HomeMy WebLinkAboutResource Conservation Commission Min 1991/10/28 . . . MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California 6:00 p.m. Monday, October 28, 1991 Conference Room 1 Public Services Building CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by Chairperson Hall. City Staff person Barbara Reid was present. Members present: Commissioners Johnson, McQuade, Kracha and Ghougassian. Absent: Fox, Ray. NEW BUSINESS: Marilyn Ponseggi, Consultant for City Staff, in~roduced speakers on the Chula Vista Center Expansion EIR. She stated that public comments deadline is November 13. Lee Sherwood, who prepared the EIR with Ms. Ponseggi, made a presentation of each aspect of the EIR. He noted that there were no impacts that couldn't be mitigated to below the level of significance. Fred Castner gave a summary of the businesses going in or out of the complex. Questions were raised on parking, relocation of existing businesses, traffic, and the auto center. After discussion, it was moved and seconded (Hall/Kracha) to introduce walkways between the parking structure to the cinema area; motion carried 4-1 (no: Ghougassian). The graph on Page 31 regarding fire protection was questioned. Projected costs go up each year from 1993-1995, then down from 1995-1996. It was moved and seconded (Kracha/Hall) to clarify the ongoing annual city costs between the initial estimates and the following years regarding fire protection; motion carried 4-1 (no: Ghougassian). It was moved and seconded (Hall/Johnson) to recommend a sidewalk be put in at Mervyn's to the parking lot; motion carried 4-1 (no: Ghougassian). OLD BUSINESS: The following motions were made for Environmentalist of the Year award: Moved by Kracha to nominate the "Chula Vista 2000" plan; no second, motion dies. Moved by Ghougassian to nominate John Rojas; no second, motion dies. Moved by McQuade to nominate Tim Nader; no second, motion dies. It was then MSUP (Johnson/Ghougassian) to table this item to the next meeting. Commissioners should come prepared with reasons their nominee should receive the award. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Hall at 6:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, EXPRESS SECRETARIAL SERVICES ~~