HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1986/01/08 TAPE #268 - SIDE 2
7:00 p.m. Council Chambers
Wednesday, January 8, 1986 Public Services Building
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Cannon, Commissioners Carson,
Grasser, Green, Guiles, and Tugenberg
COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: With notification: Shipe
STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning Krempl, Principal
Planner Lee, Assistant City Attorney Gill,
Senior Civil Engineer Daoust, City Traffic
Engineer Glass
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Cannon and was
followed by a moment of silent prayer.
Chairman Cannon reviewed the composition of the Planning Commission, its
responsibilities and the format of the meeting.
Assistant City Attorney Gill requested the Commission rephrase certain wording
in Item 1 (Tentative Subdivision Map, Star Orange, CVT 82-3) of the December
4th minutes. The last line of the paragraph preceding the motion reads
"...that the motion indicate the Commission is agreeing to an extension based
on the applicant's stated agreement to grant the addition ROW." Attorney Gill
noted that the substitution of the phrase "intent of the applicant" and the
same wording in the motion itself would address concerns raised by the E1
Patio case since the rewording would indicate the "expressed intent" of the
applicant and not their "agreement" as part of a condition.
MSUC {Green/Tugenberg) to approve the minutes of 12/18/85 as mailed and those
of 12/4/85 as amended.
Planning Con~ission - 2 - January 8, 1986
Principal Planner Lee noted that this is a C-V-P zone located on the north
side of Bonita Road (with the exception of one parcel owned by the County as
part of the Sweetwater Regional Park holdings) and is surrounded by the public
road system. The proposal is to construct a 24-hour gas station, mini-mart,
and car wash. A preliminary site plan and design will be reviewed by the'DRC
on January 9, 1986. Mr. Lee stated that the purpose of the hearing is to
determine the need for this station in addition to the two existing stations
in close proximity on the west side of 1-805 and Council's recent approval of
a third based on expansion of service levels and choice offered to the
public. The present proposal will also expand the level of service for those
on the easterly side of 1-805 and would be of greater convenience for freeway
motorists northbound on 1-805 or westerly on Bonita Road. Traffic conditions
at this interchange have been discussed widely on all levels. The original
traffic count at the time the Burger King Restaurant was previously approved
for this same site was 35,000 ADT with an addition of 1,800 trips anticipated
with the fast-food facility. The facility presently under consideration
projects a lesser traffic volume of 750 ADT. Staff has recommended approval
of the project.
Mr. Lee pointed out that Condition 2 has been modified to indicate the
developer shall construct a median ~on Bonita Road to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer.
City Traffic Engineer Glass reviewed an update on the improvements made or
intended for this interchange: (1) CalTrans' improvements to the northbound
1-805 freeway ramps in the last 1-1/2 years; (2) the delay on the southbound
ramp improvments pending decision on CalTrans' request for 50 percent of the
funding cost to be provided jointly by Chula Vista and National City; (3)
interconnection of the traffic signals on Bonita Road; (4) the proposed signal
at Flower and Bonita Road as well as the road realignment is currently out to
bid and (5) the extensive undergrounding of utilities and new signalization
during 1986 will allow interconnection on all five signals on Bonita Road. In
response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Glass stated the median instal-
lation is required because of the proximity of the driveway property and the
northbound ramp of 1-805 is approximately 200 feet; and he described the out-
of-way route necessary to reach this facility from northbound 1-805.
Commissioner Cannon questioned the material provided in the packet re the
monument sign design and was informed by staff the design which is to be
reviewed by the DRC was included to provide the Commission with additional
background information relating to the intersection.
Plannin9 Commission - 3 - January 8, 1986
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. George Kost, 3609 Belle Bonita Brae Road, Bonita, representing the
Sweetwater Civic Association, spoke of the Association's concerns regarding
the traffic at this interchange and the effect the proposed facility would
have on the area. He remarked that the Association is not against new
construction in Bonita but only against construction without sufficient
traffic control support; that everyone agrees traffic at this interchange is
congested and dangerous but little has actually been done about the situation;
and the Association had voted against the Burger King Restaurant previously
approved for the location.
Mr. Kost recommended that (1) the traffic committee to be composed of Chula
Vista, National City, CalTrans, the County and the Sweetwater Association
which had been proposed and considered a year ago be established for the
purpose of taking an overall look at the traffic caused by projects currently
in existence plus those planned for the future; such as the Foote Property;
Flower Street; La Quinta behind Denny's; EastLake, and Bonita Long Canyon's
830 homes; (2) all development on this quadrant (or triangle) be stopped until
the proper services are in place to take care of existing problems plus those
anticipated; and (3) that as had been suggested to R.B. Claire of the Park
System, this area be made a focal point for the entrance to Bonita, Chula
Vista, National City and the Park System with a monument, trees and attractive
landscaping. He concluded by saying that he could think of no benefits the
proposed facility would bring to the citizens of the area other than confusion.
Mr. Blair Fountain, 17822 E. 17th St., Tustin, CA 92680, real estate
representative for the applicant, requested approval of the project as
recommended in the staff report and stated his availability to answer any
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
In response to Commissioner Green's question, Mr. Lee replied that under the
present zoning, this is the only parcel that can be developed commercially;
however, the County had recommended the City move ahead with rezoning its
adjacent property. Council, however, withheld a decision on the rezoning
pending completion of a traffic study and traffic improvements' work. The
County has now filed a formal request for rezoning of the property and it is
their intent to either lease or sell the property for commercial development.
Commissioner Cannon commented that the property was originally purchased for a
park site.
Commissioner Tugenberg stated he would vote against the project because of the
traffic and cited it took him 8 minutes to make a right-hand turn into
westbound traffic from that location; he was concerned with the proximity of
the site to the northbound ramp at 1-805; and considered that the only way to
easily access the northbound ramp is through the easement onto Plaza Bonita
Road. He considered the location to be bad with respect to the volume of
traffic involved.
Planning Commission - 4 - January 8, 1986
Commissioner Cannon remarked that Condition D (failure to get through the
intersection within one signal cycle) was al ready being experienced without
the addition of the proposed facility; he agreed with Mr. Kost that traffic
would only get worse; that those who travel the area daily are aware of the
traffic congestion at the intersection; and he refused to increase the problem
by "sticking a cork where the traffic flow is al ready restricted"; the
facility would contribute to the clogging factor leading to a potential
stacking situation and possible rear-end collisions. He noted that he could
not agree with the Findings that the facility would contribute to the
well-being of the neighborhood and suggested the City prevent the property
from being developed commercially and take a stand with the County to ensure
the adjacent property remains park land.
MS (Cannon/Tugenberg) to deny the project.
Commissioner Green commented that if there is any possibility of the whole
area under discussion being developed commercially, he would rather see it
done at one time instead of piece-meal as the traffic situation is too
critical to permit a repetition of the development situation recently reviewed
where easements were needed for access and egress.
Principal Planner Lee explained that the same access roads to Bonita Road and
Plaza Bonita Road would serve Mobil and the adjacent site if developed.
Commissioner Carson remarked she would rather have all developments stopped
until the traffic problem can be resolved.
The motion to deny the project passed unanimously. It was requested that the
minutes indicate that Mr. Tugenberg inadvertently pressed the wrong button but
was in favor of denying the project.
Commissioner Green cited a potential conflict of interest as he is a member of
the Country Club and left the Chambers.
Chairman Cannon noted that only five members of the Commission remained and
that a decision would require four of the five votes. He asked if the
applicant wished to continue the hearing. The answer was negative.
Principal Planner Lee commented that the DRC and the Council had approved the
site plan and the architectural package in the latter part of 1985. Utilizing
the overhead projector, he showed the relationship between the site and
adjacent commercial area as well as the single-family homes on the east; and
the Naples Street access with the loop street around the project. He stated
that the applicant had filed the subdivision map to allow the sale of the
units; one letter of protest had been received from a resident at 1042 Corte
Maria re the access road located at the rear of his property; the property is
January 8, 1986
Planning Commission - 5 -
some 8 feet lower in that area and is buffered with landscaping and a
retaining wall where it interphases with the single-family units. He pointed
out that the site plan issues had been discussed in great detail at both the
DRC and the Council meeting and that the subject for consideration by the
Commission is the subdivision map itself; there had been a minor modification
to delete condition "q" since the construction of the stucco wall would come
automatically with the construction of the units and should be indicated as a
note on the final map rather than be a condition of the subdivision map.
Commissioner Grasser inquired about emergency egress from the project in case
of road blockage and why all the mature eucalyptus trees were being removed
from the site. Principal Planner replied that the loop road system would
provide for emergency egress at the end opposite the blockage; and that the
species presently on site was small-trunked and susceptible to easy breakage
with temperature change and/or winds. They would be replaced by a specific
number of trees larger than the 15-gallon size.
Commissioner Tugenberg expressed a wish that provision of two automatic
door-openers be conditioned and asked about the parking ratio. He was
informed that a 2-car garage system would be provided plus an additional 34
on-site guest parking spaces.
Director Krempl commented that Recommendation 2 indicates the need for Council
approval of the tentative subdivision map; however, as the project involved a
one-lot subdivision, the authority had been vested in the Planning Commission
and the motion should so reflect.
The deletion of condition "q" was discussed and Mr. Lee explained that the
Environmental Review Coordinator had asked that the construction of the
noise-buffering wall be noted on the subdivision map as a point of
information. It had been decided that to avoid confusion with a subdivision
condition, a note should be affixed to the final map that the wall is required
concurrent with the building construction.
Attorney Gill noted that stipulation of the hours of construction was not
covered by the Subdivision Map Act authority.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was
opened. Donald Thompson, 1052 Corte Maria, noted his objection to the solid
fence which would preclude any view and said no one had discussed the matter
with him. Principal Planner Lee replied that a letter had been sent out
during the DRC process, several property owners were present at the meeting
and the type of wall was discussed at length with a decision that the wall
would be a combination of wrought iron and stucco to provide a certain amount
of openness and landscaping (unless the owner specifically requested a solid
fence). He recommended that Mr. Thompson discuss the matter with the Planning
Department and the developer.
Plannin9 Commission - 6 - January 8, 1986
The Chairman advised Mr. Thompson to discuss his wishes regarding the fence
with the developer and it was noted that the wall and landscaping will be
returning to the Council for final approval.
Neil Singer, Calmark Development Corporation lllll Santa Monica Blvd, 6th
floor, Los Angeles, remarked that (1) it had been the developer's intent to
provide automatic door openers and {2) they would be happy to discuss the wall
situation with Mr. Thompson.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSC (Guiles/Grasser) Green abstained to certify that EIR-84-? and the
Addendum have been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) and that the Commission has reviewed the
information contained in both the EIR and the Addendum in making the decision
on the project.
MSC (Guiles/Carson) Green abstained - that based on the findings contained in
Section "F" of the report, to approve the tentative subdivision map for San
Diego County Club, Chula Vista Tract 86-4, subject to conditions contained in
the staff report with the notation that condition shall occur concurrent
with construction of the units, and shall be shown as a note on the final map
instead of a condition.
Commissioner Green returned to the Chambers and the dais at 7:56 p.m.
Principal Planner Lee stated that this 2.3 acre site proposed for a five lot
subdivision was continued from the Commission hearing of February 13, 1985 to
revise the map in response to a flooding problem on the lower access road.
Using an overhead projector, Mr. Lee demonstrated how the easterly half of the
property interphases with Bayview and Del Mar with four lots being proposed
for single-family development (Phase 1). The westerly half is 60 to 70 feet
lower and is a single parcel which accesses from Third Avenue Extension (Phase
ll). The site is subject to substantial inundation and even after the
construction of the Sweetwater Channel will still require some fill to ensure
floor level is above the lO0-year flood level. Staff has recommended a
condition requiring an open space easement be granted over this parcel which
will preclude its development until the Sweetwater Channel is graded. The map
is recommended for approval subject to the conditions and findings stated in
the staff report. Commissioner Tugenber§ inquired if North Third Avenue would
be improved and if there was any intent to change the land use designation for
Phase II as the site seems infeasible for R-1. Mr. Lee replied that the
applicant is required to provide a two-way access road to the development in
Phase ll; and that, based on the topography, a rezone request seemed logical,
however, none had been received to date.
Planning Commission - 7 - January 8, 1986
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Curt Nolan, Nasland Engineering, 4855 Ruffner St., SD 92111 representing the
applicant commended staff on the completeness of the report and stated his
willingness to answer any questions.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Tugenberg/Green) to find this project will have no significant
environmental impact and adopt the Negative Declaration issued on IS-85-12.
MSUC (Tugenberg/Guiles) that based on the findings contained in Section "E" of
the staff report to recommend that Council approve the Tentative Subdivision
Map for Las Brisas del Mar, Chula Vista Tract 85-5, subject to conditions "a"
through "k".
Principal Planner Lee stated that the applicant is located in a small shopping
center on "H" Street approximately 200 yards west of Broadway. The existing
sign is a 200 square foot detailed sign with the top portion measuring
approximately 150 square feet with two additional signs totalling 50 square
feet. The current zoning requirements allow a 35 foot high sign totalling
approximately 150 square feet for the six businesses in the center. The
applicant is requesting that a 30 square foot sign be added below the two
existing signs thus making the total signage 230 square feet. No further
signs will be allowed for this center according to the owner.
Mr. Lee remarked that the two existing smaller signs were granted by a Zoning
Variance in 1974; with a statement by the Planning Commission that additional
signage would be subject to variance request. The center has very poor
visibility from the street because of the adjacent development to the east.
The area of signage would require redesign of the entire sign within
approximately 4-1/2 years as the abatement period for non-conforming signs
expires in 1990. Staff has recommended approval subject to a removal
agreement. In response to a question, Mr. Lee said the Vegas Card Room will
have a sign on the building but will not utilize this pole.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was
opened. Marsha Sterns, 627 "H" Street, representing Tile Town/Carpet City,
stated the sign was being requested because of the distance between the shop
location and the street. She requested that the condition of removal of the
sign in 1990 be changed to "be reviewed" based on the possibility that if the
larger sign were permitted to remain, the requested sign would not have to be
Principal Planner Lee noted that since the 15-year abatement period adopted by
Council in 1975, a number of signs have been brought into conformance as
businesses change hands; therefore, it is not known how many non-conforming
signs remain.
Planning Commission - 8 - January 8, 1986
In response to a question from Commissioner Cannon, Mr. Lee stated that if in
1990, this main sign is not required to be removed, the applicant could return
to the Commission on the basis that the Council permitted the larger sign. It
was suggested by the Commission that the language be changed to reflect this
possibility. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Green/Tugenberg) to approve PCV-86-14 for an internally illuminated 30
square foot tenant sign as depicted on the plans submitted with the
application. The applicant shall sign an agreement not to oppose the removal
of the sign if required by the City and subject agreement will apply to
successors of interest.
Principal Planner Lee noted that last September the Redevelopment Agency moved
to change the names of the major street signs in the Bayfront Area and
recommended that the Planning Commission and Council concur. Using the
overhead projector, he indicated how "E" Street, "J" Street and Tidelands
Avenue lying west of 1-805 interconnect and the entire length would be renamed
"F" Street which connects to Tidelands, would be renamed
Marina Bay Drive. "J"
Lagoon Drive; and Street west of Tidelands renamed to Marina Way; and the
access to Gunpowder Point would become Gunpowder Point Way. It is the
Agency's opinion that the new names would better convey the redevelopment
image for the area and coincide with CalTrans' program on freeway sign changes.
Commissioner Grasser suggested the name Lagoon Drive become Laguna Drive,
basing her recommendation on a recent market survey conducted by her firm
regarding the name of a new subdivision in the North County. More than 50
percent of those surveyed preferred the name Laguna Drive because a more
affluent image was projected.
This being the time and the place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
James Cappos, 404 Hilltop Drive, stated he was the only private owner in the
Bayfront Area and spoke in opposition to the name change of major east-west
continuous streets like "E" and "J" saying the change would create confusion
for newcomers trying to locate the Bayfront Area.
No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Grasser/Tugenberg) to recommend Council adopt the recommended names as
set forth in the staff report with the change of the name Lagoon Drive to
Laguna Drive.
Principal Planner Lee noted that the recent approvals of the SPA and Tentative
Map for Bonita Long Canyon recognizes the 277 acres of open space within the
560 acre development. The Municipal Code requires the applicant petition the
Planning Commission - 9 - January 8, 1986
district. The first phase of
City to request establishment of an open space,H,,
the development involves 199 units adjacent to Street with the cost of the
open space maintenance projected as $85 per household. This cost will adjust,
however, as units in the open space area are added with the phases. Council
consideration of this matter has been scheduled for January 14th and staff
recommends approval.
MSUC (Green/Guiles) to recommend approval of the proposed open space district.
Di rector Krempl
reminded the Commission of the joint Council, Commission and Montgomery
Planning Committee workshop on January 15th; that copies of the County
Zoning Ordinance would be provided prior to the meeting and it was
anticipated that the briefing would be comprehensive in explaining the
scope and basic intent of the Ordinance.
- suggested that since the first meeting in February falls on a Legal
Holiday (the 12th), it should be rescheduled to the 13th at 7:00 p.m. The
Commission concurred. Commissioner Cannon, however, informed the
Commission that he would be absent on the 13th.
on Saturday, the 25th, the 2:00 joint Council, Commission and DRC tour of
the various projects would be followed by a meeting at DRC Chairman Kevin
O'Neill's house to discuss DRC policy.
ADJOURNMENT AT 8:25 p.m. to the joint Council, Commission and Montgomery
Planning Committee meeting of January 15, 1986 at 5:00 p.m. in Conference
Rooms 2 and 3.
Ruth M. Smith, Recording Secretary
WPC 2505P