HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1980/10/14 Item 6
Meeting Date 10/14/80
Public hearing - Consideration of tentative subdivision map for Chula Vista
ITEM TITLE: Tract 80-23, East Orange Village Condominiums, 225-255 East Orange Avenue
Resolution IbAJ??- Approving tentative subdivision map for Chula Vista Tract
80-23, East 6range Village Condominiums
00 t f Pl . ~ (4/5ths Vote: Yes No
lrec or 0 annln
1. On August 12, 1980 the City Council upon recommendation of staff placed a moratorium
on the conversion of existing apartments into condominiums for a period of 60 to 90 days
pending an indepth study of the impacts of such conversions. At that time, Council also
continued the East Orange Village Condominiums tentative map for 60 days so that it could
be considered along with the report on conversions, vacancy rates, etc., if such report
is ready at that time.
2. The applicant is seeking approval of a tentative subdivision map, known as East
Orange Village, Chula Vista Tract 80-23, for the purpose of converting an existing 128 unit
apartment complex, located on 7.36 acres at 225-255 East Orange Avenue in the R-3-P-17 zone,
into a one lot condominium project.
3. The project is exempt from environmental review as a class l(k) exemption.
Based on the findings contained in Section "F" of this report, adopt a motion to
approve the tentative subdivision map for East Orange Village Condominiums, Chula Vista
Tract 80-23, subject to the following conditions:
1. The developer shall obtain the necessary permits to do the work required for
approval within 120 days after the approval of the final map. Such work shall
proceed in an expeditious manner and shall be completed within 90 days of the
issuance of the permits, or the work shall be bonded for a maximum period of
one year based on estimates approved by the Building Department. No units shall
be occupied until final inspections have been made and all work required by this
approval is complete.
2. The two units which were not originally approved shall be converted into uses
common to the project (such as storage or recreation) or incorporated into the
floor plan of the adjoining units.
3. The owner shall grant a 6.5 foot wide easement for street tree purposes along
East Orange Avenue to the City prior to approval of the final map.
4. All existing easements within the property shall be plotted on the final map.
5. All access ways shall be repaired to comply with city standards.
On July 9, 1980 the Planning Commission, by a vote of 5 to 1, recommended that the City
Council deny the tentative map based on the finding that the project is inconsistent with
the Housing Element of the General Plan in that the conversion to condominiums would limit
the range of housing choice by decreasing an already limited rental stock.
Form A-113 (Rev. 11/79)
Agreement_ Resolution X Ordinance Plat s 4 Notification List
Other Tent. r1ap
Submitted on
Page 2, Item
Meeting Date 10/14/80
1. Adjacent zoning and land use.
Single family dwellings
Neighborhood shopping center
2. Existing site characteristics.
The subject property is relatively level, except for 2:1 slopes along the rear
property line, and is located on the north side of East Orange Avenue approximately
600 feet west of Melrose Avenue. The site is presently developed with a 128 unit,
two story apartment complex, consisting of 15 residential structures and 7 garage
buildings, constructed in 1977. There are 84 two bedroom and 40 three bedroom town-
houses, 2 three bedroom units constructed over recreation rooms, and 2 one bedroom
units. The 2 one bedroom units were originally used as rental offices and have since
been illegally converted into residential units. There are 75 existing parking spaces
in the garages and 146 open parking spaces, a total of 221.
3. Storage area.
The applicant proposes to convert 6 of the garages into 3 storage buildings which
will be divided into a total of 59 storage compartments, each containing either 120 cU.ft.
or 150 cU.ft. The 6 garage spaces will be replaced by 10 additional open parking spaces
within existing landscaped areas scattered throughout the project. The amount of remain-
ing open space is sufficient to meet the requirements of the ordinance. (The ordinance
requires 600 sq.ft. per unit X 126 units = 75,600 sq.ft.; the plan shows 115,000 sq.ft.).
Each of the remaining 69 garages will accommodate a minimum of 240 cU.ft. of storage at
the end of the garage. The 59 storage spaces and 69 garages will provide storage for each
of the 128 units. In addition, each of the townhouse units will be provided adjacent
storage under the stairs. The three bedroom units will have a minimum of 107.6 cU.ft.
and the two bedroom units, 82.6 cU.ft. under the stairs. The other 2 three bedroom units
and the 2 one bedroom units will have all of their required storage in the attic. Access
to the attic will be provided by pull down stairs as required by the ordinance.
The condominium conversion ordinance specifies that storage space located within the
living area of the unit will count toward the required space only if it clearly exceeds
the closet and cabinet space which is normally provided for such a unit. Since every
townhouse unit, by design, has an area located beneath the stairway which can be and
usually is used for storage, it can be argued that such space should not qualify for
storage space since it does not clearly exceed the space normally provided in a townhouse
unit. However, it is space that is not available in a single level living unit and if
such a space were provided in a single level unit in addition to the normal closet and
cabinet space, it would be counted toward the required storage. It does not seem equitable
to refuse to count the space simply because it is located in a townhouse unit. The point
is, the space is there, it is convenient to the unit, and on that basis I am willing to
recommend that it count toward the required storage area. Should the area be disallowed,
the applicant could easily construct additional storage within the patio areas to comply
with the code. It is my opinion that the storage being offered for each unit meets the
intent of the ordinance.
Page 3, Item
Meeting Date
4. Private usable open space.
The design manual specifies that each two bedroom unit should contain 80 sq. ft. of
private open space and each three bedroom unit, 100 sq. ft. At present, the three bedroom
units have 100 sq. ft. and the two bedroom units have 117 sq. ft. However, the private
open space available to each unit is in the form of a front patio with access required
diagonally through the required open space to gain access to the front door. The appli-
cant, in conjunction with requirements from the Design Review Committee, has agreed to
realign the entry gates and minimize the impact on the open space by providing access
adjacent to the building. This realignment will include a slight enlargement of the private
open space by moving the fence out approximately 2 to 3 feet. The amount of usable open
space thus being provided for each unit will equal or exceed 100 sq. ft.
5. Design Review Committee.
Since the apartments were constructed in 1977 prior to the formation of the Design
Review Committee, the project was reviewed by that Committee on March 6, 1980. The Design
Review Committee approved the design of the project and imposed certain conditions regarding
fencing, trash enclosures, landscaping, private open space and submittal of a plan for
conversion of the illegal one bedroom units which is acceptable to the Director of Planning.
1. The proposed project meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the code regarding
storage, parking and open space, and has been conditionally approved by the Design Review
Committee. However, the two one bedroom units which have been illegally converted from
rental offices should either be incorporated into the floor plan of the adjoining units as
planned initially, or put to a use common to the development, such as storage or recreation.
Retention of these two units would result in the project exceeding the maximum allowable
density of the zone (17 units per acre).
2. The Planning Commission noted that portions of the driveway were in poor repair and
should be brought into compliance with the city standards as a condition of approval. Since
the Planning Commission moved to deny the project, the condition was not voted on. It is my
recommendation that the condition should be included if the project is approved.
Pursuant to Sections 66473.5 and 66412.2 of the Subdivision Map Act, the tentative
subdivision map for East Orange Village, Chula Vista Tract 80-23, can be approved if Council
makes the following findings:
1. The site is physically suitable for residential development and the proposed
development conforms to all standards established by the City for such project.
2. The design of the subdivision will not affect the existing improvements: streets,
sewer, etc., which have been designed to avoid any serious health problems.
3. Approval of the project will not adversely affect the public service needs of
residents of the city or. available fiscal and environmental resources.
(02 a 7
Page 4, Item
Meeting Date 10/14/80
4. The subdivision is consistent with the General Plan Elements as follows:
a. The conversion of apartment units into a condominium does not affect the following
elements of the General Plan: Land Use, Circulation, Seismic Safety, Safety,
Noise, Scenic Highways, Bicycle Routes, Public Buildings, Conservation, Parks
and Recreation, and Open Space.
b. Housing Element - While the conversion of apartment units into condominiums will
reduce the inventory of rental housing, it will also permit an expanded choice
of housing ownership.
The Planning Department believes that the above findings can be made in this case. For
that reason, and because the development conforms with the applicable provisions of the
code as discussed above, approval of the project is warranted.
by the City Council of
Chula Vista, California
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(x) Resolution No. iF':' () Ordinance No.
You will find enclosed a certified copy of the City Council
document approved at the meeting of
, "
/lVJUV 1".
City Clerk
STAR NEWS: P ieM e. pubw h thJA do c.u.me,YLt 0 n
and ~e.nd ~ a c.opy bO~ o~ O~d{nanc.e BOOQ.
RECORDER: Pie.Me. ~e.c.o~d ~cUd doc.u.me.YLt and ~et~n d to ~ at yo~
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276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 92010 (714)575-5041
Office of
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('<'9 Resolution No. :.~ '-7( ) Ordinance No.
You will find enclosed a certified copy of the City Council
documen t approved at the meet ing of'c ((1('; r' I;:'"~
~0 za/ :r
City Clerk
STAR NEWS: Ple-cu,e- pubwh th.-iA doc.ume.nt on
and ~e-nd ~ a c.opY &o~ o~ O~d{.nanQe- Book.
RECORDER: Pie.Me. ~e.Qo~d ~aid dOQume.nt and ~e;t~n it to ~ at YO~
e-~~t c.onve-n{e-nc.e-.
A~o e.nci06ed ~ the ORIGINAL QOPY 06 the ag~~~ment. Ple~e hav~ it
e-xe.c.Lde.d and ~etu.w to th.-iA 06 Mc.e.
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276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 92010 (714)575-5041
Office of
City O~ ChuQa C\)i~ta
I.' ",_t
n i c~~;,. .. ~'-!.;.:..' ~ t fi,
( ) Resolution No.
( ) Ordinance No.
You will find enclosed a certified copy of the City Council
document approved at the meeting of
/lVJUV t
City Clerk
STAR NEWS: P ie.M e. pubw h :t~ do c.ume.VL:t 0 n.
an.d -6e.n.d U-6 a c.opY nOft OUft OftcUn.an.c.e. Book.
RECORVER: Pie.Me. fte.c.oftd -6aid doc.ume.n.:t an.d fte.:tUftn. it :to U-6 at YOUft
e.aftlie.-6:t c.on.ve.n.ie.n.c.e..
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exec.uted an.d fte:tuftl1 :to :thi6 o6n~c.e..
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 92010 (714)575-5041
CC-685 (Rev. 10/79)