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WIIEFlEAS, the City of Chula Vista has obliq,'1ted itself b1'
~a50n of the Metropolitan Sewage Disposal Agreement to the City of
~n Diego for certain periodic payments, including an annual Capacity
Service Chalge in exu'!ss of $300,000,,00, and an annllal Maintenance
and Opel.aj;.on Charge initi311v of $63,,057"00, and
Wl!EHEAS, it 1.5 necessary to produce revenue to offset the
l~rBaSHd expenditu~e by the City of Chula Vista,
r:ow, THEREFORE. the City of Chula Vi 5 ta does ordain as
The Chula Vista City Code is amended by renumbering Sectior',
~.76 to Section 26 90, and by adding the following Sections to
~apter 26 to be designated as Article VI Sewer Ssrvice Charges.
5ectiol}2.6.o1ill - Snwer ~;<!nlice Revenue Fund
a) Ther~ is hereby established a fund to be designated
'Sewer Servh.f! [{avenue Fund>"
b) All revnnue derived from t.he following service charge',
shall be deposited into the said "Sewer Sendee Revenue FuncL"
c) Nothing herein shall be Lonstrued as superseding or
conflictinq with the Axisting Sewer Incom0 ~Jnd"
d) The <;,;del fund s!la.\l bR u,;ed st)lelv to! the followw(j
purpose'.' unif';;s the City Ccuneil shall by
j v'ote ~ppro~riate su~tl
fund~: fox ;H10.t.hf~r pu:cpot,:; pl"(n.d.ded su h pUIT;i:jYd~ shall be for the
con5t):.u,~ tion
ffiii ir11: '~'~L ;"lnC ~
\Jr c'pej:,')t,i.1Y', of
:'~,f~'''/~ ".; C1.' .ir'\\._ident.al thc;rf~'i'.~)~
including any charl?e for its collection:
1.. :jun Dif~gO ~,~0tropolit.an ~~~gwer P,nnual Capacity
:). SHn DJec:o Metropolitan ::-:lCViBr }~_nn\l:L1. :.':,-')tnt~ndrL>~
and Operation Charge,
Section 26,81
1n .;!d0i.tion 'to othf?''!'' fees ~ a3~~s~mt;'1t.t; ~ "-'.,~ ~"'ht:riJ(''; pr0\"l,'_L::-
by tlu~ Cit\' Coels or otherwise, 'the owner or occupant or any par'eel
of r3a t ~n_'(}p2j tv !j:fhL:~h sa id p;:)'l'L(~t is. Lonfl'-:~ ..Led to tht: fiE?Wf~l' systern
of the City of ChllLl 'j[<;\'a alld/o:1 t.o a water system n\diw:ained by
the Ciditorl1l.:) 'Nater and TeV.ph[)n" Company or the Otay Municipal
Water DIstrict ';haJ.1 pay d se~mi' slnvice charge 3$ follows:
1 Dom~stic. The dome~tir sower service ~harge for
each single family dwelling unit Eer~iCBd by a soparate water meter
shall be one dollar and sixty co~ts 1$1.60) pSI' month,
2. Domestic. A monthly sewer servics charge for other
parcels of real propln-ty us(,d fox don;"lstic PU1"pOSeS d'; hal'l!ln defined,
and se~vicerJ by a wdt"r metel shall be 30;b of the amount of the total
~t~I bill for the p~op~rty" but in no caSH less than one dollar and
sixty cents ($1,60) per month. nor more than onB dollar and sixty
cents (!1.60) pBr dwelling unit per month.
3,., COlr<meH.LaJ and IndustriaL A monthly sewer service
charqe f()l~ premIses Ot'Wl' th;Hl domestic purposes shall be 307& of the
gross wate! bill for water service as computed In accordance with
the rates a~ established by the supplier of water thereto, but in no
case shall be less than one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) per month.
4. Definitlon. Far purposes of this section, real
property 511,111 be deemed -, 0 be used for dO!TJf>stic purposes when such
pl'OpBrty ls,",;ed solely for ~;ing[B fc,mlly JBsideni~fJ or the furnishing
of ;,od':.ll llg l)v tha ofif:'ra't.Ion of hot.el $ fi aut.o courts 11 apartment houses II
blngdl~w tOUitS. hGusinu units, rODm~n9 hou&Bs. motulR, trailer
palLs,; l)]: t.:H? ?~"'jti:ll (if p:ropfLrty fox }odqiilq r,H.L~"pOS(~S"
.~?~~L-:l~L!~:.",~~:; lrI <, Vdl:'l;~'n,,~n
a) -11)(, CLjf,[ AdmlnLiCI<itlvP Offi"Gr ,;na.lL hilv(! the po\\C,r
to ,'jrafIL Vdt'.!.aLl~t:"!; ;j,'ld 'co e~;t.-jr)~li~::;h O;UJl"iS .lnd l"';::>qu},iti,ons f(i:t~:h(::.'
91:;_ii1ti(1I~ of ~:.U h Vdt.l:Utf::~:j flo"Olll -Lht} ~~'~,l tatJJ i~JHni ~;f!liQr s€l:vil.,:r::- cha):'ges
upon his own ll'ittiid~t Ie I OJ.- wtlf~n th<~ nwne,r OJ i)'~elJf-I,'int of dny pre~"
rrd~,l~~, HtJpli:ld (rlf~;(,i(:'l: d': tl€'rp.:ll'\a-Ft~j. pr-'o'\I_~~rl{';d a;.jcl on~J or mOJ";(~ of
tIll.' folJowiilq ~'.~L ttl..! r,ion~:i eX15", t r1~ovi'{I~;,d SlJ\'::J, iJar'ian,:' e and J:'ul(~s and
]'(7qulaU.ons ~;h:;Lt hi aPPcovt,d by ';'esillutlon of the C.l.ty CounciL
:t" W!kril the SI!WiJr)e f 10fn any plante building. or !ne-
net,.""" 01 illl llKust:ial 01 "ulnT18J'>:l~l character shaLL be SUbstantially
!J 0'6 () 7
different in volumll or' type from the averagG sewage entering the
sewer ~; ys tern of the CIty" For the purpose of this sub-section.
"Averaqe Sewagu" shall be: In volume. 70 gallons of sewage for each
100 gallons of water' consumed on any plant. building or premises of
an industrial or commerciill char'acteI'. and in type. 300 p;lrts per
million of suspended solids and 300 parts per million of biochemical
oxygen demand,
20 Where Ct substantial portion of the premises of an
industrial or commercial establishment is used for industrial. commer-
cial. recreational, horticul turel or agrlcul turel purposes of such ;l
nature that the water supplied to such premises is not entirely or
substantially discharged into the sewer system.
3. Where a fire service connection to the water system
is installed.
4" Where the premises are not connected to the sewer
system of the City of Chula Vista and it is not physically possible
or reasonably feasible financially to connect such premises with the
City sewer system.
5" When water is supplied to premises through a sepa-
rate water meter measuring irx'igation water and that water is used
entirely for irrigation purposes.,
6" Where water is furnished from a source other than
the California Wa tar and 1 elephone Company and/or the Otay N,unicipal
Water DI5trict"
7. When the supplier of water changes its rates.
t!) Tile owner or OCcupant of ;lny premises subject to the
sewer sarvice charge may apply in writing to the Chief Administrative
Officer fer a reclassification of such premises under the provisions
of PaJ:a'jl.'ilphs a(1), a(2). '1(3). a(4). a(5), a(6) and a(7): provided
however, that no rebate upon stich reclassification shall be allowed
for a period more than ninety (90) days preceding the filing of such
applica~ion. The applicant shall furnish substantial engineering and
rac'tual doto to support 'tk! applicant'" contention that the premises
should ~e reclH~sified a~ p~ovided in this section.
Sectio~L29o 83 - Payment of ~8wel Selvice Chi}ic'ges
i1) All Sewer s'~rvice chal'gp.s imposed under these provislons
of the code shall be computed upon? monthly bads dnd shall he payable
upon the billing of such cha~ges to the owner or the occupant.
b) The charg'!5 and tte billing thert;fcr may be combined
with other utiJity bills and sera~at"ly designated.
c) I f tIll! sewer ~ ervH:e chargG is no<: pilid before the close
of busi:wss 01' postrnarkfJd before midnight of thG final date for p"y-
mel1t,\ f'(~nalt" of 'I,(,n pe:c U'11t (.lO~,;) of th'j amouut or said sal"IH ser-
vice chal'gi!, 6<,i<1 1"3nalty not tl flJ{c~ed 1;l<e amount of Th:ree Dollars
($3.00), shall be added thnl~to: provided however. that when the final
day for ;-'<I\,10011'l fads on S'illl1Cj"y" ~;unda)', ox' iI }{,gal holiday" payment
may btl mild" wi thouL p,malty on <.h.. IH~xt :cngular busine;s day"
d) In the ev::n t t II':: (,wne:,: or occupant of .ny premises shall
be dellnqul)nt I.n tlHl paymeni' of h~" sewer se:cvi,;e ';harqoS ,3nd suth de..
linquenc'.: [;I1,,1.l (OI1d,nu:, fo) " ,'(!l'.1od of {iv'.~ h) d2Y:, aftul the final
date 't'Jr Pl:I\il!ldlC of !;uch \;;ru':r(;fJ, -:~.hc Cit~1 of Chu.l.i:.! Vis(a sh':ill hav,:!'
thL 1:J']h'(., [ol,th,JiLh <Jnd withoui. notice,to disconi:ir't'il sewer service
to c;uc" dulinquent owner- O~. Occl:p<lnt, and sl.'Ive~' ecI.'vi.:., cihd11 not
aga:i,() GH suppJ.:::.ed [() t:im urd.:11 .:.13. deli.nquGn'( S~WL~r s&;:vice chal'gas
plu" the pUl1a:Lies i:han,on 2,:, herein provIded hav', b~on paie\" The
sewer "elvL,e :;h"1'9'" !!lay ba c( U ect,"d by suit ill <\!i)l cou,d: of com-
patent jurisdiction or any cthe~ mannar.
~tio'L:!6. 84 - Sev1er Service Pc.yment Dl'lposH
a j Guarantee depc!; i ts may be rllquired from all applicants
for sew8:C service ,,,ho are not the legal or equl table owners of the
propart, to be served" ellcap't applicants for domestic sewer sllJ:vice.
l,) 'i'ho City of CLula Vista shall have: the right to xequire
deposits from the oIVner or occupant of any premiu,s who has allowed
his bill for S~Jwer servi(;(~ cha.C'~Je to become delinquent OJ: who does
not have an acceptable cradit rating.
(.) Depo':Hs ':In1J 'oe equal. to Hw E)5.imated amount of
t . r~'" {'J' ,,' ..t"., c';" "J " ,. h
,11 ,l~~ ,-.~ I fHor. IIS_,..:.;v.t.::r ~_,t.r\J 1 ".;:: C argaS!l
but in no event shall the
{., ')') " , :- . ~he" ;-11 "\ l'i"(' D oJ'".. (~" 00':
(~'-.)., .....'~ J,:-':;: U~.~.~._;. -',' >..,> v, _.'.Ul_:) -/,.',}." I"
ADOP1:EO AND APl'ROl1rJl h)i tt<> GITl COnNCIL ",f the CITY OF C\lllLA VJS ,.\,
CALIFORNIA, tbb 9th dl!Y of _"_~t.".~:..:.,_ _l;.~~~________________.by tile
follmdog '\Iote, 'to-.,i!:;
ecl1luci Im.m____~~_t~.~_peGr~_,_~~~ai~s.!_ McAllis t_:.r2-~~~~:~ __ ,___
COUrl.ci h",'n.__~~=__"W_____" '__~_"____' .__.".._ ~~~.____,___...__ -"-
C'~l"ll" i Imen___ ...~5'!"e
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1.. KENNE'tU 1"0 CAMPllELL,) C!.i::y Cl~d, <\'r th~ Cicy <:>f chula V il1cu"
California DO llEItEll'l CIlR'UFY d,,~,.: the ,'00vt ...,d focego1.>lf> ig a {",ll. t"ne
and enrreet eCllpY of
,__._h snd tho< t tha
same baa not been ~n"1!\'1ded OI rep<'" Ii],\"
City Clei:k
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