HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1981/09/01 Item 10r COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 10 ~oG~~ Meeting Date 9-1-81 ITEM TITLE: Resolution~Amending Resolution 10121 approving revised policy rules governing use of Recreation Facilities and setting .fee schedule for said facilities. SUBMITTED BY: Director of Parks and Recreation~~~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes No X ) At the April 21, 1981 meeting, Council requested a review of the rules regard- ing use of facilities by commercial enterprise to determine whether those rules should be amended to allow use of City Facilities during non-usage hours. Presently, rule #4 of the general rules in the policies and rules governing the use of recreation facilities states: "Facilities are not available for commercial use of personal gain." Considering the present rules prohibiting commercial use of recreation facilites it is my RECOMMENDATION: hat Council approve Resolution amending the Policies and Rules governing the se of Recreation Facilities to allow commercial use of recreation facilities t non-usage hours and amending the present fee schedule to include rental ate for commercial use. & COMMISSIONS Parks & Recreation Commission concurs with staff recam~endation. DISCUSSION: comprehensive study was undertaken of public agencies, private halls, school istrict policies and property management consultants in order to formulate recommendation regarding the use of facilities by commercial enterprise. As a general rule, most public agencies and schools allow commercial enterprise usage of public facilities with various conditions required. The fee schedule for public agencies and school districts are varied. Basically, commercial rates are substantially higher than regular rental rates for other type groups and all facilities are only available when facilities are not used by recrea- tion or school activities. Commercial Hall rates in the area are as varied as the public agencies rates. Rates range from $200. for 6 hours use at the Sweetwater Women's Club to $1,100 for 6 hours at Swiss Park. Staff contacted two property management consultants to ascertain the fair market value of property rentals in the area. Generally speaking, office and business space is rented by the square foot rate which is determined by size, location and type of business. In the opinion of the consultants, setting a fair market rental rate on recreation facilities would be difficult. Commercial rates are usually by the month and are not based on hourly rates. The consultants felt that in establishing a rate for commercial usage, certain factors should be considered, i.e., operating and maintenance cost of facility, amortization of capital cost. It was felt that these costs should be included in the commercial orm A-113 (Rev. 11/79) t Page Two Item 10 Meeting Date 9-1-81 rate. One consultant recarunended that if the City were. to allow ccx~4nercial use of facilities, the fair market rental rate should be twice as high as the present rate charged to private groups using the facilities. FEE SCHEDULE: In determining the rental schedule for commercial enterprise, three alternatives were considered: 1. Double the hourly rate of Group five of present fee schedule. 2. Negotiate a percentage of fees collected. 3. Double rental or 25% of fees collected, whichever is higher. Alternative number 3 is recommended as the best alternative available. Number 3 would provide for the fixed rental double that of group five or 25~ of collected fees whichever is greater. The main purpose of alternative number 3 is to re- strict the percentage of profit a commercial enterprise will make without having to bear any overhead cost of maintaining a building. In essence, fees for com- mercial enterprise would be determined by what the market will bear and the City will benefit by revenue provided frcen these activities. PUBLIC AGENCY FEE SCHEDULE AGENCY COMMERCIAL USAGE 1. El Cajon YES $100. for each use and $10.00 ea. hour. 2. Imperial Beach YES $50. ea. hour for Non- Resident; $35. for Resident 3. La Mesa YES $24. each hour for 25% of fee charged 4. National City NO N/A 5. San Diego YES Must be approved by center councils - Monies raised must be earmarked for pro- jects in the center service areas. 6. Carlsbad NO N/A 7. Vista YES $30. each hour or 25% of fee charged ~'-/~~/~ Page three item 10 P~Ieeting Date 9-1-81 PRIVATE HALL FEE SCHEDULE FACILITY RATE 1. Sweetwater Women's Club $125. to $280. for 6 hours 2. V.F.W. Hall 3. Swiss Park $230. for 8 hours $1,100 for 6 hours (mainly Dances) 4. St. Rose of Lima Rent only to parishioners SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICIES (SYNOPSIS) 1. CI?ULA VISTA ELE1''~ENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT; The use of school facilities are allowed for the following activities; educational, cultural, civic, social, recreational, governmental and general political nature which are sponsored by responsible, recognized lpcal persons, organizations agencies or institutions.. A fee assessment is charged for commercial use, fund-raising activities, except that funds raised are for the welfare of the students of the dis- trict,or charitable purpose. This charge varies depending on rooms, times etc. Included as an Exhibit is a Fee Schedule from Chula Vista Schpo7, District. 2 . SPIEET?NATER UNION HIGH SCHOOL D I STR I CT District buildings, grounds, equipment and other property shall not be used by employees, private citizens, or profit-making organizations fpr monetary gain except as provided in the administrative regulations. I~n the use o~ entertainments or or contributions are solicited, not expended for the welfare of purpose, a charge shall be made shall not be less than the fair Included as an Exhibit is a Swe~ meetings where admission fees are charged the net proceeds of the admission fee are the pupils of the district or for charitable for the use of the facilities which charge rental value for the use of such facilities. Atwater Union High School Fee Schedule. 3 . SWEETL'VATER CO~UIMUNITY COLLEGE : Southwestern College facilities shall be made available for use by community organizations. Croups not qualifying as a non-profit commun~.ty organization will be charged a fair rental, which at the di•s.cretion of the District, will be one of the following: • Page Four Item 10 Meeting Date 9-1-81 a. Rental Fee for group other than non-profit cnity organizations: b. 50% of gross receipts with the minim~un to be Schedule II rate. This percentage rate shall be charged for any use which the District determines to be for profit~naking purposes. Included as an Exhibit is a Southwestern Community Fee Schedule. There are a few usable periods when the City's recreation facilities are not being used for programs under classifications 1 through 5. In order for the Community to get maximum use of the City's recreation facilities, I am recarmending adding class- ification 6, which allows ccmmiercial enterprises or groups offering recreational activities for the purpose of monetary gain to rent the facilities at a rental charge that will cover all city expenses and provide a fair return on the facilities' capital cost. FISCAL IMPACT Due to the limited number of desirable facility rental hours, the amount of net revenue is uncertain. The amount of revenue generated by the addition of classification 6 will be reported to Council during FY 1982-83 budget hearings. Dated ~ / - ~ ~j -/Ud/~ .l'ul.[C1" lc l•:1-•1~1•:I) 7-G-7G Itei~lzces previous po)~ •i•I, • ` this r,urnbc:::. Pluase :,troy I••I•:l•; SC'1I1•;U11f,1; 5'I'I[.f, ('[11,1i1•;i~"I' cld j)oiiCy. , ~?Cr~~~d1T CHULA VISTA CITY SCH00~ DISTRICT Z BOARD POLICY ~ $-110 L•sc oI ~chcx)l l~ncilitic~: 1. Thf~ following i~ the sch~clule of fees to be charged for the use of school facilities by churches, private orl;anizations (includinb piasro and druice recitals), meelin„5 where :rdrnission fees arc char6ed or contributions arc not c:~;l)c:rclerl fur ih~: ~.vc:Ifarc of t1!a strulc:rts of thu district or cir:rri- tabie purposes: - - Each hour of - portion thereof Auditorium (Ito~crs) ~12.OU Auditorium 7.OU Auditorium (Small: 1. e. , 6. OU Ito~ers Anne, I,ducation CC'.ntl',r L3oard Itoonr, Library) Lil,rary (Cook, tlllc:n, Castle 4. UU I'.!rk, Laudi•r'~:!ch, Loma UCL•Cll!, ~IOn~_~C,..!v,t•}', 1~1CC', and V!~t~. ~,4:arc:) Cl:~ss ruorn - lundc;rg:u-tc:n 3. OU (;1:rssruorn - 1tct;uLrr 2. 5U J.urinl1u ~. UU Kitchan -Cent rat 10.00 kitchen - Sm:~ll 7.00 12.00 9. U U •. ?. ~U •~ li. UU ~~ l l IC liiL ~ jv~J i Fur tunes when custali~ns are not working, there shall be an ad~'!tion;!l r, charge of ;j7.00 per hour or portion thereof. (IVTinimum additional charge shall tw X21.. UU. ) 2. '1•hu fulluwin~; :ulditiun:rl infur•rnation p~rt:cins to i.hu :~chedulu of fcus and thu use of schucrl facilitieu: a. A custodian must be on duty when the building is in use. h. Ti~~' `:u~':c!ing principal is to determine where a cafeteria employee is to •~e on dot}~. ]<Iininrum Charge Three IIoursl X36. 00 21.00 18.00 -/G,~~~ . ~ ~'~s~~~~v ~~~ UJ~ ®~ ~1~~~~~ir5 1300.1 Charges for use of facilities shall be made in accordance with the following schedule of charges adopted by the Board of Trustees on July 27, 1978. A. SC:~'DULE OF CUSTODIAL FEES Orcup I chart 1. Coan~nltr organizations shall be granted use of school facilities free for uses as identified in Education Code Section 40048 1I no aC^isaion fee or coa[rlbution ie collected or where such rnoneya are used for Lhe benefit of district students or for vc)farr purposes and provided that the approved day and time of the activity does not require the district to cause esployees to work outside their normally scheduled working hours or causes the euployment of additional personnel for the approved activity. I. iac•.r ch.rfe only - 4'here the date and tine of the use of school facilities is outside the normal working hours of eaployees and r•Qutrea the district to request staff oe9bers to work on an over[icx basis, such organizations will be charged 54.50 per hour per e~ployre for the number of hours of use requested Dy the organization plus $9.50 per hour per eaployee for the nuaber of hours required for the preparation and cleanup of the facility requested. 7. All Group I cDaries (excess charge) are payable fa advance. ~. A alAiaun• of one (1) dlatric[ employee oust be on duty during the entire scheduled event. Croup 1I cDarfea 1. ]a t9e 'u r of churchrs or r_ligtoea organizations, a use of facilities charge [o aufficenily cover the cost to the district for auppltca and utilities shall be made in accordaott with [he following 6chedule of Rental Fees. 2. 1o t^.e c•ar of enteruinments or iseetinga when admission fees are charged er contributfooa are solicited and the net receipts of tie aCntaaion fcca are not expended for the welfere of the pupils of the district or for eharitaDle putyosea, s charge snail be aade for the use of the facilitira which charge shell not De less than the fair rectal value for LDe use o[ such facilities. 6ucD char~ea shall br in accordance with the following Schedule of Rentnl Fees. ~. In .Cdltlon [o the charges listed in [he aehedule of rental fcca, a salary charge will besude at the rate of $9.50 per Dour per e+~loyee for the number of hours of use requested by the organization plum a $9.50 per hour pet employee charge required for the preparation and cleanup of the facility. ~. All Group II use and salary charges are payable in advance. ~. A ^tnimua of one (1) district employer oust be on duty during the entire scheduled event. B. SCHEDULE OF RENTAL FEES Rental fees are based on a three hour minimum usage. If additional time is required, additional charges will be prorated. Rental charge does not include salary charge for district employee(s) assigned to the event or for preparation and cleanup of facility. Such salary charge shall be $9.50 per hour per employee. (See Croup I or Group II charges above.) AREA OR FACILITY Auditorium/Music-Drama Building with stage and dressing .rooms Auditorium/Music-Drama Building without stage and dressing rooms Auditorium/Music-Drama Building rehearsals (stage only) Adaptive Building Cafeteria, with kitchen Cafeteria, without kitchen Classroom, any single Gymnasium, with or without bleachers Gymnasium, with scoreboard & bleachers Use of shower & locker room Football Field, without shower, locker room & lights Football Field, with shower & locker room Use of PA and/or time clock, scoreboard Use of field lights Football Field, with all equipment and facilities (C.I.F. playoffs) ~-~o~~~ Exhibit 2 MINIMUR1 CHARGE $ 42.00 24.00 15.00 42.00 4?_ . 00 24.00 12.00 75.00 90.00 42.00 75.00 125.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 •f SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE - COMP~UPIITY USE OF CAt•1PUS FACILITIES GOVERNING BOARD POLICY South~restern College facilities shall be made available for use by community organ- izations. ucn uses awl not interfere with the on-gong eauca Bona programs o the o ege. Priority will be given to organizations serving Sweetwater Community College District residents. All facility use applications will be processed by the Community Services Office and forwarded to the Governing Board for approval. The Governing Board reserves the right to refuse use of District facilities. The follotiying policy and schedules determine the cost assessed to an organization for use or' College facilities: ~r~=non c r Non-profit community organizations such as youth groups, civic and service groups, other groups organized for cultural, educational or recreational activities, shall be granted use of facilities with the basic cost in accordance with Fee Schedule I. (Fees pay for minimum personnel required, utilities and standard equipment). Addi- tional fees may be charged if the use requires special services. `•' SC:'-DUCE II /• Oreanizations not qualifying for Schedule I will be charged fair rental, which, at the discretion of the District, will be one of the follo~ring: 1. Rental fee identified under Schedule II, or 2. 5U`; of the gross gate receipts with the minimum to be the Schedule II rate. The percentage rate shall be charged for any use which the District deter- mines to be for profit-making purposes. The District reserves the right to require the renter to furnish the District with all information necessary to determine the gross gate receipts. The Sweetwater Community College District reciprocates with State, County and local municipalities and public educational institutions primarily serving the residents of the District, and provides the District facilities on an excess-cost basis determined by the date, time and type of activity. The Ad~~~inistration shall annually recommend revision of use fees charged in line with current costs. The Administration shall annually revise and update application pro- cedures, rules and regulations. 7t~e Governing Board reserves the right to enter into long-term lease/rental agreements on an individual basis with the lease/rental costs to be determined by the Governing Board. APPROVED BY THE GOVERNING BOARD FEBRUARY 5, 1979 .~-~~6~~ `' ' AVAILABLE ~""ILITIES FEES F•fiCILITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR COMMUNITY USE MONDAY SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE i THROUGH Si,TURDAY (Cost per Hour) (Cost per Hou cLassRoo,•~ ~ 5 , ~~_ LECTURE HJ{LL (Seats 90) $ 7 $15 CHORhL R00;•1 (With Stage, Seats 140) $ 7 515 TREAT^E (Seats 463 - Minimum three-hour use) Lecture, Film $25 $50 Performance $35 570 (Green Roorn, Make-up Room, Restrooms) NOTE: Student Theatre Technicians, when needed 53 per hour ART G:,LLE~Y (Three-hour minimum use) $10 $25 STUDEiIT U';IO't (Three-hour minimum use) ~+est Side (Seats 256) $15 $45 East Side (Seats 324) $15 545 iIOTE: Access to Kitchen requires Cafeteria personnel $5.50 per hour CO"5A.TI'JES RGOt1 $10 525 G'f,";:;SIU'•t (S~ats 2,250 - Minimum three-hour use) $30 $85 Scoreboard $ 3 5 5 Shcrrer ~ Locker Room (Three-hour minimum) $10 ~ 520 SOFTS.'.LL/SOCCER FIELD $ 2 510 BASEc.~LL FIELD $10 525 t,OTE: hack Equipment Aide, when needed, $3 per hour TE,~t; I S COURTS ( Per court) $ 2 510 }{;,;;O;,,LL COURT S ( Per court) $ 2 $10 S7~,OIU;; (Seats 7,200 - Minimum three-hour use) $25 $100 Sno~rrer € Locker Room $10 $20 Pressbox, P.A. and/or Scoreboard $ 5 $10 Field Rocros (Limited availability) $10 515 Licnts $15 $20 MOTE: Additional clean-up fee required PLA~TAP,IU,•1 (1 1/2 hour day program by Planetarium $40 staff) Evening - Three-hour minimurl $80 S'~I"`"I';G POOLS $20 $50 Shower & Locker facilities $10 $20 • APPRO'JED BY GOVERNING BOARD FEBRUARY 5, 1979 -/v6i~