HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1971/08/23 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE
August 23, 1971
The regular adjourned meeting of the City Planning Commission of Chula Vista,
California was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. with the following
members present: Rice, Stewart, Adams, Chandler, Macevicz, Hillson and Rudolph.
Also present: Director of Planning Warren, Senior Planner Williams and City
Attorney Lindberg.
MSUC (Macevicz-Chandler) Approval of the minutes of August 16, 1971, as mailed.
PUBLIC HEARING (Cont.): VARIANCE - 200 block East J Street - Reduction in
required lot frontage, 60' to 55' - Steve Cropsey
Director of Planning Warren displayed a plat showing the location of the
property which is the result of a split from two lots facing Gretchen Road. It
is proposed to redivide the property into two lots, each having 55 feet of
frontage on J Street and over 7,000 sq. ft. of area. Three lots adjacent to the
east were similarly formed and improved with single family homes. Mr. Warren
also displayed a plan of the proposed development of the lots which would utilize
a single driveway to service both houses.
Mr. Warren enumerated the conditions recommended by the staff with reference to
division of the property, grading, preservation of trees, deed restrictions,
landscaping requirements, slope and design of driveway, and method of sewering.
He added that consideration should be given to one more condition to require
approval of architectural design by the staff.
The Chairman declared the public hearing open.
Steve Cropsey, 44 Date Avenue, discussed his development plans for the construc-
tion of two houses at a price of around $35,000. He commented various methods of
providing sewer service have been considered and he assured the Commission they
would not utilize an above ground sewer line. Due to the topography they expect
to construct tri-level houses with a total height of two stories.
Paul Ballard, 864 Broadway, discussed the history of the lots, after they were
divided from the original subdivision lots in 1962.
Mr. Robert Mudd, 203 East J Street, reported that all of the adjacent residents
with whom he had talked support him in opposing the proposed development. He
made reference to the petition of opposition submitted by the residents and
asserted they all feel this would make one nice home site but is not big enough
for two.
City Attorney Lindberg pointed out this would raise a question of equity since
the property proposed for development has a total of llO feet of frontage and
other lots fronting on J Street are slightly more than 60 feet in width.
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Hal Morgan, 24 Roosevelt Street, stated that based on the legal description of
the property furnished by the title company, it is large enough for two lots in
excess of the minimum lot size established by ordinance.
As no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Member Adams commented that while he was not enthusiastic about the development
he felt it could be better developed with two houses than with one.
Member Macevicz pointed out that the other three lots fronting on J Street had
put in fill to bring the building pad up to street level and he felt this property
should be developed in the same manner to maintain the character of the neighborhood.
Member Hillson expressed his opinion that since the applicant has agreed to the
conditions imposed by the staff he has a right to develop the property and the
reduction in frontage is not as much as that granted in other cases.
Member Stewart agreed, adding that the land area is too much to require one home
owner to maintain.
MSC (Hillson-Stewart) Approval of the variance request for reduction in
RESOLUTION NO. PCV-71-19 required lot frontage from 60' to 55', subject to
the conditions enumerated in the staff comments and the
added condition that the architectural design be subject
to staff approval.
Findings are as follows:
a. That a hardship peculiar to the property and not created by any act of the
owner exists.
The subject property does not have parallel side property lines on one lot
and is much wider at the rear of the lot than at the front of the property;
the average width is over 75' and the adjoining lot is not using any of
the 55' of frontage for driveway access.
b. That this variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of
substantial property rights possessed by other properties in the same zone and
in the vicinity of the subject property.
Other single family lots in the immediate area have less than 60' of frontage.
c. That the authorizing of this variance will not be of substantial detriment to
adjacent property and will not materially impair the purposes of the Ordinance
or the public interest.
There will be no detrimental effect.
d. That the granting of a variance will not be contrary to the objectives of
the General Plan.
This variance does not affect the General Plan.
The motion carried by the following vote:
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AYES: Members Hillson, Stewart, Rice, Chandler, Rudolph and Adams
NOES: Member Macevicz
Chairman Rice reminded the applicant and opponents of the right of appeal to the
City Council within ten days.
PUBLIC HEARING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - 27 Broadway - Provide commercial parkin9 in R-3 zone - International Hotels, Inc.
Director of Planning Warren displayed a plot indicating the location of the
property with frontage on Broadway and zoned C-T for a depth of 150 feet with
the rear 100' of the property lying in the R-3 zone. It is proposed to use the
R-3 zoned property to provide the required parking for the motel development to
be constructed on the C-T zoned portion of the property. The building line map
would permit construction at the front property line, although the zoning ordin-
ance requires a 10 foot front setback on property newly zoned to C-T. The staff
is requesting that the 10' front setback to accommodate landscaping be observed
in exchange for elimination of the 25' rear setback on the commercial property
adjacent to residentially zoned property.
Mr. Warren suggested that rezoning the rear portion of the property might result
in more flexibility in development. He also enumerated the conditions recommended
by the staff for approval of the conditional use permit.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Dennis Bigelow, architect for the applicant, reported that they had reworked the
plan and could construct the desired units observing a 5' setback in front, but
there is no way they can get the 40 units with a 10' setback. When questioned by
the Commission as to why the units could not be redesigned he pointed out they
utilize concrete block and construct in modules. They retain a 12 foot width in
the units in the interest of economy in purchasing carpeting and other materials
in a standard width. Mr. Bigelow expressed agreement with the other conditions
required by the staff and asserted they will construct an attractive development
with 5' of landscaping in the front and with the parking in the rear out of sight.
As no one else wished to speak, for or against, the public hearing was closed.
The Commission discussed the importance of maintain the front setback wherever
possible in order to provide attractive landscaping, and Member Hillson pointed
out the desirability of having this vacant property developed and commented that
if it were on the corner he would insist on the 10 foot setback, but since it is
not a corner lot he felt that with a 5' setback, properly landscaped, it could
work very well.
MSUC (Hillson-Chandler) Approval of conditional use permit for the use of a
RESOLUTION PCC-71-23 100' X 152' area, located in the R-3 zone at the rear
of 21 Broadway, for offstreet parking in conjunction with
a 40 unit motel to be located in the C-T zone at
21 Broadway, subject to the following conditions:
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1. A 5' front yard setback shall be maintained.
2. The rear yard setback shall be waived.
3. The 10' easement on the south side of the property shall be landscaped
or paved if used for access and shall be marked as "one way" until such
time as the adjacent easement to the south is paved.
4. A 6' high fence shall be erected along the east property line and
along the easterly 100' of the south property line.
5. A revised site plan shall be submitted and approved by the staff.
6. The billboard on the property shall be removed prior to the issuance of a
building permit.
Findings are as follows:
a. That the proposed use at the particular location is necessary or desirable
to provide a service or facility which will contribute to the general well-
being of the neighborhood or the community.
The property is contiguous and will be developed as one use.
b. That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be
detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of persons residing or
working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity.
The use of the property for parking will not adversely affect the adjacent
c. That the proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions
specified in the Code for such use.
The proposed use will comply with the Code.
d. That the granting of this conditional use permit will not adversely affect
the General Plan og fhe City of Chula Vista or the adopted plan of any govern-
mental agency.
The proposed use is in conformance with the goals and objectives of the
General Plan.
PUBLIC HEARING: AMENDMENTS to Zonin9 Ordinance relative to keepin9 horses and establishin~ Equestrian Modifying District
Senior Planner Williams reviewed the work of the staff and the Sweetwater Valley
Committee in preparing recommendations for changes to the Zoning Ordinance per-
taining to keeping horses. It was felt there is justification for reducing the
minimum lot size permitting the keeping of horses to 20,000 sq. ft. Mr. Williams
reviewed the recommended restrictions to apply to this use.
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Mr. Williams also discussed the proposed requirements for an "E" equestrian
modifying district which would permit the keeping of horses on smaller lots if
such district were applied. He also pointed to the need of amending the City's
Animal Regulation Ordinance so that it will conform with the Zoning Ordinance in
this regard.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
George Prussell, 3645 Lomacitas Lane, Bonita, advised that he had served on the
equestrian subcommittee of the Sweetwater Valley Prezoning Committee. He expressed
support for the recommendations submitted by the staff.
The Commission discussed the proposed requirement that a horse-keeping district
shall be at least 20 acres and the City Attorney advised that the ordinance should
allow some latitude on the part of the Commission in applying this modifying district
but a minimum should be established as being the desirable figure to work toward.
Mr. Prussell pointed out that establishing larger districts would ease the problem
of establishing equestrian trails and crossings.
MSUC (Chandler-Macevicz) The staff be directed to prepare a draft of an ordinance
governing the keeping of horses and establishing equestrian modifying districts to
be presented for consideration at a continued public hearing on September 8, 1971.
Consideration of renamin~ Acacia Avenue between Telegraph Canyon Road and H Street
Director of Planning Warren pointed out that a realignment of the proposed exten-
sion of Acacia Avenue has resulted in a 400 foot offset in this street at H Street.
It is recommended that the portion extending from H Street to Telegraph Canyon Road
be renamed Rutgers Avenue.
MSUC (Chandler-Hillson) Recommend to the City Council change of name for the
segment of Acacia Avenue between H Street and Telegraph Canyon Road to Rutgers
Director's Report
Mr. Warren pointed out that a number of pending matters should be discussed at a
workshop meeting and Monday, September 13th, would be an available date for such
a meeting. The Commission requested that the workshop meeting be set for
September 13, 1971.
The Director of Planning reminded the Commission of the necessity of selecting a
Chairman and Vice-Chairman at the beginning of each fiscal year.
It was moved by Member Adams, seconded by Member Hillson, that Member Stewart be
nominated as Chairman of the Planning Commission for the coming year. There were
no other nominations and Member Stewart was declared Chairman for the year 1971-72.
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It was moved by Member Stewart, seconded by Member Adams, that Member Rice be
nominated as Vice-Chairman. There were no other nominations and Member Rice
was declared Vice-Chairman for the year 1971-72.
Commission Comments
Member Macevicz asked about the building being constructed on the Handyman
parking lot.
Director of Planning Warren reported that Handyman has been notified they will
need a conditional use permit for this construction and their application will
be filed shortly. Due to an oversight by a staff member a building permit was
issued without advising them of the requirement for a conditional use permit in
the flood p~ain.
Member Stewart expressed appreciation for the very efficient job of chairing the
meetings as performed by Chairman Rice.
Oral Communications
Kathryn Moore, 1134 Tobias Drive, commented on Mrs. Rudolph's resignation from
the South Bay Citizens Planning Committee due to her appointment to the City
Planning Commission, and presented her with a yardstick to use in measuring
The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. to the special meeting as advertised on
August 30, 1971.
Respectfully submitted,