HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/08/10 Additional Information MEMO Ac(cl~~\"O\. \ :::c-~ 8-\<:> / \.:::::, ~\~ ~ ~---~ --- -- (llY OF (HULA VISTA Department of Public Works File: 0735-l0-TF-355 DATE: August 6, 20 I 0 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Jim Sandoval, City Manage ~ Scott Tulloch, Assistant City 1 anager 7 4: R. A. Hopkins, D.. '\tor of Public WorkN!J!l lraesema Quila a .,!\'ssistant Director of Engineering VIA: SUBJI,CT: Tcmporary Road Closure of Bonita Road Undercrossing Associated with the Interstate 805 Freeway Bridgedeck Widening and Traffic Enhancement Improvements tentatively scheduled for 9:00 P.M. Friday, August 20, 2010 through 5:00 A.M. Monday, August 23,2010. On August 5,20 I 0, the State of Califomia Oepmiment of Transportation (Caltrans) submitted a proposal trom Skanska USA Civil West, a contractor hired by Caltrans, who has submitted traffic control and detour plans requestll1g the temporary closure of Bonita Road trom the southbound ramps to the northbound ramps (Bonita Road undererossing area) for the purpose of lowering the newly constructed bridge seelion to its ultimate resting and operating position atop the support structures constructed separately under the existing bridge section. The street elosure would occur in one continuous phase, to begin at 9:00 P.M. Friday, August 20, 201 0 and to remain completely closed to through traffic on Bonita Road until no later than 5:00 A.M. Monday, August 23,2010. During this temporary closure period, the contractor will work around the clock to remove the falsework currently supporting this massive concrete structure, and using an intricate system of hydraulic jacks, lower this concrete structure onto its ultimate supports. While this jacking operation IS in progress to lower this bridge section, there will be a network of interconnccted jacks, control mechanisms and hydraulic lines set continuously irom one end of the bridge to the other. A redundant backup system of hydraulics will also be provided in the event of an equipment failure. In addition to the equipment and manpower necessary to complete this proccss, there is an unknown, although unexpected, risk of a failure in the concrctc structure itself or the hydraulic equipment that would pose a significant risk to anyone from the public that would be in the area of Bonita Road undcr the bridge should this occur. The contractor has detailed the potential risks and benefits to conducting this operation under a continuous road closure condition, and staff has reviewed this proposal and concurs with the contractor's request and the concerns expressed in this submittal. A copy of this risk to benefits request for a continuous road closure is attached to this repOli. The exact time required for completion of this operation is expected to be within the time constraints of this requested closure period. While the request for closure I' Tom the contractor is for a 58-hour period, Caltrans and City staff have concurred that the work can be completed within the period from 9:00 P.M. on Friday, August 20,2010 through 5:00 A.M. on Monday, August 23, 2010. The road will be reopened to normal traffic as soon as the work is completed and they are sure that any risk to the public has been negated. Should this proposal be rejected, the alternative is for 2 weeks, consisting of 10 nights, of -'1'"9" The Honorable Mayor and Council August 6, 2010 Page 2 complete night-time only closurcs to completc the same work that can bc accomplishcd within this 56- hour period. Staff considers this one wcckcnd proposal as necessary to allow for the maximum of protection for the public, the contractor and the bridge structure itself with the minimum amount of disruption and inconvcnicnce to the public. Signs will be erected notifying the public of the upcoming closures a minimum of two days in advance of closing of the road. Residents and businesses of the affected area will in this way be given 48 hours notice prim' to any closure of the road and the associated work to arrange for altemate routes and schedules that they may fecI are neccssary during this weckend closure. Eastbound Bonita Road traffic will be detoured south to East H Street. Westbound Bonita Road traffic will be detoured north to Sweetwater Road (see attached detour map). Caltrans Public Information Office will be handling the media contact for the project. Chula Vista Transit will be minimally affected by this road closure. The 705 Route bus on this transit route will operatc on their normal schedule until the closure at 9:00 P.M. At that time there are only two bus runs left, to and !i'om Plaza Bonita, and these last two runs will be detoured via Sweetwater Road. Since these arc the last two late night bus runs, it is anticipated that there will be a very minimal disruption of schedule or inconvenience to ridership for Chula Vista TranSit and their patrons. All emergency services will be adequatcly noticcd and will need to make accommodations to handle emergcncies in the area during the closurc period. Chula Vista Fire Department and Chub Vista Police Depaliment have been consulted and thcir respective comments have been discussed with Caltrans staff. The Califomia Highway Patrol will havc officers on-site to assist with any traffic control needs. The Traffic Engineering Section has reviewed and conceptually approved the attached traffic control, closurc and dctour plan. The purpose of this memorandum is to advisc the City Council of said closures in accordance with Council Policy No. 576-15, which rcquires that Council be notified in advance of a request to close a street for major constmction work. If Council has no objections to the proposed street closures, staff will procecd with the closures described shown above. Attachments: Interstate 805 Southbound Auxiliary Lane Project Fact Sheet Clarification to Rcqul:st for Extended Closure ofI3onita Road Submitted by Skanska USA Civil West Chula Vista Transit Route 705 Map and Schedule Information Ddour Map cc: David Bejarano, Chief of Police David Hanneman, Fire Chief Malt Little, Assistant Director of Public Works Frank Rivera, Principal Civil Engineer/Transportation Services/Traffic Engineering Silvester Evetovich, Principal Civil Engineer/Construction Inspections Andy Trujillo, Transit Manager Police and Fire Dispatch Diane Howell, Office of Communications Amy Partosan, Engineering Admin Analyst II Lindsey Walters, Public Works Specialist J :\Engincer\AGENDA \Inlormation Items\Road Closurcs\BonitaRoad@I-S05 Road Closure.dmw.doc . ..._',~_M .__. _._~_""-_,",.,,_...,_.,""-_,, .. lir/tmn5" ~ ~ CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION The Project The California Department ofTransportation (Caltrans) will construct two southbound auxiliary lanes on Inter- state 805 between State Route 54 and Bonita Road. The project will also widen the Bonita Road undercrossing and add new ramp meters at Sweetwater Road, Bonita Road and the connector from westbound SR-s4 to southbound I-80S. The Need Motorists experience significant congestion in the area during the evening peak commute. Traffic entering 1-805 southbound from the east and westbound SR-s4 direct connectors and from Sweetwa- ter Road creates merging conflicts with motorists moving to the outside lanes to exit at Bonita Road. The merging and weaving further adds to the congestion. This project will reduce current and future traffic conges- tion on 1-805 in the area during the peak traffic period. It will also allow for easier entry and exit access between the SR-s4 interchange and Bonita Road. Chula Vista I Imperiall Beach \ UNm.DSl"~ -M'DJCO Jobs Construction of the 1-805 Southbound Auxiliary Lanes Project will generate jobs for the San Diego Region and California. Partnership The project is developed through a partnership with the California Department ofTransportation (Caltrans) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Project Status Construction started in October 2009. Project Costs The project cost is $14 million, including $9 million provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and $5 million from the State Highway Opera- tion and Protection Program. Project Schedule Start Construction: October 2009 Project Completion: Fall 2010 ,"~ " ;l, ~~".' ." ".::' t . ::~.'" '''A''~'' L... ..~ 4'"t" ~ ,.,......~." \ .,,'" '\?'Q ,8.- ....-."'"' ....... "'~(.~ j ".:"~('"..._, ~""~~..;;;:. ~.. "-:;.' Iot'" J'~ : -1 r ~ r-.oIl;~lIo... "'.~ ~ ..j1> !/... <~ .~ ~. .. ~. V :~-- ."'* &,i- . ~"""~1~ ....-.~, cI' ~: Q"lI'o" ft> \' ,.... .~. < .,.,&"...~, "'.li', .....::v~ ~€,,,,,,Gt.. i'" ~ kE.'r;.X~ .~ ~"~..4 .~h:; ,"'" 0'::]$ ~'t':;':'~/~'V.,:''It.~.-:<....~.&,~.", ,.~~ ~\~,-" ;,.;<<\ ~If:?' / ~~'}'. <>-,-\r,~~. +. ","l, (J"A>,' ~~".. _..o,,!'~f':,.<!ol:l .", -}' ~l;;. . ~, .,,: p...fif- '" ''i.-'i!'"'''-A ~'1' '&~':"4' '~<;;2;' ,p.",~.:.. "1"'''~' .-~~ >'10- ~..... ~ ~ ~ '" ' . _ _h.' -.. SI<ANS USA Civil Skanska USA Civil West California District Inc. 9543 Heinrich Hertz Drive, Suite 4 San Diego, CA 92154 Phone 619-671-7709 Fax 619-671-7873 Web www.skanska.com July 21, 2010 State of California, Department ofTransportatiol1 District 11 Construction Ficld Officc 817 Swcetwater Rd Spring VaHey, California 91977 09-5002-000-0188 Reference: Caltrans Contract No. 11-081644, Skanska Job #09-5002 Route 805/54 Separation Subject: Clarifications to Requcst for an Extended Closure of Bonita Road Dear Mr. Alsheikh, As requested Skanska is clarifying and expanding on the benefits of an extended closure for the lowcring of the Bonita DC. I I I I I I i I I 1. Greatly enhanced pnblic safety: Safety is always Skanska's primary objective and an important aspect of safety is recognizing when an activity is significantly different from a typical operation. Skanska believes that thc lowcring of a 300' three span pre-stressed cast in place structure is an operation that is so unique that the additional caution is warranted. During typical bridge construction falscwork is erected to support all the construction loads. The load on the falsework is gradually added as tlrst the formwork is constructed, and then 70% of the bridge reinforcing is added, followed by additional form work. The most critical pcriod of loading, when most falsework failures OCCllr, is during the placement of the soffit and stems concrete. Once the bridge deck is in place and the bridge is stressed the falsework is effectively unloaded and can bc lowered at any point thereafter. In the case of the Bonita UC the completed structure is supported by the falsework until the load is transferred to the lowering system. This load transfer is a critical step in the sequence. Unlike the falsework, 100% of the load will be applied to the lowering system in a short period of time. The benefits of slowly loading the system and having the ability to monitor the integrity ofihe system, as lS clone with falsework, will not be afforded. However there is still an alternative plan if the loadings do 110t match those calculated, undesired denections or settlements arc encountered or any part of the lowering system fails. The bridge can be lowered back outo the falsework until the problem is rectified. Once the load transfer is complete the falsework will bc removed so that the structure can be lowered into position, Skanska believes that the three safest conditions or phases of this operation are when the structure is 1000/0 supported by the falsework, When thejacking system is fully engaged, upon load transfer, and all loadings, settlements and deflections are accounted for. When the structure is completely lowered and is in its ultimate position. Any position other than those listed above carries an increased risk proportional to ... the lerlgtll of.tilll~thatthe bridg"isnot in one of'lboveyositiollS. The actual activity ._. ""","L.""."-'_. S'IlIA~~'S. ~A USA . MnJ ~v~ Civil of lowering the bridge will consists of using a large system of thirty interconnected jacks with a total stroke of 6" to lower the bridge in 1/4" inCft;Il1ents. Once the bridge has been lowered by a stroke of the jacks (6") the bridge will be lowered onto a redundant build up adjacent (0 the jacks, then the jacks will be repositioned for another lowering. This process will be repeated until the bridge is in its ultimate position, approximately 10 iterations. One of the unknowns in the process is how long will it take to lower the bridge through one iteration, Skailska is assuming 1 per night until the capabilities of both the system and the procedure can be reassessed. The period between shifts, when the jacking system is disengaged, and the crews are home resting is when Skrlllska has the greatest concern for public safety. If there is any undesired settlement, rotation, buckling, material failure or shifting in the redundant system it would take a significant amount of time to mobilize forces to close the surface street and engage the jacking system to stabilize the discrepancy. Until the above actions are taken the public would have access beneath the bridge and would be in considerable danger. Both the jacking and redundant systems have a factor of safety against design loads but the unknowns ano the unprecedented nature of this evolution are a cause for concern. Combined with the notion that if something were to go wrong the likelihood of personal injury is very high. In the interest of maximizing public safety Skanslm recommends that the lowering operation continues as a continuous evolution from the fully raised position to fully lowered position without allowing the public under the structure while in a transit phase. 2. Decreased inconvenience to public traffic. Skanska's is currently planning on the lowering operation taking ten consecutive nights. With an extended closure the ten nights offull closures would be replaced with a single weekend closure. Additionally even though the request is for the entire weekend there is likelihood that the entire weekend would not be needed. Ifthis were the case the road would be opened as soon a practicable. 3. Greater chance to maintain higher tolerance and structural integrity of bridge during lowering. For the same reasons listed within the public safety bullet Skanska feels that greatcr control can be maintained through a continuous operation. While the iterative process of placing the structure onto buildup and back onto the jacks is inevitable long durations with the structure on the buildup in a transit condition should be avoided. Settlements and deflections which occur off shift will be difficult to accOllnt for and correct. There is a possibility that excessive stress could be introduced into the structure during the off shift period which may calise permanent damage. 4. Decreased chance of catastrophic failure during lowering. Duo to the nature of the bridge lowering there will be over 90 hydraulic and sensur cables running throughout the construction area. To begin rmd end the lowering by daily shift will introduce additional unforeseen hazards not previously cited e.g. hydraulic bleed-off, human tampering, theft and possible unforeseen hazards left uncovered from the previous shift. Any ofthese conditions wonld ,....,.. SKANSKA ~t~1 expose the system to a critical failure, which as cited above would exposes both the general public, Caltrans and Sknl1ska personnel to grave injury. 5. Reriuccd probability for an error in jacking system setup. During shift startup Skanska anticipates a certain degree of system setup which will include connecting numerous control cables and hydraulic lines tu two independent control systems. During these procedures which will occur at night there is the possibility thal cables could becume crossed, miscol1l1ccted or over looked. If any of these mistakes arc made the overall effect would range from a delay in beginning the night's operation to lowering the bridge based on erroneoLls information. 6. Recover days on project schedule. As of the last CPM Update the project was j.8 days behind schedule. Obviuusly performing a critical path activity in a shorter than planned duration would befit the project. 7. Increased efticiency of lowering operation. Skanska is plmming all a 1 Yz hour set up and Ih hour to seclIre the system with a 1h. clIshion to reopen to traffic. Effectively leaving a 5 Y; hour window to pertann the work. Assuming a 1" per hour lowering rate ten shifts and 80 shift hours would be required. Under a continuous closure with tIle same lowering rate the bridge would be lowered in 58 hours. This is 28% fewer shift hours worked for the same activity. Efficiency could also be gained under a continuous closure given the repetitive nature of the activity. It is likely that the crews would become more efficient over time if each crew was able to participate in more than one iteration of selting and resetting the jacks and plates. Additionally at crew change over there would be a face to face turn over with double crews on site at turn over an accurate pass down of lessons learned and system status conki conveyed. This would not only increase the efficiency but would add an element of safety which is difficult to quantify. It may be a cliche but communication at all levels will play an important part in this evolution being successful and face to face turn over's are the best way to achieve tight communication lines. 8. Decreased cost for inspection and COZEEP. Skallska hopes that the above clarifications are helpful in securing an extended closure period. Skanska's project and executive staff will be available anytime to meet and disclIss allY of the poinls brought forward. [fthere are any questions related to this matter, please call me at (951) 232-6954. ACivil ~..___. ~b"'~..;n:llf'l1 ""i:..,"'-" ,~. __'_ "... CASH FARES / Tarifas en efectivo Exact fare, please I Favor de pagar /a cantidad exacta Day Pass (Regional) / Pase diario (Regional) One-Way Fare / Tar/fa de una direcdon Senior (60+)/Disabled/Medicare Mayores de 60 afios/Discapacitados/Medicare Children S & under / Nines de 5 aiios 0 men ores MONTHLY PASSES / Pases mensual Adult / Adu/to Senior {60+)/Disabled/Medicare Mayores de 60 aFios/Discapacitados/Medicare Youths (18 and under) Jovenes (18 afios 0 menores) $5.00 $2.25 $1.10* FREE/GRATIS' $72.00 $18.00* $36.00* DAY PASS (REGIONAL) / Pase diario (Regional) Valid for unlimited travel for one person on Trolley, most MTS buses, NCTD Breeze and SPRINTER. Valid for a discount on COASTER fares; not vard on Premium Express, Rural, or special serv ce buses, or ADA paratransit. Va/idos para viajcs ilimitados de una sola persona para: e/ Trolley, la mayoria de los autobuses de MTS, y 105 servkios del NerD de BREEZE y SPRINTER. Validos para acceder a descuentos en el COASTER. pero no para Jas rutas Premium Express nj rura/es, 105 servkios especiales ni /os servicios para discapacitadas de ADA. * I.D. required for discount fare or pass. * Se requiere identificacion para tarifas 0 pases de descuento. DIRECTORY / Directorio Regional Transit Information Informacion de transporte publico regional 511 or/a (619) 233-3004 (619) 234-5005 or/a 705 .\1111" ~TS' '//J11I\wtI MelropoJJlan Transit System A TRO~IEY _CONNECTION TTY/TDD (teletype for hearing impaired) Teletipo para sordos (888) 722-4889 Bayfront/ ESt. ~~ Alternative formats are available upon request. Please call: / Formato alternativo disponibte at preguntar. Favor de IIamar: (619) 231-1466 '. .-' " '1"/ " ~ '" Chula \'ista Mundpal GoljCaurse CI "~I ,9 u<Jwuse ~'" Library _ . @ 1;0>2" 00000 ~( 00 BC'llila" ~ Kaiser OJt... (j:? Cenler G Medical _ ~~ tp CenteroO s;- <::> 00 C:l<::> OTAY LAKEs o OOOOOc:::..f>o ~ ~ gO ~ '(-ot:O ODD ~ #00 00000 <tOO ""c' , ~ o . '-" S"mta ViSta \) oct:.... "- . p Middle School \) tiD . (.) C)c::. Bom/a Jlisca C::JC)HiSIl;chC'Oi ~07,709 Q ?,o'1 707,709, 712, 712L~nU -J~(~+. ---.~ <'-'& 0'\ S.JlltllW(stern 1b :'. yo. College ,,"" Info Express (24-hour info via Touch-Tone phone) Informacion las 24 horas (vja teMfono de tedas) (619) 685-4900 Customer Service / Suggestions Servido al cliente /Sugerencias SafeWatch Lost & Found Objetos extraviados (619) 656-2300 (619) 557-4500 (619) 656.2300 ~ N www.5dmts.com Bayfroltt/E Street TrollcyStatioJl Blue line, 704, 932 The schedules and other information shown in this timetable are subject to change. MTS does not ;)ssume responsibil"ty for errors in t"metables nor for any inconvenience caused by delayed buses. Los horarios y informacion que se indic;)n en este itinerario estan sujetos a cambios. MTS no asume responsabi/idad por errores en /os itinerarios, ni por ningun perjuicio que se origine por los autobuses demorados. <) '" Transfer point The Transit Store (619) 234-1060 1st & Broadway, Downtown San Diego M-F 9am-Spm For MTS online trip planning PJanificacion de viajes por Internet www.sdmts.com For more information on riding MTS services, pick up a Rider's Guide on a bus or at the Transit Store, or visit \lWJW.sdmts.com. Para obtener mas informacion sobre el uso de /os servicios de MTS, recoga un 'Rider's Guide' en un autobus 0 en 'The Transit Store,' 0 visita a www.sdmts.com. Thank you for riding MTS! jGracias por viajar con MT5! '.. 't.I\Si Ii Sr @ = Timepoint and/or transfer point ,;;:~.~'~~. .-- -.... ~. 5:05p 5:35 6:05 ~:~5. .. 7:20 8:9.~ 9:00 10:00 :05 :35 5:11p 5:41 6:10 .?:1.0. 7:25 .. .8.:~q 9:05 10:05 5:14p 5:44 6:13 .... .6:4~ 7:28 ~:13 9:08 10:08 111;'!:-" j~-'~~'l" Southwestern Colleqe .. Westfield Plaza Bonita" Bayfront / E St. Trolley 7:35 7:39 7:43 i"r.. , ..~ CD CD @ @ 0 @ @ @ @ @ South" South- OtayLakes Otaylakes Bonita Rd,& Westfield Bonita Rd. E.St ESt.& Bayfrontl western western Rd.@Bonita Rd.& WillowSt. Plaza & & 3rdAve. ESt. Colleg/; College Vista Middle Bonita Rd. (Kaiser Bonita Bonita 1st Ave. IDolol.ntown Trolley ARRIVE DEPART School (Bonita Clr.) Clinic) Glen Rd. ChulaVista) ARRIVE 6:49a 6;30a 6:37" 6:40a 6:43a 6:50a 7:00 7:07 7:10 7:13 7:20 7:49 7:08a 7:12a 7:16a 7:20a 7:30 7:37 7:40 743 7:50 ?:O~ . ~:07 8:10 8:13 .8:?0 8:49 8:08 8:12 8:16 8:20 8:30 8:37 8:40 8:43 8:50 9:00 9:07 9:10 9:13 9:20 9:49 9.08 9:12 9:16 9:20 9:30 9:37 9:40 9:43 9:50 1~:OO 19:97 19.:~0 10:13 10:?0 10:49 10:08 10:12 10:16 10:20 10:30 10:37 10:40 10:43 10:S0 11:00 11:07 11:10 11:13 11:20 11:49 11:08 11:12 11:16 11:20 11:30 11:37 11:40 11:43 11:50 _ 12.:9.Qp . ~2:07P.. . ~2:1qp 1~;)3P.. 1~:20P. AND THEN EVERY 30.60 MINUTES AT: I Y LUEGO CADA 30-60 MINUTOS A LA: :49 :08 :12 :16 :20 :30 :37 :40 :43 :50 :00 :07 :10 :13 :20 .l;l!'f!"IL.I.~~~A:. 5:49p 5:08p S:12p 5:16p S:20p 5:30 5:37 5:40 5:43 5:50 6:00 6:06 6:09 6:12 6:19 6:45 6:10 6:14 6:17 6:20 6:30 6:36 6:39 6:42 6:49 ~:?~ 7:91 7:04 7.:97 .7.:.14 7:40 7:46 7:49 7:52 7:59 _.~.:25 8:31 8:34 8:37 8:44 9:26 9:32 9:35 9:38 9:45 10:26 10:32 10:35 10:38 10:45 '.:. :\~tp!~; f:~'.:" Bayfront / E St. Trolley.. Westfield Plaza Bonita" Southwestern Colle<1e @ B~yfront I ESt. Troltt!y DEPART 6:05a 6:35 7:05 7:~5 8:05 8:35 9:0S . 9.;~? . 10:05 10:35 11:0S 1!:~? . Ba @ Bayfrontl ESt. Trolley DEPART 7:39a 8:24 9:09 9:54 10:39 11:24 12:09p 12;5.~ 1::l9 2:::!4 3:09 .~:?4: 4:39 5:24 6:09 6:54 @ @ @ @ 0 @ @ ESt. & E. St Sonila Rd. Westfield Bonita Rd. & Otay Lakes Olay lakes 3rd Ave. & & Plaza Willow 51. Rd. & Rd. @ Bonita {Downtown ht AVe. 30nita Bonita (Kai~er Bon'til Rd. Vista Middle Chula Vista) Glt!n Rd. Cl n'cl (Bonita Ctr.) School 6;11a 6:14a 6:17a 6:25a 6:35<1 6;39a 6:43a 6:41 6:44 6:47 6:55 7:11 7:14 7:17 7:25 7:~.1 7:44 ?:~? 7:55 8:11 8:14 8:17 8:25 8;41 8:44 8:47 8:55 9.11 9:14 9:17 9:25 ..9::1-1 9;4;4 9::1-7 .9.55 10:11 10:14 10:17 10:25 10:41 10:44 10:47 10:55 11:11 11:14 11:17 11:25 11:41 11:44 11:47 11:55 ... .. Ai\i6'T~iEN EVERy'jO~O'M'INUTES AT: i Y LUEG'O'CADA 3'0.60 MINUrOS A LA: :11 :14 :17 :25 :35 ;39 :41 :44 :47 :55 UN"TI~:/.~~!~: 5:25p 5:55 6:24 ..~.:~4 7:39 8:24 9:19 10:19 8:35 8:39 8:43 & htAve. 7:46a 8:31 9:16 10:01 10:46 11:31 12:16p 1:01 1:46 2:31 3:16 4:91 4:46 5:31 7:01 9:35 9:39 9:43 CD South- western College ARRIVE .:~i:,' Southwestern Colle e" Westfield Plaza Bonita" Ba CD @ @ 0 @ @ South- OtayLakes OtayLakes BontaRd.& Westfiold western Rd,@ Bonita Rd. & W How St. Plaza College Vista Middle Bonita Rd. (Kaiser B DEPART School (Bonita Ctr.) Clinic] E.St & htAve. @ Bayfroml ESt. Trolley ARRIVE 8:14a 8:59 9:44 10:~9 11:14 11:59 12:44p 1:29 2:14 2:59 3:44 4::2.9 5:14 5:59 6:44 7:2~ .;. ',~: .,'l.. Route 705 does not operate on Sunday. Alternative Sunday service may include Routes 929 or 961. / Ruta 705 no opera los domingos. Servicio alternativo de domingo puede inc/uir las rutas 929 0 961. 10:35 10:39 10:43 11:35 11:39 11:43 :43 5;17p 5:47 6:16 ~:~.6 7:31 8:1.6,. 9:11 10:11 5:35p 5:39p 5:43p ront / ESt. T rF.l @ ESt. & 3rdAve. (Downtown ChulaVista) 8:09a 8:54 9:39 10:~4 11:09 11:54 12:39p 1:24 2:09 2:54 3:39 4:24. 5:09 5:54 6:39 Banit Bonita Glen Rd. 8:05a 8:50 9:35 10:?0 11,05 11:50 12:35p 1:~0 2:05 2:50 3:35 ~:~q :05 7:59il 8:44 9:29 !9:.14 10:59 11:44 12:29p 1:1.4 1:59 2:44 3:29 , 4:59 5:44 6:29 7:14 7:22 *A Saturday or SundilY schedule wi] be operated on most holid<lYs and observed holidilYs, including NeY/Year's Day, Pre~ dents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day. Thanksgiving and Christmas. For holiday s"rvici! detilils, visit www.sdmts,comorcaIlS11. 'S" opcrara con hordrio de sabado 0 domingo durante la mayor!il d., los di"s fllstivos y los dias de asueto a guardar. Los dias festivos induyen Ano Nuevo, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Dia de la Independencia (EEU.U.;, Labor Day, Dla oeAccion de Grilcias y Na\idad. Pard det;]fles sabre el sel"Acio ell dfas feslivos, visite \Vww.sdmts,cam a Jlame aI51'. 6:34 6:37 6:40 I E St. Trolley.. Westfield Plaza Bonita.. Southwestern Colle<1e c @ @ 0 @ @ Bon'ta Rd. Wrl~~~ld Bv~:f~:~i.& atrid~&kes R~:~ ~~~~:a Bom onita (Kaiser Bonita Rd. Vista Middle Glen Rd. Clinic) (BonitaCtr.) School 7:4Ba 7:54a 8:33 8:39 9:18 9:24 10:93 1,0:09 10:43 10:54 11:33 11:39 12:18p 12:24p 1:0~. 1:99 1:48 1;54 2:33 2:39 3:18 3:24 4:9.3 ESt.& 3rdAve. (Downtown Chl.llaVista) 7:44a 8:29 9:14 9.:?9 10:44 11:29 12:14p 1~:?~ 1:44 2:29 3:14 ~:59 4:44 5:29 6:14 :33 6:18 7:03 4:54 5:39 6:24 7:09 Route 705 No longer Operates on Saturday 8:07" 8:52 9:37 10:22 11:07 11:52 12:37p 1:22 2:07 2:52 3:37 . ~.:~~ 5:07 5:52 6:35 7:20 Bio:7 ..,1'< . ,0,-. " . '0 0 . . 0.] .-, tbIf:rcuas. Road CLOSURE DETOUR .~ II Not To Scale To Bonita Road East from I-80S South To Bonita Road West from I-80S North ,. -","p --~-----~-~--------- -----~ -