HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1984/12/05 Tape 254 - Side 1
7:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Wednesday, December 5, 1984 Public Services Building
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Green, Commissioners Cannon,
Carson, Guiles, O'Neill, Shipe and Tugenberg
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Krempl, Principal
Planner Lee, Principal Planner Pass, City
Attorney Gill, Senior Civil Engineer Daoust
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Green and was
followed by a moment of silent prayer.
Chairman Green reviewed the composition of the Planning Commission, its
responsibilities and the format of the meeting.
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit 85-9, Request to Establish a
Trolley Station at "E" Street and I-5 (southeast
quadrant) County of San Diego and City of Chula Vista
Principal Planner Lee stated that in accordance with the letter submitted to
the Planning Commission dated November 28, 1984, concerning the on-going study
by the County of San Diego of the "E" Street Trolley Station site, the
Planning staff is requesting that this item be filed. When the project
recommences, it will be rescheduled for a public hearing and appropriate
notice given.
MSUC (O'Neill/Shipe) to file Conditional Use Permit 85-9.
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of an Extension of the Tentative Map for
Star Orange, Chula Vista Tract 82-3
On December 8, 1981, Council approved Tentative Subdivision Map known as Star
Orange, Chula Vista Tract 82-3 scheduled to expire on December 8, 1984. The
developer is requesting a 3-year extension of the tentative map citing general
Planning Commission - 2 - December 5, 1984
economic conditions at the time of approval and change in the ownership of the
property as the delay for submittal of the final map. There have been no
significant changes which affect the original findings of conditions of
approval; therefore, it is appropriate to grant the extension. The Planning
Commission, however, has requested a review of department standards for
condominiums and the results and recommendations of that study could affect
future construction as well as conversion approvals. The Planning Department,
therefore, suggests a 1-year extension at this time with the applicant
requesting further extension in December of 1985 if a final map has not been
recorded. That extension would be considered based on the standards and
conditions in effect at that time.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mark Longley-Cook, Longley-Cook Engineering, Inc., 1007 Fifth Avenue, SD,
representing United Enterprises, stated that the Commission has the
opportunity to modify the tenative map based on evidence in the EastLake
Traffic Study which indicates that East Orange would be a six-lane highway.
The tentative map presently indicates four lanes. In the present tentative
map configuration, it would be necessary to require condemnation of the
building to the north if either the six-lane highway is established or a turn
lane for Brandywine. Such provisions can be incorporated at the present time
with the least amount of effort.
Discussion ensued between the Planning Commission and staff regarding the
intersection of East Orange and State Route 125, the possibility of 1-805
becoming a six-lane freeway at that point, the backlog of tentative maps and
their effect, the need to consider at all times the tremendous traffic problem
in the City, the extension of the State Map Act, and changes in the State Map
Act which affect developers only at the time of filing.
Jack Strasser, 584 Rivera St., CV, speaking neither in favor nor against the
item being considered, requested Planning Commission's attention be directed to
the problem of dirt bikers in the area of Rivera Street.
Paul Steiger, 3111 Camino del Rio, SD 92108, representing Housing
Opportunities, stated that this property has been funded through the
Redevelopment Agency in the amount of $1 million. They are ready to start
construction upon processing the final plan as soon as the rainy season
permits. Any change at this point would be untimely and disrupt those of the
City of Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency as well as the applicant.
While the applicant concurs with staff recommendations of the 1-year
extension, Mr. Steiger affirmed that if East Orange becomes a six-lane road,
problems including possible elimination of approximately ten units, walls, and
landscaping would result.
No one else wishing to speak at this time, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Cannon/O'Neill) to adopt a motion approving a 1-year extension of Star
Orange, Chula Vista Tract 82-3; the map to then expire on December 8, 1985.
Planning Commission - 3 - December 5, 1984
3. PUBLIC HEARING: PCS-85-4, Consideration of Tentative Subdivision Map
for Telegraph Village, Chula Vista Tract 85-4, Land
Specialists, Inc.
Principal Planner Lee stated that the applicant has submitted the tentative
subdivision map known as Telegraph Village, Chula Vista Tract 85-4 to develop
a one-lot, 48-unit condominium project on 3.75 acres located at the southwest
corner of Telegraph Canyon Road and Melrose Avenue. The project complies with
all requirements and although some additional storage may be provided in the
garage, it is not required. Condition 2d has been discussed with the
developer and modifications have been made to state that the developer shall
dedicate to the City 40 feet of right-of-way from Melrose Avenue from the
southeast corner of the property to the centerline of the proposed driveway on
Melrose Avenue. In reply to a question by Commissioner Shipe about the
adequacy of schooling, Principal Planner Lee stated that the developer has met
with the School District to discuss what must be done prior to building
permits being released. The School District then supplies the City with
documentation that sufficient school facilities are available. In reply to
the question about the headlight impact on the residents, Mr. Lee said that
had been discussed with the Council and there are two additional access points
onto Telegraph Canyon. Therefore, the Melrose access is only one point of
access it was not believed there would be heavy traffic use. Director of
Planning Krempl stated that staff had considered eliminating any access to
Melrose, and had looked at other design alternatives but did not consider it
feasible to design a driveway entrance capable of completely eliminating all
headlight impact.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Brinkman, 879 Monserate, asked if it would be necessary to make a
cul-de-sac on E1 Capitan. He was informed by Senior Civil Engineer Daoust
that the condition being proposed is for the end of the street to be finished
to plan which will be a curve around the inside existing curve lines.
Mrs. Charles Winzel, 197 E. E1 Capitan, submitted a letter from Dana Ecoffey,
207 E. E1 Capitan Drive, objecting to the addition of a cul-de-sac.
Stan Landess, 2341 Jefferson St., SD 92110, representing Land Specialists,
stated concurrence with staff's recommendation and the conditions of approval
and readiness to start work on the project. He mentioned that the cul-de-sac
area and the change to Condition 2d had been worked out with the City Engineer.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Guiles/Cannon) to find this project will have no significant
environmental impact and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-84-20.
MSUC (Guiles/Cannon) that based on the findings contained in Section E of the
staff report, to adopt the motion to approve the tenative subdivision map for
Telegraph Village, Chula Vista Tract 85-4 subject to the ten conditions listed
~ Planning Commission - 4 - December 5, 1984
in the staff report with Condition 2d modified to read, "The developer shall
dedicate to the City 40 feet of right-of-way from Melrose Avenue from the
southeast corner of the property to the centerline of the proposed driveway on
Melrose Avenue to accommodate a transition meeting the existing improvements
as shown on Chula Vista Drawing No. 5896. From said point northerly, the
street dedication shall be 30 feet as shown on the tentative map."
4. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of PCC-82-3 for extension of temporary
classrooms at 470 "L" Street - Church of Christ
Principal Planner Lee stated that the applicant had been asked to submit a
noise study which has been received by the Planning Department. However,
because of the change of meeting dates of the Planning Commission during
December, the conditional use permit will expire prior to the next Planning
Commission meeting and staff has not had time yet to evaluate the noise
study. Therefore, staff requests this item be continued to the December 19th
meeting and the conditional use permit be extended one week until December
19th. Mr. Lee continued that the applicant has been looking into alternative
solutions to problems stated at the previous Planning Commission meeting. A
Master Plan revision will come before the Planning Commission early in 1985.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
John Leppert, 8929A Complex Dr., San Diego, representing Church of Christ,
stated concurrence with staff's recommendation and agreement to the 1-week
extension to the 19th.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Shipe/Carson) to extend the conditional use permit until December 19,
1984, and to continue the consideration for any further extension to that same
Director of Planning Krempl stated that..the EIR for EastLake, the SPA plan
area and the public facilities financing plan will come before the Commission
at the meeting of January 9, 1985. In preparation for that, the Commission
will be furnished relevant documents by the December 19th meeting to afford
sufficient time for review. The Specific Plan for E1 Rancho del Rey is antici-
pated to be before the Commission in February and the EIR in January. Director
Krempl added that the regular study sessions will resume in January.
Commissioner Shipe said he would not be present at the meeting of December 19.
Commissioner Tugenberg remarked that everything considered from now on should
be considered from the point of circulation. It was suggested that this be a
subject for the workshop.
Planning Commission - 5 - December 5, 1984
Director of Planning Krempl agreed that the point was well taken in light of
future developments to consider the overall traffic analysis done by Westec
for EastLake, al so other projects in the con~nunity.
THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED 7:35 p.m. to the regular business meeting of
December 19, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
Ruth M. Smith, Recording Secretary
WPC 1539P