HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1992/07/01 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers Monday, July 1, 1992 Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Fuller, Commissioners Carson, Casillas, and Tuchscher COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Decker and Martin (excused) STAFF PRESENT: Assistant Planning Director Lee, Associate Planner Reid, Assistant City Attorney Rudolf PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chair Fuller and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Chair Fuller dispensed with the introductory remarks. APPROVAL OF MINUTExS - Meeting of June 17, 1992 The minutes were not approved, since a quorum of those who had attended the meeting was not present. MSUC (Tuehseher/Carson) 4-0 to excuse Commissioner Martin bemuse of business eonfllets. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None ITEM 1: CERTIFICATION OF FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE OLYMPIC TRAINING CENTER BOATHOUSE (EIR-90-12) Associate Planner Reid recommended that the Planning Commission certify the EIR has been prepared in compliance with CEQA, the State EIR Guidelines, and environmental procedures of Chula Vista and that the Planning Commission certify the Final EIR and Mitigation Monitoring Program. PC Minutes -2- July 1, 1992 Commissioner Casillas commented that he had asked for a simulation of what the boathouse would look like from the lake; however, he had taken a canoe and gone out on the lake himself. He commented how beantiful it was, and that it should be preserved. Commissioner Tuchscher stated he was not present at the previous meeting in discussion of this EIR, but had read the materials and was prepared to vote. Chair Fuller said she was impressed with the Final Supplemental Environmental Report which contained all the responses to the letters and the comments received at the last meeting. For the record, she commended staff for the responses to the very lengthy and repetitive letter from George Hansen of City Lakes Committee. Staff did a fine job in answering his questions. MSUC (Carson/Casillas) 4-0 (Commissioners Decker and Martin absent) that the EIR has been prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State EIR Guidelines, and the environmental review procedures of the City of Chula Vista, and the Planning Commission certifies the Final EIR and the Mitigation Monitoring Program. Associate Planner Reid stated this item would come back to the Planning Commission on July 8 for consideration of the CEQA Findings, the Overriding Considerations, and the project itself with a rezoning. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Assistant Planning Director Lee stated an updated long-range calendar for the next four months would be given to the Commission at the next meeting. If there are vacation schedules coming up, it would be helpful in looking at long-range schedules. He noted that consideration of a new Chair and Vice Chair would be on the next agenda, along with appointing a representative to the Interjurisdictional Task Force for the Otay Ranch. Commissioner Carson asked about the joint meeting with GMOC. Assistant Director Lee noted that he would discuss it with Planning Director Leiter. COMMISSION COMMENTS - None ADJOURNMENT at 5:13 p.m. to the Regular Business Meeting of July 8, 1992, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Planning Commission .mia)