HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1980/06/10 Item 12 , , , COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 12 ITEM TITLE: Resolution /0/3/ Certification of Final EIR Regional Park Ballfields I ' Meeting Date 6-10-80 I for the Sweetwater I SUBMITTED BY: Director of Parks & Recreation zjf- (4/5ths Vote: Yes No~) A. BACKGROUND 1. One of the projects included as part of the 1980-81 Capital Improvement Program is the construction of a ballfield complex in the Sweetwater Regional Park. The facility would consist of four practice fields, one lighted field, a parking lot and other related improvements. 2. The County of San Diego, functioning as the lead agency, has prepared an EIR on the overall project. The City of Chula Vista, functioning as a responsible agency, has participated in the preparation of the document. If a complete copy of the EIR is desired, it may be obtained from the Environmental Review Coordinator in the Planning Department. B. RECO~IMENDATION: That Council: Certify that this EIR (County Log #79-18-24) has been prepared in compliance with CEQA and that the City Council will consider the findings in the report as it reaches a decision on the project. C. BOARD/COV<MISSION RECOMMENDATION: Not Applicable D. DISCUSSION The following are the major issues identified in the EIR regarding this element of the overall park development: 1 . Archaeo logy A field survey of the site resulted in the find of a small metavolcanic tool to the west of the specific project site. The tool was not associated with any other artifacts nor features and was not culturally specific. Mitigation was not found to be necessary. 2. )2iolog..r A Biologist from the County's Environmental Services Unit conducted a field survey of the entire park area. The subject property was found to be disturbed and no restrictions were recommended. The area just to the north is a raparian willow woodland area and includes a saltwater marsh. This is the most easterly extension of saltwater intrusion in the groundwater. Continued !0131 Form A-11J (Rev. 11/79) EXHIBITS Agreement_____ Resolution--x-- Ordinance_____ Plat_____ Notification List Other ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached~ Submitted on Page 2, Item Meeting Date 12 6-10-80 3. Floodplain If permanent buildings are proposed, they will either be constructed above the 100 year flood level or flood proofed. Because' of the nature of the project, no significant impacts are anticipated. 4. Seismic Risk The project is located within the La NacionjSweetwater fault zone and is on alluvial soils with the Sweetwater River flood plain, which could result in liquifaction. Because of the nature of the project, no substantial impacts are anticipated. 5. Traffic Like any use, a park will "generate" traffic. However, in this case, the generated traffic is highest during off-peak hours and on weekends, therefore, no significant impact is anticipated. 6. Noi se The facil ity wi 11 increase the noi se 1 eve 1 in the a rea of the project. Due to the separation from residential uses and restrictions on hours of operation, no significant impact is anticipated. 7. Glare The lighted ballfield could result in a glare problem. With proper orientation, location and shielding, no significant impact will result. E. CONCL US ION The construction and operation of this facility will not result in a substantial and adverse impact on the environment. b'/ ,8 City Council of hula Vista, California , , , I I , t , I I , I I I I I I I I , Dated t - /() - f?o DDR:EH:kca !()/~r -.....- i ..r,," ___......, ,~.."".I! , , SWEETWATER RE~ONAL PARK ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT S[fl-[;.IARY OF 11,IPACTS A. POTEciTIAL ADVERSE 1. Gr~dingJ pavlng, and erection of st!uctures will remove vegetation and increase runoff. 2. Increased human activity may affect archaeological sites. 3. Development of the park will impact sensitive species or plants and animals on the site. Natural areas of coastal sage scrub and riparian woodland could be affected. The site contains valuable breeding areas, and ?rovides Test and foraging for migrating ~aterfowl. 4. Deposits on construction-quality sand and aggregate may be effectively removed from potential future exploitation. 5. Flooding and seismic risk may inflict damage on park structures. 6. Surrounding roads \oJill experience an increase in traffic. 7. Generation of new traffic will increase local air pollution slightly; there will be a proportionately less severe adverse impact on regional air quality. 8. Energy will be consumed in developing and operating the park, and by visitors using motor vehicles to travel to and from it. 9. Runoff from paved surfaces and nutrients from animal v.'astes may enter surface and groundwater in the vall ey, and eventually reach S,:m Diego Bay. 10. There wi 11 be a slight ly increased demand for faci Ii ties and services. If- 10 /3( " ~ ~,'~1 ~ I B. POTENTIAL BENEFICIAL 1. Development of the park will provide recreational opportunities for residents of the County, and preserve open space in the Sweetwater Ri ver Valley. 2. The proposed park will help achieve community and regional planning goa s. ~. Archaeological resources may be preserved as a park exhibit, and public appreciation of cultural and historical resources promoted. 'i 4. Bird watching stations and na~ure trails will serve to help park users appreciate the value and beauty of biological resources. J. Establishment of Restricted and Limited Use Areas will" help preserve and protect the most valuable biota on the site. 6. If recreational trips nm... being made by nearby residents are shortened, a slight benefit to regional air quality could be the result. 7. Encouragement of alternative transportation modes, such as walking, horseback riding, and bicycling, will have a positive impact on both air quality and energy consumption. ~IITIGATING ~IEASURES A TOOO~r3.Dhy and Land Use. Some grading restrictions are included iD the Biology section. Standard measures to control erosion and siltation during construction v/ill -be used. Overall, grading \....i11 be limited to th3.t necess'arj for conformance to drainage, floodplain, and public health regulations, and recTf:ational facilities standards. B. Archa.eolosY. Scientific information will be recovered from the sites by apprcpriate measures. At least one site, CE #:07, will be preserved and may be used as a park exhibit. j()f~r C. Biology. Primary mitigation of impacts will be by restrictions on activities per~itted in Restricted Use and Limited Use Areas. This will lessen impacts in biologically sensitive portions of the park to tolerable levels. Public displ~ys and educational activities may help by increasing awareness and appreciation among park visitors. D. Tr3ffic. Surface street access from the p3rk will be designed with the advice of the County Department of Transportation. /013) I .- I -.... o - IJ.j ---" '" """.~." . "'[. ~ , . ., '.'" .f -,;, , . 1 . ~ Ii. . \ , u , l J ( PARKING 120 VEHICLES I , '. .1 " ., I" '\~'" ,. . .1\, I"'~ ': .. '~I ~- "" \:'" . (I'1"r ~ >0. ..' ,. ~ .... I ,:, ~. ,. " \ , l \ - _'~I__ ,._~~,1"""'.~ .,.."........,.. P rk -_. !{elional a S\.,rcct\.,ra tor ~ 1.laster Plan Zone 1 No Scale L . ,; \ \ I' I, "\, I, .,~ ,..\ ,. " .~ ~ ~,. ....: I f/ .~- -----..........-