HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1986/12/16 Item 29COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 29 Meeting Date 12/16/86 ITEM TITLE: Public hearing on formation of a reimbursement district for construction of street and drainage improvements in Las Flores Drive and "D" Street between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue in the City of Chula Vista, CA Resolution /~~s3 Establishing a reimbursement district for construction of street and drainage improvements in Las Flores Drive and "D" Street between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue SUBMITTED BY: Director of Public Works/City Engineer . REVIEWED BY: City Manager (4/5ths Vote: Yes No X ) On November 25, 1986, the City Council by Resolution 12833 ordered a public hearing to be held December 16, 1986, on the formation of a reimbursement district for construction of street and drainage improvements in Las Flores Drive and "D" Street between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue. The reimbursement district is necessary so that the City will be reimbursed $?_67,125.82 advanced for the construction of public improvements adjacent to various parcels along Las Flores Drive and "D" Street. RECOMMENDATION: That the Council: a. Conduct the public hearing, and b. Adopt the resolution establishing the reimbursement district. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. DISCUSSION: On duly 16, 1985, the City Counci 1 by Resolution 12102 awarded a contract to R. E. Hazard Contracting Co. for construction of street and drainage improvements in Las Flores Drive and "D" Street between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue. The project included the construction of a 20 ft. wide ribbon pavement, storm drain, curb, gutter, sidewalk ramps, and masonry retaining wall. Funds for this project were approved in the FY 1984-85 Capital Improvement Program budget with the understanding that the cost for those portions of the improvements installed adjacent to properties would be reimbursed to the City through a reimbursement district when the land is subdivided and/or developed. Chapter 15.50 of the City Code contains the procedures for establishment of a reimbursement district which assures that a benefited property owner reimburses the City for the cost incurred when provi~ing puhlic improvements benefiting their property. Page 2, Item 29 Meeting Date-T~7Tb7$6 The attached drawings show the boundary of the district and the estimated reimbursement cost to the City for each parcel therein. These drawings are considered a part of this resolution. Once the allocation of cost has been approved by the City Council, the City Clerk shall record. a copy of the Council's resolution with the County Recorder. The resolution shall include the ownership of record, the legal description, and the amount of charges for each lot or parcel within the district. The reimbursement shall be collectable by the City at either the time the property is to be subdivided or upon a request for a building permit for development of the property. In addition to the cost levied, simple interest in the amount of 7% per year is to be paid to the City up to a period of 20 years. Interest to start from July 1, 1986. Seven of the parcels within this reimbursement district had deferrals with the City for the construction of various public improvements. These property owners entered into agreements with the City to have their deferred improvements installed by the contractor. After formation of the reimbursement district, formal agreements will be prepared for Council approval with these property owners to pay the City back over the next ten years for monies advanced for installation of the deferred improvements. The balance of charges against the seven parcels with deferrals will be collected under the reimbursement district. The City Clerk has duly notified the property owners and published the required notices for this public hearing. In addition to the public hearing notice, a copy of the reimbursement district drawings consisting of three sheets and a letter explaining the reimbursement district and their individual cost was sent to each property owner. The first sheet of the drawings shows the boundary of the assessment district, the second shows the cost for construction of the improvements, and the third shows the cost for the various improvements attributed to each of the owners. Subsequent to Council's establishment of the reimbursement district, the City Clerk will record a copy of the Council's resolution along with the attached drawings with the County Recorder. The total cost for the construction of the improvements in the area was $345,259.20. The City is contributing $78,133.38 towards these improvements. The City's contribution generally covers the construction of the improvements in "D" Street from Second Avenue easterly to Las Flores Drive (south). In addition, the City is paying for relocation of street light facilities and the improvements adjacent to Assessor's Parcel No. 566-251-24, which is an existing improved parcel which has no access to Las Flores Drive. FISCAL IMPACT: The City will recover $267,125.82 which was advanced to install the improvements in "D" Street and Las Flores Drive. The funds will be repaid as property within the reimbursement district develops. WPC 2481E ~y the City Council of Chula Vista, California Dated - - ~_ l~Qt3 , es5 ISd A. CONSTRUCTION COST I. IIA IN CONTAALi ITEM TOTAL UN IL 110. OESC0.IPTION UNIT ANTITT PRICE TOTAL LOST I Removal and Disposal of Exlsting L.S. IODt 37,7 W.W 47,700.00 Improvenvsnts Z Unc ]ossified Excevatlon L.S. 1001 25,OW.OW 25,OOO.W 3 Asphalt font rate Pavement Tons 160.12 11.00 20,25X.48 4 Processed Nlscella nequs Base ions 1,356.3 1i. 50 16,953.75 5 Select Subbase Tans 117.7 9.50 1,403.15 6 b" P.C.C. Type 'G" Gurb end Gutter L.F. 700.2 1.50 5,251.50 ] Sl dewalk Ranqs S.F. 716 2.50 290.00 8 1' P.[.C. Sidewalk S.f. 935.15 2.25 2,104.09 9 fi" P. C. [. Orl reway S.F. SB1.1 2.50 1,452.75 10 6" P. [.L. Pavement S. F. 9,139 7.25 29,701.15 11 P.[.C. Pavement Cutoff Malls, l.F. IlB.S 10.00 1,385.W Type A 12 P.C.C. Pavement Cutoff Nall s, L.F. Bfi 11.00 1, 462.W TYDe B 73 Street Llgh[1ng Standard Relocati on L.S. 1001 3,7W.W 3, )OO.W 14 45" RLP 150W L.F. Sfi 87.00 9,811.00 15 39" RLP 150W L.f. 259 11.W 19,9/3.W 16 l3" RCP IlSW L.F. 213 7D.DD 19, 110.W 17 30" RCP 175W L.f. 311 61.00 24,85 I.W 10 JU" ACP I3 WO L.F. 216 66.W 14,25fi.W 19 11" P[P lISW L.f. 111 b0.W X,Ib0.W 20 Itl° RCP 200(p L.F. 7 54.00 37X.W 21 1B" R[P lISW L.f. 43 SO.W 2,]22.00 22 1X" RCP 150W L.F. S4 54.00 2,916.00 23 1B" PCP 1350p L.F. 5 SI.W 210.W t/ Modl if ed Energy D1 ss/De tar L.S. 1001 3,900.00 3,9W .00 25 Mqdlfled TYpe A [leanout Eech 1 1,900.W 1, WO.W Z6 Modified Type A-I [leenuut Each 5 1,700.OU B,SOO.W 21 iyye C-2 Inlet 20' Eacn 1 3,SOU. uo 3,SOO.W 28 TYDe L-t Inlet IS' Eacn 1 2,9W.UU 2,900.W 29 iyye C-I Inlet 11' Eecn 1 2,6W.U0 2,600.W 30 type C-1 Inlet 12' Each 1 1,SW.DU 2,SW.W 31 type C Inlet 0' Each 2 2,200. UU 4,400.00 32 Type B Inlet 5' Eacn 7 2,20U. U0 2,200.W 33 Conc re [e lug Eacn 1 200.00 2UO,W J4 P1pe Collar Eacn 1 2W.U0 200.W J5 12" PV[ Oownd rain L.S. 1Wi 60U. U0 6W .00 36 Ifasonry Retaining Nell S. F. 179 21.W 6,696.W 31 Sewer Encasement L.F, 10 12.00 IZO.W 38 Separate Ba rrlca de w/ Re fl ec tars Eacn 1 4/S.W 175.W 39 A. [. Bert, Type A L.F. 136 4.U0 511.W 10 AQlusl Sewer Manholes x Eacn fi 4W.W 2,IOO.W 41 rrencn snorrn9 L.s. looi tso. oD uD.W 4z rn nlc control L. s. tool s, WO. DO s,oW.W 43 Prgtectlon a Rester tlon of L.s. loot a,soD. DO /,sW.W Exlstl n9 ImDrq venrnts ioTAL 126/,131.17 B. INTEREST NOTES II. CNANGF ORDER N0. 1 (IneD'r5treatlad.lacent [o Parcel 566-330-52 between Sta tlon Stl n 6 to 7a30 In add] tl on [a the total relmbursenent Cost to the nty, 3lnple Interest of 71 ITEM TOTAL UNIT Der annue 11.155 per qua r[erl fs to be added at the tine Me property Is to be N0. DESCRIPTION UX IT OIIANTITY PRI[F iOTAI COST subdtvlded or uDOn a request far a Bullding Pelnlt for development of the property wlthtn the Relmburseieent D1str lct o/ Las Flores Drf ve and "D" Street 1 6' P.C.C. Type G Curb and Gutter L.F. 180.9 7.50 (I,lSfi. ]5 between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue. 2 A' P.C.C. Stdnalt S. F. 918.1 2.25 2,065.12 1 Asphalt Cant rtte Pavment Tons 13 41.00 SI2.W 1 Processed Nlscellaneeus Bsse Tons 75.1 72,50 112.50 Tne Interest 1f to be calculated on a quarterly ba sls and shall Include the to [el number of full quarters from July 1, 1986, up to but not Including the 5 Ex<ava[1on and Grading [. Y. B9 29.W 2,581.W quarter in Nhtcn Dayment of such charges 1s node. 6 Relocate Exlsting Vlre Fence L.S. IWt W0.00 600.00 7 Remove free L.S. 1 WY 950. W 950. W TOTAL 38, Sfi 1.91 All Pn nl es collected pursuant to tbls agreement shall be deDo51[ed as follows: Tne first 326,QDD to Public Improvement Loan Fund Account 105-IXb0 IDISLrICt Assessments]. Tne remai nl ng balance due to Gas Tax fund Account t50-3850 (DlsLf ict Asses snw nts 1. 111. CNANGE ORDER N0. Z 17 EM TOTAL UNIT N0. OESC0.1PT 108 UNIT GXAHTITY PpICE TOTAL COST 1 Unclasslfled Ex<ava[ton C.Y. 189 29.00 f5,481.W 2 A, C. Pavement Ton 36.]5 11.00 1,599.40 3 Processed Ml sc ellaneous Bese ion 91.3 12.50 1,216.25 4 6" P.[.[. Curb and Gutter L.f. 292.8 7,50 2,196.00 5 6" P.L.L. Driveway 5... 3,424.45 2,50 X,561.1] 6 6" P.[,C. Pa veaent S. F. 1,150.00 3,25 5,682.50 7 4' P.[.[. St dewalk S.f. 1,041.56 2.25 2,343.51 B pal oc ate Ex1s[Ing Vood Fence @ L.S. IU01 X15.00 815.W 163 and 112 "D" St. 9 Sawcut Exlsting Orlveways L.G. 118 1.15 225.50 t OTAL 12X,182.29 IV. C HANGE ORDER N0. 3 ITEN i07AL UN11 N0. DE S[RIPTION UNIT GXANTITY PpICE TOTAL COST 1 fi' A.C. Berm l.F. 278 4.W 5952.00 roTn 5951. W Y. E%7M MORN ITEN TOTAL UNIT N0. OE SCRIPTI dI UNIT AQU xi1Tr PRICE iOTAI WSi 1 Lower Exls[i ng Concrete P1pe l.S IWS 1,825.4] (1,825.41 Toru s 1,825, u GRAND TOTAL $ 307,259.20 II .I ASS ... ._ A5'y I. MAIN CONTRACT ITEM TOTAL IR1IT N0. DESCRIPTION UXIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL COST I Removal end Disposal of Ezisting L.S. 1003 57,700.00 51,700.00 Iegrorements 2 Unclassified Ezcavation 1.5. 100% 25,000.000 25,000.00 3 Asphalt Concrete Pavement ions 460.42 44.00 20,258.48 4 Processed Miscellaneous Base ions 1,356,3 12.50 16,953.15 5 Setect Subbase Tons 147.7 9.50 1,403.15 6 fi" P,t,C. Type "G" Gurb end Gutter L,F. 100,2 7.50 5,251,50 7 Sl dewalk Ranps S.F. 116 2.50 290.00 8 4" P.C,C. Sidewalk S.F. 935.15 2.25 2,104.09 9 6" P.C.C. Driveway S.F. 581.1 2.50 1,452.75 10 6" P, L.L. Pavement S.F. 9,139 7.25 29,701.75 11 P,C.L. Pavement Cutoff Walls, L.F. 138.5 10.00 1,385.00 Type A 12 P.C.L. Pavement Cutoff Nall s, L,F.. 8fi 11. D0 1,462,00 Type B 13 Street Lighting Standard Relocation L.S. 1001 3,100.00 3,100,E 14 45" RCP 150W l.f. 56 87.00 9,872.00 15 39" ACD 75000 l.F. 259 77,00 19,913.00 16 33" RCP 135W L.F. 273 70.00 19,110.00 Il 30" RCP 175W L.F. 371 67.00 29,857.00 lA 3U" RCP 135W L.F. 216 66.00 14,256.00 19 24" RCD 17500 L.F. 141 60.W 8,460.W 20 18" RCP 20000 L.F. ] 54,00 378.00 21 1B" RCD 115W L.F, 47 54.OD 2,322.00 22 IB" RLP 15000 L.F. 54 54.OD 2,916.00 23 18" RCP 135W L.F. 5 64.00 270.00 24 Modified Energy 0l ssi pator L.S. 1001 3,900.00 3,900.00 25 Modified Type A Cleanout Each 1 1,900.00 1,900. DO 26 Modified Type A-4 Cleanout Each 5 1,100.00 8,500.00 27 Type C-2 Inlet 20' Each 1 3,SOO.UO 3,500.00 2B Type C-2 inlet IS' Each 1 2,9W,00 2,900.00 29 type L-I inlet lA' Each I 2,600.00 2,600.00 30 Type C-1 Inlet 12' Each I 2,500. DU 2,500.00 31 type C Inlet 4' Each 2 2,200. D0 4,100.00 32 Type 8 Inlet 5' Each I 2,200.00 2,200,00 33 Concrete Lug Each 1 200.00 200.00 34 Pipe Collar Each I 200. UO 200.00 35 12" PYC Downdraln L.S. 1001 600.00 600.00 36 Hasonry Retaining Wall S.F. 219 24.W 6,696.00 37 Sewer Encasement L. F, 10 42.00 420.00 3B Separate Barricade v/ Reflectors Each 1 415,00 475.00 39 A. C, Berm, Type A L.F, 176 4.00 544.00 40 AQj ust Sewer Manholes s Each 6 100.00 2,400.00 Il Trench Shoring L.S. 1003 250.00 250.00 42 Traffic Control L.S. 1008 S,OOD.00 5,000.00 43 Protection 8 Restoration of L.S. IOOt 4,500.00 4,500.00 Exlsti n9 iagrovements TOTAL 1267,731,41 Il. CHAIIGE OAOEA N0. 1 IImQrovements ayecent to Parcel 566.330. 52 between Station 586 to 780 an D" SCreetl 1TEM TOTAL UNti N0, DESCR]PT[ON UXIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL COS1 1 6" P.C.C. Type G Curb and Gutter L.F. 180.9 ].50 51,356.75 2 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk S.i. 918.1 2.25 2,065.72 3 Asphalt Concrete Pavement ions 13 44.00 572,00 4 Processed Miscellaneous Bese Tons 35.4 12.50 442.50 S Ezcevetion end Gredirg C.Y. 89 29.00 2,5B1.W 6 Relocate Existing Mire Fence L.S. 1001 600.00 600.00 1 Remove Tree L.S. 1001 950.00 950.W TOTAL 58,567.91 III. CHANGE ORDER N0. 2 ITEM TOTAL UNIT N0. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAICE TOTAL COST 1 Unclassified Excavation C.Y. IB9 29.00 55,181.00 2 A.C, Pavement Tan ]6.3; 44.00 1,599,40 3 Processed Miscellaneous Base Ton 91.3 12,50 1,216.25 4 6" P.C.C. Curb end Gutter ~ L.F. 292.8 ].50 2,196.00 5 6" P.C.C, Drtvewey 5.,. 3,124.AS 2,50 8,561J3 6 6" P.C.C. Pavement S. F. 1,750.00 3.25 5,687.50 1 4' P,C.L. Sidewalk S.f, 1,041.56 2.25 2,343,51 8 Relocate Ezistl ng Mood Fence D L.S. 1001 815,00 875,00 163 and 172 "D" St. 9 Sawcut Existing Driveways L, F, 118 1.25 225.50 TOTAL 528,182.29 a IV. C HANGE ORDER N0. 3 ITEM TOTAL UNIT N0. DESCRIPTION UXIT QUANTITY PAICE TOTAL COST 1 6" A.C. Berne L,F. 238 4,00 5952.W TOTAL ~ 5952.00 V. EVTAA HORN ITEM TOTAL UNIT N0. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PAICE TOTAL COST 1 lower Existing Concrete Pipe L.S 1001 1,825.47 (1,825,47 TOTAL 31,825.47 GRAND TOTAL 6307,259.20 In additlan to the total reimbursement cost to the City, simple Interest of 71 per annua (1.754 per quarterl'is to be added at the fink the property is to be subdivided ar upon a request far a Butl ding Permit for development of the property within the Reimbursement District of Las Flores Drive and "D' Street between Second Avenue and Minot Avenue. The Interest fs to be calculated on a quarterly bads and shall include the total nunber of full quarters from July 1, 1986, up to but not Including the quarter in which payment of such charges is made. 0.11 monies collected pursuant to this agreement shell be deposited as follows: The first 526,400 to Public Improvement Loan Fund Account 105.3860 (0l strict Assessments 1. the remaining balance due to Gas Tax Fund Account 250-3860 (District Assessmentsl. nr ar A5'f n awe OF