HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1978/05/24 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
May 24, 1978
A regular meeting of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista, California was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present:
Chandler, Smith, R. Johnson, G. Johnson, O'Neill, and Renneisen. (Commissioner
Pressutti arrived at 8:00 p.m.) Also pres~t: Director of Planning Peterson,
Current Planning Supervisor Lee, Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt,
Assistant City Attorney Harron and Secretary Anderson.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Chandler, followed by
a moment of silent prayer.
Mr. Peterson informed the Commissioners that the minutes of May lO were still
being prepared and therefore would be in the packets for approval at the next
Chairman Chandler called for communications and nQnewere presented.
1. Consideration of Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1978-1979 for conformance to the Chula Vista General Plan
Director of Planning Peterson advised the Commission that summaries of the
Capital Improvement Program for the years 1979 thru 1984 were included in the
packets, with a more precise breakdown for the fiscal year 1978-79. He went
on to explain the Commission's roll, which is to determine if the projects
proposed in FY78/79 Conform to the General Plan. The staff has found that they
do conform to the General Plan and therefore recommend that the Commission adopt
a motion to that effect.
Commissioner O'Neill asked Mr. Peterson how a library circulation plan related
to the General Plan.
Mr. Peterson explained that all CIP items had to be reviewed by the Planning
Commission by State Law and the Planning Commissions action on an item such as
this related to a finding of not being inconsistent with the General Plan.
MSUC (Smith-Renneisen) The Commission finds that the Capital Improvement
Program for the Fiscal Year 1978-1979 conforms to the Chula Vista General Plan.
2. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment to allow car wash in the C-N zone
Director of Planning Peterson advised the Commission that car washes are allowed
in the C-C, C-V and C-T zones as conditional uses whereas this request is to
allow them in the C-N zone as well. He explained that the C-N zone is one
of the most restrictive commercial zones and that most uses in that zone are
required to be in an enclosed building. The staff has reached a conclusion
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that the self-service car wash is not appropriate in the C-N zone for the
following reasons:
1. It would tend to interfere with on-site circulation in a
neighborhood shopping center.
2. The out-of-door, unattended aspect of the use is foreign to the
C-N zone.
3. Uses of this type typically embody minimal design treatment.
4. There is usually litter associated with the drying of the car and the
cleaning of the interior of the car.
Chairman Chandler advised the audience that this item was not a public hearing
but if the applicant has anything to say, the Commission would be glad to hear
from him.
Donald J. Renz, 411 6th Street, Coronado, applicant, pointed out that this use
is a service convenience similar to a laundromat, parking lot, and restaurant,
of the drive-in take-out type, which are allowed in the C-N zone. He stated
that this use would be a neighborhood convenience, and that he felt there is
a need in the southeast end of Chula Vista as there are limited facilities
there now. Mr. Renz stated that the property he was interested in had parking
facilities for this type of use and was vehicle oriented.
Commissioner Smith noted that this was a general ordinance change, and asked
Mr. Renz since he had another item on the agenda, #8, was he pulling this item
to replace it with a car wash.
Mr. Renz explained that the racquetball/health club would not utilize the
entire lot and that there would be enough space for another use on the lot.
Commissioner G. Johnson asked Mr. Peterson if it were appropriate for Mr.
Renz to apply for a conditional use permit for the car wash.
Mr. Peterson replied that it would not be appropriate since he can apply for
a conditional use permit only for those uses which are listed as conditional
uses in a particular zone.
MSC (R. Johnson-Renneisen) It was moved and seconded that self service
automobile car washes were not appropriate in the C-N zone.
The vote was as follows, to-wit:
AYES: Commissioners R. Johnson, Chandler, O'Neill
NOES: Commissioners G. Johnson, Renneisen
ABSTAIN: Commissioner Smith
ABSENT: Commissioner Pressutti
Assistant City Attorney Harron indicated that the motion was adopted.
3. Consideration of Request for Deferral of Public Improvements at 1180 Walnut
Current Planning Supervisor Lee advised the Commission that they approved
a precise plan in 1977 and that one of the conditions of approval required
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the construction of public improvements. Staff has noted that the
construction of the improvements at this time would be premature due to the fact
that the Council has directed staff to proceed with a 1911 Act for the entire
block in this area and that the improvements should be part of an overall
plan; therefore staff recommends that the Commission approve the deferral,
subject to the conditions set forth in the staff report.
Mr. O'Neill asked staff if a 1911 Act would be a time consuming operation.
Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt advised that Council had asked for
the study and that one of the problems was the type of sewer system involved
and that this was holding up the process.
Commissioner Smith asked staff, if the 1911 Act did not progress satisfactorily,
if written notice by the City would suffice to guarantee future installation.
Mr. Peterson assured him that it would.
MSUC (G. Johnson-Renneisen) The Commission adopts a motion recommending that
the City Council approve the request for a deferral of the street improvements
at 1180 Walnut Avenue subject to the conditions enumerated in the staff report.
AYES: Commissioners G. Johnson, Renneisen, Smith, Chandler, R. Johnson,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Pressutti
4. Consideration of appeal of conditions of approval for Parcel Map 78-11 -
85 Quintard Street - Haniseli AlaQata
Assistant Director of Public Works Lippitt informed the Commission that on
April 28, 1977 the City approved a tentative parcel map subdividing two
parcels into three parcels. He went on to describe the existing lot and area,
and stated that now Mr. Alagata was appealing three of the conditions listed.
He then explained the conditions being appealed, #1 - That the applicant be
requi~red to install 80' of street improvements along Quintard. #2 - if the
applicants property sewers into Quintard he will have to pay a reimbursement
fee if a reimbursement district is formed, and #4 if the developer regrades
the property and changes the natural flow drainage to concentrate it at a
point upon adjacent properties he will be required to install drainage facilities.
Ue went on to explain the Subdivision Map Act in regard to street frontage
and that staff had arrived at the 80' distance by taking into consideration the
total street frontage of 180', the use of the street improvements installed
by other developers in the area and Mr. Al~ata's
upon ~fie area of the front lot. Staff then took the accessible front footage
and prorated it on the total improvements of 180'.
Chairman Chandler pointedoUtthat this was not a public hearing but that the
Commission would be glad to hear from the applicant or his representative.
Mr. Haniseli Alagata, the applicant, indicated that he did not understand the
conditions involved.
Chairman Chandler asked Mr. Alagata which ones he did not understand.
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Mr. Alagata answered Number one, regarding street improvements.
He understood that he was originally only to install 20', which was the width
of his easement, and that he now thought that 60' was all he should install,
20' for each of his lots. He also thought that the 20' was part of the 60'
required by the City.
Mr. Lee pointed out that this item was initially a variance application before
the Planning Commission and therefore the question of improvements did not come
before the Planning Commission. The ordinance requires that each lot have a
minimum of 50' of frontage on a dedicated street for an R-l-5 zone. The
applicant in this case only has a 20' access without dedicating' any street or
making the normal improvements, if this was a typical subdivision he would have
to install 150' of improvements, therefore Mr. Lee felt that the formula used
by engineering was equitable.
MSC (Smith-Renneisen) Based on the findings contained in the report, the
Commission adopted a motion to deny the appeal.
AYES: Commissioners Smith, Renneisen, Chandler, R. Johnson,
G. Johnson
NOES: Commissioner O'Neill
ABSENT: Commissioner Pressutti
5. Consideration of request of extension of time for Sweetheart Manor
- Subdivision - PCS-76-8 - Ken Green
Current Planning Supervisor Lee informed the Commission that this tentative
map was approved in November 1976 and will expire soon and the applicant has
asked for an extension. Staff has recommended that they extend the time to
December 29, 1978.
Commissioner O'Neill asked if the extension could be contingent upon them
responding to a notice to clean up the property.
Assistant City Attorney Harron saw no problem with adding that condition.
Discussion ensued reagarding adding this as a condition.
MSUC (Smith-R.Johnson) The Commission adopted a motion to approve the
request for an extension o~ time on the tentative subdivision map for Sweet-
hear~ Manor until December 29, 1978.
Commissioner G. Johnson hoped that staff would look into the cleaning up of
the property, since it was not made a condition of the extension.
AYES: Commissioner Smith, Renneisen, Chandler, R. Johnson, G. Johnson,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Pressutti
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6. PUBLIC o , Corp.
Current Planning Supervisor Lee discussed the request for prezoning at this
site, he also discussed the amount of vehicular traffic, the realignment of
Bonita Mesa Road, existing site characterists, that the property was subject
to inundation during a 100 year flood noting that the applicant must raise the
pad to an elevation of 49' or flood proof the building to comply with the
federal flood insurance program.
Mr. Lee indicated that staff was concerned with access onto Bonita Road,
but with a "P" designation this could be regulated. He spoke to the signing
in the area and what has previously been approved. He stated that the staff
at this time would like to restrict signing to ground monument identification
along Bonita Mesa and Bonita Road and wall mounted signs on the buildings,
due to the distances that each off-ramp is located from the property making
it impractical to provide freeway oriented signs.
Commissioner O'Neill asked i~ it was inappropriate to include the soils
report as a part of the requirement for a building permit.
Mr. Lee assured Mr. O'Neill that it is part of the normal permit process.
Conlnissioner G. Johnson wanted to know if any sites had been looked at by
staff for car pooling parking lots.
Mr. Peterson replied that he understood that there were several sites along
1-805 in the north county area, but that his impression was that they are owned
by CALTRANS. He also stated that he didn't think that it was necessarily
the role of the City of Chula Vista to acquire and provide for such sites.
As this was the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Jim Wagaman, speaking for Raymond Hall Corporation, confirmed that they were
in agreement with the staff findings and conditions.
Allen Comstock, representing Robert Bradley-owner, stated that he understood
that the monument and wall signs is an open issue that can be addressed later
or can be opened again if so needed. He went on to say that the final design
for the sign was not completed at this time, and that the soils replaced by
CALTRANS is in good shape.
As no one else wished to speak the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Renneisen-O'Neill) The Commission adopted a motion finding that in
accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-78-11 and the findings therein,
that this project will have no significant adverse environmental impact and
certified the Negative Declaration.
AYES: Commissioner Renneisen, O'Neill, R. Johnson, G. Johnson,
Smith, Chandler
NOES: None
_ ABSENT: Commissioner Pressutti
MSUC (Renneisen-O'Neill) Based on the findings contained in Section E of the
report, the Commission recommends that the City Council approve the request
for a change of prezoning from A-8-F to C-V-P-F for the property shown on
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on Exhibt A and subject to the precise plan guidelines outlined in the
staff report.
7. PUBLIC HEARING: PCZ-78-I - Rezonin~ 10 acres both sides of Melrose Avenue
and north side of Ota¥ Valley Road. R-1 to R-3-P-12 -
American Buildin~ Arts
Director of Planning Peterson described the areas surrounding the project area
and stated that there are some adverse environmental impacts regarding traffic
noise. He stated that staff felt that this project was a good transition
between the commercial and multiple area on the south side of Otay Valley Road
and the single family detached area on the north, and staff recommends the
As this was the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Bob Whites, Toups Corporation, confirmed agreement with staff's recommendations.
As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
At this time Commission Pressutti arrived.
MSUC (R. Johnson-O'Neill) Based on the findings contained in Section E of the
staff report, the Commission recommends that the City Council approve the request
to rezone 10 acres as shown on Exhibit A from R-1 to R-3-P-12, subject to the
conditions contained in the staff report.
8. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-78-31 for Racquetball/Health
Club in the C-N zone - adjacent to 1415-1417 Hilltop D,. -
Donald J. Renz
Current Planning Supervisor Lee explained to the Commissioners that the applicant
proposes to develop a major portion of a 33,000 sq. ft. parcel which is part
of a 2½ acre commercial site leaving 9,000 sq. ft. at the south end of the parcel
for future development. He went on to comment on the elevations, slope bank and
general layout of the site plan and the fact that the subject site is considerably
lower than the adjacent residential area. He concluded by saying that the
staff had recommended approval subject to several conditions regarding landscaping
and that the area to be used for future development either be paved, or coverd
with decomposed granite and oil, landscaping including trees will be required
on the slope bank to the east and on new north slope bank with an irrigation
system supplied.
Commissioner Smith inquired as to what kind of barrier was going to be between
the service station site and the driveway to the facility.
Mr. Lee replied that there is a free flow between the areas and pointed out
that another access exists to the south, he commented that staff did not see
a need for a zoning wall separating this facility from the adjoining residential
area, due to the difference in elevation between the two areas.
As this was the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Donald J. Renz, applicant, stated that he was in agreement with the conditions
as stipulated in the staff report.
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As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (R. Johnson-Renneisen) The Commission finds that in accordance with
the Negative Declaration on IS-78-70 and the findings stated therein, this
project will have no significant adverse environmental impact and certified the
Negative Declaration.
MSUC (R. Johnson-Renneisen) Based on the findings contained in Section E of
the staff report, the Commission approves the request (PCC-78-31) to located
and operate a racquetball/health club on the property east of 1415/1417
Hilltop Drive in the C-N zone, subject to the conditions enumerated in the
staff report.
MSUC(R. Johnson-Renneisen) The Commission waived the requirement of a zoning
wall required between commercial and residential properties due to the
significant change in elevation, approximately 20', between the two sites.
None were offered.
Mr. Peterson commented that a memo was included in the packer's reminding the
Commission of the Council meeting on May 25, 1978 on the Booz, Allen, Hamilton
report on the Planning Department. In response to a question by Commissioner
O'Neill, he said he could make available to the Commission a copy of his memo
responding to the Booz, Allen and Hamilton report.
Commissioner Renneisen asked if there would be minutes of that particular
meeting as he was not going to be able to attend.
Mr. Peterson confirmed that there would be minutes available.
Commissioner Pressutti wanted to know if there was any way to let Council know
of the Commission's support of the Planning Department if they were not able
to attend.
Commissioner Chandler stated he was going to attend the meeting to say a few
Commissioner G. Johnson mentioned that she had asked for information on car
pooling sites in the area and their operation; and also the status of the
Sweetwater Regional Park, condominium conversion standards, and Homeowner
Association problems with open space.
Mr. Peterson replied that he had arranged for someone from the County Parks
Department to come to a study session in June, the Council has scheduled a
conference on June 8th on condominium conversions, which can also be studied
at a Planning Commission conference in June, perhaps at a dinner metting. He
stated in regard to parking lot for car pooling, he recalled that the department
investigated this and found that there were two sites, and thought that the
Commission had received a written report but he will check on this, and perhaps
this could also be covered in the June study session.
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Commissioner R. Johnson informed the Commission that he would be absent at
the next meeting.
Chairman Chandler adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Respectful 1 y submitted,