HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1970/02/16 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE
February 16, 1970
The regular adjourned meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on the
above date beginning at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Guava
Avenue, with the following members present: Rice, Macevicz, Stewart, Chandler,
Adams and Putnam. Absent: None. Also present: Associate Planner Manganelli,
Associate Planner Lee, City Attorney Lindberg, and Assistant City Engineer
MSUC (Putnam-Adams) Approval of the minutes of the meetings of January 26 and
February 2, 1970, as mailed.
PUBLIC HEARING: (Continued) Amendment to Zoning Ordinance - Regulation of
signs in the C-B Zone - Commission initiated
Associate Planner Lee explained that this matter was continued from the meeting
of January 2~ so that the Planning Commission could have the opportunity to view
the signs on Third Avenue as well as hold a public hearing for additional
testimony. A second draft of the proposed ordinance has been distributed to
the Commission in which the changes, as requested at the last meeting, were
Mr. Lee remarked that there are still a few problems left unsolved: projecting
signs, roof signs, and window signs. He then showed a number of colored slides
depicting the Third Avenue business district signs, noting the different type
of signs which would and would not be in violation of the proposed ordinance.
This being the time and place as advertised, the continued public hearing was
Mr. Robert McMains, 237 Elm Avenue, representing the Downtown Association Sign
Committee, stated the only complaint they have pertains to the double-faced
projecting signs. They are recommending a 3' height maximum, 2' projection
from the building, and 6' from the building face inward.
In answer to Member Putnam's inquiry, Mr. McMains discussed the roof top signs
indicating the limitation of 10' in height for a 50' building was appropriate
inasmuch as there were, at present, only 12 buildings involved. It is hoped
that something further could be worked out for these signs, some time in the
Member Macevicz felt the allowable projection would tend to have the businesses
block each other out with signs.
Mr. McMains contended this would be true with any projection limitation imposed.
Mr. Ken Wessell, Manager of Leader Department Store, defended the roof top
signs showing the Commission a rendering of one proposed for the Leader store.
He claimed the sign on the front of the building is visible only to those people
who pass directly in front of it.
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Mrs. Kitty Raso, owner of La Bella Pizza restaurant, asked if colors of signs
would be considered in this proposed ordinance.
Mr. Paul Manganelli, Associate Planner, stated there would be no regulation
against colors--this is an individual matter of taste.
There being no further comments, either for or against, the hearing was
declared closed.
Member Purnam stated that signs become a matter of aesthetics, whether they
like it or not. They are broken down into categories: identification and
advertising--where one ends and the other begins is difficult to determine.
Mr. Putnam added that this business district could be enhanced tremendously by
these merchants if they removed the roof top signs and the interior wall signs.
Member Adams agreed commenting that a great improvement in the area would be
made if all the businesses adhered to the regulations in the ordinance relative
to the signs.
The Commission then discussed a percentage for window signs. Member Putnam felt
the 20% limitation was a reasonable one. Member Chandler agreed and declared
there should be some uniformity in the projecting signs.
Mr. McMains remarked that his committee discussed exterior signs, but only those
on corner buildings. He personally felt the exterior signs on all buildings
should be done away with.
In discussing a time limit for amortization of the non-conforming signs, City
Attorney Lindberg noted a recent Supreme Court ruling regarding billboards whereby
the decision was that a one-year amortization period was not unreasonable in
that case. Our ordinance, as presently drafted, allows a 5-year amortization
period. In considering these non-conforming signs, repairs cannot be relied upon
to defeat legislation which looks to the future and the eventual liquidation of
these non-conforming uses.
Chairman Rice commented on amortization periods for painted signs and billboards.
Mr. McMains reported that the committee came up with the following amortization
scale: for a sign valued under $200, there would be a 90 day limitation; for
signs valued from $200 to $500, a one-year limitation; and for each additional
$1,000, one year, up to a 5-year maximum. This would be based on the present
appraisal of the sign.
Mr. Lee explained that this scale was in the original proposal; however, it was
removed after much discussion with the Broadway Association. The problem lies
in trying to evaluate the cost of the signs, and it was decided to establish a
minimum value. In this way, all the signs within the value established would
be coming down at the same time, and it would save the City the expense of
trying to establish the value of each individual sign.
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Member Putnam felt the different commercial zones present different problems;
if the merchants along Third Avenue want to do it this way, then the Commission
should go along with them. It doesn't mean that this same regulation must be
enforced along Broadway; the signs there are different and some of them are
quite expensive and the same amortization period should not be established
for this area.
MSUC (Putnam-Chandler) Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending
RESOLUTION NO. PCA-70-1 to City Council the Adoption of the Ordinance
Regulating Signs in the C-B Zone
Findings of fact are as follows:
a. The section of the Zoning Ordinance relating to sign control was eliminated
in the C-B Zone when originally adopted because committee work was not completed.
Committee action has been completed, therefore the Planning Commission is
recommending the adoption of sign standards.
b. Sign regulations are needed to avoid unnecessary competition among sign
users resulting from the uncontrolled use of signs.
c. The regulations as proposed will add to the aesthetic quality and architec-
tural compatibility of the area.
Member Putnam commended the sign committee, stating that this is one of the most
progressive steps Chula Vista has even taken. The Commission felt this commen-
dation should include all the merchants along Third Avenue.
City Attorney Lindberg stated this matter will now be sent to the City Council
and they will set it for public hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING: Attachment of "F" Modifyin~ District to portion of Sweetwater
Valley in the Bonita Area - Commission initiated
Mr. Paul Manganelli, Associate Planner, submitted a map of the area noting the
properties in question. He explained that this came about as a result of an
application for a building permit for a parcel west of Central Avenue, north
of the golf course. An emergency ordinance was passed by the City Council
applying the "F" Modifying District to this property since the owner proposed
to construct a house at the existing level without fill. The owner would be
required to apply for a conditional use permit before any building permit is
granted to determine whether or not flooding could occur on the property, and
if improvements would alter the water course.
In setting this particular matter for hearing, the Commission included that
entire flood plain area in the Sweetwater Valley which is within the corporate
City limits that falls within the 100 year flood area. Mr. Manganelli noted
the exceptions proposed by the staff: the commercial area on the south side
of Bonita Road; Bonita Verde Subdivision; and the area between the easterly edge
of the La Bonita Apartments and Bonita Bridge--these areas are largely developed,
the latter two on fill.
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Member Adams questioned whether the "F" Zone would be placed in the area
covered by the flood channel.
Mr. Manganelli indicated it would not, since there is no improved channel
planned for this particular area, the "F" Modifying District would suffice.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that it is the application of the more
restrictive flood plain zoning which would retain open space until proper
flood control devices were devised. The situation could be a changing one and
some time in the future particular areas could be placed in the more restrictive
zones in order to provide a floodway if one were deemed necessary. The
Engineers seem to feel that the adequate security for public health, safety and
general welfare can be achieved with the Modifying District here.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. C. McMillan, 3535 Siembre Street, Bonita, stated he does not own any
property in this area at this particular time, but has some questions he
would like cleared up. He maintained that the flood problems are handled
through a grading ordinance--when you submit a building plan to build any
structure within a zone, this plan goes to the Engineering Department and
they either approve it or recommend certain improvements that must be done to
the property to bring it out of the danger of flood. This is an Engineering
problem; they are capable of handling it. The intent of this safety zone sounds
reasonable, but he would like to know what the procedure would be, once the
zone is placed on the property, to have it removed so that a building could be
Mr. McMillan declared that this was not a Planning Department or Planning
Commission responsibility for enforcement; it is more the Engineer's.
Chairman Rice explained the "F" Modifying District.
Mr. Manganelli remarked that this was discussed with the City Engineer and
he (Mr. Cole) stated that this restriction was not in the grading ordinance
and he prefers not to have it in the grading ordinance. Mr. Cole indicated
the zoning ordinance was a more proper place for it, and under the conditional
use permit he would still be able to comment upon this application.
Mr. McMillan explained his inquiry: he is interested in a piece of property pres-
ently zoned commercial. If he brings this out of the flood level must he still
get a conditional use permit.
Associate Planner Manganelli claimed that he must.
Mr. McMillan then declared that this was not right; it was a source of inverse
condemnation on the property which he intends to buy. The Commission is taking
away a right; it is zoned commercial and he is ready to move ahead with it, and
he does not believe that he should be compelled to get a conditional use permit
to build anything on that property within the zone as it stands.
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Mr. Manganelli explained to Mr. McMillan that the use would not be discussed--
the use is governed by the underlying zone. All the City would be doing is
determining whether or not the fill that was put onto the property was adequate.
Mr. McMillan remarked that he felt it should be in the grading ordinance,
regardless of whether Mr. Lane Cole wanted it there or not; it was a grading
and engineering problem. He cannot see going to the Planning Commission and
asking for their approval of what would be out of the flood area (after fill).
Mr. McMillan reiterated that the intent was good but that the extent of research
that has been done at this time is very basic and elementary; it warrants a
lot more investigation before any further zone restrictions are put on the
Member Chandler discussed the Bonita Verde Subdivision which was required to
meet this flood level. Mr. Manganelli explained that this was a condition
imposed on the subdivision map.
Mr. McMillan declared that the State Real Estate Commissioner stamps on the
plans the fact that the property is subject to flooding. It is recorded at
the County and everyone is aware of this. He added that as he understands a
conditional use permit, it means a specific building, specific materials,
specific architecture.
City Attorney Lindberg stated this was not true; in the conditional use permit
application they would check out grading it above a certain level, whether the
building was safe so that it would not float down a channel, etc.
Mr. McMillan claimed this same purpose could be done by stating "that all
buildings in the City of Chula Vista have to be out of the area of flood."
He reiterated that it was not a Planning Department problem and it should not
be handled here.
Chairman Rice explained to Mr. McMillan that this particular modifying district
was not being applied to all of Chula Vista, but only to those certain areas
lying in the flood plain. It is similar to the "D" attachment which is applied
to certain zones; it simply means that there are certain standards which must
be adhered to. The City is not going to change the basic underlying zoning; they
are simply going to make sure that the area is at a safe level for development.
It would have to be graded or filled according to the requirements; the City
wants to be sure there will be nothing that will affect the water course.
Mr. Rice added that no attempt has been made to be over-restrictive; they just
want to be sure the development is protected.
Mr. McMillan declared that if this ordinance is written as the Chairman explained
it, he would be the first one to favor it--it is a good idea.
There being no further comments, either for or against, the hearing was declared
The Commission briefly discussed the proposed attachment and concurred that it
was the proper recommendation to make.
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MSUC (Adams-Macevicz) Resolution of the City Planning Commission
RESOLUTION NO. PCZ-70-D Recommending to City Council the Attachment of
the "F" Modifying District to a Portion of the
Sweetwater Valley in the Bonita Area (According
to plat submitted at this meeting)
Findings of fact are as follows:
a. The attachment of the "F" Modifying District will insure review of any
plans for this area via the conditional use permit process to insure
against endangering the health, safety and welfare of existing and future
residents of the area as well as the public at large.
b. The review of proposed plans for this area will insure against the
diversion of the natural waterway, the Sweetwater River.
PUBLIC HEARING: Rezonin9 - Property east of Nolan Avenue between East Oneida
and East Palomar Street (5~ acres/ - From R~I to C-N - Poutous
Development Corp. and Bible Baptist Church of Chula Vista
Associate Planner Manganelli submitted a plot noting the location of the area
concerned as approximately 5~ acres of vacant land located at the northeast
corner of East Palomar Street and Nolan Avenue. A conditional use permit appli-
cation follows this item for a church site on the property.
The General Plan places this area in a retail commercial category; however, the
revised Plan shows a medium density residential classification for the property
because of the proliferation of commercial zoned areas in this vicinity which
would serve this property and those around it. Mr. Manganelli noted the commer-
cial areas on the plan.
The applicants are requesting neighborhood-commercial zoning for this area;
however, no market analysis has been provided, as required by this ordinance.
The staff is recommending denial of the request based on (1) the revised General
Plan placing this property in a medium density residential classification; (2)
this property will be adequately served by the existing commercially zoned
properties; (3) no market analysis, as required by this ordinance, has been
Mr. Kenneth Lee, Associate Planner, stated he received a telephone call from the
applicant requesting a continuance of this item.
Mr. Don Westphal, Civil Engineer representing the applicants, asked for a continu-
ance explaining that the southern portion of the property was obtained by a lease
agreement, and they are having difficulty with the terms of the lease for
dedication of Palomar Street; they wish to prepare a precise plan and obtain some
agreements from tenants; and they will prove that the shopping center is necessary
and needed.
Mr. Charles Johnson, San Diego County Association for the Mentally Retarded
Children, legal owner of the property, spoke in favor of the change of zone to
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George Pool, Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, spoke in favor of the proposed
shopping center commenting that the nearest shopping center was a considerable
distance away. He felt a commercial center would be best suited next to the
Starlite Center instead of residential, because of the type of children
attending this school--people are apt to be suspicious of them.
Mr. Westphal asked for a one-month continuance.
MSUC (Putnam-Macevicz) Public hearing be continued to the meeting of March 16,
1970, in order that the applicant may prepare a market analysis.
PUBLIC HEARING - Conditional Use Permit - Southeast corner Oneida Street and
Nolan Avenue - Request permission to construct a church
(1.17 acres) proposed C-N zoning - Bible Baptist Church of
Chula Vista
Mr. Lee submitted a map noting the location of the property in question, the
adjacent land use and zoning. He discussed two discrepancies in the plan
submitted by the applicant: the 15' setback shown for the building (on Oneida)
should be 20' and there is a provision in the ordinance that a church must be
located on a collector street which in this case means that it must be located
on Palomar Street rather than on Oneida and Nolan as shown.
Mr. Lee suggested that the applicant be advised to file a variance request
for the setback reduction and permission to construct the church on a local
street, and that this application be continued also to the meeting of March 16,
along with the rezoning request. In this way, this entire matter can be considered
at one meeting.
Mr. George Pool, Pastor of the Bible Baptist Church, commented that he was under
the impression that this was all taken care of since they are now adhering to
the 20' setback--the plot plan is in error.
The Commission discussed the provision whereby a variance must be granted for
a church in a residential zone to be located on a collector street.
Mr. Paul Manganelli stated this condition would be void if this property was
zoned C-N.
Member Stewart commented that if time is not a critical factor with the church,
that they continue further action on this item until such time as the zoning
is established.
Mr. Pool indicated there is some degree of urgency here inasmuch as there is a
deadline date set up for the church to be built. ~
Mr. Westphal, Civil Engineer representing the applicant, asked for a continuance
of this matter and he will get together with the staff and work out this problem.
MSUC (Stewart-Chandler) Public hearing on this matter be continued to the meeting
of March 16, 1970.
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City Attorney Lindberg commented that unfortunately, in this case, they find
themselves in a position where a variance is also required. He feels they
should not have to go through the dual procedure of separate conditional use
permit and variance applications. He would hope the Commission would entertain
an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance in order to accomplish this in one applica-
SUBDIVISION - Zenith Subdivision - Consideration of final map
Mr. Lee submitted the final map of the subdivision noting the location as
south of Oxford Street, abutting the easterly side of Interstate 805 and the
northerly boundary of the San Diego Gas & Electric Company easement. The
original map showed 93 lots on 21 acres; this final map contains 95 lots. This
was accomplished by a realignment of a cul-de-sac.
The major question is whether or not there should be a southerly extension of
one of the streets; the Fire Department has expressed concern that there should
be a second opening to this subdivision to facilitate efficient fire protection
for the area. The San Diego Gas & Electric Company stated their opposition to
a street extending over their right-of-way. They now indicate that they would
not object to having the second cul-de-sac (Raven Place) extended, but do object
to extending Finch Street since that area is immediately adjacent to the easterly
edge of 805 Freeway and this will cause congestion with their own service
facilities--a street in this vicinity would serve as a detriment to their
operation. If Raven Place is extended and tied in with Palomar to the south, a
small triangle-shaped parcel would be left which would be difficult to develop.
The City Engineer has stated that this one access is adequate to handle the
amount of traffic for this subdivision.
Mr. Ed Pool ey, representing San Diego Gas & Electric Company, stated that they
are definitely opposed to extending Finch Street across their right-of-way for
the reasons noted above.
Mr. Don Westphal, Civil Engineer representing the subdividers, discussed the
proposed extension for a second opening to the subdivision and indicated there
is a pedestrian right-of-way over the easement at the end of the cul-de-sacs.
This is wide enough for an emergency vehicle to get through--16' wide.
Mr. Westphal added that the developers have nothing in writing from the utility
company indicating they will agree to the extension of Raven Place. The
developers object to having to redesign another access for the subdivision.
They feel the problem is solved since the City Engineer stated the one access
was sufficient, and if the need arises, the fire trucks could cross over the
pedestrian right-of-way at the end of the cul-de-sacs.
Mr. Pool ey stated it was his understanding that the San Diego Gas & Electric
Company would look favorably upon Raven Place being extended over their right-
of~way line. An extension of Finch Street would be neither feasible nor
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Mr. Lee said he talked to Mr. Art Bishop of the San Diego Gas & Electric
Company and Mr. Bishop reaffirmed that they would have no objection to the
extension of Raven Place. Mr. Lee added that at the present time it is
difficult for the staff to say whether or not this second access is needed at
this particular location.
The Commission discussed the triangular-shaped parcel that would be left with
the extension of Raven Place, and also that area to the south.
Mr. Westphal stated he represents the developers of the area to the south
as well. This will be developed as Zenith Subdivision, Unit #2. He added
that if Raven Place is extended, it would cause the developers a design
Member Stewart commented that this was not the first subdivision containing
about 100 lots that was approved with the one access.
Mr. Howard Gesley, Assistant City Engineer, informed the Commission that this
particular problem was caused by the San Diego Gas & Electric Company and the
State Division of Highways. As they (Engineering Division) previously stated,
the one access can handle the traffic. Mr. Gesley felt it was not a practical
answer to have the emergency vehicles coming through the pedestrian right-of-
way--another access would be preferable.
Member Macevicz declared that the San Diego Gas & Electric Company is serving
the public and that they should concede to the extension of Finch Street since
it is the best access from the south.
Chairman Rice indicated his feeling that the best second access would be the
extension of Finch Street and that there should be some way of working this
MSUC (Macevicz-Putnam) Recommend approval of the final map subject to the
following conditions:
1. A southerly point of access be made by extending Finch Avenue across
the San Diego Gas & Electric Company easement.
2. The final map shall not be submitted for Council action until all fees
are paid and all necessary bonds, agreements, deeds, letters, improvement
plans and easements, as required by the City Engineer, have been delivered to
the City.
PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit - 700 block of Third Avenue - 455' south
of J Street on the west side of Third Avenue - Construction of
a U. S. Post Office building - R. A. Kin~/U. S. Post Office Dept.
Associate Planner Lee submitted a plat noting the location of the property, the
adjacent land use and zoning. He also submitted a large scale plan of the
proposed building noting the access points, parking layout, and loading docks.
He stated he discussed the proposed traffic pattern with the City Traffic Engineer,
and as a result the staff is proposing a revision. They show 38 parking spaces
which is based on 2 spaces for each service window and one space for each 5 feet
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of post office boxes; this is in addition to the 218 spaces to be used for
employees and vehicles. The staff's plan shows 40 spaces and a holding lane
on Third Avenue which they feel will be adequate during most hours. As for
the architecture, the staff feels this is very institutional and adds little
to the architectural development of the area. Some landscaping is shown on
the plan, and this will be worked out with the staff. Mr. Lee added that the
staff is recommending approval based on several conditions which he reviewed
with the Commission.
Chairman Rice suggested that reasonably mature and large trees and shrubs
be used in this landscaping, in view of the large building and site.
Member Macevicz inquired as to the adequacy of the driveway area for the large
semi-trucks that will be coming in with the mail.
Mr. Lee stated that the plan proposes 12'; however, it probably should be 15'
and the staff will discuss this further with the Traffic Engineer.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Richard King, Real Estate Officer for the Post Office Department, stated
they would be pleased to have some ideas as to the architecture--he personally
feels they could do better. His engineers have proposed lO' wide parking
stalls, which they prefer rather than the 9' stalls proposed by the staff. He
asked for the staff's proposed traffic pattern plan to present to his staff.
As to the undergrounding service condition, Mr. King stated they have no objec-
tion and they will also go along with the solid material for the crash gates.
They will submit a landscaping plan to the staff; they want to make it as
attractive as possible.
Member Stewart questioned the adequacy of the parking area for the patrons.
Mr. King declared there is never adequate parking around a post office at
Christmas time. There are peak times, but the parking proposed should be
enough for daily patron use.
The Commission then discussed with Mr. King the number of mail trucks using
the accesses and the hours they will be coming into the lot.
Mr. King remarked that the present post office building in the Civic Center area
will be closed.
Associate Planner Lee discussed the traffic congestion in the area. He stated
that Fourth Avenue is presently widened to L Street and will be widened in
the County later on. Further to the south, it will merge with Third Avenue;
therefore, the anticipated through traffic will be decreased a great deal on
Third Avenue.
Mrs. Jacqueline Thomas, 367 Kearney Street, asked if Kearney Street will be
petitioned for opening at such time in the future that the facilities will
be expanded.
Member Adams indicated that in his opinion no such approval would be granted.
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Member Stewart remarked that they should realize that the City at this time
cannot adhere to binding themselves to anything so definite.
Mrs. Frances Wladecki, 745 Garrett Street, stated she has waited for 20 years
for Kearney Street to open up, as she is forced to walk four blocks to the bus
stop. She then questioned the hours of the arrival and departures of the semi-
Mr. King answered that the majority of the trucks will be coming in at approxi-
mately 6 a.m. or later.
There being no further comment, either for G.r against, the hearing was declared
The Commission determined that the testimony and staff comments were sufficient
to make a determination of approval of this request.
MSUC (Chandler-Macevicz) Approval of the conditional use permit for a post office
building, subject to the following conditions:
1. The parking landscaping and architecture of the building shall be subject
to Planning staff approval.
2. The existing and proposed utilities shall be undergrounded.
3. A 5-foot concrete block wall shall be constructed on all property lines
adjoining an R zone, including the westerly property line, this wall to be
extended along the side property lines to the front planters on the north and
south property lines.
(Note: The Chula Vista Fire Department has noted that crash gates as shown on
the plan are not necessary.)
4. Any fence visible from Third Avenue shall be solid and of a decorative
5. All planters shall be enclosed with a compatible masonry material.
6. All lighting shall be shielded and directed away from adjacent residential
zones or use.
7. Speciman size trees shall be utilized wherever feasible, as determined by
the City Planning staff.
8. Third Avenue shall be widened to City Engineering specifications using a
32 foot wide section from center line to curb along the Third Avenue frontage.
Findings be as follows:
a. That the proposed use at the particular location is necessary or desirable
to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-being
of the neighborhood or the community.
The proposed location is close to the geographical center of Chula Vista,
a desirable location to provide good service for the entire community.
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b. That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be
detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity.
c. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions
specified in the Code for such use.
All regulations and codes will be complied with.
d. That the granting of this conditional use will not adversely affect the
General Plan of the City of Chula Vista or the adopted plan of any governmental
The General Plan will not be affected.
PUBLIC HEARING: Rezonin~ - Both sides of H Street in the 300 block - from R-3
and C-C to C-O and also a chan~e of setback as required by the
C-O zone - Commission initiated
Associate Planner Manganelli submitted a location map noting the area concerned,
the adjacent land use and zoning. The hearing has been called to consider
rezoning from R-3 and C-C to C-O for certain properties located between Third and
Fourth Avenues on H Street, and a consideration of a change in setbacks of these
lots, which presently range from 5' to 30', to the setbacks required by the C-O
provisions of the zoning ordinance. The General Plan designates this area as
High Density Residential while the proposed revision places it in a Professional
and Administrative category. Based on the existing uses and trends in the area
and the H Street Study conducted in 1968, the staff is recommending approval of
the C-O zone, and that the setbacks be established as required by this zone.
Mr. Manganelli noted one parcel zoned C-C which has been included in this proposal
for Commission consideration of the change of zone.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. -
Mr. Ernest Schnepf, Bonita, owner of some parcels in this area, stated that in
the past he attempted to get commercial zoning for those properties from Glover
west to Shasta Street. At that time the staff stated they were in pursuit of
some other type of zoning for this area. As to the present consideration of
C-O zoning, Mr. Schnepf declared he would prefer to have his property remain in
the R-3 category. If the need arises, he can always apply for a variance to have
a building put in there.
Mr. Manganelli remarked that use variances are now prohibited by ordinance;
however, the applicant can apply for a conditional use permit if he desires to
put apartments in the C-O zone.
Mr. Schnepf, 1135 Eucalyptus Avenue, brother of the former speaker, asked that
the property not be rezoned; he feels it would be worth more as R-3.
Mr. Andy Henry, Casselman Court, owner of a lot in this area, spoke in favor of
the rezoning. He added a change of zone to C-O would increase the value of the
properties along this street.
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Mrs. Josephine Correnti, owner of property in the area, asked that it be
placed in the commercial zone, as H Street is a very busy street and the
entire block should be zoned commercial.
Mr. O'Connell, 368 H Street, stated he is happy with the zoning as it presently
Mr. Woodall, 389 H Street, stated he was in accord with the rezoning.
There being no further comments, either for or against, the hearing was
declared closed.
Member Putnam stated he was in favor of the C-O zoning; he felt this was the
best zone for this block. The Commission concurred.
MSUC (Macevicz-Adams) Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommending
RESOLUTION NO. PCZ-70-C to City Council the Change of Zone from R-3 and C-C
to C-O for both sides of H Street in the 300 block, and
a Change of Setback as required by the C-O Zone
Findings be as follows:
a. While the General Plan designates the area as very high density residential,
the proposed revision to the Plan classifies the area as Professional and Adminis-
trative, the equivalent to the C-O zone.
b. More than half of the acreage of the area is already improved with uses
permitted in the C-O zone.
c. The H Street Study, approved in 1968 by the Planning Commission, recommended
C-O zoning for this property.
d. The deletion of this area from the Building Line Map will permit a more
equitable method of establishing uniform minimum front yard requirements.
This will be accomplished by permitting the C-O provisions of the Zoning Ordinance
to establish the setbacks.
PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit - 409 Telegraph Can~on Road - Request
permission to construct and operate a restaurant business with
ihcidental beer and wine in a C-N Zone - Anthons & Kitts Raso
Associate Planner Manganelli submitted a plat noting the area concerned, the
adjacent land use and zoning. The property is zoned C-N and a conditional use
permit is required for the sale of beer and wine as an accessory use to the
sale of food. There is one reservation pertaining to this request and that is
the parking. Originally, this center was developed under the old parking
requirements; under the new ordinance, the spaces required would be more--
there is already a parking problem in this center. The City Attorney has
advised that the staff cannot require the new standards so the staff has no
choice but to ignore the problem.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
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Mrs. Kitty Raso, 373 Third Avenue, the applicant, stated the reason for this re-
quest is to open another restaurant at this shopping center since the majority
of the deliveries are made out in this area. Although she charges 50¢ for a
delivery, it does not cover the cost of paying a delivery boy to make this
trip several times a day from her Third Avenue location.
Mrs. Georgia Barnicle, 394 Fourth Avenue, spoke in favor of the request.
There being no further comments, either for or against, the hearing was declared
Member Adams discussed the parking which he agreed was inadequate for the type
of business going in; however, the parking was approved some time ago under the
old zoning requirements.
MSUC (Putnam-Chandler) Approval of conditional use permit.
Findings be as follows:
a. That the proposed use at the particular location is necessary or desirable
to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-
being of the neighborhood or the community.
This is a desirable location due to its relative isolation from residential
areas, and yet its good access on both collector and major street.
b. That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be
detrimental to the health, safety or general welfare of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity.
Because of the separation, there will be no detrimental effects.
c. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions
specified in the Code for such use.
All regulations and codes will be complied with.
d. That the granting of this conditional use will not adversely affect the
General Plan of the City of Chula Vista or the adopted plan of any governmental
The General Plan is not affected.
PUBLIC HEARING: Variance - Kingswood Subdivision~ Units 1 and 2 - Request for
reduction in exterior side yards from 10' to 0 for a fence and
from lO' to 9' for a buildin9 - Robinho~d Homes~ Inc.
Associate Planner Lee submitted a map noting the location of the area concerned,
the adjacent land use, and zoning. This is a development of attached single-
family dwellings. These units are oriented toward the side yards and have patios
in the side yards. When a corner lot is developed, the amount of open space for
use in the exterior side yard becomes limited. Mr. Lee noted the eight lots
requested for the setback reduction and explained that the fences would observe
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the front yard requirements, therefore avoiding creating a traffic hazard in
this area. On Lot #28 (southeast corner of Bishop Street and Friar Place) the
applicant is requesting an exterior side yard setback reduction to 9'.
Mr. Lee noted that the width of the rear one-fourth of this lot is reduced
because of the configuration of Friar Place.
The staff is recommending approval of the request.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Jim Boeker, representing Robinhood Homes, Inc., stated that they are in
agreementwith the staff recommendations. With the granting of this request,
they feel it would provide better patio areas. He added that he wishes to
compliment the staff, Engineering Division and City Attorney for working dili-
gently with them in this matter.
There being no further comments, either for or against, the hearing was declared
MSUC (Adams-Putnam) VAriance request be approved subject to the condition that
the area between the sidewalk and the fence, where it would be at the property
line, be filled with concrete to City standards.
a. That a hardship peculiar to the property and not created by any act of the
owner exists.
For construction of fence: A hardship exists in attempting to apply
exterior side yard requirements to this housing concept.
For construction of building: Because of street configuration, the rear
portion of Lot #28 in Unit #2 is limited to a width of 34' or less.
b. That this variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of
substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same zone and
in the vicinity of the subject property.
For construction of fence: This variance will apply to all corner lots in
the subdivision, and a similar variance was granted to another subdivision
in the area.
For construction of building: No other lot in the vicinity has a similar prob-
lem, this is the only lot that the rear portion of has been reduced.
c. That the authorizing of this variance will not be of substantial detriment
to adjacent property and will not materially impair the purposes of this
ordinance or the public interest.
For construction of fence: No traffic hazard will be created and there will
be no other detriment to adjacent owners.
For construction of building: No traffic hazard is created by the slight
encroachment and open space in the setback area will not be materially
affected; there will be no detrimental effect.
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d. That the granting of a variance will not be contrary to the objectives of
the General Plan.
The General Plan will not be affected.
Request for waiver of underground utilit~ service - 135 Jefferson Street
Associate Planner Manganelli referred to the staff report which stated that
the applicant is requesting this waiver for a proposed duplex construction in
an R-3 zone. The existing utilities are at the rear of the lots in this sub-
division. In the future if all the utilities here are undergrounded, they will
be relocated in the street. It would not be reasonable to require undergrounding
to existing overhead facilities only to have the new lines relocated when all
facilities are undergrounded. The San Diego Gas & Electric Company and the
Pacific Telephone Company agree with this request.
The staff is recommending approval.
MSUC (Stewart-Chandler) Approval of the request for waiver of the underground
utility service at 135 Jefferson Street.
Approval - Granfield's Hilltop Drive Annexation
Associate Planner Manganelli submitted an area map noting the properties
concerned. Two single family lots are involved. They requested annexation
so that they may utilize the City sewer. The Local Agency Formation Commission
has approved the annexation; the staff recommends approval.
MSUC (Stewart-Chandler) Recommend to the City Council the approval of the
Granfield Hilltop Drive Annexation.
Imperial Truck Lines, 621L Street
Mr. Herbert Young, 873 Riverlawn Avenue, stated a variance was granted to
John Wanders several years ago for permission to operate a trucking business
at 621L Street. Since that time this business has increased considerably.
Mr. Young asked the Commission for a review and modification of this variance.
Associate Planner Manganelli stated the use variance was granted to Mr. Wanders
in 1962 subject to a few conditions.
The City Attorney advised the staff that this matter could be set for hearing,
if the Commission wished, so that the Planning Commission could review this
business operation because of complaints received from neighborin§ residential
MSUC (Chandler-Macevicz) This matter be set for hearing for the meeting of
March 16, 1970.
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Resignation of Member Putnam
Member Putnam informed the Commission that he has submitted his resignation
to the City Council effective February 17, 1970. He expressed his appreciation
to the Commission and the staff in working with them and stated he is leaving this
position with regret. He is moving to Sonoma, California.
The Commission agreed that it was a privilege working with him.
Hilltop & Naples Shopping Center
Chairman Rice stated that some landscaping in this center on both the east and
west sides has been removed. He felt some type of control should be instigated
whereby the City would be assured that this type of thing would be replaced,
once it is artibrarily removed, or that some firm action be taken against them.
Associate Planner Lee stated he would check this out.
Workshop Meeting
The Commission agreed that the next workshop meeting should be held on
Wednesday, February 25. Mr. Manganelli stated he would inform the Commission
as to the place and time of the meeting.
Petition bs Service Station Owners
Associate Planner Manganelli referred to a petition by service station owners
asking for the removal of all miscellaneous signs on service station sites.
The Commission directed the staff to set this for hearing to consider inserting
these recommendations into the Zoning Ordinance.
Chairman Rice adjourned the meeting at 11:07 p.m.
?~spectful ly submitted,
~dennie M. Fulasz, Secretar~/