HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1988/02/24 Tape No: 288 Side l: 0-193 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING CO~MISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 24, 1988 Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Carson, Commissioners Cannon, Casillas, Fuller, Grasser, Shipe and Tugenberg COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Krempl, Principal Planner Lee, Deputy City Attorney Moore PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Carson and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Chairman Carson reviewed the composition of the Planning Commission, its responsibilities and the format of the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MSUC (Casillas/Shipe) Fuller out, to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1988 as mailed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 1. PUBLIC HEARING: PCM-88-15 CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTERS 6.04 AND 6.08 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE NUMBE~ OF DOGS AND CATS PERMITTED ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES (CONTINUED) This item has been continued from the meetings of January 13 and February 10, 1988 for further input from the Senior Animal Control Officer and consideration by staff of additional provisions. Since the proposed changes Planning Commission -2- February 24, 1988 will affect other sections of the Municipal Code and require the item to be renoticed, Principal Planner Lee recommended a continuance to the meeting of March 23, 1988. MSUC ITugenberg/Casillas) Fuller out, to continue the item to March 23, 1988. Commissioner Fuller indicated a conflict of interest with Item 2. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: PCZ-88-H(M) CONSIDERATION TO REZONE AT 587 MOSS STREET FROM RU-29 IRESIDENTIAL) TO S-86 (PARKING) SUNDANCER LOUNGE, INC. Principal Planner Lee indicated that the applicant is requesting a rezone at 587 Moss Street from RU-29 to S-86 to provide adequate parking for the lOll Broadway cocktail lounae {Sundancer Lounge) being reopened. The 8,300 square foot Moss Street lot i~ contiguous to the rear of the lounge property and is paved. The dwelling unit thereon has been converted to storage. The Montgomery Planning Committee recommended approval of the rezone application with the Design Review special area regulation designator which regulates parking, landscaping, vehicular circulation, fencing and street improvements. An appeal of denial of a dance permit in conjunction with the cocktail lounge was considered by Council on December 2, 1987. Council granted the appeal on December 4, subject to the Planning Director's determination that the premises, existing or modified, would meet all requirements. Review indicated non-conformance with current zoning requirements and design standards and that landscaping, trash enclosures and parking needed to be redesigned for better vehicular circulation. Although the plot plan indicated 49 spaces, 18 of them were located on the RU-29 property at 587 Moss, a residential zone, and no record of a permit, variance of other authorization for parking uses could be found in either City or County records. This necessitated the requested rezone to S-86, which permits parking for uses adjacent to the site on contiguous lots. Staff's opinion is that rezoning to an S-86 parking zone could provide the required parking and allow continued operation of the cocktail lounge without disturbance to nearby residents. The '~' Design Review designator requirement would ensure sufficient buffering and separation of uses, and enhance the area. The new parking will be screened by a slump-block wall and landscaping. This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Thomas Horning, 448 Del Mar Court, Chula Vista, 92010, indicated that he was the applicant and owned both parcels of land. He indicated his willingness to answer any questions. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Planning Commission -3- February 24, 1988 MSUC (Cannon/Tugenberg) Fuller out, to find that this project will have no significant environmental impacts and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-88-42. MSUC (Cannon/Tugenberg) Fuller out to recommend that City Council enact an ordinance to change the zone currently in effect at 587 Moss Street from RU-29 residential to S-86 parking, adding the Design Review special area regulation designator regulating parking, landscaping, vehicular circulation, fencing and street improvements. 3. REPORT: REGARDING FORMATION OF PROPOSED OPEN SPACE DISTRICT NO. 18 - RANCHO DEL SUR Principal Planner Lee indicated that the item had been withdrawn. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Director Krempl informed the Commission that the potential violation at 467 Second Ave. (Mr. Davidson) mentioned at the meeting of February lOth was being investigated and will be turned over to the City Attorney. introduced the new Building and Housing Director, Ken Larsen, who upon request gave the Commission a thumb-nail sketch of his background. COMMISSION COMMENTS - None ADJOURNMENT AT 7:14 p.m. to the ~e§ular Business Meeting of March 9, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Ruth M. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission WPC 4856P