HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1984/02/22-- Tape 244: Side 1 0-1500 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING QF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSInN nF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Wednesday, February 22, 1984 Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman O'Neill, Commissioners Cannon, Green, Guiles, and Pressutti COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Commissioners Shipe and Johnson with previous notification STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Krempl, Principal Planner Lee, Senior Civil Engineer Daoust, Assistant City Attorney Gill, Associate Planner Liuag, City Traffic Engineer Glass, Secretary Ruth Smith PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Q'Neill and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. APPRAVAL OF MINUTES MSUC {Cannon/Guiles) to approve the minutes of February 8, 1984, with a correction showing Commissioner Shipe was absent "with prior notification" as he had informed the Chairman that he could not be present. ORAL COMb~NICATIONS None 1. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PCC-84-9: REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A SELF-SERVE GASOLINE STATION/CAR WASH AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BONITA ROAD AND BONITA GLEN DRIVE - SHELL OIL COMPANY Principal Planner Lee stated that the first conditional use permit on this property was taken out by Shell Oil Company in 1968. In 1977, the property was made part of the Bonita Glen Specific Plan which allows neither service Planning Commission Minutes -2- February 22, 1984 stations nor car washes. In 1983, Shell requested an amendment to the Specific Plan which the Planning Commission supported, but the Council voted against. In January 1984, however, the Council deleted the property from the Specific Plan which allowed the applicant to file for the CUP. Council has directed that any action on the application be forwarded to them as an automatic appeal. Shell's new proposal calls for a three-pump self-service island with a cashier's kiosk and includes a one-car automatic car wash to be located on the southerly property line. Access to the site will be via two driveways on Bonita Road and one on Bonita Glen Drive near the car wash. The Design Review Committee will consider the design issues on March 1. It is staff's opinion that the gasoline needs of the area and freeway can be met by the two existing service stations; the site is poorly suited to serve the needs of northbound traffic on 1-805; the provision of two additional curb-cuts along this portion of Bonita Road will create additional points of traffic conflict; and the proposed location of the car wash places serious constraints on the internal circulation system. Staff is therefore recommending denial of the CUP, PCC-84-9. Principal Planner Lee displayed a slide showing the location of the three parcels of land in this area. He noted that the Bonita Glen Specific Plan had identified access points on Bonita Road and Bonita Glen Drive and also had specified that nonexclusive access agreements were to be provided to ensure adequate on-site circulation and parking for the benefit of all owners in the area. The removal of the Shell Oil property from the Specific Plan has complicated these arrangements for the two remaining parcels. 805 Properties (Area "B") is submitting plans for development of the area around Denny's with retail and office buildings. The owner ~f Area "C" has expressed unwillingness to allow access across his property to Bonita Glen Drive. As an alternate to denying the project, staff is recommending that construction of Shell's car wash be postponed and a 24-foot wide access easement near the southerly property line be provided to permit service to 805 Properties until Parcel "C" is proposed for development. Discussion included the suggestions of using Denny's curb-cut off Bonita Road; increasing the size of the cut; the need for a considerable throat area; traffic conflict coming in from the east and going out to the west; the signalization (this summer) on Bonita Glen Road; the raised median on Bonita Road will limit turning movements to right-hand; and the request of the Traffic Engineer for a traffic study of the area. This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Charles Hart, 511 N. Brookhurst St., Anaheim, CA 92803, representing Shell Oil, displayed a rendering of the proposed project. He then introduced Bill Robens to discuss the traffic situation. Planning Commission Minutes -3- February 22, 1984 Bill Robens, 254 Camino Elevado, Bonita 92002, stated that service stations generate less traffic than convenience stores, offices or commercial uses. The proposed signal at the intersection and the raised median which prohibits left turns have made this intersection safe. %hell does not contribute to overall traffic problems in the area. The driveway shown on Bonita Glen Road is as far south as possible to allow stacking and minimize possible conflicts with Bonita Road. (Commissioner Green left the Chambers at 7:45) Charles Hart added that three stations can coexist as 1-805, with the development of EastLake, E1 Rancho del Rey, and the Border Station, can carry 72,000 vehicles daily. The proposed 24-foot easement grant has no specified time limit and would prevent completion of Shell's development indefinitely; giving up the car wash would be an economic liability; access to Bonita Glen Drive should have been decided during the planning stages of Denny's; the site for the Shell station is adjacent to a freeway interchange and will complement existing and proposed tourist services. (Commissioner Green returned at 7:50) Carol Freno, 3703 Alta Loma Drive, Bonita 92002, representing %weetwater Valley Civic Association, reminded the Commission that a moritorium on development on Bonita Road had been requested at the 11/8/83 Council meeting; in most self-serve stations, people enter and exit indiscriminately despite signs; a free car wash will not attract freeway travellers; and car washes that have been in service for some time are not attractive. Don O'Neal, 91 Bonita Road, Chula Vista, representing Ramada Inn and Texaco, spoke against the service station saying there are enough existing stations to serve the public; additional curb-cuts add to traffic confusion; self-serve stations generate more traffic usually during peak traffic hours; traffic will be backing into the intersection; he would be prepared to pay for an outside traffic study which would confirm what is being said here; car washes are degrading to quality hotels; and staff has repeatedly asked for denial of stations and car washes in the area. Frank Ferreira, 250 Bonita Glen, Chula Vista, 92010, property owner, identified his land holdings and developments in the area, both existing and proposed, and spoke in support of Shell Oil. He reminded the Commission that Council had indicated its support when the property was removed from the Bonita Glen Specific Plan. Upon being asked if he would permit an easement or access across his property, he replied that he would not. Assistant City Attorney Gill reminded the Planning Commission that four affirmative votes were necessary to pass the motion. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Plannin~ Commission Minutes -4- February 22, 1984 Commissioner Cannon said he had voted previously in support of the station and saw nothing wrong with either a station or car wash, and the problems being discussed were those of 805 Properties development, not Shell. MSUC ICannon/Green) to recertify EIR-77-2 with the notation that the information contained therein is adequate for the environmental review of this project. MSC (Green/Cannon) - Pressutti voted "no" to approve the request, PCC-84-9, based on amended findings (1) that the gasoline needs of the surrounding area and freeway motorists will be enhanced by the additional choice of stations and the addition of the car wash will add a service to the area which is not now available; and (2) that providing two additional curb-cuts along Bonita Road will not be detrimental to the safety and general welfare of persons residing or working in the area based on the proposed construction of a median barrier and signal to be constructed at Bonita Road and Bonita Glen Drive, and findings #3 and #4 as shown in the staff report. Commissioner Pressutti stated he agreed with Ms. Freno and saw no need for an additional station on this side of the freeway. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: PCM-80-13-A - CONSIDERATION OF AN A~ND~NT TO THE RICE CANYON SPA TO ALLOW THE UqE OF COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FnR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES - FINANCIAL SCENE, INC., AND TERRA NOVA CORPORATION Principal Planner Lee explained that the proposed amendment is asking to substitute a designated commercial/recreation area with a 150-unit senior housing project adjacent to a retail shopping area. The change in land use would permit location of the two apartment-type projects together and would remove the senior housing project from the main access area. The applicant is seeking conceptual approval of the senior housing project and the design is subject to approval of the DRC. The applicant is making a commitment to provide 150 senior housing units at the low-income level, 46 of the 232 apartment units at low-income level, and 24 additional low-income units to be provided in the future on Lot 330. This will make a total of 220 low-income level units, qtaff is recommending approval subject to conditions listed in the staff report which would include transferring the architecture and site plan approval to the Design Review Committee. This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Gary Gramling, 1323 Sixth Avenue, San Diego 92101, representing Financial Scene, Incorporated, said their aim is to furnish a balanced project for a broad spectrum of the community. The original land use designation was prepared by a former owner without benefit of any market study and there are numerous recreational facilities available in the area. Planning Commission Minutes -5- February 22, 1984 No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Green/Guiles) to recommend Council approve the request to amend Rice Canyon SPA to permit residential development of Lot 331 of Hidden Vista Village Subdivision subject to conditions in the staff report. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PCC-84-6: REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A 51-UNIT CONDOMINIUM/APARTMENT PROJECT ON THE NORTH SIDk OF "K" STREET BETWEEN THIRD AND FOURTH AVENUE - MARY KAYE Associate Planner Liuag remarked that in 1980 the Planning Commission approved a CUP for a 20-unit apartment/condominium project on 1.36 acres, not including the area on which the warehouse structure is situated. The present application is for a 51-unit apartment/condominium project on 1.68 acres with a density of approximately 30 units per acre. This density increase equates to twice that originally proposed. The increase in density has been achieved by use of stacked units (town houses) and a change to the loop circulation system instead of the original cul-de-sac design. The Planning Department has not yet completed its study of this area for possible rezoning as previously requested by the Planning Commission because of w~rkload and personnel changes. The proposed use, however, is in keeping with the adjoining land uses on three sides. The welding operation on the fourth side is screened from the project by a ten foot high safety wall and the applicant is endeavoring to obtain the welding shop property. The project will be subject to site plan and architectural approval by the DRC and a tentative map and lot consolidation will be required for the condominiums subsequent to the provision of private storage requirements. Commissioner Green expressed concern about the need for a children's playground and suggested that, if the Commission approved the project, the DRC should consider such a possibility. This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Commissioner O'Neill remarked that an increase in additional rental units is desirable and he has always voted against condominium conversions. However, the only undesirable feature he can think of re this project is the view of the welding shop. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Pressutti/Guiles) to find this project will have no significant environmental impacts and adopt Negative Declaration issued on I~-84-9. MSUC (Pressutti/Cannon) that based on the findings contained in Section "E" of the staff report, to approve the request, PCC-84-6, to construct a 51-unit condominium/apartment project at 325-345 "K" Street subject to the conditions in the staff report, and that the DRC consider the possibility of adding a play area. ~ Plannin~ Commission Minutes -6- February 22, 1984 4. PUBLIC BEARING: PCA-84-2 - CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED A~I~NDMENT TO CHAPTER 19.4~ I-GENERAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE REQUIRING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF CERTAIN CONDITIONAL USES Associate Planner Liuag explained that Council directed staff, at the meeting in December 1983, to prepare an Amendment to the Municipal Code which would require Council approval for uses involving hazardous waste material. The majority of such uses are classified as heavy industrial uses which are not in keeping with the character of the City; there have been no applications since 1969; and it is doubtful if heavy industrial use facilities will wish to locate here. Several other permitted uses are inappropriate for location in the City and should be subject to a use permit. Such uses, including meat packing, brewing and distilling, and railroad yards are contained in the proposed Amendment. Staff recommends the enactment of an Ordinance amending Chapter 19.46, as shown on attached Exhibit "A." This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. No one wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Guiles/Pressutti) to find that this project will have no significant environmental impacts and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-84-18. MSUC (Guiles/Cannon) to recommend that City Council enact an Ordinance amending Chapter 19.46 of the Municipal Code as shown on attached Exhibit "A." DIRECTOR'S REPORT: - The Planning Commissioners are invited to attend a Council Conference, on 2/23/84, at 3:00, regarding the Political Reform Act. Reminder about the LCC Planners' Institute, next week. Individual packets obtainable at the Registration area. Director of Planning, George Krempl was introduced. COMMISSION COMMENTS: - Commissioner Pressutti requested the problems of the qta¥ Valley project be reviewed at the Study Workshop on March 21. Commissioner O'Neill suggested Marie Callender's for the next dinner study workshop. ADJOURNMENT AT 8:56 to the Regular Business Meeting of March 14, 1984. Ruth M. Smith, Recording Secretary WPC 0838P