HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1980/01/23 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA January 23, 1980 A regular business meeting of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista, California was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Pressutti, G. Johnson, O'Neill, Stevenson and Williams. Absent (with previous notification): Commissioners R. Johnson and Smith. Also present: Director of Planning Peterson, Senior Civil Engineer Daoust, Assistant City Attorney Harron, and Secretary Mapes. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Vice Chairman Pressutti, followed by a moment of silent prayer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MSUC (Stevenson-Williams) The minutes of the meeting of January 9, 1980 be approved as written, copies having been mailed to the Commission. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Pro Tem Pressutti called for oral communications and none were presented. 1. Consideration of vacation of Industrial Boulevard between "K" and "L" Streets Senior Civil Engineer Daoust reported that this request for vacation pertains to an 80 ft. wide unimproved right of way, designated as Industrial Boulevard. It is not in use for street purposes and it is not anticipated that there will be any future use by the city or any public agency. The vacation was previously considered by the Planning Commission in September 1976 and a recommendation made for approval. Mr. Daoust advised that the vacation was not completed at that time due to a question of whom the ownership would revert to. That question has not been answered but it is the city's position that the applicant should initiate judicial proceedings to determine legal ownership. Mr. Daoust reco~nended that the Commission adopt the Negative Declaration on IS-75-48 and recommend that the City Council approve the vacation of Industrial Boulevard between "K" and "L" subject to a condition relating to fencing require- ments. In discussion by the Commission, it was pointed out that since the City has no use for the right of way it is appropriate to release it for private use so that it may be returned to the tax rolls. Director of Planning Peterson advised that -2- January 23, 1980 the land is zoned for light industrial use with the Precise Plan Modifying District attached. Under ordinance changes recently introduced by Council this would require approval by the Design Review Committee of any development plans submitted for the site. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) The Commission certifies the Negative Declaration on IS-75-48 and finds that the proposed vacation will have no adverse environ- mental impact. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) The Commission recommends that the City Council approve the vacation of the portion of Industrial Boulevard between "K" and "L" Street, subject to the condition that the owner shall comply with Section 19.44.150 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code relating to fencing requirements. 2. Consideration of final EIR-80-1 on Growth Management Policies Director of Planning Peterson advised that some changes have been made in the proposed growth management policies since the inception of the hearing on the EIR. The final EIR and the proposed policies will be ready for consideration by February 13. He recommended that agenda items 2 and 3 be continued to that date. Commissioner O'Neill asked if the final EIR would include response to the issues raised by the State. Mr. Peterson affirmed such response would be included. MSUC (Stevenson-G. Johnson) Consideration of the final EIR-80-1 be scheduled for the meeting of February 13, 1980. 3. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.): Consideration of proposed Growth Management Policies Based on the presentation and discussion under the previous item, continuance of the public hearing to February 13, 1980 is recommended. MSUC (Stevenson-G. Johnson) The public hearing for consideration of the proposed Growth Management Policies be continued to February 13, 1980. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-80-11 to operate family amusement center in C-N zone at 937 OraS Lakes Road, Donald Haskell and Partner Director of Planning Peterson reported that a telephone call received this afternoon from the applicant's attorney expressed his desire to withdraw the application due to information he had received that other merchants in the shopping center were opposed to the establishment of an amusement center at this location. The attorney was advised that petitions bearing the signatures of 547 residents were filed with the office opposing the application. Based on the applicant's request to withdraw the application, it is proper for the Planning Commission to file the application. MSUC Stevenson-O'Neill) Conditional use permit application PCC-80-11 be filed. -3- January 23, 1980 5. Letter re§ardin§ expansion of mini-shops at ARCO Stations Director of Planning Peterson noted that the letter written to Chairman Smith on behalf of the ARCO stations was distributed to the Commission for their determination as to whether the request should be considered at a regular business session or at a study session. Since the agenda for the next business session, February 13, has seven items, some of which may be controversial, it is suggested that the request by ARCO be considered at the study session on February 20th, which is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. The Commission concurred with that suggestion. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director of Planning Peterson announced that a hearing will be held at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 24th in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, for the presenta- tion of suggestions on the expenditure of Community Block Grant funds. Commissioners are invited to attend and voice their opinion. Mr. Peterson advised that the City has been increasingly pressured to spend more of that money on problems confronting low and moderate income citizens, such as the procurement of affordable housing. Mr. Peterson also called attention to the announcement of the League of California Cities 1980 Planning Commission Institute to be held in San Diego, February 27-29. He reported that there are funds in the budget for as many Commissioners as wish to attend, since moving the seminar from Monterey to San Diego eliminates travel and hotel room expense for Commissioners in this area. It is suggested that any Commissioners who wish to attend submit their names to the secretary of the Commission as soon as possible for advance registration. Mr. Peterson advised that the City Council has again adopted a program of inviting the chairman of each Board or Commission to sit with the Council at a weekly Council meeting. This information will be relayed to Chairman Smith. Mr. Peterson noted that any Commissioner would be welcome at Council meetings at any time. COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner O'Neill asked if Block Grant Funds would be an opportunity to fund an updating of the City's General Plan. Mr. Petersom advised that is not an eligible expense for Block Grant money. He added that a report is being prepared for presentation to the Council on February 5 with regard to hiring additional planning personnel versus contracting with a consultant to update the General Plan. He suggested that a copy of that report can be sent to the Commissioners if they wish. Commissioner Stevenson asked if a study session could be devoted to a field trip to look at mobile home parks to consider whether additional sites warrant being placed in the MHP zone. He indicated he would not be interested in considering the smaller parks along Broadway but there may be others where such rezoning would be worthwhile. Mr. Peterson advised that it is his intent by the second meeting in March to have before the Commission some additional city initiated re~onings to the MHP district. -4- January 23, 1980 Commissioner Pressutti asked if Block Grant funds can be used to purchase sites for mobile home parks to provide affordable housing. Mr. Peterson affirmed the funds can be used for that purpose and the Community Development Director has been looking for such land; it is, however, hard to find within the City of Chula Vista. Commissioner Stevenson indicated his desire to attend the Planning Commissioners Institute and pointed out that the agenda for the opening day, February 27th, includes a reception from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. which would conflict with a regular Planning Commission business meeting on that date. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of changing the date or time of the Planning Commission meeting but it was deemed advisable to leave the meeting at the regularly scheduled time in the interest of the public who may be accustomed to that starting time. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Pro Tem Pressutti adjourned the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Helen Mapes, Secreta,~y