HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/04/18 April 18, 1966
m of ;-~ the P~
(~mm 5 ~- the' d cussed the propo:sed lard~c~F[ g p~=:-
were p~¢~m;tted i,~s t~arr'
c ~e: b~ ~he p,'ecede~ t~ey h~ave
')~: ;:") Approva~ of t~e u,~f ~ace requc , ~ubjec~ t~ t~( f: ow ~g
!~t: ::~9 )~rector~
',2~ ] x~ price :~:gr:~ ~[~h the e:xcep~ on
~= 3 to the prope'ty llne,
~er~ !ed ~ar~dzc,&p qg p~¢- sha]~ be ~ubmitted ~,O eppt~,ed by tr'e F~ ~9
398 : ~r;d~d wh ~ wou~d '~ u:t ; : ~ ~r c~p~ ,:.L~ ~f
~, *'e '.'wL~ ~'ee '~ q~e'~tloh i~c~,I~cI-~pp,, ~ :'~*e 'y ~6 ~-e~ f']m [~ ~,~
~. <,~ ':,r9 Th,~ v~'~e':ce wil~l :~.ot be mater ~,iy J~:t ,~e,,*~l z:; t~e ~ub~ ~ w~'f.,'~~
reported that the ~ubar~,,:e~ k,~ ~eo~e:~tc~ -~ two-~cek
Lr~ ?, p ~ t~m stewart q~e'=t~o'~ed wU ther th~¢ wa expand'ed
Adams fo" e~,, off:h~:~ irecomme"dat~o~ or~ th~ ;-ubject:, Mr~
= w.~rk~;hop ~e~-, .3' m~ght: be ber~ef~c~8~ if~ wh~c:h they c:ou:d discus:
of the m~tte,% ~:e approach to thf5 wou~d be thro~,9~,
Mo'day~ Ap ~ ~ 25 wou~d oe a 9o:)d 'r,~ght to meeL~
~.f .: po t ~- bee brought out ~:n the~ pre]~m~n= y : t~dv
b~ected by ~ob~as br~ve. Appr)x~mate~y o~e mo-:th ago
R~Q~.~~ ~ .R : ~,~ - Ca~'r,~ge :~',Jrv Cw w~,:, - ~97 "~"
c=r ~ ~ p~operty wou;d b~e t3 be ~pp,ro,~d by the ~,;~T,~;.
Qu~ ~ .y Stee ~ - be w~ved~ ~q v~ew-,f The f~c t
btCfe o.: dcm:az;o' of 130 feet .)fl the ea t ¢: de of i~: p:ope':¢ '~ : w~
Member Johr_,o~ fe!t the Commiss~o,~ shoLI]d not waive the coTditio~ but
defer them ur, tll after the completion of the w~de~:rg of [~'terstate 5.
MS~:C ISm~t~.-do~nson) Deferral of cood~tions impo~sed by the P~:rr -g
o:~ the plot p~ar~ for the 5affront Steel, ~30 ~ay ~oulev~rd, o' Oecembe~ 7, ~964,
u't~J ~uch time a~ t~e w~den~ng of the Montgomery Freeway (~nte,: tdte 5:
p ~ ~ce~
REQUEST FOR WA?~ER OF tJEN - Wesley BreedJove - 463 Pa ~wa~
A letter was read from Mr~ W~ ~][am J. Bauer, at~orreF ~or We ~ey B~eed~ow,
~g the $400. ~[en ?mposed on h~s c~ent be waived s~nce the lot ~s 50~ x ~50 a.-d
the C~ty Eng~nee~ dCd sta~e that ~t would me~e~ be practical to p~ace a
on B~ghtwood Ave~%e s]r~ce ~t would narrow the Jot tQ ~5i wh,~ch wodJ.d ~Qt be
P,~uJ Mangarel~ Aasoc~ate Planmr~er, subm[tted a pJ~t of the Io~at~:'.'~
~ha~ tF, e property llne ts mr:early to the edge of the st:reet~ The~e ~re 2 fee~
betwee-} the psopersy ~e and the ex~sti~9 house~ Tr~e Commi:¢~[o~ ~ act~or
~ast meet~n9 was ~o defer the [nstal~atJo~ of ~mp~ove~ss or~ th~s
M~. W ~am Harshmam~ Principal Engir~eer, declared t~at L~ere was or~e f~)~t betwee~
the face of the curb aqd the property l[r~e so it ~ [mp~=~c[ c~,' to ~equ[re
s~dew~k ~q th~s s~[uat:~oq.
[ha]~ma9 pro tern Stewart remarked that ]ook~g at the p~af~c mede 3
a.*d sa~d P,e r:~ agree~ w~th the tetter~
The Comm~ss~o~ d;sc~:-ed the [mproveme~ts o~ Br~g~tw~d; Hr~ Ha:}gapeii~ ~)tirg
thac there are s dewaJks FErther dowa the street oq private property~
V~ce-Cha~rm~ S~ewart declared that the Comm~sslom carrot ~equ~re s dwaJk~
private property ~[ess the property Js condemr~ed. ~e ~elt the Comm~ss;on~
shouJd be ~e~c~r:ded~
Cty Attor~e~ L]mdber9 stated a mot~or, m~$t be m~de t:o ~ec:o~s~der t~e
HS~C (G~yer~ Joh:~son) Reco~s~derat~o~ of act~o~ take[~ 9~.~r9 a defeCra~
~tal~at~oa o~ public ~mproveme~ts at ~63 Parkwey aqd the post~9 oF a SqO0.
MSUC ((~yer~Joh~:on) Granting a waiver of the [nstaJta~ors oF publ~c ~mprovemer t¢
For p~operty at 463 P~rkway.
~eague of Women 'voter.s
Chafrma~t pro tern Stewart thanked the representatives of the League of Women Voter~;
for attending the ~et[qg.
AD ~OOg NME g~
~spec~Fu~y s~bm~tted,