HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1982/03/16 Item 14COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 14 Meeting Date 3-16-82 I EM TITLE: Resolution ~o~a3Authorizing additional compensation for preparations/off tie Bicycle Transportation Plan S EMITTED BY: City Engineer ~~"(~ (4/5ths Vote. Yes No x ) T e Bicycle Transportation P//l an being submitted tonight is an o tgrowth of the Bicycle Route Facilities Study conducted under a L cal Transportation Fund (LTF) grant of 1980. The consultant p oposes to make a formal presentation of the plan at the first a ailable Council Conference. Copies of the document will be s bmitted to you one to two weeks prior to that Council C nference. C nsultant time required to complete the plan has significantly e ceeded the time allocated in the agreement with the consultant. A ditional compensation appears to be justified. Therefore it is m OMMENDATION: That Council: 1~ Fix a date for Council Conference on the Plan, and 2~ That additional compensation in the amount of $2,040.00 be authorized for payment to the Consultant. B ARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. D SCUSSION: T e City in 1980 was the recipient of a $20,000 grant of LTF m nies to conduct a bicycle route facilities study. Preliminary d to gathering for that study was performed by student interns a d in July, 1981, Miss Patricia Willcocks was retained to c m plete the study and to formalize the results into a plan. B cause of the study's pioneering nature, it was impractical to p oject the time necessary for its completion and so the E gineering Department initially proposed to hire Miss Willcocks o an hourly basis. However, at the suggestion of the Personnel D partment, the agreement with Miss Willcocks was prepared on the b sis of a fixed amount ($3,200.00). This total reflected an h urly rate of $10.00 and the time available (320 hours) prior to c mmencement of the fall college term. (Miss Willcocks at that t me planned to attend graduate school in the Fall.) A 1 work on the contract was performed in the Engineering D partment workspace so as to permit direct communication and a cess to City records. Time spent was logged on a daily basis. Page 2, Item 14 Meeting Date 3-16-82 T e agreement calls for completion of the study and preparation o a report for a fixed amount of money. Miss Willcocks worked diligently towards the goal of the agreement both before and a ter it became apparent that the nominal time allocated was i practically low. Time spent in excess of that allocated time has the effect of lowering her hourly pay. I most cases a consultant's work is not subject to significant m dification by City staff. His work is essentially complete prior to submission to City staff. I the Bicycle Route Facilities Study, the staff interjected s ggestions and modifications throughout preparation of the r port. Miss Willcocks, in fact, served more in the capacity of a contract employee. As such she had marginal control of the t tal time required to complete the work. T e agreement includes a termination clause whereunder the City or the consultant could terminate the work, with the stipulation t at compensation would be provided for time spent through t rmination at the rate of $10.00 per hour. Miss Willcocks chase t carry out her obligation in good faith despite the additional time required. T tal time expended in fulfilling the contract was 575 hours w ich is 80~ in excess of the nominal total contemplated in the a reement. Based on the contract amount of $3,200 the resultant h urly pay would be approximately $5.56 per hour versus the o fig final $10.00 per hour . T e Plan, to be subsequently submitted, is evidence of the p ofessional effort put forth by Miss Willcocks. I am confident t at a similar document by a practicing professional consultant f'rm would have cost $15,000 to $20,000 or more. T e determination of whether additional compensation should be p id, and if so, how much should be paid rests with the City C uncil. To my knowledge the City has no further obligation per t e terms of the agreement. However, under the unusual c'rcumstances involved, I believe that it would be fair and r sonable to authorize additional compensation to Miss Willcocks f r her efforts. T e nominal pay rate utilized in the agreement ($10.00 per hour) a proximately represents the mid-range salary for a Junior Civil E gineer less fringe benefits. Had the agreement been t rminated, the project would have been completed by staff p rsonnel at the Junior Civil Engineer level. Compensation at t e $10.00 per h our rate would be involve an authorization of $ , 550.00. -~~d~~ Page 3, Item 14 Meeting Date 3-16-82 In recognition of the wide variety of tasks required and the br ad range of degrees of difficulty involved, Miss Willcocks has s ggessted a pay rate of $8.00 per hour for the 255 "additional" hours spent by her on the project. Total additional compensation o this basis would be $2,040.00. (Note - this $8.00 per hour rate is slightly lower than the beginning step for Engineering Technician I.) I support additional compensation in the total amount of S ,040.00 as suggested by the consultant. Funds are available fr m the balance of the original LTF grant. Use of such funds is li ited to bike-related projects. F SCAL IMPACT: The total cost of $8.00 per hour will be S ,040.00. Funding source suggested is account no. 602-6020- LTFO1 which has a current balance of $24,699.38. WF~H : fpw/DSOZ 5 3 ~G ~ 8a- ~_ ~~~~~ Form No. F-229 12/73 CERTIFICATE OF CITY/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Certification of Unappropriated Balance I HEREBY CERTIFY that the money required for the appropriation of funds for the purpose set forth in the attached resolution is available in the Treasury, or is anticipated to come into the Treasury, and is otherwise unappropriated. Amount $ Fund Purpose Bidder Director of Finance The City of Chula Vista Date By Certification of Unencumbered Balance I HEREBY CERTIFY that the indebtedness and obligation to be incurred by the contract or agreement authorized by the attached resolution can be incurred without the violation of any of the provisions of the Charter of the City of Chula Vista, or the Constitution or the laws of the State of California, that sufficient monies have been appropriated for the purpose of said contract, that sufficient monies to meet the obligations of the contract are actually in the Treasury, or are anticipated to come into the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation from which the same are to be drawn, and that said monies now actually in the Treasury, together with the monies anticipated to come into the Treasury, to the credit of said appropriation are otherwise unencumbered. Amount Not to Exceed $ 2,040.00 Director of Finance The City of Chula Vista Date March 16, 1982 By Fund 602-6020-LT-01 Dept./Activity Engineering Purpose Bicycle Transportation Plan Study Hidden Certificate No. 31 1Q-- /d poi