HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1979/12/18 Item 16CITY OF CHULA VISTA
Item No. 16
For meeting of 12-18-79
Resolution /~~ ~ Approving Amendment to Agreement between City and
The Pekarek Group for Architectural Services
Director of Parks and Recreation ~-Y
Director of Coinrnniity Develop~n
On J e 26, 1979, the City Council approved an agreement between the City and The Pekarek
Group by Re olution No. 9649, for The Pekarek Group to provide architectural services for
the r ovat on of Memorial Park at a cost to the City of $14,900. The services provided
by agre nt include:
1. A maste plan for Memorial Park renovation
2. A cost stimate for total park renovation
3. w rking drawings and specifications for the east end of the park, which include the
e rio renovation of the existing taco building.
(See ttac t 1 for details on eastern end improvements.)
The ster lan and cost estimates have been completed and presented to the Redevelopment
Agenc for pproval in concept. The Agency accepted the master plan, and directed the
archi ct modify the drainage/walkway system that traverses the center of the park.
The c st es imate furnished by the architect for the total park renovation is $378,300.
Con rent ith the architect's development of the park master plan, the Redevelopment
Agenc exe ted a Development and Disposition Agreement with the Center City Associates
to r ve e Memorial Park maintenance building and to redevelop the northern lx~uridary of
the I k,a City/Agency expense, to make the boundary crotrq~atible with the adjacent condo-
mini dev oFxnent; $125,000 in Redevelopment Bond sales has been allocated for this pur-
It w' 1 be st effective to develop the eastern end of the park and redevelop the northern
and 'n a
cif' ~ gle operation. Since the architect's original agreement does not include
etailed plans and specifications .for the northern edge development, staff
t the architect's agreement be amended to include furnishing these plans
ations as depicted on the park master plan. The additional costs for these
~`` EXHIBITS continued on Page 2
Agree nt x Resolution X Ordinance_ Plat_ Notification List_
Other of improvements
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached_ Submitted on
Fwd are vailable in Account No. 632 6320 EG51 to cover the cost for the additional
arch tect al services.
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Form A-113 (Rev. 5/77)
ztem No. 16
For meeting of 12-18-79
Page No. 2
$6,600. (See Attachment 2 for detailed breakdown of these additional
system is not involved in the crnibined eastern end/northern side
. estimates the caN~ined eastern end and northern side develo~xnent costs to
excluding contingencies and architectural services. Following is a funding
Marv for the above renovation:
Budgeted Block Grant Funds $ 85,000
R~evelopment Bond Sales 125,000
Total 210,000
Renovation including Taco Stand
and Maintenance Building $175,750
Architectural Fees 21,500
Contingencies 9,000
Taco Stand Interior 3,750
Total $210,000
Thechitwill be at the Council meeting to present the park master plan and to
res d to stions concerning the project.
(List of improvements--
December 12, 1979
I. Eastern End Improvements
A. Improvements will consist of:
Installation of a clock tower within proposed
annual color bed and decorative earth mounding
at the Third Avenue entry to the proposed pe-
destrian plaza.
Construction of a pedestrian plaza with sitting
walls under trees within landscaped areas. Plaza
landscaping will consist of decorative earth,
mounding, tree and shrub planting, and lawns, and
will be irrigated.
3. The remodeling of the exterior of the existing
restaurant building. Outdoor areas to the north
and south of the remodeled building will be im-
proved as outdoor sitting areas with sitting
walls (similar to those installed in plaza),.
overhead trellis structures, game tables and an
irrigation system.
4. Shuffleboard court improvements will consist of
paved pedestrian access with overhead trellis
structure (similar to overhead at community ser-
vices building) and sitting area with a sitting
wall (similar to those in plaza), and an irri-
gation system.
5. Construction of paved pedestrian access walks
within the southerly half of the parks eastern
end linking the southwest corner of Third Avenue
and Park way to the proposed shuffleboard court,
community services building and pedestrian plaza.
Landscaping of this area will consist of decorative
earth mounding, tree planting, lawns and an irri-
gation system.
g~ ~
(List of improvements--
northern edge)
II. Northern Edge Improvements
Improvements will consist of:
Planting of trees and shrubs along the park's
northern boundary from the proposed pedestrian
plaza to the proposed northern pedestrian park
access. Plantings will be irrigated.
Demolition of the existing maintenance building.
Demolition of the existing chain link fence from
existing maintenance building to the westerly
limits of the picnic area.
4. Extension of the existing asphalt concrete walk
from the most westerly existing pedestrian bridge
to the proposed northerly pedestrian park access.
Grading of decorative earth mounding and install-
ation of telephone pole retaining wall along
northern boundary of proposed picnic grove from
proposed northerly pedestrian park access t{,
westerly limit of future concrete picnic pads.
Grading of westerly park limits, from Fourth
Avenue to existing westerly concrete drainage
inlet and from northern park boundary to existing
asphalt concrete parking surface north of gymnasium,
to facilitate pad development for new maintenance
building and installation of westerly park entrance
walk. Resulting slopes will be planted and irri-
Construction of westerly park entry walk from
Fourth Avenue to the existing westerly drainage
inlet. Landscape improvements along west entry
to consist of lawn and tree plantings and an
irrigation system.
8. Construction of new 1000 square foot maintenance
building with water and sewer service extensions.
~~~ 9
9. Minor regrading, additional asphalt concrete
asphalt concrete surfacing and perimeter curbing
for the improvement of the existing parking area
to rear of existing gymnasium. Asphalt concrete
surfacing to extend easterly from Fourth Avenue
sidewalk to limits of new maintenance building.
10. Minor grading and decomposed granite surfacing
for the improvement of the proposed service access
to the rear of the proposed community center.
11. Installation of new five foot high chain link
fence from new maintenance building to proposed
community center.
~ ~~9
Form No. F-229
Certification of Unappropriated Balance
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the money required for the
appropriation of funds for the purpose set forth in the attached
resolution is available in the Treasury, or is anticipated to
coma into the Treasury, and is otherwise unappropriated.
Amount $ Fund
Director of Finance
The City of Chula Vista
Certification of Unencumbered Balance
X32 632q BG51
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the indebtedness and obligation
to be incurred by the contract or agreement authorized by the
attached resolution can be incurred without the violation of any
of the provisions of the Charter of the City of Chula Vista, or
the Constitution or the laws of the State of California, that
sufficient monies have been appropriated for the purpose of said
contract, that sufficient monies to meet the obligations of the
contract are actually in the Treasury, or are anticipated to come
into the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation from which
the same are to be drawn, and that said monies now actually in
the Treasury, together with the monies anticipated to come into
the Treasury, to the credit of said appropriation are otherwise
Amount Not to Exceed $6,600.00
Director of Finance
The City of Chula Vista
Date 12/14/79 By
Community Dev. Blk Gr~dpt./Activity Gom. Dev. Blk. Grt Fund
Purpose Agreement with Pekarek Group for Architectural Services
Bidder N/A
certificate No. 47
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