HomeMy WebLinkAboutResource Conservation Commission Min 1989/07/17
Resource Conservation Comaission
Chula Vista, California
6:00 p.m.
Monday, July 17, 1989
Conference Room 1
Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by
Vice-Chairman Fox City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called
roll. Present: Commissioners Fox, Stevens, Hall, Ray and Chidester. Absent:
Commissioner Waller.
It was MSP (Ray/Hall) to approve the minutes of July 10,
A. Item B of the agenda was moved up as the first item. Chidester reported on
the Sunbow EIR. There were difficulties experienced on Telegraph Canyon Road
with the sewer line, however the problem will be resolved. Guest speaker, Tim
Kruer of the Sunbow project, answered questions regarding the sewer system. It
was ment ioned that Otay Ranch is entering its own agreement with the Water
District. Project was put into motion for water tanks.
Comments were made on the alternative of Greg Rogers Park. Extensive grading was
mentioned on the EIR, however, upon seeing the property, Chidester did not
believe it would be as much as was described. As traffic will be increased,
there needs to be improved roadways to anticipate the growth.
Kruer commented further on the building, open space, schools, and other concerns.
Kruer described the proposals for the park land and expansion with projects.
Biology aspects of the EIR were also discussed, along with alternatives. Aside
from some of the concerns, the EIR met its requirements. It was MSP to approve
the EIR as presented (Chidester/Hall).
B. Chairman Rowe has withdrawn his position from the Commission. It was MSP
(Hall/Stevens) to nominate Bob Fox as Chairman.
It was MSP (Fox/Hall) to nominate Jim Stevens as Vice-Chairman. One vacancy
presently remains on the Board.
C. The Planning Commission Agenda for the meeting of July 19, 1989 was reviewed
and included the following:
1. Sunbow ErR - already discussed.
EIR was
SPA II of Rancho Del Rey was previously discussed, how.ever the final
brought up. Assignments for the EIRs were made for the meeting on
July 17th. Salt Creek I - Jim Stevens; Lower Sweetwater ErR - Barbara
Page 2
Staff reported on an upcoming workshop entitled "Conflict of Interest Workshop."
This will be held on Friday, July 28, 1989.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Fox.
Respectfully submitted,
"eC/JcAwGA.- ,,-,~LtL'----'
Barbara Taylor
Resource Conservation Commission
Cbula Vista, California
6:00 p.m.
Monday, July 24, 1989
Conference Room 1
Public Services Building
CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by
Chairman Fox. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll.
Present: Stevens, Hall and Chidester. Absent: Commissioner Waller, Ray.
There were no minutes to approve.
A. Commissioner Stevens commented extensively on his written report of the Salt
Creek EIR 89-6. Comments and questions were answered by Jim Harter of the
Baldwin Company regarding open space, the amount of building, parks, etc. After
review and discussion, it was determined that the EIR met CEQUA requirements, but
should have provided more information as to why the property was to be changed
dramatically. It was originally proposed to be commercial, but now will be
mostly residential. Mr. Harter answered questions posed by the board. It is
noted that Proposition V is not affected by the Planned Community. Concerned was
expressed with Baldwin's amendment of General Development Plan and its update as
there were inconsistencies between the original and proposed uses of the
property. It was MSP (Stevens/Chidester) that the EIR be certified as adequate.
B. The Lower Sweetwater EIR-89-7 was presented by Barbara Hall. 200 units on
18 acres is being proposed. There is much opposition to this project by
residents in the area. It is noted that the General Plan called for park and
open space for the area. If the project proceeds, parts of the KOA Campground
located adjacent to the proposed site may be eliminated. Other sites were
suggested. Adverse impacts in the EIR showed liquefaction of soil could occur in
the event of an earthquake, noise barriers would be required, crowded schools
already exist and violation of the Controlled Growth Initiative Ordinance. It
was moved and seconded (Hall/Fox) to approve the EIR as presented, however an
alternative should be considered; 2 ayes, 2 nos, motion failed.
Further discussion followed. A suggestion was that the mobile home be moved to
alternate sites 3 and 7 due to unstable land, potential earthquake and flood
danger. It was moved and seconded (Chidester/Hall) to certify the EIR with the
provision that the area remain open space.
After further discussion, it was moved and seconded (Fox/Hall) that the Lower
Sweetwater EIR project be denied for a redesignation of open space and parkland
for high density usage; motion carried.
Barbara Hall to appear at the Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, July 26
to defend the position of the Resource Conservation Commission on the Lower
Sweetwater EIR.
Page 2
C. Items for the Planning Commission Agenda for the meeting of July 26, 1989
were reviewed and included the following:
1. Draft Environmental Impact Report EIR-89-7, Lower Sweetwater Valley, no
action taken.
2. Draft Environmental Impact Report EIR-89-6, Salt Creek I, no action
3. PCS-89-6 - Cons ideration of Development Agreement for Woodcrest Terra
Nova Associates, no action taken.
4. PCS-88-3, Development Agreement for Eastlake Greens, no action taken.
5. Extension of P-79-013 and PCC-86-34M of auto recycling yard of Marquez,
no action taken.
6. Consideration of Bonita Corporate Center at 3965 Otay Lakes Road, no
action taken.
Commissioner Stevens requested that the board rece1ve CEQUA findings and Council
comments after they are adopted by Council.
Chairman Fox requested for the next agenda a review of RCC by-laws and the
purpose of the commission. Members should come prepared with input.
Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Fox at 8:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
\. ;1';1/} , /, /j ~ /'
~_/C^"-( l..{.~~ ,_/,-_
Barbara Taylor
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'_'I"'i 11 '_'_II.......,) --.....:'l....
i ',) C.
Sue woodS
5 '-.1 CO'llIf1unlty Coll~ge D:stllc!
Lauro Failla, MSW
Vice Presld$l~i
Child Protective ServiL:E!5
TOny "eltlna, MA
S,D. Community Cul1ege DI~tr:ct
Anne-Marie f~ent:lCtrg, Ph.D.
Notional UniVAr~lty
Carol Arehlbald. R.N., MPH
UCSD Medica! School
Jim Bell
F:coloQlcall.lfe Sy,tams
ilisfltl,;fe, Inc.
,\,joy Berlfeln, MS
. 3ClenQC Wnter
Larry Brunton, Ph.D.
Mary Carmichael
tSG()ndrdo Neighbors AgoiNt
Chemical Toxlc~
Ifulh Dueml9r
CIIifQI"1 Air CO'..1litlor'l
Edwo"j Qorl'lam, MPH
Naval Health [<aseure;, Cer~1er
Ruth Helf.tZ. MD, MPH
UCSD school of Medicine
Lyn L. Locye
LDcye & Associates
Jeanne Lott
Public r<"lotioN Specinlisl
Dan MoKlrnan. ph.D.
UC$D Senool 01 MedlCil11.:.
sylvia Mlclk. MO
North COl,lf'lty Heollf'l s~,.vic:e5
MIc:I'IOgl Shom&&
Sharon Taylor
Envir"nrr'.~r1tal C.nn$'.iitcnf
Rlchgrd Wharton
USD EnvirOr'lrr,en\C\ low CIIII'C
OIQne TQkllorlon
b:.:..::ullvo !)lreC!or
August 7, 1989
Bob Fox
ReBource Conservation Committee
City of Chula Vista
% 1466 Lilac,
Chula Vista, California 92010
REs coastweeks, Coastal Clean up Pay
and the Clean Bay Campaign for San Diego Bay
Dear Bob,
Enclosed is additional information regarding
Coastweeks and the Clean Bay campaign as you requested
at the Neighborhood Environmental Literacy Task Force
meeting last week. We are working with "I Love a Clean
San Diego", the City of San Diego and other
organizations through a San Diego County Coastal Clean
Up Committee to promote participation and support of
Coalitweeks '89.
You indicated that the Chula vista Resource
conservation Committee could make a recommendation for
the City of Chula vista to endorse and support the
activities. I have enclosed a sample endorsement form
for both "Coastweeks't and the "Clean Bay campaign. tI
At a Community Information meeting on San Diego
Bay in June, Mayor Greg Cox indicated that he thought
the City Council would be supportive of an endorsement
of the Clean. Bay Campaign goal. I have included a
brochure on the campaign and would be happy to anBwer
any questions regarding the campaign or Coastweeks.
Finally, as the Coastal COIumission forms
indicate, we are encouraging direct participation via
the nomination and adoption of coaBtal areas a8 a part
of an ongoing "Adopt-a-Beach" program. The City could
nominate some of the park and recreation areas on the
Bay and other watercours88 into the :Bay for this
program and citizens could participate in the Clean up
Day on September 23rd or during the Coastweeks period
(September 16 to October 9).
( continued
"atflllC110ns I'Io'aC] to' ;de"tlfi~,('nl()n p....r~.Ju~~~ enl,y
Bob FOX, City of Chula Vista
August 7, 1989
Please let me know if you need additional
information or would like a apeaker to address the
group or City Council on these issues and when your
recolronendation ~ill be forwarded to the City council
for action; you can call me at 235-0281. Thank you
again for your assistance and concern in this issue.
Jay powell,
Special projects Director
'SU1l 0- ~ .. ~ ...oe<<:T
&J1 ~ ...... ... 'lOOt
~~ 0. ,..~QJ
..,...... ...........,~ tll5t ......,ns
~!!, 11. U69
~a:[ l'~ien"'s of th~ Coast:,
:alifornia's fifth annual ~EKS, vi:l be beld =ro. Saturday,
s~~eBbe:[ l~th ~hIough Nanday, october 9th. ~oln vitn .il1ion5 of
cit~%e.s to celebrate our nBtio~'s CO&~t9 amd sboteline~.
co.~~veeks is a na~ional event or~ani~~ in California by tbe coastal
co~ission. Every year, california's coastal tes~i~ities bring
t:x:et:ber faa111es, schoo14, civic qr:)Itp.!l, scientists, fisher.en,
~l~~ed o~ficials, environ.ental or9ani~t~ons and ooncerned
indivicuals to create and carry o_t activities v~ich focus punlic
avareneSft on the ~ecial value of oar coast.
~is is you I invitat:lon to be a part of CO&srw&EKS-
c~n par t: icipate:
Here is ho" yt)'I
A---- -- ...-----
. _-. Join in' tbe annual statewide ...&opt-.-Beacb coast.al
(~_._._Cl~.DUP D~J0~_~~~ld ~at~_~~~r 23t"IL
_ BecO~ an official OOASTKEEKS enderser- Pill out
and ~ail in the enclosed fgrm. BQCOurage other
groups, ot"gani~tions, and your city and county to
do tile .-..
_ Sponaot" an actlvity. pesiq~ one yourself or choose
fro. th~ manY 8unestions listed on the cOASTWBZIS
Act1vity Id~_. L t.
_ contact ~th.r orqanizations that ~iqht b~ interest~
in 8~nsor1nq .a activity of their own or co-sponsoring
an activity with yeu.
_ P~bliciz. COASTW!!~S in your newsletterS and other
in-bouse publications. seD"'. copy of the blurb
you ~8e to other qrOllptl so they too can pto-.ote
CO~STWEE1S and yout".i~volv.~nt in it.
_ Help'.ate COA~!~ a SlIcce.- by attandinq any of
the .yriad of activities offere~ In your co-aoulty-
~ake pict~re8 and .end us copi... We can use
the photO& to ptomote the proqra..
~. ~Coastweeks
paqe 2
~~e~~ a:e huDdreds ~E ~.Y6 tQ celebrate aDd promo~e COASTWEEKS,
~i.il~~ onl~ by ~Q~r ~~aqi~ation.
^do?t-~-!!e!l::~-.. r.c~' c. ...~~:-rcur.c ;:rogr~m, ~ein:[}rces ~he [oe",e of
stewa:dS~lP ~= ::e co~sr. 1:'s easy to 9!rticipate. AI: you ~ave ~o
do is aa.,p::. ~='c =lean ~'r;,: ( p.H1:icular bU.:h on ,:;~e stat:ewioe clea~'.I;:>
Day 3DO tJe& t~~ce af~e~ ~bat during the following yea~. Last year,
ouring the st~tew:de Adopt-A-~ach coastal CleanUp Day, over S700
~olunteers clea~e~ ~~e beaches :n C31ifornia by pic~inq up 2000
~ounds of debr:~.
this year, O~: g031 is to nat o~ly increase ~he number of volunteers
and amount o~ ~e~ris ~ic~~ cp, hut more i.portantly, to continue to
~e~sh~en awara~esa of the fragility of t:be environDen~ and tbe need
to take res?Onsibility for it.
Please use the en:losed forns to let us know h~' you viII he
part;ici?ati~q in COA$T~E1.S 1989. I~ you do plan to have an ae~iyity
pLease let JS ~~ow a5 SCOD as poss:ble your idea, so that we can
beqln to c~"&pi l~ O'H statewide caler>dac Df even.~s.
~ith your help aDd ent~usiasm we can .ake CQASTWERKS and Coastal
Cleanup Day a complete success. I look fot"vard to hearinq trom YQu.
ene. CO~STVE&~S Ac~ivities Ideas ~lst
Endorsener.,; FOrllJ
Response ForlJl
Hen Int ~_ '4edls for CoI5~t.:s acti..ttlei. Felli fre. to use allY of tIIese
ideas, :.ut. ~'t. f"1 ulnfined ~y tNI list. ttlllillnglt yoM'" CAlthit.y.
E.J:_ra,. YO" O'1Jlln' uttOl1 to endorse/support CMSTI4US.
EnJ:lJ4lnI,. yo.r Qf'9IJn\u.tloo to or<}antUl/oarticillol.tlt in tItIt Califo"ri6
Co.Isu 1 ~ luJlUC).
ita.... a sNf~ fnthal (for tile hlt;.~)_
~_ about a sanc!c..ut'e c~estf S- sand structurrs can get
incredibly iltWtCJiMt1.e.
Itc}d a Deilch [}1~ild 'S9. tA Frl58H ~. I sprint alO119 the
Mokll. a va 111tyb;1 11 clJfttast, a jaMBn throw).
s.t l1li' uhtb1t1(J11s. displilY5. ,Ude s~ at local __ DId
.ljurt~. (try Solyt", 'seasJlore s1tdts"-" tint t"'-s fast).
60 fish. Organ;u a f1s1rillt tri, fo.- ywng allll old.
Get YGlln!l cllildMll"l 1mD"'''' llrith I <lrMng conUst. III.. U- dr....
tJleir faYOrite SN cre;r.ture.
~ 01... twy-s ind girts, set up III ISUY ~e'St. Iii.. U- I tgpic
tJvy Cilt'l ha.... f.~ ..Un lib. "1Ihy I Ute to ~ tile OIly at. tile
_cfJ. "
~tch t:n. binlie.' LHII II utan IOIIliclb;!"d -Un.
/hi... II tT"eOll.... hunt 01 the MItCh. <s.er!d the kids out to look '(If" 105t
t~sun) .
s.n-1nq, runnil1'i. rowi 111]. hy4king and othltr sjIOrt contnts are wry
J>Qptlla,... tw oIIloot s.U j n, up I san.. Itib and nm tMath III'I? It.' S
9nwHIOIIj. b<It: ft's 'IJI!~?
~rwsmt a .n~h at tk _ies" ft,.. Dr sl1de s'- .uovt the coast,
<KeiIn or _Mn.~.
Put; on I ectv.s oUId IoIOrtst!op!; lbort tIM C IWSt. gc.em, _I'~ III 1 tf._
ClIoIIstal ..rt ,,~ inclOO1"'1 poatntin!l. dnlWirMj and .~rtIooort f~
heach MtaMS' contests f~ cnildnm anC1/or aouas.
" po/Hrto c:olltast CKI a cGasb I ta- 15 a pi ctYn!4"lrl act idu.
P~lM 1
Crute a c INstil 1 fest h,a'.
s.t .... oR bur of I IiCJht'-s... ~r 1 ac. i 1IOrt. Dr 5_ other cas t.a 1
Guided wlb to e1qI~o"" anf obMne _rt..e h..bitats. vildlife,
~ID11Y Inllll Mach f~U_ .... fun fM" everyolHl.
!lay., a ~ or lecture 'CKusing 011 y&IIr Ol"9llltuttCMI or ywr
D"Jn t uti on,' antis of t nt_5t or ccntem.
s"Gnsor .... _hibU ~st.~t.tB9 ~1tfomta's _ique c:aat.al _ -
tu yari'" lIildHfe. --,..-. .. uses.
Pres.1It .. f..terICI 5"""'" qleCia11zes in k_l..... If till
Coau 1 z.- - tts bt.I..," gea 10ft'. IIiIUrI 1 a... '-" IIbtllry - ....
it's c.II.awged cmd _ it CiRlt1_ to dlllnge.
IIc>>hl an .".. '"'- or -belltllllll tM s.c.es" to." of ygeT fEiJity.
IIWit.e 1M ...1. in.
s.t lIP . IIIt~lay or cOllSU~ IJIIats Gr publish an aMOtaUd
1t1 b Hognphy of -.wrl... -.s, Ii 1_. rtc.
Itrltl an article 011 1 cDltsta1 hue or ....tIlMl} hbtory sllbject fM'
ycJ4Ir loul _~r.