HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1980/06/03 Item 10 /' COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT Item 10 Meeting Date 6-3-80 ITEM TITLE: Resolution/t?/~/ Approving revised policy governing the use of City parks and recreation facilities and the fee schedule for said facilities SUBMITTED BY: Director of Parks and Recreation z:.}f- (4/5ths Vote: Yes No .lL) On May 16, 1972, by Resolution 6436, the City Council established a policy and set fees for the use of parks and recreation facilities. Revisions to this policy are being pro- posed in order to: Clarify certain requirements; make the policy more efficient to administer; and change the fee schedule to reflect today's costs, RECDMMENDATION: That Council approve resolution. BOARD/CCtlMISSION RECCt~~ATION: The Parks and Recreation Commission recommends approval of the revised policy governing use permits for parks and recreation facilities, with the deletion of General Rule No.5, if it is legal to remove this rule. General Rule No. 5 relates to the use of park facilities for denominational or sectarian purposes. DISCUSSION Through eight years of use, it has been found that certain changes to the present policy for use of parks and recreation facilities would make them easier to understill1d lli1d more efficient to administer. Moreover, the fees which accomplli1Y the policy do not reflect present day costs, The proposed revised policy, fee schedule and the application fOl1ffi are included as ill1 exhibit. Deleted words lli1d phrases have been struck ,vith a single typewriter dash; additions are in italics. July 1, 1980 is proposed as the effective date for the re- vised policy and fees. The City Attorney recommends the retention of General Rule No.5. FISCAL IMPACT It is estimated that revenue will be increased by $2,000 per year. ~ GMF: mw ,. v.' :i ~-3-~ _I ., ..-<: . i '. Dated Form A-113 (Rev. 11/79) I D /'2 J EXHIBITS Agreement Resolution Ordinance Plat Notification List Proposed revised policy governing use permits--parks and recreation facilities Other X ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on --~ . 'I 'i bHWbA VIStA PAR~S A~9 REbREAtI9N b9~~fSSI9ri P9bIbIES AN9 REG8bAtI9NS GeVERNING YSE PER~ItS ,9R PAR~S Ari9 REbREAtI9N FAbfbItIES EXHIBIT A \' POLICIES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING USE PERNITS FOR THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PAR.KS AND RECREATION FACILITIES POLICIES 1. The facilities under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation Department are available for recreation activities under the following order of priority: a. Department programs. '.. b. City youth organizations devoted to character building and other groups of school age children under adult leadership. c. City organized adult recreational grouos. d. Other City adult groups/units, for social or special activities. e. Specia~ recreationa~ and non-resident groups. 2. Facilities are available to other ment programs are not scheduled. ment programmed activities.) 3. Facility assignments I'lill be made by the Parks and Recreation Department, based on the size of the group and availability of buildings. groups only when Parks (The fee schedule does and Recreation Depart- not apply to depart- 4. An employee or a representative appointed by the Parks and Recreation Depart- shall be present during all use of facilities. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Program Groups: Originated by the Parks and Recreation Department for recreation purposes. 2. Correlated Groups: Chula Vista organizations determined by the Parks and Recrea t ion GeSffitSS teA Directo!' to be corrmun i ty servi CE o;-i ented and re'l a ted in purpose to recreation and the furtherance of community leisure pronrams. 3. Civic or So,,:ial G'roups: Chula Vista organizations which are democratic in character and organized for civic or' social Durposes, with membership open to the general public, or designated elements thereof. 4. Faffit~y G.SY8S: ,affitly ~AttS .e9~t.tA5 laPAe faetltties ~8P s~ee4al ~arn4ly eveAts f.eee~t48As, s4ptReay ~apt4es, ete.} Private Resident Grou.:?,g: Priva te Resic~ent r.rollps requi'[ling large feci 7.-ities for special events (l'BCei?tionsJ birtf:c:ay pa1~t'iesJ etc.) 5. Special Grou~: Unions, employee associations, special recreational groups requirins public facilities for fund raising to perpetuate special interests, or non-resident groups (less than 50% Chula Vista residents). ) 01 ;)./ " GENE'lAL RULES t. Yse ~e~ffitt fe~ffis a~e avattaate at eaEA ~eE~eatteA faEtttty e~ftA~ geAe~at flfeg~affi Ae~~s. ~. Application for use of facility must be made at least two (2) weeks in advance 1 of date of activity, and applications from special groups will not be accepted earlier than 3g sixty (60) days preceding the activity. Maximum use of facilities is limited to three (3) month periods. 2. Permits will not be issued to anyone under twenty-one (21) years of age. 3. Ae~~ests fef ~fleEtat e~~tflffieAt 'fl~attE asepess systems, sAa$ps, taa~e& gp \ sfleetat set~fls} m~st Be $ASt~eee eA tAe aflflt$eat$eA $A g~eep tg eetePm$Ae tAe fee. AA aeettteAal eAap~e wttl Be maee fgp sfles$al e~H$flmeAt pe~Hestes aftep tAe fee tS set. Facilities close at 11:00 p.m. from Sunday through Thursday, and at 12:00 midnight on Friday and Saturday. 4. Pefffitts Wttt A9t Be tss~ee te aAyeAe HAeef ~+ yea~e ef a~e. Facilities are not available for commercial use or personal gain. 5. FaEtttttes Eteee at tl~gg fl~m. ffem S~Aeay tA~8~~A tA~~seay, uRe at }~~gg mteAt~At 8R F~teay aRe Sat~feay. Use permits will not be granted for denominational or sectarian purposes. Exception: Memorial Bowl may be used for special events, but not on a continuous basis. 6. FaEtttttee afe R8t ayattaBle f8P E8mme~etal ~se 8~ flefseAat ~atR. Rules governing activities conducted for minors are contained in Parks and Recreation Commission Policy Statement #4 and City Ordinance #911. ~ 7. Yse fle~ffitts Wttt Ret Be ~faRtee fef eeReffitRatteAat 8~ seEta~taR fl~ffl8ses. EXEefltteA: Meffi8fta+ Bewt ffiay Be ~see fe~ sfleEtal eyeAts, B~t Ret eR a E8RttRH8~S Basts. Serving of refreshments containing alcohol is prohibited in buildings. 8. AHteS ~8ve~RtA~ aEttvtttes e8ReHetee f8f ffitA8fS a~e E8RtatAee tA Pa~ks aAe ReE~eatt8R b8ffiffitSSt8R PettEY StatemeRt #4 aRe btty gfetAaAee #9}t. Char'oes: a. A fee will. be chal>ged for any activities requiring 7.eadersJrip or custodial services. b. A deaning deposit of $50.00 (fifty) may be requil'ed for certain activities. c. A fincncial report must be submitted to Director one we'ek after activity )ws been held, in which an ad~ssion fee Was ch~rged. 10) ~I 9. Sel"....~ &f. l"€-~E5 Wlttd-i-A-~ a-1-€OO&l- i-5- fJ-FB-lti-lJ.i-te4 i-A- wi-14i-A-g-s-. ~e Parks and Recreation Administrative Office must be notified of cancel- lation at least forty-eight (48) hot~s prior to scheduled time for activity. Failure to do so will necessitate forfeiture of the fee. 10. Faetttttes al"e ts Be teFt tR ~Rttttel"ee aRe Sl"eel"tY eSRetttSR. gaffia~ee e~~t~ffieRt ffi~St Be l"e~taeee Sl" ~ate FSl" tR F~tt. The use of recreational facilities shan not be granted, permitted or suffered to any individval, society, group, or organization which has as its objective or as one of its objects, the overthrow, or advocacy of the overthrow of the present form of gove~ment of the United States or the State of California by force or violence or other un~ful means. 11. GRal"~es: a. A ee~sstt SF ~g% SF tRe l"e~~estee Fee tS ts Be ffiase wReR ~el"ffitt tS ~l"aRtes. b. FtRat ~aYffieRt sf Fees ts Be ffiase WttRtR tRl"ee WSl"ktR~ says aftel" aettvtty tS Rete. c. FtRaRetat l"e~sl"t ts Be Fttee WttR FtRat ~aymeRt 8F Fees BY gl"S~~S WRteR eRal"~e aSffitSStSR. d. Fees Wtt+ Be eRal"gee FSl" aRY aettvtttes l"e~~tl"tRg +Gaeel"SRt~ sr sel"Ytees. Failure to comply with any of these rules or other public safety laws during the use of a facility is grounds for revoking immediate and future permits, by the Director of Parks and Recreation or his appointed representative. 12. tRe Pal"ks aRs Reel"eattSR aSffitRtstl"attve SFFtee ffi~St Be RsttFtes SF eaReet- tatteR at teast 48 Re~l"S ~l"tel" te seReS~teS ttffie Fel" aettvtty. Fatt~l"e ts es se wttt ReeeSSttate fSl"fett~l"e SF tAe ee~sstt. Variations of policies and/or fees must have the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director. Any request for use of facilities may be referred to tt:e Parks and Rec1'eation Commission at the discl'etion of the Director. !3. ~he ~se ef ~ee~eBeiens! fseilieies SHB!l nee be g~Bneed, pe~mieeed e~ stlffe~ed ~o 6"Y fttdi~id~el, 5eefe~y, ~retl~, O~ erbeni~eefon whien hes as i~5 objeeei~e e~ e~ ene of itS dbjeets, tHe evertft~ew, e~ adveeeey of tRe e~ertft~ew of the ?re~ene form of ~o~erftrneftt of the Bnited Stete~ or the 5tftee of e8lf~orniB by feree e~ vielenee e~ ether tlftlewftll meens. },O 1 ~ { ~4. Fe~~tl~e ~o eomp~y w~~h eHY of ~hese ~tl~es o~ e~he~ ptlb~~~ sefe~y ~ews dtl~~Hg ~he ~ of e fee~~~ey ~e g~otlHde fo~ ~evek~Hg ~mmedie~e-eHd ftletl~e ~e~iee. b~ ~he Bi~ee~o~ of Pa~ke aad Ree~eaeioH o~ h~e e~~e~Heed ~e~~eoeaeaeive. ~5. "e~.~OHe of ~o~fefee aadfo~ feee mtloe have ehe e~~~ove~ ofehe Pa~k" "Hd Reere~~on €ommi~sioft. Any reqne~~ fo~ tt8e of faei~itie8 may be refe~red eo ehe:~~i~s~on ae ehe disere~ion ei ehe Bi~eeeer. IMPORT.4I1T: -Pwase read the following Processing Instructions Carefully. t OJ~I PROCESSING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Read the above Policies and Regulations governing the APPLICATION AND AGREE~~NT FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 2. If qualified in accordance with General Rules, fill out our Form R-lOOl completely through section marked Statement ~ Applicant. 3. Submit all copies of the completed Form R-lOOl to Facility Requested. 4. Upon receipt of the completed Form R-lOOl, the Parks and Recreation Department staff ~vill review and evaluate the circumstances relative to applicant's request. Three copies of Form R-lOOl will be mailed to applicant within 3 - 5 working days. 5. Fee Charged Procedure: a. The required fee(s) are to be paid at the Finance Department Office, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA. 92010, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., aonday through Friday. Full payment must be paid seven (7) days prior to requested date. b. After leaving the Finance Department, bring all forms and receipts to Parks and Recreation Administrative Office, 276 Fourth Avenue, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday for final distribution of forms and confirmation of dates and times. c. No Charge Applicants must report to address noted above (5.b.), seven (7) days prior to scheduled activity for final distribution of forms and confirmation of dates and times. 6. Approved applicants may then report to the facility on the date(s) and time(s) requested. ~' jOJ';).! f.II i~!iIQ.Il.~I CITY OF CHULA VISTA PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FEE SCHEDULE All hourly rates are charged on the basis of "per hour or any portion thereof." GnlNASIU~1 (385 Park Way) PARK WAY GYA:WASIUM GROUP OLD RENTAL NEY RENTAL OLD LEADERSHIP NEri LEADERSHIP 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour CW'rent Part- 3 $20.00 per hour $25.00 per hour $3.00 per hour time Staff 4 & 5 $25.00 per hour $30.00 per hoW' $3.00 per hour Salary Lm'IA VERDE CONFERENCE ROO~' LOMA. VERDE CENTER AND PARK YAY NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER SUALLER ,vIEETIiVG ROONS 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour " 3 $ 5.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $3.00 per hour " 4 $ 7.00 per hour $12.00 per hoW' $3.00 per hour " 5 $10.00 per hour $15.00 per hoW' $3.00 per hour " 2 3 4 & 5 -0- $10.00 per hour $15.00 per hour RECREATION HALL (373 Park Way) $3.00 per hour $3.00 per hour $3.00 per hour AND --- LO~'^ VERDE AUDlTORIU~' $3.00 per hour $3.00 per hour $3.00 per hour 2 3 4 & 5 -0- $10.00 per hour $25.00 per hour COlfBINF;D INTO Lm:4 VF:FiDE CENTER AiiDITOHIUM AND PARI{ riAl' NEIGiiBORHOOD CENTEH GY,"NATORIUM -0- " 2 3 $15.00 per hCll1'1 " 4 & 5 $25.00 per hour " I'o/ d,) , I I , . = - 2 - FEE SCHEDULE (Cont'd.) NORMAN HALL GROUP OLD RENTAL NEW RENTAL OLDER LEADERSHIP NEri LEADERSHIP 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour CUX'rent Part- 3 $ 5.00 per hour $10.00 per hour $3.00 per hour time Staff 4 $ 7.00 per hour $12.00 per hmlI' $3.00 per hour Sdary 5 $10.00 per hour $15.00 per hour $3.00 per hour - - CORNELL HALL 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour " 3 $ 5.00 per hour $10.00 per ho/II' $3.00 per hour " 4 $ 7.00 per hour $12.00 per hoUX' $3.00 per hour " 5 $25.00 per hour $25.00 per hoUX' $3.00 per hour " ROHR t1ANOR 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour " 3 $ 5.00 per hour $10.00 per hOl1.:i' $3.00 per hour " 4 $ 7.00 per hour $12.00 per hour $3. DO per hour " 5 $10.00 p"er hour $15.00 per hoUr $3.00 per hour " MEMORIAL BOWL 2 -0- -0- $3.00 per hour " 3 $' 5.00 per hour $10.00 per houI' $3.00 per hour " 4 $15.00 per hour $12.00 per hoUX' $3.00 per hour " 5 $15.00 per hour $15.00 per hou1" $3.00 per hour " SUNRISE CENTER 2 -0- " 3 $10.00 per hoUX' " 4 $12.00 per hoUX' " 5 $15.00 pel' , " nour ~-S RGHR -2-ftooN S4{,.-;00l JlARK-WM 2-11001"5 -$tiB-: 007 5-til.ff l:.G!-:,p,-VERN: -2-l1tltJf5 SW-.OO) -Ifl€-!{J€M SOO:r..Wgn:RN 2-11001'5 Wi~ 00) /ol~1 - . .FEE SC.YEDULE (Cont'd.) FACILITY Rohr Pa:Pk Way Lorra Verde Menzel Field (Pony Field) General Roca (16" Field) - 3 - POOLS RENTAL $20.00 per hour $30.00 per hour $32.50 per hO!a> LIGHTED BALLFIELDS $10.00 per hour $ ? 50 per hOla> 1. An extra hour will be added to leadership costs when field is to be prepared. 2. Tu;o hour minirrrwn for either field. LOT P.ATES 1. 5 Tables 2. 10 Tables 3. 15 Tc.bles 4. 20 Tahles SPECIFIC RATES 1. Metal Card Tables 2. PuhUc Add:r>ess System 3. Movie Projector/Screen 4. Record Plc.yer 5. Coffee Pots EQUIPMEllT RENTAL P.ATES 50 Chairs 100 Chc.irs 150 C'ncirs 200 Chairs i 01 ~ I $ Sio (each) per day 5.00 (each) per day 5.00 (each) per day 3.00 (each) per day 1.00 (each) per day LEADERSHIP Current Part- time Staff Salrrry " " " " TOTAL _._-- $ 5.00 $10.00 $15.00 ~ 20,00 , ' ~l~l ur lJtiULA Vl~iA F.O. 30:\ 10S7 575-5071 APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR USE OF FACILITIES THE , HEOSE DULY QUALIFIED ,,"'m AUTHORIZED (NA>lE OF ORGA,iIZA TIC'i) REPRESENTATIVE IS , TELEPHONE (,JA!.{E ) ADD RES S CITY ZIP CODE HEREBY APPLIES FOR PERNISSION TO USE (FACILITY) TYPE OF ACTIVITY HILL AL'lY lillNISSION FEE(S). COLLECTION OR SOLICITATION OF FUNDS BE INVOLVED: YES ( ) NO ( ) IF YES, NET PROCEEDS IJILL BE USED FOR .. NANE OF FACILITY /EQUIP>lENT DESIRED INDICATE DATE ."";0 HOURS OF USE DATE HOURS .'~- - - .. ..- .. _h ---. .- ACTIVITY CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE ADDRESS, CITY & ZIP CODE STATENENT OF APPLICANT THE APPLICAL'lT IS AN AUTHORIZED OFFICER OF THE GROUP SUBHlTTING THIS APPLICATION. THE APPLICANT HAS READ THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA USE OF FACILITY RESOLUTION (REVERSE SIDE) AL'lD HEREBY ACCEPTS THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADHERENCE TO THE RESOLUTION BY THE GROUP. SIGNATURE OF APPL ICA-'lT OFFICIAL POSITION DATE ****************************************************************************************1:k DEPARTrlENT USE ONLY Date Application Received Received By Reviewecl!lY__ Availability of Facility/Equipment Availability of Staff Classific~tion or Group making request: Progr~m Group( ) Correlated Group( ) Civic or Social Group( ) Private Residential Group( ) Special Group( ) (Please Specify) CHARGES: Personnel $ Facility Use $ Deposit Paid $ Equip/Suppl/Util. $ Receipt No. per hour X per hour X Hours Total $ Hours Total $ To tal $ Total ,. " --. -'TOTAL COST $ Title Acct. H 0000 Acc t. II 0000 Acc t. ::: 0000 Acct. Ii 0000 Date Approved ( ) Ois~pproved () By CO,lNENTS: Dat'2. -..-,...-.. _ DISTRIBUTIOri: h~1ite........ .Administrative Office Canary...... ..Fin~nce Office Pink..........Applicant Goldenrod.....Facility R-lOOl (Rev. 1-80) /01 '2/ I '! I " ':'.i;~:~,:,~~ I v"l~l'.\ '\'" .' ;~~::, t' . ".~'..... .