HomeMy WebLinkAboutResource Conservation Commission Min 1993/11/22 . MINUTES OF A SCHEDULED REGULAR MEETING Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California 6:30 p.m. Monday, November 22, 1993 Conference Room #1 Public Services Building CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Kracha. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Present: Commissioners Hall, Kracha, Myers, Burrascano, Guerreiro. It was MSUC (Hall/Myers) to excuse Commissioner Johnson from the meeting as he appropriately notified the office; 5-0. It was MSUC (Myers/Hall) to excuse Commissioner Ghougassian from the meeting. Vote 2-3, ayes: Myers, Hall; nos: Burrascano, Guerreiro, Kracha (previously asked to be excused for month of October only); motion failed. NEW BUSINESS: . 1. The Commission agreed to take an agenda item out of order to accommodate Councilman Len Moore who was present to discuss the City's responsibility in the overcrowded schools. He noted the Growth Management Oversight Committee addressed this issue several years ago. Their report noted that it is the system-and not the City-which is responsible for the overcrowding. Schools are required to sign on a permit prior to developers being issued their permit. An attempt is still being made to allocate more available funds for the schools. He discussed some equitable approaches with priority funding and how they qualify, and the use of Mello Roos taxes to fund schools. Myers strongly recommended the City inform and educate parents of the financial advantage of multi-track year-round schools. Additionally, the superintendent makes the decisions to sign off permits; however, the teachers are effected with overcrowded classrooms and should therefore be allowed input on major projects. She asked council to visit classrooms to see the overcrowded conditions firsthand. Mr. Moore noted that money for schools and the community is rea1i7ed through the projects. It may be worth the commission's while to find out how the funding is coming back to the community. APPROVAL OF :MINUTES: It was MSUC (Hall/Myers ) to approve the minutes of the meetings of October 11, 1993 and October 25, 1993; vote 5-0. 2. Composting ordinance amendment Section 8.25.090. Kracha suggested to reword the paragraph about location of composting bin by percentage and not by footage, on where it's placed from adjacent residential property. If a permit is required, the condition of the cubic yards should be relevant to the size of the lot. After a brief discussion, it was moved and seconded (Hall/Myers) to recommend adoption of the amended ordinance; vote 4-1, no: Kracha; motion carried. . 3. It was MSUC (Myers/Guerreiro) to nominate Barbara Hall as vice-chairman for the current fiscal period; vote 5-0, motion carried. . . . Resource Conservation Commission Page 2 4. Myers submitted three written items for the Ideas for Improving the Environment: (a) the no curfew rule at Brown Field; (b) City's responsibility in the overcrowded schools; (c) the aesthetics of Pier One Imports on Bonita Road and 1-805. Burrascano conveyed her concerns on the brush fire clearance policy on how it specifically impacts the coastal sage scrub, and the landscaping manual. Doug Reid noted the manual is currently in revision. Guerreiro's concerns were of cardboard cereal boxes and the like not recyclable. Len Moore stated that a company is currently looking into that type of recycling. Kracha advised members to submit all ideas in writing by the next meeting. He also suggested to note any possible fiscal impact to the City. 5. Review of Negative Declaration for IS-94-01, Vacation of a portion of Moss Street. After a brief discussion, it was MSUC (HallIBurrascano) to accept the negative declaration; vote 5-0; motion carried. STAFF REPORT: Doug Reid noted a major changes in CEQA guidelines will occur in February or March. The local procedures will then change. Information to follow after that time. Commission's Banquet Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30th. CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS: Kracha asked if the commission wanted to schedule a tour of the APTEC facility. It is tentatively scheduled for January 15 around 10 a.m. Kracha asked if commissioners also wanted to see how the American Car Wash located on Broadway recycles its water. Members will decide on this at the next meeting. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: Myers noted there was a duplicate of mailings in the recent packet after the last meeting was canceled. Members were advised to save the handouts in the future until the next meeting to avoid having to recopy everything and incur the expense of extra postage. Also, she wanted staff to be reminded to mail packets to be received on Thursday rather than Friday. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Kracha at 8:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Taylor C'~:itu~ ~~~~j .