HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1980/05/06 Item 18 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item' 18, Meeting Date 5-6-80 ITEM TITLE: continued Public Hearing - Consideration of Increases of Taxicab Rates in the City of Chula Vista Resolution/C07f- Amending Resolution No. 9733 Fixing Taxicab Rates in the City of Ch~l ~i ta SUBMITTED BY: ~"(4/5th V Director of Public :safet{)J s ate: Yes No xx) On August 22, 1979 the City Council pass d Resolution No. 9733 establishing the current taxicab rates. We currently have requests from both Yellow and Diamond Cab Companies to increase these rates. RECO!&1ENDATION: That Council: 1. Approve this Resolution BOARD/CO!&1ISSION RECO~1ENDATION: Not ADvlicable. DISCUSSION: Yellow and Diamond Cab Companies have both requested that a rate increase of approximately 11% for the first mile and 25% for each succeeding mile be approved. Currently the Chula Vista rate is $1.20 for the first one- fourth (1/4) mile and .20 for each additional one-fourth (1/4) mile. This amounts to a rate of $1.80 for the first mile and .80 for each succeeding mile. The requested increase calls for a rate of $1.20 for the first one-fifth (1/5) mile and .20 for each additional (1/5) mile. This amounts to a rate of $2.00 for the first mile and $1.00 for each succeeding mile. On August 1, 1979, the City of San Diego established a maximum taxi rate of $1.50 for the flag drop, $1.50 per driven mile and waiting time at $10.00 per hour. On February 27, 1980 Yellow Cab raised their rates in San Diego to the level that they are now requesting in Chula vista. The City of San Diego did not analyze this increase in rates. They have discontinued the practice of 'analyzing rates because they were coming up too frequently and they were very costly in terms of staff time. Each cab company is required to notify the city in writing when they change rates and nO further action is necessary. Each cab company operating in San Diego is required to provide an annual operations report to the City. That is the report that Mr. Hilton referred to at our April 29th Council meeting and a copy of it is attached. I was further advised by the City of San Diego that a Council Transit Committee will be recommending, in the near future, to the full Council that all governmental controls on taxi rates be lifted. This would be the final step in a progression from a tightly controlled system of both the number of cabs and rates to an open system in which the public and the cab companies would determine the rate based on demand and competitive rates. , l't l'S my recommendation that in the future Based on this informatlon . , ~ holding Public Hearings on taxi rates we discontinue "J:he practlce OL Form A-II3 (Rev. 11/79) /0071 .-. - ICI EXHIBITS Agreement____ Resolution~ Ordinance Plat Notification list Other Annual Report ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on ''".:1,'": " J Neeting Taxicab Page 2 Date 5-6-80 Rates - Item #18 and that we simply accept the current maximum rate of $1.50 as it now exists in San Diego. We must recognize that it is not practical for a cab company to charge one rate in San Diego and another rate in Chula Vista. Cabs are not assigned to certain cities but instead they operate in a number of cities. The cab meters are set at one rate and therefore they cannot function with multiple rates. FINANCIAL H1PACT: None ~~i\Of Cl1ula Vista, California Dated !J~6-'i5"cj /007 i ITEM TITLE: Public hearing - Consideration of Increases of Taxicab Rates in the Meeting Date Ci ty of C!1Ula It I tern .cS-,-Sa-'- si& .4~g-:. 8 0 COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Vista SUBMITTED BY: Resolution /007!- Amending Resolution Rates in the City of Chula Vista Director of Public safetyU/~~~~ No. 9733 Fixing Taxicab (4/5ths Vote: Yes No~) On August 22, 1979 the City Council passed Resolution 110. 9733 establishing the current taxicab rates. We currently have requests from both Yellow and Diamond Cab Co~panies to increase these rates. REC01~1ENDATION: That Council: 1. Approve this Resolution BOARD/COMMISSION REC01~lENDATION: Not Applicable. DISCUSSION: 'ielloH and j)ia~ond Cab Companies have both requested that a rate increase of a?proximately 11% for the first mile and 25% for each succeeding mile be ap?roved. Currently the Chula Vista rate is $1.20 for the first one- fourth (1/4) mile and .20 for each additional one-fourth (1/4) mile. This amounts to a rate of $1.80 for the first mile and .80 for each succeeding mile. The requested increase calls for a rate of $1.20 for the first one-fifth (1/5) mile and .20 for each additional (1/5) mile. This amounts to a rate of $2.00 for the first mile and $1.00 for each succeeding mile. The primary justification for this rate increase is based on the fact that gasoline prices have increased approximately 25% since August of 1979. These requested rates are currently in effect in the cities of San Diego, National City, Imperial Beach and within the County of San Diego. The very nature of the taxi operation in this portion of the County requires the establishment of the same rate for the City of San Diego and all the South Bay juriSdictions. FISCAL IMPACT: None I i .; i : ~ /~-- ..' '," -"0/ ""'! .~' of C;"i~jL..:; . ........,~...d~rnia Dated 4 ~d2 9- d"o Form A-113 (Rev. 11/79) )007( EXHIBITS Agreement_____ Resolution~ Ordinance_____ Plat_____ Notification List Other ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on I: r I I I I ':..,~"~, -. CITY OF Si\N OJ :r.:GO .' Multicertificatcd T~xi Coxpal1Y 1..r.nu.:11 ni~port Year 'Ending 12/31/79 t.. General Ir.[0rr.-:.':!..i~~n JJ;'O\lt the CO::1;::;1l!Y 1. Firm.r.~mo: Yc: L( O~\. C A G 'LQ{!lf-I7-'<~ ~ {' SA'" U "" Go, /'YC 2. ;"Hhng O"".C005' c:'-S'1 ("<,""t1; ~~")/CO-Go r../J.9.;1../0/ . / 3. ~i'!8C of p~l'~O~ ...:c ~nould contuct if 17.orc information' is required: -<5,CL- /,.//LTd-V Phone: 2-357-,JoG/ -4.. FirE) o',~'net"~hip (coi7.plcte ......'ith tne follo.....,ing as appropriate): a. Single owner: b.. PZl1:tncrship: (!.'a'!7,c) (l",;}:;lc:s.~of p;::n..tners) ., .c. Corpo~2.tion: Principal officers: .s // /r; F 4 " /'7""'-. (Co~:r)-::.r':':l2 012:;',(,) . , ""r\/ ,y....!.r.J~~~C:1_c;;/ /3. /"C-L /-t"r l--;O r./ /? &'ve=- Title: P--zc-5 vIC[- P",,<-s_ _7itle: Title: 5. Docs your firm engage in businc~scs other U'2n taxi? If so. ,.hat tYi)e? 1>(/]L-/9- R. J~ s;'lr5h:~""r L VES I?",,,-c(- L .UEf...Vi:r"l[ 6.. If rCVen\les ~nd EXpCnSQS are divided between taxi and non-taxi opera- tions, ple?se e:.:p12in' the .basis for that allocation: /0.3 ;Cb/Z.CC~T 0-(' ou,z, 701-9L ;f-=VG~'</E ,rP-"'o<du':-cJ 6")' -r-4c- ;::..,. ..I~,{ ./ 6'- CA;~..y !;J/-1L./)- /?,,/c;- b"5/..,'Flr. rY~'fC0 ~c~-r<"';'-'--r 7;<; ..< /"C.,>--Iro 7. ple-ase list 2nJ' i;;1po::-t<:>nt c'h2nges :year, <.:nd the C2.tc t;',ey occ'..Jrl:ed: in your taxi operotions during this , .' .date: dute: date:' \. '-... 8. Area in \.,'hieh your cabs generally operate: /j'L. L 0-[: S.-]~ D/EGo 9.. l~etnod of operation (radio dispatcn, c:!:uise, etc..): fr9 ...1/"0 ~ C--..::.c:....-/SF 10.. bre your ca.bs radio equipped: 'V'C S II.. Your Co:nn~nv' s PubU c Li~bi 1 i tv/Pr:O--.12crty D2;r,Cl.(~e Insurance 1. rIa...... is t1lc p1.:c:-:1iu.0. ccten:lined? PE-L.. /./),\c/G"t 2. Is your firm an "assigned :r;isk"? III.. About Your COQPany's Drivers 1. Do you have employee drivers? ~~S If so, how are tneir ......ages getermined? ";?E'R..c(;--../;<-oJ;.1? 6,.o.!i./S 2. Do you le~se your cabs .to otners? Yes If so, \-:hat is the lcas'e rate per shift? (S;'cQ.- a..:cr~-d) A/a Is there a mileage c~arge? (S'Q' Yc-S- ~o--c---L:,,-<,) If so, please describe: . . -1- E;:HIBIT A / DDl~ ','- .' 3. \-'1,ut is' the avcr.;:J.gc nll!T,bcr of shifts It..:.l.scd per ','t..:cY.? //SiS% 4. D-::>cs the lCii~C: r<:.t.e ir,cludc g,")s7 , If not, ho..... is ~)C gas rcpl~ccd or paid for? b~/vc.~R /s A?CS,PoNS/b{P . /I/o ./.... / T# 'Z- /? /S ooJ",,/ ;? ~So ~;rr;C- / ,,'ords, ",'hat rJ."hc follo',,'int) tOt(~15 should include ~_ll businc'55.. In other your c;'.tployc:cs <.Inn l.:=~se dI"i\.'f~rs (..i~nC:!:2.ted during the ycax: // 773,:V :;; /S'- 7L!1, .5'00 '7:768",377 '<:3., /G R, 70:3 , .2Sc) ~P-o " IV.. Stc.ti~t~:..~~-.f:.or t.he P,~st ''I.'f;:ar 1. liuF:ber of paid tr~?s: 2. Nu:...:~cr of c41b r~-li le5: 3. 4. Nll!!"~er of paid nilcs: Total meter rc\.'..~n\!e: o. Hui7'.vcr or c;:;:-;:-::'i~icutcs ::cld: 6. Hu.wt;r of cabs O'..med: V... Co::<outation of ;~n:1\1al Depreciu.tioil Exoense V:e realize that for tcix: ~r..d other purposes t1H.'re arc a m12J:Jcr of methods which c~n bc used to calculate deprcci~cion on 2ssets.. For purposes of the rate review, ho~)cvcr, depreciation must be calcul~tcd using the "'strai.ght. line" ,net-hod \>.'hich folloHs: Origil.lal Cost It(:ffi - (Portion l,llocc.ted to Lcss 'raxic::'lb QQ12J:c tion~ Only) 5<1"1 \.'.:~u~ Buildir,gs T~xicabs (pu"x-cl1ased N(:......) Taxicabs (purc11C:l.sed Used) HetE'rs Radios c6~:'pany Ca r 5 shop & Garage Equipment Officc r;quipmcnt Ot:~H:r r.<;''l",.ipr;l'.:-nt (List) Le>S-5ak(.} ~ pj}.Ji(-~f--vn. Di:~pl.-eci:1ti6n ~~tno,L_ st.. Line: 6" gy, LI99 st... Li.ne /3~ o::~7 ' 51:. Line 6 ,?, 9 .s'i' Sl:. Line 7/,2~5 st. Line d-I, ::<L/S- st. Line 7.2,03'1 st. J.,ine 7/39 Sl:. Line st. ~ine ~ ;2. t.f] st. Line st. Line St. Line Total deprec:l.<1tion expense snould no',.} be entered on income. 2nd expense v,'hich fo110\-/5.. -2- / (jOt r Life Ra'l:e ~ ~ 25 4 4 25 .3 33 10 10 5 20 4 25 10 10 10 10 5 :1.0 Total- line,~of 17 DE:pr~ciCJ:tion F.:-:p(!'n~~p. $"~_:- $ /62, r; AS- $" Lf ,-/,00 '1 $~GX9(' $ -.--L 4, ;N 7 $ ,~:5/1 $ ----Z ;Z 0 'f $' 2!..!f $ $ 3: tiLl? $ $ $ {<'-ILl, 'f9( the s ta tcmcn t of ,." '..,"'i ,.,,,- . Total Busincss A. Income . VI. ~t~tc~cnt of Inco~c ~nd E~pense 1. 2. 3. .) B. Op~ratinq ExnC11SCS Gasoli!1c if ~ny) 2. "oi 1 3. 4. S. {Less rci,:;buYSC;7,':=l';ts, $-.-IS7 7/0 $ tf,779 $~--L 9/S- $ .;J.Y/ 'l?7 , $ $ $ $ $ $ 1. sires Rep3irs \':2.9(:s / 60/j'77 . ;?{,(, ,0JY.. ,250' 70:2 :z 7.1. Lf /-'7 17.1.,3:5:;:1. a. Driver b. S1'>cp p0rsc~nel c. Office administration 6. 7. d. All other. (except o~ner) Ernploy~e fringes O....mer cOi7tpc-nsation (if \-lorki.ng' in the Dusip.css) * B. .9. 10. 11. 1"2. $ $ $ Office supplies ~nd ~xpenses $ Advertising, promotion, etc. $ 20. (,;1.'7 /00. .0'.? 30.~sJ ,;2 {,. 6.. 'i's Interest paid on ~ c~bs Rent and Utilities Outside legal and €>:pcnses accounting ^llOC.1tcu to S':~n Dic'lo Cabs .5'7.7% ... -" ~ _% _% -_% _% -_% _<f, _% _<f, ~. _'t.. _% /00% 13. Insurance $_ / (/ 1'{, 59'1 f:2J....f, $ . .....:....-. ,,/ -": t'~etcr RC'IJcnue (sho'"" Dilly toat amount gcnt:rated by employee . drivers) -~- $ 3/(; :1..903 _'h LN~ing p~y",~nts r~ceiv~d $ /. ,/09,.:z 7S- _'h other rcl:ited inc:cr;-l~. (advertising. etc.) $ (; &0.60':;-:_% Total Income $S";s3,Y,?J'".:? %.fZ'h a. Public. Liability and Property D2.:<.age Wory.i~en's CohpEn5atio~ $//& 7j6/ ,$ .3 / ~rQ6 $~2-+f'..?7 /:J ,S-s:s- $ /C;',lyr; $ ~Z'Z/..!i./ z.. $ .J. L-I'(ffL/ b. c. Other ..14. Accidents not covered by insurance Clai~st legal and adjuster $ 1"5. 16. LiccnSI::'S Dc:pr2cie:l),on See p V ~) 18. Taxes (70t~1 f::o:n 17.. . a. State Income Federal Inco:ne Payroll Other $ $ $ $ :J. ~ 7;23 s:- 7./06 b. c. -d. _ 19. Other operating expenses (please specify ~ajor items) . $ '11,.59<1 'I'otal Operating D.penses _'Yo _% _..% _% ~ .--_% _% _<f, _'Yo _% 0' -~ _'i, c. : Net O~cratinq rnco~c Subtract total operating expenses fron total income. Enter result here. $ 3/6J, 903 $ /.?09!.27S' $ 90.,;2ij/ $ -1 9' 6X'. 'Wf'. 397,77G 7.FL/,f" .5G . 'IJ...5"""""" . ,,2..5'"":2. ,9,;2 1./ $ $ $ $ $ $ /, -r 3& "y,.fL/ ' $ :z. Y'!5,(2tf2 $ .2.:2L/Jfo $ ;u;Jj9:2. $ /5'""'/,6:2 7 $ $ ......--/...L 50'1' $ 7o,~23LI- $ ,;2.7..3'/6 $ ..2 6 -j-i.fs- $ <;3,Y.21 , $ $ $' $ . Lf2 772.. /69'70;;".. /9'1 :J '-Is..... G' 37</ $ L/2.69?-. $ L/ 740.Y0/ , $ :J..;2.7 G/3' . . If a~ner co~p~nsation is clai~~d, please explain ~hat part o~~~r plays in opcrctions of the businc~s, 2Ind dr..Dunt of tir.1~ cont.ributt:::d. 1007 '/ -3- , " , . , ,t,' .' V I I. !'\:~_~I.~js._!~:~;3..:~-:..~~~.1).J.!.2. lor c,-\C:h of the ;\~;!.iet c;,tcgorics listed below, CZllc\ll~t:c <;'\.'I~ru9c OlS!:et val\1c ~s follo~5: Add ~ssc~ v;\luc a5 of )2/)1/78 to the dcprcciat~d Val\lQ of the ~~mQ ~ssct as of 12/31/79, then divide t.hc tot;}} by bID. As~ct V;~l\lC DL3JDH Land 'ld .J Bu ~ J.ngs 'l'.?x";'c;::"bs 2 3 2~zoY __25/ G ? L/- 2. 7 <10 _([>'77 S-? ,'>8] S- jLfo ?:J 6:<':J. , " J~.::tcrs R'::".dios CG::l?~ny C,>rs Shop [~ Gi3.:ro.gc ECI'J.ipi:"!r.:nt Offic.c Ee;,-uip:;'\er-,t V'-'-1.teiials .;;nd S'-lppl ies h'orking C2.sh l~llo',".J.:!1ce (5110".... I l.C~15) : S..(/j0C"S W"'CJ /!(-AdLz&..C'J . frCCov.~~, Kc-cc' fl:~1i '".Is ;:y{' , b..d;. /4'<: 5 D ",POS'IS be) ,6/S- /SO/?S7 /'2 ]630 --2'lJOd Total ':::"\,"0:::2:912: VIII. ~()st of 1.~:)i'l;~.Z V<"Iluc + .~YJ .1/7(~ -.2S'(Y:iS,)' ~'{J3-li ---.3K/.t'll ~, LtJ3 -.2Z?/7 _L(;5? . ---!LG,,573, 4',:? 933 /0/6-2.1 r- .../ /7,":'62. /:77 YGS -/ --~ as~et. vLilue . 2 ~ l\vcr~sc "',~sct V,")lee LI'15;, }?L,/.J _~ 7/'7 . 7/ 6/7 -_..~ , /33/3 ---:--....=:......<.- _~""~?S-O (, :1'7' S "7"0097 C;; 9"073'9 SJ 77"/ ~6' 2:59 --- -,--- /,?.o 6 <,L6 --/ 9% ,fJ"p.. --'/----. $!Q.8.?,f'C!.. List 'outst;::.;-:cing lOans, 1~0t.es. <:luto r.olltracts~ etc., 2nd i;)C::icate the rate of interest and dollar aso~nt of intGrcst paid duril)g 1979: Its'@ G />"7,s>c -~-- ~~~u.~Bcir~o'.;ed 36J';,?7c1~ Interest _}~a~g:__ J' 3/4 In tc:::xest: ~;~ ;'<0,6.:22 IX. cc"tiJ;Jc~t.jo.ll I CCJ:tify ti12t the. infor::,~ticn provided in this report is, t.o the; best. of n:y knO\....l<::-Ggc ar.d belief. true and correct. ., ./3.~/~ --S-ig~2t-\-;-re-----'- /00 7r1 /~4_, Title -4- '7'//3/Pd --,---- Date