HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1989/03/08 - -- - Tape: 297 Side: 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Wednesday, March 8,1989 Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Carson; Commissioners Cannon, Casillas, Fuller, Grasser, Snipe, and Tugenberg COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Principal Planner Lee, Associate Planner Griffin, Senior Civil Engineer Daoust, and Deputy City Attorney Fri tsch PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER The pl edge of allegiance to the fl ag was 1 ed by Chairman Carson and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 0'- Chairman Carson omitted the introductory remarks because no one was present except staff and Commission members. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Shipe requested that the minutes of the meeting of February 8 be corrected on page 7, Item 2, PCZ-89-E, to state that his principal who might result in having a conflict of interest in the matter is Mr. Bert Epsten. MSUC (Tugenberg/Grasser) to approve the minutes of the meeting of February 8, 1989, with the correction as requested. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: PCZ-89-F: Consideration to rezone 0.59 acres located on the northerly side of "D" Street, between Las Flores Dri ve and 14i not Avenue, from R-l to R-2-P - Frank Balistrieri/City of Chula Vista Associ ate Pl anner Griffi n reported that thi s proposal involves five parcels which are split by a zone boundary line dividing the area from east to west. The request was initiated by the applicant for the vacant westerly area and the City expanded the application to include the four lots to the east. The ,-, rezoning would adjust the zone boundary to conform with the property lines of the five parcels and with the predominant zoning to the south. With the - - Planning Coßl11ission -2- March 8, 1989 application of the P (Precise Plan) Modifying District, development would be subject to the approval of a precise plan, i n order to address some of the interface probl ems with R-l and R-2 development. The only property whi ch would be affected in the near term is the vacant westerly parceL The sta ff recommends approval of the request. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Shipe/Cannon) to adopt a motion recommending that the City Council enact an ordinance to change the zoning on 0.59 acres from R-l to R-2-P, as shown on Exhibit A. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-89-24: Request to construct a service station at the northwest corner of East "H" Street and Otay Lakes Road - UNOCAL Corporation Associate Planner Gri ffi n advised that the appl i cant has requested a continuance of this item with the hope of resol vi ng certain site pl an and desi gn i ssues before the request i s presented to the Commi ss i on to approve the and use. A continuance to the meeting of May 10, 1989 is recommended. - Commi ss i oner Cannon recalled that when the shopping center was approved, consideration was to be given to retaining the mature eucalyptus trees at the corner. He asked if those trees have been taken out. Commi ss i oner Tugenberg reported that he drove by and observed four trees are left; they are beauti ful, and a number of people from the college and the neighborhood have contacted him requesting that those trees be retained. Mr. Tugenberg also requested that when this application is considered on May 10, the Commission be advised of the level of service at that intersection, particularly as it pertains to left-hand turns. He also asked for a report of the average daily trips on both Otay Lakes Road and East "H" Street. Commissioner Cannon stressed the importance of retaining mature trees by building around them, pointing out that practice adds to the beauty of Bonita. MSUC (Cannon/Tugenberg) to continue the pub 1 i c hearing on Conditional Use Permit PCC-89-24 to the meeting of May 10, 1989. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: PCA-89-4: Consideration of amendment to the Municipal Code to clarify the provisions relating to the storage and repair of inoperable vehicles - City initiated Associ ate Pl anner Griffi n stated that thi s amendment is for the purpose of cl early establ i shing the intent of Secti on 58.260 of the Muni ci pa 1 Code to prohi bit more than one i noperab 1 e vehi cl e on any lot at one time. As the - secti on i s presentl y worded, argument coul d be made that a lot coul d contai n more than one inoperable vehicle as long as none of them were being repaired. - Planning Corrønission -3- March 8, 1989 - The proposed amendment would clarify that by stating that any residential lot may contain only one inoperable vehicle, either in storage or under repair, at anyone ti me. MSUC (Fuller/Grasser) to adopt a moti on recommendi ng that the Ci ty Council enact an amendment to the Municipal Code to clarify the provisions relating to the storage and repair of inoperable vehicles as stated in Exhibit A, Chapter 19.58 - Uses. 4. PCS-84-1: Consideration of request for extension of tentative subdivision map for Eucalyptus Grove, Chul a Vista Tract 84-1 - Stafford Gardner Development Associate Planner Griffin reported that this tentative map contains 376 units on approximately 17.5 acres at the northwest and northeast corners of "E" Street and Flower Street. The map was ori gi nally approved on January 17, 1984, and was granted a previous two-year extension to January 17, 1989. The applicant is requesting a final one-year extensi on because of coordination problems in submitting the final map. The project has been constructed and is currently used as apartments. Since the ci rcumstances on the site and its relationship to surrounding areas would not change, the staff recommends approval of this final extension. - Commissioner Casillas asked if the 20% of the units have been reserved, under the bonus arrangement, for low and moderate income households. ~1r. Griffin stated those units are rented; he also advised that the developer entered into a contractual agreement with the City to make those uni ts available to that income group. He indicated he would get information on how that requirement is monitored and report to the Commission. MSUC (Cannon/Cas ill as) to approve the extensi on of the Eucalyptus Grove Tract 84-1 tentative map to January 17,1990. 5. PCS-85-5: Consideration of request for extensi on of tentative subdivision map for Las Brisas Del Mar, Chul a Vi sta Tract 85-5 - Nasland Engineering Associ ate Pl anner Griffi n stated thi s tentative map contains 2.34 acres on Third Avenue extended, north of "C" Street. The map was approved on February 4, 1986, and the request is for a one year extension because of difficulties in the subdivider acquiring an offsite sewer easement. The map has four standard single family lots at the upper elevations, adjacent to Del Mar, which would take access off that street. It has one larger lot of about 1.5 acres at the lower elevation adjacent to the mobilehome park and 1 i ght industrial park to the north, which would take access via an improved Thi rd Avenue extended. The larger lot was the subject rezoning proposals from R-l to R-3-P-22, or to R-3-P-13.5 which were not approved by the City. Strong neighborhood concern was voiced about retaining the R-l zoning. These actions - do not affect the logic in the division of the land which is reflected on the present map or the conditi ons on the map. The larger lot could be retained in its present form or it coul d be further resubdi vi dedi nto standa rd si ngl e family parcels. The lower area will logically take access from Third Avenue extended, and the smaller lots which are an integral part of the neighborhood at the top of the hill will take access off Del Mar Avenue. - - - Planning Commission -4- March 8, 1989 Mr. Griffin corrected the recommendation in the staff report to recommend that the map be extended to March 8,1990. MSUC (Fuller/Cannon) to adopt a motion approving an extension of Las Brisas Del Mar tentati ve map to March 8, 1990. STAFF REPORT Principal Planner reminded the Commission of the workshop meeting on March 15 in Conference Room 2-3 at 5:00 p.m. and advised that Mr. Mill s and Mr. Montgomery will present a report on the Clean Water Program of the Metro Sewer Task Force. He al so recalled that the Commission had requested addi ti onal information on the Bayfront and directed attention to the report distributed this evening. As the Commission indicated a desire to discuss the Bayfront matter, it could be included on the agenda the 15th. The Redevelopment Agency will discuss the Bayfront on April 6, and any input from the Commission would be appropriate. Commissioner Fuller asked staff to explore the idea of a joint workshop of Council and Commission members to discuss the Bayfront. COMMISSION COM~IENTS - Chairman Carson reported that she received tonight a draft copy of the Airport Site Selection Study for the San Diego Region. She inquired if any Commission member was i nterested i n taki ng and readi ng thi s report. Commissioner Shipe expressed his desire to read the report. Commissioner Casillas raised the questi on of asking the City Council to consider stipends for Pl anni ng Commissioners. With the concurrence of at 1 east four members of the Commission, Mr. Casillas vol unteered to send a letter to the City Council making this request. Commi ss i oner Grasser reported that she i s attendi ng the League of Cal iforni a Ci ti es semi nar for Pl anni ng Commi ssi oners and si nce the budgeted funds wi 11 not cover the total cost she will be requi red to spend some of her money for Ci ty purposes. She has a probl em with that and felt the Council shoul d know that. Commissioner Fuller expressed the opinion that the budget should be increased to cover the cost for three, or even four, Commissioners if they were interested and able to attend this conference. The meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. to the Study Session meeting of March 15, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms 2 and 3. ~ ~~~ - Mapes, Acti ng ecretary WPC 6042P