HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1978/08/09 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA August 9, 1978 A regular business meeting of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista, California was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Chandler, Smith, Pressutti, R. Johnson, G. Johnson, Renneisen, and O'Neill. Also present: Director of Planning Peterson, Current Planning Supervisor Lee, Associate Civil Engineer Daoust, Fire Marshall Monsell, Assistant City Attorney Harron and Secretary Mapes. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Chandler, followed by a moment of silent prayer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MSUC (Renneisen-O'Neill) The minutes of the meeting of July 12, 1978 be approved as written. Commissioner G. Johnson abstained from voting on the motion due to her absence from that meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chairman Chandler called for oral communications and none were presented. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Consideration of request for waiver of public improvements, 55 Pepper Tree Road, Dr. Jor~e Leal 2. Request for determination as to appropriateness of health studios in the C-N zone The items on the consent calendar were covered in the written staff report to the Planning Commission and no discussion was requested. MSUC (R. Johnson-Renneisen) The two items on the consent calendar be approved in accordance with the recommendations in the staff report. REGULAR CALENDAR 3. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of Policy on Energy and Water Conservation Director of Planning Peterson reported that the Policy for the Conservation of Energy and Water included in the written report to the Commission was prepared at the request of the City Council and directed to the Planning Commission for a recommendation on adoption of the policy. Mr. Peterson pointed out that many aspects of water and energy conservation need to be addressed at the state and federal levels and the State has adopted some new regulations which became effective July 1st this year having to do with energy conservation and insulation of new residential units. -2- August 9, 1978 The policy which is proposed for adoption by the city would establish guide- lines which the staff could use in working with developers to get them to use energy saving techniques in new developments. Such techniques could include making maximum use of the sun and using drought tolerant plants in landscaping. Commissioner O'Neill questioned the implication in the introduction of the policy that limitation of immigration is beyond the control of the city. Mr. Peterson pointed out that short of stopping all residential growth it would not be possible to stop people from moving into the city. Commissioner Smith reported that he served on the Water Conservation Task Force Committee last year and has a large file of research material on the subject. He suggested that conservation measures should not be limited to residential construction but should apply to all types of devel~opment. He also pointed out that environmental study included a discussion on the reduction of lot sizes but the policy does not include such reduction. Mr. Peterson advised that in the past the City Council has shown reluctance to make extensive use of lots smaller than 7,000 square feet. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was declared open. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Smith advised that he had a number of items which he felt might be included inthe~policy to strengthen it, and suggested that in the interest of saving the Commission's time, they may wish to continue the item to a future meeting in order that he may discuss his suggestions with the staff and possibly make some revision to the nroposed policy. The Director of Planning expressed a willingness to meet with ~mmissioner Smith and suggested that the item be continued to the meeting of September 13. MSUC (Smith-R. Johnson) Consideration of a Policy on Energy and Water Conservation be continued to the meeting of September 13, 1978. 4. PUBLIC HEARING: Precise Plan PCM-79-2 for Parkridge Professional Center at Otay Lakes Road and Rid~eback in C-C-P zone - Clayton F. Albert Current Planning Supervisor Lee noted the location on the west side of Otay Lakes Road, north of Ridgeback Road, and the site plan for proposed development of the professional office center planned in two phases. Both phases will have access from Ridgeback Road, with no access from Otay Lakes Road. Mr. Lee pointed out that some years ago a group from Bonita had requested the establishment of equestrian trails through this area when development proceeds. The SDG&E easement in this vicinity has been designated as the route of the equestrian trail, however, the Public Works Department has determined that the designation of a horse crossing over Otay Lakes Road at the location of the SDG&E easement would not be safe, and that such crossing should be located at the intersection of Ridgeback Road and Otay Lakes Road which will be signalized and also afford better sight distance. The staff report recommended that the equestrian trail be located at the front of the professional office center, following the alignment of Ridgeback Road from the SDG&E easement to Otay Lakes Road. The developer has requested that the trail be located instead along the northerly property line of their site, in order to eliminate conflict with -3- August 9, 1978 vehicular access driveways into the site from Ridgeback Road. The staff concurs with this requested change. Mr. Lee reported the receipt of a letter from the Gersten Company, owners of the property to the north, in'which they expressed concern about grading which has encroached on to their property. An examination of the site did reveal the removal of some dirt but it is not known when this occurred. Therefore staff concluded that the matter was a civil one between the two property owners. Mr. Lee called attention to the nine conditions recommended in approval of this precise plan, which include some offsite improvement of Otay Lakes Road which would be assessed to the various properties in the area. In response to a question from Commissioner G. Johnson regardingastudy of parking requirements for medical facilities, Mr. Lee indicated that the study in question has not been completed. He pointed out the condition on this development to limit the number of doctors and/or dentists to 12, based on the proposed 61 parking spaces. The condition also stipulates that additional parking shall be required for other professional personnel, such as hygenists, laboratory technicians and pharmacists. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Carmen Pasqua~e, representing E1 Rancho del Rey, advised that the former owners of the property in question had done some grading in the area which encroached onto E1 Rancho del Rey property and in so doing they removed a lateral support on which E1 Rancho del Rey had intended to build. He questioned whether that grading was done under permit and subject to city inspection. Clay Albert, applicant, advised that the grading was done prior to the time he purchased the property. He expressed a willingness to work with the engineers of E1 Rancho del Rey on the grading problems but felt that Commission approval of his precise plan should not be held up until that problem is resolved. As no one else wished to speak the public hearing was closed. The Commission discussed the adequacy of the parking for a medical facility, the best location for the equestrian trail, and the grading. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) The Commission finds that in accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-78-82 and the findings stated therein, development of the medical facility will have no significant adverse environmental impact, and certifies the Negative Declaration. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) Based on the findings stated in the staff report, the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council the approval of the precise plan for a professional office complex at Otay Lakes Road and Ridgeback Road, subject to the conditions enumerated in the staff report, with the third condition modified to designate the location of a 4 ft wide equestrian trail along the north property line and an 8 ft. equestrian trail parallel to Otay Lakes Road extending from the north property line to the intersection of Ridgeback Road. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: PCZ-79-A - rezonin~ 589 G Street from C-O to C-T - James R. Isensee Director of Planning Peterson reported that this is a proposal to rezone a single lot containing about 6400 square feet to C-T to coincide with the zoning of the -4- August 9, 1978 adjacent parcels which front on Broadway. The three parcels are under the same ownership and one of the development guidelines would require consolidation into one parcel. The subject property contai~ns a vacant single family house which is to be removed and the adjacent commercial property was developed as a service station, which is now vacant and proposed to be removed. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was closed. James R. Isensee, 279 Eucalyptus, concurred with the information presented by the staff, and asked about the cost of consolidating the three lots into one parcel. He also asked if the only access to the site would be from Broadway. Mr. Peterson advised that while development should be oriented to Broadway with the main access taken from that street, it would be reasonable to allow one access from G Street also. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (O'Neill-Renneisen) The Commission finds that in accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-79-4 and the findings stated therein, this change of zone will have no significant adverse environmental impact, and certifies the Negative Declaration. MSUC (O'Neill-Renneisen) Based on the findings stated in the staff report, the Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning of property at 589 G Street from C-O to C-T, subject to the development guidelines recommended in the staff report. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional use permit PCC-79-1, request to construct industrial building at the northwest corner of Trousdale Drive and North Glover in the I-L-F zone - Ernest Lee Current Planning Supervisor Lee noted the request to construct a 7,835 sq. ft. industrial building on a 16,000 sq. ft. lot located in the Sweetwater Valley flood plain. This property is surrounded by existing development so construction on this site will not cause any increase in flooding in the area. Approval of the request is recommended subject to two conditions relating to floodproofing the building and prohibiting outside storage of products or materials. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (R. Johnson-Smith) The Commission finds that in accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-79-3 and the findings stated therein, this project will have no significant adverse environmental impact, and certifies the Negative Declaration. MSUC (R. Johnson-Smith) Based on the findings stated in the staff report, the Planning Commission approves the request for a conditional use permit to construct an industrial building within the Sweetwater River flood plain, subject to the two conditions recommended in the staff report. -5- August 9, 1978 7. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional use permit PCC-79-2, request to locate and operate Supercade Family Amusement Center in shopping center at 1456 Melrose Avenue in C-N zone - John & Lora Bray Director of Planning Peterson reported that the proposed amusement center, con- sisting of pinball games, video games, foosball and air hocky, would occupy a 742 sq. ft. building cubicle facing Melrose Avenue. While this type of use is not normally considered appropriate in the C-N zone, and a similar application to occupy twice the area in this same shopping center was denied a year ago, it is the staff's position that due to the small size and with proper supervision, such a center would not be incompatible in this neighborhood center and would fill a need for a recreational activity in the neighborhood. It was pointed out that authorization has been given for a restaurant in this center, as well as the 7- Eleven stores in other C-N shopping centers, to remain open beyond 11:00 p.m. as originally stipulated. Seven conditions are recommended for approval of this application, and due to concern expressed by a City Council member over expanding the uses in the C-N zone, one of those conditions requires the further approval of the application by the City Council. Commissioner Pressutti expressed objection to the condition requiring approval by the City Council if no opposition is presented at this hearing and there is no appeal of the Commission's decision. He felt the condition requiring monitoring of the use by the Planning Department and reconsideration by the Planning Commission in the event problems arise is an adequate safeguard in the event the use appears incompatible in the center. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Alan Paradise, Director of Operations for Supercade, expressed the opinion that their request should be approved at the Commission level, since requiring a second hearing before the City Council would further delay the opening. The client is presently paying rent on the space and a delay of three or four weeks would add to that expense. He elaborated upon the control which they maintain over the amusement centers to assure proper supervision for good operation. He described the success they have enjoyed at other locations due to good supervision and stressing the rules with their clientele for proper atmosphere and physical appearance. He advised that their hours of operation at other centers are 10 a.m. to l0 p.m. and he would like the same at this center. John Bray, applicant, spoke of their hopes for the successful operation of this center through proper supervision and control. He concurred with the conditions recommended by the staff with the exception of the 9:00 p.m. closing time which he wished extended to 10:00 p.m. and the requirement for approval by the City Council. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Renneisen-Pressutti) The Commission finds that in accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-75-70 and the findings stated therein, the proposed amusement center will have no significant adverse environmental impact, and certifies the Negative Declaration. MS (Renneisen-Pressutti) Based on the findings stated in the staff report, the Commission approves the request for a conditional use permit for a 742 sq. ft. amusement center at 1456 Melrose Avenue in the C-N zone, subject to the conditions enumerated in the staff report with the deletion of condition a, requiring approval -6- August 9, 1978 by the City Council, and the modification of condition C, to limit the hours of operation to lO:O0 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Commission G. Johnson asked that the motion be amended to add an additional condition to require the installation of an outside trash container. Commissioners Renneisen and Pressutti agreed to the amendment to the motion. The motion as amended carried unanimously. 8. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance PCV-79-1, request for reduction of lot area and street frontage for two lots, 446 J Street - William Valverde Current Planning Supervisor Lee noted the location of a 26,000 sq. ft. lot, measuring 90' x 290', extending from J Street to James Court. The property is presently developed with a single family dwelling and a detached three car garage located about midpoint in the lot. The applicant proposes to create one lot containing the existing house and garage, and to divide the rear half of the lot to create two lots with access on James Court. Approval of a variance is required since the middle lot would contain only about 5500 square feet and have 10 feet of access on to James Court, leaving 17 feet of frontage for the southerly lot. Mr. Lee displayed plats showing alternative methods of dividing the property in order to meet the minimal lot size requirements. Either method would require removal or relocation of the three car garage. Mr. Lee indicated that the option providing access for the middle lot from J Street would be preferable. He reported the receipt of a petition containing 21 signatures of residents in the area, requesting denial of the variance based on lot size and parking problems. This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. John Conforth, 725 Brightwood, advised that since James Court has been in, his home has been flooded three times by water coming down James Court. He contended that constructing two additional homes with the necessary driveways would add to the runoff and to the problem of flooding. Grant Squire, 456 J Street, adjacent on the west of the subject property, voiced objection to the location of an access easement adjacent to his property. William D'Ablaing, 715 Brightwood, owner of the property adjacent to the proposed middle lot, raised objection to the creation of a lot with poor access for emergency vehicles, also due to drainage which flows toward the west, and the fact that if a two story house is constructed it would cut off light from his yard. Charles Raczkowski, 719 Brightwood, directly behind the cul-de-sac bulb of James Court, requested denial of the variance. He reported the occurrence Of floods from water coming down James Court which have torn down fences. He expressed the fear that additional development would increase the flood damage. Sam McQueen, 438 James Court, objected to the creation of two additional lots have access on James Court. He felt that the proposed lots would be substandard to those presently existing on James Court. He expressed a desire to having the property developed since it presently grows up with weeds each year. He felt, however, that if the variance request is approved the development would have a minimal effect on residents on J Street but would have an adverse impact on the residents of James Court. He also pointed out that the east half of James Court which joins Fourth Avenue is only improved to half street width, which congests -7- August 9, 1978 traffic. He called attention to the sheet of facts accompanying the petition signed by the residents of James Court supporting their request for denial of the variance. He concurred that if the middle lot took access from J Street, the development would not have an undue effect on James Court. John Evans, 442 James Court, contended that the middle lot would be a definite fire hazard due to poor accessibility. Mr. Valverde, the applicant, pointed out that the lot is level and his proposal for development is not in excess of the density allowed by the zoning . He also pointed out that the environmental report indicates no adverse impact. He objected to the development alternative which indicates an access easement from J Street since his house has three bedrooms on that side and the driveway would be adjacent to those bedrooms. He pointed out that the existing garage is 39½ x 18½' and moving it would be very costly. He asserted that the objections from the residents is personal vengence more than anything. When asked by Commissioner G. Johnson if he would prefer to create just one additional lot rather than move the garage, Mr. Valverde stated that he would like to have the variance granted. As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Pressutti commented on the objections raised due to drainage and asked if there is any way to insure that the drainage would go to J Street rather than over to Brightwood. Mr. Lee advised that the drainage from this property is sheet flow toward the west due to the natural slope. He could not answer Commissioner Pressutti's question until grading plans are prepared. Fire Marshall Monsell assured that there is no problem of getting access to the middle lot, although access from J Street would be preferable since it would be more direct. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) The Commission finds that in accordance with the Negative Declaration on IS-79-5 and the findings stated therein, the proposed creation of two additional lots would not have a significant adverse environmental impact, and certifies the Negative Declaration. MSUC (G. Johnson-O'Neill) The Commission denies the request for development as requested and approves the creation of three lots with a minimum lot area of 7,000 sq. ft., with the most southerly lot having frontage on James Court and the other two using J Street for access, subject to the conditions enumerated and with an added condition that site preparation would minimize runoff to the west. DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director of Planning Peterson advised that the meeting of the following week is a study session in which the main topic of discussion will be progress on the Bayfront Redevelopment area. Doug Boyd from the Department of Community Development will make a presentation at the meeting. Mr. Peterson advised that the meeting would be held in the Administrative Conference Room at 5:00 p.m. since there is a conflict with another committee meeting in the Council Conference Room. -8- August 9, 1978 COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Pressutti asked the status of regulations for the conversion of apartments to condominiums. Mr. Peterson advised that this will be discussed at a City Council Conference on the following day, August 10th, at which time the Council may give some direction to the staff regarding the type of regulation they would support. Commissioner G. Johnson expressed the hope that the study on the adequacy of parking requirements for medical facilities could be concluded before the Commission is required to take action on another such facility. Commissioner O'Neill reported that a committee on which he is serving is making progress on review of recommendations in the Booz, Allen, Hamilton report. He also advised that due to a vacation trip he will be away for about three weeks. He will be back for the September 13 Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Chandler adjourned the meeting at 9:05 p.m. Respectully submitted, Helen Mapes Secretary