HomeMy WebLinkAboutResource Conservation Commission Min 1990/07/23
::r:;O'2:'E3 OF l'~ SC;;EDULE;) REGUL,i:~ ::==T:LJ.iG
Resource CO~3ervation CO:J~ission
Chula Vist~r Caliiorni2
6 ; 15 -:). ]:1 .
Mondav, JulV 23, 1990
Coun~il Cbambers
--I)uT)ITcservlcezi=:UITcTi-;=-' Ci' - - -....
Ci'\.LLHEETIUG TO ORDER/ROLL C;'2..L: i:eeting called to orcler at 6:10
p~m. by Chairman Fo:~. Envirc;,;-]ental Foview Coordinator Doug Reie::
called the roll. Present: COD:-;-.issioners fo:{, P..L\Y, Stevens and
Hall. Absent \vith notificatioil: CO::lnissioners Chidester aile::
APPROVAL OF rlINUTES: IISUC (E<::ll/Stevens) to approve the r.1inutes
of June 25, 1990 as ~ailed.
To take public testimony relevant to the
~-::ro:?Osed "Env irol1J;1enta1 Agenda for the
~O'S" as proposed by Council~ember Nader
This bci~g the tiDe an~ the place as advertised, the public
hearing was opened.
Councilr.12n nader .sto.teG that the 57-iJoint ptoposal covered
three areas needingCitv action to reverse environmental
de 01 ine .
(A) rn-ilouse pol icies on open space and non-use of to:dc
facilities; City GcverIL"7Ient to set all e::a~ple by
recycling; and s'cc:.fiing of the; neHly cteated position
for 2n overall com:erva.tion coordinator in the City
:~nager's Office (~57).
(3) Shaping of land use policies by encourtgi~g d~velopers
to consider tbe use oE ~)ubl ic t;:c,llsportc:.tion ratber
tban Dore cars; by consi~eration of land pattern
cievelopment <::s Hell as la.nd use develo~?TI1ent by the City
25 the le.nd US2 au~horitv; D" ')reserving o'O<2n s'J(lce
resources and 2p;;1:rins the ~Il1:'siC::e Pr2serv2tic~1
Orci~c:nce j:1ore consistently.
(C) :'i1:~2 ilL L-J~;2C;C Oil t:]e <:::lobcll :~ssL!es tiHouSh 3u~-'..:::ort O~
12l]i.slClti'\le rGlJreSetltc:Jc.i\7es it:. :7(lShi119"tO~1 on
~nv ironr,1f~n'c21 is;:U2S 2nu throuch Ci 'C'; }::;C"'isL:t.i-vo
;.ction ::::;;7011 2S ,)" CCL!c2tins;-tbe cld::;cnr'/ 0,': l::l;c~se
(:our~cil;,:i:.n I;L~c~,~r r'~(lU2S'::2d ,tha.t th'2 ~CCf 2S ~~)G COEL.~issioi1
Ch2r(:'e..': ".:i.ell om:iro;-",\e1:'::.:,l issues, contri;~u'c.2 to these 57
P.CC ;!inut2s
J ul Y 2 3, 199 0
points and recomlaend thef.1 to the Council.
In response to 2 ~uestion asked by Co~sissioner stevens
about priorities, Councilr.1an lJader re:.;lied that focus should
be placed on:
(1) Lund use decisions. Staff had been instructed to bring
back a G rO\vth 11anagef.1ent El ement addr essing the
protection of air and Hater quality, and a re-
examination of the Circulation Element in the General
Plan to prevent heavy reliance on the east-west roads
for transportation, consequently endangering the
quality of life in the residential neighborhoods.
(2) Enforcement of the Gr10C Thresholds; provision of more
meaningful action than a "letter of concern" by Council
to agencies when school, air and water standards are
not being met; and enforcement of a unanimous Council
vote for approval of projects not in compliance with
Proposition v.
Councilman Nader noted that Council will be considering a
report f rOE1 the GrIOC on Thur sday, July 26, and inv ited
attendance by a member of the ncc.
Further discussion with ComQissioner Stevens included the
City r,lorking \'lith other municipalities on traffic; the
proposed fOrI.1ation of a Regional Groutb Ilanc.geraent Adv isory
ic,.gency; the need for a labor pool study to provide jobs for
local residents and lessen the importing of non-residents
with their consequent need for housing. The Comf.1issioner
thanked Councilman Nader for his appearance and presentation
and suid he Houla proviC:e sorne recommendations.
Discussion with Commissioner Hall include6 the traffic
if.1pact made not only by people in the western part of the
City but .::180 by the \lork being eione by construction crews;
that the un6ergrounding of utilities requires street
patch LIS I,Thich o:ten (~isintegrates ,-"iter the: f iret rains;
.:::r:(~ identii:icution or '::11c; (:,gency respoa.::3ible: i:or ;:lOrtitoring
the DI3=~ .::.nu the .ncthane plc:.nt er.1i3:3ions.
Cor,H,li csi one r 22.:' ilKjui rcd \'J ba t pI uns 11 e:c been D2.Ce 'co reduce
the current level of trc.ffic 2nd ~,T2.S il:foC:1CCI th2..t such <~
reduction would have co initi2te at a Fe~eral policy level;
i.e., car-pooling, mass transi'c 2nd the like. Issues that
Cl:n b(~ ta!~en on a local level include ,.1i.'tc~ling ilceds to
transit 0evclo~nent, and innovative approaches to land
d2sign such uS ~al~~in's Village Center with its radiating
RCC Ilinutes
J ul y 23, 1990
Other issues concerned (1) Point ~ll, incorrect e~viron-
mentiJ.l and traffic forecasts mU.c~e by cO:1sultants, \'lith
counter-~easures suggested of reviuJ by in-house e::perts,
identification of such unreliable cO:1sultants and that
contracts stipulate penalties for inaccurate forecasts; (2)
\'lhether there might be an enlargement of .the Comr:tission's
20wers to include final authority OD certain points
regarding EIRs; (3) the obligation of the ncc to inform the
Council if an area is not addressed in the EIR or proposal;
and (4) scheduling a \'lorkshop on potential projects \'Jhich
might have a cumulative impact on Chula Vista.
Chairman Fox (1) referenced ~25 and questioned why the
developer should be penalized when the delay was really
caused by staff and the Council; (2) ~4 (from his experience
as a lender) appeared to be economically infeasible,
hm"ever, CouncilI:':an [Jade r repl ied that the type of mixed-use
could include a center in a City block laid out for
usability and was essential because of traffic circulation
probler:ls. (3) Ilr. Fox e~:pressed concern about the possible
conflict of loyalties of consultants \v'orking both for the
City and in the private sector. (4) Referencing if34, he
asked if this meant "in perpetuity" and was informed that a
cOr:lbination of taxes and fees would support the staffing
requirements. (5) Referencing page 2, paragraph 2 under
TRAFFIC, Dr. Fox pointed out that the matter had not been
addressed in the 57 points.
Commissioner Hall said she could find no mention of noise
iDpact in the 57 points.
Filliar.1 Claycof.1b, 1157 Dela'i'lare St., ILlperiz.l 3eB.ch, 92032, iJ.
sociolcgist, .said his pr ir.wry interest uas in the D.uy and
the Otay I:iver, thut notbing said tonight bad touc~led on ilis
particular concern; that be woul~ be hiJ.PPY to 02 informed of
any projects th2.t r.1igbt have un ii'1:::.act on this; and offered
to >:lake a I"Jresentation to the Corm.1ission on the \'1 ile I iie
inhabi~ants of the Soutb Day Area at their convenience.
Larry DU~~20, 550 nivera St., CV, S2011, Vice Ch2ir~aD for
the.E;:ect.;.cive CODr:tittee of the Sierra CIuiJ, South Bu.y, saiCl
~is branch had ~iscusGe6 the 57 ~oint~ and is usi~S it for a
'i1orJ~ir:g cocu;:wnt. 'Elley reCOl;1;i1cnd th2t the Cori1!.lission rev ie','J
Cr.2 (;Oclli.,c:nc chorolltjhly 2nu ta~~e it on to the Cou;lcil. IIe
:.:>v.iL: <::11 CLL:la Vista,i:he Sierra Club, o:cber211viromlentul
sroui::::; V.I1Ll c:. tizen s.;roups naee: to ;:,10\1 of the t.gGDCa '.lhich
C211 becoLle a ,lor:..:i:10 tool for them. 'Ie: .::..cceptcd Vice
Cl1aiL";.iCln ~~teven's Lwit<.;.tion to .:::tten"':: tile Co.:1!'1ission
;:.eetings. stv.:::e iJas requested to see that ;Ir. :JU:11120 i'laS
~)rcvL..:eu \ii''::11 c.~i?roj;;.riatG EIRs.
RCC I1inutes
J ul Y 2 3, 199 0
Co one else '"ishing to speak, the ~)ublic l1eCtring ,'las closed.
;ISUC (2ay /St2V ens) <1-0, to continue th e i tern to the T.1eeting
of August 6,1990 in order to ;:"(;;ceive C01:lf,~ents from
Councilman rader on questions asked by the Commission.
Chairman Fox said it is time that developers spoke up on
these env ironment21 issues as \'11211 as the env ironmental
groups so that problems could be worked out at this level.
I1SUC (Jay/Hall) 4-0, to reopen the public hearing.
Snv ironmental Rev ieu Coordinator said the bIO absent
COf-missioners woule:: be proviC:ec1 i.lith a copy of the meeting
tape s .
2. Consideration of Previous ncc Recommendations Regarding
COI:1munity Planning Groups
lIS (Jay/Stevens) to approve the i tern for the purpose of
Commissioner I-!all e::pressed concern that the area under
consideration vas too large to be served by one planning
group. Environmental Revi~1 Coordinator pointed out that
the area i-1ill probably be divided \1hen the arnenc1rnent to the
General Plan Update goes forward.
Commissioner Ray said he would like to see the item
continued until the Commission had the opportunity to revie\1
the Cbarter of the Ilontgornery Planning Group.
Commissioner Ray i'lithCireu his r.lOtion to approve the. item.
COI:1r;1issicne r stevens i1 ichor ew b is second.
ilSUC (Ray /I:all) to \1 i thbold approval until the Comr;1ission
receives clarification on the specifics of the ;lontgomery
?lc.nning Co.:H.~i ttee Charter.
:3. I;ev ie\'l of ?lunning COj~irJission i-'senc}a for t.he rIceting of July
:::::nv ironr,lentc.l ~ev ie\'7 Coordin<J.to: Foid notod th<J.t .::::.11 i terns
on tbe Z\genC<:l had been continued bec<luse 0:;: lc-ck of c. quorum
e::cG::-:c l: 0 rthe i)ubl ic hear in<;on PC:3-:; 1-;; - u prezone of
(;8.30 acres south of Telegraph Canycn/OcilY Lakes ~Oo.c
;Jet,;'/een ?.:tS(;O Lu.c1ercl anLl Rutgers l,venue to i..-8
(Agriculture). ~Ie indicated that the 2.reCl involvec1che
flood control c:'Jc.umel c:.na the slopes cODins U0\1l1 f rOD the
Otc\Y ::<:.l1ch for 'C!12 ::./ur~:ose of Llaintenance.
RCC rIinutes
J ul y 2 3, 199 0
fIotion nade by Cor:u:,.issioner steven to reC0r.1i.1end ':hat PCZ-91-
A 02 ~rezoned as h-J (Agriculture).
Chairr:wn Fo:~ objecteCi on the grounL:s that the C01:1j:1ission hud
not been provided ~ny docur.1entation.
The motion failed for lack of 2 second.
1. Council Referral on Historical Trees
Environmental Review Coordinator Reid noted that
Commissioner Chidester, who had been going to speak on the
item, ~1as abs2nt.
DSUC (Stevens/Ray) 4-0, to continue to the I:1eeting of August
6, 1990
commNICI-.Tlons - Hone
1. Scheduling of
del Rey
of Paleontological Resources or Rancho
Saturday, August 18, 1990 was selected as the date ror the
COI1r:ISSIOi~J.m' S COI]':El;r~s
CODrJissioner J<:j' said he reI t t.he Com.1ission should sulmi t iJ.
col12c'ci ve con;,wnt on Councilr.lan IJuGe r' s c1r art.
Cl1.:..ir,-,ian Fo:~ cor:mentea that tb2re \las no anS\'ler '.1ithin the
conte::t of the 57 ::oints on the to::ic 'i1uste issue. He Houle:
1 i;~e to 5e2 a .::peci f ic resol uti on pr oposed oS uch as a "0 ual
~i?e" Zcr ~at2~ ~ur?oses.
C:(Jf.JJissiorlcr ::z..ll ScJ.iL ~bere ~.l(;re severul it2rJS li!:e -cbe
O~)el) S;?2C2 ::0:-12 ClnLl the ::;~jJ.Ji tivc are<., ~o:lC::'lwt sboulc bc
~)rol.=~os2U for i~~i:.lel~i~.t2 cJ.(]O~~tiOll.
l.iter ~~ short ~:iscusGion, it \'lilS deci~eci that ~t the ~l19ust
G ;.ieei::iilS, .:L1e Co:,;r::is.sion ;.'oulu ;:;ull au::' t:1<2 iC<2f.1s .they
~,lis~1eG ~o ~li~cUS3 z..11~ 2.L~r(:ss ti10SG r2r.~~ir~itl<J ZlS Ll COllS211t
i~ te:~~.
l\~l.-; au ~:1r.:Ei\?r
n. ..., n
~) . ..... v
;.,~1. to tile r~cgular fJusines.s :ieeting of
August j, 1990 2t G:OO~.D. in Conference
~ ~
~:CO~.1 ~.
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Ruth M. Smith, Recorder