HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1953-472
oa.DD!J:IGE. NO, 47A
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SEe'rION 1, All auto and tra::"lar' pa,'I:", ,I:','~hin the CIty of
CiUlla ViaUol sh..!11 oonloY'm to 'the raeet.rlc:ll.'J P':lr:l,p J-ieD.:L-,h" Blild:'h\;'
and Plu::,Jbing lJ:cd;in'olIH~er; of till. Ci'1W of Gh\J:<'a 'fLeaj t:&'wc.i1ded.
except <:,$ here:l..naft.eJ:' :"pecii'i.,d"
SF,C1'!ON 2. IlEFINIUONS. (nj :'OT' tl"" [JUl.'pO'ie of ~!ns Drd:\.1'8'lce.
certain word3 and phrS!ses .are def1n.3d ag fol1uHs,J and cox'toG.in pl'cvlsiol1S
shall be cOll:J"W:'uad as herein s,r:::t f(E'th, ill'J.J.os~: :tL .~11Clll. ht=: appar~nt
frOll1 th:a context that 't,be~' have a diff";~ell'l; lnwll1:Lng"
(b) Words used in the 8ing\llm~ include th3 pl'clraJ,., and the
plural the singular" Worm. used in t.he p:r-e~lent ten:3e inclllde tl.'.i~
(1) "1'raj.1er Coach" meaU3 any cr;lnp cnr, tl'1l5.1er 0.' other vehicle,
Idth or ldt.hout motive poner, deeigned tmd confJt:,:uctsd to travel on
tbe public thorou.ghfares .do, the m&:.dlllum alloud)l'J speed lim! t, 2nd :Lll
nccordlll1C:e with the provisions of the Gp.l:ifornill llo'"o)~ Vehicle Code,
and designed or used for hurl!llll h:abj:tation" n'fra;Ueol.''' 21,:0 means
"trailer coach".
(2) "Auto and tra.iler pa:dtU lTieans au~\r RX"~;::i or .~r<liCt. of land 1.,.h~:t'e
space is oCCUpi'9d or r~'lted or hl'Jld out for r',~ll'i to Qn~ or mot'C users
or Oll!1ers or trail"r cO::lchos. o)!' ';;here fl'e,a p:u'k"ng is perm:tt.ted olner'!!
or users of t.railer coach\'l9 fo:r the PUJ1)Ooe of f3<,c:u,ring their trad'l.
Wherever the '1A~:cm n TI"f.ilfl!' Par;,it is used in this ordi..''lance it 3hall
mean "auto and trailer park".
(J) "Trailer Site" lU"'lIDS any porUon of an auto and tr;~ner park
de$igned for the use 0,1"' ccCUpancj" 01"ol1G ti"ail~r c03~h 01: camping. p.a~ty"
(4) "Approved", >ben tlsed :in corllle(:tion with any material,
appl,i,ance or construction, l1l\3ans meetinglJ1.e requirements and
approval of the Building Department o.t' the City of Chula Vi~ta.
(5) "Building" meane public toilets, public baths, la\Uldry
rooms. or other structures and includes" e:ompartlnent containing
a 1j()ilet or bath, or bot.h, cOll3t.Mlct.ed .fo:r t.h€' (,.Yc:clu:r.i:v"e U~{.: of
an occupant of a trailer site.
(6) "Liquified petroleum gasll means petro.l.OUllI hydrocar~n!l
or mixtures thereof, in liquid or gaseous stats. ~~ving a vapor
pressure in excess of 26 p.s.i. at a temperature of lOO degrees F.
Whenever the symbol "LPGII is used, it :;Mll mean liquif1.ed petroleum
(7) In an auto or tre.iler park. "nuisar,,'e" includes any of
the following: (a) Any nubance known at cOl!llcon law,
(b) Whatever is dangerou8 to hUl\1an life or i6 d"trimental to
heal tho
Overcrowding of any tl'Gilel with occupants.
Insufficient ventilation ';1' ll1wnination of any rOO"l or
(e) Inadequate or insanltarf sewage or plumbing f.tC~.lities.
(r) Whatever renders air, food. or drink unwholesome, or detri-
mental to the health of human b~1ngs,
SECTION 3. ENFORCEMb'NT: It shull be the duty of the Construction
Inspector and the Buildint~ Department to enforce all of the provisiOl,S
of this Orctlnance, and for the purpol;e of securing enforcement thereof,
the Construction Inspector. or any oj' his duly autJlOrized representative"
or the Health Officer of the City of Chula V:lst.a when duly authorized ~.
the Admini5trative Officer are hereby <!I1lp<:iwel'ed to enter private
property to determine if a trailer pa,:k wdstll and further empO>Jered
to enter upon the premises of. any auto trailer pnrk now operating Or
lbich may hereafter be operated with:l.l the City of Chuln Vista to
inspect the same and all accommodaticns connected therewith.
SECTION 1.~" IJ:CENSE td~:) LICFJJSE f~]!:.. It ~Jhal1 l-;e unla.hifu.l .1:'01'
any person,. fi!'m", partne:ruhip or cOi....poI'atio.tl,'! eith.0X' for him~;:;e.lf or
itself or for any other person, firm, partr",rship Or' corpol';;. tion
wi thin the corporate liTIli ts of the Gi ty of Ghula Vist'l to own or
operata an auto and trailer park until he ox' it first obtains the
permits required in thi.s ordinance and OlIGO "b.tains a l:i.cense therefol'
&Ild pays an ':~mnllal license fee equal tA,'l ;~~2" 00 per year for each traj~e?
site contained in .the auto nld trailer park prO\'ided tn,,',', such annual
fee 3ha11 not be less than Eifty ($50000) DolJ.["'3o 1i.ce!wes hereunder'
iS3Ued shall be issued on " '.~alcndar year basis fwd sh@ll be issued
for no less than one c~~endar year. All licel'ses ~han bo paid for in
adV'anc'~, a1ld no rebate gL\'en for an unused rortion 01 t.he term. For
nevI auto and trailer pa.rkn the license 1'e" for t.he fir.\t ;year shall he
apportioned as follous: Thrce~fourths of the annual fe" where the au.to
o.Dd trailer park i-s comm(:~n(;ed and ()pen foZ" business bBtHtnn tlhe first
day oK Jipril and the 30th day of JUl1", Ime-half 61' tile aIc....ual fee Hhet'c
the auto or tratler parle :'..3 commenced \)I)tl,een the 1st day of July and
the ;lOth day of September, and one-f01.u'th of the annUl.l .tee where the
auto or trailer park is commeneed belMeen tile 1st day of "etob'.r and tolls
;llst day of December. In the event a<1m. tional trailer 3i te~ are addc;ct to
an existing park, the abo"", fee for eadl trailer site shall h, paid for
the !mIanee of the year and for each succeeding year in the lIl<Uller and
amount above mentioned before the same are offered for rent..l. 7.f the
licenses in this ordinance provided for shan not be paid ai' or b'.,fol'e
the 15th day of the month follOlrlng the date when they shall i\eCOllt3 due,
then a pElnaJ.ty of 25% of the license due and payable shall be aLded tlwrew
and no license shall be issued until such P<lnalty has been paid. '''h'l<
prov1l!lions of this section shall be effecti'r~ for the whole of the
calendar year 1954.
hereafter established shall be lOcated 'iii thin the City of Chula Vi.sta
until the location thereof is approved by the Planning Commission )f
said City in the followinr{ manner:
oDe; 1;2,
(a) The person desiring to locate and operate an auto and trailer
park in sud City shall file an application therefor lllith the Plamling
Commission and Building Department. Said application shall be accompanied
Four copies of a true legal description of the gl'ounds upon which the
auto and trailur park is to be constructed and a plot plan showing the
trailer sites and locations of any buildings; complete plans and specifica-
tions of the proposed constructior:>., and a description of the water supply,
ground drainage and method of sewage disposal,
(b) Said application sball be accomp;anied with II filing fee of FIFTY
(;150.00) OOLLARS.
(c) Upon receipt of such applica t.ion, the Planning Comnission sh2.11
fix a time and place for the holding of a public heaZ'ing thE,reon. Notic"
of such hearing shall be given by at least one p11hlicatj..on in a newspaper
of general circulation in the City of Chula Viata. Such notice shall state
the time when the peti tionNill be heard by the Planning Commission, which
shall 00 not less than ten (10) days from the date of publication. At the
time o.f the hearing of said application, the Planning Commi.;sion may hear anyone
appearing for the purpose of providing or objecting to the granting of the
ap): ieation,
No permit shall b~ granted 1IDless the Planninp; Commission, by a
majority vote of its members, or the City Council on appeal, shall find,
from the evidence presented, all of the fo1J.Oldng facts to b" tI-oc: (1)
111at the land is zoned for the proposed use oz' a zone variance had b"'()n
duly obt;rlned and is in fuU force and effect, (2) hat the operation an:!
maintenance of a trailor park would not W1.duly :i:.~ter:fel'e with the enjoyment
of adjacent property devoted to existing residential use; (J) '!hat the
proposed use would not result in dangerous automobile traffic congestions;
(4) That the proposed vse would not be materially det \.menta.! to the
public welfare or injurious to the property and property improvements in
the i.mJnediate neighborhood; (5) That it appeaI'ed, and on the e>xpresB
condition that, all of the provisions of this ordinance would be complied with.
Any person wishing to appeal the action of the Planning COllUllission
shall 110 notify the Conmission in writing of such ac tion wi thin ten
(10) days after the COlIIl1Iission'15 approval or rejection of the application.
The Planning COmmission withint.hirty (30) days after receipt of notice
of appeal shall communicate its finding and recommendatio.,.s regarding
said application to th3 City C,,~dL Thl!i City Council "h,l1 th(;rHlpOn
publ1cll1ly hear and finally and cmclusivllly detennine whether or not
such application shall be granted Ilnd whether the above ment:l.oried facts
are true, giving such notice of th" hearing upon said applicaU.on as it
de6lllll proper. Upon granting of afPl"OV8l by either the Commissicn or the
City CouncU, the Building nepart.m~l1t shall be so notified in writing
and shall iSl1ue I' build1ng permit after receipt of applicatioo, plllll and
specificatiQt1s as required herein, e:lcept tha~ ten (10) days shall first
be allowed to expire after approval hiS been granted by the Comm1ss:.on.
SECTION 6. EXPIRATION UF BlJ:LDJ./lG .PERMIT. All permits require,j in
this ordinance for construction r,f an "-uto and trailer park shall autt'-
matically expire if 90 days have passed fl'om tha date of the issuance
thereof and the start of con~truction and ifd1ereafter conlltruction itl
not pursued with rell80nablll dUigence to conc1usiQ..,. provided, howevel';
that the Building Departlllent may before said period of 90 days hall pasfwd
extend the expiration date of said pemit for a reasonable t.1lne.
SECTION 7. UCENSE. Upo."1 the completion of any such tra:"lcr park,
and prior to the use thereof, the owner or operator of such trailel' park
shall procure the license required by Section 4 of this Ordirumce. ~t:~
Building Department shall first. make II final inspection of th8 trailer J..'rk
referred to in ~aid llppllcation, and if it is found to be in conformity
wi th the requirements of this and all other ordinance:! of the City of
Chula Vista and the laws of the State of California, said license shall
be issued.
SECTION 6. EXISTING TRAILER PARKS: The owner or operator of an
auto and trailer park in existence in the City of Chula Vista upon the
effective date of this Ordinance shall. within 30 days following the
00 Lr/~
effective date of this Ordinance, llRke application in writing for a
license to .0C(~upy or maintain a trailer park, accompanied by a des-
cription of the grounds upon which buildings are situated and a plot
plan sho'ldng sach trailer s:l.te and the loc<!tion of all buildings.
under the provisions of this ordinance shall be paid into the City
Treasury anr' credi t"d to the Gen,}ral F'tmd,
SECTIO;I 10. SUSPENSION l\NL REVOCATION. Whenever it is found
that any tl'ailer park is not being conducted in confonni ty with the
provisions of this Ordinance or 1;l1e laws of the State of california,
the licen:w to operatE; same shall be subject to revocation or suspension
by the Cie,y Council in the following manner, to wit: (a) Upon failing
to comply with any provision of this Urdinallce, after receiving a notice
in writing frOI" the Suildinll Departlnent set~ing forth the viOlations, a
notice 51'...!:!. be served by the Building Depar\,llent on the parson holding
said ;.iceruse~ ordering him '~o appear before ~e City Council, at a day
r.ld hour therein specified, not loss than fifteen (1,) dayll after the
service of said notice on such license holollr, and requiring him to
show cause at said time and place wh.'r said l;tcense should not be revoked
or sUllpended. (b) The notice shall be sent by registered mail, posta,le
prepaid, return receipt requested, to the person or persons owning or
operating said trailer park as such person's r~es and addresses appear on
the last equalized asses8l1Illnt roll or as otherwise known to thE. Building
Department. A copy of said notice shall also be posted conspicuously upon
the premisell of the trailer park alleged to be in violation of this or any
other ordinance of said City or the 13.... o~ the State of Ca.lifornia. The
representative of the Building Department, upon ~ving notice as aforesaid
shall f11e an affidavit thereof with the Clerk of said city certifying to
the time and the marmer in which such notice was given. There shall also
be filed therewith any receipt cards which may have been returned in
acknowledgement to the receipt of Buch notJ.ces by registered ooilo The
failure of any owner or operator to receive notice or the failure of the
Building Department to give notice shall not affect in .my manner
the validi ty of any proceedings taken herelUlder. At thn time and
place mentioned in said notice, the perlilOn holding said license shall
~ppear in person artd be represented by cOIUlsel, and introduce such
evidence as he Jll;ly desire, and the Building lJepar11nent shaH confront
said license holder wi t,h such charges that said Ilepartment U'"y have
against him, "nd after said hearing t,he City COlIDcil may revt'ke or
suspend the license if the Council determines from the evidenc,
presented that the charges are true. Continued operation after
notice of suspension or revocation shall be considered a violatio~
.of this Ordinanoe.
SECTION 11. TRANSFER OF LICENS)!;. The transfer of a license t;.,
operate 01' maintain a trailer park lJlay be permitted upoo the wrltten
application of the newcwt\er or operator of the trailer park to the
Building DeparUnent, accompanied by a :l'ee of Th'ENTY-FlVE ($25.00)
DOLLARS. Vlithin ten (10) daY5 after the receipt of application for
transfer, the Building Department shaH inspect the trailer park and
if fOlIDd to be in comrliance with this Ordinance the transfer wUl be
permitted. If folUlct to be in violation, t.he ouner shall correct the
violation within thirty 00) da;ys :lfter receiving notice thereot'.
SECTION 12. GENERAL lillSTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for any
person owning or operating an auto and trailer park, to use or cause
or permit to be used for oecupaney; (a) Any trailer eoach from which
any tire or wheel has been removed, except for the purpose of IIlQking
temporary repairs.
(b) Imy trailer coaeh to which are attached any rigid water, gas
or sewer pipes; provided, however, that IOOtal tubing not to ex.cead
one-half inch inside diameter may be used for water and gas.
(c) Arrr trailer coach which is permanently attached ~1ith under-
pinning or foundation to the ground.
ed) Any trailer coach which does not conform to the requirements
of the California State Motor Vehicle Code governing the use of trailers
on public highways.
(e) '~B~r tr.J.ilcr t:;~E.\..Jl VIJ!llcl1 clu,~;:) nUL c(-,ury ct l..-ul_l :L:-t'!; ~r9.-:-rly
li.8cn3", ';"~\-JueJ uy d!J)I 3Lc:tLe or 10relgn st,J.te motor ven5 cl~-
dGFal tUH::::.u b-.
(f). Any trailer coach in an insanitary condition.
(F) Any trDiler cODch cJhich is structurally unsound
and does not protect its inhabitants against the elements.
(El-) Any trailer coach to cJhich there is attached or to
which there is established less than six feet adjacent thereto
any room or rooms or lean-tos; provided, however, that a fire
proofed awning shall be permitted that is not enclosed or subject
to enclosure on one half of one side vertically and further pro-
vided that such semi-enclosure shall not exceed 70 square feet
in area, and except as othenlise provided herein.
SECTION 13. nrmTHIG PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful
for a peIson owning or opera~ing an auto and trailer park to
rent as lessor or hold out for rent any trailer coach in an
auto and trailer park.
SECTION 11,. Tlol\lTS PROHIBITED. 1':0 tents may be erected or
occupied in an auto trailer park.
SECTION 15. p~':~nKIl\jG TRAILE1-1 CO.rI.CHES. It is unlav}ful to use
a trailer for living or sleeping purposes except when parked
within a licensed trailer park.
It is unla',rful to
camp over night or to park- a trailer coach over night upon any
portion of the right of 1,my of any publi c street or alley.
This provision c;hall not apply "here a trailer coach ie, o,.rked
for the lJur:pose of making crnerg::::;ncy rerlairs.
"peTIu'" l~
,_)J:!J ill r'"
Each trailer site in an
auto and trailer perk shall not be less than QI<m THUUSAND (1000)
square feet in area and shall be not less than 25 feet \,ide.
(Joe; 7-x
The carrJers ()f said drea shall be cl(~arly ~rld distinctly marked.
Each trailer site "he,ll be numbered cr otheniise m:,rked for
identification :,urpOSet3. A Ii tsd oul12tin board indicating
the location of e,-_!ch trailer spO-ce {Ilust bc~ displayed at or n(~ar
the office.
(b) ~o ~rait,er coach shalJ_ be located closGr ~han six feet
from any building or another trailer coach; provided, however,
that thi;3 do(~~'3 not:, apply to ci compDrtli1~;nt cont:lini:'lg E301ely a
private toilet or bath, or both, con"tructed fcr L~he ezcLu"ive
use of an occl1pant of
trailer site designed for the occupancy of
one trailer coach.
(c) Eachtrdiler coac}l dud each bui lIlg 8h2J.1 not be located
closer than five (5) feet from the boundary ]_inc of thetrai.ler
(d) Each trailer site shall front upon a driveway not less
than thirty ()O) feet wide, except that where off-street par*ing
faciliti::s i.;:.r(; pro\rjJled, the drivev,ray s 11 be not les.s tban
tVlenty-five (25) feet \"'lide, and in :_'3uch CD.SO GldenUclte i3i[)lS shall
be ~)oc;ted and iflccinta:Lned indiciiting that Darking is forbidden
in such dri v ev.,.' ay,s . All dri Vel-\Td.)i-S
I have clear 2nd unob-
structed access t;a 2
i cLhor'cu(:hfare.
~~ch tr[li-Ler shall be
parked (JD Gach site i_th ~lle llitch frorltin~coward -this driveway.
,1 ut~c
tri':!_:l, leI' l};;Ll'k :Jha1l not de comrnoda t8 dny
trai,ler coaC}l ,-/nE::n i.=,J)(~re are no Clvcl.~__lable L.r;::Lj.ler :.:ite~;; j.thin
the [)clrk.
:~~CTI~jK IS. TOIL1~lr Fl\CI'fITIES.
(a) Thero shall be not
less than ~t~O ~Jater closet~ in d separate c
rtrnent t'or ;C::lch
sex for ~hG first fifteen (15)
, . , . ,
"Cr,JJ_.Ler S].L,e~', or
c ti.unal nay't
ehereof, not pl'O\rideci ',JiLh Ct priv",te "iltel' clo"et on Silcf] "its.
l.!. b::: one
T; ~l
"i.;~~.,t8r c103(:::t for
, '
(~;i'!.C.tl :Jex J_fl Ec
ri-,~ te c j'll~J,';;. r'tjn~n t fur every ten (10)
, ' 'I ' ' t
-L,r:~-~l__:;r .'::31 -es
fJ(~frdctiondl rt thereof.
. (b) Toilet fi..:cilitie,(.-) 3La.Ll not be furtlv:lr than t1iiO hundred
(200) fc;c:t. frum ,";clcn trailer site.
(c) I'GGch tUi_,_8t :::.h,::;.ll L:'~0
the sxC~LU3j_v8 use ()f ttle oc-
cupants of the trailer sitps lrl th0 ~)uto arId trc,iler
(d) }~\l(~ry :.';citnr clo~;et c
n,t i:c ;iLY b.Jil:'-i
1.(1 1'1
auto ,me! trailccr -lldrk shell 1 be Tt lea it thirty (30) :Ll1cbec; in
clear !,fi dth.
The public to:ilet~.s ohdll be ;:j,-.'.intcLLncd r )i)iJ_I,
:;1 C C C(,;:;.i. bJ;~:
to t2Iiant,:3Tt. C1.11 tiCi8S.
(f) In Gvcry UU~O arId ~r~iler
rk, water closets 1'01' ]I~Cn
sh,Jll be distinctly mGL:cked ltFor f,'TenH; ,:~Llld .<Jtcr clo,:::jct,'j ;.':_H".,'-O-.
men ,.,1:1,>,11 1)8 di~)tinctly marked lfFor 'I./oment;. In ddition, he
loc;:ltion of \,,; jter closet,;:; shedl bR )lej_inl1 indicG.~t8d by ;3i~~.,ns.
The floor of evr~ry
tcr closet cCi:lT)artment ::3hal1 be
constructed and shall be ~aintained in a ~~tGr proof condition
by the use of CemGrlt, concrete, or other approved waterproof
fnaterial. T~Ie '.",'ater-proof lnaterial E_;"1~1"11 be ~~~.c)plind u-0\-..'ard on the
int8riori'.'alls of the WfitCl_""' closet compartment, to a 11 :,i:~:Jrc of
not IF:: (~ '-'1.1"r'. ';".. ,~l-r~ (1")
_ ~~ vi d, v.: .'.._ \ ~J __,,:,
j.Dches ~bOV0 tlie fJ.oor.
(ll) Buildings COIl'taining f'riv~.te toilet ~nd bath
for exclu~:Lve u~e of ()Cc
ts ori e3C[l trdiler 0j_.te
1] iJC
c<l:tl:::;truct.ed ill :;~ccn
C'::: ';,i i;h \.:,112 CUj'j:~;'cruct_Lon r(;ij,lLiren-l::~nt:3
oS' public utility buiJ.rlirlgs.
,;T;;cnON 19.
L<3,~ ell' 1\.n~:Ul~Tc3 Ii",! TR..:.\kILER's. It J_,S unl,')_\,rrul for
uny parson to usc) or [er'joltthe l.[SO of, any' toilet in ~iLj tr~~,18r
COCich ,/iLIJj,D ::Ui ~.i.l"t,-:) ,:..;.;]::l tr::.:i.~Lur JXlri<:, unles;::i ~~'Iuch toi.let ;_tn,:)
truiler park nleet the roc'L,il~Gmr)rlts La
1 ]') (} PT '~ (' :", <-
~__l~ u,'J V. ./) ,./.~<.J.
9 of 'Ghc C~..Jj,fornla i'..clnirli::::tral..ive Code CiS nc)v) ;~)c;t- f'orcb -',:,h'~rei.n,
or as t}18 same may be 2mi~ndG from 'ilrlG to Lime.
c::J: rt:li t t (j d
U6f~ of' toilet dnd
n~.; fo.ci.li'cis;j ".'i 0h:Ln
(' L,r,-,,'] Lsr :~C~:CJ.l-
8L~,,11 riot re,':_l.lCr.?
,- -r:'
th f(;.ciliti(j~J
req',,!.j.red herein.
3~:SC TIerr 20.
jj,.Tl r (' f' ',C:C:L'-
( )
"I L j' JL';J"G() <~:1d
tov 7 ::<.
pic~rl':, ~;!~:Y,.::;>r L.: Lh or oLl !' b,j-Ll:j '2,;.
ciliti. ~ j.Lil 110~ 2nd coJ_d
rUIL ing .,~-_ltcr
be irlst~lled for ecich 0~X III
-','j}~,'~;te CUl.llpc;Lrt-
ments Eor e'l,;r-y f:Lftc~'_1; (1_)) (;r _?r:J.ctiorLLl
o~~. fi ftJ: '-;il (15)
trnileT sj,te:i not
i'L)-l 'J~ivjte be lng fQcj_li~ic~; on
ec\cL site.
Sve~Cjr C(~.(j!~)' cti!lc:n-c ~~,[, ~11 b "JI-'ovi (_".>,'-1 ',j.th d. 281f-
clo,c:.dn{', door) (~(-lr~E)trl:~C t>;J uf'
r:-l.,_ci.L ( r:1. 1 ".; i :1_ c n
) "1
1..1 -L;.(J C
Jater, or (jt :C','li,'38 c({uipped l,:rL th C!. \".d. t(?r-~:)roofed
i,',1 ":urt ;,in.
SIE)'"Ier b~J.~h~J ()Y' oth~:'r b...:.tLi!l{; fs.c~i.1Lt:i.i?(3 provi c1 "ll'rl:;in
::l11 I~ ::t
be .L'i:.i_rth(-~r
n t/''''"Q l:un_clrcd (200) f.' """ f_i."ULl (:):;lch t-''''_L~. L
:~_l.' a
BaLtj_DL f~ciliLi8s sllall be ncceGsibl~ at
I times.
The floor 0:L' (:, ";:cy ;J:,J}1.'.rer
th com '~rtii12nt ~jllall be
constructed an\'.1 bi-lu_Ll be; ;.!i~:.iilt,:.-.Ln;':'c"
.;:i_t':l'proof C
bJ ~
? Ci.:;II;,':::nt) c:jnc__c'~:t(], or ()l~h.'1' d.ppcoved ','-.'~.lt8rp:r-'oof
mo. teri.al.
The 1"ialls of every- ;::.;h()',:Ier }YJ.th ci'Jm:_:drtllcnt -ce, (J llcit:ht
of not lr~ss 'lh,~in six L'(-;c;t D_bov;,:~ c.hr.::; _fleer ;"}l:.:!,ll L-:'2 C ~~:':'Jtrl),ctf;d
of c(n":..;unic or fnc;
_~t11(~tQl or e(:tlivalont material.
tile or
(c) iooden or cloth matE} or grids ;,j~LJ.ll not be usen in
b~lthinE c
Svery wo.ter closet
l ,,'-, --"I
-JT'T,~::-:: ..
C ompo.rtment or compartment contdning bathj.ng fac.:Lli tics shall bA.
Cleaned dc:ii:ty
d.i:.3:l.nf:::.'cted "iith a hY~:Jochloricle
solution or equiv~leDto
(b) Kc)t frC)8 frocn obnu~~iou0 o'..tors, flies, TJO;J(~uj.toes, or
other ii'u:Jects ':"_11:::1 tlj
Lc kc:pt 1-'/211
Ix:-~int cd.
_1. Ll v
.ill facilj_ties stl~J_l be l~ 9~ ill ;C)oJ
Pruviil~::ci \,,;ith one or' rL)rc~ ',."
Vlr'~ ~n aggI'cgate
(ire:J 01' n':jt. l.'~:;b~;
~ix (6) S~Udrc fJet.
}-Iowever) :if Ll e r om
cuntains mar,?
tor clo~et, batll, or lLrinul, the total
Gn ant:;
vlindow area 01-1::111 be ec,uiv;-;l(:;nt -GO three (3) S-::l:,.~.~r':? f:,:::et _:~-'(.-:-r e:J.cn
1:'-.'ati~r closet) bath OT' uI'iilal, !)ut, n,~;t':;cl n(Jt_:xce,::d one-fourth of
the ~uDcri'ici21 floor area of the rOOilla
"'ifty (50) twr '~:nt of
tILl re(_c~irC'd \,ITnr:JOVv' L,l-'(~,__ :shull Lc:~
"'~r';;:.Ll e.
O(j(17 Z-
(ct) DWS and JlJOr sl!2JJ ]J8 prntec~ed :;l~h f'ly-tj
sCY'ecnin ,".
, _.". .' .... ..., -C:'
':_~Jors 1IIc:i..'j L~C:U'..)Cu_ :,_'n.':;-ce:~(). 01.
'scr,:;:en dears.
(c) Th';~r(-; ,'_3hi:.':.Il be cnn:-;c}'uct)c;u In ev,';ry tr~_:~iI2,(' }xirk
a L)ul1dr'"j' cc-rn[)~J.:ctnlc;nc,,'i:LtL not le~3;3 -chc:<n ~:''--IO l:::iU.~"--lc_lr-j''- cr::;~/;:;
SUp'J_iied ~j,-Cll ilot and cold 01ater.
(f) 2 floc.r,s an;,)_ dt lCd,;t. t\,','clve (12) ~Lnch,-::;;) 0: tr18
~alls atJove t}lG floor shall be c~.n~truc't
of approved 'icrLGr
pr'oof Ii1J.sonry c(,-jnp0:3iT,ion.
(,) E,.~tch l::!
1 h2T\/8 \,":L:l(J()
r~; c~ LID. 1
C,jltl );j.l~ LrjH:::nt
to at least one eighth of ths Cloor ~rea, but lfl nu Ci_L~e slldll
it I", 1,,";3 ell, di~ie (9) "CLene fcc,t. Fifty (5U) nee c{~nt
of tlle re:luired 1jj,lldo area stl~ll be openaole.
rk tLo?
,"~hD.l1 !:H) :~;;\.1
In every &~l~,O ~~nd tr:li.Ler
iJ.~:1ide a ,~~,-:J,~:',cc C L V{:~l~:L,:; TC .~/) the
l.Lrl~r'y i'[tcilities i'cr the
occupants of the ~rilj.ler sites to dry clot}les.
(i) Ther':~ :.,;h:~~ll be _'_L ~;,~0..11~;,~,:;" ~n CV: ~L.)" auto and trai ler
park onG or more slop 0
'.;p,:~;,j ;.".':lth rU.l1 1.
JE;te:c' ,
..... e
\"Jhich ,'-,h~.\Jl be locci.ted ~t-C (':'~dch 'nut,lie utility bU:L.lding.
(j) ere '1halJ. b not less II :lD '~~O lavatories for eucll
sex instulled in every- cl.__;":i 1
in un auto ilnd trailer )urk
containirl~ I~ublic to:i~10-ts.
SI~C'l'ION 22.
.. _:'~ Ti~::,J~~)(j::::'
(2.) Tl.~:;re SJ-1G.l1 be J~n
eveCj c:-luto and t,:r-'iLllcl' p ,rJ;: G.n :~;,QU(.. U::..tc ~;ll() j' uf '1 '('C" .,.:x!~,,:,;r
fo!' all -~l-le ru ~j_ir<'-'!nC:jlt~) uf l,l,e tl....dile
che 1..'2tcr
sl!ull be ootilindble from f'dLcets irisc lIed at edel! tr'&~L_er
,. , .. ,.
L];':;'uI~LOL..I'I:':l.l.Jrl iJ
l)~~pe ,'~~j_ze2<
'1.1 >,() ,1 n'
.~,'-- u.~ '-.'..G ,','
~ll ,_~..ccorcL~nc,:; ,,'liL:.L UU.-0~~ n~l f)urGdU of ~~tandClrds BlVIS 79"
:~;,.,ch trC::..Ll.e-c ;::::ILLJl ;:,):2 cun idercd. as ~)ix (6)
~'~;..:, u:ce LU,:l. t~:.
VU;:i;:;)cl.'-~ or cu.o>--' j__'(~ -(' C jilnl; I_~
]'.1 0 ,;1 r':L J-L:',
-"-' -'er-
:ni,~,~~;j.l)lc In :::tHY n-eu :J _, L:ctlller
'- ~
~;]-L~J.l be. l-
DT'~; n ,'_;' ~~) r un-!- .-i_Yl ~_j) T,
sani t;;,rj) an.cl
1 L:
')8 ::1:: pruve (i h.y' ell
~;llJ'(jrc ::1;1 nt
C):~ J.
J.c,~;ncy .
~J_l~CJfI()l'T 23.
. _~ L i~)
') u.C:f:L c i (' '1 t jl
i'l C('
{l; can::) ith
1 ;,1JeledJ
"\i _~r
. -;:r-o
be 2rovided ~o c;)n~ain
.:,:co,Juc c"d by
~-....:_ _L
.Ie":' LC'i ;;,.n:)
l) I))
,,_~v ,:~\J'J"
tr::LLt~Jr:-);;j_rk :JL
1 }".:, '._'!:-c[l(;cl} ur
C'llce: fJ'n;
;_'.C_ '.'~
JDG di~DOS2d of j_LhoL~ croaL
c. nui;:; ,:Dec.
In- !If;
,-. fly ",
cc:-ncrcte floor,
1 ~ It
in, clIlCl rurujnc
11 be Dro-
vided for the storu~G of
rb2[G ~nd tr~lbh cr~rl'tl~rler .
(~]ECTI()N 24.
"'lc~i3T;~ id\'D:3D; CE DI;3 '-;.;~IJ.
It Shill be
unld;i'Iful Lo .peTICllt; ctllY \ ( :G(~' '.,'C:lLc;T' 'J~~ IL_.t
U::' illl~:~, C)r
llil1bing fixt'.-Ll'C:J i.n d nubIie toilet or bath buildinp;
or ill d CI'2l18r coacll S(~ 0e Je sited
.r){i (,11('; .;<-L ;~: c:; uf
uc\'uncl, ,in.l ,,1l
iJ;}') '1' 1~ I'::~c ,;JL -S C<:; conn:~ct8cl to a ~,ul)lic
sanit~ry sewer system.
:~P.-'~)oses of desi~lling :")C~IL':"L'/;
3te~it::,; t-;dch Lrct i.lor cOdeh ~;
, ,
s six (ij) f:1.:<curc ,.Lll:l_tS.
~,:E;C'i.lI()N 25..
,Ii'.: 'T',;~j' ,UC:2.: (a)
e ~rea Oj~ cr~ct of
neJ U:'Or1 __ ~,Cd ~LL ~).:xt<! e;;.lF.1 Lr'..;,:LJ<'r
i:J _,:Ltu::Lted E,nd
:;i:, C h C.L':. i
:.1. '~e:
'." :1.[ '.':'
i. j' ,:_~~_",;.... __~ilc:"3 _ell.J l--,)"'.:.::.:Jr:?d.
(2) Ori.\/p'\':::ys ~)hJ.l1 be ~)uT,faced 1th t\'O incI18s (2") of
(Joe; 7 ;Z
rOcld mix p;:;,v(~In'2nt oc l)C'L-'",er <"-incJ t~h,::; Sllr'liJ.Clng shall be kept
in good repairQ
(3) All aY'(~asJ other than J..and2C~tped dl't::"i,:':: (jr drivev/2:/s,
shall be covered or treated ~~it}l an oil ~cQl sUT'face or hetLer.
(4) keTlt free from Just.
(5) Kept cleL;:.l1 and fr,~(~ frolD tbe dCcu.i[]u~L-ltion OJ :cefu;J8,
gdrbu~e, rubbi~ll or debris.
(6) Tn(-=:" trailer site and the SlX.<cl~ ciiY'2ctly b.:~nc':~1.l ~l e~:i_ch
tr~ ilcr cadell shall be kept clean alld i'rce i'rom refuse, rubi:lish
or other iiDpeJilnents.
(7) ~llblic ~ld(lreSS syst:~ms or 1oud-Gpe~kers shdll 110t
be herc;aftrH' j~nstalled i.n an ,luto ,,~nd i~railer
de !.ihi cll can
be heard beyond the boundaries of the park, and any such
existing pub~ic ddllr'scis systerns or loud speakers shall be
removed prior to January 1:.:t, 1(;156. l\!o :3uch I,lublic acldrc~ss
system or loud ~pedlcer shall be u~ed bet\~een tl18 !l~~urs of
9 o'clock P.M. and 8 o'clock A.M.
The Ioca', ion,
installatiorl) rnarking, filJ_ing, mainteYlci!lCe and use of LPG tanks
:ind associated 8(lUiplilcnt shall b(~ in dccord,~j,nce v.:i th the industrial
safety orders of the C lifurnia State Divi.sion of Industrial
S2fety uS affects LPG.
,'~~ECTI()N 2'7. JiJJi:CTfi.1C;:'~1, I.i\)~)1';\LL!tTIONS. All &uto and trailer
parks shall irl~tnll ~rld urovicle 2TI electrical service and distri-
bution sy~tem as l"o.Llows:
(a) Each trdiler site s112J.1 be Dro-
vided \J;.liLll an applid,nce outlet receptDclc, rated <'.It. n(~t less
than t1venty (20) amperes, inst~lled on a separ2te lJranch circuit
of not smdJ.J_er~,hdrl No. 12 j~.W.G.~jireJ dnd ~rotected by a non-
arljustable, non-temperable over current tJrotectiv2 devise rdted
at not more than fifteen (15) emneres.
i::_nce outlet ,'::Jhall be located :::';0 -chat (jot ;-,lure
than tlven ty-fi ve (25) feut of fl~~xi ble ty pc H SIT Cord n'2cd }J'e u,s(:-d
to connect a trailer to ~uch outlet.
(c) A:Ll electrical e',uipment, conductors dnd devicl?sihall be in-
,stalled in riCid rnet21 conduit of an :l_opro\/Gci type cHId design for the
particular location und use, except as follows:
(1) Expoeed wirea for meter loops which are protected from accidental
contact and mechanical injury and are aCCI'8sible only to authorized persons.
(;3') Multi-conductor cables of a typ" listed or approved for dire!ct
b1lrial in the earth or ground provided thHt all such cables located less
than one foot below ground level, shall be protected by suitable kick pipes;
all splices and cormections to such cables .~hlll1 be made in boxes or fittings
appl'O"l'1ld for that purpose and location.
(d) For the purpose of determining ~he donductor size for service,
feed, subfeed, and branch cireui ts, each trailer site shall be oomputed
as requiring not less than .n'g (10) :aII1peres at 120 volts; provided.
however. that 120/240 vc,lt Ilinglo phase systel1l6 may be used for more than
one trailer site.
(e) All metal par~s of all trailers located in an auto and trailer park
and connected to an (.'lectr1cal appliance ')utlet shall be effectively grounded,
such grounding copluctor shall be peI'll!allelltly conllected to a continuous
water supply SYS;/JlIl and of a size not less thll:n that. required by the
California Statl) Electrical Safety Or.ders.
(f) No I,railer shall be connected to an electrical applianoe outlet.
unlesst.he e:".ectrical wiring in or about said trailer is in good condiUon
and of a ~ pe which COllfo!1llll to accepted stalldardB of safety.
(g) All work and m"terbls used in any of the electrical installations
provided for in tbiE' section shall conform to the requirements set forth in
the Electrical Safety Orders, lH.viaion of Induetrial Safety, Department of
Industrial J.:elaticfill, State of C"Utornia, the Electrical Ordinanees of
said Ci.t:-, and the Itul..e aJ1d Heg>1lat.:1.OIl4 or the Publ.1c Service Department
of th!.s City, three copies of which are on file In the Office of the City
CJ.!rk of said City.
SECTION 28. liEGISTRY. Every person who owne or operates an auto and
trailer park slwll keep a register in which shall be entered
(a) The ~Jame and. address of each gUest ,-ho is the owner or opentor
of an automobile, and the name and address of !8ch member of his party for
which accollll1lodllt1ons are afforded or for which space is rented and the
itillntification space of the trailer site the guest occupies.
!tx;7 V
(b) The make, type and license nUlllbe.r of the automobile and
tJ'ailer. the .name of the registered O\l!ler of the trailer, Ilnd the
State in which sucll vehicle or vehicles are registered and the year
of registration.
(e) The regis.'.>ry shall be made available to the Police Department
of the City of Chul3. Vista or any of the ellforce.>nent officers designated
in this Ordinance IJn demand.
SECTION 29. ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. In every auto and trailer park
there shan bebstalled and kept. burning from sunset to sunri8e
sufficient art.:ncial light to adequatfJ1.y i1l1llllinate every building
cOll~aining pl.b11c toilets and public showers, and trailer park grounds.
SEC'l'IOIJ 30. OOGS AND ANIMALS. (a) Dogs and animals shall not be
permitted tJJ run at large i11 any auto and trailer park.
(b) J'oultry and other barnyard lllliJnals shall not be permitted in
an,y auto ond trailer i1ark.
SECTION 31. CPJlli'rAKlm. It is unlawful for any person to operate,
occupy. or maintain, or cause or perTuit to be operated, occupied, or
maintained, any auto and trailer park unless there 1s a car..tnleer an
duty in or about tho trailer parle at all times. The caretalter shall
enforce TIi thin the park provisions of this ordinance governi.ng the
operation, .OCCUPWlCY and maintenance of auto and trailer parks.
No provision of tris ordinance shall be construed to require a chango
in the size of el:1.lSting trailer sites or II structural additiunlh
stJ'uctural alteration or a structural change in or on an existing building
e:xcept the requ.b'omen.t 01: SectJ.on 23 (e) where such 1s not required by
law prior to tlvJ effectJ.ve date of this ordirumce.
It shall be Ulllawful far any person, rirm or c6Poration owning or
operating a j..railer park in said City to violate any of the provisions
ot this Ordinance.
SECTION.34. PENALTIF.s. Any person, .firm or co~oration violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance, or disregarding any lawful
order of the enfor'cement agencies or findirlgs of ~}le City CotlTIcil
~ith respect to said trailer park, or contribution in any way to
the violation of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof may be ~unished by a fine not
exceeding five hundred (~~500.00) dollars or by irnprisonment for a
term not exceeding ~)ix months, or by oath such fj.ne and im~}risonrnent.
Every person, firm or corporati.on violatinG or contributing i.n any
way to the violation of any JrovL3ion of thi,s ordinunce cohall be
deemed guilt-y of a separ;:lte offense :for each day during ~i..;hich suell
violation continues~ ~nd may be punishable therefor as herein provided.
SECTION 35. If any section, ~ub-section, sentence, clause or
phrase of this ordinance lS for any reason held ~o be unconstitu-
tional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remain-
ing portions of this Jrdinance. The City Council. hereby dpclares
that it would have passed this Ordinance and each section, sub-section,
sentence, cl::.use and !Jhrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that
any onc or more ~ections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases
be declared unconstitutional.
,c,F;CTION 36. Ordinance No. 31+2 and all other Ordinances or
QE:rts of Onhnanccc in cunflict here,;ith are hereby repealed.
SECTION 37. This Ordinance s~lll be effective and be in
force thirty-one days after the final passage thereof, and sholl,
within fifteen (15) days ufter its final nassage, be published
once in the Chula Vista Star, a newspaper of general circulation,
printed and published in the City of Chula Vista, California.
PA,S:3ED, Aj);jPTED l'JTD ~~P})!iUV.i_~D this 24
day 0 f il Dril
by the folIo. 'ing vote, to-wit:
UNC I Ll'iI l';N
Hobel , De1;,Jolfe, Hiesland , Halfertv 2nd Logan
non( I /1/ c_p
I a-,w[05L ,--.----/{/j .j/~T/'~_Tc'-/
}lalor of the City of Chula(V'L~.ca, California
~1i'TTEST: , (j //
:d~~~.t.,d ~
Cit Cler (AJ/~'"