HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1989/06/28 Tape: 301
Side: 2
7:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Wednesday, June 28, 1989 Public Services Building
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Carson, Commissioners Cannon, Casillas,
Fuller, Grasser and Tugenberg
COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioner Shipe with notification
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Krempl, Principal Planner
Lee, Assistant Planner B. Reid, Senior Civil
Engineer Daoust, Deputy City Attorney Fritsch and
Sunbow Consultant Nunes
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Carson and was
followed by a moment of silent prayer.
Chairman Carson reviewed the composition of the Planning Commission, its
responsibilities and the format of the meeting.
Principal Planner Lee stated that the applicant had requested a further
continuance to the meeting of July 12, 1989 for the purpose of determining
another access into the property and that staff supported the request.
Commissioner Cannon said he would abstain from voting because of a potential
conflict of interest.
MSC {Tugenberg/Fuller) 5-0-1, Cannon abstained, to continue the item to the
meeting of July 12, 1989.
-- PC MINUTES -2- June 28, 1989
Assistant Planner Barbara Reid requested continuance of the item to the
meeting of June 26 based on the fact that the Attorney had located a section
of the Municipal Code which states that the Director of Planning shall have
the discretion to notice a public hearing when it is considered that it would
be in the City's best interest to notice the hearing again. There is also a
time period requirement which is different from the one previously advertised.
MSUC {Tugenberg/Fuller) 6-0 to continue the item to the meeting of July 26,
Assistant Planner Reid stated that the item was Phase II of Rancho del Rey II
and that SPA I was already under construction. The 192 acre site is located
northeast of the intersection of East "H" Street and Ridgeback Road and
proposes the construction of 567 single-family dwelling units, community
facilities and a neighborhood park. Also included is the expansion of an
existing borrow site located along the eastern edge of SPA II. Ms. Reid
listed the environmental issues considered for the proposed project and noted
that the EIR included an analysis of the project's conformance with the City's
Threshold Policy standards for fire, police, sewer, water, parks/recreation
and drainage as well as alternatives to the project. She introduced Betty
Dehoney and Mary Putnam from P.D. Technologies, Inc., of San Diego, the
environmental consultants responsible for the preparation of the Draft
Supplemental EIR who will address the mitigation measures proposed. Staff
recommends that a public hearing on the Draft EIR be conducted, the public
hearing closed and the consultant and staff given any desired direction for
the preparation of the Final EIR.
Planner Reid stated that the areas in which significant environmental effects
were observed were as follows: {a) soils and geology grading of the ridge
tops and filling of the canyons and side slopes; (b) biology - Fish and Game
Department lists the loss of the coastal sage scrub, loss of potential
wetlands and concern about the cactus wren habitat; {c) archeology - loss of
archeological site W-3432 inadvertently destroyed during grading; {d)
transportation access the impacts although significant are mitigable
assuming road widening and intersection changes are made; {e) public services
- inadequate water supply and the location of 69KV lines through several
residential lots. Ms. Reid concluded saying the alternatives were already
considered in the Master EIR and are mentioned here for reference only. She
then presented the consultants to address the mitigation measures proposed.
Betty Dehoney reviewed the mitigation measures as follows:
~ PC MINUTES -3- June 28, 1989
(a) Soils and geology - most of these are mitigable throug~ ~tandard grading
practices with conventional equipment and with some ripping of cemented
beds. The visual impacts of cut and fill can be mitigated by adherence to
the SPA II Community Guidelines such as landscaping.
{b) Biology - Ms. Dehoney presented graphics illustrating the location of the
black-tailed gnatcatcher, the coastal sage scrub habitat and indicating
areas of heavy disturbance through grading, areas retained as open space,
and areas where sightings of the gnatcatcher and other species have been
observed. Mitigation for the cactus wren will be accomplished by
retention of 2/3 of the population in open space.
(c) Archeology - it was discovered that site W-3432 was destroyed through
grading for a water pipeline to go to SPA I. Mitigation is provided in a
compensatory mitigation program consisting of additional field study and
research on other sites in the area, probably in SPA III.
{d) Transportation access - the addition of 4,388 daily trips would result in
congestion of area roadways. The mitigation program provided is a step-
by-step phasing program tied to a level of development; i.e., acreages of
commercial and industrial development within SPA I and SPA II as well as
residential dwelling units.
A long discussion ensued caused by confusion resulting from the threshold
standard at the intersection of "H" Street and 1-805 being spoken of as both
LOS "C" and utilization of the figure of 56,500 ADT and the assertion that LOS
"C" would be an interim standard with LOS "D" being acceptable in the area of
East "H" Street until SR 125 would be ultimately constructed. This was
finally summarized by Commissioner Cannon's interpretation that the level of
service at "H" Street east of Hidden Vista Road would not exceed LOS "D" for
more than 2 hours per day.
Commissioner Carson suggested that page 67, the second paragraph, would be an
appropriate place to indicate what the level of service would be in numbers at
that time and eliminate the foregoing confusion.
Commissioner Casillas asked at what point should the City put a hold on con-
struction if SR 125 does not go in? Director Krempl replied that if SR 125
were not put in and the threshold standards were exceeded, the City would
proceed to a moratorium with a public hearing before Council. Commissioner
Cannon then asked if the threshold standards were exceeded and the project had
already been approved, would not the building permits cease to be issued? He
was answered affirmatively.
Commissioner Carson had questions regarding (a) Page 42 of the EIR, last
paragraph, what control would be used to protect the birds who are endangered
by domestic pets in the canyon? (b) Page 46, under Wildlife Corridors, what
would be designed to restrict movement of wildlife across the road? (c) Page
47, Transplant Area, how will the thornmint be protected from impact over and
above the fencing mentioned?
'~ PC MINUTES -4- June 28, 1989
Betty Dehoney replied that the mitigation measures would be designed to
discourage incursion into the open space and would include fencing that would
provide barriers for off road vehicles. The domestic pets' incursion is
difficult to mitigate and there are not really effective means of restricting
pets other than signage. A new mitigation monitoring program will be prepared
shortly in compliance with AB 3180 and transplantation of the thornmint plus
further protection of the area will be prepared in that monitoring program.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Craig Fukuyama, 2727 Hoover Ave., National City, representing Rancho del Rey
Partnership spoke to the level of service at "H" Street east of Hidden Vista.
He said that west of Hidden Vista between the freeway on-ramp and Hidden Vista
is part of the work that is controlled by CalTrans because it is an
interchange improvement and therefore east of Hidden Vista was selected as the
threshold point. The requirement i n--~eir Specific Plan states that all
traffic in and around Rancho del Rey shall maintain a level of Service "C"
(LOS C). The 56,500 threshold was set as part of the SPA I traffic analysis
which set 56,500 as the operating level of LOS C. Mr. Fukuyama confirmed that
if 56,500 were exceeded in the annual monitoring program they were, in
essence, in a moratorium and will cease to be issued further building
permits. In terms of other projects that would contribute and potentially
cause the 56,500 traffic count to be exceeded, the the Regional or Eastern
Territories Level of Service "C" operational standard would apply and those
developers would also be discontinued from issuing building permits.
One of the conditions of the Rancho del Rey Specific Plan, regardless of what
the current threshold analysis does provide for, is that the LOS C is
maintained 24 hours a day because the exception for the threshold did not
exist at the time the SPA I Plan was approved.
Mr. Fukuyama confirmed that part of the final improvement requirements for the
community park and equestrian trail system included the prohibition of
all-terrain vehicles from accessing the canyon area through the use of
removable bollards and locked gates at appropriate places to access utility
maintenance vehicles and prohibit others.
The original SPA, Rancho del Rey EIR 1985 did not provide maps indicating
location of the archeological sites in that property, therefore when it was
discovered that site W-3432 had been destroyed accidentally, there was nothing
to indicate if the site was significant or not. As a compensatory mitigation,
the developer has agreed to conduct an archeology site study in SPA III along
with an academic study for site research within a 2-mile radius and to turn
the reports over to the Museum of Man and San Diego State University.
Andy Campbell, Administrator of Planning, Sweetwater Union High School
District, ll30 Fifth Ave., CV, updated the Commission on the schools in the
Eastern Corridor.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
~ PC MINUTES -5- June 28, 1989
Commissioner Cannon requested that the EIR "bring into conformance the current
threshold standards and, at least, put in a one-liner with regard to keeping a
Level of Service "C" on page 67 of that report."
Commissioner Carson requested that her questions on the biology issues be
addressed in the report.
In response to a question, staff said the Final EIR would be considered at the
Special Meeting on July 19, 1989.
1. General Plan Update - Reconsideration of Land Use Plan Text
Director Krempl said the item had been placed on the Agenda at the
Commission's request for an opportunity to discuss the General Plan subsequent
to their public hearing. He noted that Council had continued consideration of
the General Plan Update until July 10, 1989; two members of the Commission had
spoken before Council individually; and the Commission had been provided with
the statement presented to Council by Crossroads indicating that Sections 6.2
and 6.3 of the Land Use Element (Exceeding Target Residential Densities and
Clustering of Residential Developments) should be adopted as interim-only
policies to allow EastLake Greens to continue to be processed. The interim
adoption, however, would not presume upon any favorable action on EastLake
Greens. In the interim period, both Sections should be referred to staff and
formation of a broadly based Task Force be convened to review, restudy and
make recommendations for modification of those policies within a timely
fashion. Until this has been accomplished and considered by Council, no new
projects affected by those policies at the General Plan level would be brought
forward for public hearing and consideration.
In response to Commissioner Cannon, Director Krempl noted that no specific
action was expected of the Commission; however, this was an opportunity for
them to provide any additional input if desired. Commissioner Cannon
supported the formation of a Task Force as recommended because the breadth of
the General Plan allows for a significant amount of discretion and, based on
the Commission's discussions with EastLake, perhaps too much discretion.
Director Krempl replied to Commissioner Carson that he considered Mr. Hyde's
definition of "timely fashion" to be realistic with perhaps one caveat. As he
reviewed the forthcoming projects, those at the environmental impact stage are
not involved; the Rancho del Rey is beyond the General Plan level and
therefore not affected; Sunbow is contemplating coming in at the target
density. The one project that might be affected would be EastLake III/Olympic
Training Center which is scheduled for consideration in the August/September
time span. He is hopeful that the re-analysis will be within the 30-60 day
timeframe which would not really overburden any project consideration.
MSUC (Cannon/Fuller) 6-0, to recommend to Council that a Task Force be
appointed to review Sections 6.2 and 6.3 of the proposed General Plan in order
to determine and clarify the target residential densities and density
-- PC MINUTES -6- June 28, 1989
2. Appointment to Otay Ranch Interjurisdictional Task Force
In response to the Director's request for a representative to serve on the
Otay Ranch Interjurisdictional Task Force. Commissioner Tugenberg volunteered
to be that representative. The Commission approved.
Commissioner Carson requested that staff look into the fact that she has
apparently been appointed to~one-~f--~he-~4~m~i~e~--fe~-~4~l~-Vi~a-~)O~
without her consent, the Otay River Valley Regional Park Committee
3. Overview of Sunbow II/Project Description and Issue Identification
Director Krempl stated that because of the heavy schedule of meetings for the
Commission, a preview of the Sunbow II Project highlighting the process and
outlining some of the key issues was being presented at this meeting instead
of in the usual workshop session. The presentation was for informational
purposes only and no action was required. He then introduced Manuel Nunes,
the Consultant for the Sunbow II Project.
Mr. Nunes said he and the applicant would provide an overview of an on-coming
project called Sunbow and receive comments or concerns and answer questions.
The applicant, the Del Sur Partnership, is comprised of Great American
Development Company, Patrick Development, Guttman Construction and Stafford
Gardner. The project is a 602-acre property which is basically an extension
of Sunbow I. The submittal is a request for approval of a general development
plan and a planned community prezoning {P-C zoning). The property is located
south of Telegraph Canyon Road adjacent to the Chula Vista Medical Center, the
Sunbow I project and Greg Rogers Park. The property is located in currently
unincorporated territory and is contained within the County's Otay Mesa
Sub-regional Planning Area and is designated Residential-7. An application
has been filed with LAFCO for annexation to the City of Chula Vista. The
proposal is essentially a residential community comprising 1,946 dwellings
including single- and multiple-family units to be developed within 18 planning
areas. Included also is a lO-acre village center, a 10-acre community
recreational center, a 46-acre light-industrial park, 176 acres of open space
in the Poggi Canyon area and there is a commitment in the General Plan for one
church site and one fire station. Mr. Nunes said the principal issues
included consistency with General Plan policies, land use compatibility,
development character, open space/recreation, Poggi Canyon Scenic Corridor,
traffic circulation, grading, schools, churches, affordable housing, public
facilities, water/sewer/drainage, and biologically sensitive resources. The
Draft EIR is scheduled for a public hearing on July 19 followed by the General
Development Plan on August 9, 1989.
Tom Davis, Tierra Planning and Design, planning consultants for the Sunbow
Planned Community, indicated that it was the intent of the Del Sur Partnership
to provide a high-quality self-contained community surrounding the Chula Vista
Medical Center, and their goal is to be consistent totally with the General
Plan Update.
~ PC MINUTES -7- June 28, 1989
Commissioner Cannon said that the General Plan had indicated East Orange
Avenue to have interchanges at sporadic intervals to enable traffic to access
residential streets on an "at-will pattern"; he asked if the developer was
complying with that intent as he saw only one access indicated. Mr. Davis
said the intention was to tie-in to the existing Brandywine connection and
restrict a limited access to the light-industrial area. This would be the
only access in the East Orange Avenue Corridor until a couple of miles
eastward at Baldwin's access.
Commissioner Tugenberg asked if a tour of the property could be arranged prior
to its presentation to the Commission. Commissioner Carson then asked if the
tour could be noticed so all members could participate. The Director replied
Director Krempl indicated that the Joint Planning Commission/Montgomery
Planning Committee/Growth Management Oversight Committee Meeting was scheduled
for 5:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms 2 and 3 on July 19, 1989. He suggested and
it was agreed to by the Commission, that a catered dinner be provided to the
Planning Commission between the 5:30 meeting and the Special Planning
Commission Meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. He noted
that the Montgomery Planning Committee would also be having their meeting at
7:00 in the two conference rooms.
Commissioner Casillas said he had received an invitation to a seminar to be
held on July 12, 1989. The Secretary was requested to make the necessary
ADJOURNMENT AT 8:17 p.m. to the Regular Business Meeting of July 12, 1989 at
7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
~IL~ ~C~etary
Planning Commission
WPC 7030P