7. itigation measures prescribed in EIR-75-5 for the treatment of expan-
ive soils shall be implemented if such soils are determined to be
8. he project proponent shall participate financially in the signaliza-
ion of the Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road intersection.
9. n offsite narrow segment of Otay Lakes Road north of the proposed
evelopment shall be widened to four lanes in order to mitigate the
impact of additional traffic generated by this development. The pro-
onent shall agree to participate financially in such reimbursement/
ssessment district as may be formed for the purpose of widening the
deficient segment.
th s 9th da of August, 1978 by the following vote, to-wit:
AY S: C mmissioners G. Johnson, O'Neill, Renneisen, Smith, Pressutti,
R. Johnson and Chandler
NOBS: Nbne
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7%C:' TI~PLE: Park Ridge Professional Center
Pro~ect Lo ation: Northwest corner of Otay Lakes Rd. & Ridgeback Rd.
Project Pr por.ent: C. F. Albert 11 Naples St. Chula Vista, CA
C~'1S ~ `~0. IS-78-82 DATE: July 20, 1978
A. ~ Project Settin
The projec involves 2.4 gross acres of property located to the
sou h of t e SDB&E Co. easement west of Otay Lakes Rd. and Bonita
Vis a High School. The property is currently vacant and is fairly
lev 1 with an average natural slope of 3% to the east. The site
has been d sturbed to some degree due to adjacent construction
and urban ctivities. Native grasses and coastal sage scrub
are the pr dominent plant species present. Wildlife species
tha may r side on-site or frequent the area are the same type
as hose u ilizing surrounding areas such as Rice Canyon to the
sou hwest ~IR-75-5). Adjacent urban intrusion has most likely
lim ted wi life activities.
The closes known earthquake fault is the La Nacion system about
400 ' to t e west. Soils primarily consist of silty sands and
cla ey san s of the San Diego and Otay Formations. Some expansive
soi types sandy clays, may exist in areas on-site.
B. I Proiec}t Description
The propon nt proposes to construct 24,000 sq. ft. of professional
office sap e. The project is planned to be constructed in two
pha es. P ase I will consist of a two story, 13,800 sq. ft.
medical an dental office building, 61 parking spaces and approximately
16, 00 sq. ft. of landscaping. Phase II is planned to consist of
a t o stor 10,400 sq. ft. professional office building, 10.703
sq. ft. of landscaping and 35 additional parking spaces. Ingress
and egress is planned via Ridgeback Rd. which has been fully
con tructe to Otay Lakes Rd. in conjunction with the Comprehensive
Bonita Vis a Project (includes apartment units to the south).
Par ing to circulation for Phase I may be modified to include a
tur ground area in the northeast portion of the site. This improvement
wil provi e adequate circulation until the completion of the loop
dri e thro gh Phase II to Ridgeback Rd.
C. Confo~~ ance with zoning and plans
The Genera Plan designates the property for retail commercial use
and it is oned C-C-P. Zoning allows medical and professional
off'ces which is a less intense use than is retail commercial.
-~~w~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~
"P" mo iffier attached to the zone will require compliance with
design criteria established in the Scenic Route Element of the
oral Pl n.
Ident'fication of environmental effects
The e may e some expansive soil types present on-site. Soils were
dis ussed n EIR-75-5 (Bonita Vista) and were found treatable.
Mit gation as presented in the original EIR will be implemented as
par of st ndard development regulations and will ensure adequate
fou dation and footings.
Veg tation present on site consists primarily of coastal sage scrub.
Sin e this plant community has limited distribution on-site and
rec nt dis urbance, loss of this area and limited wildlife utilizing
the commun ty should not be considered significant.
See~attach~ment #1
Tra~fic anc~ Circulation (See attachments #2 and #3)
Ota Lakes Rd. has a current ADT of approximately 17,800 vehicles
whi h is c nsidered by the City Traffic Engineer in excess of
pra tical apacity for the existing two lane roadway. Because of
the unusua traffic peaking characteristics of Southwestern College,
Ota Lakes Rd. is carrying greater traffic volumes than the
usu 1 12-1 ,000 ADT for a two lane road. Otay Lakes Rd. has been
ful y wide ed south of H St. adjacent to Southwestern College and
man parti 1 improvements have been and are being constructed along
dev loped nd developing areas. The west side of Otay Lakes Rd.
sou h of B nita Vista Jr. High School to a point just north of East
H S is c rrently in a 1911 Act Improvement District.
The mini-t affic generation study prepared for the subject project
has indica ed that it will be 5 years from the date of completion
tha the p oposed facility will be near full utilization. Based
on he stu y's calculations (See attachment #3), 780 average daily
tri s will be created by the project. These trips will enter and
exi the p oject site by way of Ridgeback Rd. with no direct
ing ess or egress from Otay Lakes Rd. However, it will be necessary
to ravel tay Lakes Rd. to gain access to Ridgeback Rd.
The type o development proposed has an average traffic generation
fac or of 300 trips/acre. The study, prepared for the site, suggests
app oximately 433 trips/acre (based on 1.8 net acres). Other uses
whi h would be allowed to be developed within the existing C-C-P
zone could generate a much higher volume of traffic for example,
retail sto es which have the potential, depending on type, from
750 to 1200 trips/acre.
5~- ~ ~ - 2
The proper y is zoned for the proposed use, in considering the
pre ise pl n, the Planning Commission and City Council will only
be onside ing the plan, not the use. '
The propos d project will involve a limited increase in traffic
vol me uti izing Otay Lakes Rd. compared to other potential types
of evelop ent allowed for the property by existing zoning. As
the traffi study points out, peak hours of traffic (30-32 vehicles
hr. ) for the project, will most likely take place during mid-day.
Ind vidual y this situation should not significant effect traffic
flo ws alo g Otay Lakes Rd. particularly when full improvements are
com leted. Cumulatively this and other projects could have a
sig ifican impact on the capacity of the interseciton of Otay Lakes
Rd. and Ri geback Rd. and Otay Lakes Road to the north. This
con lusion is reached in other EIR's (EIR-75-5 and EIR-78-9) and
onl needs to be noted but not duplicated in this EIR.
E. Mitig tion measures necessary to avoid impact
1. itigation required in EIR-75-5 for the treatment of
expan ive soils if present.
2. he project proponent should participate financially in
the s' gnalization of the Otay Lakes Rd. and Ridgeback Rd.
inter ection.
3. n off-site narrow segment of Otay Lakes Rd. north of the
propo ed development should be widened to 4 lanes in order
~ to mi igate the impact of additional traffic generated by
this evelopment. The proponent shall agree to participate
finan Tally in such reimbursement/assessment district as may
be fo med for the purpose of widening the deficient segment.
F. Findi gs of Insignificant im act
' he project site has limited vegetation and
wildl fe present and has been disturbed to some extent from
adjac nt urbanization and construction activities. An archaeo-
logic 1 study was prepared on the Bonita Vista site and
mitig tion required in EIR-75-5 was completed to the satisfaction
of a ualified archaeologist. There are no geologic hazards
on-si e and if adverse soils conditions do exist, they can be
treat d adequately.
2. he project is in general conformance with the Scenic
' Highw y Element of the General Plan and is not anticipated
~, to ac ieve short term to the disadvantage of long term
enviro mental goals.
3. T e project individually will not result in any substantial
traffi volumes, however it will result in an increase in
traffi utilizing Otay Lakes Rd. No substantial cumulative
traffi impact not previously identified, is anticipated to
occur f the above noted mitigation is implemented.
4. T e project will not result in any uncontrolled stationary
emissi ns. Aesthetic quality will be assured through the precise
plan p ocedure.
~~- 7~ ~ 3
Individuals and organizations consulted
of Ch la Vista Planning Dept.
Eng. Dept.
Fire Dept.
el Die ks - Crane Johnston Company
nder - Preferred Structures Inc.
Docum nts
EIR-75-5 Bonita Vista
IS-78-44 Otay Lakes Rd. 1911 Act
IS-78-15 SDG&E & Otay Lakes Rd.
Traffi Flow Analysis for IS-78-82
The ~nitial
find'n~s of
E~JVIR ,~.•'~1TAL
>t~::1~ application and evaluation ~orms documenting the
:o significant impact are attached.
~..~ ~ •.
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