HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1988/08/16 Item 13 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT CL,: ;forn ia I tern 13 Dated ITEM TITLE: Meeting Date 8/16/88 Resolution I~~]f ~thoriZing Fourth Amendment to Agreement betw6en City of Chula Vista and JHK & Associates and appropriating f. unds related t~~~~ Director of Public work~ (~ City Manage~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes X No ) SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: In November 1986, Counci 1 awarded a contract to the fi rm of JHK & Associ ates to update the circulation element of the General Plan. The original contract did not include special work tasks to calibrate existing network and validate land use assumptions for Scenario 4. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the fourth amendment to agreement and appropriate funds in the amount of $42,750 to perform traffic forecasting service from the unappropriated balance of the Development Impact Fund. . BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: Not applicable. DISCUSSION: During the review of the General Plan update Scenario 4 travel forecast, staff di scovered some di screpanci es in the 1 and use assumpti ons used to predi ct future travel. Specifi cally, staff di scovered that forecasted travel on some existing streets in portions of the developed areas of the City were lower than what exists today. This occurred because the existing land uses described in the SANDAG regional forecast computer model file did not in some cases match actual existing land developments. To rectify thi s prob1 em, staff proposes to amend the JHK & Associates contract to include validation of existing land use assumptions and calibration of the SANDAG computer forecast model. Work to be performed is described below. Phase I - $5,000 1.) Verify Exi sti ng Land Use - By usi ng the 1 atest 1 and use data from the P1 anni ng Department, JHK wi 11 update all Transportati on Ana lysi s Zones (TAZ) input files of the SANDAG model. All TAZs in the Sphere of Influence which have existing development will be included in this revi e\'I. In the Eastern Terri tori es area, JHK wi 11 use the modifi ed TAZ system for this task. . . Page 2, Item 13 Meeting Date 8/16/88 Veri fy /Create Exi sti ng Hi ghway Network - JHK wi 11 update the exi sti ng SANOAG highway network to reflect current transportation system conditions. This will allow JHK to accurately calibrate the network to Year 1987 traffic counts as supplied by the City. 3.) Perform Calibration Testing - JHK will work with SANDAG staff in the initiation and analysis of up to 3 (maximum) calibration runs. Each separate run will require screenline analysis on an areawide basis initially, and eventually on a quadrant by quadrant basis as required. 2. ) Phase II - $2,000 4.) Verify All TAZ Land Use for Scenario 4 - JHK will review all Scenario 4 TAZs in the Sphere of Influence for land use accuracy. A check of Scenario 4 versus Existing Conditions will be performed. Phase III - $750 5.) Draft and Final Report - JHK will prepare a draft and final report for the City of Chula Vista. . The City of Chula Vista has appropriated funds to use the SANOAG computer for Scenari os 1, 2 and 3. It is al so necessary to appropri ate an additi onal $25,000 for use of the SANDAG computer for Scenario 4 and calibration and for follow-up computer travel forecasts as requi red for analysi s of the General Plan Update. It is al so necessary to appropriate $5,000 for City staff time in connection with this task plus $5,000 for contingencies. The total additional funding to cover the consul tant I s increased scope of work ($7,750), the use of SANDAG I S computer ($25,000), contingencies ($5,000), and staff time ($5,000) amounts to $42,750. FISCAL IMPACT: The estimated cost to complete this additional work including contingencies and staff time is $42,750. The source of funds is the unappropriated balance of the Development Impact Fund. These funds should be appropriated into Account 621-6210-E0002 (87/Circulation Element). .. MS:nr/ WPC 3868E . . I" r\ /('./ ,'" .' ,- ---) " ,-,,/.' j~.