HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/09/14 Item 5 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT :Sw~ CITYOF ~CHULA VISTA SEPTEMBER 14, 2010, Item 5_ ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING A CfTY COUNCIL POLICY ON TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES/TRAINING SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING CITY COUNCIL POLICY 120- 01 USE OF CITY VEHICLES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR USE OF PRIV ATE VEHICLES. DIRECTOR OF FIN~/TREASURERLj7l~ CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY ANAGER ~ 4/5THS VOTE: YES D NO I X I SUMMARY As part of the City's Fiscal Health Plan, the Finance Department will complete a review of all tiscal policies and identifY areas in the City's internal controls that could be further strengthened with written policies. As a result of this review, we are bringing forward for your consideration the attached policies. Staff will continue to review City policies to ensure continued relevance and to identifY any shortfalls in fiscal accountability that should be addressed 'With new policies. As the review progresses, we will periodically bring forward for your consideration new policies, and if need be, amendments to existing policies as necessary. ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW Not applicable. RECOMMENDATION That Council adopts the resolutions. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. 5-1 JUNE 10, 200X, Item ~ Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION Occasionally, it is necessary for City personnel to attend meetings, travel outside the City to conduct City business and attend conferences, seminars and training sessions. Various modes of transportation are available and other associated costs can vary considerably. A policy is necessary to provide a consistent means of requesting, authorizing and reimbursing necessary travel expenses for all employees. The City does not have a Council Policy regarding employee travel and attendance at conferences and meetings. The proposed policy establishes guidelines for authorization and reimbursement of expenses incurred for travel while conducting official City business. The Govenunent Finance Officers Association (GFOA) best practices recommend that accounting policies and procedures be promulgated by an appropriate level of management to emphasize their importance and authority. It is very important that travel is properly authorized, expenditures be properly accounted for and that all reimbursement requests be consistently applied for all City employees regardless of status in the organization. Therefore, the Finance Department is reconuuending that the attached Travel Policy be adopted as a City Council Policy. Amemling Council Policv 120-01 Related to the travel policy is the issue of mileage reimbursement for employees who drive their own vehicles while conducting 0 fticial City business. The appropriate document to address this issue is Council Policy 120-0 I, which already discusses the use of City Vehicles and Auto Allowances. Addressing mileage reimbursement in this policy further clarities how City employees that conduct City business using their personal vehicles will be compensated. The amended policy removes language regarding auto allowances and provides instructions to the employee for the claiming of mileage and assistance in deternlining mileage that is eligible for reimbursement. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site specific and consequently the 500 foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section ] 8704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT There is no direct fiscal impact by this action. ONGOING FISCAL YEAR IMPACT There is no ongoing tiscal impact by this action. A TT ACHMENTS: 1. Policies Governing Travel and Conferences/Training 2. Amended Council Policy 120-01 "Use of City Vehicles and Mileage Reimbursement for Use of Private Vehicles 5-2 ~- COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: POLICIES GOVERNING TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES/TRAINING POLlCY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE 0911412010 1 of 5 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) I DATED: 09/14/2010 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. (date of resolution) I. PfJRPOSF: The purpose of this policy is to establish policies with regard to attendance at conferences/training and procedures regulating travel and prior approval of attendance and reimbursable expenditures. n. POUCY A. BACKGROUND: Allowing City staff to attend conferencesltraining promotes the exchange of ideas, assists statT in keeping up-to-date with new laws and practices in their field, and enhances their abilities to improve services to the community. Attendance at conferences/training, as well as other events, may require local or non-local travel. It is, therefore, necessary that the City establish policies with regard to attendance at conferences/training, and procedures regulating travel and prior approval of attendance and reimbursable expenditures. B. DEFINITIONS . Official Travel is defined as travel while conducting official City business. Local Travel is defined as official travel within San Diego County. Non-Local Travel is defined as official travel outside of San Diego County. ConferencelTraining IS defined as meetings, semmars, workshops, and training programs where the employee is away from work. Mileage is defined as the reimbursable expense incurred through the use of a private vehicle on official City business. Employees recelvmg mileage reimbursement are subject to the restrictions of City Council Policy 120-0 I Use o( City Vehicles and Auto Allmvances. The rate for calculating the mileage reimbursement will he based on the eurrent I.R.S business mileage rate. . . . . C. PROCEDURES 1. Prior approval of the Department Head or designee shall be obtained for all local or non-local travel. The City Manager or designee shall approve Department Beau travel. 2. Prior approval of the City Manager shall be obtaineu for all travel requests that are out-of state. 5-3 SUBJECT: POLICIES GOVERNING TRAVEL AND CONFERENCES/TRAINING COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 09/14/20 I 0 PAGE 20f5 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) I DATED: 09/14/2010 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. (date of resolution) 3. Training/conferences must directly benefit the City by enhancing employee job skills, knowledge of current applicable induslry practices, applicable rules, laws and regulations related to the employees current job duties or preparing the employee for promotional opportunities in the City. 4. Requests for travel (local and non-local) shall be made on the City's Travel Request fonn (see attachment) if an expenditure is to be incurred. 5. Reimbursement for local travel with a total cost of $100 or less may be paid from petty cash with proper authorization. Petty cash reimbursements must follow the Administrative Petty Cash Policy. 6. Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report requires Department Head or designee approval and should be submitted after attending the conference/training and within 30 days after completion of travel. The City Manager or designee shall approve Department Head travel expense reports. 7. When possible, payments will be paid directly by the City to the travel agency, airline, hotel or conference. These payments can be processed through Direct Payment Request or City-issued credit card. An employee has the option to pay for all costs with their personal credit card and seek reimbursement through the Travel Expense and Reimhursement Report. 8. An approved Travel Request should accompany all payment documents as evidence that approval was obtained prior to payments being made and the commencement of travel. 9. If requested, per diem meal allowances may he advanced if Non-Local travel exceeds 3 days. The amount of the advance will not exceed the per diem rate for each day of travel (i.e. 3 days travel times $49 per diem rate). All advance checks will not be released to the employee any earlier than 5 days prior to scheduled travel. Requests for an advance will not be available for City credit card holders. Requests should be submitted in advance to ensure the cheek will be processed through the norrnal accounts payable cycle and to ensure there is sufficient time to provide the check to the employee that is traveling. Requests for advances requiring special handling because the request was not received in time for a check to be issued during the regular accounts payable cycle will be denied. 0.... COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: POLICIES GOVERNING TRAVEL Ai'l'D CONFERENCES/TRAINING POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 09/14/2010 PAGE 30f5 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) AMENDED BY: Resolution No. (date ofresolution) I DATED: 09/14/2010 D. TRANSPORTATION 1. LOCAL: The normal mode of transportation for local travel will be by automobile, either City-owned or private (see City Council Policy 120-01 Use oreity Vchicles and Auto Allowances and Jl1ileage Reimbursementfor Use of Private Vehicles regarding use of City-owned vehicles). Employees are encouraged to carpool whenever feasible to reduce pollution and to eliminate duplication of mileage reimbursements when applicable. 2. NON-LOCAL: All non-local travel on City business will be via the most economical and time-efficient mode. Allowance for air travel will be round trip coach fare to the City specified. Travelers are encouraged to book their air reservations at least 30 days in advance of the night whenever possible to obtain any special reduced night fares. Each department will alTange ticketing for all air travel. It is the responsibility of the department head or designee to review air travel expenses for appropriateness. The employee IS responsible and accountable for obtaining the lowest reasonable airfare. Reasonable ground transpotiation charges (t<Lxi or bus) between the airport and, the business meeting site shall be allowed, as will any reasonable transportation costs between the traveler's home and airport. E. LODGING: Lodging IS allowed only for non-local travel. Travelers are expected to select a hotel that is specified by the conference or seminar they are attending with corresponding reduced rates or govermnent rates if the conference hotels are full. Employee requested room upgrades would be at the employee's expense. F. MEALS: Meal allowance per diems when on travel status (i.e., non-local travel) is $49 per day. Travelers shall receive a reduced per diem if one or more meals are included in the conference cost or are otherwise covered. Allowances are as follows: . Breakfast: $10.00 $14.00 $25.00 . Lunch: . Dinner: u u SUBJECT: POLICIES GOVERNING TRAVEL AND CONFERENCESrrRAINING COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA POLlCY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE 09/14/2010 PAGE 401'5 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) AMENDED BY: Resolution No. (date ofresolution) I DATED: 09/14/2010 Receipts for per diem meals are not required unless a City issued credit card is used. 11' the traveler spends an amount in excess of the per diem h'Tanted, that expense is not reimbursable unless accompanied by an itemized receipt (not a credit card receipt) and approved by the Department Head, City Manager or their designee. An itemized receipt will list the details of the meals and items paid for. Fx~~ptioll to per r1iem retes statf'n anOVf'. If non-local travel is required and reimbursed from a grant or other Agency, then the per diem rates authorized by the grant or other Agency will be permitted for the amount authorized. The traveler must be in compliancc with the grant provisions or other Agency policies regarding travel. In no case will a traveler be able to collect a per diem trom both the City, and the grant or other Agency, reimbursing the non-local travel. G. lNCJl)ENT ALS: The City will reimburse reasonable (as determined by the Finance Department) incidental business expenses associated with travel such as: airport shuttle; airport parking; tips; business telephone calls, etc. .when acmmpanien hy r~~~ipts. The City will not reimburse the traveler for items that are personal in naturc, such as dry cleaning, theater tickets, 'alcoholic beverages, personal care items, in-room movies, etc. H. PERSONAL TRAVEL: Personal travel (i.e., vacations, extended weekends, travel with spouse, family, or companion etc.) combined with business travel is permitted. Any costs associated with the personal portion of travel are not reimbursable and should not be charged to a City credit card. If the personal travel results in a higher airfare or additional expense to the City for the business related travel. the traveler will reimburse the City for the actual additional costs. Under no circumstances will the City reimburse an employee traveler for additional expenses incurred as the result of the simultaneous travel of a spouse or other companion. 5 D COUNCIL POLlCY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: I'OLlCIES GOVERl~[NG TRAVEL AND POLICY EFFECTIVE CONFERENCESffRAINING NUMBER DATE PAGE 09/14/20 I 0 50f5 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) I DATED: 09/14/2010 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. (date of resolution) I. MEETINGS (LOCAL TRAVEL): Attendance at meetings (one day or less away Crom work - Local Travel) may he requested in advance on the Travel Request fom1 (or a Direct Payment form if in accordance with "Procedures" section number 2 above) if an expenditure will be incurred. The individual may pay the expense out-ot:pocket with the City reimbursing the individual through a Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report along with supporting docwnentation that has been completed and signed by the Department Head, City Manager or designee. Whenever possible, the City shall directly prepay any meeting registration fees. III. srOPF.: This policy govems all employee travel and attendance at conferences and meetings that require an expenditure. TV. RFSPONSIRI F PARTY: Department Heads are accountable for all tra velltraining/ conference expenses for his/her department. Authorization for tra velltraining/ con ference expenditures shall take into account the training and professional needs of the City, department and individual. Department Heads have the authority to use their discretion but are responsible for all expenditures and budgetary controls. V. RFT.A TF!) POI.((,lFS: City Council Policy 120-01 Use of City Vehicles and Auto Allowances City Council Policy 120-03 regarding Reimbursement of Legislative Body Members VI. FORMS . Travel Request Form . Request for Meal Allowance Advance . Travel Expense and Reimbursement Report 5-7 City of Chula Vista Travel Request Form Traveler's Name: Date of Request: I Empluyee Number: Destination: (Out of State travel requires City Manager appruval) Purpose: Date and Time of Departure I Date and Time of Return I hereby request authorization to travel at the City's expense for the purpose and destination indicated above. Mode of Transportation: DCity Vehicle DPrivate Vehicle DAir DOther (Specify) Estimated Amount Transportation $ Accommodations $ Registration Fee $ Sh u ttle/Taxi/Pa rkin!! $ Meals (Days x $49)= $ Tips $ Total $ Charge to Account (List Organizational Key and Account): Employee Signature: This request is: DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED Department Head Signature: Date: In approving this Travel Request you are attesting that you have sufficient funds in your Services and Supplies budget category for this request. 5-8 City of Chula Vista Request for Meal Allowance Advance Travel requests for meal advances will be limited to $49.00 per day with adjustments made for any conference meals that are included. Please answer the following questions to determine if you may receive a meal allowance advance. Do you have a City issued Credit Card? DYes D No (If Yes, an advance will NOT he issued.) Meal advances will be issued for a minimum of 3 days travel. Are you traveling for 3 days or more? DYes D No (If No, an advance will NOT be issued.) Check the box for each meal you are requesting an advance. Do not request an advance for meals provided through the conference or training. Total amounts as indicated in the table below. Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Total Date: Breakfast ($10) Lunch ($14) Dinner ($25) Daily Total (549) Employee Signature: This request is: DAPPROVED DDISAPPROVED Department Head Signature: Date: 5-9 CITY OF CHULA VISTA TRAVEL EXPENSE AND REIMBURSEMENT REPORT TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY o ORIGlr~AL REOUEST o ADDITIONAL REQUEST ISSUE CHECK TO (IF OTHER THAN TR/WELER) PURPOSE OF TRIP TRAVELER'S NAME (LAST, FIRST, MIDDLE INITIAl) DEPARTMENT ACTIVITl' PERIOD COVERED TO EXPENDITURES RETURN THIS FORM WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF TRAVEL ATTACH ALL RECEIPTS TO THIS FORM FOR EXPENDITURES REPOR-TED 1. DATE 2. DATE 3. DATE 4, DATE 5. DATE 6. DATE 7 DATE 8 DATE 9 DATE ITEM / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / I I TOTALS 1 MEALS 2. LODGING 3. FARE (AIR-RAIL-ETC) 4.TAXI, SHUTTLE, BUS 5. TELEPHONE 6. AUTO RENTAL 7. OTHER 8. 9. 10 11 12. ITEM TOTALS BY DATE ITEMS #6 THROUGH #12 REOUIRE EXPLANATION BELOW TOTAL APPROVED EXPENSES A ITEM & eaL # EXPLANATION .TRAVELER'S RECONCILIATION CASH ADVANCED LESS APPROVED EXPENSES BALANCE DUE TO CITY/EMPLOYEE 1~,,*,,-cjtlM''';;'il'';1~~1tUF.ORiF.IN~NCE,DERTt.I'JSE'.ONli'Y,~~i\\1;-;~ t.\C_C_0_I'JNT~NI'JMBER';jiA~ J"HECK~N01'f~ MIS_C'lRECEIRiT:Sl.' M0_I'JN"~ ~~"--ID - l1li_ ' '!:Jii~ I i!"'~! L<~ ~ . ", '. ~".~ ~' , .' _. ~ . ..;' 1/1) ~~l'><~ -~- , " _. ="'_:r~"" ;:;~~l:'\..'~~ ~ A "'a.~ ~!f. . ,~;~~' ,:~ ,;:,~ g~~ ~ - ~~j:" ~~ :w '" --- I CERTIFY THAT THESE WERE AUTHORIZED CITY TRAVEL EXPENSES AND WERE ACTUALLY INCURRED BY ME EMPLOYEE SIGNATUR.E APPROVED BY 5-10 COUNCIL POLICY I CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: USE OF CITY VElllCLES AND AUTO POLICY EFFECTIVE ALLOWANCES ANn MTI ,F,AGF NUMBER DATE PAGE REIMHllRSFMFNT FOR lTSE OF 120-01 ~Q20 PRIVATF VFHICCES 1 of 5 14-7010 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action I DATED: 12/08/1992 AMENDED BY: Resolution No, July ')~A"t,,,11S"rt"111h,,r 14,20106 II BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE [I Memberg of the City Council and the public ha'v'ing expregged concern aOOtit per:wnal uge of City' vehicle:>, tl1e--Ihe purpose of this policy is to provide formal guidelines regarding: ft+-personal use of City vehicles, and ~ altewaftees f:3-:t mileage reimblJrsement for IJSe of private vehides, The policies regarding these twoJ:lJ:fee issues are addressed separately below, I. POLICY REGARDING PERSONAL USE OF CITY VEHICLES The use of any City-owned vehicle for any employee's personal use or private business (instead of for the City's official business) is prohibited, unless such use is explicitly authorized as provided below, A In special circumstances, the City Council may determine it is in the City's best interest to authorize an employee to use a City vehicle for the employee's unrestricted personal use as well as City business, Any such agreements allowing an employee's unrestricted personal use of a City vehicle must be authorized by the City Council. B, The City Manager may, upon the recommendation of the appropriate department head, authorize the following types of personal use of City vehicles: , 1, Commuting Only: Executive Managers, employees designated by their department head as "on call," and Police Officers who are assigned Police motorcycles or K-9 vehicles may be authorized to use a City vehicle for travel ! between their home and work and "de minimis" personal use1 in route or during the workday, 2, Public Safety On Call Service: Police and Fire employees who are designated by the Police Chief or Fire Chief as "on call" may be authorized to use a City vehicle for limited personal use while they are on call but such use shall be limited to San Diego County or a portion thereof. J De minimis personal use means a minimum amount of use that is clearly secondary to the use for which the vehicle is primarily used. Example: A short stop for a persorsLe:v::rd on the way between work and the employee's home. SUBJECT: USE OF CITY VEHICLES A,~D AUTO ALLO'NANCES AN!) Mil F AGF RFrMRITI~Sl?MFNT FOR lTSF OF PIHV A TF VFHICLF,S COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA POLICY NUMBER EFFECTJVE DATE PAGE 120-01 ]; -08-1992ffio 14-7010 I DATED: 12/08/1992 20f5 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action AMENDED BY: Resolution No. JeLly 2';';'"::;",, ]S~rtemhpr ]4, 70106 In considering whether or under what conditions to authorize one of the above types of uses of City vehicles, the department head and the City Manager shall take the following into account: . The relative cost to the City of the proposed use of a City vehicle and of other alternatives. . The importance of the employee being able to respond quickly to emergency or near emergency situations after the employee's normal work schedule. . The importance of the employee having access to special equipment installed in a City vehicle when the employee responds to situations after the employee's normal work schedule. . The frequency of such call back situations. . The geographic distance and response time from an employee's residence to work site(s). . The importance of the employee's driving a City vehicle for special reasons such as enabling easier access at emergency scenes or other restricted access areas or for giving tours to visiting dignitaries. . Other relevant considerations such as potential effects on the employee's productivity or on the City image portrayed to the public. C. City vehicles should generally be used in a manner that will minimize the number of miies traveled and the travel time involved. It therefore may be appropriate, subject to the approval of the employee's supervisor or department head, for an employee to stop for lunch or other authorized breaks while away from his or her normal work station, rather than returning to the work station first, if this action would appreciably reduce mileage and time use. D. The Finance Director will take prudent steps to ie.nsure the City complies with relevant IRS reporting regulations. ". I L COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: USE OF CITY VEHICLES AND AUTO POLICY EFFECTIVE ALLO',vANCES ANn Mil ,F'AC.F NUMBER DATE PAGE RF'IMRITRSFMFNT FOR TTSF OF 120-01 1'7 -US-l 992Q<l, 3of5 PHTV A TF VFHWI F'S 14-?010 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action I DATED: 12/08/1992 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. July .2 ~ ~ "tu..,j 1 Spplpmnpr 14, 20106 ,I I F lJp.partmp.nt heads arp. rp.sponsiblp. for p.nslJrlng that employp.p.s that iJ~R takp.- home vehidp.s keep a rp.eord of personal miles drivp.n for IRS reporting purpOSp.s This information mllst be sllbmitted to thp. Finanep. Department annually to mep.t IRS reporting reqllirements A Finanep. lJp.partment mp.mo will be sp.nt Ollt In November p.aeh year requp.sting the number of personal miles driven for take- homp. vehidp.s F-F City vehicles shall be purchased In accordance with normal purchasing procedures as provided in the Municipal Code. II. AUTOMOOILC ALLO.....ANCC POLICY The City will compensate '"ith a monthly auto allovilame certain emplOyees who may be requircd to frequently use, or regularly have available:, a personal "Iehicle for City business. Thc follmliil ,g pro'Jisions shall apply: A [xecutiJe Rate: The City Manager is authorized to prOvide, at the Manager's discretion, an auto allowance for executive Managers who are not eligible for the Seftielf-Exeeuti ,e rate and "ho do not I ",I've an assigned City 'Jchicle. The City Council "ill periodically determine thc I, ,aximum I, ,onthly amount of the [xecuti'ile auto allo',~ance and any positions outside the executive Managemcnt group that-are at:tthorized to rcceive the [xecutivc auto allo'"ance. Initiall'y, the maximul ,1 monthly rate for the [xecuti,e auto allowance '"ill be $285 pcr month. , &.-fhe auto allowance amount, if an'y, for eligible positions that do not report to the City Manager will be determined by the appropriate appoil ,ting authority (City Council, f-or CitY' Manage;, City' Altorney, and City Clerk; City Attorney for Assistant--€ffy Attorney) up to the maximum amoUl ,ts indicated above, or as those rates may subsequcntly be adjusted by the City Council. C An employee rcceiving a montl,ly auto allo,,rance 'v'lill not be entitled to ha,e an assigncd City ',ehicle, to use a pool car, or to recel'vc gas, mileage, or n ,aintenance serilice or reimbursement for their personal ,ehicle. The only potential exccption would inJol've: business trips outside Sal, Diego County. Subject to the authorization of the City Marager or his/her designee, an employee recei,ing a 11 ,onthly auto allo"ance who needs to dr.i,e beyond San Diego County onl City bUSiness may be allo,ied to use a City pool car If one IS a,allable or to receive, I I .,- Iv I COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: USE OF CITY VEHICLES 1"~~D AUTO POLICY EFFECTIVE ALLO\VANCES AND MIl FA(~F NUMB~=R DATE PAGE RFIMmmSFMFNT FOR ITSF OF 120-01 12-08-19Y2D!b 40f5 PRIVATF VFHlC'T,FS 14-?010 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action I DATED: 12/08/1992 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. :hd) 2_~ A "t",t+SFptemner 14,20106 --mileage reimbursement, but any such mileage reimburgement woold be onl"f for the mileage outside San Diego County and v,'ould be calculated at half the non ,~at reimbur~ec &.--\:ipon the recommendation of the appropriate: departn ,ent head and the apprO\ial of the Cit"f Manager or the Manager's designee, the ileet Manager may in 3taIt appropriate City equipmel,t (such ag a tVv'O-'VV8y radio) 01, the persol,al 1ehicle of an en,ployee receiving a monthly auto allov,ance. Such City equipmel,t ,~ill be fftaintaincd by the City and will be returned to the City '"henever the City' deems its return to be appropriate. i.Cmployees recci"v"ing a I nonthly auto allowance may be required to sho" ploof of insurance to the City annually and f1isk Manager may determine mil,imum insurance coverage subject to the approval of the Citf Martager: i. The iinal,ce Director will take prudent steps to ensure the City complies vvith televant IRS reporting regulatiof1S": II Mil FAGF REIMRlJRSEMFNT FOR lJSF OF PRIVATF \/FHICI E A. The ,-ity will reimhllrse employees for IJSP- of their privClte vehicle when ner:essary to r:ondllr:t Offir:iClI City business or other City Clr:tivities that have heen Clpproved hy the department head or their designee B. The reimbllrsement rate will he set at the r:urrent IRS mileClge rate C. Mileage will NOT he allowed for normal trips hetween home and headqllarters However if Cln employee IS r:Cllled har:k to his/her headqllClrters Clfter having gone home for the day or mllst travel to and from heCldqllarters on a dClY he/she IS not normally scheduled to work (i e a weekend day for most employees) the mileage for the direct trips hetween heCldquarters Clnd home may he claimed D. Mileage may Cllso he allowed for trips from home to first point of contClr:t not to exr:eed In Clny case the distanr:e from heCldquClrters to sllch first roint of contar:t Similarly mileage may be allowed from IClst point of r:ontact to home not to exceed th", distance from the last point of r:ontact to heCldquarters " ,.. COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: USE OF CITY VEHICLES At"{D AUTO POLICY EFFECTIVE I ALLOWANCES AND MTLF AI. F NUMBER DATE PAGE REIMBlTRSFMFNT FOR IlSF OF 120-01 ] ') -Og- J 992ll'b PRIVATF VFHTCT.F,S 501'5 14-')()10 ADOPTED BY: Minute Action I DATED: 12/08/1992 AMENDED BY: Resl)\ution No. .Illl)' ;::;All::::".....1 1 Sf'ptf'mhf'r 14, 20106 E. Claims for milAagA inr;llrrAd olltsidA regular working hOIJrs must be ar;r;ompanied by an Axrlanation showing nAr;Assity for trir F. WhenAvAr the r;ontinuity of your travAI on City dllty IS brokAn by a personal trip indicate such fad dAarly Show thA last destination and thA nAW starting point and timA togethAr with adllal odomAtAr readings at sllr;h two points G. AttAr daim IS r;omplAted it must be r;ArtifiAd by thA daimant and sllbmitted to an arrroving authority dAsignatAd by thA dApartment hAad III. SCOPF This rolir;y govArns thA use of City vehiclAs and milAagA rAimbllrsAmAnt for USA of private vAhides IV. RFIATFIl POI ICIFS Council Policy GovArning TravAI and ConfArAnr;Asrfraining I V FORMS MilAagA Report for ReimbllrsAmAnt for lJSA of PrivatA ConvAyanr;A I I 5-15 CITY OF CHULA VISTA INSTRUCTIONS; Typ~ or MILEAGE REPORT FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR USE OF pflntplainly. Complele all columns and black spaces 'eo PRIVATE CONVEYANCE reverse side lor detailed mSlructlons Sheet 1 of Name Employee Number Dept. employed As (Title) Hu Located At Home Address Time Odometer - Total Miles DATE De~ STARTING POINT DESTINATION Purpose of Trip Remarks Beain___ Eod For Trip -------- ------ -------- -------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- -------- ------- -------- ---------- -------- ---------- -------- ------- ~ ------- ~ ------ -------- -------- ~ -------- ~ ------- ~ ---------- ~ ---------- ~ ---------- ~ -------- ~ ------- ~ ------ ---------- ---------- ------------ ------- -------- ------- -------- ---------- -------- -------- It more an one sneet IS used, detacn on neavy line, except last s eet. Total Miles Reported Reportmg Period THE UNDERSIGNED STATES. Thai the above report and the ilems as therein set out are true and correct: that no part thereof has bean her'O'tofore paid, that Charge To: Organizational Key and Object Number me amounl therein is justly due, and that the same presented withIn one year after the last ilem theraof has accrued, I h<lve a current CA Driver's License. ACTION OF APPROVING AUTHORITY I have in force current minimum insurance for liability and property damage as D REPORT D REPORT D REPORT specified by the Slate of California APPROVED APPROVED WITH DISALLOWED I declare under penaltv ofperiurv that the foreqoinq is true and correct. IN FULL EXCEPTIONS NOTED DATED APPROVED BY: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF CLAIMANT TITLE 5-16 RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS I. Fill in the heading completely on the first sheet of each claim. Show name and Employee 10 Number only in headings of additional sheets of the same claim. A separate claim must be filed for each calendar month. . a. Headquarters is the home base duty station assigned to you by your department head. b. Home Address should include street and number and town. 2. Use a separate line for each trip or segment thereof which is followed by a temporary cessation of travel. Entries should meet the following requirements: a. Date. Calendar number of day in month to which claim pertains. b. Time and Odometer. Readings just prior to departure from starting point should be entered above the diagonal line in the proper block; readings on arrival at destination should be entered below he diagonal line. Odometer readings should be actual readings to the nearest whole number; however, the last 3digits (excluding tenths of a mile) will be sufficient, except that the full reading (less tenths) should be used for the first "begin:' reading for each car used for reimbursable travel on each page. Do not use "constructed" readings based on mileage data obtained from other sources. c. Starting Point and Destination. Addresses should include house or building number, name of street and name of town. For rural locations include sufficient information to permit map location of the starting point of destination. The notation "home" or "HQ" should be included when a starting point or destination is either your home or headquarters. Recognized abbreviations may be used for cities and localities. Except for the initial trip or trip segment each day, no entry need be made in the "Starting Point" column if the starting point for a trip or trip segment is the same as the "destination" for the immediately preceding trip or trip segment. d. Total Miles. Fill in the total miles claimed for the trip. e. Purpose of Trip - Remarks. State briefly the purpose of each trip and enter any other relevant remarks. f. '~In-Arca" Miles. Where the nature of a trip segment requires numerous stops at locations within the same area, report it as follows: g. 'Starting point Same as. destination of preceding trip segment. h. Destination - Location of last stop in trip segment. 1. Time and Odometer - Time and mileage on departure from starting point and on departure from last stop. J. Remarks - "In Area." Note: Claims for significant" "In-Area" mileage should be carefully scrutinized by the approving authority. 3. Mileage will NOT be allowed for normal trips between home and headquarters. However, if an employee is called back to his headquarters after having gone home tor the day, or must travel to and from headquarters on a day he is not nunnally scheduled to work (i.e., a weekend day for most employees), the mileage for the direct trips between headquarters and home may be claimed. See No.4 fur additional instructions. Mileage may also be allowed for trips from home to first point of contact, not to exceed, in any case, the distance from headquarters to such tirst point of contact. Similarly, mileage may be allowed from last point of contact to home, not to exceed the distance from the last point of contact to headquarters. In such case, claim only the number of miles to which you would be entitled under this rule. (This will be less than shown by odometer in those instances where headquarters is closer to point of contact than home is to such point.) Show actual odometer readings in all cases. 4. Claims for mileage incurred outside regular working hours must be accompanied by an explanation showing necessity for trip. Make such explanation on the claim immediately following entry of the trip. In case of employees other than department heads, the statement "perfonning specific duties outside of working hours on orders of department head" must follow the explanation. 5. Whenever the continuity of your travel on City duty is broken by a personal trip, indicate sllch fact clearly. Show the last destination and the new starting point and time, together with actual odometer readings at such two points. 6. The authorized rates for computing reimbursement will be the current I.R.S Business mileage rate.. 7. After claim is cumpleted, it must be certified by the claimant and submitted to an approving authority designated by the department head. 8. After required approvals are obtained, total miles will be entered into the time collection system under procedures established by your department. Keep the Claim Form on file in the department as part of your Records for Audit. 5-17 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING A CITY COUNCIL POLICY ON TRA VEL AND CONFERENCES/TRAINING WHEREAS, occasionally, it is necessary for City personnel to attend meetings, travel outside the City to conduct City business, attend conferences, seminars and training sessions; and WHEREAS, various modes of transportation are available and other associated costs can vary considerably; and WHEREAS, a policy is necessary to provide a consistent means of requesting, authorizing and reimbursing necessary travel expenses for all employees; and WHEREAS, the City does not have a Council Policy regarding employee travel and attendance at conferences and meetings; and WHEREAS, the proposed policy establishes guidelines for authorization and reimbursement for all employees; and WHEREAS, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) best practices recommend that accounting policies and procedures be promulgated by an appropriate level of management to emphasize their importance and authority; and WHEREAS, it is very important that travel is properly authorized, expenditures be properly accounted for and that all reimbursement requests be consistently applied for all City employees regardless of status in the organization; and WHEREAS, therefore, the Finance Department is recommending that a Travel Policy be adopted as a City Council Policy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it hereby adopts the City Council Policy on Travel and Conferences/Training, a copy of which is on file in the Oftice of the City Clerk. 5-18 Resolution No. Page 2 Presented by Cheryl Cox Mayor Approved as to form by (-'\/~~utill @ltVq'C Mksfeld -\GIT5i Attorney 5-19 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING CITY COUNCIL POLICYI20-01 USE OF CITY VEHICLES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR USE OF PRIVATE VEHICLES WHEREAS, City Council Policy 120-01, addresses the use of City vehicles and Auto Allowances; and WHEREAS, City staffrecommcnds that City Council Policy 120-01 be amended to further clarify how City employees that conduct City business using their personal vehicles will be reimbursed for mileage incurred with such use; and WHEREAS, consistent with recent Council action, City staff also recommends that the Policy be amended to remove language regarding auto allowances and to provide instructions to employees for claiming mileage and assistance in determining mileage that is eligible for reimbursement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it hereby amend City Council Policy No. 120-01 on use of City Vehicles and Auto Allowances, a copy of the amended Policy is on file in the Office of the City Clerk. Presented by Approved as to form by -- /~ ) 'M c i Bart . Miesfel City Attorney Cheryl Cox Mayor 5-20 I I ",;E"li