HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1979/02/08 Item 01a, b CITY OF CHULA VISTA COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item No.la,b For meeting of 2/8/79 Public Hearing - Consideration of Transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from Bay Cities Ambulance Service to Hartson's Ambulance Service ITEM TITLE dba Bay Cities Ambulance Service a. Resolution9y8 ~- Authorizing the Transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity from Bay Cities Ambulance Service to Hartson's Ambulance Service dba Bay Cities Ambulance Service b. Resolution gy9p- Approving Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and Hartson' Ambulance Service dba Bay Cities Ambulance Service for police emergency service SUBMITTED BY: Acting City Manager The purpose of the public hearing is to meet the requirements of Sections 5.10.020 and 5.10.180 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code as those sections pertain to general ambulance service in the City. Section 5.10.020 prohibits any person from engaging in the business of operating an ambulance in the City without first obtaining a Certificate of Public Con- venience and Necessity from the City Council. Section 5.10.180 also provides that each certificate previously issued is separate and distinct from all others and cannot be trans- ferred from the person,firm or corporation to whom the certificate was issued, without Council authorization. Section 5.10.310 establishes the procedure whereby the City Council awards a contract to a private ambulance company for the purpose of providing emergency ambulance service originating within our Police Department. Those sections dealing with this aspect of the problem require a bidding process open to all private operators. Upon the advice of the City Attorney, staff is suggesting that the Council waive this process and, if at the conclusion of the public hearing Council determines to permit transfer of Mr. Ballard's license to Mr. Hartson, emergency and general ambulance service should be awarded to Hartson. If a contract for emergency service was to be awarded to any other firm than Hartson, another public hearing would be required for the purpose of granting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to that firm. Section 5.10.060 requires that an investigation be conducted and a report filed in writing with the City Council before any application for permit is acted upon. Such investigation has been completed by the Chief of Police and his report is attached hereto. The application being considered involves the transfer of Ballard's Bay Cities Ambulance current permit to Hartson's Ambulance Service. It is our understanding that Steve Ballard, holder of the current permit, is selling his entire business interest to Mr. Hartson subject to Council approval of the transfer. Hartson's Ambulance Service has been in EXHIBITS continued on Suool emental PdaP 2 Agreement Resolutions Ordinance Plat Notification List Other ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on FINANCIAL IMPACT STAFF RECOMMENDATION Close public hearing and adopt Resolutions A and B. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION A P P R O V E D L J.7 ~;° ~_ie COUNCIL ACTION ~:;a_~:~. ~ ~~:~,~~.~~,,,~ 9til .. _., ..._~ _...~.._11c9. ~- -~ ~ ,. ..::.;, L .. ~..: ~- ~ ,. ~ Supplemental Page 2 Meeting. of 2/8/79 • Item No. la,b .r business throughout San Diego County since 1968 and currently provides ambulance service to the cities of San Diego, National City, La Mesa and E1 Cajon. They currently operate some 19 vehicles in addition to those to be acquired from Mr. Ballard and used in Chula Vista. Mr. Ballard has operated for several years what is essentially an exclusive franchise since no other permits have been authorized although several applications have been filed in the past few years. It is our understanding that the applicant seeking transfer of the existing permit is hopeful that a similar condition will prevail in the future. However, the City Council would have the right at any time to hold a public hearing on any other application that might be filed and grant additional certificates if it is determined that the public convenience and necessity so require. Staff has concluded that the public convenience and necessity requires the issuance of a new Certificate or transfer of the existing one as requested, due to Mr. Ballard's intention to leave the area. Mr. Hartson's intention to acquire the entire interest of Mr. Ballard, coupled with the firm's past experience, makes transfer of the permit reasonable. ERA:mab ~y~~ DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: D~PARTM~NTAL CORR~SPUNDPNC~ ~~ - February 1, 1979 +~. ~ 11. ! Lane F. Cole, City D!anager ~ Gene Asmus, Assistant City ~. L~Iilliam J. ~^Iinters, Chief of Polic~~~j;~j~,~ r I Hartson Application for Ambulance Permit The investigation required on this application per Section 5.10.060 or the City Code has been completed as follows: A. The demand of the public for ambulance service or additional ambulance service; ,. ~ It is my conclusion that the public is satisfied with the current level of ambulance service in Chula Vista. We have not received any complaints or requests for additional ambulance service. B. The adequacy of existing ambulance service; The ambulance service currently being provided by Ballard's is vary adequate. Complaints are seldom received. GVhen we do receive a complaint it is not on a substantial matter anti is usually based on a misconception or unreasonable demand. C. The financial responsibility and experience of the applicant; The applicant has been in business throughout San Diego County since 1968. He operates 19 ambulances and has an above average reputation. I cannot see any necessity to conduct an in-depth study of his financial status. Because of his reputation and current operations I believe it is reasonable to conclude that he is financially responsible. D. The compliance or noncompliance of the applicant with the provisions of Sections 5.10.080 through 5.10.100 hereof; The applicant will be utilizing the same equipment in Chula Vista that is now being used by Ballard. This equipment is inspected periodically by the California Highway Patrol C.~~y a~ Chu.2a V~.~s~a, Ca.~~.~ann~.a A 111 ~~ and is in compliance with the City Code requirements. The applicant intends to use the same color scheme on the ambulance that Ballard uses but will remove the Ballard name and replace it with Hartson. The Police Department recommends approval of this transfer. It is our opinion that Hartson's will provide the same high quality ambulance service that Ballard's has been providing. F~T~7W/ams y~y ~1T~9 OF `~STA FINANCE DEPARTMENT ~ MIS ELLANEO<~REC~PT~ teceived of n ~f ount ~ $J ~• FUND DATE ~ ... ~ .~ F203 5/69 lOM -+~ m m O~ J O_ .~ J (~ CJt M1 ' ACCOUNT ~. 3 ~/ REC BY ~ Finance De arfinent ~ O 0 - o CITY OI' CHIIL,A VISTA APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO OPF~: ~.TF AMI~IJLANCE p; ;,;~; HARTSbAi ROBERT LOUIS V (PRIP3T Last Tdar:~e} (First ~Iar;lo) (~.i.cidle P•iame P•`aiden P?a.-re9 if married woman: Yesiaence ~'-ddress: 4318-~7~h °osi c;ence Telephone Nu-abers 280-8120 _____Business Te_lephane Tdu~-~ber: 289-8111 2iaiing Address: Same . - (If different f.'rom Residency;} . Dat~~ of Birth; July 5 1921 Age Last Birthday- 57 (I.1oRLh} -(Day} (Rear} ~~~~ Place oa F3irth: San Diego California (City or i'a~~rn) (County} --~~^~ (State} j Ffeiglzfi , 5_/ ~ ~~4leight. r~ /d _Color of Eyes: B1ue~ColoT of Hair: Brown ~.. fIc:•~ lc;ng, i~rLmediately prior to this date9 have yoga lined. in CalifoYr~ia? $ 7~~~ _ _ In San Diego.County? _ Irs the City of Chula Vista? no L~,~~ ---- _--,- Have yr• had a license of ary kind prior to this tarn ___ - _ __ Give particulars: ~' (L C> o -' g U S/ -'Y L S S L I B Fia~,-s ;icu ever applied for a license of an kip. pri r to this time? X ~~Z Givo parti.culurs: ~ _ ~~~~~ ~~~~_._~- F L' C _/~_~~~~ flaw you e~rer been known by or Lised anotf;er namF;?__ NO Give partic~_~lars:~ __- __ _~____._.- _ Arc you a Citize:~ of the United States? ~ Y~s __ Are. ti'o~~. a id~rturalized Ci.ti~~en of tho tlniteci States? `__ :•;=>rc~ you eJ<r in the Urit~d Stato•s ~:s-;-ned S:~x'~j1oe? Gi ~-e ~,articular•s a 2nd. World. War Yes 1•I~~r.~ you over arrosted or takon into cu:~tod;~ by ~c police officer? Ciz-e rart.icul.Grs: NO ~:;:: . q~0 q ". , ~ ~{ ,; _.2_ Con7t _ Application for Police Controlled Licensed In the space beloti~r,, give your cornnlet.e record of business or employ:rent dun. ing the last ten years. Explain. any gaps between periods of business or employ;..ent. Dates Name of Business or Description of Business Reason for Would you object to having any of the above e~p1_oyers or business associates contacted ir, regards to your character?~~_~If so, explain: Crive the addresses at ti-rhich you have resided during the past ten years: Date Address Give the names a,~;d home or business addresses of five persons other than er:!ploy~ ens or business associates ~,~iho have kno~a=edge o° your characte_ __ ~~Na~me/~~ Address ~o ~n ~ _~,~i l.C ~72G~,~ _ O , y8'9 Were you ever d~_scharged or forced to resign fz~om any rosition? /V~ Give particulars: ,~ -3- Con't - Application for Police Controlled License Natuaralization Information: Certificate Number) (Date Issued) (Location of Court Military Information: ,~~ /~y~ ~ ~gy5_ (Bra h) (Serial Number) (Date ) (Da~ Type of Discharge): y/ ,eP /~ (Entered) 1 (Released) r~ /~~..lJC~ ~J /'~1Y1~ji. fir=1~~C~E ..tr ~~ l ~~E~ .-,~~h'~" p EJ.r7 Business Information: ' Name of Business to be licensed: ~ C~c~~ Kind of Business : -C.2~~ ~ Location o f premises : - lp ~p2 - ,~jZ~ ~j~ ~%~~~~,, C/,,~Q~~. List all persons, other than yourself, who will have authority or control over the place for which license is requested and a brief statement of the nature and extent of such authority or control; Name Address Nar„rP ~: R,rro„r !.~ n,,,-z.,.v-:,-.. ~' J List persons authorized to accept service of process and or to whom notice, when required, is to be sent: ' ~/~' 9 Name Address Phone ,~ ' -4- Contd. - Application for Police Controlled i,:icense List name and address of each of the owners of the premises upon which the licensed activity is to be conducted, if the applicant i,s leasing such premises from the owner: Name address phone .~~ ~ ~-Q~zGC rQ 7 0~ ~ ~ 1~1~ ~~~~ . l/-~%~ c- / ~C o~ - ~o~ ~O If applicant is a corporation, or partnership, answer the following; Exact name of Corporation as shown in its Articles of Incorporation HARTSON'S AMBULANCE SERVICE INC. Date and place of incorporation ~ g Give names and residence addresses of each of the officers, directors, and each stockholder owning more than ten percent of the stock of the corpora- tion, or partners, if partnership: name Title Rccis~~r~o naa,-~~~ Robert L. Han son President 4318-47th St. Juanita E. Han son Treasurer 4318-47th St. Carol M. Jensen Secretary 7887 Deerfield SD 92120 Has the appl~,cant or any o convicted of a crime other ing, reckless driving, hit reported) Ye.s No X ~~y fficer, member, or partner ],~sted above eyex been than minor traffic viol.ation~~? (~1ote; Drunk drives and run are not minor violations and must be _ If answer is "yes" complete following section: ' (next paf;e) -5- -i Name Date of Arrest Nature of Offense ___ Arresting Agency Fine or Penalty _ Number of ambulances owned and/or leased by applicant on date of application Number of ambulances actually operated by applicant on date of application f ~~ _ Give description and location of each such ambulance: flake _ h~o e '`(ear License No. Location or tat~on ress Describe the proposed color scheme, insignia, trade style and/or any other distinguishing characteristics of the proposed ambulance design: ~i -, ~r _ .t2 ~ i i '~,t`'I= /~,~ ~ U i" f ~ i~ ~~ r~ a~,. ~~ l~ Yi .,'_ ~v f ~7--L~ .,~~ .~!~.^~ ._- h:n//f~~,1 r' PJote: A.n 8" X 10" photo showing a lengthwise view of each such ambulance must be submitted with application. The foregoing information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and I understand any false statement or mistreoresentation in this application may be grounds for disapproval of a license. •~ ~ ~ G Date =~ ~~ ~ //~ Sign.a ure of App1ica t ' y8'9 _ -- _--_ s'' ~ . ~ w HARTSUN'S .~m~u~an~B .~ew«e 4318 - 47th STREET ~ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 PHONE: 280-8111 Clairemont Station 3630 Southview Drive, #10.3 San Diego 92117 (Near Balboa & Moraga) Kearny Station 5050 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Apt. 23 San Diego 92117 (Near 805) Loma Station 3225 Wing, Apt. 11 San Diego 92106 (Near Midway 8c Rosecrans) Hillcrest Station 3815 Vermont, Apt. 6 San Diego 92103 (Near 10th & University) North Park Station 4146 32nd, Apt. 3 San Diego 92104 (Near El Cajon Blvd.) Main Station 4318 47th St, San Diego 92115 (Near E1 Cajon Blvd.) La Mesa Station 5120 70th St. San Diego 92115 (Near Interstate 8) Lemon Grove Station 7525 Pacific, Apt, E~ Lemon Grove 92045 (Near Massachusetts 8c Broadway) "~t~~/ . t ~• HARTSON'S ..~m6u~an~6 Se~«¢ , . 4318 - 47th STREET • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 9211 S PHONE: 280-8111 Helix Station 9476 Grossmont Blvd, La Mesa 92041 (on Grossmont Summit) Grossmont Station 95'1? E1 Cajon Blvd. La Mesa. 92041 (on Grossmont Summit) E1 Cajon Station 1181 N. Anza E1 Cajon 92021 (Near 1st & Broadway) ~y8'9 AMBULANCES 1973 Cadillac 1973 Cadillac 1975 Cadillac 1975 Cadillac 1971 Cadillac 1971 Cadillac 1972 Cadillac 1973 Cadillac 1972 Pontiac VANS 1975 Chevrolet 1974 Dodge 1976 Dodge 1974 Plymouth 1975 Dodge 1977 Ford 1977 Ford 1974 Dodge 1974 Dodge 1972 Chevrolet 7~Z 339 Patricia Avenue Chula Vista CA 92010 February 5, 1979 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: Ambulance Franchise Gentlemen: Unlike a lot of citizens, I do not think we need the Government doing everything for us, such as telling us what ambulance we have to use. We are now a City of over 80,000 people with most of the building to the east. The ambulance service to the east in the past has been very slow; in fact, had it not been for the Bonita-Sunnyside Fire Department, those people would have suffered more. I do have people that will testify to this. If it is service you want and you are thinking of the people instead of the revenue, please do not grant Mr. Hartson a franchise. Why not try a little competition for awhile and see what happens. I have been taught competition never hurt anyone and I'm sure in this case it will help. Sincerely, Emily Ri ter <<-, ~,ry ~~N~~~~ ~8q t . i NOTICE OF HEARING CITY COUNCIL OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, will hold a public hearing to consider the transfer of an existing certificate of public - convenience and necessity from Bay Cities Ambulance Service to Hartson's Ambulance Service, in rnmpliance with the provisions of Chapter 5.10 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, Council Policy No. 500-03, and Council Resolution No. 4193. SAID PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD BY THE CITY COUNCIL on Thursday, February 8, 1979 at 4;00 p,m. in' the Council Conference Room, City Hall; T76 Fourth Avenue, at which time any person desiring to be heard may appear. Dated: January ?b, 1979 Jennie M. Fulasz,: CMC, CV 13491 City Clerk 1/28/79 i ~ , . L ,J- y~~