HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1967/03/06 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY
March 6, 1967
The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission was held on the above
date in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Guava Avenue, at 7 p.m.,
with the following members present: Stewart, York, Hyde, Gregson, Rice,
Adams, and Guyer. Absent: None. Also present: Director of Planning
Warren, Assistant Planner Lee, Junior Planner Masciarelli, City Attorney
Lindberg and Assistant City Engineer Gesley.
Member Rice requested that his statement on page 2 concerning the rezon-
ing matter on D Street, in which he states that property "fronting on
Fourth Avenue be held in abeyance" should actually read property "fronting
on D Street"...
MSUC (Rice-Guyer) Approval of the minutes of February 20, 1967 as amended.
Request for Approval of Signs - Proposed Restaurant in Bonita Plaza Shop-
ping Center
Director of Planning Warren submitted a sketch of the proposed sign to be
erected at the Bonita Plaza Shopping Center for the Flaming Steaks res-
taurant. He discussed the signs previously approved for the Center, and
noted that this proposed sign was somewhat different. This sign involves
cut-out letters and is within the 50 square foot maximum allowed; it would
not be lighted. The two neon tube signs saying "cocktails" would be
Member Adams requested that the matter be postponed until such time as the
appllcant arrives.
When it was noted that the applicant was present, the Commission continued
discussion on the matter. Mr. Duane Cutler, representing A D Company
Signs, stated the sign would consist of cut-out letters mounted on the
roof parapet. There will be two of the neon signs - one on each corner of
the building, and the words "cocktails" will be lighted.
Member Adams suggested the letters be placed vertically on the parapet to
hav~ some conformity with the other signs in this Center.
Director Warren suggested that the precise location be subject to the
Planning Department's approval so that consistency can be determined in
the field.
Director Warren commented that they should have started out with this par-
ticular type of sign, for the Center, if they could be properly lighted.
He then questioned the applicant on how this sign will be lighted.
Mr- Cutler remarked that they could light this an one of two ways: neon
lighted from the back or flood lighted from the bottom of the overhang~
He added that on the original plan, this type of sign was called for; they
are conforming to what was originally designed for the Center.
MSUC (Adams-Rice; Approval of sign as submitted with the condition that
the letters be set vertically and in line with the other signs in the
Center; the precise loca~aon to be approved by the Director of Planning.
Since it is assumed that some sor~ of lighting will be ultimately neces-
sary fo~ the large sagn, the manner in which this lighting wall be ac-
commodated shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Planning~
Request for Deferral of Public Improvements (Cont'd) - Chula Vista Center
- Garrett Avenue and Center Avenue
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location for
the requested deferral of public improvements as the north sade of Center
Street and the west side of Garrett Street; the curb as installed and the
request is for deferral of sidewalks~ Sance additional construction is
now going on in thas Center, the Division of Engineering has informed the
owners that the public improvemenss must now be completed.
Mr Robert Caplan, attorney representing the owners, requested another
deferral of the sidewalks construction, until such time as there is a need
for them~ He stated there is no entrance to the Shopping Center from
these streets, and hence, no need for the sidewalks. It would be of no
benefit to the tenants of the Center nor to the City as a whole. Mr. Cap-
lan then dlscussed the need for more parkang spaces, as required by Ordi-
nance, for the additional buildings under construction. He asked that
they be permitted to get a certificate of occupancy for the building that
has already been built, that, even though they feel there is no need for
addational parking at this Center, that the paving and marking of these
spaces be deferred untal some later time so that they can determine the
number of spaces which they need and how they will provade them. Mr. Cap-
lan commented that the existing ice cream building will be removed.
Dlrector Warren explained the situ-atlon whereby construction of the new
building at the Center provaded more square footage and consequently, the
need for more spaces~ The owner is presently taking advantage of the pro-
vas~on in the ordanance allowing him to use offstreet parking across the
s%reet, since it is within a specified distance of the Center. Mr. Warren
declared that the Commission should have some assurance that these parking
spaces will be provided when needed; the applicant as requesting 120 days
to which the staff has no ob3ection, provided a bond could be posted~ At
the present time, there is no place on Center Street for a pedestrian to
walk; there are trash containers in the street right-el-way now.
The Commission discussed the requirement of posting a bond~ City Attorney
L~ndberg stated this would not be an unreasonable request to make to
assure that the paving will be done~
Member Adams questioned the need for 120 days. Director Warren explained
that they feel they need this time since they will be removing the ice
cream building and will haue to redesign thear parking layout and do not
anticipate full occupancy of all floor space prior to that time.
Member Adams asked if the removal of this ice cream building will provide
them with a large segment of the needed offstreet parking. Mr. Warren
stated it would not; it would just be a "dent."
They plan to accommodate 20 spaces on the south side of the Center. About
a year or so ago, they requested a variance for their offstreet parking
which the Commission denied°
Mr. Caplan declared that at the time of the variance, the plans for the
building to be removed were not considered; the building was to remain.
Mr. Warren indicated that the staff would work with the applicant in the
final plan and determine the number of spaces that they need. Mr. Caplan
commented that they are lust requesting some time to get some idea of the
traffic pattern for the Center - they would like to have 180 days. Chair-
man Stewart declared that 120 days should be adequate.
Member Adams remarked that the Commission should give them this advantage
even though he feels their reason for the time period is not good; this
postponement should be subject to the posting of a bond.
Member Rice asked if the proposed development on Fourth Avenue was con-
sidered for the request of installing the sidewalks. Mr. Howard Gesley,
Assistant City Engineer, pointed out that the chief consideration was
that more of the property here has now been developed and that there re-
mains no justification for deferring the construction of sidewalks any
Chairman Stewart commented that this area and the nearby Doctors' Park
will generate a certain amount of pedestrian traffic now, and that the
sidewalks should be put in.
Member York questioned the criteria used in determining the need for
Mr. Caplan indicated that the development to the east and across the
street should be the justification for this.
Member York asked if the development opens up onto Center Street. Mr.
Caplan declared that the billiard room has a door opening up onto this
Member Rice commented that if the parking was inadequate, then the peo-
ple will have to park elsewhere, and consequently, the sidewalks would
be necessary for them to use to get there.
Mr. Caplan reiterated that they will put in these sidewalks when a need
is demonstrated~
MSUC (Adams-Rice) Deferral of the installation of public improvements
(sidewalk) along the north side of Center Street and the west side of
Garrett Avenue adjacent to the Chula Vista Center be denied. The rea-
son is based on the fact that the ordinance requires all property
owners to install these improvements at the time of construction, and
based on the recommendations of the Planning staff and the Engineering
Division, it is felt that work on the Shopping Center has progressed to
the point whereby sidewalks are now deemed necessary. New construction
here in surrounding areas is such that pedestrian use of the street will
MSUC (Guyer-Adams~ Extension of time to provide supplemental offstreet
parking: Approval of maximum time of 120 days in which ~o complete the
paving and marking of ~hls area south of Center Street or provide an al-
ternate conforming to zoning ordinance requlrements~ A bond, in the
amount of $2,000 must be !mmed~ately posted with the D~vlslon of Engineer-
lng to assure that such parking will be provided at the end of this time -
July 9, 1967; such bond to be approved by the C~ty Attorney~
PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd~: Proposed Ordinances Establishing C-V Zone and
the Addition of Special Provisions to Existing Commer-
cial Zones
Director of Planning Warren stated he had gone o~er this proposed ordi-
nance in detail at the previous meetings, but outlined it briefly noting
that it was a visitor-commercial zone lifted from the new proposed zoning
ordinance now under preparatlon~ It is primarily oriented to the freeway
~nterchanges and will accommodate ho~els, motels, restaurants and service
stations. It sets forth sign regulations, height regulations, lot cover-
age and criteria for s~te development~ This proposed ordinance was con-
t~nued at the last meeting to give the newly formed committee of the
Chamber of Commerce time to study lt. Mr~ Warren indicated that, to date,
no ~eport has been forthcoming from this committee, unless a representa-
tive is here to speak tonight.
This being the t~me and place as advertised~ the public hearing was opened.
Mr. Frank E. Fe~re~ra, 3715 Putte~ Drive, Bonita, noted on the General
Plan the area of Bonlta Road and Vista Drive declaring that th~s was the
only place in the City of Chula Vista where this C-V zoning was applicable~
The property is presently zoned C-I-D and therefore, as owner, he can
s~ate he has no need fcr th~s C-V zoning at the present tlme~ He added
that the Chamber of Commerce committee has not had t~me to study this or-
dinance and make their recommendations. He asked that ~his matter be de-
ferred until such ~lme as there is a need.
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearlng was de-
clared closed.
Member Adams declared that they were not applying this zone to any speci-
fic property, but merely considering the text of the ordinance so that it
could be applied when approprla~e~ He added that waiting until there is
a need for it would be too late as it takes at least 90 days to completely
adopt an ordlnance.
Member York stated that this tesz~mony solidifies his thinking on the
Although the Commission is not applying it at th~s time, it is also true
~ha~ the a~ea stated by Mr Ferrelra ~s the only area in the General Plan
to which this area would be applied. The other reason would be the crit-
icism of the public toward the Commission for li~ting these new proposed
zones from the ordinance and adopting them on a piece-meal basis. Mr~
Yo~k added that he was not convinced that there ~s an urgency for adopting
this proposed zone at this time. No one zone lifted from the proposed
ordinance can be an ordinance under itself; other sections apply to either
part of or all of the sections ~nvolved in the new ordinance~ In view of
this and the apparent lack of urgency, we should defer this until the new
ordlnance itself is adopted.
Member Guyer suggested thYs proposed ordinance be referred back to the
Chamber of Commerce committee for their recommendation.
Mr. Warren indicated a desire to comment on what has been said before the
Commission takes action.
The Commission discussed this further and agreed to continue the matter
until the next meetlng~
MSUC (Guyer-Gregson~ Matter be continued to the meeting of March 20, 1967~
PUBLIC HEARING: Variance - 463 Mlnot Avenue - B. W. and M~ M. Turegano -
Request for Reduction in Rear Yard Setback from 20' to
The application was read in which a request was made for reduction in
rear yard setback from 20' to 12' for the purpose of constructing an ad-
dition to the dwelling.
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location of
the proposed constructlon~ He stated that the applicants are proposing
two additions - one meets the zonmng ordinance requirements and the other,
because of the layout of the house, requires the reduction of setback.
The lot is small and on a corner and a great deal of the lot is taken up
by setbacks. The applicants will be maintaining a quantity of open space
adjacen% to their home that is greater than that required by ordinance.
Member Adams questioned why that particular slde should be called the rear
yard since the house faces on Minot Avenue. Mr. Warren explained that
they had to take a choice and maintain a 20 foot rear yard on one side or
the other. Member Adams commented that the front of any house Ks recog-
nizable and that this should determine the rear yard. Member York com-
mented that, presently, the applicants are encroaching into their rear
yard and have a non-conforming use~
The Commission d~scussed the layout of the house and the setback requmre-
ments, also those homes adjacent to this one.
This being the time and place as advertised, the publmc hearing was opened.
Mr. Turegano, %he applicant~ stated he was always under the impression -
for the last 19 years - that his rear yard was at the east side of h~s
There being no further comment, emther for or against, the hearing was de-
clared closed.
Member Rice felt this was a reasonable request° Member Guyer noted that
there were exceptional circumstances that could be ]ustifmed concerning
this request~
MSUC (Guyer-R~ce) Approval of variance. Findings be as follows:
a, That the strict appllca%lon of the zoning regulations or requirements
would result in particular difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsis-
tent with the general purpose and intent of the regulations.
The applicant has only 8 feet of b~lldable land remaIning to the
east which wo~ld prohibit the construction of any usable room.
The rear of applicant's house ~s oriented to the "s~de yard" as
defined by ordlnance~
bn That 5here are exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to
the property involved or to the intended use o~ development of the prop-
erty that do not apply generally to other property in the same zone or
The usable rear yard ~s actually against the east property line
while their required rear yard abuts their neighbor's side yard~
Sub3ect lot ~s smaller than ex~sting o~dlnance ~equirements and
a disproportionate amount of the lot is taken up w~th setbacks.
co That the granting of a variance will not be materially detrimental to
the public welfare or in3urlous to property o~ ~mprovements in such zone
or neighborhood in which the property is located,
The ad3oinlng property owner can build to within 5 feet of the
north property l~ne
d. That the granting of a variance wlli not be contrary to the ob3ectives
of the General Plan~
The applicant is still maintaining a larger rear yard area than
normally required.
PUBLIC HEARING: P~oposed Prezon~ng to R-3 - East Castle Park Study Area
Director of Planning Warren stated that this study was conducted at the
request of the City Council afte~ holding public hearings on two pre-
zoning requests in this area, The hearings were continued at the Council
level and will come up again on March 14; therefore, the staff has sub-
m~tted th~s report~
Mr. Warren delineated the l~mlts of the study area and p~esented the re-
port (which is on file ~n the Planning Department) to the Comm~sslon~ He
then delineated the recommendations as follows:
1~ Area north of Quintard Street (5 lots) - prezone R-3-B-3-D. This zone
would constitute a more logical transition ±rom R-1 to R-3 and affords
reasonable protection ~or the R-1 subdlv~sion approved for the prop-
e~ty Lu ~ne no~th~ The "D" zone would permit the Planning Commission
to review the plans prior to the issuance of building permits to in-
sure the compatibility of the proposed development with ad3acent resl-
2. Area south of Quintard Street (16 kotsl - p~ezone R-3-B-2. Th~s area
is sparsely developed and is surrounded by a high school and proposed
shopping cen~er, the San D~ego Gas and Electric R~ght-of-Way, a
traile~ park, add the property mentioned in No. 1 above. Because of
the surrounding land use and the lack of existing development within
the area, this property can be more densely developed with fewer con-
trols required than the properties to the north~
3. One parcel west of First Avenue - R-3. This parcel is already part
of the trailer park and should be assigned the same classificatIon as
that ex~stlng on the t~ailer park~
It was noted that a petition of protest to R-3 prezonlng was received.
This being the t~me and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened~
Mr. George Edwards, 1394 Hilltop Drive, spoke of his construction plans
saying he will demolish the existing building on the property and build
two-story units, which will be 20 to 25 one-bedroom units. He declared
the g~ade level here was the result of an Engineering error. He further
stated that he preferred the B-2 density rather than the B-3 density~,
Mr. Nick Besker, 1382 Hilltop Dr~ve, spoke of the numerous times he ap-
peared before the Commission in the past year on this same request~ He
questIoned the R-3-B-3-D zoning recommended for his property and asked if
that was set up primarily for h~s propertyc Mro Warren explained the
zoning, pointing out that this has been on the books for quite some time.
Mr~ Besker stated that he is considering removing the existing dwelling
on his parcel, but has not, as yet, made up h~s mind about th~s~ He de-
clared his plans were to construct 1 unit per 1,000 square feet of land
area, and is now surprised to hear the recommendation of 1 unit per 3,000
square feet. He will have to start his planning all over again, if the
Commission approves this prezoning.
Mrs. June Curtis, 1450 Tobias Drive, spoke of the area as a n~ce neigh-
borhood in which to raise a family, and declared that the residents here
are opposing the R-3 prezoning because they are afraid of gettlng another
SLJ apartment complex in the area. They prefer to have the zoning remain
as ~t ls~
Mr. R~chard Crocker, 1431 Tobias Drlve~ made reference to the petition he
circulated noting the number of property owners opposing the R-3 prezon~ng~
Mr. Floyd Burgi, 67 Qulntard Street, described the area, noting the loca-
tlon of the schools, and asserted that apartments are not wanted in th~s
Mr. C~ Kiffee, owner of land in the area, discussed his contruction plans
for 85 units lnto 3 separate phases He said he will not be constructing
anything cheap, but something that will enhance the area. Mr. Kiffee then
spoke of the shortage of available land in this area; his attempts to buy
ad3acent land, and the rough topography which makes building difficult,
Mr. John Guillory, 20 Qulntard Street, indicated his approval of the R-3
Mr~ Besker and Mr. Edwards spoke again, this t~me assuring the Coramlsslon
that they w]li not be constructing anything ~nferior - nothing that will
be compared w~th the JLJ apartment complex~
Chairman Stewart indicated that the Commission has no control over the
type of construction that might result°
This being the t~me and place as advertised, the public hearing was closed. --
Director Warren noted that whatever action is taken by the Commission would
be prezonlng, and 5his would not be effective unless the area were annexed
to the CiLy~
Chairman Stewart declared there is no ~ustlfication to prezone this to
R-3 and he favors prezonlng to R-i, ~n view of the fact that the General
Plan calls for low density development and trends in the adjacent area
have been to single-family use~ Prezoning must be based upon more than
an applicant's desire and a drainage problem.
Member Adams agreed, adding that the topography was as much a problem to
R-3 development as to R-i~
The Commission discussed the two R-3 prezonlng requests now before the
Council; Mr. Stewart felt that they woald be setting an undesirable pre-
cedent if they approved this prezonlng~
Director Warren discussed the statements made by one of the property
owners who is contemplatlng on building apartments~ He noted that be-
cause this property owner has not been able to acquire ad3acent property,
h~s grading is such that l~ will not work for single-family development.
Chairman Stewart fel~ he should walt until sufficient property ls avail-
able which he can acquire and get the development he wants~
Member York commented that he opposed a similar request because it would
be spot zoning and there is no R-3 contiguous to it~ However, in study-
ing th~s area as a whole, ~t seems to be the feeling of the City Council
that R-3 zoning for these particular parcels has some merit, but they
were also concerned with the fact that if they did approve the R-3 zon-
ing, they would get s~ml~ar ~eques~s from the ad3acent property owners.
For this reason, they requested that the staff look at the area as a
whole, in order to determine whether or not R-3 zoning would be appro-
priate for the entire a~ea Mr. York fel~ the topography here was one
fact to be considered. The area as shown on 5he map lends itself to
either R-3 or R-1 zon~.ng, but there seems to be no clear cut case fo~
either justification to R-3 or R-l; however, the prlnc~pai objections to
R-3 were from people that want to maintain the status quo in the a~ea,
and this is unreallstlc. Mr. York added that economics would dictate
that, in the future, there w~ll not be 1 dwelling on a 5 acre parcel.
He declared he would be in favor of recommending to ~he City Council
that this area be prezoned R-3 with 5he density control as recommended
by the staff.
Member Guyer agreed, adding that this area Is ou5 of the center of town
and will allow needed multiple-family deveiopments away from the center
of the c~ty.
Member R~ce felt the desires of the people shc~f~ be considered, and they
want R-1 zoning If some of these parcels were prezoned R-3, they would
be faced with spot zonlng~ --
Member York disagreed, remarking that if the area were prezoned R-3,
there would be no more single-family development.
Chairman Stewart commented that the feelings of the City Council as they
relate to the overall are not, at this time, appropriate to guide them
in this matter, that they have to make a determination based on their
own feelings.
Director Warren reviewed the land use in the area° Member Adams noted
the number of small lots and felt they would be faced with undesirable
multiple-family developments here~
Member Hyde commented that the homes that have been built in this adja-
cent area were low-cost and felt it might be better to promote R-3 if a
better grade of development would result. He explained he was referring
to the homes ~n Judson Estates and JLJ apartments.
MS (Guyer-York) The entire area be prezoned R-1 with these exceptions:
the 5-acre area between Tobias and Hilltop Drives north of Quintard be
prezoned R-3-B-3-D, and that 5-acre parcel between Tobias and Hilltop
Drive, south of Quintard be prezoned R-3-B2-D. The findings being that
the area recommended for B-3 density would be compatible with that area
to the north, and the B-2 density for the southern parcel would also
lend itself to the surrounding area and the building area 'to the north.
The other property owners tha~ do not want this R-3 zoning should not
have it imposed on them now, but at some future date if desired~
The motion failed to carry by the following vote:
AYES: Members Guyer, York
NOES: Members Hyde~ Gregson, Stewart, Rice and Adams
MS (Hyde-York) The area north of Quintard and west of Hilltop Drive be
prezoned R-3-B-3-D and the remaining area south of Quintard in this
study be prezoned R-3-B-2-D; also that small parcel west of H~lltop and
part of the trailer park be prezoned R-3o
The motion failed to carry by the following vote:
AYES: Members Hyde~ York, and Guyer
NOES: Members Gregson, Stewart, Rice and Adams
MSC (Rice-Adams) That the entire area be prezoned R-1 with the exception
of tha~ parcel west of First Avenue which ~s recommended for R-3 zoning
~ince it is a part of the trailer area~
Flndings be as follows:
1~ The General Plan designates this area as medium density residential
which corresponds to the R-1 classification.
2. The developmental trend in the area is for single-family dwellings -
a 42 unit R-1 subdivision is presently being planned for property
immediately adjacent to this area.
3. To prezone any isolated parcels in this area R-3 would create spot
4. R-1 zoning would be compatible with the surrounding area and no evi-
dence was submitted that the County zoning is invalid.
5. A petition of property owners in protest of proposed R-3 zoning in
this area was received.
The motion passed by the following vote:
AYES: Members Rice, ADams, Gregson and Stewart
NOES: Members Guyer, York and Hyde
City Attorney Lindberg explaIned that regardless of the determination of
=he Commission, the Council will be free~ at such time as this report is
submitted to them, to modify or render the zoning for those two prop-
erties now under consideration. The Commission action on the remaining
property is a denial of the R-3 zoning or the modification thereof, and
if anyone desires to appeal this to the Council, they have 10 days to
Member Rice commented that they could recommend R-1-D for this area~
Member Guyer questioned the need for the "D" zone; Chairman Stewart noted
it would be attached to the R-3 zoning.
Director Warren declared that if the single-family zoning were going into
that area, most of it would be developed subject to a subdivision. The
reason for the "D" zone for the R-3 requests was because of the substan-
tial R-1 development existing in the area.
C~ty Attorney Lindberg reiterated that the decision of the Commission is
that the area including the two parcels under consideration for R-3 pre-
zoning at the Council level, be recommended for R-1 prezonlng~ At their
meeting of March 14, the Council will be considering action for these
two parcels, and should they desire to consider R-3 prezoning for the
remaIning area, ~t will come back to the Commission.
PUBLIC HEARING: Request for Vacation of Port~on of Whitney Street, Eas~
of First Avenue
Director of Planning noted the request received from the property owners
ad3oining Whitney Street asking that a portion of this street be vacated,
aisc a petition signed by the remaining property owners on this street
in favor of this request~
The City Council will also have to hold a public hearing on this matter..
The property owners state there is no need to extend this street; there
is a bank at the end of this street. Mro Warren added, that in the Plan-
ning studies, the staff finds that the adjacent area can be served from
I Street and the area also has access to Hilltop Drive. The staff rec-
ommends approval with the condition that any necessary utility easements --
be reserved.
The Commission discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a cul-de-
sac~ Mr. Warren commented that there were many advantages to having a
cul-de-sac street provided that it is a local residential street°
This being the time and place as advertised, the publlc hearing was
Mr~ Steve Hargas~ 53 Whitney Street, discussed the grade at ~he end of
this street sta~lng that if a street were extended, there would be a cut
of between 10 and 12 feet,
There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was
declared closed.
Member Rice felt the request was reasonable because of the topography,
and the access to this property could be made from another location~
Member Adams stated be was satisfied with the recommendations of the
MSUC (Hyde-Gregson) Recommend approval of the vacation of a segment of
Whitney Street, east of First Avenue, subject to the reservation of any
necessary utility easements.
Findings are:
1. That this extension was reserved for a future street to serve the
property to the east; however, the elevation of this parcel is con-
siderably h~gher than the street and a large amount of earth movement
would be needed to extend this street through the easterly parcel.
2. Any development of the parcel to the east would logically use "I"
Street from which to extend a street to serve it~
PUBLIC HEARING (Cont'd): Variance Poutous Development and Saratoga
Development Corporation - Request for Reduction ~n Lot
Size - Area North and East of Flair Subdivision
The application was read ~n which permission was requested for a reduc-
tion in lot s~ze from 7,000 square feet to a minimum o~ 6,000 square
feet fo~ the development o~ sing±e-family homes on a 10-acre parcel of
property located north and east of Flair Subdivls~on~
Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location,
ad3acent land use and zoning~ He stated the Commission had previously
granted a variance on all the property ~n this subdivision
f~r 6,000 square foot lots because the City was requiring retention of
the canyon to the north and that to the east~ Mr Warren then sub-
mitred the original map and the revised map noting the additional 10
acre parcel under consideration. He also pointed out a 4 acre parcel
at the southerly end of the subdivision which ~s being eliminated. Mr~
Warren then delineated the square footages of the proposed lots, open
space, etc~ and indicated that the or~ginai plan showed a total of 8345
'square feet of area per lot including open space and th~s new revised
map proposes 8430 square fee5 per lot, The subdivider indicates that an
addmtional .8 of an acre of open space ms being provided. He further
added that the staff is now working on a plan whereby for any further
development mn this area, the City will be able to acquire the remaining
portion of the canyon
Thls being the tmme and place as advertmsed~he public hearing was opened~
Mr~ Dennis Wmttman, Saratoga Development Corporation, spoke of the type
of house ~hey are constructmng and the gradmng of the first unit of thei~
subdmvislon. The open space concept was worked out jointly by the staff
and themr organmzation Mr. Wlttman declared that they have now used up
all the available land in the Flair Subdivision: to the north is the
Greg Rogers Park, to the west the Interstate 805 Freeway, to the south
the canyon which he stated would have to be developed in~o 7,000 square
~oct or larger lots by virtue of the terramn alone.
To the north of this subdivmsion is 27,000 acres owned by United Enter-
prmses who are not presently planning to sell their property. Therefore,
the only property available ~s this 20 acre parcel, 10 of whmch has been
purchased by the school dmstrlct for an elementary school site~ The
remamning 10 acre parcel should logically be tmed to this program~ Mr.
W~ttman explamned that in the original map, they were proposing an ave-
rage size lot of 6,800 square feet, and now they will have 7,020 square
There being no further comment, emther ~or or against~ the hearing was
declared closed.
The Commission dmscussed the lot areas. Chairman Stewart questioned
whether the lots delineated were usable building sites. Director Warren
indicated they were although some of them may not necessarily be 7,000
square feet as some of them have slopes.
Member Guyer remarked tha~ he was pleased that the park area has been mn-
Chairman Stewart questmoned the 4 acre parcel taken out o~ the subdzvm-
s~on. Mr Wlttman sta~ed this belonged to a Mr. Lauderbach who has
since decided to hold onto his land until such time as the a~ea is de-
The Commission concurred that this plan was better :han the original
plan. Director Warren asked that some provision be made to eliminate
the 4 acre parcel from the original varmance~ City Attorney Llndberg
stated this should be done in the motion s~nce mt is a modification of
the ormg~nal variance.
MSUC ~Adams-Rice) Approval of varmance subject to the following condi-
1. The approval of an acceptable tentative and final map reserving sub-
]ect canyons as usable open space and showing that a proper living
environment can result with the reduced lot si~es.
Generally, all lots shall have a minimum of 60 feet frontage, with
the exception of certain lots on curved portions of streets and
cul-de-sacs (whose width shall be 60' at the front setback llne~.
3, The four acre parcel at the southern part of the subdivision is
hereby deleted ~rom the original variance granted for adjacent prop-
Findings be as follows:
a~ That the strict application of the zoning regulations or requirements
would result in particular difficulties or ~nnecessary hardships incon-
sistent with the general purpose and ~ntent o~ the regulatlons~
Without thls variance, the applicant is deprlved of developing a
density as zoned or is required to fill natural canyons in a
manner as an aesthetic detriment to the area~
b That there are excep%ional circumstances or conditions applicable to
the property involved or to the intended use or development of the prop-
erty that do not apply generally 5o other property in the same zone of
The total subdivision property is generally more rugged than that
to the west and involves two canyons which cannot property accom-
modate home sites~ The six additional acres involved in this re-
quest is the result of an addition of 10 acres minus that portion
to the south 4 acres which ~s hereby deleted from the subdi-
vlsion~ Even w~th the addition of slx acres to the total subdl-
vlsion, the density of development has been decreased.
c~ That the granting of a variance w~ll not be materially detrimental
to the public welfare or in~urious to property or improvements in such
zone or neighborhood in which the property is located,
The density of developmen~ will be the same as in ad3acent subdi-
vislons, In addition, open space will be preserved in a manner
which will enhance ad3acent development~ The building pad sizes
wll± be approximately the same as for ?~000 squa£e feet,
d That the granting of a variance w~ll not be con%rary to the objec-
tives of the General Pian~
The Plan sets forth a density of development which will be observed
with the retention of compensating open space.
$~SDIVISION - Flal~ <Revised Tenta~ue Map)
Director o~ Planning War~en submit%ed the revised ~entative map noting
that it contains 72 acres involving 309 lots and is located north of
Princess Manor Unit ~4 and east o~ the proposed Inland Freeway. Olean-
der will serve as a collector street, and the school will be served by
the street ad3acent to its site. The school d~strict will be providing
~ the other one-half of the street. Presently, the only access to this
subdivision is from Princess Manor~ and ultimately another street from
Orange Avenue will give access to this subdivision. The subdivider will
be constructing Oleander Street to the northerly edge of their ownership
- this will be in Unit #4; however, the Fire and Police Departments may
want the street constructed prior to the need to serve access for the
emergency vehicles. Mr. Warren then reviewed the staff's recommendations
of approval, commenting on one of the corner lots which he felt was un-
desirable because it would contain 230 feet of stree5 fronsage and would
have little back yard.
Mr. Warren discussed the manner in which some of the lots on the revised
map encroach upon the canyons, particularly the canyon to the east° He
sta~ed that when the fill is accomplished for this easterly t~er of lots,
that this portion of the so-called "natural open space" will be almost
eliminated. The subdivider, however, has indicated that these slopes
will be graded at a maximum of 3:1 and will be well landscaped in a man-
ner acceptable to the staff~
Mr. Howard Gesley, Asslstan5 City Engineer, presented the Engineering
conditions for approval~ He elaborated on the condition of requiring
the 28 feet for a street section opposite lots 126-132, suggesting that
the subdivider obtain the right-of-way from the school district for this
section of the street.
Chairman Stewart asked if the Fire and Police Departments have been con-
tacted regarding this revised map. Director Warren stated that no
written comments were received from them. On the original map, they
felt the canyon could be adequately served with their services.
Mr. Wittman commented on the conditions, remarking that they are in
agreement with the condition of providing 28 feet of right-of-way; how-
ever, he feels it should be strictly up to them as to when they go
about it, and presently, they plan to construct this street at the time
the adjacent unit is developed. Mr. Wittman then discussed topography
of the area commenting that they aIe "riding along the edge" of the
park area and when the houses are constructed, they will appear to be
rolling off into the park; there will be a 3 to 1 slope. He also in-
dicated that Mro Warren's comments about their treatment of the canyon
slopes is correct. Mr. Wittman then commented on the lot mentioned by
the Director of Planning as having an excessive amount of street front-
age. He determined that it was difficult to eliminate this problem on
a tentative map; however, after the grading is completed, they may pos-
slbly pick up a foot here and there and work out something for this lot~
In reference to the small piece of property which has been excluded from
the subdivision, the City Attorney stated that the deslgn of the map be
worked out so that the City is not left with an oddball piece of prop-
erty and this should be accomplished before the acceptance of the final
Mr. Wittman commented that they are trying to think ahead and design
something that will also meet the needs of a future subdivider of this
ad3acent property.
Mr~ Gesley questioned whether the approval of this map would give the
City 3ust 23 feet of street r~ght-oi-way next to the school slte~ City
Attorney Lindberg explained that one of the conditions of approval was
that ~he street be 28 feet; before final map is approved~ the subdivider
must provide the City with dedication for the full improvement.
Chairman Stewart suggested a lette~ be written to the school district re-
questing them To dedicate and pay for one-half of this street~
Mr. Wittman declared that they have gone out of their way to cooperate
with the school dls~lct; they have changed their design many times~ He
added that the s~a~f has received a let%er from the school district
voicing their approval of the revised map. Director Warren questioned
requiring the school to submit a letter, but felt the staff would have
something in writing from them stipulating that this street will be put
MSUC (Guyer-Yorki Recommend approval oi revised tentative map of Flair
Subdivision subject to the foliowing conditions:
1 The general conditions listed as approval of the original tentative
map, wherever appropriate~ shall still apply relative to gradin9~ slope
planting~ ~rrigatlon o~ slopes and an agreement for dedication of open
space, etc
2. Lot 178 which is at ~he corner of two cul-de-sacs appears to be un-
desirable and it ~s recommended that this area be re-studied to provide
for a more acceptable lot pattern.
3. The final grading usually determines the desirability of lots and
frequently renders undesirable what may appear desirable on the tenta-
'' rive map. A grading plan of each unit shall be submitted with each
final map.
4. A small parcel which has been deleted from the subdivision, south
of Lot 79 and east of A~enue "A", shall be either deeded to the City
or the adjacent property owners ox' shall be reserved for future d~s-
posal ~n a manner acceptable to the C~ty Attorney which will prevent
the permanent existence of substandard lot destined to become a weed
5~ Prior to the recordation of Unit No. 4, the subdivider shall have
made arrangements with the owner of that land opposite lots 126-132 so
that a minimum street section of 28 feet w~ll be provided~ It would
be desirable that the ultimate street section be constructed at the
t~me development on the south side is contemplated~
6~ Adequate planting of slopes shal~ be accomplished subject to the
approval of the City Engineer and Directo~ of Planning and the plants
shall be maintained until they are fully established. Bond for this
work will not be exonerated un~il th~s has been fully accompiished~
7~ The subdivider shall acquire and dedicate to the City an easement
for sewer purposes along the southerly prolongation of Avenue L through
property owned by Princess Manor, Inc~ He sha~l construct a sewer
through this easement to a suitable location in the southerly prolonga-
~ tion of Oleander Avenue.
8~ The sewer line in Lots 286 and 273 shall be curvllinear and the
angle point eliminated.
9~ The grant deed for one ~oot lo~s shall be prepared in the name of
the City, signed and submItted to the City prior to the recordation of
f~nal map.
10. All public ~mprovements shall be constructed subject to the appro-
val of the City Eng~neerr
11. The subdivider shall post a bond for the street improvements, in-
cluding street l~ghts for Oleander Avenue northerly to the tract limit
prior to recording Unit #4.
12~ The units of development shall be in an orderly manner, subject to
the approval the City Engineer and Director of Planning.
13 Some off site drainage construction will be necessary, such as at
the southerly end of Avenue L and east and south of Lot 260~
14- A sewer line shall be constructed between fots 257 and 258 with an
additional manhole in Avenue L.
RESOLUTION - Grantlng Extension of T~me - Conditional Use Permit for Prop-
erty South of Davidson Street Between Fourth Avenue
and Garrett Street - Department of Public Works - San
Diego County
Director of Planning Warren referred to a letter received from the Direc-
tor of Public Works, San D~ego County, requesting a three year extension
on their conditional use permit granted them in September, 1963, for a
governmental branch office on the F Street school site. They submitted
a schematic plan w~th a court building and a welfare building. Mr.
Warren commented that there have been some informal discussions that
they m~ght be looking for addItional land. The staff recommends the ex-
tension be granted; however, they should be encouraged to discuss their
plans wlth the staff so that the C~ty could be kept up to date on their
plans and coordinate our plans accordingly.
MSUC (York-Hydei Approval of a three year extension of time on Conditional
Use Permit application # C-63-3-A, with the request that representatives
of their department charged with the responslb~i~ty of planning the use
of th~s property meet w~th the Planning staff to d~scuss their current
plans for development. The C~ty of Chula V~sta ~s currently considering
specific development for their ad3acent property and coordinatIon between
the two cities ~s most essential.
R~SO~UTION - Granting Extension of T~me - Conditional Use Permit for
Property at 351 H Street - Lienhard and Lawton
D~rector of Planning Warren stated that a letter was received from the
applicants requesting a two-year extension on their conditional use per-
mit granted them in August, 1964. They indicate that they need more
t~me to complete their plans and construction and to obtain financ~ng~
Mr. Warren declared that, under the present ordinance, the time limit
for a conditional use permit is 6 months, unless otherwise specified
and granted by the Commisslon~ The staff would recommend that this be
increased to a period of one year.
MSUC !York-Rice~ Approval of two-year extension of time on Conditional
Use Permit # C-64-10~
Chairman Stewart directed the staff to initiate proceedings to amend
the zoning ordinance granting a one year time period for conditional
use permits~
To Be Set for Public Hearing - Consideration of Permanent Zoning for
Certain Properties Now Interim Zoned
Director of Planning Warren briefly discussed the areas which are now
interim zoned, asking that the Commission set a date for public hearing
whereby these areas may be permanently zoned~ He suggested the first
mee%lsg in April~
MSUC (Rice-Gregson/ April 3, 1967, be set for the public hearing to
consider permanently zoning certain properties now interim zoned.
Discussion - Proposed S%reet Name Changes - National Avenue between L
Street and Moss, and Bonita Bridge
Dlrector Warren discussed the request received from the Division of En-
gineering for a street name change of that section of National Avenue
between L Street and Moss which has been annexed to the City but which
still bears the name of National Avenue while the remainder of this
street is known as Broadway~ They request this section be changed to
Broadway~ The staff would recommend this also, and Mr~ Warren added,
the Commlss!on could forward this recommendation to the Council without
holding a hearlng~
As to the other name change, for Willow Street: there are presently
two Willow Streets in the C~t~, and since that section in the Valley is
constantly referred to as Bonita Bridge, the staff would recommend this
be changed to either Bonita Bridge Road or Bridge Road~ However, the
staff would recommend that a public hearing be held on this segment of
the request, s~nce the residents in this area should be notified of
th~s proposal.
The Commission discussed this and concurred with the DIrector.
MSUC ~Rice-Gregson) Recommend to the City Council the change of name for
that sec%ion of National Avenue between L and Moss to "Broadway." Also,
that April 3, 1967, be set for the public hearing to consider the name
change of Willow Street ~n the Bonita Valley°
Discussion - City Council Request for Changes to Proposed "I-R" Zone
Director of Planning Warren requested ~hat this be taken off the agenda
and considered at a later date~
Discussion - Proposed Revision to Third Avenue and Civic Center Area
Sketch Plan
Director of Planning Warren stated that at the time of the adoption of
the General Plan, the consultants prepared a Sketch Plan for the Third
Avenue Civic Center area, a copy of which the Commissioners have. This
was also presented to the Council and the Downtown Association - it was
a suggestion and not prepared for adoption, so no action was taken.
Because of the proposed uses of the F Street school site, the Council
has asked the Commission and staff to review this plan, revise it, etc.,
with a goal of recommending it for adoption. Presently, the Council is
trying to reactivate the Community Facilities Committee; four of the
original members will be serving again and the other 4 or 5 members
will be chosen by the Council. This committee will assist them in
planning for the expansion of governmental facilities and to guide them
in the general planning of City-owned property. Most of the planning
work will be the work of the Commission and staff based on the recom-
mendations of this committee, and the staff would like some direction
f~om the Commission as to how to pursue this. Mr~ Warren suggested that
perhaps this could be discussed at a workshop meeting, and that they
could wait until the entire committee Ks appointed and what their as-
Member Adams felt the Commission should look this over and make some
decision and pass this onto the committee, and then they could bring
at back to the Commission with their suggestlons~
Director Warren said he hoped they could call upon this committee and
get their advice prior to the Commission's making any recommendations
for changes in this Plan. This committee will be calling upon the
staff for guidance. Mr. Warren added that he has recommended that a
member of the L~brary Board, Parks and Recreatlon Commission and the
Planning Commission be appointed to this committee.
City Attorney Lindberg stated that whale this Community FacIlities com-
mittee is being reactivated, the scope of their duties has not been
defined, but they will be getting into all the aspects of the community
planning and they will be coming back to the Commission.
Director Warren asked if the Commission would want this Sketch Plan
presented to the committee. Chairman Stewart said they should receive
a copy along w~th any modification the staff may have. They, in turn,
should come back to the Commission with their recommendations.
Mr~ Warren felt that before any action Ks taken, the staff should wait
untll this committee is appointed, thelr responsibilities defined, and
then be authorized to make a presentation to them; however, he feels
this should be first discussed at a workshop meeting.
The Commission concurred, and left it up to the staff to determine the
date of the workshop meeting.
Workshop - March 13, 1967
Director Warren asked if the Co~ission would want this next workshop
meeting to be a dinner meeting~ They agreed it should be and requested
that the time be set at 6 p.m. instead of 6:30 to allow them to get an
early start. The Sunnyside Steak Ranch was the meeting place agreed
Member Rice questioned what happened to the lot split ordinance~ City
Attorney Lindberg stated he is holding this up but will have it ready
next week.
MSUC (York-Gregson) Meeting adjourn to the workshop meeting of March 13,
1967, at the Sunnyside Steak Ranch, Bonita, at 6 p.m. Meeting adjourned
at 11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
nie M. Fulasz, Secretary