HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1979/04/10 Item 09ITEM TITLE SUBMITTED ITEM EXP On M Sani into the CITY OF CHULA VISTA COUNCIL AG~NDA~STATEMENT cnar~ with sewe main beha fall The of In val tha has can Frei pro of Item No. 9 For meeting of 4_ D Approving Second Amendment to the Agreement Resolution 9.s ~ with the Spring Valley Sanitation District 3Y City Engineer, NATION (4/5TH' S VOTE REQUIRED YES,x N ._.~ reement with the Spring Valley rch 9, 1964, the City entered into ag to discharge sewage ation District (and others) to permit the City the Spring Valley Outfall Sewer which in turn discharges into etropolitan Sewerage System. reement provided for payment of service other things that ag. es by the City to the District for each equivalent fa0utfalllt which is served through the Spring Valley .n the City y stem The service charge is intended to defra the therDistrict in ;enance and operation (M&O) expenses incurred by Lf of the City, plus a share of District cost for M&O on the out- sewer. established per agreement in the form service charge was initially er month). fixed amount charge ($0.40 per equivalent dwelling unit er equi- ebruary 1971, the service charge was increased to $0.50 P arent nt dwelling unit per month. In the summer of 1976 it became app However, no such adjustment a further adjustment was necessary. been made to date and the stipulated sresent agreements bheocharge ~easingly more inadequate. Under the p reement. be adjusted only through formal amendment of the ag uent adjustments will likely be necessary in the future (as should fished during the last three years) because ~erly have been accomp stems involved. rapidly inflating M&O uentsfo~malhamendmentsdtoubeacostly and imprac- ~rience has shown fr q ~1 in terms of staff time required. t FINANC TY s: B< a: D STAFF ;fpw/ KY 073 reement ,_ Resolution her_, (continued on supplemental page) EXHIBITS plat Notification List_ Ordinance_ -.-- ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached_ Submitted on 0.50/unit/month) :AL IMPACT a the current contract amount ($ 1976. has continued to p Y uitable payment to light in June, City ht the ineq reement, nce the District broug ro osed amendment W°llhowegthe sed on the method set forth in tthepinterim, the City 1979. d actual Metro M&O cos49,a001in back payments as of March 31, .strict approximately $ (continued on supplemental page) RECOMMENDATION authorizing the Mayor to execute 0 0 Oe f rom thep~endment prove resolution ro rating $50, ~ the Agreement as proposed and app p vailable balance in the Sewer Service Revenue Fund. COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION _ _- _ _ -- - -- ------------ ----- COUNCIL ACTION Agenda Item No. 9 For meeting of 4-10-79 Supplemental page two ri t and City staffs have prepared a modification to the agrenment Dist ust the which ill tie the service charge directly to the actual M& exp stem. This methodology will automatically adz stem of th Metro sy with variations in Metro sy serve e charge upward (or downward) costs and thereby eliminate future agfex dnamountfserviceschaage. ur ose of update g e to more precisely simpl for the p P ermit the service charg The p oposed modification will P be more equitable than the current ref le t costs involved and therefore, it will be much simpler to administer over an agree ent. Additionally, result in reduced administrative exten ed period of time and thereby costs ercentage The t tal charge under the proposed amendment includes a p o f Metro family unit cost) to defrVicelcharge istestablishedMas ed (10 the total annual se cost Therefore, er family unit (bas been 1100 of the Metro system's aerufam 1y unit)p Based on current er da P er month. on a flow of 265 gallons p Y e for '78-'79 is $1.169 p Metr system costs the service charg a e amount was determined through joint research by arison The Oo surcharg Included in that research were: a comp City and District staffs. of San Diego for use of trunearsWeand with rates charged by the City ets for recent Y their face ities; an examination of District budg encies concerning inqu'ries made to other Southern California ag es made by We concluded that expe fence in similar matseto•be withoua meaningge of c arg ro riate method would be to base the charge on actual District oth r agencies so broad a investigation revealed the most app P ree possible. Our Dint use of a exp nses to the maximum deg no Lear and concise sternition of costs relative to ther than a precise At best any mutually agreed method of por ion of a sewer sy roximation ra City det rmining costs will result in an app det rmination. Within the rangethattael0~ssurchargeeisareasonablhtand and District staffs, it appears fai to both agencies. Should additionaercentagetlthecagreementgcan whi h would justify adjustment of that p be urther amended. rovided for It is interesting to note that the original agreement p a 0~ surcharge on Metro costs ltedhfromethetnumbereoflconne~tions. to be metered rather than estlma and the amendment provides that It is considered appropriate by staff, aid by the a ment of the difference between charges actually p ba k p Y er above) be made commencing with the first Ci y and actual cost (p to the City by the District. notification (June '76) Both the '77-'78 and qu rter following roximately $49,300. To al back payment due is aPP Sanitation ~7 -'79 budgets included provision for increases 1ringrValley arge in anticipation of a Recent inareaseslin ChulaeVistnflated costsce District agreement. es were designed to provide revenue to cover i c arg stem. r fated to the Metropolitan Sewerage Sy reement will be transmitted F flowing action by the City Council, the ag rd of Directors of the District and to the City of San Diego. t the Boa F NANCIAL IP~PACT (cont' d) es are not subject to determination at this p, tual future charg different than if calculated by t'me but should not be significantly ro osed amendment the current agreement. The p P artici- t e method intended by wired of the p ill reduce administrative effort (and cost) req ating agencies. ffice of J ENNIE M. F LASZ, CITY CLERK Date: To. ~- w ~ .~ ~~ ~~" City o~ Ctiu.~a ~Uista CALIFORNIA Ordinance No. Subject: ( ) Resolution No. ( ) You will find enclosed a certified copy of the City Council document approved at the meeting of ~~ JENNIE M. FULASZ , C?~4C City Clerk Enclosures ~. STAR N ~WS : P~.eas e pub.P.i~ h ~h~ dnc ~ ~nd,%nance Ba a . anal tend u~ a cagy ~ R~CORp~R: P.~ea~se rcecatcd bai.d dacumev~t and netunn ~c-t ~a uh at yawn ~ ea~~,e~~ canven.%ence. CC-685(Rev.10/77) 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 92010 (714)575-5041 -tiv ~ ~ .~ . ffice of ENNIE M. F LASZ, CITY CLERK <~: r. ;, ~ ,-, u ~ ~ .,~ City o~ Cl~u.~a ~Uista CALIFORNIA Date: To. ~~ Ordinance No. Subject: ( ) Resolution No. ( ) You will find enclosed a certified copy of the City Council document approved at the meeting of i iI9/I ZGE'/ JENNIE M. FULASZ , C?~4C City Clerk Enclosures ( ) STAR NEWS : P.2ea~ e pub.P.v~ h ~hi~ d~c un Ond-i.nance Baa . and ~ end u~ a cagy ~ RECORpER: P.~ea~e necand said dacumev~t and netunn tit ~a u~ ~ yaun eat~%el~~ canvew%ence. CC-685(Rev.10/77) 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 92010 (714)575-5041 Form No. F-229 12/73 CERTIFICATE OF CITY/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 5 2250 52( 29,000.00 Fund Sewer Service Amount $ - - _ ~ n ,.,~,,, Certification of Una ro riated Balance I HEREBY CERTIFY that the money required for the a ropriation of funds for the pueasurySeorfostanticipatedttohed PP resolution is available andtis otherwise unappropriated. come into the Treasury, Purpose uiU „~~~~„w,.,,..._ - Bidder N A ~` ~ f`, / Director of Finance The City of Chula Vista Date 5/2/79 By Certification of Unencumbered Balance I HEREBY CERTIFY thatotha seem n dauthorized bygthe n to be incurred by the contract 4 attached resolution can be incurred without the violation o any ter of the City of Chula Vista, or of the provisions of the Cha ur ose of said the Constitution or the lawsaof ropriatedefor thelp rpia, tha e sufficient monies have been PP ated to come contract, that sufficient monies to meetortare°anticip ns of t contract are actually in the Treasury, to the credit of the appropriation from which into the Treasury and that said monies now actually in the same are to be drawn, the Treasury, together with the monies rotriationdare otherwise the Treasury, to the credit of said app P unencumbered. mount Not to Exceed $ Director of Finance The City of Chula Vista Date Fund Purpose By Dept./Activity Bidder 80 Certificate No. ~ 9S ~~