HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1982/06/15 Item 13,. COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM TITTLE: Item I~ Meeting Date 6-15-82 Resolution/~~ approving a change order to the Contract for Remodeling Jimmy's on the Green which includesconstruction of a new Pro Shop and incorporation of two satellite buildings into a single building and authorizing transfer of funds. $UBMITT BY: Director of Parks and Recreation and ~~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes X No ) Director of Building and Housing At thei April 6, 1982 meeting, Council authorized staff to negotiate a contract revision to con lidate into one single satellite building accommodations for a new Pro Shop, public estrooms, and space for the food and vending machines. Such a change order has been n otiated with Jimmy's on the Green. It is our; That Council approve the proposed change order and authorize the transfer of funds to cover t~e Change Order's cost. BOARDS COMMISSIONS: N/A DISCUSS ON: `The $80 ,000 renovation contract awarded on December 15, 1981 by the City Council provided for the renovation and enlargement of the main restaurant building and construction of separat public restroans as well as a separate structure to house the food and drink vending machines. The original contract award did not contemplate renovation or change in the rent Pro Shop or area under the main building now used for electrical cart storage During onsideration of CIP projects for the 1982-83 fiscal year, the Parks and Recreation Dep t proposed a project for relocation of the existing Pro Shop to a separate build- ing and then to utilize the entire lower area of the restaurant building for golf storage. Funds the amount of $48,000 for constructing a Golf Cart Storage Building had been includ in the 1980-81 Capital Improvement Budget. At thei March 23, 1982 meeting, Council authorized staff to negotiate a Change Order with Jimmy's on the Green for construction of the new combination Pro Shop, restroan, and vend- ing mac e building. Jimmy's on the Green has made a proposal to complete the proposed construction and remodel the exi ting Pro Shop for $74,000 and to include a credit for the restroom and vending machine building in the amount of $29,900. The additional cost for this proposed change order i $44,100. The building and Housing Director's estimate for the building con- structi n was $91,460. The s and specifications for Public Works Construction authorizes a governmental agency to chan e plans, specifications, character of work or quantity of work provided the total arithme 'c dollar value of all such changes both additive and deductive does not exceed twenty- ive percent (25%) of the contract price. The proposed Change Order to incorporate Form A-113 (Rev. 11/79) Item 13 Date 6-15-82 Page Two the n Pro Shop Building into the restaurant construction contract falls within these guildlines. Staff is recommending that Council accept the Change Order Propo al submitted by Jimmy's on the Green and authorize the transfer of $43,700 in th Golf Cart Storage Building Account 600-6000 GC-02 and $400 in the Jogging Trail onstruction Account 600-6000-PD21 to the Restaurant Renovation Account 604- 6040. $7, IMPACT: in additional funds are required for this project as outlined below: SHOP CONSTRUCTION COST $74,000 - Restroom and Vending Machine Credit (29,900) Total Change Order Cost $44,100 - Golf Cart Building Funds (43,700) isfer from Account 600-6000-PD21 $ 400 Course Jogging Trail ~6~'~~