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A\J:'Ft1\H}:{; {:HOJ,l';!!J<';'t~ j'"l'>" ~'i'?20 J-J1 u.RUJ,rTl\I''':E: ;i':,:i;r~rL\'.t','CWj THI~ CCNSTT.'u:')rIOH~l
Sh}l.lTAtf"'Ji)t\i flLD CONDUC'.r Of frRATLER ::~;\.I{!<E:, '.ti~ Ti.ti'.' c~tTY OF (:HULA '1,:JST.!l~1
'{TtE; CItY.' i)f GHUJ.,A V13::~n.~ ;'~h:cr;,"OE'}\':IA>>:OOES HEE1:::'BY o.~UJ1l.IIJ
SECTION 10 ;],hi~l 2~':-_c't:l.on 2 Is hfir~'tby wnvndnd t.o :idd .f;nb!1oe'tj.on 10 ll!hj.e_~l shaJ..l
as foJ.,lciws:
S1.!~C?llON 2n [lEll'INlTlONS" (a) Fo',r tho pttl'pOlH.:j of th~.r, Ord:lr..ance!) cer.lija1n
da and plu'a.S€1l 3:1'(3 rh,f1neG 0.3 1,)11..),w!. Ed'''\ ca"r'"l;ain )"it'on.sions shall 00 c01Wtl'uad
herein set j'o1'th~ unlGSS it shall he apparent t"rOl1\ t!", eonteX't that they have a
U!erent meaning,
'(\ords used in tho "'ingt\l"l' :tnclude the plu.~,d.. luld the plural tho
\'lords used :in the present tense include the future"
(1) "Trailer Coach" means al'\Y camp car, trailer or other vehicle, with or
nthout motive power, designed and COl1lltructnd to trawl on the public thorough-
;tares at the rnax:irnum allowabl!'l speed limit and in accl1l:'~'1.nce with the provisions
9t the California Hotor Vehicle Code, and designed or UBed ror. hUllla!1 habitation"
~Trailar" alBo llIeans "trailer coach""
(2) "Auto and Trailer Park" means arw aT\3a ort"rllct of land where space is
'occupied or rented 01' hald ou't for x'ant to or.e OJ' more tU':ers or O'lll1eNJ of tr'ailel'
JcoachefJ,tJ ar vtrwxt) fi"Cat }:lt3:d{::i!1gte p=-:tl,.,1ltiJ;,<:;ti tfm:l,~n~~ ;:J~tl.A;~f"l'8 of 'C;I."ail.sr coaches f~or
:;the pWC'POf'(' of 'Nl\~ur:\.nl! tha:h' beada" \0herc"ma:, ,\;h.. taNl "'\'r,d .leT Park" :l.a 'tlsad in
l,thts o:rdin1i~nC3 l.t l;,\huJJ. l'T1E1:::.1:1 ~! .tl.utti and ;;.t.;].11~\"' p.':lrk!t"
'. ()) "'l'ra:ll"r SHe.. mfO{i;:oS any" poY<,,:l.G'. <,f 211 anto ".nd t,railer park de:3ieru!ld
. :"tor thE 'UfK' (I'i'" CC(;UpRnc:r of' ('n8 ti.raiJ.8T co.),ch ~)X' Cf1:'llp:A._llg paz"tYo
! I
(7) In n,n -',xl:.l~') r:!t' t:nL1J.!:);l.' (~n:k,'~ ,'J
ii\::,;,U",~i~:12 ;'l'X.\;\' ::.f It)!7! _'tnrJ.01Aingi:
, ~
--;' O~) irApp:fUq'€dr: ~', Ti.ihen l.~a~;Jd :in e:on~oB(''i..d.nn l~~ith ~UJ:V l1la'tG!":i.al,') a.ppl:t.ance (;r
~eorb~tr'llct1.on~1 me.n'(;~. nK~&t:tn!? 'the <rrJ:q1J:~j~alllflntH ttHd ap{)l"{}l/-]\1 of th~ BuJ1d:i:ng ,lJOp8.r'G''''
"Iment 01' th~~ G:1t:r (,rf \):n.la '\.'J~~t;2;"
(5) J'!BuiJ.dlng:;-J r!ie~2U1;:l p:..1")],.1c <~o;';.1()'1,jHD puhJ.ic 'c.atrl:5:., J.n,lr.l:i-,.1t-.;r :~'(.F,)rt1:::~9 or 0thm..
,"::: stru(rtut!l\i'lti and ~.11(,;'lu;k;.~~ ,?, f~rnrio:rJ.:cl,~:li,m::rt Go:u1:-l::~ln51t:s a t,o:'Llr)t ():'~,' b.l),:~h9 'D.~>' bO'Gh~)
, eon!ltl'''ul~tad :f'or the (nu:'lu.wl.";I:~I" llSe oX H)l Ot~t:n.1pali.ij of at~:"i~tJI(:!'..t. .a;1'too
(6) II :Lit'-f"1.}txi'lc::d r:'Z~tY"(I1c'1li_H ~r~ s~'; l:il~;!tf'.n:ly~:x,d~c'~J_ta'i.(,>ll hy::h";;"C(i.~~(-''bt.'i;:,JJ c/.;" !1:5.M.t'uj;,~d8
(,,; thereof tJ :(11 :1J.lJ.1J:1",:1 ox ffl1St"S";;ltli,;: ,~jte~te f' h"ttlri.ng j}:~ Y~;~T;-e..tr\ p:r";;';';:ifl!.if.tr:,1 ;}n c.xeo~:'m of 26
.; .
pGsolc at z. temp-tn:';1t.u-rf:< of lor) dSq~~:dt1::' Yo h'lic.m~'!.~'~r\:' l.h,s~ r',\,'nk"Il):L '.nIJHF~ :1.(~ U.SBU9
," it shalJ.. j;'l(1f;Yl 11qt~t::t:;'J:;J.1 p~;,.tr(,lt;u!.D, gad,!
(.a) fl.:n,y' nU:!}r:;Jin"~F kT'i('\<Jl:! .'Jt (~O'!fl1n!)n .,t.fTfil'l.'
(h) '~,!iy~'r.f1'v('\,';'." .:u~ CJ~:;lg0:'.:'o'n~ to tmIJ'l,r:.LH .1::\',:;:'0 ,~):)' ~~<; d ~ltI-(:]N;;;i:n:tt;_~] t(i hc,~t '~,ho
(,.~) C)-ya:na.~,~q,;,{liJk (11: a..l('{ 'Ll"R:UJXf' <':-w:._th OC(~"tpant,.s(J
(ct) T.n'3'tl:'{f:t<~l(l'i~'t 7f;;l!',t:5]);1tj.,)n -ell,"~ ll~:i,t:,n:'!,p'::','i;:tDn o? d.1:i,:t ;(LO('~l\ or t',<<:t-l::!le,r'o
(' ~) It1adcqo.,;.',t~ C7' 1il~um'.1ta'l."',Y ~;~r.r\fLigo (j{" pJ.:m'Gf.:d.Y1E t['L,~:L1.:1 t:L~N ('
(r) "!hatever rendilirs air.. f'oooJ OJ:' drj.nk ur!Wholesomfl. or detrimental t.o
, th'J health DJ' hWk'1 n 1o'il.1 ng~"
(0) 'i1Supel'f5..:inJ, floC\a."" a\"e,i:I,'" lJi;;?;.(U1i; (:1aJ. f:L~H1'1.' aj"ln f:!x-f;lus:1.1l~~ oX that :occupio(1
by bu.iltc,in drosal3l'l3. (la'thes pJ:',a~flos.'1 Of' ,':1:(mj]..1Jj" fixtu.!'ocJ which an3 buiH :into and
are a substantieJ. part of a building, lUld are llot !'"e.d:l.1y r"3!1lcrva.ble"
;'; .
(9) "Cabar,d~ (a) Any pnl"table. d\!;m(i..mt~hlo,\, OI' pn.:T-vmant c.ll.btnf, small hG'cl.'le"
I'OOlO~ Elllclosure. ot" oth?!" buD.dine; €J;."'O~r.eds' eomrtrGctmlo .'ll' pla,,,,d nn <my .',:ra5.lm:
sit.9 "i. thin oj), foci (t.') or an)" trailot' coach on the BlJ.roC' s:i:t.c in i!. traihJ.r padr
and 'JllEld .to!' hrOl<lU1 hR,b.l.h:ltion" Ccb"na. ,j()<)~ not 'cncludo mmClng (Xf fl pr:J:vate t()n~t.
llIrl bath t~0i111trnc1;().n ''l:n 8CCOl"dance, v.Hh thfJ p:ro"ls]o!:!iJ of OL'din9.nc~': tloe h72 .of '6]:,3
C1ty 01' ChulH 'l:l.'Jt88.i1C t.h:L~ ordir~m~lo
(b) ttCabann~portable or dOJnoU1ltabl~';;';: fh.'JaUG any p:{'(Jr~;J.)'J..:tc,l'~er1 G::tt~:tlZ:!. It:l:l~il
11 designed to be r09.dily assemblGd and dit:ilssl.:mbled em" ,-'"d'!.P"~3d to H,aoy ;,,':lnll.o,
portation from place to placeo
(c) "Cabana-permanent", moans any cabana which is designed so as not "to b3
readily disasse\1Ibled, moved and reaaaambled"
10. "Windbreak" n",aans any protec.tive fe.nce. Hall 3tructuro or shelter f:l:'oln
\he wind which exceeds ror"~Yc"tHo inchos (112") in height and WhOEil:l vertical mu'face
Ie less than f~ty percent (50%) open.
SEX:TION 2. That Section 12, Subsection (g) is hereby" a.l11.endad and tha.t Sub~
I~tion (M) is hereby added to Section 12 and said sections shall road as follows I
SECTION 12. GENERAL RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for any person
OIIllinf! or operating an auto and trailer park, to use or cause or permit to be
uaed tor occupancy'J (a) Any trailer coach from ooioh any tire or 1.heel has btJen
removed, except for the purpose of making tenrporary repairs.
(b) Any trailer coach to which are attached any ririd watel', gas or S6Wer
pipes; provided, however, that metal tubing not to exceed one~half inch inside
diameter may be used for water and gas.
(c) Any trailer coach l/hich is permanently attachad 1<lith underpinning or
foundation to the eround.
(d) Any trailer coach which does not conform to the requirements of the
California State Motor V€l1icle Code governing the use o:t trailers 011 public
(e) Any trailer coach in an insanitary cond:l.tion.
(f) Any trailer coach l/hich is ntructnrally tmsOUllli arid does not protect
its inhabitants against the elements.
(g) Any trailer coach to which there is attached or to which there is
established less than six feet (6') adjacent thereto, a~' room or rOOl1l!l or lean~'
tOll' provided, however:
10 That an awning be allmlOd that is construc"too of aluminul1l, galvanized
Iron, enamel.ed Metal. laminated plastic or canvas<
2. In addition to the trailer side of the awning, the area under the awning
may be closed on only two (2) sidef.l. and said side panels shall bo constructed of
either aluminum, enmneled metal. laminated plastic, eamrafJ or wood. If the side
facing the trailer park atx'aGt is to be un~ of the ,laid tNO (2) 1::idell. it shall bel
constructed of a clear material.
3. The total area of wood panels in any l,,13.11 Shall not oxceed thirty (JO)
percent of the total area of that wall.
II. The side opposite the trailer coach may be enclosed one"'~hnlf (.~") of the
lineal feet of the alming, but such encloEu1'6 shaH not exce<3d twenty~five (25)
lineal teet in length.
5. That no part of Buch alOlling enclostlT'" llha~l ba enclosed or subdivided
wholly or in part by a ourtain, fixed o:L' movable pm-titlen. or other contrivance
or device.
6. That no mming shall exceed ton foat (10') in uidth. 110 awning shall
exceed the length of the trailer.
7. That the overhead and side frame work shall be conatruotod of metal
and rigidly supported.
(h) An awning may be placed on the opposite side of the trailer tor carport
purposes, but such awning shall not be over ten (10') f"et in width, and shall not
extend over the tra:l.ler s1 to boundal'Y line. and must be r-lgidly supported by metal
8Upports and metal f'rllll1l!lS, and shall be securely anchor'3d to resist at least fifteen
(15) Ibs. wind pressure.
A carport may be enclosed on one end only 0
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(k) No !eno3f; tl~eJJitr:.; J.!xr>'~ic(:: 'Worlrll' b~:\-1gt' nr 'V:J110 n'J~,r t,nGIlty<->fotu'" :tnchea
(24") in height 8h~tll be loea-r.cd uif.jhin th:ri::;:: f':;(;it (:~'i) ')f 58.1d 'c):,,'.:1.1Gr cc?Cu:h
1Iling, prO"rid,W;il ho~e'vcl"") thai; thia do~s noi: rl,ppJy -(;.:jj:~Hl <.1tl.id f'tm.~~(! $ b-'~:U.ifJ,
la~t1ce work or heogB is J.ooate6 'along tha:':j pni'i~.lon 0::: thl.. >_;,lj;ning iJhD.1.: is al1(fa(ftl
to be enclosed as Bet fv:~'th latCt~:. th~'l,)l>O\'dsio~~l:::J of S--:::ctIp'!:l J.2 (r) (j.t~ thi:s ('J:'d~_~l!3.nGe(,
(1) No more than t1lD (2) utc.raS6 1cck"'1'8 dha11 1-,"~ 10(<ilted 011 it t1:ai1~1l" a:lt~'0
10 storage locker shall exc.;c;d flOur 5:001: (41) ill 1,:)":\-(:11, t<,o fell'" (~,) in depthD '
uxt six r"<'It, (6') :ill heiglrt u
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Febrl.\ary, 1961
Smith, McAllister, DeGraaf,Menzel,McMains
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