HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/11/23 Item 12 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~\~ CITY OF ~~ CHULA VISTA 11/23/10, Item~ SUBMITTED BY: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING THE REPORT ESTABLISHING EACH ELEMENT OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE SECTION 5103, RELIEVING PAL ENGINEERING FROM THEIR BID PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE SECTION 5101, ACCEPTING THE REMAINING BIDS, A W ARDlNG THE CONTRACT FOR THE "ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 (STL352)" TO BLAIR RASMUSSEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $528,963.80, AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO EXPEND ALL AVAILABLE FUNDS IN THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SUFFICIENT ELIGTBLE FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE "ADA CURB RAMP FY20l0/2011': (STL374) DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS i(&t$ ASSIST ANT DIREft!R OF ENGINEERING CITY MANAGER ASSIST ANT CITY ANAGER 4/5 HS VOTE: YES 0 NO k'J ITEM TITLE: REVIE\VED BY: SUMMARY On October 13, 2010, the Director of Public Works received sealed bids for the "ADA Curb Ramps FY 200Y/2010JSTL352)" CIP Project. The work to be done consists of the installation of ADA pedestrian ramps and other concrete improvements at various locations citywide; Ramp LocatIon #33 is being considered separately because of a decision-maker conflict. The proposed action would accept the report establishing each element of California Public Contracts Code see lion 5103, relieve PAL Engineering, from their bid pursuant to California Public Contracts Code section 510 I, accept the remaining bids, award the contract for the "ADA Curb Ramps FY 2009/2010 (STL352)" to Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. in the amount of $528,963.80, and authorizing the Director of Public Works to expend all available funds in the project including sufficient eligible funds available in the "ADA Curb Ramp FY20 I 0/20 11" (STL374). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmcntal Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project tor compliance with the National Environmental Pohcy Act (NEPA) and has determined that the project '1ualifies for a Categoncal Exclusion (subject to 58.5) pursuant to SectIon 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations 58.35( I), subsection I [Acquisition, repair, improvement, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of public facilities & improvements; e.g. curbs, sidewalks, repaving streets 1 12-1 11/23/10, Item /2 Page 2 of 4 pursuant to ImplementatIon Guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Rousing and Urban Development (HUD). Additionally, the Environmental Review Coordinator has also reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has deternlined that the project qualifies for a Class I categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15301 (c) [Existing Facilities] of the State CEQA Guidelines. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary. RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDA nON Not applicable. DISCUSSION The "ADA Curb Ramps FY 2009/20 I 0 project" consists of the installation of ADA pedestrian ramps and associated improvements at various intersections in the City. The work will generally include some removal and replacement of displaced curbs, gutters, sidewalks and portions of cross gutters in order to assure compliance with current ADA standards for pedestrian ramp construction. The pedestrian ramp locations selected for this project were based on a comprehensive priority list that is maintained by the Public Works Department. Tn an effort to ensure that all project funds are exhausted in STL352, the project scope intentionally exceeds the available funds. Sufficient eligible ti.ll1ds are available in the "ADA Curb Ramp FY201O/20 11" (STLJ 74) project account to complete construction without impact to the General Fund. Project Design staff prepared specifications and advertised the project. A map and list of each project location is shown in AttaclU11ent 1. On October 13,2010, the Director of Public Works received five (5) bids for the "ADA Curb Ramps FY 2009/2010 (STLJ52)" CIP Project. Thc following bids were received (in order oflowest to highest bid amount): CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT 1. PAL General Engineering, Inc. - San Diego, CA $488,829.00 2. Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. San Diego, CA $528.963.80 3. New Century Construction, Inc. - Lakeside, CA 5621,280.00 4. RTA Engll1eering and Construction, Inc. - Poway, CA S635,480.00 5. Palm Engineering - San Diego, CA S671,740.00 On October 14, 2010, the City received a letter from the apparent low bidder, PAL General Engineering, Inc., requesting to be relieved of their bid on the basis of clerical error, pursuant to Section 5103 of the State of California Public Contract Code. After reviewing evidence provided by PAL Engineering substantiating the clerical error, and because the request was submitted within the timeframe required by law, staff recommends consenting to the requested relief of PAL General Engineering, lne.'s bid and awarding a contract to the second lowest bldder. 12-2 11/23/10, Item /Z Page 3 of 4 The second lowest bid submitted by Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. is below the Engineer's estimate of $560,000.00 by $31,036.20 (6% below the Engineer's estimate). The Contractor has not workcd on any previous projects for the City. Staff contacted the Project Engineer/Manager for several of their construction projects performed within the last year and found that Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. performed the work satisfactorily. The Contractor's License No. 670528 is current and active. Minoritv Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise Goal The bid documents set forth participation requirements per Council Resolution 12113 and Federal Law lor meeting minority and women-owned goals. The contractor, Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. is listed in the State of California's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) database as a certitied DBE tirm. The City's Community Development Oftice has reviewed the hid documents and has concluded that the second lowest bidder, Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc., meets the City's Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) goals and Federal Law. Staff also reviewed Blair Rasmussen Construction Inc.'s eligibility status with regard to Federal procurement programs and the status of the State Contractor's licenses. Blair Rasmussen Construction Inc, IS not listed as excluded from Federal Procurement Programs (list of parties excluded from Federal procurement or non-procurement programs as of February 2007). Disclosure Statement Attachment 2 is a copy of thc Contractor's Disclosure Statement. Wage Statement The source of funding for this project is Community Development Block Grant Funds. This project IS covered by the Davis-Bacon and related acts. The Davis-Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates to all laborers and mechanics employed for the work under this contract. Prevailing wage rates are those determined by the U.S. Department of Labor or the U.S. Depal1ment of Housing and Urban Development. DI~CISION MAKER CONFLICT Stan-has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found that a conflict exists in that Council Member Pamela Bensoussan has property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property (Location #33), which is the subject of this action. 12-3 11/23/10, Item 12- Page 4 of 4 CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT A breakdown of the project costs is as follows: FUNDS REQUIRED ~FOR CONSTRUCTION A. Contract Amount $528,963.80 B. Contingencies $30,000.00 C Staff Time L Construction Inspection $115,000.00 2. Design S73,653.20 3. Survey/Monument Preservation $85,000.00 4. Environmental/Traffic/Public Works $5,000.00 TOTAL FUNDS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION $837,617.00 FUNDS A V An~ABLE FOR PROJECT CIP STL352 - ADA Curb Ramps - FY2009/2010 (CDBG Fund) $504,922.00 ClP STL374 - ADA Curb Ramps - FY2010/2011 (CDBG Fund) $332,695.00 I TOTAL FUNDS A V AILABLE I $837,617.0U I There are sufficlent funds in STL352 & STL374 to complete construction without impact to the General Fund. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Upon completion of the project, the improvements will require only routine City maintenance. ATTACHMENTS l. Curb Ramp Location Map/List 2. Contractor's Disclosure Statement 3 Report Establishing Each Element of California Public Contracts Code Section 5103 Prepared b.v' Boushro Salem, Senior Civil Engineer, Public Works Department J \Engllleer\AGENDA \CAS20101! I 23 lO\STL351-Cofltract Award Agenda hfs 11 j 7 JUrev.doc 12-4 A TI ACHMENT I CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 ADA CURB RAMP LOCATIONS 1) N SECOND AV/ENTRANCE TO KOA CAMPGROUNDS - SE 2) N SECOND AV/BAYVIE.'.,/ 'W,{ (PRIVATE D\o/) - NE/SE 3> N SECOND AV (PRIV DV SID BAYVIEV) - N\.J/NE/S'w' 4) C ST/N DEL MAR AV - N'-I/SV 5> CST/CANTERBURY APTS - S'-I/SE 6) CST/EUCALYPTUS PARK EXIT - S'W/SE 7) DATE AV/SEA VALE CT - NV/S'W 8) DATE AV/MCINTOSH ST - NV/NE 9) FIFTH AVID ST - NV/NE/S'w'/SE 10) D ST IELDER AV - S\JISE 11) D ST/BRIGHTVDDD AV - S'w'/SE 12) FlD\JER ST JCEDAR AV - N\JJNE 13) VDODLA\lN AV/CARVASH DRIVE\.JAY - NE/Sf: 14) DAViDSON ST IE PARK LN - N\J/NE/S'w'/SE 15> BEECH AV/DAVIDSQN ST - NV/NE/SE 16> DAVIDSON ST (CEDAR AV - NIJ/NE/S\J/SE 17> 636 F ST APARTME~iT DRIVEVAY - SV/SE 18> SMITH AV/YANCE ST - N\J/NE/S'w'/SE 19) SMITH AV/ROOSEVELT S1 - NV/S\J 20) SMITH AV/OTI5 ST - N\J/NE/S\JISE 2D oAKLAIJN AV/APARTMENT DRIVEwAY E - NE/SE 22) OAKLA\.,IN AVJAPAR1MENT DRIVE\JA'i 'W - N\JIS\J 23) J ST IE PARK LN - NI,.//NE PROJECT FILE #STLJ52 DRAWN BY: PA TRICK C. MONEDA DA IE SHEET I 8-25-10 OF 4 Sms. TITLE: \AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APEl 24) J $T/BEECH AV - NV/NE 25) GARRETT AV/K'EARNE'i $1 - N'W(27)JNEJ'SWJSE 26) CASSELMAN PL/CORTE MARIA AV - N\JIS\J 27) ALPINE-MINOT AV/MINOT AV SID E $T - N\JINE/SE 28) ALPINE-MINOT AV/MINOT AV N/D F ST - NV/S\.IISE 29) G ST IALLEY E/O THIRD AV - SV/SE 30) SECOND AV IVANCE ST - NE/SE 3D G 5T IALPINE AV - S\oIISE 32) SECOND AV/SHASTA Sf - NV/S\J 33) SECOND AV IVHITNEY-HANKATD ST - NElSE 34) FIRST AV/SHASTA ST - NE/SE 35) FIRST AV I\JHl1NEY 5T - NE/SE 36) I.JHlTNEY 5T ICARLA AV - N"'/NE 37) FIRST AV/HITSCHER ST - NV/SV 38) FIRST AV/KING ST - NV/NE/SV/SE 39) SECOND AV IMURRAY ST - NE/SE 40) SECOND AV IKING ST - NE/SE 41) KEARNEY ST ITVIN OAKS AV - NW/NE/SW/SE 42> SECOND AV/KEARNEY ST - NV/NE/SV/SE 43) SECOND AV (MILLAN ST - NE/SE 44) DENNIS AV/E MILLAN ST - N\.IINE 45) EL CAPllAN lJR/MONSERATE AV - S\J/SE FEMA PANEL# 1913,1914 & 2152 CD8G GRANT# 8-09-MC-06-0563 PREPARED BY: PA TRICK C. MONEDA APPROVED BY' 80USHRA F. SALEM 12-5 CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 ADA CURB RAMP LOCATIONS 46> INKDPAH $T /~lONTEREY CT - S\./(27)/S(<27) 47) MONTCALM ST/MDNTEREY AV - SV/SE 48) SAN MARCOS PL/JAMUL AV - NE/SE 49) JUDSON 'WY/E QUEEN ANNE DR - SV/SE 50) THERESA \/Y IE QUEEN ANNE DR - N\.I /NE 51> CORTE DE VELA/CALLE CANDELERO - NE/SE 52) SONOMA CT IE ONEIDA $1 - $\J/SE 53) E PROSPECT ST/THERESA YY - SY/SE 54) E PROSPECT ST/JUDSmJ VY - N\.IINE/S\JISE 55) E PAISLEY ST/HELIX AV - N\J/NE/SW'/SE 56) TH1RD AV IZENlTH $1 - NE (NOT SHOVN ABOVE) 57) OLIVE AV/TALLO\.l CT ~ NE/SE 58) DL!VE AV fTEAK CT - NE/SE 59) OLEANDER A V ISEQUOIA 5T - Nv PROJECT FILE #STL352 DRA WN m:. PA TRICK C. MONEDA DA TE: SHEET 2 8-25-10 OF 4 SHTS. TITLE: AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE> 60) OLEANDER AV /VALLE LINDO SCHOOL XYALK 61' OCALA AV/SATINVOOD \/Y - NV/NE/S\J/SE 62) SEQUOIA CT /DCALA AV - N'W/s\J 63) AZAl[A. $1/ULAC AV - NI,/ INE 64) AZALEA $T ILAUREL AV - NI,//S\J 65) LILAC AV/JUNIPER $T - N\J/$'W 66) THRUSH ST /FINCH PL - NE/SE 67> THRUSH ST IRAV[N AV - N\J/NE/SW'/SE 68) THRUSH ST I\JAX\.IING LN - S\JISE 69) THRUSH ST IRDBIN PL - N\J,NE 70) OLEANDER AVJTHRUSH ST - N\J/$\,J 71) EAST OXFORD ST IOCELOT AV ~ NW'/NE 72) E OXFORD ST/OASIS AV - NY/NE 73) OASIS AV/NANETTE ST - NE/SE FEMA PANEL# 2152, 2156 & 2157 CDBG GRANT# 8-09-MC-06-0563 PREPARED BY: PA TRICK C. MONEDA APPROVED BY: BOUSHRA F. SALEM 12-6 E H ST -J W q AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APD ADA r:IJRB RAHP l nCATlDNS 74) OLEANDER AV/MANZAN!TA ST - N\J/$V 75) OLEANDER AV/PRIVAT[ DV $10 TeR - $\J 76> CREST DR/CONDO ENTR N/O TELE [ANY - NE/SE 77) DOUGLAS ST/DOVER CT - NI.J/NE 78> CREST DR/DOUGLAS ST - NV/NE/$V/SE 79> DOUGLAS ST/DURVARD ST - NV/N[ 80) DURVARD ST/FIFIELD ST - N\.I/Sv 81) DUR\JARD ST JTlFFANY \/Y - N\U$\J 82> \IllER DR/TIFFANY \.IV - NV/NE 83> DALE CT /TtrFANY \./Y - N\.I/NE 84) DAVID DR/DOUGLAS ST - Nv/NE 85) DAVID DR/FIfIELD $T - NE/SE 86> DAVID DR/TIFFANY \/Y - NE/SE 87) DAVID DR e I-UDBLOCK XING 88) DAVID DR/vILER DR - SV/SE 89> CREST DR/LORI LN - NV/NE 90> LORI LN/DAV!D DR - N\JI$\.I 91' LORl LN/HALECREST DR - SV/SE 92> FLOYD AV/BERLAND \./Y - N\J/NElSV/SE 93) HIDDEN VISTA DR/\JINDROSE \lY - SE PROJECT FILE #STLJ52 DRAWN BY: PA TRICK C. MONEDA DATE: SHEET J 8-25-10 OF 4 SHTS. COBG FEMA PANEL# /918 & 2156 GRANT! B-09-MC-06-0563 PREPARED BY: PA TRICK C. MONEDA APPROVED BY: BOUSHRA F. SALEM TITLE: CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 12-7 ',AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECT (APE) ADA r:\JRB RAMP I nCATTDNS 94) E J ST/PASED LADERA - NE 95) CALLE CANDELERD/CDRTE DE CERA - NE 96) NOLAN AV/E ONEIDA ST - N\J/NE 97) CALLE CANDELERD/CORTE SANTIAGO - N~/NE/SE 98) CALLE SANTlAGDIVALENCIA LP - N\IINEiSE 99) VALENC1A LP/VALENCIA CT - S\Y'lSE 100) CALLE SANTIAGO/VALENCIA LP - N'w'/NE/S'v//SE H]1) VALENCIA LP/AVENlDA YSIDDRA - NIJ/NE 102) AVENIDA YSlDDRA/YDRBA CT - NE/SE 103) AVENIDA YSIDDRA/CALLE SANTIAGO - S\.IISE 104) BUE~JA VISTA \JY ICALLE SANTIAGO - N\JINE/$\J/SE 105) BUENA VISTA \JY /CALlENTE LOOP N - N\J/S\J 106) BUENA VISTA \.IY/CALlENTE LOOP S - N\J/SIJ 107) BUENA VISTA VY/DON CARLOS CT - N\J/NE/S\lISE 1GB) BUENA VISTA \JY /CERRITOS CT - N\J INE/S'" 109) BUENA VISTA \JY /LDS COCHES CT - N\J /NE/$\J 1St 110) BUENA VISTA VY/SANTA CRUZ CT - NV/SI.J/SE 1m BUENA vrSTA I,IV/BUEN, V1ST, CT - N\.IISI,I 112) CANYON DR/VIA HACIENDA - NW' /NE/SE 113) XAVIER AV/YALE ST - NE/SE 114) XAVIER AV/ELMHURST $T - S'w'/SE 115) AUBURN AV/ELMHURST ST - N',I/NE 116) VASSAR AV/ELMHURST ST - N\J/S\JISE 117> VASSAR AV/YALE ST - N'w'/NE/S'w'/SE 118) CREEK\.IDOD \JY /LAKESHORE DR - NE PROJECT FILE #STLJ52 DRAWN BY: PA TRICK C MONEDA DA TE. SHEET 4 8-25-10 OF 4 SHTS CDBG FEMA PANEL# 1919 & 1938 GRANT# B-09-MC-06-0563 PREPARED BY: PA TRICK C MONEDA APPROVED BY: BOUSHRA F. SALEM TITLE: CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 12-8 '\'"7 t\CHMENT 2- ~ ~ . Bl!'t. <Y CITY OF CHULA VISTA DISCLOSURE STATEMENT PllISuant 10 Council Policy 101-01. prior 10 any action upon matters that will require discretionary action by the Council, Plannh'1g Commission and all other official bodies of the City, a statement of disclosure of certain ownership or financial interests, payments, or campaign contributions for a City of Chula Vista election must be med. The following infonnation must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all persons having a !inancial interest in the property that is the subject of the application or the contract, e.g., owner, applicant, contractor, subcontractor, material supplier. \'\ () \f'0Z..., 2. If any person' identified pursuant to (1) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names of all individuals with a $2000 investment in the business (corporation/partnership) entity. i'J \9-;- 3. If any person* identified pursuant to (1) above is a non-profit organization or trust, list the names of any person serving as director of the non-profit or.ganization or as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust. NIP-. 4. Please identify every person, including any agents, employees, consultants, or independent contractors you have assigned tD represent you before the City in this matter. ~\(-\ 5. H~ any person~ assoc~ated with thi~ contract ha~ ~y fmancial dealings with an official** of the Clty of Chula YlSta as It relates to thlS contract wlthm the past 12 months? Y es_ No~ 011\ 69 Proiect # STL352 Q:ingineering\All Projects\STL\S11.352 ADA Curb Ramps 09-10\Contract & Spccs\ST'L352.CONTRACf.doc BLAIR RASMUSSEN ()lNSTRUCTION INC, 12-9 ... ~ . . If Yes, briefly describe the nature of the financial interest the oftlcial** may have in this contract. ~ 1-\'\ , 6. I-lave you made a contribution of more than $2~0 within the past twelve (12) months to a current member of the Chula Vista City Council? N<:r<L. Yes _ If yes, which Council member? 7, Have )'ou provided more than $340 (or an item of equivalent value) to an official" of the City of Chula Vista in the past twelve (12) months? GThis includes being a source of income, mOIley to retire a legal debt, gift, loan, etc.) Yes _ No L If Yes, which official** and what was the nature ofitem provided? 0.\ I{\ \ ; Date: \D \ \2-1 \ 0 C!C):' t.\/~ . Jgnature of Contractor/Applicant \':\oi'( '~<;\'f\\)SSi;lJ\ /V'\.!l.S\d-<un-t- Print or type name of Contractor/Applicant * Person is defined as: any individual, fIrm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organizatio~ corporation, estate, trUst, receiver, syndicate, any other county, city, municipality, district, or other political subdivision, -or any other group or combination acting as a unit. ** Official includes, but is not limited to: Mayor, Council member, Planning Commissioner, Member of a board, commission, or committee of me City, employee, or staff members. 70 Project # STL352 Q:\Engineering\All Project5\STL\STL352 ADA Curb Rrunps 09_1O\Contract & Specs\STt352-COl'ITRACf.doc BLAIR RASMUSSEN rl}NSTRUCTION INC. 12-10 A TT ACHMENT .-2. ~ \ ft-. ~ -- --~ MEMO CITY OF (HULA VISTA Department of Public Works File: File: 0735-1O-STL352 DATE: November 17, 2010 TO: Project File FROM: Kirk Ammerman, Principal Civil Engineev~ SUBJECT: Report Establishing Each Element of California Public Contracts Code Section 5103 Relieving PAL Engineering from Their Bid Pursuant to California Public Contracts Code Section 5101 On October 13, 2010, the Director of Public Works received sealed bids for the "ADA Curb Ramps FY 2009/2010 (STL352)" CIP Project. The bids were as follows: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT 1. PAL General Engineering, Inc. - San Diego, CA $488,829.00 2. Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. - San Diego, CA $528.963.80 3. New Century Construction, Inc. - Lakeside, CA $621,280.00 4. HT A Engineering and Construction, Inc. - Poway, CA $635,480.00 5. Palm Engineering - San Diego, CA $671,740.00 On October 14, 2010, the City received a letter from the apparent low bidder, PAL General Engineering, Inc. (copy attached), requesting to be relieved of their bid on the basis of clerical error, pursuant to Section 5103 of the State of California Public Contract Code (PCC). BACKGROUND 1. PAL General Engineering, Inc. (PAL) submitted a written request to the City to withdraw their bid on October 14, 2010, on the basis of clerical error. 2. In response to PAL's request, City staff requested that PAL forward their electronic spreadsheet, which was received via e-mail on October 19, 2010. The e-mail further clarified that the mistake was due to a spreadsheet cell formula error -- specifically, that the formula for the total cost of work for Bid Item No.2, "P.c.c. Pedestrian Ramps (CVCS-27)," did not include the tabulated costs for asphalt concrete, aggregate base, and removal of existing improvements. FINDINGS On the basis of information provided by PAL to the City, City staff determined: 1. The bidder submitted their request for bid withdrawal to the City within fi ve working days of the bid opening, as required in PCC Section 5103, 12-11 STL-352 Bid Withdrawal- PAL Engineering -2- November 17, 2010 2. The bidder apparently made a mistake. 3. The bidder's mistake apparently made the bid materially different than intended. 4. The bidder's mistake was apparently made in filling out the bid and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans and _ specifications. CONCLUSION After reviewing information provided by PAL Engineering substantiating the clerical error, and because the request was submitted within the timeframe required by law, staff recommends consenting to the requested relief of PAL General Engineering, Inc.'s bid, without prejudice, and awarding a contract to the second lowest bidder. Attachment (1): PAL General Engineering,. Inc. Request to Withdraw Mistaken Bid 12-12 p GENERAL ENGINEERING INC. Request to Withdraw Mistaken Bid City of Chula Vista Attn: Patrick Moneda 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 RE: ADA Curb Ramps FY2009!2010 (CIP No.: STL-3S2) Pursuant to the State of California Public Contract Code section 5103, I writing this letter to inform the City of Chula Vista of an error made on the bid documents submitted for the above referenced bid and to request the withdrawal of my bid. This mistake had made the bid materially different than I intended it to be. When filling out the bid, we made a clirical error that changed the base bid total. Due to this clerical error, the price on the bid is not what I intended it to be and thus I am requesting the withdrawal of my bid and the return of my bid bond. Best Regards Safi, Khader Estimator D<9,taIlY'0W00""VKhM..S.. ON"nK"d.,s.r",,"us.o:PA.L Khader Safi ~:~~'~':;~ln:~n.'Z.~~~"~~~,J..1 Do"'-2010,10.1415.""-2."']'O(I' 2615 Camino Del Rio South Suite 308. San Diego C\.. 92108' Phone (619) 677.3949' Fax (619) 677.3950 License No.916931 . SB#5749G . W\.vw,palsd.com . Info@palsd.com 12-13 RESOLUTION NO. 2010- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CI-IULA VISTA ACCEPTING THE REPORT ESTABLISHING EACH ELEMENT OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE SECTION 5103, RELIEVING PAL ENGINEERING FROM THEIR BID PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE SECTION 5101, ACCEPTING THE REMAINING BIDS, AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR THE "ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010 (STL352)" TO BLAIR RASMUSSEN CONSTRUCTION, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $528,963.80, AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO EXPEND ALL AVAILABLE FUNDS IN THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SUFFICIENT ELIGIBLE FUNDS AVAILABLE IN THE "ADA CURB RAMP FY2010/2011" (STL374) WHEREAS, the project consists of the installation of ADA pedestrian ramps and associated improvements at various intersections in the City; and WHEREAS, the work also include some removal and replacement of displaced curbs, gutters, sidewalks and portions of cross gutters in order to assure compliance with current ADA standards for pedestrian ramp construction; and WHEREAS, the pedestrian ramp locations selected for this project were based on a comprehensive priority list that is maintained by the Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, in an effort to ensure that all project funds are exhausted in STL352, the project scope intentionally exceeds the available funds. Sufficient eligible funds are available in the "ADA Curb Ramp FY20 10/20 1 1 " (STL374) project account to complete construction without impact to the General Fund, and WHEREAS, City staff prepared specifications for the "ADA CURB RAMPS FY 2009/2010" in the City ofChula Vista, California (STL352)" project; and WHEREAS, on October 13, 2010, five (5) bids were received as follows: CONTRACTOR BID AMOUNT 1. PAL General Engineering, Inc. - San Diego, CA $488,829.00 2. Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. - San Diego, CA $528.963.80 3. New Century Construction, Inc. - Lakeside, CA $621,280.00 4. HT A Engineering and Construction, Inc. - Poway, CA $635,480.00 5. Palm Engineering - San Diego, CA $671,740.00 12-14 Resolution No. 2010- Page 2 WHEREAS, on Octobcr 14, 2010, the City received a letter from the apparent low bidder, PAL General Engineering, Inc., requesting to be relieved of their bid on the basis of clerical error, pursuant to Section 5103 of the State of California Public Contract Code; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the evidence provided by PAL Engineering substantiating the clerical error, and because the request was submitted within the timeframe required by law, staff recommends consenting to the requested relief of PAL General Engineering, Inc.'s bid and awarding a contract to the second lowest bidder WHEREAS, Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. which was second apparent low-bidder upon bid opening, met the regulations and guidelines presented in the bid package and is declared to be responsive; and . WHEREAS, the second low bid by Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc.of $528.963.80 is $31,036.20 (6%) below the Engineer's estimate of $560,000.00; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the second low bid and recommends awarding a contract in the amount 01'$528.963.80 to Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby accept the report establishing each element of California Public Contracts Code section 5103, relieve PAL Engineering, from their bid pursuant to California Public Contracts Code section 5101, accept the remaining bids, award the contract for the "ADA Curb Ramps FY 2009/2010 (STL352)" to Blair Rasmussen Construction, Inc. in the amount of $528,963.80, and authorizing the Director of Public Works to expend all available funds in the project including sufficient eligible funds available in the "ADA Curb Ramp FY2010/20l1" (STL374) Presented by Richard A. Hopkins Director of Public Works 12-15