HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1988/10/27 Item 01
Meeting Date 10/27/88
Report on extent of drug problem in Chula vista
Resolution ~~~;2C Approving the Drug Free Bill of Rights
k' l.l.--{tY w.::uJ
Director of pu%iic Safety
city Managertj,
(4/5ths Vote: Yes___No~)
The police Department is well aware of the extent that drugs have permeated
our society and the impact drugs have on other crimes. Because the problem is
so pervasive, it must be approached from not only crime suppression, but also
prevention and education. In order to learn more about the drug problem in
Chula Vista, and what is being done to eliminate it, the Council requested
that a Council Conference be devoted to this issue.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution.
.on a region-wide basis, the Federal Government's Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)
has a Regional Narcotics Task Force (NTF) which operates in the area. The
Task Force is made up of representatives from local police law enforcement
agencies as well as members of DEA. Chula vista currently has one officer on
the NT!" and will soon have a second one assigned. The Police Department
attacks the drug problem through the patrol officers providing the first line
of defense and also through the Crime "Suppression" Unit (CSU) which tries to
infiltrate the drug scene to eliminate the dealers and their sources.
Prevention and education programs have been implemented within our school
systems, beginning in the Chula vista Elementary Schools and followed through
to the Junior and Senior High Schools in the Sweetwater Union High School
National DruK statistics
Information received from DEA indicates that there is a significant number of
regular users of illegal substances.
Pounds Consumed
ReKular Users
180,000 lbs.
12,000 lbs.
15,000,000 lbs.
(30,000 in S.D. County)
(1,000,000 Heavy Users
3-5 joints per day)
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Meeting Date 10/27/88
.The methamphetamine problem in San Diego County has caused us to be known as
the methamphetamine capital of the world. In fact, Countywide, in 1982 we had
no deaths related to methamphetamines. In 1983, there was one death, and in
this year to date, we have had over 18 deaths. In fact, 30-40 percent of our
homicides have been related to the use of amphetamines. Those booked into our
County jail are tested for amphetamines and over 28 percent have tested
positive. Last year, it was only 18 percent, so we know there are has been a
marked increased just in the last few years. There has also been a recent
resurgence of the hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD.
Crime Suppression Unit
The Crime suppression unit is currently composed of one Sergeant and nine
police agents. However, four of these agents were approved for the FY 1989
budget and are not yet on board. and two are permanently assigned to the
Regional Narcotics Task Force. During the last year, the CSU made a total of
532 arrests, averaging out to approximately 2.2 arrests per work day.
Forty-five percent of all CSU arrests made are drug related.
The unit has spent a total of $11,595 this year to pay for citizen informants
($6,340) and to buy the dope ($5255) that perpetuates our arrests. The CSU
and its representative on the Regional Narcotics Task Force generate most of
the money that comes to us through the assets seizure program. The asset
seizure program allows a department to recoup the cash and merchandise seized
.in drug arrests. During FY 1988, the department received $78,137 in asset
seizure funds; this fiscal year to date (It'Y 1989) we have received $20,322.
However, we are due to receive an additional $406,600 from asset seizure funds
sometime in the future. Also seized is a total of 12 vehicles, including 3
Porshes, 5 pick-ups, 1 Corvette, 1 T-bird, and a couple of miscellaneous
cars. In addition to the vehicles and the cash, we also have come across
weapons. 2 computers, and quite a bit of jewelry. All of this merchandise is
usually auctioned off and the money eventually comes back to the City of Chula
vista to be used for police-related issues, including expansion of the CSU as
is occurring this year.
Drug Education in the Schools
When we come across adults and young adults who have drug problems, we find
that for the most part their habits and attitudes about drug related issues
have already been formed. Many times at this stage, it really is too late to
try to educate someone on the evils of drugs, although we continue to try. In
order to try to retard this problem for our future generations, we have really
tried to focus our attention on young children. The Police Department is
working with both the Chula vista School District and the Sweetwater Union
High School District in order to implement quality drug education programs
within both of these school districts.
Within the Chula vista School District, which is responsible for all of the
elementary schools, there has been a program implemented called Me-ology.
This program focuses on prevention through information and through providing
.emotional ammunition which allows children to be better able to deal with peer
pressure. Me-ology helps them by strengthening their self esteem by making
them feel good about themselves and by not wanting to abuse their bodies. The
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Meeting Date 10/27/88
.police DepaJ:"tment and the School Distdct has implemented a Substance Abuse
PJ:"ogJ:"am in the School DistJ:"ict and wOJ:"k closely together in teaching the
cUJ:"J:"iculum. The kinds of issues that the childJ:"en aJ:"e taught include self
awaJ:"eness and gJ:"oup skills in communications, decision-making and a number of
classes specializing stJ:"ictly in substance abuse. The substance abuse paJ:"t of
the pJ:"ogJ:"am teaches the students about the use and abuse of prescJ:"iption
dJ:"ugs, stJ:"eet dJ:"ugs and oveJ:"-the-counteJ:" dJ:"ugs. The Police DepaJ:"tment
specifically provides an instJ:"uction progJ:"am on the legal aspects of dJ:"ugs.
CUJ:"J:"ently theJ:"e aJ:"e 32 off iceJ:"s within the depaJ:"tment who wOJ:"k with the school
distJ:"ict in teaching this legal section. In instJ:"ucting the students. they
tJ:"Y to look at the legal side of the issues, the laws, and pJ:"ovide them with
information J:"atheJ:" than the use of scaJ:"e tactics.
within the SweetwateJ:" Union High School District, theJ:"e aJ:"e actually seveJ:"a1
pJ:"ogJ:"ams being offeJ:"ed. Beginning in the 7th gJ:"ade, students are given a one
semesteJ:" class on skills for the adolescent. Within the 8th and lOth gJ:"ades.
thJ:"ough the health and family life classes. a 4-6 week section is taught
called "Here's Looking at You 2000." Wi thin the senioJ:" highs. theJ:"e aJ:"e also
ongoing peeJ:" counseling progJ:"ams. The newest pJ:"ogJ:"am is called "The
PJ:"evention EaJ:"ly RefetTal Model" oJ:" PERM which includes eady identif ication
of children with pJ:"oblems that possibly are related to dJ:"ugs and alcohol and
pJ:"oviding inteJ:"ventlon. This pJ:"ogJ:"am is established to pJ:"ovide foJ:" evaluation
of the students and the possible J:"efeJ:"ral to other appropJ:"iate agencies.
CurJ:"ently, this is being offeJ:"ed in one school and the goal is to provide it
.in many otheJ:" schools.
Additional Involvement
The Substance Abuse Community Task FOJ:"ce was fOJ:"med to look at diffeJ:"ent ways
that they could positively affect the dJ:"ug pJ:"oblem in Chula vista. One
recommendation of the Substance Abuse Task FOJ:"ce is that the ci ty adopt the
Drug Free Bill of Rights. This Bill of Rights has alJ:"eady been adopted by the
County of San Diego and J:"ecommends six basic aJ:"eas of impJ:"ovement.
1. To a place of wOJ:"k that is fJ:"ee of illegal dJ:"ugs and/oJ:" alcohol abuse.
2. The J:"ight to homes and nelghboJ:"hoods fJ:"ee of illegal dJ:"ugs and dJ:"ug oJ:"
alcohol abuse.
3. The right to schools and colleges fJ:"ee of illegal dJ:"ugs OJ:" dJ:"ug and
alcohol abuse.
4. The right to str-eets and highways fJ:"ee of ddveJ:"s who are undeJ:" the
influence of alcohol and other dJ:"ugs.
5. The right to beaches. paJ:"ks and otheJ:" J:"ecJ:"eational settings whlch aJ:"e fJ:"ee
of illegal dJ:"ugs and dJ:"ug OJ:" alcohol abuse.
6. The J:"lght to communities that suppoJ:"t healthy dr-ug and alcohol fJ:"ee
.The Council ConfeJ:"ence. the chair of
pJ:"ovide fUJ:"theJ:" recommendations.
the Substance Abuse Task FOJ:"ce, will
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Keeting Date 10/27/88
. Council Conference
The Council Conference on the drug problem is scheduled for October 27, 1988,
from 4: 00 p.m. to 6: 00 p.m. This conference is designed to educate the
Council members and the public on the extent of the drug problem in our area
and what is being done now and what can be done to prevent it in the future.
Presentations will be made by a representative of the Drug Enforcement Agency
to talk about the national and regional issues related to drug abuse; the head
of the Department's Crime Suppression Unit to talk about strategies combating
substance abuse in Chula Vista; the District Attorney's office to talk about
the legal aspects of the substance abuse issue; and representatives of the
Sweetwater High School District, Chula vista School District. South Bay Drug
Abuse Services Program. These representatives will be available to answer
questions on any aspect of the drug problem.
Attached you will find supplemental reports of the agencies planning on
speaking at the conference. The attachments include:
1. Arrest statistics from CSU.
2. Chula Vista Elementary me-.ology program.
3. Sweetwater High School District parent/student attitude survey on drug and
alcohol abuse.
.4. Drug free bill of rights.
This report provides a brief overview of the extent of the drug pt'oblem in our
area and the various agencies that are participating together to try to
alleviate this problem. At the Council Conference, each representative will
be giving a much more detailed presentation on their agencies' involvement.
and will also be available to answer questions of the Council and public.
FISCAL IMPACT: None with this action.
~~~ of
Chula Vista, C:Jifor ia