HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1983/01/12 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Wednesday - January 12, 1983 Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. Public Services Building ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Chairman R. Johnson, Commissioners Cannon, Green, G. Johnson, O'Neill, Pressutti, and Shipe Commissioners absent: None Staff Present: Director of Planning Gray, Principal Planner Lee, Environmental Review Coordinator Reid, Director of Community Development Desrochers, Assistant City Attorney Harron, Traffic Engineer Glass and Secre- tary Smith PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Johnson and followed by a moment of silent prayer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES for the meeting of December 8, 1982 MSC (O'Neill/Shipe) to approve the minutes with Chairman Johnson and Commissioner G. Johnson abstaining because of absence from the meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None at this time. See item under CO~qISSION COMMENTS. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: EIR-79-6(a) - SAMMIS PROPERTY, NORTH OF "E" STREET, WEST OF I-5 Environmental Review Coordinator Reid stated that this EIR is a focused document supplemental to the Bay Boulevard EIR prepared several years ago by the same WESTEC Services. It involves a total of 14 acres on the north side of "E" Street to the west of I-5. The specific properties involved include private ownership between I-5 and Bay Boulevard, Bay Boulevard right-of-way, San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway right-of-way, and SDG&E right-of-way for its transmission lines passing through the area. Specific improvements include a motel of 100 rooms, two restaurants, an eight-plex theatre with two levels of office space above the theatre and a three-story, 100,000 square foot office building. Parking will be provided on both the private property, within the Bay Boulevard right-of-way and the SDG&E easement. The traffic consultant is reevaluating the traffic study in the light of newly received information and a final report will be available for the meeting of January 26, 1983. Planning Commission -2- January 12, 1983 The project involves a general plan amendment changing the designation from Park- and-Open Space to Visitor-Commercial on about 4.3 acres located west of the rail- road tracks. The intent is to augment the "E" Street Gateway and provide open space as a pedestrian linkage in the north-south direction. Coordinator Reid introduced Tom Huffman, Project Manager for WESTEC Services who made a presentation covering: 1. Biological resources. The project area located adjacent to the Sweetwater Marsh (a sensitive biological resource) lacks buffering distance and physical buffering elements such as hedges, walls, or berms to keep human traffic out of the Marsh. A drainage outlet into the Marsh creates a direct loss of salt marsh vegetation, poses potential for erosion, sedementation and elimination of an upland habitat in the SDG&E right-of-way. Mitigation would involve redesign of parking and roadways within the project, landscaping, construction of berms and redesign of the drainage structure. The drainage from the oil- soaked eastern portion of the project (previously used as an auto wrecking site) would not increase contaminants into the Marsh because of the creation of an impervious surface as opposed to the present Open Space land use. Westerly drainage structures within the salt marsh and potential erosion can be mitigated through sedementation basins, setting back the drainage structure outsidethelOO-foot buffer zone, and grading and landscaping during the dry months to ensure rapid revegetation of the disturbed area. 2. Visual qualities. The dominant visual features are the 150-foot transmission towers belonging to SDG&E. The general plan amendment associated with the project would result in changing the designation for this part of the site to allow urban development in the form of parking. The change in land use is mitigated by the development of a 25-foot wide landscaped strip along the western edge of the site and a 75-foot wide strip along the frontage. Any building above 25 feet in height would be in conflict with the redevelop- ment guidelines and the Gateway to the Bayfront concept but could be mitigated by reducing the bulk of the building, the density of the project or use of other design criteria. Pulling the development back along the northern property line would allow for more landscaping and a better visual impact from I-5. Mr. Huffman concluded by saying the noise impact from the freeway can be miti- gated by adopting conventional engineering acoustical techniques as described in the EIR. There being no questions on the EIR, the public hearing was continued until Janu- ary 26, 1983. In response to Commissioner Pressutti's question on the possible negative impact of the Sammis Project on the Center City development, Planning Director Gray replied that as the planning issues will be addressed at the meeting of the 26th, he would prefer discussing that item in more detail at that time. Commissioner Green then requested that the Commission be informed of the Council's wishes for the Bayfront area so it might be guided in ascertaining a good land use for the area. Planning Commission -3- January 12, 1983 Planning Director Gray stated that Sedway-Cooke is restudying the Bayfront Plan to achieve compliance with the Coastal Act and is meeting with the City on the 21st. Information forthcoming from that meeting will be shared with the Commission. Community Development Director Desrochers outlined the Sedway-Cooke agenda. The sketch plans will be reviewed on the 21st. Workshops will be scheduled with the Planning Commission and the Redevelopment Agency. The formal hearing will be ready in March. Sedway-Cooke has been instructed by the City Council to incorporate the Sammis Project into their alternative plans for this area. 2. Consideration of resolution amending the Land Use Chart Principal Planner Lee presented the Commission with the fifth draft of the Land Use Chart which added 250 new classifications to the previously adopted Chart. Some of the land uses proposed by the Commissioners necessitate amendments to the Municipal Code. These will require significant analysis by the staff and were not incorporated into the Chart presented for adoption. It is planned to return these to the Commis- sion as one proposal in the near future. MSUC (Cannon/O'Neill) to adopt the Land Use Chart as presented. Commissioner Pressutti complimented the staff for the tremendous amount of work accomplished in updating the Land Use Chart. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Planning Director Gray commented on the 1983 Planning Commission Institute, pointing out that last year's budget constraints had caused the removal of this item and that attendance would have to be at personal expense. COMMISION CO~qENTS Commissioner Cannon reported that he had attended a meeting with the Mayor and representatives of the Design Review Committee and the Design Review Board in which was discussion regarding the need to better coordinate the functions of the DRC with the Planning Commission. It was suggested that it would be good to have someone from the Design Review Committee (who are professional people in the design area) explain to the Planning Commission the reasons for their decisions on controversial or complex design issues coming to the Planning Commission. The Mayor expressed a desire to keep an open line of communciation between various commissions and committees. Commissioner Cannon then requested the Chairman to hear from the owner of the Executive BarberShop (who arrived toolate for Oral Communications) regarding the trouble with the game center on "E" Street which the Planning Commission approved a few weeks ago. Mr. Frank Rodgers, 682 "E" Street (Big Bear Shopping Center), Chula Vista, reported on the concern of the tenants and himself with the situation at the game center. Although they have contacted the owners, who promised that corrective action would be taken, the game center continues to operate with the lights out, the back door - open with bicycles coming in and out, no security guard, only a young, "16 or 17 year old" girl on duty. He noted that one window had already been broken in his shop. Principal Planner Lee stated one of the conditions for approval was the location of a bike rack near the front of the building and having an adult supervise the center. The Zoning Enforcement Officer has been asked to investigate to deter- Planning Commission -4- January 12, 1983 mine if there is enough evidence for revocation. The owners of the center have been contacted, and this matter will undoubtedly be back to the Planning Commis- sion in the near future for disposition. Commissioner G. Johnson referred to the Council Minutes of January 4, 1983, regarding the sewer system on Telegraph Canyon Road and requested information about the incident from the staff. This information will be forthcoming at the next Planning Commission Meetihg. Chairman Johnson reminded the Commissioners that on Monday, January 17, 1983, they were invited to meet the new City Manager. Also, that the reception for Helen Mapes would be held on Friday, January 14, 1983. Director Gray noted that the Wednesday, January 19th meeting will be a study session from 5:00 to 7:00 followed by dinner. The work program will be discussed at the study session. ADJOURNMENT at 7:48 p.m. to the regular business meeting scheduled for January 26, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. Ruth M. Smith, Secretary, Planning Commission