HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1976/03/22 ~qINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
March 22, 1976
A regular meetin9 of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista, California
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following members
present: Chandler, Rudolph, Floto, Starr, Pressutti and Johnson. Absent (with
previous notification): Corm~issioner Smith. Also present: Assistant Director
of Planning Williams, Current Planning Supervisor Lee, Environmental Review
Coordinator Reid, Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt, Assistant City
Attorney Beam and Secretary Mapes.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Chandler, followed by
a moment of silent prayer.
MSUC (Floto-Johnson) The minutes of the meeting of March 8, 1976 be approved
as written.
The Chairman called for oral communications and none were presented.
l. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont,); Rezonin~ PCZ-75-J(2)~ 4.66 acres at the northwest
quadrant of 1,805 and East J Street~ from P-C to R-1-H -
Current Planning Supervisor Lee pointed out the location of the property directly
west of a parcel abutting the freeway which was recently rezoned to R-1-H.
The property presently under consideration is zoned P-C but is separated from
other P-C zoned property by 1-805 freeway. The property has very steep terrain
with an average natural slope of 33%, and with a substantial canyon running
through the center of the property.
Mr. Lee advised that placing the R-1-H zone on this property would restrict
development to two d~elling units on the site and permit grading on approximately
10% of the site, with the remaining 90% to be left in the natural state of
Mr. Lee called attention to the recommended conditions to be applied to the
rezoning to insure that techniques used in constructing the dwellings would
limit the noise from the freeway to an acceptable level and that placement of
structures on the site would be such th~t'outside open areas would be shielded
from freeway noise. The City would also require that an open space easement be
granted, encompassing that portion of the property to be left in natural state
to assure that no dwellings would be constructed in that area.
March 22, 1976
Commissioner Pressutti commented that on the adjacent property, comprising
1.62 acres, three dwelling units would be permitted.
Mr. Lee advised that this property has less level area than the adjacent
property and, therefore, under the Hillside District regulations it will yield
less units when developed.
Assistant City Attorney Beam pointed out that one of the purposes for the open
space easement would be to give tax relief to the owners of the developed portion
of the site.
Chairman Chandler declared the continued public hearing open, and as no one
wished to speak the public hearing was closed.
Commission Rudolph questioned whether the owner of the property was aware of the
date of this hearing. It was affirmed that a copy of the report was mailed to
the owner in advance of this meeting.
MSUC (Pressutti-Johnson) In accordance with the findings stated in the report to
the Commission, the Commission recommends to the City Council the change of zone
from P-C to R-1-H for 4.66 acres located at the northwest quadrant of I~805 and
East J Street, subject to the following conditions:
1. The construction of homes authorized by said zoning shall be under-
taken so as to insure that:
a. The interior sound level shall not exceed 45 dBA.
b. The siting of structures and floor plans shall be arranged
so that the usable open spaces are generally shielded from the
freeway noise.
2. The property owner shall grant an easement to the City for open space
in conjunction with the filing of a parcel map for this property to guarantee
that the number of units constructed on the property does not exceed the number
allowed by the "H" District regulations. The area to be covered by the easement
shall be determined by the City prior to approval of subdivision plans and build-
ing permits.
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of amendment to establish R-3-L Zone (Low
D~nsit~ Multiple Famils)
Assistant Director of Planning Williams reported that the Council had directed
that the Planning Commission give consideration to establishing an R-3 zone
which would limit the residential density to one dwelling unit to 3500 sq. ft.
of lot area. The proposed amendment, included in the staff report, would add
such a zone under the designation of R-3-L. This is similar density to that
permitted in the R-2 zone but offers more flexibility in the design of units.
After reviewing the proposed amendment, the Environmental Review Committee
issued a draft Negative Declaration which is recommended for certification by
the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Rudolph asked what circumstances initiated this move; whether it
is for undeveloped areas or for vacant parcels within developed areas of the
-3- ~-~ ~larch 22, 1976
Mr. Williams advised that it might be applied to problem parcels in single
family neighborhoods as it would be more compatible than higher density
multiple family development. He also pointed out it could be applied to
neighborhoods in transition from single family to R-3 development. He further
noted that with the increased density of R-3 development in the vicinity of
Third Avenue, as anticipated under the Redevelopment Project, there may be
an excess of R-3 zoning and possibly some R-3 areas should be designated for
lower density.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearinq was opened.
As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was declared clo~ed.
Commissioner Starr expressed concern over adding complexity to the zone
designations and asked if any of the other R-3 categories could be deleted
or replaced with the new designation.
Current Planning Supervisor Lee suggested that this is not adding complexity
but Will provide flexibility to developers by providing varied density
Commissioner Rudolph expressed concern about R-3 zoning on already developed
properties and the effect such zoning has on the property. She pointed out
that if R-3 zoning is applied in large blocks, it results in very stratified
development. She felt there should be~more mixtures of dwelling types. She
suggested that further study should be given to all zoning as applied in the
City, and to zoning categories in the ordinance, prior to enactment of this
amendment adding another category.
MSUC (Pressutti-Floto) The Commission finds that in accordance with the
draft Negative Declaration on IS-76-14, and the findings therein, that the
establishment of the R-3-L zone will not have any significant impact upon the
environment, and certifies that the Negative Declaration has been prepared
in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended.
MSC (Pressutti-Johnson) The Commission finds that the creation of the R-3-L
zone, and its subsequent application to certain residential areas in Chula
Vista could promote the orderly implementation of the General Plan, and
recommends that the City Council enact the proposed amendments to establish
the R-3-L Zone.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Pressutti, Johnson, Chandler, Starr and Floto
NOES: Commissioner Rudolph
ABSENT: Commissioner Smith
3. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Environmental Impact Report EIR-75-7,
Th~. _ Avenue_ RedeVelo p .... ment-pro~ect '
Environmental Review Coordinator Reid reported that this document was prepared
to provide environmental analysis of the Third Avenue Redevelopment Plan, It
- is a Master Environmental Impact Report, to be updated as new information be-
comes available and will be supplemented with reports on specific development
projects as they are proposed.
-4- ~" March 22, 1976
Mr. Reid noted that it is the basic finding that there is a potential for a
significant impact on elements of the urban infrastructure, such as schools
and the circulation system. At this level of specificity it is impossible to
thoroughly analyze the amount of the impact and the report concludes that a
substantial impact is not likely.
He advised that the Third Avenue Project Area Committee has adopted a motion
recommending acceptance of the report, subject to modifications, and the
Environmental Control Commission has adopted a similar motion subject to the
inclusion in the report of comments from Commissioner Gillow.
He called attention to revised pages of the report vlhich discuss drainage and
the circulation system and correct an error previously made in traffic counts
on Third Avenue and adjoining streets, and a new noise level analysis. Addi-
tional revised pages deal with an update of the school capacity and attendance
figures provided by the Elementary School District.
An additional section is included in response to a request from Commissioner
Rudolph for discussion of the tax increment financing of the project and the
fact that the taxing agencies would not realize any increase in taxes as a
result of increased valuation of property until indebtedness incurred by the
redevelopment project has been paid.
Chairman Chandler opened the public hearing.
John Madsen, 270 Madrona, expressed concern about the drainage problem in the
area of Madrona, noting that the EIR indicated the project would not have an
impact on the existing drainage which would leave one to believe the existing
drainage is adequate.
Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt acknowledged there is an existing
drainage problem at Madrona and affirmed the statement in the report that the
development proposed by the redevelopment project would not have an impact
on the drainage.
Mr. Madsen called attention to deterioration of houses in the vicinity of
Third Avenue, pointing out that many have absentee owners who are not interested
in keeping up their property. He felt there should be some way of getting
the owners to upgrade their dwellings.
Mr. Williams advised that the Redevelopment Agency has some grants available
for home improvement loans.
As no one else wished to speak the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Rudolph-Start) The Planning Commission considers the E.I.R. is adequate
and adopts it as the City's Master Environmental Impact Report for the Third
Avenue Redevelopment Project with the inclusion of the revisions prepared by
staff, input from other agencies and from individuals, and the testimony
presented at tonight's hearing.
4. Commission comments on draft plan for Third Avenue Redevelopment Pro~ec?
Commissioner Rudolph reported that she had reviewed the plan for the project
-5- ~arch 22, 1976
and it appears to contain all of the information legally required. She
advised that she had typed the recommendation which she made at the study
session concerning this project and would submit that to the Department.
Commissioner Pressutti asked for confirmation that the project would be
financed through tax revenues which accrue as a result of increased valuation
of property over the level at which it is frozen for the levy of taxes by
other agencies.
Mr. Williams indicated there is no Director's report for this meeting.
Chairman Chandler noted that the next meeting will be in three weeks, on
April 12, 1976.
The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.
Respectful ly submitted,
Helen Mapes, Secr6tary