February 6, 1967
The regular meeting of the City Planning Co~mission of Chula Vista, Cali-
fornia, was held on the above date at 7:00 p.m~ in the Council Chamber,
Civic Center, with the following members present: Stewart, York, Hyde,
Rice, and A~ams~ Absent: (with prior notice) Members Guyer and Gregson~
Also present: Director of Planning Warren, Associate Planner Manganelli,
Assistant Planner Lee, City Attorney Lindberg and Assistant City Engineer
MSUC (Rice-Hyde) Approval of minutes of January 16, 1967, as mailed.
Architectural Approval of Two Proposed Homes - Bonita Verde Subdivision
Director of Planning Warren submitted the plans and eievations for the two
proposed dwellings to be constructed in the Bonita Verde Subdivision~ One
dwelling will be constructed on Lot 30, 3555 Desert Inn Way, and will con-
tain 1748 square feet and will be split level. The other home will be
built on Lot 36, 3555 Yerba Lane, and will contain approximately 1,700
square feet~ The first home will have a shake shingle roof, partial brick
construction and masonry, and the dwelling for Lot 36 will have a Spanish
tile roof. Mr~ Warren stated the staff would recommend approval of the
plans in accordance with the requirements of the supplemental "D" zone, as
both dwellings would be compatible with the homes presently built in this
MSUC (Adams-Hyde~ Approval of plans for two dwellings Lot 30 and Lot 36,
in 5he Bonita Verde Subdivision
PUBLIC HEARING - Establishing Specific Plan Lines for Portions of Tidelands
Avenue and "E" Street
Director of Planning Warren reviewed the matter sta~n9 %ha~ although thls
has been belore 5h~ Commission and the Council prev~ously, ~5 was determined
by the City At%~ney ~ha~ improper notlflcation was g~ven and another hear-
ing was nece~a£~ by both the Commission and Council. Mr Warren then noted
~he precise kocation of the proposed alignment as marked c~~ the map t~tled
"Exhibit A". Th3~s proposed alignment is the work o~ the cc~,b~ned Clty
staffs and ~ ~ ~5 D~str~c~
Chairman Stewart asked if this action would reserve the right of way for
these streets.
Mr~ Warren stated there were no such plans at this time, but it would pro-
v~de an alignment ~or which a street would be planned; it would be in con-
formance substantially to that of the General Plan.
Clty Attorney Lindberg declared that the adoption of Specific Plans does
not constitute the reservation or taking for future use of this area - it
determines where the street would be located if there were a dedication
of Clty property. It would give all parties concerned the location of
where the street would go so that they could plan accordingly; the C~ty
could make acquisition for the purchase of this property.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened~
Mr~ Robert Caplan, attorney representing Sam Vener, stated his client owns
a good deal of property in this area, most of which he farms~ Some of
this acreage lies r~ght on the proposed alignment and west of ~t; his
packing shed lies almost directly at the intersection of Tidelands Avenue
and E Street. He declared that his client wishes to oppose this alignment,
flrst of all, because he feels that until the flood control channel is in-
stalled, this matter is premature; that the Specific Plan Line should be
dependent upon the alignment of the flood control channel. Mr. Caplan
added that his client is also concerned that the Tidelands Avenue, as shown
on the map, may affect future development of the property for industrial
use - such as the Rohr industry. He added that the alignment, as proposed,
divides the property west of the freeway, and that there is no need shown
for the installation of this road - there is no subdivision planned for the
property~ Mr~ Caplan added that alignments are set at the time subdivision
maps are filed. He further stated that his client, Mr. Vener, requests
that the matter be held in abeyance until such time as the owner of the
property comes forth with a subdivision map. Until that time, it is re-
quested that no alignment be set.
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was de-
clared closed~
Member York explained that the mere adoption of the alignment does not mean
that someone coming in with a Plan that is feasible, and i~ makes this
alignment infeasible, that it could not be changed. He added that the
alignment has been designed in such a way that it would tie in with the
proposed flood channel, and that adopting the Specific Plan a~ this time
would be right since it would notify anyone starting construction there of
this alig~ment~
Member Adams stated he agrees and added that it would not be detrimental
to the p~qpert~whatsoever, and to let the matter rest until someone de-
cides to develop the area would be a mistake~ Mr. Adams felt ~t would be
much better to have this on the map, and that if it proves not to be feas-
ible, then the developers could request a different allgnment~
Chairman Stewart discussed the development of this area as ~t relates to
the General Plan and stated that the City would be derelict in their re-
sponsibilit~ if they~ did not adequately provide long-range planning for
this area.
RESOLUTION NO. 446 Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommend-
MSUC (Rice-Adams) ing to Cit~ Council the Specific Plan Lines for Por-
tions of T~delands Avenue and E Street
Findings are as follows:
it Good Planning practice requires the adoption of Specific Plan Lines
for the alignment of Tidelands Avenue between G Street and the north
City limit line of Chula Vista and E Street between Tidelands Avenue
and the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railroad, west of Interstate #5
as indicated on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
2~ That said Specific Plan Line be forwarded to the City Council and
recommended to the City Counoil that they adopt said Specific Plan
Line by resolution pursuant to the provision of the State Planning
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Prezoning of Propert~ North of Bonita Road,
West of Bonita Mesa Road - from County A-3 (1) to C-1-D
The application was read in which a request was made to prezone from
County A-3(1) zoning to C-1-D of that small area of land north of the
northwest corner of Bonita Road and Bonita Mesa Road~
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plat noting the area to be prezoned
and the adjacent land use and zonings~ He stated that a request for annex-
ation of this parcel has been received in conjunction with that property to
the south already annexed~ He commented that the ownership of this lot
would ultimately be the same as that adjacent to the south and it would
have frontage on Bonita Road. They have requested C-1-D zoning, and al-
though the General Plan calls out C-V zoning for this area because of the
freeway interchange, the staff would recommend approval of the request
slnoe the C-1-D zoning is the only zone on the books at this time that
would presently approximate the C-V zone~ Mr. Warren noted that in this
case, they are referring to the alignment of the freeway which for all
practical purposes has been established but not aocepted by the State~
This request ~s predicated on the assumption that the alignment will be on
that particular line~ Director Warren added that the annexation of that
area to the south is final and zoned C-1-D.
Member Rice questioned whether this parcel of land will be under the same
ownership as tha~ to the south~ Dlrector Warren felt this should be dis-
cussed with the applicant since it was not at the time the ~equest was
This being the tlme and piace as advertised, the public hearing was opened~
Mr. Dennis Wi~an~ ~present~ng Mahy Const~ction Com~,r~?, ~<ated ~hat
this small s%~±p oi property is presentiy o~ned b~ Ne ....... 3~oan and that
they are purohasing it under the option that it would be annexed to the
City and zoned C-1-D. He stated that the east property line of this par-
cel is flexible enough so that any change in the proposed freeway alignment
would automatically alter this easterly boundary line so that it would be
continuously adjacent to the freeway and with no possibility of leaving a
small sliver of vacant land.
He added that the legal description was a metes and bounds description and
would state "to the boundary of the Interstate 805 Freeway"~
City Attorney Lindberg questioned how the assessor would go about assessing
such a piece of property until such time as the freeway is constructed~ -
Member Rice asked if this prezoning could be contingent upon the acquisi-
tion of this land by the same owner~ Mr. Lindberg suggested the Commission
might state this as being contingent but not conditioned upon such°
Chairman Stewart asked if title could be secured before the matter goes to
Coun¢il~ Mr. Wittman felt this would be no problem. He stated that the
main thing that Mr. Mahy was concerned about was to get the same zoning for
this parcel as that to the south.
Member Adams asked if the applicant had a firm contract to purchase this
property. Mr. Wittman declared that they do, and that it was in escrow~
Director Warren explained that the staff does not protest the granting of
this prezoning, but there is some concern about prezoning an area based
upon an imaginery line that does not exist. It is feasible that the east-
erly boundary line will move one way or another depending upon the freeway
Mrs Wittman declared that the State Division of Highways wants to remain
flexible and the purpose of this request is to prevent a sliver of land
here~ He added that this annexation was approved by the Local AGency
Formation Commission, the State Division of Highways, the City staffs, etc~
Member York asked what would happen if there were appreciable change in
the freeway alignment. Mr. Wittman remarked that regardless of the dis-
tance, their property line would move accordingly. In this case, the sell~
owns approximately 30 acres here, and the applicant has the option to pur-
chase any of the remaining property between this small parcel and that to
the freeway, should the alignment change~
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was de-
clared closed~
Member York commented that the applicant has done an outstanding job here
to prevent the formation of a sliver of land, but he is still concerned
about it coming under one ownership° Mr. York then discussed the property
to the south for which the Commission turned down C-2 zoning based on the
fact that the freeway alignment was not established and that rights-of-
way had not been purchased. Chairman Stewart remarked that this matter
did not concern the request before them tonight and was not a d~rect par-
RESOLUTION NO. 447 Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommend-
MSUC (Adams-York) ing to the City Council the Prezoning from A-3(1)
C-1-D for the Northwest Corner of Bonita Road and
Bonita Mesa Road
Findings be as follows:
1. This will assure that an unusable parcel of residentially zoned land -
does not result between a commercial site and a freeway~
2o C-1-D zoning will permit development in conformance with the General
Plan until more appropriate zoning can be applied.
The property is placed in a C-1-D zone to become effective if and in
the event that said property be annexed to the City of Chula Vista,
and that said property comes under the same ownership as the property
located ad3acent thereto to the west and south of the subject prop-
erty which has previously been placed in the C-1-D zoning.
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Rezoning at Northeast Corner of Fourth Avenue
and D Street from R, 1 to R-3 - Drs. Cooper
The application was read in which a request was made to rezone from R-1 to
R-3 a lot located on the northeast corner of Fourth Avenue and D Street.
D~rector of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location, ad-
jacent land use and zoning. He commented that the parcel is improved with
a single-family dwelling which has for some time been used as a church;
there is also a garage on the premises. Mr. Warren noted tha% the General
Plan delineates this area to Third Avenue as a high-density residential
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr~ Rudy Brewster, attorney representing the applicants, explained that
this matter is relative to the conditional use permit which follows on the
agenda, and asked if the Commission would like to consider them both at the
same time. The Commission discussed this and concurred that the two
actions should be taken separately. Mr. Brewster explained that the pro-
posed use for the dwelling would be for a medical office for Dr~ Cooper~
The building would lend itself well to this type of business; in the past,
it has been used fox church purposes. Mr~ Brewster noted that th~s area
has been designated as high-density residential b~ %he Genera~ Plan and
that a medical office is an allowed use with a conditional use permit for
this zone° He explained that %here will be no change ~f ~ke flow of
traffic already established there~
There being no ~urther comment, either for o~ agains5~ %he hearing was de-
clared closed~
D~rector Warren ~ndlcated that the staff has recommended approval of re-
zoning this parcel to R-3 and would point out fu£ther thau l~ the Commis-
sion does recommend approval of this request tha% they may w~sh to consider
initiation oi the same rezoning to R-3 fo~ al! the parce~ ~n t~e ~ou%h
side of D Stle~_ ~est of Garrett A~enue and Lne ~h~=e ~o ~.. ~he east
side of Fourth Avenue south of D Street~
Member Adams declared that the request was appropriate since this parcel
is surrounded by R-3 property. The Commission agreed that the areas noted
by the Director on the plot plan should also be the subject of a public
hearing for rezoning.
RESOLUTION NO. 448 Resolution of the City Planning Commission Recommend-
MSUC (Hyde-York) lng City Council the Change of Zone for Property at
395 D Street
Findings are as follows:
a. The General Plan designates this area as High Density Residential which
basically corresponds to the R-3 classification~
be This site is located on a major street in the heart of the City and is
well suited for ultimate development with multiple-family use.
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Conditional Use Permit for a Doctor's Office at 395 D Street - Drs. Cooper
The application was read in which a.request was made for permission to
operate a medical office in an existing structure on the property.
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location and
commented that the uses along Fourth AVenue are all residential with the
exception of the church on the corner and that church to the east of this
property. Mr~ Warren then showed a detailed plot plan of the lot noting
thelr proposed parking layout. He noted that the dwelling would be used
for medical office for one doctor; the landscaping would be improved upon,
and the offstreet parking requirements would be met.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr- Rudy Brewster, attorney for the applicants, noted that the existing
garage and large tree would be removed from the lot, if the Commission had
objections to these; also, that one of the driveways would be removed and
the curb replaced~ He stated that Dr. Cooper presently practices her pro-
fession at 386 Third Avenue, and this location would be closer to her
resldence whereby she could serve her patients better by living closer to
her offices Mr. Brewster noted that this was a permitted use in the R-3
zone, and that the question was does the building lend itself to this
use. He maintained that the building has more than enough space for his
client's medical office and that she plans to do some extensive remodeling
of the interior. There would be no increase in traffic and the residences
on Glover and D Streets would not be affected at all by the traffic on
this corner lot. Mr. Brewster also maintained that this applIcation would
not precipitate and flow -of. doctors' offices in this location. He re-
marked that the trend in Chula Vista is away from s~ngle office practice -
they are all going into the multiple story buildings so there should not
be fear of a precedent. He further stated that since the General Plan
calls for high density for this area, if the Commission feels that a doc-
tor's office would retard the use of an apartment complex here, they are
willing to have a stipulation put into the approval that they would have
a 10-year limitation on such° At the end of such time, if the Commission
feels the use is in the best interest of the City, they could extend the
t~me or ask the applicant to discontinue the practice at this location~
Mr. Brewster commented that Dr. Cooper talked to the neighbors, and no one
had objections to her proposed use~
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was de-
clared closed~
Member Adams declared that the Commission once opposed a doctor's office
to be located across the street from this one. He added that multiple-
family development is proceeding very nicely along Fourth Avenue, and he
would be one to oppose this request.
Member York felt the granting of this use would set a precedent in the area.
He further maintained that the proposed building is not compatible with the
trend developing in this area, and to grant a 10-year lease for it would be
detrimental to the orderly development of this entire area.
Member Hyde commented that the prolonged period would only establish this
use for this time and that they should face this problem now.
Member Rice declared that a business in this location would only lead to
more of the same; they would lust be encouraging the same type of commer-
cial development in this area~
MSUC (Rice-Hyde) Denial of the request based on the following.
It would set a precedent which would stimulate other ~equests for
business and professional offices on Fourth AVenue.
2o The General Plan reserves professional, office locations In or near the
Third Avenue-Civic Center in order to attract new activity to replace
retail volume appropriated by other shopping centers and in an attempt
to minimize strip retail commercial zoning on that street.
More desirable and properly zoned commercial land could be left vacant
since in most cases, residentially zoned land is less expensive than
appropriately located commercial property.
Further house conversions, which represent with few exceptions, mar-
ginal deve2opment at best, would also be encouraged.
5~ The request, when considered separately, appears ±nnocuo~s; however,
when ccnslde£ed in terms of its potential effect on this street as a
whole, could have far-reaching implications which coded have an adverse
effect on Fou£~h Avenue and the City~
Generally~ c~ce uses approved for R-3 property sho~d be coni~ned
to seconda~ ~r mlnor streets in order to minimize therl effect on the
City and concentrate them in less critical areas. The£e Is constant
pressure to rezone to commercial or permit commercial uses on ma~or
arterials I~ the mistaken belief that property ai~c h~gh traffic vol-
ume ss~= Jan best be utilized commercially.
Chairman Stewart explained to the applicants that they had 10 days in which
to appeal this decision to the City Council, if they desire.
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Conditional Use Permit for Professional Offices
in an R-3 Zone at 351 H Street - Doctors Lawton &
The application was read in which a request was made to allow the construc-
tion of professional offices on property at 351 H Street, more particularly
described in the application, which is zoned R-3~
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location and
adjacent land use. He explained this new parcel measured 48~ x 290' deep
and was ~mmediately adjacent to their other L-shaped parcel for which medi-
cal offices were approved by the Council, after the applicants appealed
the Commission's denial of the request; this was ~n June 1964~ The appl~-
cants propose to combine the two lots and construct slx buildings ali
single story with 58 parking spaces which complies w~th the parking ~egula-
t~ons- The staff has suggested a revision for the s~te which would better
relate the parking to the buildings This proposal has been discussed with
the applicants and they have agreed ~o change their plans accordingly, if
Mr Warren then explained the conditions that the staff would ask be lmposed~
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened~
Mr, Wendell Lienhard, representing the owners of the property, stated the~
are obtaining the additlonal 40 feet of property to more ef~ectlvely
utilize the area for trafflc and offstreet parking. He added that they
accept all the condltions recommended by the staff~
Mr. Harry Schnepf, owner of property at the southwest corner of the alley
and H Street, stated he is opposed to this type of request and any other
spo~ zoning along H Street. He discussed the numerous shallow lots and
asked the Commission to consider a proper zone for them; as R-3 zoning,
he felt they would not be getting the proper use out of them. If zoned
commercial, it would no longer be a "holding" zone and reasonable develop-
ment could be accomplished without individual Planning Commission approvai~
There being no further comment, e~ther for or against, the heaflng was de-
clared closed~
Member Adams said he felt, with this newly acquired addition of land ad-
3acent to that already approved, that the total development would be im-
proved and that he favors the request.
Member York agreed, but added that he would like to see some assurance of
the fact that the applIcants would be developing these two parcels together
as one 3o~nt development, and not having them change their plans leaving
them with this one particular parcel to develop by itself.
Chairman Stewart acknowledged that the conditions imposed by the staff
would take care of this~
C~ty Attorney Lindberg explained that the Commission, by approvlng this
request, will be amending the previous condltlonal use permit granted in
1964~ Frankly, this previous conditional use permit could stand on its
own; however, it would not now be possible to develop ~t as previously
Director Warren indicated that, schematically, they are approving a plan
for joint development of the two parcels.
The Commission discussed the proposed fence and concurred that it should
be a 6' high masonry wall. Director Warren commented that it was not the
intent of the staff to tell the applicants what type of wall they must
construct, but that some form of screen is necessary~ Chairman Stewart
felt the condition was not unreasonable, and agreed that it should be so
MSUC (Adams-Rice~ Approval of request subject to the following conditlons:
1. Detailed plans showing the proposed architecture, site plan, signs and
landscaping shall be submitted to the Planning Staff for approval prio~
to the issuance of any building permit; the plan as revised by the
staff and approved by the applicants shall be used as a guide.
A six foot (6') masonry wall shall be erected on the property line
separating the applicants' premises from the property to the north.
3o If the project is to be built in various phases, each phase must be
approved by the staff to insure adequate parking and site layout.
4. The area between the curb and sidewalk shall be filled with concrete°
5. A minimum of three (3) street trees shall be planted along H Street on
the site (25 gai~ minimum size).
Findings are as follows:
That the proposed use at the particular location is desirable to pro-
vide a service which will contribute to the general well-being of the
neighborhood or the community~ The proposed use will offer a desir-
able service to the neighborhood and the community since th~s is an
expansion of a previously approved plan. The additional property will
allow an overall better site design.
b. That such use will not, under the c~rcumstances o~ ~he par~cuia~ case,
be detrlmen~.al to the health~ safety or general welfare cf persons re-
siding c~ wDrking in the vicinity~ or in3urious to p~c~e~ty o~ ~mprove-
mcnts in th~ 9~clnity. This is an expansion of an exlss~ng si~e allow-
ing construction ~o be put in as one-story, rather than 5wo-stoly.
That the ~rcposed use will comply with the re~ulat~on~ an~ conditions
speci~e~i ~ Code ~o~ such use. The use ~li n~. adversely a~fect
the General Plan of the City as the Plan reflects the need for office
use on Third Avenue, approximately 400' from this site with commercial
retail use designated across H Street. This type of professional of-
fice use would be compatible with high density residential use pro-
jected for this area.
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Conditional Use Permit for Service Station ~n
a C-N Zone at Northwest Corner of Orange and Melrose
Avenues - Humble Oil and Refining Company
The application was read in which a request was made to allow the construc-
tion and operation of a Petroleum Products service station on property lo-
cated at the northwest corner of Orange and Melrose Avenues~
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location,
adjacent land use and zoning There is a site for another service station
on the opposite corner, This parcel measures 200' x 200~ and following
this hearing is a request for approval of signs for this stataon~ Mr~
Warren then noted the alignment of the proposed freeway to thas slte~ He
poanted out the location of the pump islands and noted the two accesses to
Melrose Avenue and Orange Avenue. Mr~ Warren then discussed the location
of their proposed fence stating the staff had no objection to the fence
but would like to know of what material they plan to construc~ it He
then commented on the construction of the building andacatlng that ~t would
be a one-story, ranch-type building. Director Warren then discussed their
proposed concept of landscaping and explaaned the recommendations oi ap-
proval the staff would lake to see imposed,
Th~s being the time and place as advertIsed, the public hea~ng was opened,
Mr. Sherwood Morf, representing Humble Oil Company, declared that Orange
Avenue will be extended and will become a ma3or street, in accordance w~th
the General Plan. A service stataon site has been approved for the nor~h-
east corner and thls will be the only other service station in the area
that will have to serve 1,000 people, and perhaps more when the shopping
center is eventually opened. Mr. Morf discussed the existing pole on the
north property line and stated that he called the utality companles and
discussed with them the fact that they will be putting in underground
utilities at this stie. He added that they are experimenting with a slmu-
lated shake roof even though they are presently proposang a rock roof~
The sales will be limited to petroleum products only, As to their land-
scaping plans, Mr. Morf contanued, they do have a plan for this, but un-
fortunately they haven't been able to get it here tonight. The north and
west sides of the site wall have trees planted - approximately 8 trees~
The fence is a 3' high redwood fence painted white which they term the
"Humble fence."
Member Rice questioned the elevation of this lot to the ad3acent lot,
Director Warren indicated it would be approximately 5 feet h~gher at the
highest point~
There being no further comments, either for or agaanst, the hearing was de-
clared closed.
The Commassion discussed the proposal and concurred that it was acceptable,
MSUC (Hyde-York) Approval of request sub3ect to the following conditions~
1, Approval of this request excludes approval of any sagns proposed (slgns
to be considered in the varaance request).
2. Design of fence to be submitted to staff for approval.
3~ Landscaping plan shall be approved by the staff prior to the issuance
of any building permits (Note: Street trees shall be required as ap-
proved by the staff - 25 gallon minimum size.)
4. Ail sales shall be limited to those normally considered incidental to
service station needs.
The roofing material shall be of a medium or dark color, preferably
imitation shake shingles, to reduce the glare toward surrounding hill-
top houses~
6~ There is an existing utility pole on the northeast corner of the lot
with lines extending south on Melrose Avenue across Orange Avenue; the
facilities shall be underg~ounded, if feasible, if not now, with de-
velopment of the total Center.
7. Upon development of the adjacent shopping center, vehicular access to
the Center parking lot shall be provided across the westerly and
northerly property lines.
Findings be as follows:
a. That the proposed use at the particular location is necessary to pro-
vide a service which will contribute to the general well-being of the
neighborhood or the community. The proposed use will offer a desirable
service to the neighborhood and the community since no other service
station exists for approximately 1% miles. (Note: One site has been
approved across the street, and Orange Avenue ties in directly with the
new freeway interchange°)
b That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case,
be detrimental to the health, safety ox general welfare of persons re-
siding or working in the vicinity, or ~n~urious to p~ope~ty o~ improve-
ments in the vicinityo This site was comercially zoned prior ~c any
homes being constructed in the area and adequate precautions are being
used ~o assure the service station operation will be compat2ble with
adjacent residential use and the N-C facilities~
That ~he proposed use will comply with the regulations and conditions
specifi~ ~n the Code for such use~ The use will not ad~ersely affect
the Gene£al Plan of the C~ty as this general area appears on the Plan
as retali commercial~
PUBLIC HEARING - Request for Variance from Sign A~ea~ Ne~gDt and Setback
~ulati~ns ~o~ Service Sta~:.on au ~z~kwes~ Corne~ of
Orange and Melrose Avenues - Humble 0il and Refining
The application was read in which a request was made for the following
s~gns and height:
i. Two freestanding signs with the edge of the signs overhanging to the
property lineo
2. Height of the two signs is 28' from ground level to the top of %he sign~
Total sign area to be 270 square feet - signs on the station approxi-
mately 34 square feet - two price signs of 15 square feet each - two
freestanding signs of 104 square feet each.
D~rector of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the precise loca-
tion of each of the proposed signs. He indicated that in the past, the
Commission has approved one freestanding sign at the corner of service
station sites which would be identifiable on both corners - in this case,
the applicants are requesting two such signs. Mr. Warren then reviewed the
conditions of approval. He said there was a question in the minds of the
staff for the need of the price signs - more often, they are used for pro-
motlons, etc., such as"gas wars"~ The station on the opposite corner con-
forms to a 77 square foot sign area and the height of thelr freestanding
sign ~s 22 feet.
~,¢ Commission discussed this proposal, comparing their request to other
service statlon sites.
Thls being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened~
Mr.. Sherwood Morf, representing Humble Oil Company, sta~d their oval
signs are 61 square feet each in actual surface, thus making a total of
122 square feet for the two freestanding signs.
Mr~ Morf declared that this site is different from that on the opposite
corner because it would be serving two traffic types. As to the comment
of putting one sign on the corner, Mr~ Morf stated it was a company pollcy
not to erect their sign at a 45° angle because it cannot be properly seen
from both streets. He said that they do have a smaller sign, similar to
the one they put up at Third and Palomar which measures 6' x 8', also oval
shaped, and remarked that they could put this sign up - one on each street~
He spoke of the steep terrain of Melrose and the effect this has on the
slte. Mr. Morf then discussed the landscaping and the proposal tc plant
Lrees on the site - he felt the height of the street trees in t~me would
block the signs.
The Commission discussed the price s~gns and the feasibillty of them. Mr~
Morf claimed that prices change so often that the customer ~s entitled to
know these price changes; however, they would accept these s~gns to be
used in "gas wars" only,
The Clty Attorney stated that this would not be a proper condition
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hea~ing was de-
clared closed.
Member Rice commented, that on looking over this plan, he could see no rea-
son for such freestanding signs that could be viewed three miles away; it
is a neighborhood shopping center.
Member Adams declared that all service stations want the total number of
signs they could get, but the Commission should limit it to that allowed
by ordinance 50 square feet; however, they are considering some liberali-
zation of this.
Member York discussed the site and the question of whether this could be
called a neighborhood shopping center since it will be fronting on a major
freeway. He discussed the allowable sign areas and suggested they live
with the ordinance:and it should be so written in such a way that realistic
conditions can exist for commercial ventures.
Member Rice stated the site was surrounded by residential use and that it
was well to recognize it as a neighborhood shopping center. He added that
it does not behoove the Commission to disrupt the planning, as it now
exists. Mr~ Rice also commented that the people across the street would
want the same consideration given to promoting development compatible with
their area.
Member York remarked that they should write the ordinance so ~hat they do
not arbitrarily lgnore a 50' sign provision and give the applicant 400'
merely because it is requested.
Director Warren mentioned the upcoming meeting of the Southern Callfornia
Planning Congress to be held on the 9th of this month whlch w~ll have ser-
vice stations as their main topic; he indicated that if they do not learn
anything from this talk, they could set up a workshop meeting to discuss
it~ Chairman Stewart suggested the hearing be postponed until the next
meeting to allow the Commission and staff to attend that meeting. He
added he can see no useful purpose for all these proposed signs except for
advertising purposes.
The Commission discussed the double-faced signs and three-dimens~onal
signs. Director Warren noted that the ordinance recognizes the double-
faced signs as one that can be viewed from both sides; that only the one
side is measured for the sign area.
Member Adams agreed to the postponement commenting tha5 the s~af~ should
get together w~th the applicant and try to resolve some ~ these problems
before the next meeting.
MSUC (Hyde-R~ce) Public Hearing on this matter be continued to ~he meeting
o~ February 20.
PUBLIC HEARING - Request to Change Name of Palomar Dr~va
Director of Planning Warren expla£ned that a petition ~as been received
bearing 41 signatures representing 22 property owners asking tha% %he name
of their street be changed~ Since th~s name change wo~Id involve another
small stzee~ wes~ of Fourth Avenue~ and since %here was ~.t ~00 pe~ cen~
pzope~y ow~.~z =_gnatures on the peLznlon,
this public hearing. This is not a staff-initiated request; however, it
was discussed with the Post Office, Fire and Police Departments and they
agreed to the need of a name change because of the conflict that now exists
between Palomar Drive and Palomar Street. The '~ames in this area are all
named after mountains, and the staff has suggested a few names to per-
petuate this theme.
Member Adams asked if this same name change would apply to the small seg-
ment of street west of Fourth Avenue also. Director Warren stated
would. Member York indicated that it was logical to call it by the same
name ~f it lines up with it. According to the records on file, those peo-
ple i~ving on this small street have been notified of this meetlng~
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Bu~ton Henderson, 68 East Palomar Drive, stated he was the one who
circulated the petition, and said the source of the problem was the con-
fllct w~th this street and that to the south named Palomar Street. Few
pecple realize there are two such named streets, and problems arise peri-
odically with their mailing - they get mail addressed to Palomar Street
and vice versa~ There is also the problem of an emergency coming up and
~rylng to notify the Fire and Police Departments explaining the difference
in the two locatlons~ The street is only two to three blocks long and it
would be an easy task to change the name of thls street; they suggested
Pepperldge Drive, but they are willing to accept any name recommended by
the Commissions Mr~ Henderson added that he did not contact those people
living on the westerly segment~
Those speaklng ~n opposition to the name change were: Mrs~ Cec~l Cotton,
40 Palomar Drive, Roy Johnson, 351 Palomar Drive, Richard Higgs, 47 Palomar
Drlve, George Brines, 385 Palomar Drive, Water Benney, 16 Palomar D~ve,
Mrs Jack Cooper, 75 East Palomar Drive, and Dr. B. Casey, owner of prop-
erty on Palomar Drive for 25 years. Their reasons for ob3ectlng were: (1)
area was subdivided 40 years ago and streets were named then; i2) twenty-
two property owners s~gned the petition and there are more than 22 proper%y
owners living on this street; (3) Palomar Street is in %he County and th~s
street ~s ~n the City; (4) have lived here for 12 years and never had trou-
ble with the mall, Fire or Police Departments no need for a change; (5)
s~gned a petition in 1956-58 to change the name of the small segment of
street and at that time, it would have been feaslble~ but not at this t~me;
(6) there would be quite a monetary loss to the residents in changing the
street name; (7) changing this street name would not clear up the problem
--the problem lies with East Palomar Drive and Palomar Drive; i8) ~n the
past, they have had one fire, one lost child, and one attempted burglary,
and the Fire and Police have had no trouble locating th~s street.
Chairman Stewart asked for a show of hands of those ~n the audience: it
was noted that 6 people were ~or it and 23 against the name change.
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was de-
clared closed.
Member Rice declared it was evident there were more people against the
name change than were for it. He said he could see certain benefits de-
rived ~rom the name change, but on the other hand, there were problems
~nvolved in changlng the name~ He felt the Commission should go along
w~th the people who do not want it changed. He added that he hoped
tu~e street naming would avoid this type of conflict.
D~rector Warren ~ndicatlng that street naming policy could be the sub3ect
of one of a ~uture workshop meetings.
The Commission d~scussed the name change and concurred that it should re-
ma~n as it
MSUC (Hyde-Rice) Request to change the name of Palomar Drive be denied.
Director Warren questioned whether this recommendation should go to Coun-
¢~1. City Attorney Lindberg stated he would have to check the Code and,
in any event, the people in the area would be notified or should appeal
· f they desire.
PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd) Proposed Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Estab-
iishin~ a C-V Zone and Addition of S~ecial Provisions
to Existing Commercial Zones
Director of Planning Warren explained that this was continued from a pre-
vious meeting and another revised draft has been mailed to all concerned;
there is no substantial change to this draft as compared with the previous
one except some provisions as to conditional use permits and site plans
and these are separate ordinances. He explained the need for the C-V zone-
the need for tourist business in the vicinity of freeway ~nterchanges. Mr-
Warren discussed certain retail uses in connection with this C-V zone and
indicated that they would be oriented to the motel-hotel nucleous.
This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Clint Mathews, Vista Coronado Drive, said he would like to suggest that
this be continued so that the newly formed committee of the Chamber of
Commerce could study this proposed ordinance. He would suggest a 30 day
Member Rice commented that he would welcome the assistance of these people
and would agree to a continuance.
Director Warren remarked that his staff did send out the drafts of this
ordinance late last week and apologized for not getting them out sooner.
Member Adams felt 30 days was out of the question and said he would agree
to continuing it to the next meeting.
Mr. Frank Ferreira, 3715 Putter Drive~ stated this ordinance review com-
mittee is a good cross section of people qualified to study this ordinance
and would certainly recommend the 30 day continuance. He added that there
is presently too much policing involved and further, that this ordinance
is premature.
Director Warren commented that in view of the fact that this committee has
just been formed, he would have no objection to the 30 day continuance.
He said he understood the concern of the Commission in that this has been
continued now for several weeks, and they would like to see something re-
Member Hyde suggested a compromise whereby it would be continued until the
next meeting and then they could come in and ask for another continuance,
if necessary.
Mr. Ferreira referred to the recent joint Commission-Council meeting in
which the suggestion was made that the entire ordinance be brought back
at one time. He would request that this proposed ordinance be dropped.
Member Adams declared that this suggestion was made at this joint meeting,
and the Commission felt it would be a good idea, if they could do it, but
they also stated that they needed these presently proposed ordinances. Mr.
Adams further stated that two weeks was a sufficient time to postpone the
hearing on this ordinance since it was a short ordinance.
Director Warren questioned whether this newly-formed committee would be
working individually or whether they had to present their recommendation
to the Board of Directors~ Mr. Ferreira stated he believed it would have
to go to the Board.
Mr. Warren indicated that if this were the case, then 2 weeks would not
be long enough. He added that any continuance should be strictly for
study purposes and not merely to delay adoption.
Member York, checking on the dates of the committee and the Board of D~-
rectors meeting, stated that this public hearing would have to be continued
until the meeting of March 20.
Chairman Stewart discussed the comments at the joint Commission-Councll
meeting whereby they suggested the Commission get all the help they could
from experienced people; however, if it meant a 4 to 6 week delay to get
~hese ordinances to the Chamber committee and they in turn to their Board
of Directors, he would suggest a workshop meeting w~th them to expedite
the matter.
Mr. Robert Miles, Miles Construction Company, advocated the 30 day contin-
uance. He indicated that in the future this commission would be working
more closely with this newly formed committee and there would be no fu-
ture continuances such as this one. He mentioned that there were just 8
people present tonight for this hearing and in all fairness, ~t was not
a good representation. Mr. Miles added that the Commission had 6 months
to work on this ordinance, and they had 1 month in which to study it.
Chairman Stewart declared he was against forming any precedents here in
which they would be faced with a 6 week delay every time they proposed a
new ordinance just so the Chamber committee would have t~me to study it
and present their recommendations to the Board of Directors.
City ATtorney Lindberg stated that he didn't believe that what ~s proposed
by the Chamber was that prior to any action on any proposed ordinance by
the Commission and the Council, that these matters had to be referred to
them for recommendation before any legislative action could take place.
Their purpose is to get these ordinances and alert the interested parties.
It is not the intent of the Commission or Council to interpose another
body to adopt ordinances.
Member York remarked that it was his understanding that this newly formed
committee was formed to distribute information to the various people who
would be affected by it. If this is true, then 30 days was ample time in
which they could get this information to the interested parties.
Mr~ Ferreira commented that at the previous Chamber committee meeting, it
was understood that at the inception of every new proposed ordinance, the
Planning Director would notify this committee.
MSUC (Hyde-Adams) Public Hearing on this matter be continued to the meet-
lng of March 6, 1967.
RESOLUTION - Extending Time on Variance for Reduction of Lot Size - Flair
Director of Planning Warren referred to a letter received from D. Wittman,
Poutous Development and Saratoga Development Company for an extension of
time on their variance granted August 9, 1966. He explaaned this was for
a reduction in lot sizes from the minimum 7,000 square feet to 6,000 square
feet for lots within the proposed Les Chateaux Subdivision granted them
so that the natural canyon in this subdivision would remain undeveloped.
They are asking for a one-year extension.
MSUC (Rice-Adams) Resolution of the City Planning Commission Granting an
RESOLUTION NO.449 Extension of Time on Variance Application #66-19
The extension to be for a period of one year and will expare on February
9, 1968.
RESOLUTION - Setting for Hearing Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Establish-
ing Provision for Temporary Storage of Wrecked Vehicles
with Conditional Use Permit in C-2 and M-1 Zones
Director of Planning Warren stated that the proposed ordinance on this has
not been distributed publicly, but that the staff will do so. It provides
for the temporary storage of wrecked vehicles in the C-2 and M-1 zones.
The staff has suggested certain conditions delineated in the ordinance and
will make copies of this ordinance available immediately. Mr. Warren in-
dicated that the Commission could set this for hearing for the February 20
RESOLUTION N0.450 Resolution of the City Planning Comm±ssaon Statang Their
MSUC (York-Race) Intent to Call a Public Hearing for February 20, 1967,
to Consider an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Estab-
lishing provision for Temporary Storage of Wrecked Ve-
hicles With Conditional Use Permits in C-2 and M-1 Zones
Member Rice remarked that he noticed a number of large billboard s on
Third Avenue across the City limit line. He stated this was not compatible
with the overall plan for the area and certainly not in keeping with the
surrounding residential development. Mr. Rice added that he would lake the
Planning CommissIon to direct the staff to write a letter to the County
Planning Commission to discuss with them the possibility of excluding bill-
boards from this area.
MSUC (Rice-Hyde) The staff be directed to write a letter to the San Diego
County Planning Commission requesting that billboards be
excluded from the County portion of southern part of
Third Avenue.
Member Hyde asked if anything further transpired since the joint meeting
held recently. Director Warren stated that he received a memo from Mr.
Fred Ross inquiring about the schedule for the new zoning ordinance.
Chairman Stewart suggested the Commission hold a workshop meeting. Mr.
Warren ~ndicated that it would take some special meetings -- if the Com-
mission tries to meet the 6 week schedule proposed by Council, they would
have to meet every Monday night.
The Commission discussed the earliest time they could meet after dinner,
and it was agreed that they would meet at 6 p.m. Mr. Warren stated he
would call them as to the date.
MSUC (Rice-York) Meeting be adjourned until February 20, 1967. Meeting
adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,