HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1975/06/11 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE
June 11, 1975
A regular meeting of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista, California
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following members
present Chandler, Rudolph, Pressutti, Rice, Starr and Floto. Absent (with
previous notification): Commissioner Smith. Also present: Director of
Planning Peterson, Current Planning Supervisor Lee, Senior Civil Engineer
Harshman, Assistant City Attorney Beam, Environmental Control Commissioner
Gillow, and Acting Secretary Scholl.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Chandler followed by
a moment of silent prayer.
MSUC (Rudolph-Floto) The minutes of the meeting of May 28, 1975 be approved
as written.
Commissioner Rice abstained from voting on the motion for approval of the minutes
due to his absence from that meeting.
The Chairman called for oral communications and none were presented.
1. PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.): Conditional Use Permit PCC-75-7 - Request to
construct additional facilities at 395 D Street,
First Assembly of God Church
Director of Planning Peterson reported that this is a proposal to amend the
Master Plan for the church facility in three phases: Phase l(a) would enlarge
the area of the church grounds and provide additional offstreet parking, and
remove the parsonage and storage shed; Phase l(b) would remove the existing
parish house and provide for the construction of a two-story administration
and education building over parking at the grade level. Phase 2 would provide
for the construction of a two-story (and basement) education building on property
to be acquired at the north end of the site and would call for the removal of
the two houses now occupying the site. Phase 3 would consist of a three-story
addition to the main sanctuary, with grade level parking underneath the other
two stories. In the past, the church has experienced the chronic problem of
a lack of offstreet parking, and by the implementation of this master plan
they hope to solve that problem while expanding their program. The Environ-
mental Review Committee has reviewed the application and issued a Draft Negative
Declaration, and it is recommended that the Negative Declaration be certified
and the Master Plan be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report,
with one minor correction in Item 2, b, (1), which should be "Phase l(b) rather
than "Phase 2."
- -la- June ll, 1975
Commissioner Rice inquired as to the number of parking spaces which were
expected to be added.
Mr. Peterson thought it would be approximately 30.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Rev. Howard Ryan, 440 Flower Street, Pastor of the Church, wished to go on
record on behalf of the church as extending sincere appreciate to the Planning
Commission and staff for their cooperation with regard to the parking problems
which have plagued them. He advised that the additional parking under Phase
l(a) is contingent upon signing a written agreement with the owner for use of
the property. He reported that they are already making arrangements for the
removal of the buildings from the sites where they plan new construction.
As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Rice supported the proposed amended master plan as a means of
alleviating the parking problems and Chairman Chandler agreed with him.
MSUC (Rudolph-Floto) The Commission finds that in accordance with the
Negative Declaration IS-75-25 and the findings therein that conditional use
permit PCC-75-7 to expand the church facilities at 395 "D" Street will not
have any possible significant impact on the environment, and certifies that
the Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with CEQA 1970,
as amended.
MSUC (Rudolph-Rice) Conditional use permit PCC-75-7 for expansion of church
facilities and the Master Plan Exhibit B be approved subject to the conditions
as outlined in the staff report with correction as noted.
-2- June ll, 1975
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-75-9 - Request to construct
and operate packaged feed store with adjoining hay
~elter in A-D zone, 3956 Otas Lakes Road, Carl and
Lillian Berg
Current Planning Supervisor Lee reported that the applicant is proposing to
construct two structures--a 1,440 sq. ft. feed store and a 1,400 sq. ft., 18
ft. tall hay storage building on the northerly portion of a 2.5 acre site
located on the west side of Otay Lakes Road, south of Bonita Road. It is
basically surrounded by residential properties, either in the City or County,
except for the commercial zoning directly to the north. The proposed designs
are rustic in nature and fit in very well with the architecture in the Bonita
area. Access is proposed for the north end of the property, with space for
approximately 6 parking spaces and a 10 foot wide landscaped strip. It is
staff's opinion that the facility is appropriate for the area, and approval
is recommended. He noted among the conditions of approval listed in the
report, the site plan must be revised to provide 8 parking spaces with 24 ft.
aisles, and a separate 25 ft. wide driveway direct to Otay Lakes Road.
Mr. Lee indicated that there are extensive street improvement requirements,
beginning with additional dedication of right-of-way including, curb, gutter,
sidewalk and drainage facilities. The Engineering and Planning staff met with
Mr. Berg this afternoon to discuss the public improvements requirements, which
will vary in cost depending upon how the drainage problem is handled, but will
run into the neighborhood of $30,000 to $40,000. Due to the great amount of
frontage, the cost appears to be disproportionate to the amount of property
involved. The existing drainage protection to this property extends only about
100 feet onto the southerly portion, and it must be extended through the site.
This was noted in the report to bring it to Mr. Berg's attention so he ~.~ould be
aware of the needed improvements before he gets into extensive architectural
plans and engineering costs. The Engineering Division has also noted a possible
conflict with the sewer in Otay Lakes Road which would have to be resolved prior
to the preparation of improvement plans.
Mr. Lee advised that the Environmental Review Committee has reviewed the appli-
cation and issued a Draft Negative Declaration, and it is recommended that the
Negative Declaration be certified.
Commissioner Starr inquired if there were street improvements above and below
this site.
Mr. Lee did not recall any improvements north of Allen School Lane. At the
corner of Bonita Road and Otay Lakes Road there is a service station which has
full improvements, including the drainage. The drainage is also in the Rancho
Robinhood subdivision to the south, crossing under Allen School Lane and extend-
ing about 100 feet into the Berg property.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Robert Onley, 1444 Hermosa Avenue, representing the applicant, thanked the City
staff for the help they extended, but protested that the required improvements
would make it almost impossible to develop the property. He was of the opinion
-3- June ll, 1975
that the cost would be even higher than $40,000. He was unable to understand
why an additional 20 feet of frontage was required for street dedication when
30 feet of this property has already been required. He believed there should
be some type of public funds available for street improvement, since Otay
Lakes Road is on the Select System in the State of California.
Commissioner Rice was disappointed there had not been time for the applicant
to discuss this problem with the Engineering Division prior to the meeting,
and requested information from the Engineering staff.
Senior Civil Engineer Harshman advised that a few years ago the City, in con-
junction with the County, widened and improved Otay Lakes Road from Bonita
down to Southwestern College. The County designed the work and laid out the
ultimate right-of-way requirement, which is 100 feet. The widening which is
already accomplished was performed with City and County monies. The ultimate
improvement will be a 4-lane roadway. It is a normal requirement in the
issuance of a building permit to require completion of the improvements by
the adjacent property owner. There is a small drainage channel existing on
the property paralleling Otay Lakes Road. The required improvement would
extend out beyond the drainage channel, therefore it is necessary for the
protection of the property that adequate drainage facilities be installed.
Mr. Harshman was not aware of any precedent for City participation, although
obviously the large frontage and relatively shallow depth of this property
imposes a greater load than would a more typical configuration.
Mr. Harshman pointed out that sewer requirements had been imposed both on the
subdivision to the south and the service station at the corner of Bonita Road.
Both have provided the additional dedication and the additional improvements.
The drainage structure is by far the more costly of the improvements; there
are alternatives, but additional information is necessary before a definite
decision can be reached.
Chairman Chandler suggested that the item should be continued until the Berg's
might discuss it further with staff if there is some flexibility in the con-
Mr. Peterson observed that the conditions are in the nature of standard con-
ditions which apply to any piece of property that develops. He did not
believe there was any basis for the staff changing its recommendations. Many
of the conditions of approval of the use permit are for the purpose of inform-
ing the applicant of what his obligation is, and they are in conformance with
existing ordinances.
Assistant City Attorney Beam was of the opinion that if for no other reason
than to give the applicant an opportunity to more carefully consider the
requirements of the staff, it would be appropriate to continue the matter.
· 0
He also pointed out that Sec. 12.24.1 of the City Code states "The nature
and extent of the dedication or improvements required · · · shall be limited
to the danger that the proposed development or construction will tend to create,
add or impose a burden upon the public rights-of-way of the City." He thought
it would be worthwhile for the applicant and the staff to have an opportunity
for discussion and again appear before the Planning Commission.
-4- June ll, 1975
Chairman Chandler inquired if the applicant would like to have a continuation.
Mr. Onley agreed, and believed it should be done as quickly as possible.
Mr. Peterson suggested a continuation for one month.
MSUC (Rice-Rudolph) The public hearing in consideration of PCC-7-9 be con-
tinued to the meeting of July 9, 1975.
3. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance PCV-75-7 - Request to create two lots with less
than minimum lot depth in R-1 zone, 1587 Melrose Avenue,
Jessie and Petra Rothenhausler
Current Planning Supervisor Lee reported the lot in question was recorded as
part of the Princess Manor subdivision in September, 1964. The southerly
portion of this 1400+ sq. ft. lot was a drainage area and was unbuildable.
Since the subdivision map was filed 1-805 has been constructed, and with that
construction this portion of the lot was filled and the drainage channel placed
underground. The applicant now wishes to split the parcel, retaining the house
on the upper portion, with a new building site at the south end. The Subdivis-
ion Ordinance requires a minimum lot depth of llO feet from the freeway. The
new lot would have an average depth of 83 feet, the existing lot 93 feet. How-
ever, the lot lines on these particular lots would be further away from the
freeway than the majority of the lots both to the north and the south of them.
The lots do conform to the minimum lot areas, and both lots exceed the minimum
width of 60 feet. The staff has recommended approval with two conditions:
that the lot split be accomplished by a parcel map, and that the graded slopes
be landscaped with erosion control material.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
John W. Williams, 1608 Melrose Avenue, whose property is across Melrose Avenue
and one lot south from the applicant's property, stated that approximately 2/3
of his lot is taken up by an easement. He inquired if the easement were being
revised in order to provide more area on the lot for which variance is requested.
Mr. Lee indicated there is a 10 foot drainage easement running along the south
property line, with the underground channel occupying an easement in the shape
of a triangle at the southeast corner. In staff's opinion it does not affect
the usability of the site. There has been no reduction in the drainage ease-
ment which runs through the property.
Thelma Archibald, 2827 Howard Avenue, San Diego, was of the opinion that Mr.
Williams had confused the easement which is on the lot directly south with that
of the applicant's property, since the land is all vacant at this time. There
is a 75 foot easement through the lot to the south, on which the owner has put
up a chain link fence.
Ethel Williams, 1609 Melrose Avenue, who lives on the lot directly south of the
property on which variance has been requested, wished to know if the newly
created lot would be large enough on which to build a residence, and was
assured by Chairman Chandler that it met %he requirements of the R-1 zone.
-5- June ll, 1975
John Williams, 1608 Melrose, again questioned the width and location of the
easement, believing that there had been a change when the open channel had
been undergrounded.
Mr. Harshman advised that an easement is a recorded deed, and to his know-
ledge, there has been no change.
As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
MSUC (Floto-Pressutti) Variance PCV-75-7 for creation of two lots with less
than minimum lot depth be approved subject to the conditions listed in the staff
report; approval to be based upon the findings set forth in the staff report.
4. Consideration of Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 1975-1976
Senior Civil Engineer Harshman asnwered questions by members of the Commission
on various items of the proposed program.
MSUC (Pressutti-Rudolph) The proposed Capital Improvement Program for the
fiscal year 1975~76 is in conformance with the approved General Plan.
Mr. Peterson reminded the Commission that a joint presentation by CPO and
CALTRANS regarding their transportation corridor study between Los Angeles
and San Diego had been scheduled for the Study Session on June 18. This is
a presentation which they wish to make to every jurisdiction in the County;
however, they would like to have more time before beginning their presenta-
tions. He remarked that there is also an AIP meeting scheduled for that
evening which some of the Planning staff might like to attend if there were
no Commission meeting.
The Commission mutually agreed to cancel the Study Session scheduled for
June 18, 1975.
Commissioner Rice advised that he will be on vacation during the month of July
and requested that his absence from the Commission meetings of July be excused.
Commissioner Floto advised that he will be on vacation during the last week in
June and requested that his absence from the Commission meeting of June 25 be
Commissioner Rudolph asked to be excused from the meeting of July 9, and
possibly July 16.
Commissioner Starr inquired when in the conditional use permit process that
the applicant was informed of the expense involved in the required improve-
ments for his development, and if it were possible that the applicant be made
aware of these requirements earlier in the discussions.
-6- June ll, 1975
Mr. Peterson pointed out that it is usually someone who is not a professional
developer who is surprised by the requirements. The applicant usually
receives the staff report on Saturday, or at the latest on the Monday preced-
ing the date of the hearing. Unfortunately, in this case, although the
report was mailed out on Friday, Mr. Berg evidently did not receive it until
this morning.
Commissioner Rudolph recommended to the Commission the Planning Commissioners'
Institute which is to be held in Coronado in August. Mr. Peterson concurred
that in previous years the Institute has been of high quality. He indicated
that a memo and a program would be reaching the Commission soon on this sub-
Chairman Chandler adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~Leoda Scholl
Acting Secretary