HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1983/10/12 Tape 239 - Side 1 1000 - 1743 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA Council Chambers 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 12, 1983 Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman O'Neill; Commissioners Cannon, Green, Guiles, Pressutti, and Shipe COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Chairman R. Johnson - with prior notification STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Gray, Principal Planner Lee, Senior C~;'~l [,~§~F.~c~- D~t, City Attorney Harron, Secretary Ruth Smith PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Vice Chairman O'Neill, acting as Chairman Pro Tem for the meeting, and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MSUC (Shipe/Green) to approve the minutes of September 14, 1983, as mailed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 1. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR BONITA VISTA, CHULA VISTA TRACE 8O-12, 4243 BONITA ROAD Principal Planner Lee informed the Planning Commission that this is the third and last extension of the 50-unit project .originally approved in 1980. There have been no significant changes in the immediate vicinity which affect the original findings of approval of the tentative map, and staff recommends approval of the one-year extension. MSC (Pressutt~/Gulle) to approve a one-year extension of the tentative subdivision map for Bonita Vista, Chula Vista Tract 80-12; the map to expire on October 29, 1984. Chairman Pro Tem O'Neill voted "no," stating that the project is a condominium, and he will oppose condominium conversions as long as there is a low rental condition in Chula Vista. Planning Commission -2- October 12, 1983 2. CONSIDERATION OF REQUEST FOR AN EXTENSION OF THE TENTATIVE MAP FOR GATEWAY TOWNHOUSES, CHULA VISTA TRACT 80-31, l00 BLOCK OF EAST FLOWER STREET Principal Planner Lee stated that the project consisted of a 205-unit townhouse condominium project which was approved in September 1980. A one-year extension was granted in 1982, and the developer is requesting a two-year extension citing additional planning and architecture design as the reason for the request. This will be the last extension, and the map will expire on September 30, 1985. MSUC (Shipe/Pressutti) to approve the two-year extension of the tentative subdivision map for Gateway Townhouses, Chula Vista Tract 80-81. 3. PUBLIC HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN SIGN GUIDELINES ESTABLISHED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 1-ACRE SITE LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF 1-805 AND BONITA ROAD - BURGER KING RESTAURANTS Principal Planner Lee stated that the applicant has an option on a 1-acre site on the east side of 1-805. This area was pre-zoned and annexed to the City in 1978 with development guidelines limiting the signing to a wall sign and a ground monument. The applicant is requesting that the City remove these guidelines to allow the erection of a 150-square foot pole sign for the purpose of freeway identification, citing the use of such signage on the west side of 1-805. (Mr. Lee passed photographs of the site flagged at various heights to indicate sign height needed for visibility by north- and southbound freeway motorists.) He stressed that such signs are contrary to the goals and objectives of the Scenic Highway Element of the General Plan and that to change the guidelines would be to open the door to many businesses requesting signage. In reply to a question by Chairman Pro Tem O'Neill, Principal Planner Lee stated that the area on the north side of Bonita Road has always been C-V-P; that the area to the south is in the County and is in the residential cateqorv; the siqnage on the west side of 1-805 involves 3-8 acre properties and ~on~ists of ~ 43-foot high, 300-square foot joint identification sign in the northwest quadrant with a 20-foot high, lO0-square foot sign in the southwest.quadrant, and an additional 150-square foot sign area reserved for the Ferrelra property. He added that the Council had applied the P zoning to all the interchanges in the City, both I-5 and 1-805, to indicate its concern regarding the aesthetic qualities desired of a "gateway" to the City. Commissioner Green remarked that if the area is classified Visitor-Commercial, the purpose is to attract visitors and that identification should be permitted. Chairman Pro Tem O'Neill advocated the use of signage similar to that used in Oregon wherein logos of businesses located at an interchange are displayed on a joint sign about a mile prior to the interchange allowing ample time to leave the freeway. Planning Commission -3- October 12, 1983 Planner Lee replied that such usage was tried in the northern part of California on an experimental basis. The last communication received from the State indicated dissatisfaction with the program although no definite information was given. This being the time and the place advertised, the public hearing was opened. Carol Freno, 3703 Alta Loma Drive, Bonita, 92002, president of the Sweetwater Valley Civic Association spoke against additional signing at the 1-805 interchange and stressed that the traffic situation at this intersection needs review. She referred to the congested traffic, large number of traffic signals, back-up of traffic, and the difficulty of getting to Bonita Plaza Road. Roger Swift, 599 Broadway, Chula Vista, 92010, the applicant, stated that the proposed Burger King will provide 50 to 60 new jobs for the area. He outlined the amount of money invested and stated it is vital to tap the freeway traffic. He stated that the idea of a combination logo sign sounded outstanding; he had no objection to joint sign usage and was willing to lower the height of the sign requested. Gene York, 160 Brightwood Avenue, Chula Vista, 92012, representing 805 Properties on the southwest corner of the freeway, spoke in favor of the freeway-oriented sign. He stated that Burger King had refused to negotiate with his firm because of lack of signage on the property. Mr. York emphasized that the interchange is commercial and would become more so in the future and freeway identification is absolutely necessary. He expressed approval of Chairman O'Neill's remarks and added that the State of Oregon's sign program is very successful and such a program could eliminate 99 percent of freeway-oriented signs. Commissioner Cannon stated that the more signs we have, the less beauty; there must be consistency in a scenic highway either being without signs or being redesignated as a freeway sign area, and the first sign application is a guarantee of others. Also, he added, the developer knew about the sign restrictions before he put a deposit on the property. The freeway sign matter in this area was voted on by the Planning Commission and the City Council at previous meetings and settled. It should not be necessary for another developer to come before the Commission for a decision. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Shipe stated he sees a need for signs; however, the reaction of the people to the placement of Denny's sign has had such an effect on him personally that he is not comfortable with a 50-foot sign located at the "gateway" to Chula Vista and plans to support staff's recommendation. MSC (Cannon/Shipe) to recommend that the City Council not amend the precise plan guidelines as requested by the applicant. Commission Green voted "no." Planning Commission -4- October 12, 1983 MSUC (O'Neill/Cannon) that the City of Chula Vista address a letter to the State asking the results of the combined logo signage experiment conducted in the northern part of the State. Commissioner Cannon added that New York uses this kind of signage throughout the upper State and it is very effective. He offered to draft the necessary letter. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Planning Director Gray observed that the study workshop would be scheduled for October 19, 1983, at 5:00 p.m., with dinner following at the Country Club. The topic would be a briefing by the consultant, Paul Manganelli, on the E1 Rancho del Rey General Plan Amendment. - that the Council would consider the report on City Code requirements for a 4/5ths vote to override Planning Commission actions on October 25, 1983. - the staff was working with LAFCO staff on the Sphere of Influence report for Council consideration at the meeting of October 25, 1983. Copies of the report would be available for the Planning Commission at the study workshop. ADJOURNMENT AT 8:08 p.m. to the Study Session of 10/19/83, at 5:00 p.m., in Conference Room 3 and to the Regular Business Meeting of 10/26/83, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Ruth M. Smith, Secretary Planning Commission WPC 0619P